


职场面试英语常用对话有哪些 篇1

be acquainted with 对……非常熟悉

better 改善 v.动词

extroverted 外向 adj.形容词

family name 姓 n.名词

introverted 内向 adj.形容词

personality 个性 n.名词

scholarship 奖学金 n.名词

sole charge 全权处理




1. I approach things very enthusiastically.


2. In some way, my name can reflect my personality.


3. Would you describe yourself as outgoing or reserved?


4. I like being around people and doing things with people.


5. I’d rather cooperate with everybody else.


6. I graduated from Fudan University, major in English


7. I suppose a strong point of mine is that I like developing new things and ideas.


护士面试常用英语对话 篇2


When did you graduate from school? Which school and which program?


I graduated from Nantong Medical School as a major of nursing care in 1995.问:你已经工作了几年了?从哪一年开始?

How many years have you been working? From which year?


Five years.Since 1995


How will you spend your salaries? How much money do you want to make In Singapore?


I will leave some for daily use , and post other money to my home, or save them in the bank


How many nurses and doctors are there in your hospital?


About 100 nurses,80 doctors and 2 foreign experts.They are from

问:到新加坡后如不适应新环境, 新气候,怎么办?

What will you do if you can not suit the new environment and new climate in Singapore?


I have confidence in my ability.I can overcome every difficulties.Also, I believe that adversities can improve me


Can you take an introduction to yourself, and tell me all about yourself?


Yes, my name is Zhang ping, I come from Qidong City, Jiangsu province, I graduated from a middle medical school.I am 25 years old.问:你在什么单位工作?担任什么职务?请说明你的工作程序(流程)。

Where do you work now? and what’s your job position? Please tell me your work procedures.答:我在启东市人民医院工作,担任护士职务。

I now work in Qidong people’s Hospital as a nurse.问:你是通过什么知道新加坡的?

In which way do you know Singapore?


I know Singapore through watching TV, reading newspapers, listening to radio and so on.问:你在医院里轮班吗?你们小组里有几个人。

Do you work on shift in the hospital? How many persons are there in your group team?


Yes, I work on shift.There are eight persons in my group team.问:你可以做12小时轮班吗?如果护士长故意刁难你,怎么办?

Can you keep working twelve hours a day? And what will you do if the head nurse deliberately puts up obstacles for you?


Yes, I can.问:如果病人或病人家属由于不理解你的工作,对你态度不好,你怎么办?

If the patients or their relatives do not understand your works, and so are unkind to you , what will you, what will you do?


First, I will check whether I have done something wrong or improperly.If I find I am right, I will give an explanation patiently till they are satisfied.问:如果他们故意找你麻烦,闹事,怎么办?

If they make trouble to you deliberately, what will you do?


First, I will not quarrel with them, not scold back or strike back even if they scold wrongly.问:你的爱好是什么?

What are your hobbies?


Watching TV and reading newspapers.问:如果病人或病人家属由于不理解你的工作,对你态度不好,你怎么办?

If the patients or their relatives do not understand your works, and so are unkind to you , what will you, what will you do?


First, I will check whether I have done something wrong or improperly.If I find I am right, I will give an explanation patiently till they are satisfied.问:如果他们故意找你麻烦,闹事,怎么办?

If they make trouble to you deliberately, what will you do?


First, I will not quarrel with them, not scold back or strike back even if they scold wrongly.问:你的爱好是什么?

What are your hobbies?


Watching TV and reading newspapers.问:你以前在其他医院工作过吗?是干什么的?

Where did you work before you work in this hospital? And what is your job?


I have been working in Qidong People’s Hospital since graduation from school.I worked as a nurse in several departments such as 儿科(pediatrics

department), 妇科(gynecology department), 产科(obstetrics department), 内科(internal medicine department), 外科(surgical department)and other departments.问:你在医院里月薪多少?

What’s your monthly salary in the hospital?


About one thousand Renminbi yuan , not including overthime salary.问:你家里有多少人?

How many people are there in your family?


Three people: my husband, my daughter, andme.问:你来新加坡,你的父母同意吗?

You want to go to Singapore, and do your parents agree with you?


Yes, they do.And they support me very much.They hope I can learn more technologies and make more money.问:你来新加坡,你的父母谁来照顾?家里人想你,或你想家,你怎么人?

Who will take care of your parents if you go to Singapore? If your parents miss you, or you miss them, what will you do?


They are very healthy.They can work now.If something happens, many of my relatives, say ,my uncles, aunts, and cousins, can help them.问:你结婚了吗?

Are you married or single?

答:没有/ 结婚了。

No./ Yes, I am married.问:有没有男朋友?为什么现在还没有结婚?

Do you have boyfriend? Why have not you got married?


