


冀教版七年级英语下 篇1

Unit 7 Sports and Good Health

Lesson 49 At the Sports Store

1. a pair of shorts/pants/runners/shoes/socks

2. teach sb. sth. E teach sth. to sb.

teach sb. to do sth.

Miss Liu teaches us English.

He teaches us to play basketball.

teach sb. a lesson 教训某人一顿

3. learn to do sth.

I want to learn to skate.

Li Ming wants/would like to learn to play basketball.

Danny wants to learn to swim.

4. 感叹句:

What 感叹句:

What beautiful flowers these are!

What bad weather it is!

What a fine day it is today!

How 感叹句:

How happy they are to meet each other!

How hard he works!

How time flies!


The picture is so beautiful!

E How beautiful the picture is!

Jim is a very good boy.

E What a good boy Jim is!

5. teach E teacher work E worker

play E player drive E driver

6. some & any:

Do you have any books?

I don’t have any friends.

Would you give me some ink?

I have some books here.

7. learn by oneself 自学

learn from --- 向--- 学习

learn --- by heart 背下来

He learnt English by himself.

We must learn from each other.

The boy learned the poem by heart.

8. I don’t think so, but we can buy some ping-pong balls at the store, too!

--- Does Li Lei finish his homework?

--- Yes, I think so.

He received a present, but he didn’t like it.

I have a new pair of glasses, too.

9. need: 需要

He needs some help.

The bike needs repairing.

You needn’t say sorry to me.

Need I come now? Yes, you must.

1. Ten dollars is enough.

Two months is quite a long time.

Lesson 50 At the gym

1. 形容词变副词:

slow E slowly quick E quickly

careful E carefully

happy E happily busy E busily

heavy E heavily

例外:dry E dryly

terrible E terribly simple E simply


fast, hard, well, late, early

2. throw --- at ---

Don’t throw things at the animals!

throw away:

Every day, people throw away much rubbish.

3. at the gym: at 表地点

at the door at the bus stop

at 104 Nanjing Road at home

at the end of the street at the foot of


at two o’clock at night at the same time


look at the blackboard run at point at


at school at work at breakfast

4. be ready for be ready to do sth.

get ready to do sth.

We are ready to plant trees.

I’m ready for school.

You must get ready to do it.

5. I like basketball best! E Basketball is my favorite sport.

like --- better than --- 与 --- 相比更喜欢 ---

He likes apples better than bananas.

6. learn E learner E learning

7. Catch the basketball catch the bus

catch up with --- catch hold of ---

8. hard E difficult light E heavy

It’s too hard to catch up with Jim.

It’s hard to say.

9. hit the ball 击球 hit sb. on the head

10. with用法小结:

I went to the films with Tom.

There is an old man with a stick.

I wrote it with a pen.

11. poor 穷的 E rich 富的

poor 可怜的 E lucky 幸运的

Tom is rich, but John is poor.

Poor boy! John is a lucky boy

Lesson 51 Where Did You Go?

1. each other: E one another 可用于三者以上

They help each other.

They learn from each other.

The three children enjoy playing with one another.


They put the Christmas gifts into each other’s stockings.

2. buy E bought teach E taught

think E thought hurt E hurt

3. 在this, that, next, last, every, yesterday, tomorrow等构成的时间状语前不加任何介词。

last year, this month, next week, last Saturday, every day, yesterday afternoon, tomorrow morning

[错]: We’re going to study harder in this term.

[正]: We’re going to study harder this term.

4. hurt:

My head hurts.

She fell and hurt her arm.

5. a pair of:

E a cup of tea E a piece of paper

E a basket of eggs E a bowl of rice

a pair of glasses a pair of shoes

a pair of trousers two pairs of socks.

注意:A pair of socks is under the bed.

Two pairs of glasses are on the desk.

6. happen:

What happened last night?

What happened to him?

I happened to be there.

7. play football play basketball

play volleyball play the piano

He is a good basketball player!

work E worker teach E teacher

run E runner

8. have fun doing sth.

