


as用法总结as 篇1



二、as…as结构的`另一种形式是“as much/many+名词+as+从句”。

三、若有修饰成分,如twice,three times,half,a quaer等,必须置于第一个as之前。



六、“as+原级+as any(或ever)”、“as+原级+as…can be”、“nothing(或no)+so+原级+as…”等结构表达的是最高级意义。即在某种程度上或某方面达到极限或最大限度。

as用法总结as 篇2


1.as用做副词。as用作副词常跟a”一起构成“as…as”这个比较句型。在“as…as”句型中第二个as的词性有两种情况,其一是做介词,如:He is as tall as me. 该句中第二个“as”是介词,含义是“达到与…相同的程度,与…等同”。其二是as做连词,如:His eyes aren′t quite as blue as they look in the film.该句中第二个as是连词,含义是“与…等同,同…一样达到某种程度”。“as”用作副词还有“和…无不同,像”含义。如:As before he remained unmoved.

2 . a s用做连词。a s用作连词,其含义较多。如: I s a w her as she was getting off the bus. 该句中“as”可译为“在…期间;当…的时候”;如:As you weren′t there ,I left a message. 该句中“as”放在句首其含义是“因为,由于”;如:Much as I like you,I couldn’t live with you. 该句中“as”用于形容词或副词之后,引导让步状语从句,含义是“尽管,即使,虽然”。除此之外“as”还有“以…方式,为……之事实”的意思,如:The Beatles,as many of you are old enough to remember,came from liver pool.“as”用做连词也可接“be或do+主语”,其含义是“也一样”,如:She is very tall,as are both of parents.“as”用做连词还能和其它词一起构成习语,如:as against sth与…对照、与…相比,as and when(a)[指将来的某一未定的事或行动]到时候,as for sb/sth至于某人或某物,as from/of指某事物开始的时间或日期,as if/though好像、似乎、仿佛,as it is照现状看、看样子,as to sth至于某事物,as regard sth提到某事物。

3.as用作代词。“as”用作代词的情况有两种。其一是常用于状语从句中,如:As is announced in the papers the diseases of SARS have spread almost all over the Asia.其二是构成固定搭配,如“as”常位于regard、consider、look on/upon、treat、view、represent、acknowledge词之后,如:Most People regarded/considered/looked upon him as a fool.

4.as用作介词。“as”用作介词时有以下三种意思:其一是“好像(某人)”,如:Dressed as a policeman.其二是“有(某人)的身份式特性,作为、当作”,如:I′m speaking as your employer. 其三是“因某人是(某身份)或当某人是(某身份)时”,如:As her private secretary ,He has access to all her correspondence.



( 1 ) 表示“到这种程度,这么,那么…” ,如: The weather was so hot.

(2)表示“不(像)…这么…,不(像)…那么…”,如:He isn′t so great as you think.

(3)表示“结果”,如:The weather was so bad that many people caught a cold.

(4)表示“到做某种事的程度”,如:She was so kind as to phone for a taxi for me.

(5)用于作比较,如:He is not so clever as his brother.

(6)表示“很、极”,如:You are so kind to help me.

(7)用于一些习惯用语中,如:not so much sth as sth,somuch for sb/sth,so much so that等。


(1)表示结果,如:Miss Guo was ill so I took his place.

(2)表示目的,如:She whispered to me so no one else would hear.

(3)用以引出下文,如:So now it′s winter again and I′m still unemployed.

(4)用以引出一段话进行批评或对比,如:So I′ve been in prison for three years. That doesn′t mean I can′t do a job.

(5)应用在一些习惯用语中,如:He′s 15 years older than me,so what if he is? 和as一起使用。so 和as一起使用时,表达不同含义,主要有以下几种:

(1)表达否定比较,如:The box is not so/as heavy as I expected.

(2)用在so+adj+as+to+inf句型中,如:He is not so foolish as to do that.

(3)构成固定搭配,如so far as意为“达到某种程度”,So far as I am concerned,this agreement is quite satisfactory;如so long as意为“只要”,I will help you as long as you do your best to study;如not so much as意为“甚至没有”,He didn′tso much as find a job.

