


七年级英语下完形填空 篇1

(一)I’m a middle school student.I’m______Class One Grade Seven._______weekdays, I get up_____six.I_______breakfast at six thirty and then I go to school.My home is near_______ school.Sometimes I go to school_______bike.I don’t like going to school by bus.I like walking.Classes begin at eight.I _____ hunch with my classmates.We play games after lunch sometimes.Then we______ some homework._______ are over at three forty.I go _____ at four.(二)

David is a middle school school student.He is thirteen years old.He loves p________ soccer very much.And he plays soccer in the Children’s Soccer Club(少年足球俱乐部)on Sundays.He usually gets up at a q______ to six.Then he goes running in his school from six to six fifty.It’s seven o’clock now.he is h________ breakfast with his parents.A_______ breakfast, he goes to school by bike.At school, he likes r______ and often b_______ some books from the school library.Danny, a friend of David’s, loves reading books, t______.So he often goes to the library w______David.(三)

Dear Steve,I’m very happy in my new school.I hope you’re enjoying it.The teachers and students here are f________ to me.We go to school five days a week.I get to school at seven thirty, and w_______ time do you get to school? We have s_______ classes every day, and how many classes do you have? On Monday and T_______, the first class is Chinese.We have Chinese, m_____,and English every morning.We have computer science, art, g_______ and biology twice a week, and we have h_____ three times a week.We have politics only o______ a week.My f_______ subject is art, and it’s on W_________and Friday.Which subject do you like best? How are you going with your lessons?


(四)Hi!My name is Shen Gang.I ______ a schoolboy.My _______ is far from(离。。远)my home.I must______ up early in the morning.I usually go to school by________.Every day it takes(花费)me about half an hour to get there.I have no ________ for breakfast at home.I often have some bread________ breakfast on my bike.I don’t _______ to be late for the morning exercises(早操)。I have lunch_______ school.Sometimes I _____ basketball with my classmates after school.I often get home ________ about 5:30.(五)

Bill Gray is an Australian boy.He studies at Darwin School.But now he is ______ in China.His father________in a big car factory.His ______ is a teacher.She ________English in a small town near their home.In her_____ there are about one hundred students.A few of them are______ China.The Chinese students _______ well in English.Bill says that he wants to be an English teacher,________.He would like to teache Chinese or Japanes _________, because he wants to learn Chinese or Japanese_______ them.

七年级英语下完形填空 篇2




1. 循序渐进,因材施教

“良好的开端是成功的一半。”所以,七年级的英语教学在和学生首次见面的时候,首先要做的便是培养学生对这门功课的兴趣。初中新生在刚入学时还未适应中学的学习环境,他们活泼好动,对新事物感到好奇。因此,老师应该在英语教学的过程中,应注重教学方法的多样化和趣味性,避免单一刻板的教学方式。例如,Show some pictures of boys and girls and teach the new words of their name.在第一单元英语自我介绍的学习中,教师可以让学生戴上面具,让他们分别扮演男孩和女孩进行情景对话,增加课堂的趣味性,也能加深他们对这一节知识的印象。

2. 放慢速度,分类指导


3. 打好基础,定期听写







七年级英语下完形填空 篇3

Unit 9

1. Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. The capital of Hawaii is ____.

A. WaikikiB. HonoluluC. NewquayD. Cape Town

2. ——Would you like to go to the movies with me this weekend?

——____, but there’s too much work to do.

A. With pleasureB. That depends

C. I’d love toD. That sounds well

3. ——May I go out and play tennis, Dad?

——Yes, but you ____ finish your homework first.

A. canB. couldC. mayD. must

4. Oh, you bought a secondhand car. How much did you ____ for it?

A. spendB. payC. takeD. use

5. ——When do you go shopping?

——I usually go shopping ____ Sunday morning.

A. on B. inC. atD. for

6. The rain makes people ____. They think the trees planted

yesterday can grow well.

A. happyB. annoyingC. sadD. terrifying

7. ——Do you believe ____ you read in the newspaper?

——No. I only believe some of them.

A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing

8. Sam enjoys ____ stamps. And now he has 226 of them.

A. to collectB. collectedC. collectsD. collecting

9. We’re looking forward to ____ the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

A. visiting B. watching C. looking D. see

10. Here’s my little cat. Please ____ it while I’m away.

A. look after B. look up C. look forD. look at

11. ——What about a glass of milk?

——____. I’d like a bottle of beer.