We will have fun speaking and learning English.

Lesson 52 A Basketball Game

1. the other & another

I have two friends. One is Andy and the other is Laura.

This morning, I put on one sock, but I couldn’t find the other one.

Please pass me another book. (不定数的另一个)

2. score:得分,比分

We won by a score of three to two.

3. have fun doing sth.

We have fun playing football.

He has fun playing football.

They had fun flying kites last week.

4. team:

a basketball team a football team

5. reach, get to, arrive at/in

He reached Beijing safely.

He got to Beijing safely.

He arrived in Beijing safely.

He arrived at the bus stop on time.

6. put on & wear

She put on her coat and went out.

She is wearing a new coat.

She always wears a blue shirt.

7. catch:

I threw the ball to him and he caught it.

catch a train/bus

catch a cold catch fire

8. win the first place

9. lose:

I lost my key.

They lost two sons in the war.

The boy lost his way.(got lost)

lose face/lose heart/lose one’s life

10. play:

Let’s go out to play.

They are playing a game.

He likes playing football.

He is playing the piano.

11. hard:

They always work hard.

He works hard at school.

It’s raining hard.

He lives a hard life.

That’s hard work, but they enjoy it very much.

12. win/lose

They won the game, but we lost.

13. yell for ---

We yelled for the Chinese team during the 28th Olympic Games.

Lesson 53 This is Good for You

1. be good for sb. /sth(to do sth.)

be bad for sb./sth.(to do sth.)

It’s good for you to do morning exercises.

Eating too much is bad for your health.

be good at E do well in

The boy is good at English.

The boy does well in English.

Meimei is good at swimming.

Meimei does well in swimming.

2. I like peas more than cabbage.

like --- more/better than ---

与--- 相比,更喜爱---

I like red more/better than black.

3. have E had & eat E ate

She had some milk for breakfast.

We eat these things.

He ate a banana after lunch.

4. after & before

Spring comes before summer.

I watch TV after swimming.

5. wash & brush

wash one’s hair wash the clothes

wash one’s face have a wash

brush one’s teeth

6. make:

make a chart make money make a fire

make friends with sb. make trouble

make sure make up one’s mind

make use of

7. healthy E health

The children all look healthy.

You must look after yourself and keep healthy.

Fried food is bad for your health.

8. He needs some help.

We need to wear more clothes in winter.

Classrooms need cleaning.

9. how often E how long E how soon

A: How often do you visit your grandmother?

B: Twice a week.

A: How long do you study English every day?

B: For two hours.

A: How soon can you come here?

B: In five minutes.


10. once E twice E three times ---

11. after & behind E after & in

He goes into the room after his father. [动]

He stands behind his father. [静]

He came home after ten o’clock. [时间点]

He will come in five minutes. [时间段]

Lesson 54 Exercise

1. exercise: “锻炼,运动”讲是不可数名词;当“练习”讲时是可数名词。

Running is good exercise.

Waling to school is exercise.

Playing Ping-Pong is exercise.

You must do these exercises.


do morning exercises.

do eye exercises.

2. make + sb./sth.+ adj. 结构

“使 --- 怎么样”

make sb. do --- 使某人做 ---

We make the classroom clean and tidy.

Eating too much may make us fat.

Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.

I make him clean the classroom.

3. have to+动词原形表“不得不,必须”比must更强调客观。

They had to stay at home yesterday.

I have to work day and night.

We have to make a new model plane.

4. for:

The flowers are for you.

It’s time for class.

We did our homework for three hours.

Is the train for Shanghai?

I went to the bookstore for a book.

5. help sb. (to) do sth. /help sb. with ---

帮助做 ---

Can you help me clean my house?

I will help my mother do some housework.

Can you help me with my English?

with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

6. You need to eat foods that are good for you.

I like books that are interesting.

I have a few friends that can help me.

7. need:

You need to eat foods that are good for you.

Do you need some help?