(4)构成固定句型,如as+简单句,so+简单句,如:As he treats you,so you treat him.

(5)表示“为了做某事”,如I took an umbrella so as not to get wet in the rain.

as well as用法浅谈 篇3

【关键词】as well as 用法 例句

as well as 有多种用法,现归纳并说明如下,

一、作并列连词,用以连接前后两个语法单位和功能一致的词语,形成A as well as B的结构,说话人意在强调A, 故A和B的位置不可互换,但汉译时应先译B,后译A,可译为“不但……而且……”或“既……又……“等。可被连接的词语有:


(1)The students as well as the teacher swim every day. (比较:Not only teacher but also the students swim every day.) 不但老师,而且学生也每天游泳。

(2)He as well as you is responsible. (Not only you but also he is responsible).不仅你而且他也有责任。

注:1).A as well as B 结构作主语时,谓语动词的人称和数应与A 一致; 2). A as well as B 结构作主语时, 可把A 保留在主语位置,而将 as well as B 加逗号于其前移置句末,如例2可改为:He is responsible, as well as you.

2.形容词或副词,例:The packing must be seaworthy as well as strong enough to stand shock and rough handling. 包装得坚固经得起震动和粗暴搬运,而且得适于海运。

3.介词结构,例:We traveled by night as well as by day. 我们日夜兼程。


He publishes as well as prints his own books.他印刷且出版他自己的书。

二、依然用作并列连词并形成as well as B结构,但说话人对A 和B 均无强调倾向,as well as B只是表示增补或引伸,汉译按照原句顺序,A和B的位置不必颠倒,可译为“和”或“以及”等,连接的词语与第一种用法相同。例:Air as well as water is needed to make plants grow.空气和水是植物生长所必须的。

三、用作介词,常用于as well as doing…的结构中,可译为“除了……还……”也可译为“ 不但……而且……”等;as well as doing可位于句末,也可位于句首,但必须分别在前后加上逗号,例:The Japanese devils slaughtered the villagers, as well as burning down their houses. (= As well as burning down their houses, the Japanese devils slaughtered the villagers. 日本鬼子不仅烧毁了村民的房子,还屠杀了村民。

四、和 not only…but also…不同,as well as 可用于否定句,分两种情况:(1)as well as 位于not前,所连接的两部分均否定;(2)位于 not 后, 否定前者,肯定后者,as well as可译为“ 和……一样”等,例:Mr. Wang as well as Mr. Li does not teach history. (= Neither Mr. Wang nor Mr. Li teaches history.)王先生和李先生一样都不教历史。

比较:Mr. Wang does not teach history, as well as Mr. Li. 王先生不象李先生一样教历史。

as if 用法总结 篇4


You look as if you didn’t care.


He talks about Rome as if he had been there before.


He opened his mouth as if he would say something.

as用法小结 篇5

as是英语中意义广泛、用法灵活且复现率极高的词, 每年高考命题和其他各级命题都会从不同角度对其进行考查。它在词性上有介词、连词和代词等,主要有以下用法。



例如:Johnson works as a doctor.约翰逊(的职业)是个医生。

I like him as a person, but I don’t think much of him as s writer.作为一个普通人,我是喜欢他的,但是作为一名作家,我对他的评价并不高。

Wang Baoqiang’s talents as a film actor were soon recognized.作为电影演员,王宝强的天才很快得到了赏识。


例如:He has been playing tennis as a professional for five years.(= he is a professional)他作为一名职业选手已经打了五年网球了。

He plays tennis like a professional.(= he is not a professional but he plays as well as a professional)他打网球就像职业选手一样。





例如:Tom caught sight of Jenny as he was getting off the train.正当汤姆下火车的时候,他看见珍妮了。

As the election approaches, the situation in Libya is getting worse and worse.随着大选的临近,利比亚局势越来越糟糕。




