


八年级上英语1-5单元期中作文 篇1


I live in a small town.There is a movie theater , four restaurants and a park in town.I enjoy watching movies and I go to the movie theater once a week.Greenwood Restaurant is the best restaurant.It has the most delicious food.Linda’s Restaurant is the worst, because it has the worst service.The park is my favorite place.I often read books there on Sundays.There is also a shopping center in town.Clothes there are cheap and beautiful.I like my town.假如你是刘瑞,你收到加拿大笔友Dave 的来信。在心中他坦言自己不爱运动。请你根据以下提示,给他发一封邮件,讲述运动的好处并鼓励他多做运动。

提示:How often do you do sports?What are the benefits(好处)of doing sports?

Dear Dave,I like doing sports.My favorite sport is basketball.I play basketball three times a week.I also like swimming.I run for thirty minutes every morning.Doing sports is good for us in many ways.First, it is healthy for our body and mind.We can enjoy life if we have a healthy body.Second, some sports are fun and help us relax.Third, we can make some friends when doing sports.Now, choose some easy sports and have fun.Yours,Liu Rui


The talent shows become more and more popular.Lots of young people join the shows.But different people have different ideas about the shows.Some people think the shows are interesting and they are fun to watch.People who are really talented can join the shows to make dreams come true.Others dislike the shows.Because they think the shows are made up.And some shows may employ professional audiences.I think it’s interesting to watch talent shows.They give people a way to show their talents.We can’t take these things too seriously.Just watch them and relax.描写你和你最好的朋友的差异和共同点

My best friend and I

My best friend is Linda.In some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different.We both have black hair and black eyes.She is taller and quieter than I.And she is serious.I am more outgoing, and I’m funnier than her.We both like reading books.

八年级上英语1-5单元期中作文 篇2


★一般过去时表示过去某个时间或某一段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last week, in 2008, two years ago等 .


1. 包含be动词过去式的句式

(1)陈述句句式:主语 +was或were+ 其他成分 . 如:

They were at home last Sunday. 上周日他们在家里。

(2)否定句句式:主语 +wasn’t/weren’t+ 其他成分,如:

I wasn’t on the Internet when my father came into the room. 当我父亲进入房间时,我没在上网。

(3)一般疑问句句式:Was/Were+ 主语 + 其他成分?

(4)特殊疑问句句式: 疑问词 +was/were+ 主语 + 其他成分?如:Where were you last Sunday? 上周日你在哪儿?

2. 包含实义动词过去式的句式

(1)肯定句句式:主语 + 动词的过去式 + 其他成分,如:He stayed at home last night. 他昨晚待在家里了。

(2)否定句句式:主语 +did not(didn’t)+ 动词原形 + 其他成分 . 如:They didn’t go shopping last week. 上周他们没有去购物。

(3)一般疑问句句式:Did+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?肯定回答:Yes, 主语 +did, 否定回答:No, 主语 +didn’t. 如:

—Did he go to Guangzhou yesterday? 昨天他去广州了吗?

—Yes, he did./No, he didn’t. 是的,他去了。/ 不,他没去。

(4)特殊疑问句句式:特殊疑问词 +did+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?如:

What time did he get to school this morning? 今天上午他是什么时间到达学校的?


( ) 1.——what did you do yesterday evening,Gina?

——I ____Titanic in the City Cinema.

A. watch B.watched C. am watching D.will watch

( ) 2.——You look very nice in your new dress today.

____ Oh,really?I ____it when it when it was on sale.

A. buy B.bought C. have bought D.will buy


频率副词表示动作发生的频率,常见的频度副词有always, usually,often, sometimes, hardly, never等。但是程度上有所不同,频率由高到低,如下所示:


★always频率最高,表示动作重复、状态继续,意为“一直、总是”,其反义词为never. always与not连用时,表示部分否定。



★sometimes“有时”, 表示动作偶尔发生,间断时间较长。其位置比较灵活,放在句首、句中、句末都可。



2. 对上述频率副词提问时,常用how often。

I often play basketball. → How often do you play basketball?

