


unit3英语七下 篇1

丁琼的作业 七下unit3第一课时教案

七下Unit3第一课时教案  丁琼 课题 Why do you like koalas?(section A)   课型 New 教法 Listening, speaking, and practise 教学 目标 及重难点 Ⅰ.Teaching aims: In this unit students learn to describe animals and express preferences and give reasons. ①Knowledge Objects: a)  Grasp vocabulary in this Unit: 1. Names of animals such as: koala/ dolphin/ panda /giraffe …   2. Description words such as:  cute /smart /ugly /friendly… b)  Be able to grasp the following structures: 1. Let’s see the pandas. 2. Why does he like koala?   Because they are cute. 3. They’re kind of/ very shy ②Ability Objects: Be able to describe animals and express preferences and give reasons. ③Moral Objects:    Love animals and regard them as our friends . Ⅱ.Key points:   Vocabulary & Target Language in this  Unit Ⅲ.Difficult points:   Structures & Functions 教学 准备 图片、实物、幻灯片   教学 步骤 教师活动 学生活动                       Step1 Warm C up Sing a song about the animals Step 2. Presentation   1.Show some picture of the animals. Teach the pronunciations and spellings and then have a competition to help remember the new words.   2. Show another group of pictures to teach the description words, such as “cute, smart and interesting”.   3. Help them read the description  words accurately and fluently. Step 3 Dills   Teach the pattern: A :Let’s see the lions B:  Why do you want to see the lions? A:  Because they are cute. Start a pairwork Start a listening practice(1b) Step 4 Presentation Show two pictures as a comparison. Teach “very” and “ kind of”. Give two more demonstrations. Step 5 Listening practice( 2a and2b) 1. Listen and fill in the blanks 2 .Do a substitutable practice  Step 6 Grammer focus Go through the grammer focus and take notes   Homework 1.Write down the names of the animals you know 2.Get to know the homes of the animals learned today and their features   1.  sing a song about the animals     1.Show some picture of the animals. Teach the pronunciations and spellings and then have a competition to help remember the new words.   2. Show another group of pictures to teach the description words, such as “cute, smart and interesting”.   3. Help them read the description  words accurately and fluently.     learn the pattern: A :Let’s see the lions B:  Why do you want to see the lions? A:  Because they are cute. Start a pairwork Start a listening practice(1b)     Show two pictures as a comparison. Teach “very” and “ kind of”. Give two more demonstrations.     1. Listen and fill in the blanks 2 .Do a substitutable practice    Go through the grammer focus and take notes        

unit3英语七下 篇2


随着上课铃声的响起,我穿了身运动服,戴上了旅游帽,拿起了一面小彩旗,,斜挎个包,活脱脱一个导游,站在了大家的面前,我没开口,同学们目光齐刷刷洒向了我, 个个惊诧地瞪大了眼睛,好像不相信自己的眼睛似的。于是,我神秘地说,Today,I will show you around the Palace Museum in Sunshine Town....毋庸置疑,学生们被教师的特殊的穿戴和简短的导入,带进了“神秘”的英语课堂,学生的注意力被牢牢吸引,为高效课堂的创建打下了基础。


在学生们透漏出怀疑之色时,多媒体被打开,中和殿、太和殿、保和殿、奉先殿、皇极殿等精美的图片一一展现在学生们面前,我仍然以导游的身份和口气用英语娓娓道来, 故宫也叫紫禁城,位于北京的市中心,是目前世界上规模最大、建筑最宏伟、保存最完整的古代宫殿和古代建筑群, 房屋9000多间,占地72万平方米。故宫分为两部分,南为处理朝政的地方,北为生活场所,故宫博物院,是世界上古代文化艺术博物馆,被联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产”。接下来,介绍故宫的几大宫殿。

用一张故宫的平面图,介绍最重要的宫殿,以问题There are a lot of palaces. Do you know them?引导学生回答Baohe Palace、Taihe Palace、Zhonghe Palace、Fengxian Palace、Huangji Palace...以问题What we can see there?引导学生跟着“导游”的踪迹参观浏览故宫博物院。