A. No, thanksB. OK C. I’d love toD. Sorry

12. ——Hi, Kate. You look tired. What’s the matter?

——I ____ well last night.

A. didn’t sleepB. don’t sleepC. haven’t sleptD. won’t sleep

13. ——I am sorry to tell you that you shouldn’t smoke here. Please look at the sign.

——Oh. I am sorry. I ____ it.

A. don’t noticeB. didn’t notice

C. will noticeD. haven’t noticed

14. Our English teacher ____ a good idea at the class meeting yesterday.

A. came up withB. comes up with

C. has come up withD. has been come up with

15. ——Where’s the cake I made this morning?

——We ____ it, Mom. Can you make another one for us?

A. ateB. eat C. will eatD. were eating

Unit 10

1. I think ____ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam ____ easy.

A. two, isB. second three, are

C. two thirds, are D. two third, are

2. ——Do you think it will be rainy this weekend?

——____. It has been too hot for a week.

A. I hope so B. I’m afraid soC. I’d like toD. Of course not

3. Henry is spending his holiday in Guangzhou.

A. on dutyB. on show C. on vacationD. on weekend

4. ——Would you like some salad?

——Yes, please. It’s my favorite. I think ____ is more delicious than salad.

A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything

5. Computers are very popular now and they are not as ____ as before.

A. expensiveB. more expensive

C. most expensive D. the most expensive

6. The little boy ____ his seat to the old lady on the crowded bus.

A. offered B. brought C. lent D. took

7. ——Computer is very useful.

——Yes, with the help of computers, news can ____ every corner of the world.

A. getB. returnC. arriveD. reach

8. I hope you will have fun during your visit to Paris.

A. get boredB. be funny

C. have a good timeD. have a rest

9. ——Shall we go shopping now?

——Sorry, I can’t. I ____ my shirts.

A. washB. washesC. washedD. am washing

10. Use your head, and you ____ a new way.

A. findB. will findC. foundD. are finding

11. ——Please don’t make any noise in the reading-room.


A. Sorry, I won’tB. Sorry, I can’tC. Yes, I will

12. What strong wind! It is said that it will go on and on for another three days.

A. lastsB. comesC. finishesD. starts

13. ——Have you ever been to Shanghai?

——Yes. I ____ there last winter.

A. goB. wentC. has beenD. has gone

14. I ____ a TV programme yesterday.

A. would watchB. watchedC. watchingD. could watch

15. The singer ____ famous last year.

A. becomesB. becameC. was becomingD. would become

16. ____ you ____ my watch just now?

A. Did, sawB. Did, seenC. Did, see D. Will, see

Unit 11

1. In the Sahara Desert, you could see ____ but sand.

A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything

2. ——Sally, could you go and help your father wash the car?

——Why ____? I’m busy now. Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing.

A. meB. IC. himD. her

3. I’ll have a meeting in Shanghai tomorrow. Would you mind ____ the time for all the flights to Shanghai for me?

A. looking forB. looking afterC. finding outD. finding

4. ——Why don’t you try the Hunan food?

——I can’t stand the capsicum(辣椒). I want to ____.

A. keep good health B. keep in good healthy

C. keep healthD. keep healthy

5. Li Yuchun is a super girl. We all like ____ very much.

A. sheB. herC. himD. he

6. ——Could you look after the pet while I’m away?


A. With pleasureB. Hold on, please

C. I agree with youD. That’s a good idea

7. ——You watched the fashion show last week, didn’t you?

——Yes, ____ I missed the beginning.

A. orB. soC. andD. but

8. ——What happened to you this morning?

——The teacher asked me for my ____ when I was late again.

A. meaningB. ideaC. excuseD. answer

9. Miss Smith, a man named John phoned you ____. He asked you to call him back.

A. now and thenB. just now

C. right nowD. from now on

10. ——Laura enjoys ____ story books.

——Me, too.

A. readB. readsC. to readD. reading

11. ——What do you think of the five Friendlies(福娃) for the 2008 Olympic Games?

——I love them. They’re ____.

A. generousB. creativeC. exoticD. personal

12. ——What do you think of Shanxi noodles?

——I think they’re very ____.

A. interestingB. wellC. deliciousD. happy

13. ——What do you think of the song?


A. I like music very muchB. I like it, too

C. With pleasureD. It sounds sweet

14. ——What’s the matter ____ the young man? He’s wet through.

——His car ran ____ the river.