3. 常见的表示频率的短语还有:every day/ week/month/year, once/twice a day/week/month/year, five times a week/month等。

【注:三次或三次以上一般用“基数词 +times”来表示】。


1. 形容词的原级即形容词原形形式,常用于very, so, quite, too之后。还用于句型as…as(和……一样……),以及not as/so…as(不如……)中。例如:

The coat is too expensive.

The boy isn’t as/so old as the girl.

2. 形容词的比较级常用于两者之间进行比较,后用连词than连接另一个所比较的人或物。在上下文明确的情况下,形容词比较级也可单独使用。例如:

I’m more outgoing than my sister.

This book is old. Can you give me a newer one.

3. 形容词比较级形式的构成:


比较级,有变化,一般词尾加er;词尾不发音e简单化,之后另把 -r加。

辅音字母 +y型,改y为i,加er; 一辅重读闭音节,词尾字母应双写后再加er。


“坏 / 病”(bad/ill) 是worse;“老 / 远”(old/far)变化有两个。


例如:We can’t go any farther steps.

Let’s have a further study.



My elder brother is two years older than I.

4. 形容词比较级的用法:


( ) 1. The boy is ____than the girl.

A. older 2 years B.2 years older

C. 2 years elder D. elder 2 years

( ) 2. You can get____ more water if you go there.

A. much B. many C. little D. few

( ) 3. This book is_____ .

A. more interesting and more interesting

B. much interesting and much interesting

C. more and more interesting

D. much and much interesting

( ) 4. Shanghai is bigger than___ city in Australia.

A. any B. any other C. other D. another



1. 最高级的句型

(1)A+be+the+ 形容词最高级 + 表示范围的介词词组

Dream Clothes is the worst store in town.(in后接表示地点或范围的名词)梦想服装店是镇上最差的。

(2)A+ 动词 +(the)+ 副词最高级(+ 表示范围的介词词组)He does his work(the)most carefully of the three.(of后接表示比较对象的复数名词或数词)这三个人当中他工作最认真。


(1)“one of+the+ 形容词最高级 + 名词复数”表示“最……之一”。

One of the most popular teachers is Mr Green. 格林先生是最受欢迎的老师之一。

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. 上海是世界上最大的城市之一。


Mike is the third strongest boy in his class. 迈克是他班里第三强壮的男孩。

Taiwan Island is the first largest island in China. 台湾岛是中国的第一大岛。

(3)Which/Who+is+the+ 形容词最 高级,A,B or C? 或Which/Who+ 动词 +(the)+ 副词最高级,A,B or C? 如:

—Which is the smallest,the sun,the moon or the earth?

—Of course the moon is.

“哪个最小,太阳,月亮还是地球 ?”




Tom is the tallest in his class.汤姆是他班上最高的。


Tom is taller than any other student in his class.=Tom is taller than the other students in his class.=Tom is taller than anybody else in his class.=Nobody else is taller than Tom in his class.


He is my best friend. 他是我最好的朋友。

This is Zhang Yimou’s latest movie. 这是张艺谋最新的电影。



1. Of all the subjects.English is ____for me.

A.interesting B.more interesting

C.the most interesting D.much more interesting

2. Tony is only shorter than Jim.He is ____in his class.

A.two tallest B.the two tallest

C.the second tallest D.second tallest

3.Nanjing isn’t so large ___Shanghai,however,it’s the second ___city in East china.

A.1ike;largest B.as;largest

C.1ike;large D.as;large


1. 动词不定式做宾语的形式有两种,带to的动词不定式和不带to的动词不定式,其否定形式为直接在不定式符号to之前直接加not。以write为例,动词不定式的肯定形式为to write,否定形式为not towrite。

2. 动词不定式的语法功能



I hope to see you tomorrow. 我希望明天见到你。

I don’t know what to do next. 我不知道下一步做什么。

He doesn’t know how to do it. 他不知道怎样做这件事情。


We are talking about what to do next. 我们正在讨论下一步干什么。


I found it easy to make a model ship.



1. Tina decided _____(work)in Shanghai.

2. We planned _____(make)a school radio program.

3. Does Mary agree _____(visit)the new museum with you this weekend?

4. Remember_____ (take)your bag.

5. He wants____ (go)to study in Beijing University.

【6】(1-5单元 ) 知识点能力提升

( ) 1. This English newspaper is very easy for the students becausethere are ____new words in it.