We needn’t do it now.

8. three times a week.

twice a week once a year

four times a day

9. 进行时表将来时:come, go, arrive, leave, fly

My uncle is coming tomorrow.

He is going home next week.

10. do some sports做些体育运动。

Lesson 55 Work Hard

1. work hard/study hard/play hard

This is hard work.

He works hard at school.

Everyone played hard in the basketball game.

Work hard at ---

We should work hard at English.

2. What else do you do at home?

Do you have anything else to say?

Who else do you know?

3. make:

He is making a model plane.

You don’t make any noise.

I made many friends.

4. different E same

be different from ---

This book is different from that one.

5. touch:

Don’t touch the machines.

Don’t touch the old photos.

6. turn:

The earth turns round the sun.

turn on turn off turn up turn down

turn to

7. Please wake me up at five o’clock.

He woke up at six yesterday.

8. not --- at all “根本不,一点儿也不”

I don’t like milk at all.

She doesn’t like chocolate at all.

冀教版七年级英语下 篇2

1. 教材的结构分析。

冀教版小学英语六年级教材共上、下两册, 分别适用于六年级学生第一学期和第二学期使用, 其中上册共由四个单元组成, 本册共有75个词语, 其中动词有13个, 名词涉及43个, 形容词有5个, 副词和代词分别为7个、2个。下册教材也是由四个单元组成, 涉及新单词共有77个, 其中动词有18个, 名词有43个, 形容词有11个, 副词、连词和代词分别为3个、1个、1个。

2. 教材特点。

冀教版小学英语六年级第七、八册教材适应了我国目前推行的素质教育的整体目标要求, 通过课本编写组的各位编写人员的不断努力, 教学的内容越来越丰富而且目标也非常明确。这部教材主要是以提高小学生的英语交际能力和展现西方文化为主要的教学目标, 同时本教材也较好地进行了语言结构方面的调整。首先, 本教材向学生展示了西方的文化。本教材第七册在最后一单元主要给学生们讲解了圣诞节的相关内容, 让学生们充分了解西方的风土文化, 这一单元通过介绍圣诞节的由来以及如何制作圣诞树等6节课程的安排, 让学生在好奇与想象中完成了对异国文化的理解, 给学生们创造了一个接触西方文化的机会。其次, 教材中增加了更为丰富、可操作性更强的语言交际活动。英语的教学目的就是让我们的学生能够流利地用英文进行日常的交流活动, 我们的冀教版的这个教材适应了这个要求, 教给我们的学生一些与生活息息相关的较简单但是很常用的词汇与日常用语。例如, 在第七册教材的第10课, 介绍了一些常用的交际用语, 如何向他人介绍自己的朋友, 如何介绍自己来自哪里以及如何介绍一个城市的具体位置等, 这些都对学生提高交际水平非常有好处。最后, 本教材的第七、八册每单元中开始增加了大量的对话内容, 通过课文的对话活动, 让我们的学生学会如何用英语交流, 使学生对英语有一个直观的认识, 改变以往一些教材只是呆板的课文和枯燥的语言的缺点, 让学生们轻松地学习和掌握英语, 从而对英语的学习产生兴趣。