在教师通过多媒体画面介绍故宫后,展示一张关于故宫的海报,教师巧妙地话题一转,Some exchange students from UK is going to visit the Palace Museum. Can you be a guide to introduce the Palace Museum to them? So they can know a lot about it.在学生们跃跃欲试、情绪高涨之时,给学生一段文字材料,告诉他们要想当好导游,自己先熟悉故宫的概况。于是,学生们迫不及待地阅读了起来,多数学生还做了笔记, 将The name of the palace和What to see /do there一一对应。

5分钟之后,学生们显然做好了充分的准备,个个信心百倍,摩拳擦掌,几位学生先后煞有介事地当起了“导游”: Welcome to Sunshine town. Today I will show you around the Palace Museum. It is a wonderful place to visit. First,let’s go the Baohe Palace…

在学生们各尽其能,引领众多“游客”参观游览故宫博物院之后,我又设计一个任务:这些英国交换生,还想“参观电影博物院”(the Film Museum),这儿有一张电影博物院的海报,从中,我们可以了解到电影博物院有两个馆,A和B,分别可以看到什么、做些什么,四人一组,口头交流, 再次当个“导游”,带领“游客们”到电影博物院参观参观吧!话音未落,大部分学生为了介绍得有井有条,迅速拿起笔,发挥想象,奋笔疾书,形成文字稿。有的同学之间开始讨论、交流。之后,一双双手举满了教室,有的干脆不经老师同意,就站了起来,争先恐后,当起了“小导游”。



亮点一、实现了“教教材”到“用教材教”的转变。本课时,本应教学Grammar,可是,考虑到教材的知识之间的连贯性,Welcome to the unit中,提到英国交换生来中国访问,并了解了几位交换生的兴趣爱好,Reading围绕着交换生的爱好, 以Would you like to...?为主线,介绍了到阳光镇吃中餐、商场购物、听京剧等具体细节,在综合技能部分,在此基础上,引领交换生参观旅游......因此,几个部分浑然一体。如果学习语法,就找不到教材的连贯性、衔接性。因此,本节课,笔者进行了教材的整改,实现了“教教材”到“用教材教”的转变。





Unit3 学好英语有经验 篇3


Patrick:Take your time. Anyway, Rome wasn't built in a day.


Student:Can you make some suggestions?


Patrick:Sure. English is becoming an international language. It's really important. But like anything else, you really need to practice and practice before you can do it well.




Patrick:Well, let me give you an example. You know, when people first learn to drive a car, they can't do it well. They make lots of mistakes. They may step on the gas when it's time to stop the car. But that's natural. That happens to everyone.


Student:I know what you mean.


Patrick:Learning English is just like driving a car. All you have to do is practice and don't be afraid of making mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the quicker you can speak good English.


Student:It's easy to say, but hard to do.


Patrick:Just take your time. I'm always glad to help and don't forget, language is not just about words or grammar rules. Cultural background plays a vital role as well.


Student:Jesus. What can I do before I can speak good English?


Patrick:Just pick up the phone and practice with me. I'm not God, but I'm sure I can better your English.


Attention Please...特别提醒

[1] I am really disheartened.

disheartened是灰心的意思。当人们没能做成事情的时候,他们会说:I'm really frustrated. 我真的绝望了。口语中的另一个类似高频词是upset,它表示担心,外加一点儿忧伤。

[2] Rome wasn't built in a day. 直译是:罗马并非一日建成,对应的中译只有:“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”最得该意境。用这句话来比喻学习英语的艰辛可谓再恰当不过,不过还要记住熟能生巧——Practice makes perfect,这才是学习英语的最佳办法。

Useful Tools...实用句式

A: Hello, may I speak to John (or sb.), please? (你好,John在吗?)