No, I am single./ I had a boyfriend, but now we were separated./ Yes, I have, and he also encourages me to work in Singapore to improve myself.My hospital is a state-owned hospital in general.However, there are investment from Hong Kong in the gynecology department, obstetrics department and pediatrics department, which I work at.And people from Hong Kong also manage the three departments.问:请谈一下你的医院好吗?

Can you tell me something about your hospital?


O.K.It is a Class-two Grade-one hospital in China.Among the best hospitals at county level.It is also a Baby-friendly Hospital named by WHO, United Nations Children’s Fund and the Ministry of Public Health of China.My hospital is also the teaching and training base or many medical colleges.问:请问你们医院有哪些科室?

答:There are 传染病科(Infectious disease department), 结核病科(tuberculosis department),妇科(gynecology department),产科(obstetrics department), 儿科(pediatrics department), 内科(internal medicine department), 外科(surgical

department), 普通外科(general surgery department), 急救站(first-aid station), 眼科(ophihaimonogy department), 牙科(dental department), 耳鼻喉科(ENT department), 泌尿科(urology department), 皮肤科(dermatology department), 麻醉科(anesthesiology department),中医科(TCM department), 精神病科(psychiatry department), 骨科(orthopediacs department), 胸外科(cerebral surgery depart.)脑外科(thoraeic surgery depart).心脏内科(cardiology depart)心脏外科(cardiology surgery depart), 神经内科

(neurology depart), 神经外科(neuro-surgery depart), 手术室(operation theater)等等and so on.问:请摘下你的口罩和手套,可以吗?

Please take off your mask and gloves, OK ?Or Would you please take off your mask and gloves?


面试常用英语口语对话 篇3


Greetings at appropriate time can help release nervousness and embarrassment.


Kind greetings with a smile help shorten the distance between each other.


Appropriate words and kind attitudes are the basic to greetings.


Friendly smiles can help you win a good impression of the interviewer.


The appropriate use of polite words is necessary for an interview.


In an interview, you should look the interviewer in the eye in order to leave a good impression.


Details in the interview can show the good attainment of the job-hunter.


You should maintain your demeanor, whatever the result is.


Greetings, though not the main subject, may mean success or failure in an interview.




职场英语面试回答外语能力对话 篇4

A: How many foreign languages can you speak?


B: Only English.


A: What do you think of your English?


B: I have passed CET-6 and I am proficient in reading and translating foreign materials. I have rich translating experience because I used to be an English translator.

B:我拥有大学英语六级证书,能够熟练 阅读和翻译外文资料。我曾经担任过 英语翻译,有较丰富的翻译经验。

A: Can you speak English fluently?


B: I have received an oral English training and I can communicate with others fluently.

B:我参加过英语口语培训,能够熟练运 用英语进行交流。

A: Did you take TOEFL or GRE?


B: Yes, I did. I got 600 in TOEFL and 2, 300 in GRE.

B:是的,我托福考了 600分,GRE考了 2300 分

A: When did you begin to learn English?


B: I started to learn English when I was in primary school.


A: Do you think your English is good e-nough to do office work?

A:你觉得你的英语可以胜任办公室工作 吗?

B: The amount of English I know enables me to do general desk work. I believe the amount of English I know is sufficient to work in a South Korea firm.

常用简单英语句子有哪些 篇5

2.Hi, Jack, what lessons will you take this semester? 你好,杰克,这学期你选什么课?

3.Hi, Lucy I’ll take French and Economics 你好,露西,我想选法语和经济。

4.I’m taking Chinese and History 我将选中文和历史。

5.Do you plan to do some odd jobs? 你打算打工吗?

6.Yes, I’m applying to work at the library 是的,我在申请图书馆管理员的工作。

7.Good luck! 祝你好运。

8.It’s up to you 由你决定。

9.You have the final say 你说了算。

10.She insists that it doesn’t matter 她坚持说那没关系。

11.He’s made up his mind to quit his job 他已决定辞去他的工作。

12.I’ve decided not to sell the house 我决定不卖房子了。

13.I’m determined to leave 我决意要走了。

14.Have you decided? 你决定了吗?

15.No, I haven’t decided yet 不,还没有。

16.I’ve changed my mind 我改注意了。

17.It’s still undecided 还没决定。

18.Don’t hesitate any more 别在犹豫了。

19.Give me a definite answer, please 请给个明确的答复。

20.It’s really hard to make a decision 挺难做决定的。

21.I’m always making resolutions, like giving up smoking 我总在做出决定,比如戒烟。

22.Don’t shilly-shally/ Don’t dilly-dally 别犹豫不决。

23.Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?

24.Yes, I’ve just come back from Scotland 是的,我刚从苏格兰回来。

25.How did you get there? 你怎么去的?