A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few

( ) 2. My host family tried to cook ____for me when I studied inNew Zealand.

A. different somethingB. different anything

C. something different D. anything different

( ) 3. Last Sunday we didn’t go out____ the rain.

A. because of B. because

C. on front of D. before

( ) 4.—It snowed heavily last night.Is everyone in our class here today?

— Yes, and____ of us was late for school this morning.

A. none B. neither C. all D. either

( ) 5. — Many boy students think math is___ English.

— I agree. I’m weak in English.

A. much difficult thanB. so difficult as

C. less difficult thanD. more difficult than

( ) 6. The volunteer spoke as ____as she could to make the visitorsunderstand her.

A. clearlyB. more clearly

C. most clearlyD. the most clearly

( ) 7. Li Tao, my best friend, is ___more outgoing than any otherstudent in his class.

A. very B. a little C. too D. quite

( ) 8. I had no money and I couldn’t buy___ for my parents.

A. nothing B. anyone C. anything D. something

( ) 9. He asked us___ in the river. It’s too dangerous is serious.

A. to swim B. not to swim C. to not swim D. don’t to swim

( ) 10. ____it was raining, we went there.

A. But B. Though C. Because D. So

( )11. Our life is getting ______now.

A. good and good B. better and better

C. well and well D. more and more

( ) 12. —What happened ____you yesterday?

—I happened ____meet my old friend, Lucy.

A.to, to B. with, to C. to, with D. with, with

( ) 13. Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon_____ sound and music.

A.and B. with C. in D. of

( ) 14. We should eat many fruits ___apples and oranges.

A.for example B. such as C. so as D. such like

( ) 15. —I think Boonie Bears ( 熊出没 )isn’t as ____as Pleasant Goat( 喜羊羊 ).

—I agree with you. Boonie Bears is ____than Pleasant Goat.

A. famous, more famous B. famous, less famous

C. more famous, less famous D. less famous, more famous








【实战演练】答案:1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B


答案:1.C 2.C 3.B


答案:1.to work 2.to make 3.to visit 4.to take 5.to go

【6】(1-5单元 ) 知识点能力提升解析及答案

1.C解析:本题考查a little表示有点,little几乎没有。修饰不可数名词 ;a few表示一些,few表示几乎没有。修饰可数名词。


3.A解析;because of后接短语,名词及名词词组。Because后接句子。




7.B解析:修饰比较级的词,a little /much /far/even/still等。


9.B解析:本题考查固定搭配ask ab to do sth和不定式的否定即在to前加not。


11.B解析:比较级 +and+ 比较级,表示“越来越”。

12.A解析:sth. happen to sb, 表示“某人发生某事”,sb happen to do sth, 表示“某人碰巧做某事”。


14.B解析:for example与所接成分常用逗号隔开,而such as则不用。另外,for example用来举例说明某一论点或情况时,一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例;such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或物中的几个为例。

八年级上英语1-5单元期中作文 篇3

1. My teacher is very angry with me now. He can h____ say a word.

2. My son’s e____ habit is not very good, and he doesn’t like vegetables at all.

3. There are many d____ between English names and Chinese names.

4. Eating too much junk food is bad for your h____.

5. Miss Wang tells us to t____ to learn English.

6. Do you like going h____ in the mountains? It’s very exciting.

7. The music s____ very beautiful. I like it very much.

8. When you can’t sleep at night, try to listen to light music to r____.

9. I am going to my hometown for the summer v____ next week.

10. I don’t know how to learn English. My English teacher gives me some a____.

11. Mary can’t come to school today because she has a f____.

12. You have a bad cold; you s____ eat anything for 24 hours.

13. ——When did your father l____ for Shanghai?


14. How did you work out the math p____. It’s very difficult.

15. A small n____ of students in our class come to school by car.

16. I got up late this morning. I had a q____ breakfast and went to school.

17. My sister usually t____ the train to school.

18. Thank you for a____ me to your birthday party.

19. The band “Black Duck” gave a c____ in Shanghai yesterday.

20. He isn’t new here. M____ he knows the way to the zoo.

21. We are getting r____ for the English test. We are practicing speaking English.

22. ——How often do you exercise?