英语unit3重点单词 篇4



















剑桥少儿英语unit3教案 篇5




1,教小朋友认识英文字母D,E, F,G, 以及一些以D,E, F,G,字母开头的简单动物单词 三,教学重点 1,英文字母DEFG 2,以DEFG字母开头的简单动物单词 四,教学难点 1,单词的记忆 五,教具准备 1,动物卡片 2,字母卡片 3,积分劵

六,教学过程 第一节课

1,花点时间温习一下上节课学习的内容,大家一起唱一下ABC儿歌 2,直接讲今天的DEFG四个英文字母。采用猜谜说字母游戏的方法来讲。游戏规则是:双峰倒影——W 山连着山——M 彩云追月——G 引蛇出动——Q

1减1不等于0——H 1加3不等于4——B 日偏食——C 独脚台——T 不倒翁——O 钓鱼钩——J 一把椅子——h 半个月亮——D 第二节课


2,教学动物英文单词,例如dog, elephant, fish等。给每个小朋友发一些小动物的卡片,每教一个就叫小朋友们快速找出那个对应的卡片。全部教学完毕后考考小朋友们的记忆力,老师说动物名称的英文名,小朋友们快速把对应的动物卡片拿出来 第三节课

七年级英语Unit3教学反思 篇6



















unit3英语七下 篇7

1. permit

【考纲释义】 vt. 允许n. 执照;许可证

She doesn’tpermit herchildren to smoke.她不允许她的孩子抽烟。

You can’t work here without a work permit. 你没有许可证就不能在这里工作。

【知识拓展】 permissionn. 允许,准许,许可

permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事permit doing sth 允许做某事permit of (常用于否定句) 容许

2. stare

【考纲释义】 vt. & vi. 凝视;注视

You can enjoy its beauty each time you stare at it in wonderment. 每当你惊奇地凝视它时,你都能欣赏到它的美。

She stared him into silence. 她瞪了他一眼,他就不说话了。

They all stared with astonishment. 他们全都惊讶地瞪着眼。

【知识拓展】 stare at…凝视,盯着看 stare (one) in the face 近在眼前,摆在眼前

3. seek

【考纲释义】 vt.

Most men seek wealth; all men seek happiness. 大多数人寻求财富;每个人都追求幸福。

We must seek(for) solution to current problems. 我们必须寻找对目前问题的解决办法。

【知识拓展】 seek to do sth企图做某事 seek one’s advice征求某人的意见play hide?鄄and?鄄seek 捉迷藏seek for 寻找seek jobs 找工作seek after 追求

4. amount

【考纲释义】n. 数量

The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage. 铁路对一定数量的行李免费运送。

A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year. 每年都要花费大量金钱在广告上。

【知识拓展】 a large amount of + 不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式;large amounts of + 不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用复数形式

5. scene

【考纲释义】 n. 场景;场面;景色

The scene threw his mind back to a snow night twenty years before. 眼前的景物使他的思想回到二十年前的一个下雪的夜晚。

Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident. 那事故发生后不久记者就都赶到了现场。

The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east. 观看太阳从东方慢慢升起,这种景色确实太美了。

【知识拓展】 on the scene 出现;登场 at the scene of 在……现场behind the scenes 幕后的;秘密的;暗中

辨析: sight; scenery; view和scene


6. patience

【考纲释义】 n. 耐心;耐性

Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital. 无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。

To remember, a lesson would appear time after time until you learnt. It just need more patience only. 记住,一个教训总会反复出现,直到你学会为止。它只不过是更需要耐心而已。

【知识拓展】lose one’s patience失去耐心;发脾气 with patience耐心地 patientadj. 耐心的 be patient with对……有耐心


1. by accident偶然;无意中

She found some old photos in the draw by accident. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。

He found the book out of print in the second?鄄hand book store by accident. 纯粹由于偶然的机会,他在一家二手书店里找到了那本绝版的书。

【知识拓展】on purpose故意地 by design故意地 by chance 偶然;碰巧by mistake 由于错误;弄错

2. account for导致;做出解释;导致

He could not account for his absence from school. 他无法说明他旷课的原因。

How do you account for all the accidents in series?你怎么解释这接二连三发生的事故呢?