26.I got there by plane 我坐飞机去的。

27.Where did you visit? 你去参观了哪些地方?

28.I only had time to visit Edinburgh 我只有时间去爱丁堡。

29.How did you like it? 你喜欢那儿吗?

30.It’s fantastic 那儿棒极了。

31.Why did you go there? 你为什么去那儿?

32.I went there on business 我出差到那儿。

33.And do you have friends there? 你在那儿有朋友吗?

34.Yes, a lot of friends 是的,很多。

35.You must have enjoyed yourself 你一定玩的很开心。

36.Yes, and I took many pictures 是的,我还照了好多照片。

37.Please let me see them 让我看看。

38.Will you go shopping with me? 你跟我去买东西吗?

39.Here’s your change 这是找你的钱。

40.I’ll go to pick up some odds and ends at the store 我要到商店买些零碎的东西。

41.Excuse me, would you tell me where I can get some butter? 打扰一下,您能告诉我黄油在哪儿卖吗?

42.May I have a look at the watch? 我能看看这块表吗?

43.May I try it on? 我能试试吗?

44.This is too small for me Do you have a bigger one? 这个太小了,有大点的吗?

45.Do you have any more colors? 有别的颜色吗?

46.What’s your size? 你穿多大号?

47.It suits you to a T 特别适合你。

48.It’s too expensive for me 对于我来说太贵了。

49.Can you come down a bit? 可以再便宜点吗?

常用的英语句子或短语有哪些 篇6

2.Have you seen Kate lately? 最近你看见凯特了吗?

3.No, I have no contact with her 没有。我和她没有一点儿联系。

4.I heard she got married last week 我听说她上星期结婚了。

5.Oh, how nice Sorry, I’ve got to go now 那真好。对不起,我必须得走了。

6.So do I See you later Keep in touch 我也是,再见。记得联系哦。

7.I used to take a walk in the early morning 我过去常一大早出去散步。

8.He used to live in my neighborhood 他曾与我是邻居。

9.Did you use to go fishing with friends? 过去你常和朋友钓鱼吗?

10.We have known each other for years 我们认识有六年了。

11.It has been a long time since I last came here 自从我上次来这里已经有很长时间了。

12.Have you seen Mr Smith recently? 最近你见过史密斯先生吗?

13.They’ve been working on this project since last year 他们从去年开始一直都在做这个项目。

14.I’ve been watching TV all night 我看了一整晚的电视。

15.The movie began as soon as we got there 我们一到那儿电影就开始了。

16.When I arrived at the station, the train had already left 我到车站时,火车已经开了。

17.The late arrival of the ship had messed up all our plans 船到晚了,把我们的计划全打乱了。

18.I had thought he knew the time of the meeting 我原以为他知道开会时间。

19.They had expected me to go with them 他们原本希望我和他们一起去。

20.That was the third time that I had visited the place 那是我第三次参观那地方了。

21.After I had finished my paper, I put it in the drawer 我写完论文,就把它放在抽屉了。

22.Hi, Jack, where do you live now? 你好,杰克,你现在住哪儿?

23.I live at Curzon Street 我住在可胜街号。

24.Curzon Street? Isn’t Mary living there? 可胜街?玛丽不是也住那儿吗?

25.Yes, she lives just across the street 是的,她就住在街对面。

26.How long have you stayed there? 你在那儿住多久了?

27.Just a few months 才几个月。

28.How about Mary? How long has she lived there? 玛丽怎么样?她在那儿住多久了?

29.She’s been living there since her birth 她生下来就住那儿。

30.Will you stay there for long? 你会在那儿待很长时间吗?

31.No, I’ll move to Hollywood next month 不,我下个月搬到好莱坞去。

32.Oh, really? I’m moving there too 真的?我也会搬到那儿去。

33.Great Then we can drink beer together 棒极了,我们可以一起喝啤酒了。

34.Yes, and you may stay there longer 对,而且你也许会在那儿住久一些。

35.I hope so 希望如此。

36.I’m sure we’ll have a good time 我相信我们会很开心的。

37.Where are you going? 你去哪儿?

38.Where did you go for dinner yesterday? 你们昨天去哪儿吃的饭?

39.When will he come to see you? 他什么时候来看你?

40.When did you buy the car? 你什么时候买的车?

41.Who told you? 谁告诉你的?

42.Who will accompany you to the airport? 谁将陪你去机场?

43.Why don’t you agree? 你为什么不同意?

44.Why not go out for a walk? 干吗不出去散步?

45.How did you spend your holiday? 你假期怎么过的?

46.How are you doing these days? 这些日子你怎么样?

47.What did he say in the letter? 他在信里说什么了?