例如:As she has no car, she can’t get the station easily.因为她没有车,去车站不容易。As it is raining, we shall not go the park.由于天在下雨,我们不去公园了。


例如:Tom was absent from the opening ceremony because he was ill.因为他生病了,汤姆没有参加开幕式。

--Why can’t I go skiing? 为什么我不能去?--Because you’re too young.因为你太年轻了。

He must have shut the door since he was the last one to leave.他肯定关门了,因为他是最后一个离开的。Since you can’t answer the question, perhaps we’d better ask someone else.既然你不能回答这个问题,我们也许该问问别人。




例如:Rich as he is, he never spends a cent on clothes.虽然他很富有,但他从不花一分钱买衣服。

Much as I admire his courage, I don’t think he acted wisely.我虽然佩服他的勇气,但我认为他这样做是不明智的。

Hard as I studied, I couldn’t catch up with others in class.我虽然努力学习,但赶不上班里其他同学。


例如:Child as he is, he knows a lot about physics.尽管他是个孩子,但对物理知道不少。3.实义动词+as+主语+助动词,如果没有助动词,则要加上一个do(does或did。例如:Try as he may, he never succeeds.尽管他很努力,但总是不成功。

Search as they would here and there, they could find nothing in the room.尽管到处寻找,但他们在房子里找不到任何东西。



意思是“如”,“像”,“按照„„的方式”。例如:Remember, you must do everything as I do.记住,你必须按照我做的那样做一切。

(五)as…as…的用法…意为“和„„一样„„”,表示同级的比较。使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词。其肯定结构为:as+ adj./ adv.+as…;否定结构为:not as/so +adj./ adv.+as…。

例如:This film is as interesting as that one.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。He can speak English as fluently as a native.他说英语和当地人一样流利。

This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think.这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。【注意】若有修饰成分,如twice, three times, half, a quarter等,则须置于第一个as之前。例如:Your car is twice as expensive as mine.你的汽车比我的贵一倍。


as作代词时,常用于引导定语从句,主要有以下结构: 1.用于the,such...as等结构中

例如:This is the same book as I read last week.这本书和我上周读的那本是一样的。I don’t like such books as he recommends.我不喜欢他推荐的那些书。2.用于“so/as +adj.+ a/an + n.(单数)+ as”结构中

The man is not so/as healthy a man as he was.那个人已经没有从前那么健康了。3.as引导非限制性定语从句时,所指代的内容通常指整个结构;在句子中位置比较灵活,可以在句首、句中或句末。

例如:She is late, as is often the case.她迟到了,这是经常的事。(先行词是整个主句)To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish.视而不见是愚蠢的,好多人都是如此。(先行词是不定式短语)David, as you know, is a famous actor.你是知道的,大卫是著名的演员。【注意】当修饰句子的非限制性定语从句位于句末时,as可以用which来替代。但是,当as从句位于句首或句中时,as就不能用which来替代了。

例如:I live a long way from work, as(which)you know.我住得离工作单位很远,这你是知道的。

As you will find out, I will never let you down.你将会发现,我绝不会使你失望的。Taiwan, as you know, is an inseparable part of China.你们知道,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。

【注意】as引导非限制性定语从句时,常用于一些固定结构中。如:as we all know/as is known to all大家都知道;as is often the case情况就是这样;as is said/mentioned above/as has been said before如上所述;as can be seen大家看到;as is/was expected/as we expect正如预料;as I can remember我能记住


as good as差不多,几乎;和„„一样好

as soon as 一„„就„„ as long as只要

as well as同(一样也);和;还 as far as I’m concerned 据我所知 as if/as though似乎;好像

such…as, such as像„„这样的;比如 as to关于某事物;提到某事物 so as to...为了

as a matter of fact其实;实际上

as a result,as a result of由于„„的结果

as用法总结as 篇6







file = open(“/tmp/foo.txt”)


data =





with open(“/tmp/foo.txt”) as file:

data =

#!/usr/bin/env python


class Sample:

def __enter__(self):

print “In __enter__()”

return “Foo”

def __exit__(self, type, value, trace):

print “In __exit__()”

def get_sample():

return Sample()

with get_sample() as sample:

print “sample:”, sample



In __enter__()

sample: Foo

In __exit__()