3. 教材的变化。

冀教版小学英语六年级第七、八册教材是通过编写组的成员不断改进而完成的一套较为成熟的教学课本, 本教材在词汇上有了很大的变化。小学生学习英语是英语教学的一个比较初级的阶段, 从三年级开始学习英语对学生学习英语的兴趣培养非常重要, 也是让学生掌握英语知识的一个起步阶段。对于低年级的学生来讲, 为了给学生了解和学习英语的初步认识, 我们的这部教材的单词主要是以一些实物单词为主, 通过直观的认识和形象的感官体会, 可以让学生对英语中的一些简单词语有所掌握, 而第七、八册的单词有了一个较大的改变。为了使学生们能够与高年级的英语学习相适应, 六年级的教材对学生的英语单词掌握有了更高一步的要求。本教材对于单词量的掌握有了一个较大的提高, 同时单词的词性变得复杂了。这部教材中的单词出现了很多抽象的名词和形容词。这些词汇不如名词那样具体和形象, 这就增强了学习的难度, 但这样的教材安排也可以使学生更容易适应以后的英语学习, 使我们的学生能够更为轻松地进入高年级的英语学习。为了能让学生更为轻松地记忆这些新增加的抽象名词和形容词, 本教材进行了合理的安排, 各位编者付出了很多的辛劳, 我们在教材中也可以看出来, 大多词语都是在语篇的阅读中进行展示, 让学生可以对这些单词进行记忆。例如, 就always、some和usually这三个单词来讲, 其抽象性比较强, 很难像以前的那些名词性的词语那样形象, 编者集中智慧对这三个词进行了编排, 在一篇课文中同时涉及了三个词的比较, 通过设置游戏安排, 让学生在愉快的活动中掌握这三个英语单词, 多次的对话练习以及亲身参与, 让学生对这几个单词产生更为深刻的记忆。这样的教学编排就非常巧妙, 避免了由于三个词语很难区分而使学生产生厌烦心理。同时, 在第八册中, 出现了一个词语“team”, 这个词语虽然是名词性的单词, 但很难像“apple”、“banana”等这些词语可以形象地展示, 本教材通过用学过的知识对这个词进行了解释, a team has many players, 这样就可以使学生了解了这个词的含义。


1. 总体目标。

冀教版小学英语六年级第七、八册教材的总体目标有以下几个: (1) 让学生掌握更多的词汇量。词汇是学生学习英语不可缺少的前提条件, 只有掌握了大量的单词才能流利地进行英语交流。 (2) 提高学生的语法掌握情况。在冀教版小学英语六年级第七、八册教材中, 我们可以发现, 书中的语法变得综合、细致很多。对于六年级的学生来讲, 语法其实已经不是陌生的了。但本册书语法增大了难度, 例如在第1课来说, 这一篇课文就涉及了疑问句和陈述句, 而且疑问句又涉及一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。

2. 各单元的目标:

本书在第七册与第八册中讲述了一个有关Jenny、Danny和Li Ming的故事。故事中讲到Li Ming来到加拿大学习英语, 他和Jenny一家住在一起, 并接触了加拿大的学校教育、民族风情及饮食文化。同时, 他也给Jenny一家讲述了中国文化。 (1) 第七册各单元的教学目标。第一单元:在本单元, Li Ming到达加拿大, 和你的学生们一起学习一些有关普通家庭用品、房间及任务的词汇。第二单元:本单元中, Li Ming和Jenny、Danny一起去学校。Li Ming见了他们的同学, 学习了一些课程。通过Li Ming的经历, 学生可以掌握大量的新词汇。第三单元:本单元讲述Li Ming在加拿大度过冬天的事。他和你的学生一起学习一些描述冬天和其他季节的词。此单元同时讲述冬天的户外游戏、服饰以及一些日常用语。第四单元:在这一单元, Li Ming与Danny, Jenny和Jenny的家人共度圣诞节。本单元教授一些关于圣诞节的传统和基本词汇, 圣诞节是北美文化中一个十分重要的节日。 (2) 第八册各单元的教学目标。第一单元:本册继续讲述Li Ming在加拿大访问的故事。在本单元中, Jenny教Li Ming怎样打篮球, Li Ming教Jenny和Danny如何打乒乓球。学生在此单元中, 学习一些描述运动项目及运动衣着用品的词汇。第二单元:本单元中, 伍德老师、Li Ming、Jenny和Danny介绍了健康的生活方式, 包括营养饮食、加强体育锻炼以及努力工作。第三单元:在这一单元, Li Ming、Jenny和Danny尽情享受夏季的各种活动, 并且讨论他们的暑假计划。本单元教授描述自然以及夏季活动的词汇。本单元还讲解will构成的将来时态。第四单元:在本单元中, Li Ming的加拿大之行即将结束。Li Ming和Jenny一起回忆他们在一起时开心的日子, Jenny和Danny还给Li Ming安排了一场以外的告别晚会。本单元复习了动词过去时以及将来时的结构。同时, 帮助学生掌握一些在其他单元中学习过的口语词汇以及短语。