A. with; intoB. for; inC. with; toD. to; at

15. China launched(发射) Shenzhou Ⅴ to circle the earth successfully ____ the morning of Oct. 15, 2003.

A. fromB. onC. atD. in

16. The boy ____ a white jacket is waiting at the bus stop.

A. on B. in C. ofD. for

Unit 12

1. All of the following are school rules except “____”.

A. No smokingB. Don’t fight

C. Slower than 80 km D. Save water

2. Depp and Bloom have to ____ some terrible men.

A. againstB. argueC. fightD. beat

3. It’s dark outside. You’d better ____ home.

A. leaveB. to leaveC. not leaveD. not to leave

4. ——Can I get you some Hainan noodles?

——____, I’m full now.

A. No, thanksB. Yes, please

C. With pleasureD. No, you don’t have to

5. ——Must I finish my homework?

——No, you ____. You ____ finish it tomorrow.

A. mustn’t; canB. needn’t; must

C. don’t have to; mayD. can’t; have to

6. This key ____ be Peter’s. His is still in the lock.

A. may notB. can’tC. mustn’tD. needn’t

7. ——Please give me a ____ when you arrive.

——OK. I’ll let you know as soon as I get there.

A. presentB. handC. ringD. ride

8. ——Shall I get something for you? What’s your favorite?

——It’s very kind of you! Please don’t waste ____ money. Special is the best choice.

A. manyB. too manyC. too muchD. much too

9. The shirt is nice, but it’s much too ____ for me. I like a smaller one.

A. smallB. bigC. heavyD. cheap

10. ——Did you use to read books in bed?

——No, I didn’t. That’s ____ for eyes.

A. goodB. badC. helpfulD. wonderful

11. ——Don’t make so much noise, Jack. Your grandpa is sleeping now.


A. No, I willB. Yes, I won’tC. Sorry, I won’tD. Yes, I will

12. ——Don’t be late again, Mike.


A. No, I don’tB. Don’t worryC. Sorry, I won’tD. I don’t know

13. Don’t worry about your broken pen. You can use ____.

A. myB. mineC. yoursD. your

七年级英语下完形填空 篇4

1.They(leave)for Beijing yesterday.2.Listen!Tom’s sister(sing)for her good frends now.4.I enjoy(study)English with my classmates.5.We would like(have)a job for you as a reporter.?

7.Old Tom(visit)the Great Wall again last week.8.The boy 9.There 10.There(be)an English evening next Sunday.12.We enjoy ourselves(learn)and(speak)English.(relax).14.How about 15.Each of the students in our class(be)of mediem build.16.Please(put)your bike under the big tree.17.The students(not have)a class meeting yesterday.18.Who(teach)you English this year ?

19.Look!The bus(come).19.The children here like(make)some interesting kites.21.(not be)late for class.22.What elseshe(have)to do next?

24.(not fight)with each other in your school.25.I hear Tom’s sister(sing)in her room now.26.It’27.You had better(wear)sunglasses to protect(保护)your eyes.30.We must(work)very hard and make great progress(取得很大步).32.I saw a little boy(lie)on the ground just now.34.We can’35.How many sheep(be)there on the farm last year ?

’clock yesterday.38.Yesterday we(have)a math test.I(get)full marks.(be)an English teacher in the future.40.Everyone in our class(enjoy)their holiday.43.Y(wait)for you over there.45.(listen)to your teacher carefully in class!

47.No(talk)in the classroom.48.You mustn’(take)the mobile phone into the classroom.49.It’s not good

50.Today is a good day for(walk)for everyone.Keys:

1.left2.is singing3.to buy4.studying5.to have 6.did;go7.visited

8.does9.was10.will be11.shop12.learning;speaking13.relaxed

14.eating15.is16.put17.didn’t have18.teaches19.work20.work21.Don’t be22.does;have23.will be24.Don’t fight25.singing

26.opening27.wear28.not to talk29.swimming30.work31.giving32.lying33.was34.live35.were36.playing37.writing38.had39.to be

40.enjoys41.does;look42.is43.is waiting44.running45.Listen

七年级下英语复习计划 篇5








附: 七年级下册期末复习资料汇编时态


一般现在时:表示经常性,习惯性的动作或存在的状态,常与always, usually, often, sometimes, every等时间状语连用。




2、以字母s, x, ch, sh ,o结尾的动词

passpasses finishfinishes teachteaches


worry--worries hurryhurries trytries

flyflies studystudies drydries

4、情态动词没有单三,情态动词之后加动词原型:can must should might



二、现在进行时态的构成:be(is am are)+ V.ing

三、现在进行时态的标志词:look(看)、listen(听)、now(现在)、Where is are ……?、上下文提示


1、一般的动词,直接在动词后+ ing

2、以不发音字母e结尾的动词,要先去e,+ ing inviteinviting


changechanging practisepractsing

loselosing leaveleaving smilesmiling skateskating

arrivearriving eceivereceiving

raiseraising surprisesurprising phonephoning skipskipping

3、重读闭音节的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母,要双写最后一个字母,+ ing planplanning shopshopping forgetforgetting runrunning clapclapping winwinning

4、以ie 结尾的动词,把ie 变为y + ing lielying



谓语动词用be going to 或者shall/will加动词原形的方式

一般将来时态be going to/shall/will 当主语是I/we时用shall

be going to 将要

will 将要

be going to +动词原形 shall/will +动词原形

Where are you going ?

I’m going to the grocery store.一般过去时

一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示过去经常反复发生的动作。常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:ago,last year, yesterday等

1、一般的动词,直接在动词后+ ing

2、以不发音字母e结尾的动词,直接加-d,inviteinvited translatetranslated arrivearrived changechanged practisepractsed




raiseraised surprisesurprised phonephoned


planplanned shopshopped clapclapped skipskipped

4、以ie 结尾的动词,把ie 变为y 加-ed

worry--worried hurryhurried trytried

studystudied drydried


leave--left thinkthought iswas arewere costcost forgetforgot runran findfound hearheard sellsold flyflew becomebecame holdheld fallfell breakbroke sendsent givegave beginbegan learnlearned/learnt teachtaught growgrew throwthrew understand understood catchcautht feedfed bringbrought hithit winwon loselost wakewoke bendbent spendspent lielay























初中英语第一册下册一共有10个单元,词汇量比上册书又扩大了许多,每个单元基本上都有30~~40个单词,而且增加了大量的短语,但主要的还是一些句型,特别是一些问句的问与答,有询问生日、活动的时间、地点等、人们喜爱的电影类型以及原因、某人能和不能做的事情、一天的活动时间、喜爱的科目以及原因、笔友的居住国家、城市以及所讲的语言、正在做的事情、建筑物的位置、喜爱的动物以及原因、如何订购食物、某人的职业、理想中的工作以及原因、喜爱的音乐种类以及原因等这些话题。句型上有一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、否定句;动词应用方面有be动词,助动词do, does的使用,是考查的重点。


整册书的内容比较多,单词多、句型复杂,难度较大,但是前5个单元的内容在期中考试的时候已经系统的复习了一遍,所以这次复习我打算以Unit 6---Unit 10为主,在每节课都有基础知识测试和能力应用拓展两个大的方面组成。具体到每一节课中,我主要采取以下措施和步骤:







七年级英语下完形填空 篇6
















七年级英语下完形填空 篇7

本单元是《Go for it》七年级下册的第七单元“What does he look like?”。其核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(looks),教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点,因此‘talking about people’s looks’是教学重点。






先利用图片展示进行新单词句型的引入,让学生熟悉。再按发型,身高,体重的类别进行口头练习以免混淆,重点强调容易混淆的句型。如:She is of medium height.You are of medium build.He has short hair.I have two big eyes.She has a small face.etc.加深记忆.接着要求其他同学描述三位外貌典型的同学,再小组练习。这样更形象,更贴近生活,学生更容易接受,加强了学生间的合作与交流。再按发型,身高,体重的类别练习以免混淆。当我要求学生描述自己的老师时,学生们十分激动,想着能用英语描述自己的老师了,他们特别高兴。此时的气氛很活跃。
















第五、重视情感教育。在人际交往中要让学生学会尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的爱好,增进情谊。在现实生活中不犯以貌取人的错误。那么我们老师就应该对他们进行正确的引导,培养学生正确的人生观和世界观。在讲解图时,我就侧重强调人物虽然有美丑,但是他们却都有自己的特长,都能在各自的领域成就一番事业,让学生明白人不可貌相。如讲到潘长江,我就提到He is short and heavy, but he acts very well.He is very popular with people.同时在结束课时我增添了谚语,再次强调不要以貌取人,人的能力才是最重要的。

七年级英语下完形填空 篇8

A) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. One of the students always______ (play) soccer in the hallway.

2. Jack______ (take) me to the library yesterday.

3. There______ (be) a zoo, two banks, and four libraries in our city.

4. Jenny wants______ (see) the giraffes.

5. Thanks for______ (ask) me to go to the party.

B) 用方框中所给的词语填空,完成下列句子。

friendly, reporter, restaurant, snowing, bank

6. A waiter works in a______ .

7. Jack is always______to me. I like him.

8. It’s cold and______in Moscow.

9. A______clerk sees a lot of money every day.

10. A______works for a magazine.

C) 根据句意及所给的首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。

11. You have to g______ up at six in the morning.

12. My cousin can’t s______ soap operas.

13. He is medium height with curly and b______ hair.

14. He works in a TV station. He is a r______.

15. The hotel is n______ to the bank.

Ⅱ. 单项选择

1. The post office is______Fifth Avenue.

A. ofB. onC. acrossD. from

2.______ , is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?

A. I’m sorryB. SorryC. Excuse meD. Excuse

3. They’re______Australia. We’re Chinese.

A. come fromB. coming fromC. fromD. for

4. —Can I help you?


A. Yes, you canB. No, you can’t

C. I’d like a pizzaD. I like a pizza

5. If you want______jazz, please go to the Fantastic House.

A. listen toB. hearC. to listen toD. to listen

6. The pretty woman has______hair.

A. long brownB. brown long

C. a long brownD. a brown long

7. —______ is he like?

—He is serious.

A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. Who

8. Let me tell you the way______the hospital.

A. toB. atC. onD. for

9. —______ the girl like elephants?

—Yes,______ .

A. Does, she doesB. Does, she do

C. Do, she doD. Do, she does

10. This koala bear is very lazy. He______during the day, but he______up

and eats leaves at night.

A. sleeps, eatB. sleep, eat

C. sleeps, getsD. sleep, eats

11. My father______a large pizza.

A. would likesB. would likeC. would to likeD. is like

12. Carol______some reading and______English over the past weekend.

A. did, practicedB. did, practicing

C. do, practicedD. does, practices

13. —______ does your brother look like?

—He is tall with straight and black hair.

A. WhoB. HowC. WhichD. What

14. Mr Smith is a teacher. He is friendly______his students.

A. toB. byC. forD. of

15. —______?

—It’s cloudy.

A. How’s the weather like in Shanghai

B. How’s the weather in Shanghai

C. What is the weather in Shanghai

D. Which is the weather in Shanghai

16. My father______mind sitcoms.

A. mustn’tB. doesn’tC. isn’tD. can’t

17. —What______they______of Amanda?

—They love her.

A. do, thinkB. are, think

C. does, thinkD. is, thinking

18. Some of the children______under the big tree.

A. are singingB. are singC. singingD. is singing

19. Everyone in Class 4______TV on Sundays.

A. watchesB. to watchC. watchingD. watched

20. —Don’t sing in class.


A. Yes, I do.B. No, I don’t.

C. Sorry, Mr Lin.D. You’re welcome.

Ⅲ. 完形填空

New York, London, Pairs and 1 big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different 2 museums. You can 3 see plays and films. You can buy things 4 all over the world, too. But the cost(费用) of living in 5 cities is very high.

Some people come to big cities because they want to 6 a good job. Some come to big cities because they want to study at a good 7 . But too 8 people come into the cities, so it is harder to keep the cities 9 and safe(安全的).

Do you 10 living in big cities?

1. A. otherB. othersC. elseD. the other

2. A. kindsB. kinds ofC. kind ofD. kind

3. A. tooB. noC. alsoD. else

4. A. atB. fromC. onD. for

5. A. bigB. smallC. oldD. young

6. A. lookB. look atC. findD. finding

7. A. schoolB. bankC. houseD. shop

8. A. muchB. manyC. fewD. little

9. A. dirtyB. dangerousC. cleanD. safe

10. A. enjoyB. like toC. want toD. have to

Ⅳ. 阅读理解


Are you a loud person? Are you shy? If you’re not sure what type of person you are, you can find out by looking at the way you sleep!

A British scientist found recently that different kinds of people sleep in different positions.

Professor Chris Idzikowski from the University of Surrey, England, found that people who sleep with their arms and legs close to their chest are shy. Meanwhile(同时), people who sleep like a soldier—on their backs with their arms by their sides—don’t like doing anything exciting!

Chris found many other interesting results.

◆ If you sleep on your side with your arms close to you, you are a nice person who makes friends easily. But if you sleep on your side with your arms out, you do not trust people and find it hard to make friends.