Recent pressure at work may account for his bad temper. 最近的工作压力可能是造成他脾气暴躁的原因。

3. bring up教育;培养

I will do all things to bring up your kids as my own child. 我一定会把你的孩子当自己的子女看待,把他们抚养成人。

How to bring up the only?鄄child arouses lots of arguments in China. 怎样培养好独生子女在中国引发了许多辩论。

It takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men. 一棵树长大需要十年,而培养好一代人需要一百年。

【知识拓展】 bring down使落下bring back拿回来

4. on the contrary 正相反

It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it’s rather beautiful. 我觉得它并不丑, 恰恰相反, 它挺美。

Everyone thinks Terry is lazy, but on the contrary, he is a diligent worker. 所有人都认为泰瑞很懒惰,相反,他其实是名勤奋的员工。

【知识拓展】 to the contrary相反地

5. to be honest 老实说;说实话(用作插入语)

I wouldn’t buy that house, to be honest, it’s too close to the main road.说实话,我不会去买那所房子,它离大路太近了。

To be quite honest with you, I don’t think you can pass the examination. 老实对你说,我认为你考试不能及格。

【知识拓展】 类似的插入语: to tell you the truth实话跟你说to be frank 坦率地说as a matter of fact 事实上 to begin with首先 to be more exact更准确地说


1. The next morning I’d about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。

be about… when …结构表示“正要……突然……”,其中的when为连词,表示“此时;正在这时或那时”,强调突然性。一般用于下面三种句型:

1)过去进行时(延续性动词)… + when + …一般过去时(瞬间动词),表示“正在做……过程中,意外发生了另一件事”。例如:

I was walking along the street when I heard my name called. 我正沿街走着,忽然听到有人叫我的名字。

2) was / were about to do sth. + when + 一般过去时,表示“某事则要开始时,另一件事却发生了。” 例如:

He was about to tell me the secret when someone patted him on the shoulder.他正要把这秘密告诉我时,突然有人在他肩上拍了一下。

3)过去完成时(常为瞬间动词)… +when + …一般过去时,表示:“某事刚刚(或快要)完成时,突然发生了另一件事。” 例如:

He said he had just got into bed about half past eleven when he felt the floor shaking under him.他说他十一点半刚刚睡觉,忽然感到地板在摇动。

2. Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. 快到黄昏的时候,我发现自己被一阵大风刮到了大海上。

find oneself…意为“ 发现自己来到某处,发现自己处于某种境地 ”,含有一种“ 在不知不觉中……”的意思。句中myself是宾语,carried out to sea by a strong wind是过去分词短语(被动语态)作宾语补足语。在这个句型中,find后的宾语补足语可以是形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词。例如:

On hearing this, I found myself in an embarrassing position. 听到这,我突然发现自己处在很尴尬的境地。

Dick found himself walking in the direction of Mike’s place.迪克不知不觉的朝迈克的住处走去。

Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys. 然后我发现六个男孩围着自己。

3. I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. 我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣冠不整的原因了。

which accounts for my appearance是一个非限制性的定语从句,其中which 代表前面整个句子。earn one’s passage意为“挣取旅费”。hand此处为“帮手,助手”的意思;unpaid用来修饰hand。account for对……作出解释;说明原因。


七年级上英语unit3重点句子 篇8













unit3英语七下 篇9



2018/6/27 这个学期,我们七年级英语的5位备课组成员在学校领导的关心帮助下,在各位组员的齐心努力下,认真落实了备课组计划,执行学校的各项教育教学制度和要求,开展备课组活动。现对本备课组的工作进行总结,以利新学期工作更好开展。























unit3英语七下 篇10

陈蓉 本单元教学内容和教学目标:


1、词汇:a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, a farmer, a cook.2、句子:A.What’s your /his/her job?

I’m /He’s/She’s a/an---

B.What are their jobs?


C.How old are you/ is he/ she?

I’m /He’s/ She’s---

D.What do you want to be?

I want to be—

E.It’s cold today, isn’t it?



4、歌曲:They sing happily.(会唱,基本了解歌词大意)





What’s your/his/her job?

I’m/ He’s/She’s---/

What are their jobs?




It’s cold today, isn’t it?


五、教学过程设计: The First Period


1、词汇:a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, a farmer, a cook.2、学会询问单数人称的职业:

What’s your/his/her job?