——T____ a day.

23. ——What do the students usually do on w____.

——They usually watch TV.

24. ——What’s your f____ program?

——It’s Animal World.

25. ——Do you often s____ the Internet?

——Yes, quite often.

26. ——Why is he healthy?

——Because his eating h____ are pretty good.

27. Li Ping is a q____ boy. He’s a boy of few words.

28.——Do you think he is right?

——I b____ so.

29. ——I don’t feel very well.

——So you must have a healthy l____.

30. The weather s____ very hot in summer. I can’t stand (忍受) it.

31. ——What’s she doing now?

——She’s b____ her little sister.

32. ——I’m going h____ in the mountains.

——That sounds interesting.

33. ——What do you think of Thailand?

——I hear it’s a good place to go s____.

34. ——Why does Gary study so hard?

——To i____ his English.

35. ——How does Bob get to school?

——He takes the s____.

36. I u____ walk, but sometimes I take a bus.

37. The early bus takes him to school, and the bus r____ usually takes

about half an hour.

38. ——Is your home far from school?

——No, not far, only two m____.

39. There are many good h____ for patients in Jiangsu.

40. ——Can you come to my birthday p____ on Wednesday?

——Sure, I’d love to.

41. Sorry, I c____ help you. I’m busy.

42. ——When can you play t____ with me?

——How about Thursday afternoon?

43. Please keep quiet. I’m t____ to study.

七年级下册英语短语1-5单元 篇4

1.on Saturday afternoon在星期六下午2.study for a test为了考试学习3.go to the doctor 去看医生

4.have a piano lesson上钢琴课

5.help my parents / mom帮助我的父母/妈妈 6.visit my aunt拜访我的婶婶

7.go to my guitar lesson去上我的吉他课 8.go to the movies 去看电影

9.have too much homework有太多的家庭作业 10.go to the basketball game 去参加篮球比赛 11.go to the concert去参加音乐会 12.go to the mall去商场 13.on the calendar在日历上 14.the day after tomorrow后天

15.babysit his sister临时照顾他的妹妹 16.be really busy真的很忙 17.go to the dentist去看牙医

18.have tennis training with the school team和校队一起进行网球训练19.study for my chemistry test为了我的化学考试而学习20.call me after the vacation在假期以后给我打电话 21.keep quiet保持安静

22.do the geography project做地理课题 23.the whole day=all day一整天 24.come over顺便来访

come over to my house顺便到我家来 25.discuss the science report 讨论科学报告 26.come to my party 来我的聚会 27.That’s too bad太糟糕

28.thanks for asking感谢询问(请求)

thanks for your invitation 感谢邀请29.another time另一次

30.how about doing=what about doing做某事怎么样

Unit2I’m more outgoing than my sister



1.mean 2.both 3.hers = her+两个(都)过去式 :meant

5.make名词all 4.schoolwork 三者或三者以上(都)不可数,也可用于不可数名词 7.though =although 过去式:made6.interest — adj.interesting9 friendship不与but 同时出现8.beat 过去式: beat

—— n.friend adj.friendly10 information 不可数 短语: 1.2.4.比。不止一个。外向一点 morea thanlittleonemore3.我的双胞胎姐姐outgoing

my twin sister 6.正如你所见到的as you can see5.在一些方面in some ways8.看起来相同9.她最喜欢的学科look the same her favorite subject7.看起来不同look different10.有共同之物12.和...一样as....as have some things in common14.擅长16.使.....be good at=do well in 11.....做make sb.Do不如 13.使我大笑.....not as(so)...as....make me laugh 17.相15.她最好的朋友her best friends 19.按对立的观点与爱好照我的观点 inmy have opposite views and interestsopinion18.在友谊方面21.大多数孩子22.在网球方面打败我most of the kids20.做...有必要it’s necessary to doinafriendship24.喜欢讲笑话enjoy telling jokes beat me in tennis23.对孩子好

