七年级英语下Unit9 作文


七年级英语下Unit9 作文(精选9篇)

七年级英语下Unit9 作文 篇1

七年级英语下Unit9 作文


Name :Li LeiAge :14

Likes :basketball, swimming, drawing, music

Favoritestar :Michael Jordan

Favoritefood: fish and chips

Appearance: short and straight hair , big eyes ,medium,height Wants: a basketball player

I have a good friend,

七年级英语下Unit9 作文 篇2




1. 循序渐进,因材施教

“良好的开端是成功的一半。”所以,七年级的英语教学在和学生首次见面的时候,首先要做的便是培养学生对这门功课的兴趣。初中新生在刚入学时还未适应中学的学习环境,他们活泼好动,对新事物感到好奇。因此,老师应该在英语教学的过程中,应注重教学方法的多样化和趣味性,避免单一刻板的教学方式。例如,Show some pictures of boys and girls and teach the new words of their name.在第一单元英语自我介绍的学习中,教师可以让学生戴上面具,让他们分别扮演男孩和女孩进行情景对话,增加课堂的趣味性,也能加深他们对这一节知识的印象。

2. 放慢速度,分类指导


3. 打好基础,定期听写







七年级英语下Unit9 作文 篇3


A:__________ she do last weekend?

B: She __________ ________________ ________________.


A: _________ they _________ the room?

B: Yes, they _________ .

A:_________ _________ they _________ the room?

B: On Sunday morning.


A: _________ _________ your weekend?

B: It was great!

A: What did you do?

B: I _________ _________ _________ .

Ⅱ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. The little child can _________(speak) French.

2. The children practiced _________ (play) the guitar just now.

3. I did some_________ (read) in the library last weekend.

4. Did you enjoy_________(swim) in the sea?

5. I _________ ( clean) my room two days ago.

6. I _________ (watch) a movie last week.

7. Look! This _________ (be) my new room.

8. ___________(not turn) off the light, please.

Ⅲ. 单项选择。

( )1. Where ___________ the twins a moment ago?

A. amB. wasC. areD. were

( )2. I ___________ Guangdong food just now.

A. haveB. hadC. hasD. having

( )3. Is the information true or ___________ ?

A. rightB. wrongC. falseD. correct

( )4. What___________ you ___________ last weekend?

A. did; doB. does; didC. do; didD. did; did

( )5. The day before yesterday I ___________ to my company.

A. droveB. driveC. will driveD. drives

( )6. When the meeting was ___________ , they all went home.

A. finishB. finishing

C. overD. up

( )7. A number of students ___________here today.

A. isB. wasC. areD. were

( )8. John ___________ . He watched TV over the weekend.

A. is boringB. was boringC. is boredD. was bored

( )9. She studied math and science ___________ the library.

A. overB. atC. onD. about

( )10. Every girl ___________ afraid ___________ ride in such a busy street.

A. are; ofB. is; toC. are; toD. is; of

Step 2 (for Section A)

Ⅰ. 根据图片提示,用过去式写出相关活动的短语。

1. ____________2. ____________

3. ____________4. ____________

5. ____________6. ____________

Ⅱ. 选择填空。

( )1. —What did you do last weekend?

—I___________ .

A. play soccerB. play the soccer

C. played soccerD. will play soccer

( )2. —How was your weekend, Ming?

—___________ ! I went to the beach.

A. It is greatB. It is interesting

C. It was greatD. I am tired

( )3. The young teacher started to teach English___________.

A. for three yearsB. in three years

C. three years agoD. more than three years

( )4. The child ___________ his mother carefully, but he couldnt ___________ anything.

A. listened; hearB. listened to; hear

C. heard; listenD. heard; listen to

( )5. How did you ___________the weekend?

A. playB. cleanC. studyD. spend

( )6. On Sunday night, we saw___________show.

A. a interesting talk

B. an interesting talk

C. an interesting talking

D. interesting talk

( )7. They ___________ Old Henry a few weeks ago.

A. wentB. cameC. seeD. visited

( )8. —Did he sit on a chair, thinking of ___________?

—Yes, he did.