I’m/ He’s/She’s---/

I’m /He’s/She’s a/an---





Follow the teacher: I am running/jogging/rowing/swimming/jumping---Running fast/slowly---

2、师表扬:All of you are good at Sports.I think every one can be an athlete 课件出示:福娃欢欢。T:Oh, who is she? Ss: She is Huanhuan.Huanhuan: Welcome to Beijing.Welcome to 2008 Olympic Games.(课件出示)


T: What’s your job? 生一一操练,齐读。音量达到一定分贝,课件出示声音: I’m a driver.操练单词:driver(with action)

发音标准,动作到位的同学奖励小奖品:福娃 欢欢。


Bright day, sunny day.We are happy today.Let’s go and play.Near the Great Great Wall.课件出示:Huanhuan is missing.T and Ss:Where is she?

Huanhuan: I’m here.(身着警察的服饰)引导学生提问:What’s your job? 课件出示: I’m a policewoman.This my friend Jingjing.Ss: What’s your job? 课件出示:I’m a policeman.操练这一组单词policeman policewoman(with action)。表扬奖品:小福娃。

5、Play a game with the three new words.小组抢答,做动作说单词:

T: What’s your job?(with action)

Ss:I’m a---T:There is also a competition here: a running race.课件出示京京和欢欢赛跑的两组画面背面,引导学生问他们的职业: S: What’s your job? Huanhuan: I’m a farmer.Jingjing: I’m a cook..操练这一组单词 farmer cook(with action)。表扬奖品:小福娃。

6、T: After the competition.I think you are a little hungry now.Let’s go to the KFC,ok?.在KFC里再次遇见京京和欢欢,引导学生提问: S: What’s your job? Huanhuan: I’m a waitress Jingjing: I’m a waiter.操练这一组单词waiter waitress(with action)。表扬奖品:小福娃。

T: I’m a worker.Work for your---操练单词:worker

7、句型操练Play a game.齐说:What’s your job(with action)?

I’m a----(抢答)8人一组。回头检查,看学生记忆的怎么样。

T:What’s his/her job?

Ss: He’s/ She’s a---.第二轮让学生一起说句型。

S1:What’s his/her job?

S2: He’s/ She’s a---.The Second Period



How old are you/ is he/ she?

I’m /He’s/ She’s---学会询问复数人称的职业:

What are your /their jobs?

Are they---s?

Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.二、教学用具:





学生随便提问,当问及:What’s your name?时 大门敞开,课件出示:I’m Beibei.贴图What’s your name?操练此句型。


引导学生提问 How old are you? 但当要问起两个句型时大门敞开。What’s your name? I’m Jingjing.How old are you? I’m three.3、来到第三关门口,大门紧闭。

学生会先提问:What’s your name? I’m Huanhuan.How old are you? I’m three.表扬学生,送他们首歌《They sing happily》

引导学生提问:What’s your job?

课件答:I’m a waiter.奖励学生,学唱歌曲《They sing happily》

1)Just listen.2)Sing after the tape.3)Sing it together.第三关歌曲唱完后,老师引导学生:我们只剩下一关了

Huanhuan is so kindly.Maybe she can help us.Let me have a try.T: Are they waiters.too?

课件出示:Huanhuan:No, they aren’t.引导学生提问:What are their jobs?



学生进行提问:A:What’s your name?


I’m Yingying.I’m Nini.B:How old are you?

We are three.引导学生猜:Are you---s?

当出现学生问waiters 时打开城门,并回答。

Yes, we are.闯关成功,圣火点燃。和同学们一起欢唱歌曲《They sing happily》

The Third Period 教学内容和目标:


It’s cold today, isn’t it?



What do you want to be ?

I want to be a/an---



教学用具: 录音机,磁带,音标卡片,教学挂图。教学过程:

(一)、学习E部分:Read and act.1、It’s cold today, isn’t it?

以从相互问好开始,进而谈论到天气,教师可以通过自己的肢体语言让学生了解这句句子的意义。然后让学生尝试相互练习,也可以尝试补充一些其他的反意,例如:She is a good student, isn’t she ?

You like English, don’t you? 说给学生听,让学生对这种类型的句子有一个初步的印象。听录音,整体呈现对话内容。(将挂图挂在黑板上,听2-3遍)回答问题:(1)Who are they?(2)Is it cold today?(3)Who’s the woman in the red sweater?(4)How old is she? Is she sixty?(在回答问题的过程中,学会使用)在老师的指导下进行各种形式的朗读对话练习。学生相互见结对子操练,并尝试表演对话。

(二)学习F部分:Listen and repeat.用卡片的形式出示一些单词,让学生注意其中红色部分的发音,注意体会。

出示音标:/tr/ 和 /dr/,朗读。指导学生朗读部分的句子。

(三)学习G/2 部分:Do a survey.学习句子:What do you want to be ?