25.有好分数be good with children26.停27.与止谈话have good grades。。不同stop talkingbedifferenttop doing from 停止做stop to do 停下来去做 29 2年前two years ago28.比以前than before 30.一名小学生31.照顾a primary school student 知识点:好好照顾...look after...= take care of...形容词的比较级:用于两者相比

....look after...well=take good care of...比较级的构成:bad/badly/ill : worse 特殊:little(少)-lessmany/much-moregood/well-better2单音节词:far-farther/further((2)1)直接加以e结尾,加er 3(3)以两个辅音字母夹一个元音字母结尾,双写辅音字母加 r


((2)1)以辅音字母加其他一般在词前加y结尾的双音节词,变 more


Unit Three 词组

1.pour the milk into the blender把牛奶倒入果汁机里 2.cut up an onion切碎洋葱

cut up a green onion切碎一个绿色洋葱

3.put the relish on the chicken把调味品放在鸡肉上 puta banana into a bowl把香焦放在碗里 4.turn on /turn off打开/关上

5.make a banana milk shake制作香蕉奶昔make fruit salad制作水果沙拉

6.how many + pl / how much +u多少 7.a teaspoon of yogurt一勺酸奶two teaspoonsof honey两勺蜂蜜a cup of yogurt一杯酸奶a slice of bread一片面包

another slice of bread另一片面包let me see / let me think让我看看/让我想想 9 mix up the ingredients混合,搅拌材料 10 the popcorn popper爆米花机super chicken sandwich极好的鸡肉三明治 12 add…….to…….把。加入

add salt to the noodles把盐加到面条里a recipe for a great turkey sandwich一个极好的火鸡三明治食谱14 need some help需要点帮助need to do sth需要干某事 15 hot water热水for about two minutes大约两分钟 17 Beijing Duck北京烤鸭 18 roll pancake滚煎饼 20 boil the noodles煮面条

21、peel three bananas剥三根香蕉

22、put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt 放进两茶匙蜂蜜和一杯酸奶

23、write instructions写说明

Unit4 短语

1.有。。There is /are/was/were。。

2.去水族馆go to the aquarium

3.照相take(some)photos(take a photo)4.和她朋友一起闲逛hang out with her friends 5.赢得那顶帽子win that hat

获奖win a prize获得一等奖 win first prize 6.其它什么事/东西what else=what other things 7.其它什么地方where else

8.得到某人的签名get one’s autograph 9.在水族馆at the aquarium

10.在学校旅行当中on the school trip 11.游客中心Vsitors’ Center

12.13.观看海豚表演watch a dolphin show 14.之后after that午饭后after lunch 15.16.在....末,在。。尽头at the end of。。17.最后in the end = finally=at last 18.擦车clean the bus

19.住在加利福尼亚live in California 20.听起来很糟糕That sounds terrible.21.睡过头sleep late

22.开车兜风go for a drive 23.上课take / have a class

24.在我下一个休息日on my next day off 25.休两天的假 have two days off

26.27去野营go camping

28.在雨中,冒雨 in the rain

29.呆在家stay at home=stay in the house 30.把。。放在外面put....out 31.在院子里 in the yard

32.进行院落出售have a yard sale 33.弄湿get wet

34.再见see you(soon/later)

35.在昨天的歌咏比赛中in yesterday’s singing competition 36.吃面条作为午饭have a bowl of noodles for lunch 37.想再去want to go again

38.他们中无人(三者或三者以上)none of them 39.从。回来come back from...=be back from。。

Unit5When was he born?短语

1国际体育明星an international sports star

2一个著名的中国/巴西乒乓球运动员a famous Chinese/Brazilian ping-pong player 3出生于。。be born in/on.....4世界纪录World Record(s)

5开始做某事start doing / to do sth.=begin to do/ doing sth

开始打高尔夫球start golfing开始做运动start playing sports 开始打嗝start hiccupping

6在1999in 1999在1999年10月in October,1999 7在1999年10月1日on October 1st,1999 8太....而不能....too....to.....9例如for example

10只有十个月大 only ten months old 1112更多的信息more information

13一部叫...的喜剧a comedy called/named...14一位友好慈爱的祖母 a kind and loving grandmother 15一位不寻常的钢琴家an unusual pianist

