


七年级下英语翻译句子 篇1



























26.不要在课堂上吃和喝。他每天练习弹吉他。我对这部令人感兴趣的电影感兴趣。今天下午他将抵达北京。我们必须对老人友好。在今天的报纸上有一些重要的新闻。– 喂!您好!我是莎拉。你是亨利吗?






七年级下英语翻译句子 篇2




1. 循序渐进,因材施教

“良好的开端是成功的一半。”所以,七年级的英语教学在和学生首次见面的时候,首先要做的便是培养学生对这门功课的兴趣。初中新生在刚入学时还未适应中学的学习环境,他们活泼好动,对新事物感到好奇。因此,老师应该在英语教学的过程中,应注重教学方法的多样化和趣味性,避免单一刻板的教学方式。例如,Show some pictures of boys and girls and teach the new words of their name.在第一单元英语自我介绍的学习中,教师可以让学生戴上面具,让他们分别扮演男孩和女孩进行情景对话,增加课堂的趣味性,也能加深他们对这一节知识的印象。

2. 放慢速度,分类指导


3. 打好基础,定期听写







七年级(下)重点句子专练 篇3

1. The students are having a good rest.

____ the students____ a good rest?

2. They’d like some rice.

____ they ____ rice?

3. Mike likes reading comic books.

____ Mike ____ reading comic books?

4. Mary put the cards in the box.

____ Mary ____ the cards in the box?

5. We usually had lunch at school last term.

____ you usually ____ lunch at school last term?

6. We have to listen to music outside the classroom.

____ you ____ to listen to music outside

the classroom?

7. It was rainy yesterday.

____ rainy yesterday?


1. Please watch TV after school.

____TV after school, please.

2. My sister does her homework every day.

My sister ____ her homework every day.

3. Let him help you fly the kite.

____ him help you fly the kite.

4. There are some books on the desk.

There ____ books on the desk.

5. Last week we visited the farm.

Last week we ____ the farm.

6. He can do his homework this afternoon.

He ____ his homework this afternoon.

7. His sister was at home last night.

His sister ____ at home last night.

8. The children are playing football now.

The children ____ football now.


1. His uncle is a doctor.

____ his uncle do?

2. It was windy and cold yesterday.

____ the weather yesterday?

3. The bank is across from the library.

____ the bank?

4. Because they are cute, I like them.

____ you like them?

5. She’d like to drink apple juice.

____ to drink?

6. The pizza is $98.

____ is the pizza?

7. I’m short and thin.

____ you ____?

8. They watched a talk show last night.

____ they ____ last night?

9. They are waiting for their teacher.

____ are they waiting ____?

10. I think the movies are great.

____ do you ____ the movies?

11. They played soccer last Sunday.

____ they ____ soccer?

12. We have to eat in the dining room.

____ you have to eat?

13. She doesn’t mind action movies.

____ does she ____ action movies?

14. She’d like beef and tomato noodles.

____ noodles ____ she like?

15. I am reading a book.

____ you ____?


1. You don’t put things on the floor.


____ things on the floor.

2. Does he like English?

(用Chinese 改为选择疑问句)

Does he like English ____?

3. Peter often watches TV in the evening. (用 now 改写)

Peter ____ TV now.

4. His mother is washing clothes now.

(用yesterday morning 改为一般过去时)

His mother ____ yesterday morning.

5. There is a woman teacher in our school. (改为复数)

There are ____ in our school.

6. Is there an elephant in the zoo?



7. Are those children doing their homework now? (作肯定回答)

Yes, ____.

8. Can’t you read it in English?



9. They didn’t like the pictures, either.


They ____ the pictures, ____.

10. He can’t speak Japanese. I think.


I ____ he ____ speak Japanese.


1. Where is Millie from?

Where ____ Millie ____?

2. Thank you for joining us.

____ joining us.

3. Can you tell me how to get to the bookshop?

Can you tell me ____ the bookshop?

4. How is the weather in summer?

____ the weather ____in summer?

5. Let me look at this comic book.

Let me ____ this comic book.

6. She would like some orange juice.

She ____ some orange juice.

7. What is your brother?

What ____ your brother ____?

8. Can I help you?

____ can I ____ for you?

9. How do you like your country?

____ do you ____ your country?

10. Mary is my friend. She is 14 years old.

My friend Mary is a ____ girl.

11. What else would you like?

What ____ would you like?

12. It’s time for dinner.

It’s time ____ dinner.

13. What about going for a walk with me?

____ going for a walk with me?

14. You’d better not talk to the driver on the bus.

Please ____ to the driver on the bus.

15. My favorite animal is the panda.

I ____ the panda ____.

[Key:Ⅰ.1.Are; having 2.Would; like any 3.Does; like 4.Did; put 5.Did; have 6.Do; have 7.Was it

Ⅱ.1.Don’t watch 2.doesn’t do 3.Don’t let 4.aren’t any 5.didn’t visit 6.can’t do 7.was not 8.aren’t playing

Ⅲ.1.What does 2.How was 3.Where is 4.Why do 5.What would she like 6.How much7.What do; look like 8.What did; watch 9.Who; for10.What; think of 11.When did; play 12.Where do 13.How; like 14.What kind of; would 15.What are; doing

Ⅳ.1.Don’t put 2.or Chinese 3.is watching4.washed clothes 5.women teachers 6.No, there isn’t7.they are 8.No, I can’t9.liked; too 10.don’t think; can

七年级下英语翻译句子 篇4

⒉ 附近有超市吗? Is there a supermarket _______________? ⒊ 请问到你们学校怎么走? Excuse me, _______ is the _______ to your school?

⒋ 我打算去云南度暑假。I am going to Yunnan ______ my summer ___________.二,91.他在夜晚起床吃树叶。

________ night he gets up and ________ _________.92.小偷们不喜欢去警察局。

________ don’t like ________ to the police station.93.Julie在看电视吗?不,没有。

________ Julie ________TV now ?No, she ________.94.我们为你提供一份当老师的工作。

We have a job ________ you ________a teacher.三,1.我肯定明天是个好天。

I _____________ tomorrow _____________goodday.2.我的工作虽然有趣,但是有点危险。

My work is _________ but ____________________.3.我来自加拿大,我会讲法语和英语。

I ____________ Canada and I can _____________and_______.4.在第一张照片,爸爸和妹妹正在看电视。

_______________ photo, father _____ sister __________ TV.5.作为学生,我们要努力学习。

_____ a student, we should ____________.四,1.Tom会说日语和一点儿法语

Tom can speak _____________ and ________ ________ ________

2.我有一个笔友,他在东京工作I have a pen pal.He ____ in Tokyo.3.她和她父母住在中国She ______ in China _____ her parents.4.我不喜欢数学,因为太难了

I _________ __________ math because it’s __________ __________


Jack ________ many pen pals _______ __________


My grandfather _________ __________ TV every evening

7.你能马上给我写信吗?Can you _______ _____ _____ soon?


__________ me something _________ your class, please.9.沿着大桥街走,在明珠超市向左拐

_____ _____ Bridge Street and _____ ____ at Mingzhu Supermarket

10.我希望你旅途愉快I _______ you ________ a good ________

11.公园是散步的好去处The park is a good place to _____ ___ ___

12.你可以乘出租车去旅馆 You can _____ ____ ___ to go to the hotel


Let’s ____________ _________ the children ___________


_________ __________ are you ________ __________?


Please ____________ _________.The little baby ______ _________


The workers work hard _____ _____ _____ and relax ____ ______

17.我妈妈在忙着做饭My mother _____ ______ ________

18.他为一家电脑公司工作He ______ ______ a computer company.19.他在与Tom谈论那场足球赛

He talks ______ Tom ______ the football game

20.人们在购物大厅里买东西People buy things _____ _____ _____


Chinese _________ _________ ________ the foreigners

五,1. 明天他们将带我们参观北京。They will ___________________________ Beijing tomorrow.2. 我的姐姐擅长弹钢琴。My sister ____________________________ the piano.3. 这次旅程花了我一个月的时间.This journey _____________________________.4. 对老人来说,学好英语不容易.It is not easy _______ old people ________________ English well.5. 纽约位于美国的西海岸. New York is _____________________________________ of the USA.6. 英国以剑桥大学出名.England _______________________________the Cambridge University.7. 上海是个有着1300万人口的城市.Shanghai is a city _________a______________13 million.8. 汕头大约有130年的历史.Shantou is about ____________________________________________.9. 广东在华南. Guangdong is in ____________________________________.10.浙江在中国的东部. Zhejiang is ______________________________________ China.11.香港有700万人口.1)Hong Kong has ___________________________________ 7 million.2)______________________________________ Hong kong is 7 million.12.在将来生活将会更舒适.Life will be more comfortable ____________________________.13.我正期待着看这部电影.I_________________________________________ this film.14.你正在复习备考吗? Are you _________________________ a test?

15.他打算明天进行一次野餐.He ______________________________________ tomorrow.16.此时,我们正在唱歌. ______________________________, We are singing.17.这里一年四季都炎热. It’s hot here ________________________________.18.你们正在为奥运会做准备吗? Are you ___________________________ the Olympic


19.他们不想扫去好运.They don’t want ________________________________ good luck.20.他们喜欢用花装饰房间.They like ___________________the room _______ flowers.21.每个人的桌子上都将有一台电脑.There ______________________ a computer on everyone’s desk.22.你在等谁? Who are you _______________________?

23.他正在和谁谈话? Who is he ____________________________?

24.我们将在星期天照相.We _____________________________________ on Sunday.25.你们将什么时候到达这里?When _______________________________here?

26.你的兄弟比你大还是比你小?Is your brother _____________________________________ you?

27.那些山大约有1200米高.Those mountains are about __________________________.28.今晚将有大风和大雨.There will ____________________and _____________________

tonight.29.他们每周上5天学.They go to school

_________________________________________________.30.金先生一家打算坐飞机去旅行.The King family _____________________ travel

________________.31.看,他们正躺在沙滩上,并享受阳光.Look!They _____________________ on the beach and

________the sun.32.他现在玩得开心吗? Is he _______________________________________now?

33.他是香港最受欢迎的歌手之一.He is _______________________________________ in

Hong Kong.34.他住得离学校最近.He lives ____________________________________ the school.35.夏天是一年最热的季节.Summer is _____________________________ season

_________________.36.那个年轻人需要考虑一下这个问题.The young man ___________________________ this

question.37.他们很快就会到达车站.They ________________________________ the station soon.38.香港是个比上海新的城市.Hong Kong is a ____________________________Shanghai.39.你比他大2 岁.You are ___________________________________________ him.40.他们打算登上长城.They ________________________________________ the Great Wall.41.孩子们正在穿衣服.The children __________________________________.42.成千上万的人将会来中国.__________________________________ people will come to

China.43.下个星期天气将会变暖和吗? Will the weather _________________ next week?

44.他们正在逛商店买礼物。They _______________________________ presents.45.长江比黄河宽吗?Is the Changjiang River _________________________ the Yellow River? 六,1.我不喜欢汉堡包、比萨和冰茶。

I _______________________ hamburgers,pizza ___ ice tea.2.你喜欢哪种的甜食,大的还是小的?



I_______________people ________her new look.4.他看起来有点像他的父亲。

He______a little _______his father.5.我妈妈今天很忙,她一直没有停止工作。

My mother________________________________ today.She______________________________________________.七,61.有很多人在这儿度假。

There are ________________ here ________________.62.他们在谈论什么?

What are they________________?

63.They had fun last Wednesday!(改为同义句)

They _____________________Wednesday!(对画线部分提问)

you for ?


I am ________ they can play soccer ________________________.九,1.有很多人在这儿度假。

There are ________________ here ________________.2.我们正在巴黎街头漫步,那里阳光明媚。

We are in Paris, ________ in the ________.It’s ________ beautiful, ________ day.3.–天空正在下雨时,你在干什么?-我在看书。

-What are you ________ when it’s ________?-I am ________ a ________.4.一些人正在公园唱歌,另一些人正在骑自行车。

In the park, ________ are ________ songs, ________ are ________ bikes.5.我感到很惊讶,他们能在这样热的天气中踢足球。

I am ________ they can play soccer ________________________.十,1.你们去年在哪度假的?Where _________ you go _________ vacation last year?

2.你假期过得怎么样?_________________ your vacation?

3.他们决定去看电影。They _________________ go to the movies.4.那个小男孩迷路了。That little boy __________________.5.你觉得你们的假期怎么样?What did you ________________ your vacation?

七年级下英语翻译句子 篇5


1.生日宴会:______________________ 2.生日聚会:______________________ 3.思考、考虑:______________________ 4.你是正确的:______________________ 5.体育明星:______________________ 6.关于某事询问某人:___________________ 句子:

1.你喜欢香蕉吗 ?(并进行肯定和否定回答)

__________________________________________________________ 2.他们喜欢梨吗?(并进行肯定和否定回答)

__________________________________________________________ 3.她喜欢西红柿吗 ?(并进行肯定和否定回答)

__________________________________________________________ 4.我喜欢橘子。我不喜欢香蕉。

__________________________________________________________ 5.我们喜欢米饭。我不喜欢汉堡。

__________________________________________________________ 6.他喜欢冰淇淋。他不喜欢蔬菜。

__________________________________________________________ 7.约翰的生日晚餐是下周。

__________________________________________________________ 8.让我们考虑一下吃的食物。

__________________________________________________________ 9.汉堡,蔬菜沙拉和一些水果怎样?

__________________________________________________________ 10.我认为约翰喜欢草莓和苹果。

__________________________________________________________ 11.那么让我们吃草莓和苹果吧。

__________________________________________________________ 12.你早饭喜欢吃什么?

__________________________________________________________ 13.我喜欢水果。我认为它是健康的。

__________________________________________________________ 14.你喜欢什么水果?

__________________________________________________________ 15.你喜欢晚饭吃汉堡吗?

__________________________________________________________ 16.我喜欢冰淇淋,但是我不吃它。我不想变胖。



______________________ 8.最后一个问题:______________________ 9.晚餐后:

______________________ 10.想要做某事: ______________________ 11.吃早/中/晚餐: ______________________ 12.健康的食物: ______________________

七年级上册Unit 6背诵用句卡



birthday dinner 2.生日聚会:

birthday party 3.思考、考虑:

think about 4.你是正确的:

You’re right.5.体育明星:

sports star 6.关于某事询问某人:ask sb.about sth 句子:

1.你喜欢香蕉吗 ?(并进行肯定和否定回答)Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.2.他们喜欢梨吗?(并进行肯定和否定回答)Do they like pears? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.3.她喜欢西红柿吗 ?(并进行肯定和否定回答)

Does she like tomatoes? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.4.我喜欢橘子。我不喜欢香蕉。I like oranges.I don’t like bananas.5.我们喜欢米饭。我不喜欢汉堡。We like rice.I don’t like burgers.6.他喜欢冰淇淋。他不喜欢蔬菜。He likes ice-cream.He doesn’t like vegetables.7.约翰的生日晚餐是下周。John’s birthday dinner is next week.8.让我们考虑一下吃的食物。Let’s think about the food.9.汉堡,蔬菜沙拉和一些水果怎样?

How about burgers, vegetable salad and some fruit? 10.我认为约翰喜欢草莓和苹果。I think John likes strawberries and apples.11.那么让我们吃草莓和苹果吧。Let’s have strawberries and apples.12.你早饭喜欢吃什么? What do you like for breakfast? 13.我喜欢水果。我认为它是健康的。I love fruit.I think it’s healthy.14.你喜欢什么水果? What fruit do you like? 15.你喜欢晚饭吃汉堡吗? Do you like hamburgers for dinner? 16.我喜欢冰淇淋,但是我不吃它。我不想变胖。I like ice-cream, but I don’t eat it.I don’t want to be fat.7.饮食习惯:

eating habits 8.最后一个问题:one last question 9.晚餐后:

after dinner 10.想要做某事: want to do sth

11.吃早/中/晚餐:have breakfast/lunch/dinner 12.健康的食物:

七年级英语下重点短语 篇6

一单元。Play chessbe good at/for/withplay the guitarmake friedson the weekendwhat aboutshow sth to sb=show sb sthtalk to/with/about

二单元。get upget dressedtake a showerfrom…to… do one’s homeworktake a walk go for a walkgo home

lots of=many/muchclean the roomdo the dishes

brush my teethhalf an houra quarter to two

三单元 ride a bikeby traincome true get to=arrive at/in=reach hundreds ofbe afraid ofleave forthanks forhow far the way toby the way

四单元on/in timelisten tobe late forhave to=must

go outbe strict with sb/in(doing)sthtoo many/muchmuch too think about/offollow the rulesfight with sbkeep sb形/doing learn to do/learn from

五单元 a/ kind ofaall dayget lostin dagercut down/upbe made of/fromgo to sleep/bedbe friendly toone of… 六单元 read a newspapermake soupgo to the movies

eat outdrink teawash my hairtalk showtalk on the phone use sth to do sthThis is../Is that…? look out/of

第七单元take/leavea messagecall backno problem

have a good /great time=have fun doing sth=enjoy doing on vacation sports meetingright nowjust nowwrite to sbhear of/from 第八单元 post officepolice stationacross fromnext tonear in(the)front ofbetween…and..go alongturn left/rightbehind on the(your)left/spend timefar from take a ride

第九单元 the same wayin the end/at the end oflook likea littleshor/long/curly/straight hairmedium height/buildwear glasses… put on/up/inbe different from//the same…asfirst of all