冀教版小学英语六年级第七、八册教材以主题单元的形式来设计。在进行教学的设计时, 注意以下几点:

1. 组成学习小组, 发挥学生的主动性。

在教学的过程中, 我们可以采取小组合作的方式。通过学生组成学习小组, 让学生之间相互学习, 相互帮助, 共同进步, 从而整体提高教育教学质量。小组学习的这种教学方式的作用是非常重要和必要的。这种学习方式不仅可以培养学生的小组团队意识, 增进学生之间的感情, 而且可以让学生彼此帮助和学习, 提高竞争意识和激发学生的学习潜能。

2. 注意单词的教学。

单词是很多同学在学习英语时的最大困难, 很多同学对学习英语产生厌烦心理就是因为单词记不住。那么, 作为一名教师, 应该努力研究如何让学生记住单词。在日常的教学中, 我认为提高对相关联的词语的集中学习和记忆是一个记忆单词的有效方法。例如将一些发音相似和意思相近、相反的词语联系在一起学习。在一些记单词的书籍中, 也总结出了一些单词群, 我们教学的时候可以多参考一下。

3. 优化课堂教学内容。

课堂教学的内容要根据教材的既定教学目标, 将教材的教学内容实行整合, 抓住每一章节的重点内容进行讲解, 使我们的学生能够有重点地掌握课本的知识, 做到条理清楚、重点突出、难易适度。冀教版小学英语六年级教材的教学安排非常合理, 作为一名教师, 如何充分利用课本, 让学生更为轻松地掌握英语这门课程就是我们需要考虑和研究的。在教学过程中, 我们必须要突出课本的重点, 难易结合, 让学生有重点、有条理地学习知识。

摘要:冀教版小学英语六年级教材是目前我们小学英语学习阶段正在使用的一部教材。本篇论文通过对这部教材的结构和特点分析, 让我们更加清晰地了解教材的编写目标和教材的特色。同时, 本文对我们教师如何进行课堂的教学活动提出了一些建议, 以期让我们的学生更加轻松地学习和掌握英语这一门功课。



[1][美]Jim Parsons, [加]Tara Fenwick, 田贵森.义务教育课程标准小学英语教师用书 (三年级起始版) 7[M].石家庄:河北教育出版社.

冀教版七年级英语下 篇3


中图分类号:G633.41?摇 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2012)12-0225-02

新的国家英语课程标准体现了素质教育的思想,与以往关注基本知识和基本技能相比,更强调培养学生外语学习的兴趣和自信心,培养学生良好的学习习惯和有效的学习策略以及跨文化交际的意识,为学生终身学习打下基础。河北教育出版社和加拿大DC国际交流中心组织中外专家编写的《Learning English》系列正是顺应了教学改革的趋势和新时代的要求,体现了英语教学改革的新理念和新教法。














冀教版七年级上册英语知识点 篇4


play with 和??一起玩 make?? for?? 为??做??

do one’s homework 做作业 listen to 听?? on foot 步行

wave one’s hand 挥手 see red 火冒三丈 be angry 生气

a bit 有点儿,稍微 stand against?? 靠着??站stand upon站在??上面

one donut a day 一天一个面包圈 see a doctor 看医生

have a cold 感冒 stay at home 呆在家里 have a rest 休息一下

look cool/cute/funny/different 看起来很酷/很可爱/很滑稽/不同

short black hair 黑色短发use??for??用??表示??(We use many colors for our feelings.)

make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

take medicine 吃药stay home=stay athome 呆在家里


1 ——Howtall is he/she ? 他/她多高?——He/Sheis ??meters tall. 他/她身高??米。

2 How do you feel ?你感觉怎么样? I’m/feel ?? 我感觉??

3 What’s wrong?= what’s the matter? 怎么了?

4 I have a headache/stomacheache. 我头疼/肚子疼。

5 You’d(you had) better do?? 你最好做??

6 Are you OK? 你还好吗? 7 Let’s go and see a doctor. 咱们去看医生吧。

8 What does he/she look like? 他/她长什么样?结构为:whatdo/does + 主语+look like?某人长什么样?

9. like常见固定搭配:

Like to do sth. (表示具体的某一次动作) I like to visit Tom today. 今天我想拜访Tom. Likedoing sth. (表示习惯性、一般性动作)I like reading. 我喜欢读书。

Would like to do sth. (表示想要做某事) I would like to go out for a walk. 我想出去散步。

冀教版七年级英语下 篇5

1. mastery words: sleep, loudly, listen, tired

2. What is he/she doing?

He /She is …..

3. some useful word: tired, loud

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. use the Present Continuous Tense

Key points: 1. the usage of tired, sleep, listen and loud

1. What is he/she doing?

Difficult points: the usage of the Present Continuous Tense

Teaching aids: pictures or some real objects, audiotape, flash cards, slide projector

Type: text

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) greetings in everyday English

2) duty report

3) mainly revision of last lesson

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss some questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Is it expensive to buy things on the train ? Why or why not?

Do you like to buy things from salesman on the train? Why or why not?

Answer them together with the students.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions:

Why is the baby crying? What is the mother doing?

What is Danny doing?

Does Wu Li buy some socks on the train?

Answer the questions and discuss the whole text to make sure the students understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step 4 Have them read the text for a few minutes and correct their pronunciation if necessary. Then let them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about doing something and then doing something else. Ask each group to use the word now and any other vocabulary they like. Encourage your students to experiment and be creative! English is fun and easy! Please read about making up dialogue in “Teaching Techniques.”

Step 6 Discuss “LET’S DO IT”

Work in a small group. Write a role play and practice it. One of you is a salesman. The other are customers. What is the salesman selling? Present your role play to your classmates.

Step 7 A test


1) Look! They are eating dumplings. (对划线部分提问)


2) She is playing with the toy. (对划线部分提问)


3) He is talking to his aunt. (对划线部分提问)


1. We would like to eat oranges. (对划线部分提问)

Step 8 Exercise

Do activity book lesson 14 Number 2. The students listen to four sentences and draw four pictures correspondingly. The audiotape goes like:

Listen and draw the pictures.

a. The woman is crying.

b. The man is laughing.

c. The baby is crying.

d. You are laughing.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the whole text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish off the activity book in lesson 14

冀教版七年级英语下 篇6









冀教版五年级上册教学设计 篇7

1. 能够认读地点名词:park, zoo, movie theatre, restaurant, store, gym和动词词组:watch a movie, have supper, fly kites, watch the animals, buyclothes, play badminton.

2. 能够运用句型I/We go to the ___to ___. Doyou go to the ___to ___? 进行口语交际。

3. 会说chant并进行创编。

4. 提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 培养学生与他人主动合作交流的能力。


熟练运用句型I/We go to the ___to ___. Doyou go to the ___to ___? 进行口语交际。


多媒体课件, 单词卡片。


Step 1: Warming-up and Revision

1. Greeting. (通过简短的free-talk拉近师生间的距离。)

2. Sing an English song: Walking, Walking.

T: Today I am a tourist guide. We will havea travel today! Let’s have fun together. At first, Let’s sing a song and do actions. (教师创设“一日游”的教学情境带领学生开启本课的学习之旅, 用富有节奏感的动作歌曲活跃课堂气氛, 让学生迅速进入英语学习的状态。)

3. Review the words:

park, zoo, gym, movie theatre, restaurant, store.

T: Please take out your learning notes. Lookat task 1. Write the words on your paper.

① Write the words correctly on the LearningNotes.