16度过他所有的空闲时间spend all his free time 17做....花了某人某时间

sb.spend st(in)doing sth.=sb.spend st on sth.=It takes sb.st to do sth

18一个滑冰冠军a skating champion 19游览美国tour the U.S 20哼唱歌曲 hum songs

21一首曲子 a piece of music难曲子difficult pieces of music 22 23参加take part in...24第十四届肖邦国际钢琴比赛the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition

25在他组里in his group 26因为because of...27在演讲比赛中in the speech competition 28主修major in....29清华大学Tsinghua University

30女子单打选手Women’s singles player

Unit5When was he born?短语

1国际体育明星an international sports star

2一个著名的中国/巴西乒乓球运动员a famous Chinese/Brazilian ping-pong player 3出生于。。be born in/on.....4世界纪录World Record(s)

5开始做某事start doing / to do sth.=begin to do/ doing sth

开始打高尔夫球start golfing开始做运动start playing sports 开始打嗝start hiccupping

6在1999in 1999在1999年10月in October,1999 7在1999年10月1日on October 1st,1999 8太....而不能....too....to.....9例如for example

10只有十个月大 only ten months old 1112更多的信息more information

13一部叫...的喜剧a comedy called/named...14一位友好慈爱的祖母 a kind and loving grandmother 15一位不寻常的钢琴家an unusual pianist

16度过他所有的空闲时间spend all his free time 17做....花了某人某时间

sb.spend st(in)doing sth.=sb.spend st on sth.=It takes sb.st to do sth

18一个滑冰冠军a skating champion 19游览美国tour the U.S 20哼唱歌曲 hum songs

21一首曲子 a piece of music难曲子difficult pieces of music 22 23参加take part in...24第十四届肖邦国际钢琴比赛the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition

25在他组里in his group 26因为because of...27在演讲比赛中in the speech competition 28主修major in....29清华大学Tsinghua University

八年级上英语1-5单元期中作文 篇5

图片原文 喝奶昔 把牛奶倒进食物搅拌器里 切碎香蕉 将香蕉剥皮 打开食物搅拌器 把香蕉和冰激凌放入食物搅拌器1a 打开 切碎 喝 剥皮 倾倒 放 1b 1c 你怎样做香蕉奶昔?首先,把香蕉剥皮…… 2a我们需要多少酸奶?我们需要一杯酸奶。2c 咱们做水果沙拉吧。好的,好主意。我们需要多少酸奶?一杯。我们需要多少苹果?让我想想……我们需要两个苹果。好的,(需要)多少…… 2d做吗?当然可以。首先,买一些牛肉、一棵卷心菜、四个胡萝卜、三个土豆、五个西红柿和一个洋葱。然后,把这些蔬菜切碎。接下来做什么?接下来,把牛肉、胡萝卜和煮上30入卷心菜、西红柿和洋葱再煮10分钟。好的,行了吗?不行,还有一件事。最后,不要忘了加些盐。Grammar Focus


3a 我们需要多少香蕉?我们需要多少糖?我们需要多少面包?我们需要多少西红柿?我们需要多少奶酪? 3b 你怎样制作爆米花?首先,把玉米放入爆米花机。我们需要多少玉米?半杯。下面我们做什么?接下来,打开爆米花机。最后,加入盐。我们需要多少盐?仅仅一勺。现在我们可以吃了吗?是的,我们能(吃了)!

3c栽树 做牛肉面 洗衣服 从图书馆借书 SectionB

1a 面包 洋葱 黄油 火鸡 西红柿 莴苣,生菜 在我的三明治里,我喜欢……

1b 你喜欢三明治中的生菜吗?是的,我喜欢。你喜欢西红柿吗?不,我不喜欢。

1e 首先,在一片面包上放一些黄油?大约一勺。2b 美国的感恩节在大多数国家,人们在特别的节日里通常吃传统食物。美国的一个特别节日是感恩节。它总是在美国居住的漂泊者。这些漂泊者度过了一个漫长而艰难的冬天,他们中许多人死去了。第二年秋天,他们在新的家园感恩生命和食物。今天,大多数美国人仍然以在家与家人一起吃大餐的方式来庆祝这个感恩的想法。这顿饭的主菜几乎总是一种很大的鸟——火鸡。



