


外贸业务经理英文简历 篇1



Name: wtojob Gender: Female

Wedlock: keep secret Nation: Han

Residence: XXstreet,XXapartment Age: 32

Location: Guangdong-Guangzhou Height: 160cm

Target Locations: Guangdong-Guangzhou

Target Positions: Trading-Foreign Trade Manager/Supervisor

Trading-International business

Customer service/Technical support-Customer service Supervisor

Target Jobs:

Desired Salary: Negotiable

When Can Start: after -10-15 later



2002-02 ~ -10 GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES Japanese Junior College

-09 ~ 2000-07 HOHAI University Foreign trade English Junior College

Work Experience10 years 0 months work experience,and served on 4 Companies.

(-10 ~ 2011-08)

Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and Exports

Job Title: sourcing and sales supervisor Positions: Foreign Trade Manager/Supervisor

Job Description: export of digital photo frame, card reader, LCD clock and other consumer electronics

Source new factory and new item and sell them to worldwide customers. Main customer includes: Target (Australia and New Zealand), Worten (Portugal), Polyconcept GBS (Europe and USA ), Maplin (UK) , The Source (BELL) Electronics Ltd. (Canada)

Daily work includes: sell regular item or sourcing new electronics items, quote to customer, negotiating pricing/payment term/shipping term with customer and supplier, arranging sample until the whole order concluded, shipped to payment settled. Project management of the business process.

Annual turnover: appro. US$ 2 million

(-03 ~ 2007-09)

Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and Exports

Job Title: sales executive Positions: International business

Job Description: export of solar garden light and digital photo frame

Solar garden light: follow up the orders; reply to enquiries, arrange the sample-making , delivery and negotiate the trade terms. Annual turnover: US$1 million

Digital photo frame: looking for new source and negotiating price ,arranging the follow up of the orders

Chinese: Good Cantonese: Good

English Level: Majored in English CET-6,BEC-2 Spoken Good

English: Skilled Japanese: General

Career Objective

Career Direction: export sales supervisor, purchasing supervisor, customer service supervisor


Self Info.

Self Assessment: 8-year working experience in sourcing and sales industry,

solid experience in attending fairs and exhibitions,

good communication skill in English language, have a general idea of Japanese.


外贸业务经理英文简历 篇2


1 目前高职《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式存在的问题

1.1 教学理论与实践脱节

目前, 诸多高职院校在进行《英文外贸函电》的教学中, 仍以传统的教师为课堂中心进行系统的、完整的理论知识的传授, 让学生被动的接受知识, 不明白知识在具体工作中的应用情况, 缺乏让学生在具体真实的外贸业务流程中操练英文函电的机会, 让学生感到“所学无用”, 难以提高学习兴趣, 难以形成学生的“职业技能”。

1.2 教学过程未能发挥学生的主观能动性

如何将学生的思维从“要我学”转变为“我要学”, 是摆在每一个高职教育者面前的难题。同时高职学生本身也存在基础知识差、学习自觉性不高、学习目标不明确等问题, 针对《英文外贸函电》这种对学生专业知识、英语水平、写作能力要求较高的课程, 很多学生感到学习难度很大。而我们传统的以教师讲授为主的教学模式很难发挥学生的主观能动性, 让学生容易产生厌学、弃学心理, 因此, 我们的《英文外贸函电》教学应尤其注重于学生的已知相结合, 从而充分发挥学生主观能动性。

2 外贸业务流程与《英文外贸函电》之间的关联

2.1 《英文外贸函电》课程的课程性质

《英文外贸函电》作为商务经纪与代理专业 (报关与货运代理方面) 的一本专业核心课程, 是一门融合国际贸易基础知识与英语写作的高层次应用语言课程, 是建立在进出口业务知识和英语语言知识基础之上的专业技能课。

2.2 外贸业务流程与《英文外贸函电》之间的关联

《英文外贸函电》课程的教学目标在于通过本课程的学习, 使学生充分利用已经掌握的英语语言基础知识的前提下, 融会贯通外贸专业知识, 培养具有良好的写作能力, 熟练掌握国际贸易知识, 并能在实际外贸业务中熟练操作。因此, 从某种程度上说, 《英文外贸函电》就是一种工具, 帮助学习者运用此工具顺利开展外贸业务, 完成外贸业务各流程的磋商, 最终实现业务成交。