I want to be a/an---组织学生调查本小组同学的未来理想,完成书上的表格。组织学生汇报自己的调查结果。



The Fourth Period


全面复习本单元内容 完成听写练习完成练习册




(1)How old are you? I’m---

(2)How old is he/she? He/She’s---

(3)What’s your/her/his job? I’m /She’s /He’s---

(4)What are their jobs? They’re---

(5)Are they---? Yes, they are.(No, ther aren’t)

(6)What do you want to be? I want to be a/an---完成听写练习

(1)Phrases: a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, a farmer, a cook, a policeman, a policewoman.(2)Sentences: What’s your job? I’m a waiter.How old are you? I’m one.What are their jobs? They’re drivers.完成练习册

仁爱英语七下unit7知识点 篇11

Unit 7 topic 1 知识点

一、 重要词组

1、 他最喜爱的体育明星 his favorite sports star

2、 了解某人 know about sb

3、 某人的超级粉丝 a big fan of sb

4、 计划做某事 plan to do sth

5、 举办生日聚会 have a birthday party

6、 在5月13日 on May 13th,

7、 像 be like

8、 刚才 just now / a moment ago

9、 多宽 how wide

10、 多长 how long

11、 一定是 must be

12、 用某物做某事 use sth to do sth

13、 用某物做某事 use sth for doing sth

14、 用某物做某事 use sth for sth

15、 做一顿特殊的饭 have a special dinner

16、 为某人买某物 buy sth for sb

17、 给某人一个惊喜 give sb a surprise

18、 对----感到吃惊 be surprised at sb

19、 打扫卫生 do some cleaning

20、 读书 do some reading

21、 在1895年6月5日 on June 5th 1895

22、 计划庆祝它 plan to celebrate it

23、 美丽的浅蓝色上衣 beautiful light blue dress

二、 重要句型

1、Of course I know about him. 我当然了解他。

2、When was he born? He was born in June. 他出生在何时?他出生在6月。

3、When were you born? I was born on June 5th.

4、When were they born? They were born in May.

5、Where was he born? He was born in Nanyang.

6、When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

7、What’s the date today? 今天几号?

8、How do you plan to celebrate it? 你计划如何庆祝它?

9、Would you like to come? 你想来吗?

10、When was Kangkang born? He was born on May 12th.康康出生在何时?他出生在5月12日。

11、What’s your present for Kangkang’s birthday? 你给康康的生日礼物是什么?

12、What’s the shape of sth? 某物的形状是什么?

13、Oh, I get it .哦,我明白了。

14、May I have a look at it? 我可以看看吗?

15、What’s it like? It is like a flower. 它像什么?它像一朵花。

16、What was it like just now? it was like a star .刚才它像什么?它像一颗星。

17、Was it like a flower just now? No, it wasn’t. It was like a star.


18、What shape was it a moment ago? 刚才它是什么形状?

19、How long is it? 它多长?

20、How wide is it? 它多宽?

21、What do we use it for? 我们用它来做什么?

22、We use it to keep pencils. 我们用它来装铅笔。

23、It must be a pencil-box. 它一定是个铅笔盒。

24、Mary is planning to celebrate it. 玛丽现在正在计划庆祝它。


1、do some cleaning 打扫卫生,类似的用法还有

do some shopping, do some washing洗衣, do some reading读书

do some +ving 是固定结构,在否定和疑问句中,不能将some改为any

2、in+月份+年份 in June,1895

on+月+日,+年份 On June 5th ,1895

3、use sth to do sth= use sth for sth= use sth for doing sth

4、特殊序数词需要记:fifth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth

5、must be 表示肯定推测“一定是” can’t be 表示否定推测“不可能是“

may be可能是(可能性小)

6、give sb a surprise给某人一个惊喜 be surprise at sth(主语是人)

sth is/are surprising(主语是物)

eg: I want to give a surprise to him.