1. __enter__()方法被执行

2. __enter__()方法返回的值 - 这个例子中是“Foo”,赋值给变量‘sample‘

3. 执行代码块,打印变量“sample”的值为 “Foo”

4. __exit__()方法被调用with真正强大之处是它可以处理异常,

as用法总结as 篇7

(as) busy as beaver (as) busy as a bee (河狸整天忙着啮树筑巢, 蜜蜂整天忙着采蜜, 这两种动物都是辛勤劳作的代表, 像河狸或蜜蜂一样忙, 即非常忙碌。 )

e.g.:The students are as busy as beaver before the final exam.


Her new job made her busy as a bee.


(as) happy as a lark (快乐得像云雀一样, 即兴高采烈。 )

e.g.:The children, happy as a lark, went to go shopping by themselves for the first time.

小孩们兴高采烈地出门自己购物, 这对他们来说是第一次。

(as) hungry as a bear (饿得像熊一样, 即饿极了。 )

e.g.:The beggar , who was hungry as a bear, begged food from passers-by.


(as) innocent as a lamb (像羔羊般无辜, 即天真无邪。 )

e.g.:The suspect who insisted he was as innocent as a lamb was sentenced to death finally.


(as) crazy as a loon (loon, 译为潜鸟, 是一种水鸟, 当遇到危险时发出疯狂的叫喊声, 听起来就像有人在傻笑一样, 像潜鸟一般疯狂, 即完全失去理智, 极度愚蠢。 )

e.g.:His behaviors these days are as crazy as a loon.


(as) dead as a dodo (dodo译作渡渡鸟, 是一种产于毛里求斯的大鸟, 该鸟身体笨重而不能飞行, 所以成为人兽猎食的对象, 成为近代最先绝种的鸟, 像渡渡鸟一样绝迹, 即不复存在, 完全被人遗忘。 )

e.g.:Some works are still remembered by many people, while some works are dead as dodo.

一些典籍至今为人所忆, 而一些则被人们完全遗忘。

(as) mad as a hornet / wet hen (hornet, 黄蜂, 雌蜂尾端有长而粗的螫针, 与毒腺相通, 进攻性极强, 螫人后留在人体内的毒液可引发多种症状, 其经常螫人似乎是因为它们很生气。Wet hen, 被淋湿羽毛的母鸡, 自然是很生气的样子。故此比喻意为非常生气, 火冒三丈。 )

e.g.: I was mad as hornet when I knew I was cheated once again.


Bob was screaming and shouting———as mad as a wet hen.

鲍勃又叫又喊, 生气极了。

(as) mad as a March hare ( March hare, 三月兔, 兔子在春季特别活跃好动, 《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中的三月兔有点疯狂、脱线, 个性张扬, 故此比喻意为“疯疯癫癫”。 )

e.g.: Recently he is somewhat mad as a March hare.


as poor as a church mouse (在西方文化中 , 凡是跟教堂有关的都很穷, 卑贱的老鼠在教堂里是最穷的, 像教堂的老鼠一样穷, 即极度贫穷, 一贫如洗。 )

e.g.: John was as poor as a church mouse before he was em- ployed.


(as) scarce as hen’s teeth ( 我们都知道鸡没有牙齿 , 像鸡的牙齿一样稀少, 即极其稀少或不存在。 )

e.g.: What you have imagined is as scarce as hens’ teeth in this world.


(as) sick as a dog/ parrot (狗和鹦鹉在生病或不舒服时干呕的样子很是痛苦, sick意为“生病”或“恶心”, 所以此短语的意思是病得很重;恶心得厉害。 )

e.g.:I guess she is sick as a dog, otherwise she will come to the party.