A. something interesting

B. something interested

C. interested something

D. interesting something

( )9. —Did you have a party last night?

— ___________ .

A. Yes, I didntB. No, I didnt

C. Yes, I doD. No, I did

( ) 10. —Who cleaned the room?

—Mike ___________ .

A. wasB. doesC. cleanedD. did


John was an interesting young man. He liked to wear his hair very long.1of his friends thought it looked like a2hair, but never made jokes about it,3John was a big, strong man and he didnt like jokes about his hair.

John always went to the barbers twice a4 .

The barber5to him, “Now why dont you 6 me cut most of your hair off and make your head tidy? Nobody would recognize (认出) you if I did that, Im

7 .”

John said8for a few seconds, and then he said, “Perhaps(或许) you are9 , but Im sure that nobody would recognize you either if you did that to my10 .”

( )1. A. AnyB. NoC. SomeD. Every

( )2. A. girlB. girlsC. boysD. woman

( )3. A. becauseB. soC. thatD. but

( )4. A. minuteB. dayC. hourD. month

( )5. A. saidB. talkedC. spokeD. told

( )6. A. talkB. visitC. letD. ask

( )7. A. sureB. right

C. certainlyD. wrong

( )8. A. somethingB. anything

C. nothingD. everything

( )9. A. sadB. happyC. rightD. wrong

( )10. A. headB. faceC. backD. hair

Step 3 (for Self Check)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

1. Tom did his h___________at home last night. He had to hand it to the teacher.

2. Ginas mother asked her to c___________ her own room. It was too dirty.

3. Did you e___________ your holiday?

4. Lets go to the m___________ tonight. The film A Hope is really great.

5. Ten kids p___________ computer games at home yesterday.

6. We have three g___________ classes every week.

7. He was very b___________last Sunday.

8. Paula w___________ to visit her aunt yesterday morning.

9. I stayed at home and did some r___________ .

10. I w___________ an interesting play on TV last night.

Ⅱ. 补全下列句子的翻译。

1. 你认为每一个人都喜欢呆在家里吗?

Do you___________everyone___________to ___________at ___________?

2. 他坐在那儿好长时间,可是什么都没有做。

He ___________ there ___________a long time, but did nothing.

3. 上个星期天早上,我和妈妈一起去了海滩。

___________ Sunday morning, I ___________ to the beach ___________my mother.

4. —你的周末过得如何?—不是很好。

— ___________ ___________ your weekend?

— ___________ wasnt very good.

5. 汤姆每天晚上都做家庭作业。

Tom ___________ his homework every ___________.

6. 我的工作很有趣,但是有点危险。

My work ___________very interesting, but ___________ ___________ dangerous.

7. 他想成为一名英语老师。

He ___________ to be ___________ English teacher.

Ⅲ. 补全对话,每空一词。

A: Hi, Mary!Did you have a good day today?

B: No, I didnt. I1a terrible time.

A: What happened?

B: I had a bad headache all the afternoon.

A: Im sorry to hear that. Why did you have a headache?

B: Because my boss shouted at me.

A: Oh, but why did your boss shout at you?

B: Because I2late for work.

A: Why did you arrive late for work?

B: Because I3 to walk to the office.

A: Why did you have to walk to the office?

B: Because I missed the bus.

A: Why did you miss the bus?

B: Because I4up late today.

A: Why did you get up late today?

B: Because I5to a party last night.

1.___________2.___________3. ___________

4.___________ 5.___________

Ⅳ. 阅读理解填词。

A great boxer (拳击运动员) went to a restaurant f 1supper. He took off his coat and l 2it behind the door. He was a 3that someone would take it. So he t 4 out a piece of paper and wrote, “The great boxer left his coat here. He will come back in a few m 5 .” He put the p 6on his coat and went to have his supper.

When he came back, his coat was not

t 7 . But he found a 8piece of paper in its p9 . It s10 , “A great runner has taken your coat away, and he will not come back.”

1. f___________2. l ___________3. a___________

4. t___________5. m___________6. p ___________

7. t___________8. a ___________9. p___________10. s ___________

Step 4 能力拓展专版

Ⅰ. 阅读理解。

Once an old man was walking in a street with his horse. It was raining hard. The old man was cold because he had walked half an hour in the rain. He wanted to go to a restaurant. It was a quarter past three in the afternoon. The old man got to a small restaurant. There were lots of people in it. The old man couldnt come near the fire. He thought and thought. At last he said to the waiter,“Take some fish to my horse.” The waiter and the people were very surprised. The waiter said, “A horse doesnt eat fish.” The old man told the waiter, “This horse is very interesting. It can sing, dance and does all kinds of things. It can eat fish, too.” So the waiter brought the horse some fish.

All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse to eat except the old man. The old man sat beside the fire. After a while the waiter came back and said, “Your horse didnt eat any fish.” The old man said, “All right, take the fish back and put it on the table. Ill eat it.”

( )1. The old man felt very cold because ___________ .

A. it was a windy dayB. it was snowing heavily

C. he had walked in the heavy rain for thirty minutes

D. he was hungry

( )2. All the people in the restaurant ran out except the old man because ___________ .

A. they wanted to see the old manB. they wanted to see the horse to eat fish

C. they had been told there was a horse thereD. there was no fire over the stove

( )3. Indeed (事实上), the horse could neither ___________ nor ___________ .

A. walk; eatB. sing; sleep

C. sing; eat fish D. talk; drink

( )4. The old man asked the waiter to take some fish to his horse because ___________.

A. his horse liked eating fish B. he was cold

C. he wanted to sit by the fire, but wasnt able

to do that at first

D. he himself also liked to eat fish

( )5. We can know from the story that___________.

A. the old mans horse can eat fish

B. the old man cheated all the people in the restaurant

C. all the people in the restaurant were fools

D. we shouldnt believe strangers

Ⅱ. 智力测试题。


1. Read the dialogue. Can you guess the meaning of “go Dutch”?You may answer it in Chinese.

Sam: How about trying the new French restaurant tonight?

Tom: I heard its very expensive.

Sam: Why dont we go Dutch?

Tom: Good idea!

Answer: ____________________________________________

2. Read the dialogue. Can you guess the meaning of “pulling my leg”? You may answer it in English or Chinese.

Sam: Hello?

Daniel: Sam! Help me!

Sam: Whats the matter,


Daniel: Im hanging from

a rock with one hand. I cant hold on much longer. Come to help me quickly!

Sam: Very funny, Daniel. Why are you alwayspulling my leg?

Daniel: Its true this time!


3. What number should replace the question mark(问号) in the last circle (圆圈)?


4. Which letter should appear in the final medal (奖牌)?


5. Look at the shapes (形状) and codes (代码) given. Work out the code which matches the shape given at the end of the line.

七年级英语下Unit9 作文 篇4

I.Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects: Key vocabulary; Target language; Writing practice.

2.Ability Objects : Listening, writing and speaking skills.

1. Moral Object: Working hard makes a man.

II.Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary

talented, loving, outstanding, unusual, beautiful, creative, kind, famous.

2. Target language

A: Who’s Midori? B: She’s a famous violinist.

A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1971.

A: When did she tour the U.S.?

III.Teaching Difficulty: Target language.

IV. Teaching Methods

Listening, writing and speaking methods; Pairwork; Groupwork.

V. Teaching Aids: A tape recorder; A projector.

VI.Teaching Procedures

Step I Greet the class .

Step II Lead- in and Introduction

Today we start to learn to talk more about people.They are different but just common like us.

Show the new words on the screen.

talented loving outstanding unusual creative grandchild violinist skating skater become

Point to them and lead the students to learn them.

Step III Section B 1a

First learn the words in the yellow bar at the top of the page. Write them on the board. Then point to the words one by one and ask students to say what they mean. Have students explain the words, or use the words in several sentences to show what they mean. For example ,

T: Talented. A talented person can do something very well. Deng Yaping is a talented table tennis player, Sun Yanzi is a talented singer. Who else is talented?

S: Carlos is a talented soccer player.

Read the instructions and point out the pictures. Ask a student to read the names of the people in the pictures. Help him if he has some difficulties in pronunciation of the names.