I’m surprised at the news.

The news is surprising



如:May 21th, 读作May twenty-first, two thousand and one


如:25 th May,2001读作the twenty-fifth of May, two thousand and one

Unit 7 Topic 2


1、擅长某物be good at sth=do well in sth 2、擅长做某事be good at doing sth=do well in sth

3、玩的愉快have a good time 4、与某人一起唱歌sing with sb

5、随着的士高跳舞dance to disco 6、表演芭蕾perform ballet

7、弹琴 play the piano 8、没门no way!

9、祝你生日快乐happy birthday to you 10、把某物带到某地take --- to +地点

11、把一些花带到party上 take some flowers to the party

12、爬树climb trees 13、照相take photos 14、一年以前one year ago

15、喜欢玩球类运动 like playing games 16、去年last year

17、画画的好 draw pictures very well 18、在5岁时at the age of five

19、某物出毛病了there was something wrong with sth

20、对---很难be hard for sb 21、在某人的帮助下with the help of sb=with one’s help

22、在我妈妈的帮助下with my mother’s help 23、开始做某事begin to do sth

24、不再not---any more


1、What would you like to do at Kangkang’s party?你想在康康的party上做什么?

2、Would you like to sing with me?你想与我一起唱歌吗?

3、What else can you do?你能做别的什么?

4、Can you dance to disco or perform ballet?你会随音乐跳舞,还是跳芭蕾。

5、I’m sure we’ll have a good time at the party?我确信我们将会在party上玩的愉快。

6、I can do it a little. 我会做一点点。

7、I can do it very well. 我能把它做好。

8、Can you count them for me? 你能为我数它们吗?

9、I’d like to take some flowers to the party. 我想带一些花到晚会上去。

10、What can a monkey do? It can climb trees. 猴子会做什么?它会爬树。

11、It’s time for outdoor activities? 该课外活动了。

12、One year ago, she couldn’ do it at all. 一年以前,他一点也不会做它。

13、When she was five, she could dance just a little.当她五岁时,她只会跳一点点舞蹈。

14、They both like playing ball games. 他们都喜欢球类运动。

15、Kangkang is good at playing soccer. 康康擅长踢足球。

16、While he dose well in basketball. 而他爱好篮球。

17、The children are all having a good time. 孩子们正玩得很愉快。

18、He can take photos. 他会照相。

19、She could draw very well at the age of five. 在她五岁时,她画画画得很好。

20、There was something wrong with her eyes six years ago.六年前,她的眼睛出毛病。

21、She couldn’t see anything any more. 她 不能在看见任何东西了。

22、Life was hard for her. 生活对她来说很难。



① 陈述句:主语+can/could+谓语动词原形+其他 I can sing some songs.

② 否定句:主语+can’t/couldn’t+动原型+其他

③ 一般疑问句:can+主语+动原型+其他?Can you sing a song?

④ 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+can+主语+动原形+其他?What can he do not at the meeting?

四、 while的用法:“而----”“但---”

You can go swimming while I am having lunch.

五、 选择疑问句:即提供两种或两种以上的情况,供对方选择

1、 基本结构:一般疑问句+or+对照选择项?

Do you like tea or milk?

特殊疑问句:A or B?

2、 选择疑问句不用yes或no来回答,选择一项进行回答。

Are you a teacher or a worker? A worker.

Unit 7 Topic 3 知识点总结

一、 语法:一般过去式

1、 概念:表示过去发生的动作、事件、情况,而现在已结束,也可以表示过去时间里经常性或


2、 常见的时间状语

① yesterday ,yesterday morning/afternoon/evening

② just now刚才in the past过去the day before yesterday前天

③ ago短语:a moment ago, an hour ago, three weeks ago, two months ago, four years ago等

④ in+时间点:in , in 1995, in 1880

⑤ last短语:last week上周/last year去年/last month上个月/last night昨天晚上


是三、 重要词组

1、at the party在聚会上 2、recite a Chinese poem背汉语诗

3、perform magic tricks表演魔术 4、enjoy oneself=have a good time玩的愉快

5、miss the chair 坐空椅子 6、fall down摔倒

7、hurt yourself伤了你自己 8、at once立刻

9、sth happened to sb某事发生在某人身上 10、at that time在那时

11、come back home回家 12、lie to sb向某人撒谎

13、tell sb the truth告诉某人真相 14、go to the party with sb和某人一起去参加party

15、last night昨天晚上 16、tell a lie to sb向某人说谎

17、make sb angry使某人生气 18、lose the game输了比赛

19、buy lots of food and drinks for sb为某人买许多食物与饮料

20、each of us我们每一个人 21、make the card by hand亲手制作卡片

22、a big birthday cake with 13 candles带13根蜡烛的大生日蛋糕

23、make a silent wish默默地许愿

24、blow the candles out in one breath一口气吹灭蜡烛 25、it’s your turn 轮到你了

26、it’s one’s turn to do sth轮到某人做某事

27、enjoy doing sth=like doing sth喜欢做某事


1、How was Kangkang’s birthday party? It was very nice.康康的生日party怎么样?它很不错。

2、Did you recite a Chinese poem? No, I didn’t.你背中文诗了吗?不,没有。

3、What did Sally do? She danced.萨利做了什么?她跳舞了。

4、He performed some magic tricks.他表演了一些魔术。

5、Did Kangkang enjoy himself? Certainly, he was very happy.

6、It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事。

7、I missed the chair and fell dowm.我坐空了椅子,摔倒了。

8、Did you hurt yourself? No, I didn’t.你伤了你自己吗?不,我没有。

9、Go and wash them at once.马上去洗它们。

10、What happened to him at the party?他在聚会上发生了什么事?

11、What time did you come back home last night?昨晚你们何时回来?

I came back home at ten.我10点回来的。

12、You were not at home at that time.你那时不在家。

13、How can you lie to me?你怎么能向我撒谎?

14、I didn’t play video games at all.我根本不会玩电子游戏。

15、Everyone had a good time, so we all forgot the time.每个人都玩的很开心,因此我们都忘


16、Why didn’t you tell me the truth? I won’t do it again.为何你不告诉我真相?我不再那样做


17、He told a lie to his father yesterday.他昨天向他父亲撒谎。

18、It made her father very happy.他使他父亲很高兴。

19、His parents bought lots of food and drinks for us.他父母为我们买了许多食物和饮料。

20、Kangkang made a silent wish, and then he blew the candles out in one breath.



play forget bring perform have give enjoy tell sit

recite go blow do come lose sing think

come dance make stop miss

lie(撒谎) plan fall lie(位于) hear hurt get put wash

like begin stand buy run

六、 本话题有几个需要注意的知识点

1、What’s the matter with sb? = What happened to sb?某人怎么啦?

2、make sb/sth + 形容词“使----处于某种状态”

make me happy 让我高兴 make me angry 让我生气

3、①lie(撒谎) 过去式:lied 现在分词:lying

lie(动词) to sb 向某人说谎= tell a lie(名词) to sb

如:He told a lie to his father yesterday. = He lied to his father yesterday.

②lie“躺”,“位于” lay(过去式) lying(现在分词)

如:The boy is lying on the floor.那男孩正躺在地上。

He lay on the sofa last night.昨晚他躺在沙发上。

4、拓展:be angry with sb对某人很生气 be angry at sth 对某事很生气

5、enjoy oneself = have a good time = have a wonderful time 玩的愉快

6、反身代词:I ----myself我自己 we----ourselves我们自己

you-----yourself你自己 you----yourselves你们自己

she----herself 她自己 they----themselves他们自己

he-----himself 他自己 it------itself它自己

7、each of“―中的每个人”做主语、谓语动词用单数,each可单独使用

如:Each is different. (不能不能用every)、Each of them/us is different. every 后不跟of做主语,做主语时谓语动词用单数

Each of us has an English book.

Each of the girls _____(have) a pink bag.


①well只有当身体好时是形容词:I’m very well today.

Well是副词,修饰动词放句末:She can sing very well.

②good是形容词,常用来修饰名词或放系动词be后,表人或事物的质量仁爱英语七下unit7知识点、品行 如:Mr.Wang is a good teacher, and he teach very well.


①happen动词(偶然)发生:What time did the accident happen?