2d 最后,用它和一些蔬菜招待朋友。接下来,把这些东西放入鸟的体内。然后,把它放在很高的温度下烤很长一段时间。首先,把你所需要的所有东西一起放入一个大碗。2e 这特别的一天是什么时间?庆祝这特别的一天的理由是什么?在这一天人们要为某事感恩吗?在这一天人们会想起某事或某人吗?大多数人如何庆祝这一天?有传统食物吗?主菜是什么?你会做这些菜吗?

3a 云南米线 在云南,很多人早餐吃米线,甚至午餐和晚餐也吃。要做这种特别的食物,你需要有米线、鸡汤、鸡肉、生菜和鸡蛋。(当然,你可以有其他东西,如鱼和不同的蔬菜。)首先,清洗生菜并将其切碎。接下来,把鸡肉切成片。然后将鸡汤浇得很热,超过100摄氏度。然后在这锅热汤里依次煮鸡蛋、肉、和生菜。最好,把米线放到汤里。现在就是享受米线美味的时刻了!首先,把一些酸奶涂在一片面包上。然后,切碎一个苹果和一个洋葱并把它们放到酸奶上…… Self Check

八年级上英语1-5单元期中作文 篇6

作为一名英语教师,在评价体系改革逐渐深化的背景下, “讲解过甚”, “问题过滥”, “练习过多”的课堂教学模式不但效果不好,而且不合时宜.在课堂上,教师应有意识地创设英语环境,引导学生联系自身经验和知识背景,给课本的学习材料赋予意义.这样学生才能有效主动地学习,体验进步,获得快乐.也只有“以人为本”的教学理念,才能让学生体验到英语学习所带来的快乐和满足感,真正发展学生的综合语言运用能力.现将本节课教学反思如下: 一.本节课我主要运用任务型教学法,情景交际法及自主合作探究法进行教学。因为兴趣是最好的老师,为了激发学生的学习兴趣,我设计了老师学生亲自动手现场制作水果沙拉的活动过程来吸引学生的注意力。按照任务型教学的基本理念,课堂任务的设计选择贴近学生实际生活的话题内容。提供符合真实生活的学习情景,通过自主,合作,探究培养学生主动学习英语的兴趣,自学能力和合作能力。让学生多说英语,在用中学,学以致用。


学生唱一首歌曲: if you are happy , 让学生边听边随着做动作.,以歌曲的形式,引起学生对这节课的好奇心,调动学生学习英语的积极性.(二)遵循直观性教学原则.教师用实物演示水果沙拉的制作过程,体现直观性教学原则.教师先做一遍演示,并用英语说出制作水果沙拉的步骤,要求学生仔细听,然后动手做.(在此过程中复习how many 和how much的用法)要求学生注意观察,认真识记并用英语学说水果沙拉的制作过程, 学生如临其境,边看边模拟动作,进入“在用中学,在学中用”的学习状态。


模仿是学习的基础,运用diary活动可使学生利用肢体运动智能帮助理解、记忆知识,进行体验式学习。学生分成四组, 进行小组合作制作水果沙拉,要求学生用英语说出用英语水果沙拉的步骤,要求每一个学生都能参与到活动中去,本活动给每一个学生提供听说的机会,提供互相学习的机会, 合作学习和自主探究能激发学生的学习热情。整个课堂就会欢聚一堂,在热烈气氛中学会并运用所学的句型,提高了运用语言交际的能力。


groupworks :

make a conversation做对话和编排英语短剧



把水果沙拉的制作过程编进<< 两只老虎>>这首歌曲中,进行教唱,激发学生的英语学习兴趣并复习本节课的内容.(六)







八年级上英语1-5单元期中作文 篇7


2、I’m Ms Zhang.A.我是张老师。B.我是张先生。C.我是张夫人。D.我是张小姐。


3、Good morning, boys and girls.A.上午好(早晨好)同学们。B.下午好同学们。



4、Hello , I’m Ms Smart.A.你好,斯玛特女士。B.你好,斯玛特老师



5、I’m fine, thank you.A.谢谢。B.你很好,谢谢你。C.我很好,谢谢你。D.你好吗?



A.Goodbye!B.Good afternoon!C.Good morning!


7、当别人对你说:How are you? 时,你应当说:

A.How are you?B.I’m nine.C.Fine, thank you.()

8、Sam 想向别人介绍自已时,他应当说:

A.I’m Sam.B.He is Sam.C.You are Sam.()


A.Hello!B.Goodbye!C.How are you?


10、--What’s your name?

--______A.I’m ten.B.I’m Amy.C.She is Amy.D.I’m a boy.()

11、--Good morning!


A.Goodbye.B.Hello!C.Good morning!D.Good afternoon!


12、--How are you?


A.OK.B.Fine, thank you.C.How are you?D.I’m eight.()

13、--Good morning, boys and girls.I’m Ms Smart.--Good morning, ______.A.SamB.DamingC.Ms SmartD.Amy


14、________ am Ms Smart.A.IB.I’mC.SheD.He()

15、What’s ______ name?A.youB.yourC.yoursD.my()

16、______ is your name?A.WhatB.What’sC.HowD.I’m


red☆yellow ☆black☆blue ☆green☆




八、用所给词填空。finewhat’sMshowamgood1、--_______ your name please?--I ______ Lingling.2、--________ are you?--I’m ______.3、_______ morning, Daming!

五年级上八单元作文:好书童年 篇8



八年级上英语1-5单元期中作文 篇9

Yesterday our teacher told us something about Project Hope.In that class, I knew many children in the countryside have to drop out of school because of the poor family.So I decided to help them.When I got home, I found out the box with my pocket money.Then I wrote a letter to them.Finally I went to the post office and sent my pocket money with the letter to them.I hope I can help someone return the school.I am a student in Tianjin.Yesterday our teacher told us a lot about the Project Hope.I know thousands of poor students can return to school with the help of the Project Hope.I also want to help them.So I took my pocket money and wrote a letter to poor children yesterday.Then I went to the post office to send them.One day, I went to school and had lessons.The teacher told us something about the Project Hope.I though I should give pocket money for the Project Hope.So I took the pocket money in my pocket and wrote a letter to the poor children.Then I went to post office and sent the letter.I was very happy.Because of the Project Hope, children have better life.One day, our teacher told us some stories about Project Hope.Soon I decided to do something for it, so I saved my pocket money to help the poor children.Then I wrote a letter to them.At last, I went to the post office and send the letter and money to Project Hope.I’m very happy to help the poor children and I think they will have bettter lives with the help of Project Hope.Yesterday my teacher told us something about the Project Hope.It’s an organisation that to help poor chidlren to finish their schools.After heard about that I still want to give money to the Project Hope.Today I took out my pocket money and wrote a letter to the Project Hope.I thought poor children need helps quickly.Then I went to the post office and sent the letter and money to the project Hope.I was very happy.Last month our teacher told us about the Project Hope.There’re many children in the countryside can’t get an education because their families are poor.I decided to raise money and help them.And I wrote a letter to them.Yesterday I went to the post office and sent them some money.I hope they can have better lives.Yesterday our teacher told us something about the Project Hope and she wanted us to help them.I found all my pocket money when I got home because I decided to help a student who couldn’t get an education.I wrote a letter to the student before I

went to the post office to send them.I was very happy because I could help others.In the morning, my teacher told us about the Project Hope.I thought I should help the poor children.So when I went home after school, I took out my pocket money and wrote a letter to the poor children.Then I brought the money and letter to the post office and sent them to the poor children.I’m very happy to do that.Yesterday our teacher told us a lot of things about the Project Hope.I felt sorry for the children.Compare with us, they have no colorful clothes to wear, no nutritious food to eat and no enough money to go to school for an education.That’s terrible.So I decided to help them.I gave my money and wrote a letter to them to encourage them.I hope they won’t loose their heart for their future!

Note: 1.The words in boldface show the four key points besides subject I(we)and

past tense.2.The words in red are the vocabulary or grammar mistakes our students