② Little teachers write the words on thecards.

③ Read after the little teachers: We go to the______.

(利用学习单, 让学生在课前预习的基础上默写本课复习到的六个地点名词, 并且通过小老师的领学让学生初步感受并练习句型We go to the ______. 将词汇和句型融为一体, 让学生自己体验学习的快乐, 也为进一步的学习奠定基础。)

Step 2: Presentation and Practice

New concepts:

I / We go to the____ to____.

Do you go to the _______ to ________ ?

T: There are so many places we want to go.Let’s begin our travel. Here’s our travel line. Atfirst, We go to the____.

Ss: We go to the gym / park / zoo / store / restaurant / movie theatre.

(课件中清晰明了的旅行线路图将学生迅速带入一日游的情境中, 让学生更容易接受本节课的学习任务。)

1. We go to the gym.

T: At first, we go to the gym to play. Therea r e m a n y s p o r t s . L e t ’ s p l a y c a r d s t o g e t h e r .Please take out your little cards. Group-leaders:Choose the cards. Members: Say and do it quickly.

Group-work: play cards. ( Review the verbphrases )

(通过小组的卡片活动, 让学生在愉快的气氛中复习学过的动词词组, 也为接下来的句型教学做铺垫。)

2. We go to the park.

T: Let’s go on our trip to the park. We go tothe park to fly kites. Let’s play together in thepark.

Ss: We go to the park to skip/run/swim.

T: What else can you do in the park ?

Students try to make new sentences with “We go to the park to ____ .”

(教师在公园游玩的情境设置中自然的引入句型I / We go to the ___to ___. 让学生发挥想象并通过充分的操练巩固句型, 为进一步学习一般疑问句打好基础。)

3. We go to the zoo.

① T: We go to the zoo to watch the animals.What a big zoo ! What animal do you like ?

Ss: I like ____.

T: I like animals, too. Do you go to the zoo towatch a panda ?

Ss: Yes.

T: We can answer it with “Yes, I do./ No, Idon’t.”

② Play a game :

Listen carefully and guess the animals withthe sentences:

Do you go to the zoo to watch a ______ ?

Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

(Practice with the new sentences: Do you goto the ___ to ____ ?)

(让学生在动物园的情境设置中, 自然习得一般疑问句Do you go to the ___to ___? 及其回答, 并利用动物的叫声, 通过句型抢答游戏充分进行问答操练, 巩固所学。)

4.We go to the store.

T: Let’s go on our trip to the store. We go tothe store to buy clothes. I like shopping. I wantto buy a new dress. What do you want to buy ?

Ss: I want to buy a ____.

T: Let’s go shopping in the store. Pleasemake a dialogue in pairs.

Students try to make a dialogue with ownwords in the store.

(给学生一个开放的学习平台, 让学生在商场购物的情境中, 利用所学的词汇和句型, 拓展延伸, 大胆创编对话, 真正将所学的语言知识运用到现实生活中。)

5. We go to the movie theatre.

T: I’m tired and hungry now. It’s time forsupper. We go to the restaurant to have supper.I’m full now. After lunch, Let’s watch a movie.

S s : We go the movie theatre to watch amovie.

T: Let’s watch a movie about Li Ming’s family.

Students listen to the tape and read the text.

(借助电影院的情境设置, 将学生自然而然的带入课文的学习中。)

Step 3: Production

Chant: What do you like to do ?

T: I think we have a wonderful time. Now let’schant together!

① Listen and try to chant together.

② Make a new chant with own words in groups.

What do you like to do ?

Go to the _____, ________.

(通过小组合作创编chant, 不仅将本课所学的重点知识进行整理和运用, 而且将知识进一步拓展升华, 学生的学习积极性和创造性被充分激发出来, 学习效果也大大增强。)

Step 4: Summary


Make a travel plan.

Write some sentences about your travel plan.

(巧妙的作业设计, 让学生将本课所学知识做一个系统的回顾和整理, 真正做到学以致用。)