◆ If you sleep on your chest with your hands by your head, you are a loud person who likes talking to others. If you are that type of person, Chris says, you should try to make friends with people who sleep on their backs with their arms and legs out wide. Why? Because they’re good listeners!

So what type of person are you? Ask your parents to tell you what position you sleep in and find out!


1. If you sleep with your arms and legs close to your chest, you are a shy person.

2. If you sleep on your back with your arms by your sides, you often do something exciting.

3. If you sleep on your side with your arms out, maybe you don’t have a lot of friends.

4. If you sleep on your chest with your hands by your head, you like to listen to others.

5. If you sleep on your back with your arms and legs out wide, you usually talk much.


Most people who work in the office have a boss(老板). I have a boss, too. But my boss is a little unusual(与众不同的). What’s unusual about him? It’s a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My boss’s dog, Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is a telephone call for my boss, I always know if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy(毛茸茸的) under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog, I know my boss is out.


6. People______bring dogs to the office.

A. usuallyB. oftenC. seldom(几乎不)D. sometimes

7. My boss is Robinson’s______ .

A. bossB. masterC. classmateD. teacher

8. Robinson goes to meetings______my boss.

A. forB. withoutC. instead of(代替)D. with

9. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is______ .

A. in the officeB. at meeting

C. out of the officeD. out of work

10. The passage tells us the boss______the dog very much.

A. looks likeB. dislikes

C. likesD. trust(信任)

Ⅴ. 补全对话 根据对话内容,在空白处填入适当的单词完成对话。

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like some 1 .

A: How many dumplings would you like?

B: Twenty, please.

A: Anything 2 ?

B: Yes, I’d like a bowl of 3 soup.

A: And what about you, Jack?

C: I 4 fifteen dumplings. And I’d like a bowl of egg soup. I don’t like tomato soup.

A: OK! That’s 5 ?

C: Yes.

B: Here is the money.

A: Thank you.

Ⅵ. 句子翻译根据汉语句子,完成英语句子。每空填一词。

1. 在学校我们必须穿校服吗?

Do we______ ______ wear a school uniform in school?

2. 我发现明明在英语课堂上笑。

I______Mingming______in the English class.

3. 周末我看他们踢足球。

I______ them______soccer on the weekend.

4. —你是干什么的? —我是一名售货员

—What______you? —I’m a sales______ .

5. 我有时白天工作,有时晚上工作。

Sometimes I work in the______and sometimes at______ .

6. —今天天气怎样? —很热。

—What is the_______ _____ today? —It’s hot.

7. 我的弟弟随和而大方。

My brother is______and______ .

8. 那位戴着漂亮眼镜的妇女是谁?

______ is that woman with beautiful______ ?

9. Tara认为爵士乐令人惊奇。 他很喜欢。

Tara thinks jazz is______ . He______it very much.

10. 我喜欢海豚,因为它们很逗人喜爱。

I like______because they are______ .

Ⅶ. 句型转换根据括号内的要求改写下列句子。每空填一词。

1. Your sister watched TV yesterday evening.(变为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)

—______ your sister______TV yesterday evening?

—______, she______ . /No, she______ .

2. The kids will spend the weekend in Central Park.(对划线部分提问,然后变为否定句)

______ ______the kids spend the weekend?

The kids______ ______ spend the weekend in Central Park.

3. Her grandmother cooked dinner for her yesterday.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______her grandmother______dinner for her?

4. He played basketball last weekend.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _____he______last weekend?

5. His son does his homework every evening.(变为一般疑问句,然后作否定回答)

—______ his son______his homework every evening?

—______, he______ ______ his homework every evening.

Ⅷ. 书面表达



Ⅰ. 1. plays2. took3. is4. to see5. asking

6. restaurant7. friendly8. snowing9. bank10. reporter

11. get12. stand13. blonde/blond14. reporter15. next

Ⅱ. 1-5 BCCCC6-10 ABAAC11-15 BADAB16-20 BAAAC

Ⅲ. 1-5 ABCBA6-10 CABCA

Ⅳ. 1-5 TFTFF6-10 CBDAC

Ⅴ. 1. dumplings2. else3. tomato4. want5. all

Ⅵ. 1. have, to2. found, laughing3. watched, play

4. are, assistant5. day, night6. weather, like

7. easygoing, generous8. Who, glasses9. amazing, likes

10. dolphins, cute

Ⅶ. 1. Did, watch, Yes, did, didn’t2. Where, will, will, not

3. When, did, cook4. What, did, do

5. Does, do, No, doesn’t, do

Ⅷ. One possible version:
