


小学一般现在时课件 篇1




1、 导入:同学们,前面我们陆续已经学习了好几个语法,我们一起来回忆下都有哪些?(板书:名词;be动词;代词;用英语表达“有”)。现在我们一起来欣赏一篇文章

2、新课(PPT)My Family

There are four people in my family. They are my father, mother, sister and I.

I am a student. I like English. I always go to school on foot. My father is a driver. He likes reading book. My mother is a nurse. She works in No.1 hospital. Usually , my mother goes to work by car. My little sister is a cute baby. She can sing and dance.

We like sports and we often run in the morning .What about you?

Ok,我们一起来看下红色部分的单词like—likes--like go—goes ; 这些单词有什么不同?它们的意思是一样的吗?有变化吗?对了,没有,意思没变,这些变化都是由语法造成的,动词的变化不会影响意思。这个语法就是我们今天要学的一般现在时。

什么是一般现在时呢?我们昨天做的事叫过去时,现在做的事叫现在进行时,明天或以后做的事,叫将来时,那什么是一般现在时呢? 吃饭,你昨天吃了,今天吃不吃,明天又吃不吃? 睡觉,你昨天睡觉了,今天睡觉吗,明天还睡觉吗?学习,你昨天学习了,今天还要学习,明天还是要学习。这些事情都是经常要做的事情,就叫一般现在时,还有一种情况也是,就是真理性的东西,比如,the moon goes around the sun.月亮绕着太阳转 the sky is blue.天空是蓝色的 I am a chinese.我是一个中国人 you are a student.你是一个学生 she is my mother.她是我妈妈。


经常做的事情,如,我走路去上学,这句话还不够清晰,你是天天走路去上学呢还是有时走路去上学,为了把我们做的事表达的`更清楚,我们经常会加上一个时间状语的单词。如:I go to school on foot everyday. I usually go to school on foot.那这些表示时间的单词一般有以下几个:

every每个(everyday每天 everyyear每年 …), always总是,usually通常, often经常, sometimes有时;这些单词按频率由多到少是:比如:我走路去上学,10天内,天天走路,那就是everyday;有9天是走路,那就是always;有8天走路,就是usually;7天,often;3-4天,就用sometimes.


We like sports and we often run in the morning .—人称:we 是第一人称复数

He likes reading book. – 人称:he 是第三人称单数

I like English. I always go to school on foot. – 人称:I 是第一人称单数

She works in No.1 hospital. – 人称:she是第三人称单数

Usually , my mother goes to work by car. – 人称:my mother 是第三人称单数

第三人称单数(除I we you 外的单数)很孤独,后面的动词加多个s或es给它做伴。到底动词加多个s还是es给它做伴呢?请记住以下规则:这个规则跟我们的名词变复数有几点是一样的。

三单变化1) 多数在动词后加s: play—plays like—likes

2)以s,o,x,sh,ch结尾的动词加es go—goes wash—washes

3)以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改i再加es fly—flies

这里我们要特别注意have 的第三人称单数是 has 。 has 的原形是have

只有第三人称单数用动词三单,其余动词均用原形. We like English. She likes English.



1. work___ read___ clean__ write___ 这一组最后一个字母都不在我们的规则里,所以直接加s

2. teach__ wash___guess___watch___ 这一组最后一个字母是ch,sh,s,ch,变化规则里有一条是这样说的,sos sh ch结尾的加es,所以加es

3. go__ do__这一组最后一个字母是o,变化规则里有一条是这样说的,sos sh ch结尾的加es,所以加es

4. study___fly___cry___play___这一组都是以y结尾,变化规则里有一条是这样说的,以辅音加y结尾,把y变i加es. 这里study fly cry 这三个单词都是以辅音加y 结尾,所以 加es. 但是 play 是原音加y,不属于这个规则,所以直接加s .

5. have______ have 的第三人称单数是has。它是不符合规则变化的,has的原形就是have.



1. We often___________(play) in the playgound. 第一,时间状语:often,是一般现在时;第二,人称:we动词用原形

2. Danny (study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art at school. 第一,时间状语:无,是一般现在时;第二,人称:Danny是第三人称单数 ,动词要变化;study 是以辅音加y 结尾,把y 变i加es

3. He _________(get) up at six o’clock everyday. 第一,时间状语:everyday,是一般现在时;第二,人称:he是第三人称单数,动词要变化;get 最后一个字母是t 所以直接加s

4. Mike sometimes ______(go) to the park with his sister. 第一,时间状语:sometimes,是一般现在时;第二,人称:Mike是第三人称单数 ,动词要变化;go 是以o 结尾,加es


前面学there be 时我们曾做过把有变成没有,否定句。还记得步骤吗?

第一,找be,第二,在be后加not, 第三,some/ many 变any. 其它照抄.

1、There is a book on the desk .

--There is not a book on the desk.

2、There are many apples on the tree.

—There are not any apples on the tree.

3、There is some water in the bottle.

--There is not any water in the bottle.

在我们今天学的一般现在时里,也有be,它变否定也是一样的。步骤:第一,找be,第二,在be后加not, 第三,some/ many 变any. 其它照抄. 这里还有一个单词can 变否定跟be是一样的。所以我们这的步骤要稍微变一下,记下来:第一,找be或can,第二,在be或后加not, 第三,检查有没some/ many, 有的话要把some/ many 变any. 其它照抄.

小学一般现在时课件 篇2


中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)22-086-01


只有明白了一个时态的意思,你才可能知道在什么时候使用它,而不是滥用它。告诉学生一般现在时表示“经常性、习惯性做某事或喜欢做某事”。光告诉学生“经常性、习惯性”,学生会觉得很空泛,没有什么具体的概念,那么要通过举例来让学生明白,比如:I get up at 6:30 every day. We go to school from Monday to Friday. They have lunch at school.等等。通过举这些学生日常活动的例子,学生会有这种感觉“说每天做什么事情,就该用一般现在时”。


书上Grammar time中的动词的第三人称单数形式是在几个单元中出现的,比较零散,很难给学生留下深刻的印象,这时就需要老师来进行总结和归纳。在教学生动词第三人称单数构成规则时,光用口头表述,学生很难记住,所以我是用文字表述出来并用ppt展示出来给学生看,每条规则的后面我都付了例词。首先我让学生自己阅读规则并强记,然后让学生重复出来。其次让学生根据规则和例词,再举其它的例子,这样学生就不是死记规则而不会运用了。最后让学生根据规则来把动词(有的是学过的,有些是没学过的)变成第三人称单数形式。其中,要特别强调have的第三人称单数形式是不规则的,是has,这个必须要强记,还有play的三单形式是加s,不是把y改成i,再加es,因为y前面的a是元音字母,而不是辅音字母。还要告诉学生,动词加s或es叫第三人称单数形式,而名词加s或es叫复数形式,两者不可混淆。




一般现在时之所以难掌握很重要的一点就是助动词的使用,而且还不止一个助动词,学生搞不清楚何时该用助动词,何时不该用;何时应用do,何时应用does。所以让学生了解何为助动词以及助动词的功能是很必要的。如:1) I have lunch at 12:00.2) I do not have lunch at 12:00. 3)Do you have lunch at 12:00 ? 4) Jim gets up early on Monday. 5) Jim does not get up early on Monday. 6) Does Jim get up early on Monday? 学生看过句子后,问他们:句2、3和句1相比,句5、6和句3相比有何不同之处?句2和句3,句5和句6有什么共同的地方?不少同学能看出,句2、3比句1多了do,句5、6比句4多了does,而句2和3都有do,句5和6都有does。这时告诉学生这里的do和does是助动词。为什么叫助动词,帮助构成一般现在时疑问句和否定句的动词,故而叫助动词,所以助动词只用在否定句和疑问句中以及对一般疑问句的回答中。再问学生do和does用法的区别是什么,反应快的学生会说,当主语是非三单时,助动词用do,当主语是三单时,助动词用does。这时,把得出的有关助动词规则以文字的形式呈现出来,让学生朗读并要求他们记住。最后给学生一些否定句和疑问句,让他们填do或does。如:1)____ you do homework at home?2) ____ your father go to work at weekends?3) Su Hai and Su Yang ___ not play football after school.4) My dog ___ not eat rice.另外要特别强调两点:1.不可把助动词do,does和实意动词do和它的三单does混淆起来。2.有了助动词,就不能用be动词。


小学一般现在时课件 篇3

1)概念一般过去时:过去发生的动作或是状态a.表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态; b.过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为; c.过去主语所具备的能力和性格。

一般现在时:现在通常性、规律性、习惯性的动作或是状态a.表示经常发生的动作,是一般情况不是具体的某一件事; b.长期存在的一种状态; c.永恒的事实或真理,谚语等。



一般现在时:肯定句:主语+动词或(动词+s)+其他;否定句:主语+do/does+not+动词+其他 疑问句:Do/Does+主语+动词+其他特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+do/does+主语+动词+其他 否定疑问句:Do/Does+主语+not+动词+其他注:变化最大的在于:do/does→did(过去式的动词变化)


a. Be 动词 一般过去时:肯定句:主语+was(were)+表语 否定句:主语+was(were)+not+表语 疑问句:Was(Were)+主语+表语特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+was(were)+主语+表语 否定疑问句:Was(Were)+主语+not+表语 一般现在时:肯定句:主语+be动词+表语 否定句:主语+be动词 +not+表语疑问句:Be动词 +主语+表语特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be动词+主语+表语 否定疑问句:Be动词 +主语+not+表语 注意:am(I)、is(he/she/it)→wasAre(we/you/they)→were第三人称时,动词要进行变化。

b.have/has一般过去时:肯定句:主语+had+表语否定句:主语+had+not+表语疑问句:Had +主语+表语Did+主语+have+表语 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+did+主语+have/has+表语 否定疑问句:Did +主语+have/has+not+表语 一般现在时:肯定句:主语+have/has+表语否定句:主语+have/has +not+表语 疑问句:Do/Does+主语+have/has+表语 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+have/has +主语+表语 否定疑问句:Do/Does +主语+not+表语注意:不管是过去时还是现在时,疑问句都需要助动词did或do.c.情态动词过去式:一般过去时:将情态动词变成过去式,后面加原形,其他句型转变的规 则与be动词基本一致。Shall will can may must have to 例:I can swim.3)怎样从时间状语上判断一般现在时和一般过去时一般过去时yesterday(morning,afternoon,evening)the day before yesterday last night(week Sunday weekend month winter year,century 世纪);ago ;this morning/afternoon/evening ;when引导的状语从句(过去时);just now ;the other day--a few days ago;at the age of 10(过去年龄段);in the old days

一般现在时always usually regularly every morning /night/evening/day/week often sometimes occasionally from time to time, twice a week, rarely, seldom, once a month, hardly, ever, never

一般现在时的动词形式变化 篇4

第一,一般现在时动词的形式第一看主语,如果主语是第一人称:I, we;第二人称:you;第三人称复数:they、my friends时,这些非第三人称单数的主语,就用动词原形。

第二,如果主语是it he she,需要用动词的第三人称单数形式时,再看动词的末尾字母。(一)以sh,ch,s,x,o结尾的少部分动词加es,(二)其他动词都加s.be am is are,态度


第一(最多)如果主语是I WE YOU THEY 动词用原形。(大部分情况)

第二、其他的行为动词的第三人称单数形式(当前面的主语是it he she时)大部分是加s.(第二多)如 play—plays like—likes ,第三、以sh,ch,s,x,o结尾的少部分动词,行为动词的第三人称单数形式(当前面的主语是it he she时)都在词尾加 es(最少)

以sh结尾的动词 brush–brushes wash–washes

wash 洗 flush 脸红 blush 脸红 rush 冲 fish v.钓鱼 nourish 滋养 flourish 活跃 dish v.提出

rubbish v.轻蔑的批评 crash 碰撞

以ch结尾的动词 catch–catches watch– watches clutch 抓住 watch 观看 fetch 取 clench 紧握 hatch 孵化 latch 闭锁 lech 好色 march 进军

arch 使弯成拱形 match 匹配

以s结尾的动词 miss 想念 fuss 大惊小怪 bias v.使存偏见 pass 通过 bless 祝福 kiss 接吻

hiss 发出咝咝声 piss 小便 toss 投,掷 boss 指挥

以x结尾的动词 relax 使放松 fax v.传真 wax 给..上蜡 tax 征税 ax 削减

fix 安装,固定 nix 禁止 fox 捕狐

box 把...装入盒子里 cox 做舵手

一般现在时中be动词的用法 篇5


第一人称单数形式,I,用am 例:I am a boy.(我是个男孩)

I am a girl.(我是个女孩)

I am a teacher.(我是个老师)

I am a student.(我是个学生)第二人称单数形式,you,用are 例:You are a boy.(你是个男孩)

You are a girl.(你是个女孩)

You are right!(你是对的)

Are you a boy?(放在句首,第一个字母要大写)第三人称单数形式,he ,she ,it ,who,人名,用is 例:He is a boy.(他是个男孩)

She is a girl.(她是个女孩)

It is a cat.(它是一只猫)

Who is Mike?(谁是迈克)


例:We are students.(我们是学生)

You are students.(你们是学生)

They are teachers.(他们是老师)


聚焦“一般现在时” 篇6

I go to school on foot.


There are seven days in a week.


He can swim.


I leave here at 6:30 tomorrow morning.


注意:不少表经常性的时间状语常来“捧场”,像often, usually, sometimes, every day/week, on Sundays等,聪明的同学解题时往往以此为突破口,轻松答题。

[焦点二] 一般现在时的陈述句形式有五大种:

1. 主语+系动词+表语。例如:

There is a river behind my house.


2. 主语+不及物动词。例如:

We usually go to bed at 9:30 p.m.


3. 主语+及物动词+宾语。例如:

She often has porridge for breakfast.



Miss Hu teaches us Chinese.



My parents give ten yuan to my sister every week.


5. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语。例如:

You must keep the ground clean.


[焦点三] 一般疑问句的特点有两个:

1. be动词(am/is/are)与情态动词(can, must, could, would等)为了“一般现在时的一般疑问句形式”这个共同的目标,它们直接“抢至”主语前(即跟主语位置对调)。例如:

Danny is a good student.

→ Is Danny a good student?

We can see some pictures on the wall.

→ Can you see any pictures on the wall?

2. 句中没有am,is,are,can,must等系动词或助动词时,变一般疑问句要在其句首加助动词do或does。例如:

We have six classes a day.

→ —Do you have six classes a day?

—Yes, we do. /No, we don’t.

Jack likes Chinese food very much.

→ —Does Jack like Chinese food very much?

—Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.

[焦点四] 变否定句有困难,找am,is,are,can,must,could,would等来帮忙!找到就别客气,直接在其后加not!例如:

The twins can speak Chinese.

→ The twins can’t/cannot speak Chinese.

句中没有系动词或情态动词时则加do/does not构成否定句。例如:

My good friend Jack likes Chinese food.

→ My good friend Jack doesn’t like Chinese food.

注意:“I think...”句型变否定句时要以think为中心。例如:

I don’t think he is right.

口语中,因no相当于not any,所以不少名词前也常用no构成否定,尤其是在there be或 have/has句式中。例如:

I have no time (= not any time) to do the housework.


[焦点五] 变特殊疑问句,是在一般疑问句前加相应的特殊疑问词,回答则据实相告。例如:

We often get up at 6:30. (→Do you often get up at 6:30?)

→ When do you often get up? (At 6:30.)

[焦点六] 选择疑问句以特殊疑问句或一般疑问句的相关人物、时间、地点等为基础,在其后以or为纽带连接一个或多个选择项目供候选。回答时不用Yes或No。例如:

We can see a picture on the wall. (a map)

→ What can you see on the wall, a picture or a map? 或Can you see a picture or a map on the wall?


1. be动词与行为动词同时出现在句子中。例如:

误:We are plant (plant) the trees in spring.

正:We plant (plant) the trees in spring.


2. 第三人称单数形式易出错。例如:

误:He plaies (play) football very well.

正:He plays (play) football very well.

误:Danny gos (go) to school at 7:10.

正:Danny goes (go) to school at 7:10.


3. 在句式变换时易出错。例如:

误:Does Jenny has (has) a good friend?

正:Does Jenny have (has) a good friend?

误:Brian doesn’t lives (not live) in China.

正:Brian doesn’t live (not live) in China.


4. 对do的理解易出错。例如:

误:We don’t (not do) our homework in the afternoon.

正:We don’t do (not do) our homework in the afternoon.

解析:do是一个比较难理解的词,它有三个含义:a) 是所有行为动词的总称;b) 是助动词,无实义;c) 是一个具体的行为动词意为“做,干”。此句中的do表示“做,干”,not指把此句变为否定句,故须在do前加助动词don’t。

5. 对主语的 “数”判断有误。例如:

误:Li Ming with me are (be) in Beijing.

正:Li Ming with me is (be) in Beijing.

解析:表面一看是“我和李明两个人在北京”,但with me在此作状语,不能作主语,故用is。




1. Lucy is at home now. (变一般疑问句)

2. The twins can write some Chinese words. (变否定句)

3. The new student comes from America.(用Japan改成选择疑问句)


1. What they (do) in the evening?

2. My English teacher (do exercise) every morning.

3. Han Mei often (have) lunch at 12:00.

4. My mother (not like) apples or oranges.

参考答案:一、1. Is Lucy at home now? 2.The twins can’t write any Chinese words. 3. Where does the new student come from, America or Japan? 或Does the new student come from America or Japan?

小学一般现在时课件 篇7






教学内容: 一般现在时


I like sports.Sue enjoys reading novels.The Smiths go on a trip to Disney every summer.The libraries open at 9 o’clock and close at 6 o’clock.Sam works very hard.The earth goes round the sun.They do a lot of different things in their spare time.It costs a lot of money to live in big cities.They play football every Sunday afternoon.二.一般现在时的频度副词有:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never 等:

Sue always arrives on time.I usually go to work by bus.Judy sometimes has breakfast in the dining hall.Tom lives near us.We often see him.Sue is an honest girl.She never lies to others.三.动词第三人称单数形式的构成:当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加-s或-es: 规则 动词原形 第三人称单数形式

一般在词尾加-s play leave read work plays leaves reads works

以字母s, x, ch, sh,o 结尾的的词加-es pass teach wash fix do passes teaches washes fixes does

以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先变y为i,再加-es study cry carry fly studies cries carries flies



boil, close, cost, like, meet, open, speak, teach, wash

1.Margaret __________ four languages.2.In Britain the banks usually ____________ at 9:30 in the morning.3.The City Museum _____________ at 5 in the afternoon.4.Tina is a teacher.She __________ maths to young children.5.My job is very interesting.I __________ a lot of people.6.Peter ____________ his hair twice a week.7.Food is expensive.It ___________ a lot of money.8.Shoes are expensive.They __________ a lot of money.9.Water ___________ at 100 degrees Celsius.10.Julia and I are good friends.I ________her and she __________me.答案:

1.speaks 2.open

3.closes 4.teaches 5.meet


7.costs 8.cost





1.______________________ at work early.(Sue/ always/arrive)

2._____________________ TV very often.(we/ not/ watch)

3.How often ____________ your hair?(you/ wash)

4.I want to go to the cinema but ____________ to go.(Chris/ not/want)

5.____________________ to go out this evening?(you/want)

6._____________________ near here?(Ann/live)

7.____________________ a lot people?(Sara/know)

8.I enjoy traveling but ____________ very much.(I /not/ travel)

9.What time _______________ in the morning?(you/ usually/ get up)

10.My parents are usually at home in the evening._______________ very often.(they/not/go out)

11.________________work at 5.(Tim/ always/ finish)

12.A: What ______________?(Jill/ do)

B:___________________in a hotel.(she/work)


1.Sue always arrives

2.We don’t watch

3.do you wash

4.Chris doesn’t want

5.Do you want

6.Does Ann live

7.Sarah knows

8.I don’t travel

9.do you usually get up

10.They don’t go out

11.Tim always finishes

12.does Jill do---She works


1.---How are you?

---Fine.Thank you.2.This is my classmate, David.3.What’s this in English?

4.---What are these?

---They’re dictionaries.5.---How many dictionaries are there?

---There are nineteen dictionaries.6.---What color is the bird?

---It’s black.7.---What’s your favorite sport?

---Swimming.8.I can write Chinese, but I can’t type.9.---What’s the weather like in London in autumn?

---It’s cool.10.---Nice to meet you!

---Nice to meet you, too!

11.I’m from Beijing.I’m twelve years old and I’m Chinese.I’m in Class Eight.12.---Where are you from?

---I’m from London.13.---How old are you?

---I’m thirteen.14.Sam is twelve years old.He’s from England.He’s in Class Three.He is a new

student.His favorite color is green.His favorite season is spring.He can play

football and basketball, but he can’t play tennis.15.This is my family.There are three people in my family.These are my parents.This is

my father, Alex.He is an engineer.He is 42 years old.He likes playing tennis.He

can play the piano, but he can’t sing songs.This is my mother, Jenny.She works in

a university.She is 40.She likes her work.She goes to work by bus every day.Her

favorite movie start is Tom Hanks.I---.16.There are a lot of /lots of people in the meeting room.17.There is some milk in the cup.18.Is there any good news today?

19.---Are there any computers on your desks?

---Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.20.---Is there a magazine on the table?

---Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.21.---Where is the library?

---It’s next to the gym./It’s in front of the science lab./ It’s behind the

playground.22.---How many students are there in your school?

---There are about 1,000.23.---Have you got any brothers or sisters?

---I have one brother and two sisters./I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.24.---Has she got a big family

---Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.25.---Have you got any water?

---Yes, we’ve got some water in the bottle.26.---Have you got any carrots?

---Yes, we’ve got some in the fridge.27.---Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

---That’s a great idea!28.The film is on in the evening.29.---Let’s go to the park after class.---All right./ A good idea.30.---What day is it today?

---It’s Tuesday.31.---When is your chemistry lesson?

---It’s at half past two.32.In the afternoon, we have three classes, have a break and play football.33.Lessons start at 8 in the morning.Lessons finish at 4:1 0 in the afternoon.34.I don’t go to school on Sunday.I go to the library or visit my grandparents on

Sunday.35.He never goes to a football match.He often listens to music.He sometimes downloads

music.36.He always gives me flowers as birthday presents.He usually makes a cake for my

birthday.37.Welcome to Beijing Zoo.The kangaroo comes from Australia, the polar bear comes from

Arctic and the wolf comes from Europe.38.---Does the tiger come from Australia?

---No, it doesn’t.39.Lingling’s father watches the football on television on Saturday and Sunday.40.She doesn’t like table tennis or basketball.41.---How often do you use a computer?

---Once a day./Twice a day./ Three times a day.42.---How do I open a new document?

43.I also get information for my lessons on the Internet.44.Sue is in China with her parents.45.Have you got any English novels? I’d like to borrow one.46.Would you like something to drink?

47.What about a birthday party?

48.What about/How about going to Paris for a holiday 49.This pair of shoes/glasses/ trousers is my sister’s.50.Do you often send postcards or emails to your friends? 51.What do you usually do on your computer?

52.Usually at home in the evening and at the weekend.I visit my website at the weekend.53.How many emails do you send?

一般过去时与现在完成时 篇8





现在完成时already,yet,just,never,everbeforefor+时间段,since+时间点// 一般过去时句子一般过去时时间段+ago,just now,yesterday,last week 等表过去的时间状语▲基本结构不同:

一般现在时“过三关” 篇9

一般现在时主要表示经常性的或习惯性的动作,也可表示现在的一段时间内存在的状态。它常常与often(经常), usually(通常), sometimes(有时), every day, in the morning(afternoon, evening)等时间状语连用。例如:

I often go swimming at the weekend. 我周末经常去游泳。

We speak English every day. 我们每天讲英语。

They play football in the afternoon. 他们下午踢足球。

[第二关] 一般现在时的构成

1. 动词be的一般现在时。动词be在一般现在时中有三种形式,即am, is, are。第一人称单数用am, 第三人称单数用is, 其余各人称一律用are。例如:

I am on duty today. 今天我值日。

She is a student. 她是个学生。

They are from Canada. 他们来自加拿大。

2. 动词have的一般现在时。除第三人称单数用has外,其它人称用have。例如:

He has a computer. 他有一台电脑。

We have some new books. 我们有一些新书。

3. 行为动词的一般现在时。除第三人称单数在动词原形后面加-s或-es外,其余各人称用动词原形。例如:

He likes watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。

My brother enjoys playing basketball after school. 我哥哥放学后喜欢打篮球。

We study hard for the people. 我们为人民努力学习。

[第三关] 一般现在时的句型转换

1. be动词的一般现在时, 直接在三种形式am, is, are之后加not构成否定句。其中is, are可与not缩写成isn’t, aren’t(但am not不能缩写成amn’t)。一般疑问句将am, is或are提前到句首,句末用问号。例如:

He is from New York. →

否定句:He is not(isn’t) from New York.

一般疑问句:Is he from New York?

2. 行为动词的一般现在时。


John speaks English. →John doesn’t speak English.

They live in Mexico City. →They don’t live in Mexico City.


She often goes to the library.→

Does she often go to the library? 肯定回答:Yes, she does./否定回答:No, she doesn’t.

当主语不是第三人称单数时,在句首加Do构成一般疑问句。句型结构为“Do+非第三人称单数主语+动词原形+其它成分?”,肯定回答为“Yes, 主语+do.”;否定回答为“No, 主语+don’t.”。例如:

They often go to the cinema. →Do they often go to the cinema?

肯定回答:Yes, they do./否定回答:No, they don’t.



1. Betty and Mary ____(watch) TV every evening.

2. Bill ____(like) French fries.

3. Where ____( be) the strawberries?

4. My backpack ____(be) on the sofa.

5. Tom ____(play) basketball in the afternoon.


1. I know the girl in red. (改为否定句)

I ____ ____the girl in red.

2. Uncle Wang has a new computer. (改为一般疑问句)

____ Uncle Wang ____a new computer?

3. Jack has a soccer ball. (改为否定句)

Jack ____ ____a soccer ball.

4. Bob likes hamburgers. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

____ Bob ____hamburgers?

____, ____ ____.

5. Li Lei does his homework in the evening. (改为否定句)

Li Lei ____ ____ his homework in the evening.