我猜她病得不轻, 否则她会来参加晚会的。

(as) snug as a bug in a rug (臭虫钻在破布里, 自然是安全舒适温暖, “像藏在破布里的臭虫一样舒适”, 即温暖舒适, 极其安逸。 )

e.g.: My new house makes me feel snug as a bug in a rug.


(as) stubborn as a mule (像骡子一样顽固、倔强, 即顽固不化; 固执己见。 )

e.g.: She used to be stubborn as a mule.


(as) weak as a kitten (kitten , 刚出生的小猫, 其身体自然是很虚弱的。故此短语意为虚弱的、病态的。 )

e.g.: After the operation, he was weak as a kitten.


(as) wise as an owl (owl, 猫头鹰, 西方文化中把猫头鹰当做智慧的象征, 在儿童读物和漫画中, 猫头鹰通常很严肃, 很有头脑。动物间的争端要猫头鹰来裁判, 紧急关头找猫头鹰求教。故此短语意为非常聪明的;睿智的。 )

e.g.: We believe he can make the right decision for us, he is虽然很可惜, 但是改天再去吧。 (计划下次) 15 wise as an owl. 真糟糕, 真可惜, 打击。 (抱怨) 9

我们相信他能替我们作正确的决定, 他是一个极其明智今天做点别的吧。 (其他方案) 7的人。今

有趣的是, 英语中也有 (as) stupid as an owl的比喻, 像猫头鹰一样愚蠢, 指极愚蠢。因为有时人们认为猫头鹰不实际, 今天真的不行了吗? (不放弃) 6今天就算了。 (放弃) 3有点蠢, 这说明人们对同一事物有着复杂的, 甚至对立的态度, 但基本上来说, 猫头鹰在英语中是智慧的象征。针对场景2:拜托朋友拿东西

e.g.: I don’t believe he can do it well, he is stupid as a owl. 帮我拿一点点啦。 (一求到底) 13

他那么蠢, 我认为他做不好那件事。

as fussy as a hen with one chick (一只有着小鸡的母鸡总是不好意思啦, 谢谢你帮忙开车哦。10显得太操心, 对着小鸡咯咯地叫个不停, 从不给小鸡独立的机小气鬼, 真冷漠呀。 (类似玩笑的指责) 8会。表在小事上瞎操心。 ) 是的哦。 (友好性地放弃) 5

e.g.: Mary is always as fussy as a hen with one chick. 我请你吃好吃的。 (提供补偿) 3


as lively as a cricket (cricket, 蟋蟀 , 生性好斗 , 整天鸣叫 , 看上去总是活力十足, 像蟋蟀一样活泼, 即很活泼。 )

e.g.: The children, usually lively as a cricket, are very quiet针对场景3:考试前夕让人泄气的评论after the incident. 不管结果如何, 先试试。17

平时很活泼的那些孩子们在这次事件后都变得沉静起来。可能不能通过吧, 很消极 (悲观) 。8


[1]牛津英语大词典. (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary) .上海外语教育出版社.

as用法总结as 篇8

① He has won the game, was expected.

② He has won the game, was unexpected.

A. that B. which C. it D. as


一、位置关系:关系代词which不能放在句首;关系代词as 既可以放在句首也可以放在句末,甚至还可以放在句中。

1. As is known to all, he studies very hard.(不可用which)

2. New concept English is intended for foreign students, which is known to all of us.(which不可放在句首,这里也可以用as)

3. He, as you know, is clever.

二、内涵关系:as有“正如”、“就像”之意,即主从句意义一致;which 则没有此意。

He is a foreigner from North America, as I know from his accent. (as表示“正如”之意)

Tom is so busy that he has to work at weekends, which he doesn’t like.


as 形容词 as 篇9

He cannot run so/as fast as you.他没你跑得快。

2)当as„ as 中间有名词时采用以下格式:as +形容词+ a +单数名词/ as + many/much +名词。例如:

This is as good an example as the other is.这个例子和另外一个一样好。

I can carry as much paper as you can.你能搬多少纸,我也能。


This room is twice as big as that one.这房间的面积是那间的两倍。

Your room is the same size as mine.你的房间和我的一样大。

4)倍数+ as + adj.+ as <=> 倍数+ the „ + of。例如:

This bridge is three times as long as that one.这座桥的长度是那座的三倍。

This bridge is three times the length of that one.Your room is twice as large as mine.你的房间是我的两倍大。

Your room is twice the size of mine.2)在该结构的两个as之间通常接形容词或副词的原级,但若涉及数量或程度,可用“as much+不可数名词+as”和“as many+复数名词+as”。如:

You’ve made as many mistakes as I have.你犯的错误和我犯的一样多。I haven’t got as much money as I thought.我不像原来想像的有那么多钱。其间接形容词时,有时该形容词还可修饰另一名词,但这个名词应带有不定冠词(注意词序)。如:

She is as good a teacher as her mother.她和她妈妈一样是位好老师。也可说。如:She is a teacher as good as her mother.但不说。如:She is as a good teacher as her mother./ They are as good teachers as us.(3)第二个as后接从句时,该as通常为连词,但有时这个as还充当其后从句的主语或宾语,此时该as实为关系代词。如:

I gave him as much as he could eat.他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。

We’ve got food for as many people as want it.我们的食物,无论多少人吃都够了。(4)该结构根据情况可用使用以下修饰语。如:(not)nearly, almost, just, nothing like, exactly, not quite, half, one-ten, twice, three times, 30 per cent等,并且这些修饰语必须置于第一个as之前,而不能置于其后。如:

He doesn’t play half as well as his sister.他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。This dress is twice as expensive as that.这件连衣裙比那件贵一倍。(5)若第二个as引导一个表示将来意义的从句,则该从句可用现在时表示将来,也可直接使用将来时态。如:

We’ll get there as soon as you do [will].你一到,我们就到。(from )(6)在非正式场合(尤其是美国英语中),有时可以省略第一个as。如:

When over forty, he married a woman poor as himself.他在40多岁时娶了一个像他本人一样穷的女人。


The radios in that shop will be cheaper, but not as good.那家商店的收音机会便宜些,但质量没那么好。take up 开始从事When did he take up football? 他是什么时候开始踢足球的? 占用;化去The work took up all his time.那工作花费了他所有的时间。take-up名词 n.拿起;抬起;举起 2.拉紧;收紧;卷紧3.(照相机等的)卷片装置4.【纺】织缩;卷取 take up 1.占去,占据;开始从事;拿起,接收take up占去,占据;开始从事;拿起,接收 2.拿起;着手处理;占去take up 拿起;着手处理;占去

as用法总结as 篇10


前面两篇文章中,教学名师为同学们讲解翻译as…as…结构时,总体上应该注意的几点事项以及as good as…结构的翻译。本文将为大家讲解as…as…结构在其他固定搭配中的翻译。 often as从字面上理解,表示“与„„一样经常”,可视为as…as…结构与often的自然搭配;若作为固定搭配,则表示“每当,每次,无论何时”。如:

I don’t visit my old school as often as I should.我去拜访母校的次数不够经常。As often as I tried to phone him the line was engaged.每次我给他打电话都占线。 often as not从字面上理解为“通常不”,但是我们不能按字面来理解。这个固定搭配的意思为“往往”“通常”“屡次”,如:

As often as not, he forgets to practice playing the piano.他常常忘记练习钢琴。 soon as从字面上理解为“与„„一样快”,但是作为固定搭配时,我们不能从字面上来理解,作为固定搭配的意思为“一„„就„„”,引导时间状语从句,如: We chose the apartment as our home as soon as we got sight of it.我们一看见这套公寓,就把它选为我们的家了。

As soon as the suspect appears, the police will arrest him.嫌疑犯一出现,警察就逮捕他。 long as从字面上理解为“与„„一样长(久)”,但是作为固定搭配时,我们不能从字面上来理解,作为固定搭配的意思为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。如:

As long as you work hard, you will harvest a lot at the end of the year.只要你努力工作,年终时就会收获很多。 well as从字面上理解为“与„„一样好”;但是作为固定搭配时,我们不能从字面上来理解,作为固定搭配的意思为“不但„„而且”“既„„也”“而且”“还”等等。翻译时,应注意先翻译第二个as后的内容,再翻译第一个as前的内容。如: She can play tennis as well as basketball.她既会打篮球,也会打网球

A teacher should enlighten the students as well as teach them.教书不仅要教书,还要启发学生。 far as … be concerned 从字面上理解为“与„„相关一样远”,但是我们不能按字面来理解。这个固定搭配的意思为“就„„而言”,可用于引出某个人的观点或某物的特质。如:

As far as I am concerned, I don’t favor his opinion.就我而言,我不支持他的观点。As far as our country is concerned, the rate of the illiterate is still high.就我国而言,文盲率依旧很高。… as possible 作为固定搭配,意思为“尽可能„„”。如:as often as possible 经常性地;as soon as possible 尽可能快地;as long as possible 尽可能长/久地;as far as possible 尽可能远地,等等。

用as造句定语从句 篇11



(1) As is known to all, China is a developing country.

(2) He is from the south, as we can see from his accent.

(3) John, as you know, is a famous writer.

(4) As a student,I am supposed to work hard.



1.准关系代词as引导限制定语从句,用于以下3个结构中,as在从句中作主语、宾语或表语: / such…as

Such people as were mentioned by him were honest. (as作主语)

I’ve never seen such a clever man as he is. (as作表语)

Last term our maths teacher set so difficult an (= such a difficult) examination problem as none of us worked out.

b.the same…as

Modern statemen are often faced with the same problem as defeated the ancient Romans. (as 作宾语)

I like the same book as you do. (as 作宾语)…as

As many children as came were given some cakes. (as 作主语)

He is as diligent a man as ever lived. (as 作主语)


a.such…as 与 such…that的区别

such…as 引导定语从句;such…that引导结果状语从句。

They talked in such simple English as children could understand.


They talked in such simple English that children could understand it.


I will provide you with such things as you may need.


He shut the window with such a force that the glass broke.


b.the same…as与the same…that的区别:

the same…as指两物相似,the same..描述的是同一物。

This is the same bag as I lost yesterday.


This is the same bag that I lost yesterday.




As is known to all, he is the best student in our class. (as指代整个句子,作主语,置于句首)

He opposed the idea, as could be expected. (as 指代整个句子,作主语,置于句末)

As we all know, he studies very hard. (as 指代整个句子,作宾语,置于句首)

Tai is, as you know, an inseparable part of China. (as指代整个句子,作宾语,置于句中)


as is said above 综上所述 - as is known to all 众所周知

as is often the case 通常如此 - as is reported in the newspaper 如报纸所报导的


Whales are now fish, as some people think / but some people think they are.

I am no orator, as Brutus is.我不善言词,而勃鲁特斯却是个雄辩家.

Spiders are notinsects,as many people think, nor even near1y related to them.



As has been said above, grammar is not a set of dead rules.





He is a foreigner, as I know from his accent. (as指代一个句子,意为“正如”、“就像”)

He has to work on Sunday, which he doesn’t like. (which指代一个句子,没有“正如”、“就像”)

c.当从句的谓语动词是be或相当于联系动词的seem, become等时,可用as或which作主语。但当从句的谓语是行为动词时,只能用which作主语。 可用作连词,引导状语从句,构成省略形式“as + 过去分词”这一特殊结构,译成汉语时作用如定语。例如:

The bridge as shown in the picture is really wonderful. (as shown = as it is shown 可译为“图中的桥”)

See the answers as given at the end of this book. (as given = as it is shown 可译为“书后给出的答案”)

English as spoken is Australia is slightly different from British English.

(as spoken = as it is spoken 可译为“在澳大利亚讲得英语”)

请看下列的“as + 过去分词”结构用于修饰前面的名词:

The study as described in the article… 如文章中描述的那种学习

The program as conducted by… 由…指挥的(指导的)节目

The art as applied to medicine… 应用于医学的艺术