第十单元come withtake one’s ordera large bowl of

would likethe/a nomuber ofmake a wishblow outin one go around the worlda symble ofhave no ideabe short of

第十一单元 milk a cowfeed chickensfeed…to..feed on

七年级下英语翻译句子 篇7

本单元是《Go for it》七年级下册的第七单元“What does he look like?”。其核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(looks),教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点,因此‘talking about people’s looks’是教学重点。






先利用图片展示进行新单词句型的引入,让学生熟悉。再按发型,身高,体重的类别进行口头练习以免混淆,重点强调容易混淆的句型。如:She is of medium height.You are of medium build.He has short hair.I have two big eyes.She has a small face.etc.加深记忆.接着要求其他同学描述三位外貌典型的同学,再小组练习。这样更形象,更贴近生活,学生更容易接受,加强了学生间的合作与交流。再按发型,身高,体重的类别练习以免混淆。当我要求学生描述自己的老师时,学生们十分激动,想着能用英语描述自己的老师了,他们特别高兴。此时的气氛很活跃。
















第五、重视情感教育。在人际交往中要让学生学会尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的爱好,增进情谊。在现实生活中不犯以貌取人的错误。那么我们老师就应该对他们进行正确的引导,培养学生正确的人生观和世界观。在讲解图时,我就侧重强调人物虽然有美丑,但是他们却都有自己的特长,都能在各自的领域成就一番事业,让学生明白人不可貌相。如讲到潘长江,我就提到He is short and heavy, but he acts very well.He is very popular with people.同时在结束课时我增添了谚语,再次强调不要以貌取人,人的能力才是最重要的。

七年级下英语翻译句子 篇8

1. I have a small house_____an interesting garden.

A. atB. inC. ofD. with

2. Can you see the big supermarket_____Speed Market?

A. callB. calledC. callingD. calls

3. —_____ do you like monkeys?

—Because they are cute.

A. WhatB. WhoC. WhereD. Why

4. Here_____some news about the beach.

A. isB. areC. haveD. has

5. —Which animal can only live in China?


A. An elephantB. A giraffe

C. A lionD. A panda

6. Steel Roses, please_____ , bring the gold medal to China.

A. go onB. go forC. go overD. go with

7. Let’s_____their favorite.

A. talks aboutB. talking onC. talk aboutD. talk with

8. We will have_____champion of the men’s football teams.

A. own ourB. our ownC. a ourD. own us

9. Some people call us_____ .

A. angels in whiteB. white angels

C. angels with whiteD. angels on white

10. The boy is just sitting in a chair,_____something terrible.

A. think ofB. thinking of

C. thinks ofD. thinking with

11. Won’t you_____us in playing basketball?

A. joinB. join inC. take part inD. take part

12. The bank is_____the supermarket and the hotel.

A. inB. betweenC. toD. on

13. —What are they doing?

—They_____a story.

A. listenB. listening

C. are listeningD. are listening to

14. Our_____class is art. Then school is over and we go home.

A. firstB. lastC. secondD. school

15. —Who likes talking to people and writing stories?芽 —It’s_____ .

A. a waiterB. an actorC. a nurseD. a reporter

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

In the world today, more and more 1 are interested(感興趣) in sports and games. In our hometown, football, basketball and table tennis 2 the favourite sports and games.

Early 3 the morning, I can see many people 4 sports activities(体育活动) in the park 5 my home. Some are 6 , some are dancing, some are playing Taiji. As we 7 know, sports and games can help to 8 people healthy, train people’s character(性格) and make us 9 our work better. 10 take part in(参加) sports and games!

1. A. studentsB. peopleC. menD. women

2. A. areB. isC. wasD. were

3. A. atB. inC. onD. to

4. A. hasB. takeC. doesD. do

5. A. atB. inC. nearD. from

6. A. runB. runningC. runingD. ran

7. A. alsoB. areC. don’tD. all

8. A. haveB. keepingC. keepD. get

9. A. doingB. doC. to doD. does

10. A. Let’sB. Let usC. Let weD. We are

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(30分)


David and Sally King live in London. David is a doctor and Sally works in the centre of London and he goes to his office by bus. They have two children, a girl, Joy, and a boy, Jimon. In the evening, they have dinner with their children and watch TV with them. At the weekend, they like visiting friends and going to the cinema.

1. David goes to work_____ .

A. in a carB. on footC. by bikeD. by bus