48.What are you going to do with the books? 你打算拿这些书怎么办?

49.What were you doing when I called? 我打电话给你时你在干吗?

英语口语面试有哪些方法? 篇7





灵活的应聘者往往会把“我”开头的话,变成“你”字打头。例如,面试人说:Would you please say something about yourself?(请你谈谈自己的情况好吗?)应聘者则说:Do you want me to talk about my personal life or to say something about the job?(你想让我谈谈我个人的生活呢,还是与这份工作有关的问题?)这样,你的谈话就把面试人摆了进去。这种谈话的方式所产生的效果是不言而喻的。面试毕竟是面试人与应聘者互相沟通的一种场合,应聘者时常把面试人摆进自己的谈话当中去,自然而然就起到了互相沟通的作用。



1. 能力。当你知道招聘单位目前急于用人时,首先把自己的专长讲足说够,然后顺理成章地得出结论:I think your unit needs a man like me.(我想,贵单位需要象我这样的人才。)用这样的句式,让面试人认为你是站在他们的立场上说话,在替他们的发展考虑问题,于是更容易接受你。陈述自己的任职资格时,可以这么开头:I’m qualified for the job because……(我能胜任这项工作,是因为……)接着陈述理由。当面试人在审视你究竟能不能胜任此职时,参照的标准已不再是他心目中的标准,而是你列举的理由。

2. 业绩。外国公司面试喜欢用事实说话,为了证明你的能力,你可以把过去的经历联系起来,说明你曾经为以前的公司解决过跟现在雇主所面临的类似问题:I explored Shanghai market and sold 50,000 sets in one year.(我开发了上海市场,一年销售出去5万套。)

3. 诚意。某个问题发表完见解之后,可以附带加上一句:I’d like to hear your opinion.(我很想听听你的意见。)这句话表明了你对面试人的尊敬,很容易使他(她)产生亲切感。当面试人在试探你的应聘诚意时,应该及时表态:So far as that is concerned, you must have understood my determination.(谈到这里,您一定已经明白我的决心。)问些与工作内容相关的问题,能表现你对这份工作的兴趣。如:What other responsibilities do you think this job will include? (您觉得这份工作所包含的职责还有哪些?)

哪些是职场面试中的技能呢? 篇8

为节省时间成本,当下许多用人单位在招聘时选择视频面试(video interview) 。面对摄像头,你会手足无措吗?来看看人力资源专家们给出的建议吧!

Video interviews are becoming increasingly commonplace. As hiring has become more global, both for employers and candidates, video interviewing is a way to expedite the interview process.


“Hiring managers and recruiters can conduct first-round interviews more quickly, save on transportation costs, and make the process much faster by using video conferencing rather than scheduling in-person interviews,” said Chen Changqing, HR director at Lego Co Ltd in Shanghai.


Companies hiring at all levels, from entry-level staff to experienced professionals, are comfortable using new technology. Video interviewing is now nearly a standard step in online recruitment.


For job seekers, however, the experience can be a bit intimidating. “It’s hard enough doing face-to-face interviews, let alone sitting in front of a camera and microphone,” said Tang Yilei, 22, a senior majoring in law at Fudan University.


“It’s a scary proposition, even for those of us who are familiar with online video chatting. One time I was so nervous that I didn’t know where to put my hands.”


So, how should you behave during a video interview? Chen said that candidates should prepare for their video interview just like they would for any other job interview.


Sometimes you may be interviewed in a professional environment, rather than through the webcam attached to your home computer. This could be either at a recruiter’s office, or with a company that provides video conferencing services.


“You should arrive early so that you have time to make yourself comfortable. Ask for assistance if you’re not sure about how to use the equipment,” said Li Ling, an HR manager at Walmart (China) Investment Co Ltd in Shenzhen.


“Even if you can figure it out, it’s better to ask for a quick overview.”


It’s important that you dress as you would for an in-person interview. Zou Xiafei, 26, made a mistake when she applied for a sales position in a Beijing trade company in June. “For the video interview in Shenzhen I wore a suit jacket, a dress shirt, and a tie, presuming that only my top half would be visible,” she said.


“But when I stood up, the interviewer had a full view of the jeans I was wearing. I was really embarrassed.”


Besides tidying up your appearance, make sure your table is neat, too. Remember that a microphone picks up all the sounds in a room, so don’t tap your pen or shuffle papers.


“It’s better to make eye contact with the webcam. If you just look at the screen, the camera will focus on the top of your head, which makes you look weird,” said Hao Jian, a senior human resource consultant at Zhaopin.com.


According to Hao, everyone is nervous during a video interview. “Just remember to smile, answer the questions as best you can, and be your awesome self,” he said.