Ask students to write one or orwo words from the list under each person’s picture. Give students an example to help them understand how a possible answer is.

Step IV 1b Groupwork

Point to the different people in the pictures in Activity 1a.Ask several students to read to the class the words they wrote under each picture.

Read the sample sentences: A: Arthur is a loving frandfather.

He spends all his free time with his grandson.

Say, Now work with a group. Make your own statements about the people in the pictures using the words you wrote in your book.

Ask students to tell the class what they said about some of the people.

Step V 2a

Read the instructions and point out the words in the list in Activity 1a. Say, Listen to the boy and girl talking about people the admire. Circle the words you hear.

Check the answers.

Step VI 2b

Show the eight sentences on the book’box. Stuents read.

Check the answers.

Step VII 2c Pairwork

Point out the sample conversation. Ask two studnts to read it to the class.

Then lead the class to read the sample conversation toghther.

Have students work in pairs. Ask some pairs of students to say a conversation to the class.

Step VIII Summary

Today we have learned to talk about people with words talented, loving, outstanding, unusual, beautiful, creative, kind, famous.

And we listened to a story about Midori and Laura. Both of them became very famous when they were very young. Working hard makes a man. You are young, you have chances to prepare and go.

Step X Blackboard Design

Unit 9 When was he born?

talented loving outstanding unusual

beautiful creative kind famous

A: Who’s Midori? B: She’s a famous violinist.

A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1971.

A: When did she tour the U.S ?

八年级下Unit9课堂教案 篇5

Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park教案八年级下

Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Teaching Goals:

1. Talking about past experience

2. New language

(1) Sentence patterns: Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. /e neither.

(2) Some neords and phrases: neither, have a great time,

seen, theme, attraction, especially, discover, population, fear, brave, excellent, all the year, dark, environment, whenever, spring, autumn, awake, type, equator, season, temperature, Indian, wonderful.

1.The use of “present perfect tense ”

2.Write a passage including “present perfect tense”

The first period

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the neords and phrases:

amusement, neither, have a great time, me neither, have you ever been

2. Talk about past experience ( present perfect


3. Train the students’ speaking and listening ability.

Important Points of Teaching

1. Train the students’ ability by talking past experience (present perfect tense )

2. Train the students’ listening ability by listening practice.

Difficult Points of Teaching

1. How to lead in Present Perfect Tense

2. How to practise the students’ listening and speaking

Teaching ethods:

1. Talk about fun places to arouse the ss’ interest in the past experience.

2. Asking-and-answering activities to improving the ss’ speaking


Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. the blackboard

3. a computer with Powerpoint

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Greet and Lead-in

T: Nice to meet you, everyone.


T: Have you ever been to……?

S1: Yes, I have. (help the student to answer this way )

T: When did you go there?

S1: I went there…..

T: ( asks more students )

S2: No, I haven’t. (Help the student to answer this way )

(Note: Ask more students to answer the questions above, if the same

negative answer, help answer “ me neither”)

Step2: Asking-and-answering activities with the target language

(Show pictures of space museum, amusement park, aquarium, zoo, water park)

1: (the teacher asks, and the students answer.)

T: Have you ever been to the space museum?

S1: Yes, I have.

S2: No, I haven’t.

S3: e neither.

(Note: Ask more students to answer the question)

2 : ( the students ask, the teacher answer as above )

Step3: Pairwork

T: Now, ask and answer questions with your partner about the places in the pictures show here.


S1: Have you ever been to an aquarium?

S2: No, I haven’t. How about you?

S1: …

Step4: Explain

(Show the sentence: Have you ever been to an amusement park?)

Explain the uses of “have ever been” ( present perfect tense)

Step5: Listening practice (1 b )

T: Now, let some other students talking about their past experience. Are these students ever been to these places? Check the boxes.

(Play the recording. When it finishes, check on the students’ answers. If necessary, play the recording again)

Step 6: Answer the students’ questions about the text.