3 高职《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式改革的总体思路

高等职业教育课程体现了职业教育的价值取向, 直接影响着教学质量和学习者的身心发展。《英文外贸函电》要有助于培养学生的专业能力, 成为社会所需要的技术型、技能型人才。因此, 笔者认为, 《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式改革的总体原则应该是:教师帮助、引导学生把“够用”、“实用”的教学内容转化成自身“会用”、“能用”的专业能力和学习能力。《英文外贸函电》课程改革的思路应该是:以学生职业技能为中心, 以外贸业务流程为导向, 以情景项目教学为过程的全新教学模式, 本文重点讨论的是“以外贸业务流程为导向”。

4 基于外贸业务流程的高职《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式改革的具体实践

4.1 教学内容模块化

传统的《英文外贸函电》课程是以章节的形式、系统的介绍知识, 内容繁杂, 不适应具体工作环境, 学生难以掌握, 难以形成职业技能。因此, 应将教学内容模块化, 去粗取精, 根据外贸业务的基本流程, 也就是“建立业务联系——询盘——发盘——还盘——确认——下订单”六个基本步骤, 将教学内容分为六个模块。而其他枝节性的、非主要的内容则融入到六个教学模块的教学当中。

4.2 教学组织职业化

教师最好能把外贸公司一些真实的往来业务函电作为教学补充资料发给学生, 让他们结合教学内容, 展开对比、分析的思考过程, 从中去感悟真实的业务情景;另外, 师生共同进行“角色扮演”, 共同参与“贸易流程”的业务操作, 共同思考每一步所需要掌握的专业技能与英语表达。比如, 教师可以创设真实工作场景的学习情境, 把全班学生分成进口和出口公司两大组, 展开教学过程。每个大组内再根据具体情况设立相应的岗位, 学生结合《进出口业务》中的基本概念与业务环节, 分角色进行“市场调研, 寻找合作机 会——询盘——报盘”等业务过程。这个部分的关键在于, 学生要能分别从询盘和报盘的角度自如地进行口头和书面英语表达, 把专业理论知识和英语表达融合在一起, 需要分角色进行活动的学生互相之间反复操练, 最终达到形成学生职业能力的目。

4.3 教学手段现代化

作为应该紧跟时代脉搏的高职教育者, 应该充分发挥新媒体和互联网对教学的辅助作用。例如, 在《英文外贸函电》课程的教学过程中, 教师可以通过多媒体放映基于外贸实际工作情景的视频, 让学生体验真实的工作情景, 然后再以某一角色撰写英文外贸函电, 这样比让学生单纯的写函电更能激发学生的学习兴趣, 同时也能让学生明白真正意义上的“学以致用”。

4.4 考核方式任务化

笔者认为, 教学改革的关键是考核方式的转变。因为考核方式直接影响对教师所“教”和学生所“学”的内容的质量的评价方式。《英文外贸函电》是一门结合外贸知识的应用型语言课程, 考核应以学生是否能够胜任和完成外贸业务中具体的工作任务作为考核的评价依据, 而不是传统意义上的词汇和语法的掌握情况。在考核中, 教师可以给定学生一段有关外贸业务磋商的背景材料, 然后让其分析其中涉及到的函电类型, 然后再根据要求撰写有关英文外贸函电;教师在评价学生的考核结果时, 应重点关注函电本身的功能性, 也就是是否能够达到沟通业务的目的, 而非单词拼写、语法、句法是否准确。

5 结语

《英文外贸函电》是一门沟通外贸业务的专业技能课程, 内容丰富, 要求教师不仅要具有精深的英文知识, 同时要具有外贸业务的相关知识。另外, 由于当今国际贸易的迅猛发展和高职教育的特殊使命, 要求教师在教学过程中重点培养学生的职业技能, 这也是基于外贸业务流程的《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式改革的引航灯和最终目的。


[1]隋思忠, 曾玲.外贸英语函电[M].大连:东北财经大学出版社, 2007.

[2]徐美荣.外贸英语函电[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2007.

[3]马成荣.职业教育课程开发及项目课程设计——基于IT类专业的研究[M].江苏:科学技术出版社, 2006, (9) .

外贸业务员英文简历 篇3

Male, 24, The cantonese

Education: technical secondary school/technical school

Working years: 3 to 5 years

Expected salary: negotiable

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: merchandiser/manager | | domestic trade commissioner other trade position | | international trade commissioner/manager/logistics customs declaration

Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability The good faith integrity

Working experience (8 months for 2 years, made a job)

A horse clothing wholesale city

Working time: July to March (2 years and 8 months]

Job title: the shop assistant

Job content: receiving customer, come to order,...

Education experience

In June 2013, graduated from foreign language foreign trade college English

Self description

经典外贸业务员英文简历 篇4




经典外贸业务员英文简历外贸业务员英文 简历 范文(一)

name: zhu min

english name : adam chu

personal data:

sex: male

age: 46

height: 168 cm

weight: 55kg

blood type: a

marital status :

single native place

: suzhou, jiangsu , china

email: wtojob@ wtojob.cn msn: wtojob@wtojob.cn office phone: ****-******** mobil: 136********

educational background

major: international trade

graduate school: shanghai foreign trade instituteeducation:

1985.2-1988.10 nanjing normal university majored english language

1989.2-1990.10 shanghai foreign trade institute

majored international trade

academic main courses:

management/marketing/international trade,import/export business, foreign trade english, computer skill and so on

english skills:

have a good command of both spoken and written english.computer abilities:

外贸业务员英文 简历 范文(二)

skilled in use of windows / office 2000

self assessment:

good professional skills.team work spirit.high liability and attribution.nice characters.self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure

atmosphere.energetic, adaptable and able man,cooperative and honest to others

employment experience :

1993/2—1997/12 worked in st.mila co.,(russia), sold leather coats in russian market and lived in moscow city.1998/2-2000/10 worked in masterstaff travel co.,(russia), managed overseas chinese traveling.2001/2-2003/12 worked in alfa group co.,(russia)in charge of hotel service for overseas chinese lives.2004/9-2005/6 worked in wujiang jinfeng wood door co., manage overseas market business.2005/7-2006/2 worked in dongguan jinzhong electric co., managed all exporting business.position wanted:

to obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market

外贸业务员英文 简历 范文(三)

Name: ***

English Name : Adam Chu

Personal Data:

Sex: male

Native Place: Suzhou, Jiangsu , China

Email: wtojobh@wtojob..com.Office phone: 0577-65597777 Mobil: ***

Educational Background

Major: International Trade

Graduate school: Shanghai Foreign Trade InstituteEducation:


Nanjing Normal University

Majored English Language


Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute

Majored International Trade

Academic Main Courses:

Management/Marketing/International Trade,Import/Export Business, Foreign Trade

English, Computer Skill and so on

English Skills:

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of Windows / Office 2000

Self Assessment:

Good professional skills.team work spirit.high liability and attribution.nice characters.self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure

atmosphere.energetic, adaptable and able man,cooperative and honest to others

Employment Experience :

1993/2--1997/12 worked in St.Mila Co.,(Russia), sold leather coats in Russian market and lived in Moscow city.1998/2-2000/10 worked in Masterstaff

Travel Co.,(Russia), managed overseas Chinese traveling.2001/2-2003/12 worked

外贸业务员英文简历带翻译 篇5


性别: 女

学历: 大专 政治面貌: 0

生日: 1992-08-15 民族: 汉族

婚姻状况: 未婚 籍贯: 河南 辉县

身高: 160 公分 体重: 49 公斤

专业: 商务英语 工作经验: 2 年

期望工作地点: 新乡市


行业/职位: 其它 外贸业务员 期望月薪: 8000元 工作性质: 全职


学校名称: 焦作师范高等专科学校 专业: 商务英语 就读时间: 2010-09-11 至 2013-06-01 获得学历: 大专


语种: 英语 能力: 良好


公司名称: 慈溪市长岭电器有限公司

工作时间: 2015-07-12 至 2014-02-15

公司规模: 保密

所在部门: 销售部

工作分类: 销售 销售代表

职位月薪: 保密

工作描述: 公司是生产型企业,有自己的销售团队,参加各类展会,电话联系客户,出差拜访客户,展厅接待客户

公司名称: 新乡市博源净水材料有限公司

工作时间: 2015-06-18 至 2016-12-29

公司规模: 200~500人

所在部门: 外贸部

工作分类: 销售 外贸专员

职位月薪: 保密


公司名称: 深圳市华测检测技术股份有限公司上海分公司

工作时间: 2014-09-29 至 2015-05-31

公司规模: 保密

所在部门: 纺织业务部

工作分类: 销售 销售代表

职位月薪: 保密

工作描述: 上市公司,检测机构,服装、鞋类、箱包测试,主要负责和各类品牌或企业联系,出差拜访客户,参加各类服装展


外贸英文简历 篇6


seeking aposition in shipping


1、good command of english/mandarin and ms office software(excel, word, powerpoint & outlook);

2、good written and spoken in english, spoken cantonese preferred;cet-43、good interpersonal skills


from 2002.09 to 2005.07,××× university, major in international economics and trade


from 2006.10 to now ***co.,ltd marketing dept.shipping



1、to make the space reservation and handle the issuance of shipping orders with carriers/forwarders;

2、confirm the delivery date with the follow-up dept., issued shipment advice;

3、co-ordinate with trucking company on cargoes pick up;

4、contact with the customs clearing agent,and provide the doc for customs clearance;

5、contact with the carriers/forwarders,provide the shipping informations,then arrange the payment for shipment fee,and pick up the bill of lading;

6、proceed shipping documents including form a/packing

list/inviove,and so on;

7、submit the doc with the l/c request to the bank.achievement:

1、acquainted with the special request of new customer to

shipment and document, get the compliment of the company supervisor and customer;

2、loading 70 containers per month smoothly.from 2005.7 to 2006.8 ×××co.,ltd sales dept.shipping coordinator


1、contact with carriers/forwarders for booking space;

2、auditing & amend the l/c;

3、tracking the purchase order ,check the goods whether have achieved the order’s request;

4、contact with our logistic dep.on cargoes pick up;

5、print the shipping mark, proceed shipping documents including invioce/packing list/form a/ certificate of fumigation,and so on;

6、hand over the doc with the l/c request to the bank;

7、create our department’s weekly/monthly report.achievement:

1、loading 60 containers per month smoothly;

2、build up the new fumigation system;

3、make our dept.pass smoothly to the internal audit & external audit of iso

外贸员英文简历 篇7

Female, 22, People in Beijing

Education: bachelor degree

Working fixed number of year: students

Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

Work location: Beijing - there is no limit

Objective: other positions

Strong interpersonal communication skills Have affinity Sunshine is bright Be good at innovation

Education experience

Yancheng teachers college in school today International economy and trade

Certificate of award

Name: certificate issued by the university English four levels of time: March 2016 issuing authority: state certification

Certificate of title: the national computer level certificate Issued by time: March issuing authority: state certification

The name of the certificate: mandarin level 2 grade a Issued by time: March 2016 issuing authority: state certification

Certificate of title: documentation specialist certificate issued by time: November 2015 issuing authority: state certification

Self description

During the period of school take an active part in various community activities, the disposition optimistic and cheerful, treats people the enthusiasm, communicative, energetic, sincere; Social practice during the work of conscientious and responsible, proactive, innovative; Has the strong organization ability and the team cooperation spirit, good at communication, strong ability to adapt; Self-motivated, diligently study constantly improve their ability and comprehensive quality. In future work, I will be with abundant energy to work hard, improve their work ability, and enterprise synchronous development.



外贸专员个人英文简历 篇8

Name: yjbys

Gender: Female

Wedlock: Married

Nation: Han

Residence: Hubei

Age: 26

Location: Guangdong

Height: 165cm

Target Positions: Trading-Foreign Trade Commissioner/Assistant

Trading-International business

Desired Salary: 3000 RMB/month Negotiable Apartment needed


2006-09 ~ 2010-07Jiangxi University of Science & TechnologyComputer Science & Technology Bachelor Degree


2013-11 ~ 2013-11 TUV REACH & Toy safety seminar www.jianli-sky.com

2011-05 ~ 2011-05 BSCI & CNTAC Business Social Compliance Initiative

2010-03 ~ 2010-07 Wilford Cambridge Business English (Advanced) Oral English training

Special Skills

Computer Level: senior

Computer Skills: 1. familiar with computer operation & Auto CAD, photoshop, etc.

2. master DOS & Windows OS

3. have a good knowledge of computer hardware & maintenance

4. familiar with office software and the network application

5. programming ability is good, familiar with C/Java/VB programming language

6. have a good knowledge of database application


1. Good command of both spoken & written English.

2. Good computer skill; familiar with CAD drawing & other software application.

3. Aggressive and down-to-earth.

Language Skills

Chinese: Good Cantonese: Very Bad

English Level: CET-6

English: Skilled Japanese: General

Career Objective

Career Direction: To obtain a position as a merchandiser in the field of foreign trade where my experience and enthusiasm will have application.

Self Assessment:

A person with great self-confidence & strong sense of responsibility.

1. initiative, hardworking and be willing to learn and progress;

2. good team spirit and honest;

3. be good at communicating with all types of customer.

4. work well in high stress environments.


chatting with all kinds of people,reading books, doing sports and so on...


1) received first scholarship twice, second scholarship twice, third scholarship twice during***;

2) got an award in National College English Competition in Jiangxi province;

3) in mathematics contest also got outstanding awards;

4) was awarded the “Three- Good student” three times during***;

5) acknowledged as an excellent university graduation student with a B.A. degree in computer science;


外贸经理简历 篇9

简历编号:   更新日期:  



姓 名: 大学生个人简历 国籍: 中国
目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族
户口所在地: 湖北 身材: 161 cm?45 kg
婚姻状况: 已婚 年龄: 30 岁
培训认证:   诚信徽章:  
人才类型: 普通求职?
应聘职位: 贸易类:贸易专员、跟单员、
工作年限: 9 职称: 无职称
求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时
月薪要求: 3500--5000 希望工作地区: 广州 潮州 阳江
公司名称: 加拿大BC贸易有限公司起止年月:-11 ~ -06
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:商业服务
担任职务: 外贸经理
工作描述: 1.负责与公司客户联络,解决客人需求及投诉,与客人保持良好的合作关系。




公司名称: 广州布雷萨有限公司起止年月:2003-09 ~ 2007-10
公司性质: 外商独资所属行业:商业服务
担任职务: 外贸员
工作描述: 1.执行客户需求及及时解决客人投诉。





5.缮制相关单具,如: CI, PL, CO, BL等等。

公司名称: 东莞樟木头明彩印刷纸品厂起止年月:-06 ~ 2003-09
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:造纸,印刷,包装
担任职务: 外贸跟单员/总经理秘书
工作描述: 1.接收订单,确认发货日期,并跟进生产进度。


2. 与国外客户联络保持良好关系。

3. 与相关部门协商并向客户汇报订单情况。

4. 跟纵解决客户投诉。

5. 接待客户和拜访客户。

公司名称: 武汉黄波儿童英语学校起止年月:-03 ~ 2000-06
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:教育事业
担任职务: 英语教师
工作描述: 教儿童英语
公司名称: 加拿大BC贸易有限公司起止年月:-11 ~ -06
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:商业服务
担任职务: 外贸经理
工作描述: 1.负责与公司客户联络,解决客人需求及投诉,与客人保持良好的合作关系。




公司名称: 广州布雷萨有限公司起止年月:2003-09 ~ 2007-10
公司性质: 外商独资所属行业:商业服务
担任职务: 外贸员
工作描述: 1.执行客户需求及及时解决客人投诉。





5.缮制相关单具,如: CI, PL, CO, BL等等。

公司名称: 东莞樟木头明彩印刷纸品厂起止年月:-06 ~ 2003-09
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:造纸,印刷,包装
担任职务: 外贸跟单员/总经理秘书
工作描述: 1.接收订单,确认发货日期,并跟进生产进度。


2. 与国外客户联络保持良好关系。

3. 与相关部门协商并向客户汇报订单情况。

4. 跟纵解决客户投诉。

5. 接待客户和拜访客户。

公司名称: 武汉黄波儿童英语学校起止年月:-03 ~ 2000-06
公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:教育事业
担任职务: 英语教师
工作描述: 教儿童英语
毕业院校: 东莞理工学院
最高学历: 大专 毕业日期: -07-01
所学专业一: 国际商务 所学专业二: 文秘英语
起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号
1995-09 1998-07 湖南常德中山外语学院 文秘英语 中专  
2004-09 2006-07 东莞理工学院 国际商务 大专 11734120XXXXXX
起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号
1995-09 1998-07 湖南常德中山外语学院 文秘英语 中专  
2004-09 2006-07 东莞理工学院 国际商务 大专 11734120XXXXXX
外语: 英语 优秀    
其它外语能力: 日语
国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 精通







英语专业外贸经理简历 篇10




姓 名:yjbys 性 别:女

出生年月:*** 联系电话:

学 历:本科 专 业:英语

工作经验: 2年以上 民 族:汉


住 址:



目标职位:业务跟单 外贸经理

目标行业:贸易 进出口





20xx—至今***电子科技有限公司市场跟单 网络推广










200x—200x***电子有限公司 外贸跟单














外贸翻译类英文简历 篇11

Curriculum Vitae

Mei Yin Zhen ( Debby Mei)

Personal Information

Contact Details.

Mob: 020-8888888 / 13566666666 E Mail: xxxxxx@hotmail.com

Place of Birth: Changde.Hunan D.O.B Jan 18.1983

Educational Background

Hunan University of Agriculture. Changsha Hunan -

Major: Animal Sciences & Training.

Number Five Middle School, Shi Min. Chengde - 1999

Majors. English: Biology: Physics: Chemistry. Art.

Languages Spoken.

English: competent user in both speaking and reading.

Chinese: Dialects include: Cantonese: Putonghua: Local Changsha and Changde Dialect.

French:planing to learn Frech soon

Computer operation.

Familiar with computer operating,knowledge of software using(e.g. excel,word etc.),web searching skill.

Personal hobby

Surfing internet, thinking, movie, TV show,art, photography,keep study,fashion,chinese handwriting.reading,cooking

Work Experience & History

2003- Well-Max (Guangzhou) ltd.co.

Employed as an Administration Assistant and QC

Duties: Daily report processing, Liaison between various production departments.Web searching and keep contract with Hongkong colleagues and overseas clientetls.

Order Processing for international clients. and check the quality and quantity of products

Human Resources Department Assistant.

Duties: The recruitment and follow up of prospective employees and management of existing staff.and keep daily work,

2004- Wei Lu Electrical (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd.

Employed as a Human Resource Supervisor. :

Duties: Daily reviews of Administrative and Company Regulations and Policies. Recruitment and follow up of prospective employees and management of existing staff. Staff Training and Internal QC enforcement. Evaluation of staff performance. Salary level assessment. Staff Welfare Management.

Good team-building spirit,responsible.

2005- Heng Rong Technics(Guangzhou)Co.Ltd.

Employed as a trading and marketing apartment commissioner.:

Duties:According the order from client.Searching good factory for making products,and get price.Keep good business relationship with cilents,and supply different products to them. searching good client from internet.

2006- HK.GZ JUAO Corporation Economy Counsellor Co.,LTD

Employed as a oversea market commissoner:

Duties:serviceing for chinese facotry,according the product to find good client from guangzhou and internet. And help client to find good products from wholesale market or chinese factory.take client go to factory for check quality and qauntity.do translate for them.and intvite them come to business meeting for checking products.

2007 Australia ACE International Trading Company Guangzhou Office

Employed as merchandising department.

Duties:searching products information from internet or market, get quotation and sample from supplier.Discussing with supplier to get lowest price and good condition. Discussing with boss to choice good factory make sample or make order.follow order and fix problem.take client go to canton fair or market to make order.clearing all file in office.