1. Remember the words and phrases

2. Understand the uses of “ present perfect tense ”

七年级英语下Unit9 作文 篇6

My father is tall and has short gray hair.He wears glasses with heavy black frames(框).But I just saw a picture of him from 1968.What a surprise!In the picture, he’s 15 years old.He’s short and he is wearing glasses with small, round frames.He has short yellow hair and it’s really straight.He’s wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love”.I’m 15 years old now.I’m of medium height and I have short hair.My hair isn’t yellow.It’s blue.My dad thinks it’s strange(奇怪的), but my friends think it’s great.I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames.They’re so cool!I have an earring in one ear, too.I never wear blue jeans.I like big baggy pants and long T-shirts.Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands on them.阅读短文后,选择最佳答案。

()1.What kind of glasses is the writer’s father wearing in the picture?

A.Glasses with heavy black frames.B.Glasses with bright red frames.C.Glasses with small round frames.()2.What color is the writer’s hair?

A.Yellow.B.Blue.C.Gray.()3.What does the writer like to wear?

A.Blue jeans and a T-shirt.B.Yellow jeans and a long T-shirt.C.Big baggy pants and long T-shirts.()4.What’s on Father’s T-shirt?

A.The word “love”.B.Cool earrings.C.Pictures of rock bands.()5.Who has an earring in one ear?

A.The writer’s father.B.The writer.C.The writer’s friends.二、书面表达


姓名刘翔 身高1.88米

性别 男 体重 74公斤

出生日期 1983.7.13个人爱好 唱歌、电脑

提示词汇:体育明星a famous sports star;奥运会 Olympic Games;获胜 win

七年级英语下Unit9 作文 篇7

本单元是《Go for it》七年级下册的第七单元“What does he look like?”。其核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(looks),教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点,因此‘talking about people’s looks’是教学重点。






先利用图片展示进行新单词句型的引入,让学生熟悉。再按发型,身高,体重的类别进行口头练习以免混淆,重点强调容易混淆的句型。如:She is of medium height.You are of medium build.He has short hair.I have two big eyes.She has a small face.etc.加深记忆.接着要求其他同学描述三位外貌典型的同学,再小组练习。这样更形象,更贴近生活,学生更容易接受,加强了学生间的合作与交流。再按发型,身高,体重的类别练习以免混淆。当我要求学生描述自己的老师时,学生们十分激动,想着能用英语描述自己的老师了,他们特别高兴。此时的气氛很活跃。
















第五、重视情感教育。在人际交往中要让学生学会尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的爱好,增进情谊。在现实生活中不犯以貌取人的错误。那么我们老师就应该对他们进行正确的引导,培养学生正确的人生观和世界观。在讲解图时,我就侧重强调人物虽然有美丑,但是他们却都有自己的特长,都能在各自的领域成就一番事业,让学生明白人不可貌相。如讲到潘长江,我就提到He is short and heavy, but he acts very well.He is very popular with people.同时在结束课时我增添了谚语,再次强调不要以貌取人,人的能力才是最重要的。

七年级英语下Unit9 作文 篇8



What is Spring Festival? It’s Chinese New Year.

How do you spend it? We say Happy New Year /make dumplings/ go to the fair / watch New Year programs on CCTV / have a big dinner / get pocket money.

Do you get pocket money? Yes, we do./ No,we don’t.

2、学习新单词及词组: Chinese, fair, dumplings, watch, program, get; Spring Festival, pocket money.


How do you spend it? We say Happy New Year /make dumplings/ go to the fair / watch New Year programs / have a big dinner / get pocket money.

教学难点: We watch New Year programs on CCTV.



Step 1、 Warm up.


2、介绍评价T:Look! What’s this ?


T:Yes,it’s money. Let’s see which group will get more money,OK?

3、Sing songs: A Merry Christmas 、 Happy New Year

Step 2、Presentation

1、T: In the westen countries, Christmas is the New Year,在西方国家,圣诞节就是新年。But in China ,which festival is the New Year? 但是在中国,什么节才是新年?

Ss: 春节!

T: Yes.It’s Spring Festival.(出示词组卡片Spring Festival教读音)

操练Spring Festival:spell、分音节读Festival、分组读、2 by 2读

2、T:Today we’re going to learn Unit 9 Spring Festival Lesson 19 (揭示课题,带读)

Step3: Teaching and practice

1、T: What is Spring Festival? Do you know the other name of Spring Festival?春节又叫做……?


T: Yes,Spring Festival is Chinese New Year.(出示单词卡Chinese教读音:分音节)


T: This time ,let’s practice like this. Listen carefully.I say Spring Festival,you say Chinese New Year,then change.Understand?

Ss: Yes!

2、T: Now,can you tell me ,how do you spend it? (出示句型卡教读句子)


T: ‘It ’here means Spring Festival. Now ,you read it five times,and I write it down on the blackboard.

七年级英语下Unit9 作文 篇9



二、学习需要分析 1.学习内容分析

本单元出自EEC教材八年级上第九单元。单元题目是A Volunteer。本单元以“志愿者”为话题,引出为什么要当志愿者以及志愿者的工作,同时学习了地理名词和现在完成时态。鼓励学生们向史密斯夫人学习,人人争当志愿者,积极帮助周围有困难的人。2.学习者特征分析



1.知识目标:从听、说、读、写四方面来理解和掌握本单元的生词和Language to Know,学习和归纳现在完成时态的用法,帮助学生由模仿到熟练运用。




四、教学重点和难点: 1.重点:单词、短语和语法


五、教法与学法 1.教法:








七、教学手段:多媒体课件;录音机 课时分配:共4课时


教学内容:Unit 9

Lesson 1 教学目标:

知识与技能:volunteer,India,money,have a place to live in 过程与方法:倡导学生主动参与、培养与人交流、合作的能力。


教学方法:听说法;交际法;小组竞赛 教学手段:录音机;多媒体课件 组织形式:小组学习和大班学习



1.Lead in

2.Warm-up 3.Listening

4.Practice 5.Pair work

6.Consolidation 7.Homework


StepLead in 1:

T: Let’s sing a song.(Aim: Singing songs can make students happy and interest them..)Step 2:Warm-up

1.Learn some news words and phrases.T: Do you often help others? What do you do? Do you do it for free?

(Aim: Lead in the new words “volunteer, money and India”,and learn the new words.)2.Talk about what volunteers can do and what they do that for.(Aim: Lead students to be ready to help others.)3.Talk about the pictures on the book.(Aim: By asking some questions about the pictures, lead students to write the missing words in the box.)

Step 3: Listening

1.Listen to a dialogue and finish some exercises.2.Check the answers.(Aim: Practice listening)Step 4: Practice

1.Play a game.Let the students answer some questions as quickly as possible.The student who answers a question correctly will get a star.The team which gets the most stars will be the winners.2.Finish some exercises

(Aim: Stimulate more students to take part in learning this lesson and revise the important words and language points at the same time.)Step 5: Pair work

Have students work in pairs.Let them ask each other how they help the people around them.T: How do you help people around you? Talk with your partner about it.(Aim: Practice spoken English and ask students to help others around them.)Step 6: Consolidation

Let the students sum up the lesson.(Aim: Consolidate the words and Language to Know.)Step 7: Homework

1.Revise the language points in this lesson.2.Get ready for Lesson Two.板书设计:

Unit 9 A Volunteer

Lesson 1 Ⅰ.Words: volunteer: n.India: n.money: n.therefore: adv.Ⅱ.Language: 1.Why were they doing that?

2.The volunteers do more than help farmers.3.I want to be a volunteer like that some day.教学反思:



教学内容:Unit 9 Lesson 2 教学目标:

知识与技能:enough, used to do sth.;can’t wait to do sth.;

elementary school;in order to…;homework

过程与方法:倡导学生主动参与、培养与人交流、合作的能力。情感态度价值观:助人为乐。教学方法:听说法;小组讨论法 教学手段:录音机; 多媒体课件 组织形式:小组学习和大班学习



1.Lead in

2.Revision 3.Before reading

4.Reading 5.After reading

6.Discussion 7.Consolidation

8.Homework 教学步骤: Step 1: Lead in T: Let’s sing a song.(Aim: Singing songs can make students happy and interest them.)Step 2: Revision

Ask the students what they remember from the listening activity in the previous class.T: What were Susan and Li Jun talking about? S: They were talking about … T: What did they do? S: They helped …

T: Did you do anything to help others yesterday? Ss: …

(Aim: Revise Lesson 1.)Step 3: Before Reading

1.Have the students answer the question under the title box.“What kind of work do people do for free?”

(Aim: Interest students.)2.Vocabulary Preview

Show some pictures to teach the words “Africa, Asia, enough, nurse, hometown, elementary school” on the screen.Then ask students to match the word with its meaning.Check the answers.Talk about the words by translating and making up sentences.Encourage students to tell a story by using as many new words as they can.(Aim: Use different kinds of ways to teach the new words and let them show more interest in learning new words and remember them well.)Step 4: Reading

1.Briefly explain the situation for the reading.T: Today’s reading is a dialogue between Susan and her mother, Mrs.Smith.2.Have the students listen to the dialogue.T: Listen to the dialogue and try to understand what they are talking about.3.Let the students read the dialogue again.T: This time, read the dialogue to yourself.Then read it in pairs.(Aim: Listen to and read the dialogue again and again to learn it well.)Step 5: After reading

Finish the exercises on the book.Add some additional comprehension questions like: 1.How does Mrs.Smith think of Susan’s volunteering? 2.Why do volunteers do things for free? 3.What kind of work does Mrs.Smith say Susan can do?(Aim: Practice their reading skill.)Step 6: Discussion

In groups of four, discuss what kinds of volunteer work they can think of.Report their work to the class.(Aim: Help one another to find the right answers.)Step 7: Consolidation

Let the students sum up this lesson.(Aim: Consolidate the words, phrases and dialogue.)Step 8: Homework

1.Do something to help others.2.Get ready for Lesson 3.板书设计:

Unit 9 A Volunteer

Lesson 2 Words:

Phrases: 1.enough

1.used to do sth.2.nurse

2.can’t to do sth.3.hometown

3.elementary school 4.local

4.in order to do sth.5.nearby

5.for free 6.since 教学反思:这节课效果非常好。通过不同的方法学习和巩固新单词,减少了学习单词的枯燥乏味。通过小组讨论,学生们更清楚了“What is volunteer work?”,并知道怎样去帮助他人。


教学内容:Unit 9 Lesson 3 教学目标:

知识与技能:Words: wise, wisely, considerate, improve

Grammar: the Present Perfect Tense 过程与方法:倡导学生主动参与、培养与人交流、合作的能力。情感态度价值观:助人为乐

教学方法:听说法;情境交际法;直观法;竞赛法 教学手段:录音机; 多媒体课件 组织形式:小组学习和大班学习教学设想:本课的教学重点是教授现在完成时。先展示一般过去时,然后再展示现在完成时。给出多组例子,大家都掌握后进行快速的练习。然后总结这两种时态之间的区别。给出更多的图片练习现在完成时。因为是语法教学,也容易枯燥,所以我把此部分设置成了小组竞赛,由说句子到写句子再到用现在完成时谈论图画,都采用竞赛的方式快速的进行。鼓励大家积极参与,提高他们综合运用语言的能力。表现好的给予奖励,鼓励生生评价。预想大多数同学都能用现在完成时流利的描述图片。教学流程:

1.Lead in


3.Words and phrases




7.Homework 教学步骤: Step 1: Lead in T: Let’s sing a song.(Aim: Singing songs can make students happy and interest them.)Step 2: Revision Revise the words and phrases.Ask students to recite the dialogue.(Aim: Revise Lesson 2.)Step 3: Words and Phrases Ask: What countries has Mrs.Smith been a volunteer in? Talk about some names of countries in the world.And ask if the students know where the countries are located.Match the countries with their places.For Activity B, have the students read each sentence and identify if it makes sense or not.Let them correct false sentences.(Aim: Revise how to use the words and phrases.)Step 4: Pronunciation Have the students listen to the word pairs.Ask them to pick out the stressed syllables and circle them.Explain the rule of making adverbs by adding –ly to adjectives.For Activity B, the students need to distinguish which two words in each sentence have the most stress.Let them read out loud focusing on the stress.For Activity C, play the recording and ask the students to repeat after it.(Aim: Practice the pronunciation, especially the stress.)Step 5: Structure Say: I’ve been a volunteer.I have helped an old woman near my home.I have done a lot of work for her.Ask: What tense is it? Present: Tom went to Canada.→ Tom has gone to Canada.Susan did the work.→ Susan has done the work.We took our dog for a walk.→We have taken our dog for a walk.Ask students to change some sentences like the examples.The student who answers a question correctly will get a star.The team which gets the most stars will be the winners.Give some small gifts to the winners.(Aim: Divide the class into four groups to let them have a competition in order to stimulate their interest in learning the Present Perfect Tense well.)Step 6: Consolidation

Let the students sum up this lesson.(Aim: Consolidate the words, phrases and grammar.)Step 7: Homework

1.Revise the Present Perfect Tense.2.Get ready for Lesson 4.板书设计:

Unit 9 A Volunteer

Lesson 3 Words:

Adjectives +ly =Adverbs

wise →wisely;

poor → poorly Grammar: the Present Perfect Tense

has / have + done

Tom went to Canada.→Tom has gone to Canada.教学反思:

这节课达到了预想的效果。Words,Phrases and Pronunciation学生们掌握的非常好,所以进展的很顺利。而语法的教学,由于事先考虑到了困难,所以给出的例子较多,在学生充分理解和掌握的基础上采用小组竞赛的形式进行不同方面的训练,效果非常好。学生们的兴致也很高。通过教师对学生的评价和学生与学生之间的评价,各抒己见,体现了评价的公平以及大家的参与。


教学内容:Unit 9 Lesson 4 教学目标:

知识与技能:Revise the Present Perfect Tense and some drills.过程与方法:倡导学生主动参与、培养与人交流、合作的能力。

情感态度价值观:从小事做起,从身边的事做起,尽力去帮助他人。同时也鼓励学生要学好文化课,这样才能更好的为社会服务。教学方法:情境交际法;小组讨论法 教学手段:录音机; 多媒体课件 组织形式:小组学习和大班学习教学设想:本课主要复习用现在完成时来交流;同时通过口语交际帮助学生们更好的了解处于困境中的人们需要什么以及我们怎么去帮助他们。尽力让所有的学生都参与到交际中,体现出学生的主体地位。教学流程:

1.Lead in


3.On your own

4.Pair work

5.Group work


7.Homework 教学步骤: Step 1: Lead in T: Let’s sing a song.(Aim: Singing songs can make students happy and interest them.)Step 2: Review Ask the students something in the Present Perfect Tense.T: Have you eaten your breakfast yet?...(Have a free talk.)(Aim: Revise the Present Perfect Tense.)Step 3: On your own First, let the students read the five questions together.Then have them write their answers in full sentences.T: You can write as many answers as you want for each question.Remember the answers should be full sentences.Use the Present Perfect Tense.Have the students ask each question of their partners.Have two or three pairs come to the front and introduce their partners’ answers to the class.(Aim: Practice the Present Perfect Tense by asking and answering.)Step 4: Pair work Present the drills: A: Who can we help?

B: How about the people in …? A: What can we do for them?

B: We can … A: We can also…

B: Right.Read the dialogues several times.Then ask students to substitute the underlined parts with their own answers.Let them practice their own dialogue with their partners.(Aim: Practice oral English.)Step 5: Group work Form groups of four students.One member of each group gets help from the others.Have the students decide who will be the one that needs help and how the others will assist.Design the possible situation, what they need and what volunteers will do.(Aim: Practice oral English and help each other.)Let the students stay in groups of four.Each group is going to write a short play and perform it.Make sure each person in the group speaks at least one time.(Aim: Practice oral English and help each other.)Step 6: Consolidation

Let the students sum up this lesson.(Aim: Try to help others.)Step 7: Homework 1.Revise Unit 9.2.Write a passage about “A Volunteer”.板书设计:

Unit 9 A Volunteer

Lesson 4 A: Who can we help?

B: How about the people in …? A: What can we do for them?

B: We can … A: We can also…

B: Right.教学反思:
