七年级分段计费练习题 篇1
1、某城市出租车起步价为5 元(3km 以内)。以后每千米 1.5 元。某人乘出租车行驶14.5km,需要交费多少钱?
2、照相馆规定,一次性洗 8 张照片收费 10 元,此后每加洗一张多收 1.5 元。小方他们班周 末去科技馆参观,在科技馆门口拍了一张大合照,回来后决定用班费洗出来每人一张做纪 念。他们班一共 45 个人,那么一共要用班费多少元?
3、某市为鼓励市民节约用水,做出如下规定: 用水量 不超过 10 吨,每吨2元;10 吨以上20吨以内超过的部分收费 4 元/吨。小明家 8 月份用水 18吨应交水费多少 钱?
4、某市的一种出租车起步价为 7 元,起步路程为 3km(即开始行驶路程在 3km 以内都付 7 元)。若超过 3km,则每增加 1km 加价 2.4 元(不足 1km 按 1km 计价)。现在某人乘出从 甲地到乙地行驶了14.3千米,应缴费多少元?
9、某单位鼓励职工节约用电.规定每月职工用电收费标准为20千瓦以内按0.2元/千瓦计算,超过 20千瓦的按0.50元/千瓦计算。
②另一 位职工因为经常忘记关电脑,用电量达到28千瓦,那么他应该交多少电费?
10、为加强公民节水意识,合理利用水资源,某市采用如下水费计费方式: 用水量不超过6吨,每吨2元,超过6吨不到10吨的部分每吨4元,超出10吨的部分,每吨 8元。
(1)某用户4月用水7.8 吨,应收水费多少元?
七年级分段计费练习题 篇2
把一个多项式化为几个最简整式的乘积的形式, 这种变形叫作把这个多项式因式分解 (也可以叫分解因式) , 它的定义确实简单, 但也足够抽象, 主要还是强调形式上的变化.课本上介绍的方法也很常规, 主要是两种方法:提公因式法和运用公式法. 但是想要顺利解决它却是件不太容易的事情.我认为, 了解因式分解中的数学思想尤为重要. 我将通过课内习题中的几个典型例题略作介绍:
所谓用整体思想来分解因式, 就是将要分解的多项式中的某些项看成一个整体而加以分解.
例1 把多项式 (x2-1) 2+6 (1-x2) +9分解因式.
【分析】把 (x2-1) 看成一个整体利用完全平方公式进行分解, 最后再利用平方差公式达到分解彻底的目的.
例2 把多项式 (a+b) 2-4 (a+b-1) 分解因式.
【分析】原式两项既无公因式可提, 又无公式可套用, 但此结构特点可视a+b为一个整体, 局部展开后或许能运用完全平方公式.
类比思想在因式分解中的运用很广泛, 具体表现在:一是因式分解与整式乘法的对比;二是因式分解与乘法的分配律的对比;三是因式分解与乘法公式的对比.
例3 把多项式6x3y2+12x2y3-6x2y2分解因式.
【分析】对比整式的乘法和乘法的分配律可知, 6、12、6的最大公因数是6, 字母x、y的最低指数均为2, 所以多项式6x3y2+12x2y3-6x2y2的公因式是6x2y2.
例4 分解因式:
(1) x3y-xy3; (2) abx2-2abxy+aby2.
【分析】 (1) 对比平方差公式可先提取xy. (2) 对比完全平方公式可先提取ab.
某些多项式从表面是无法利用因式分解的一般步骤进行的, 必须通过适当的转化, 如经过添项、拆项等变形, 才能利用因式分解的有关方法进行.
例5 把多项式6x (x-y) 2+3 (y-x) 3分解因式.
【分析】考虑到 (y-x) 3=- (x-y) 3, 则多项式转化为6x (x-y) 2-3 (x-y) 3, 因此公因式是3 (x-y) 2.
例6 把多项式x4+x2y2+y4分解因式.
【分析】从表面上看此题不能直接分解因式, 但仔细观察发现若x2y2转化成2x2y2-x2y2, 即可先运用完全平方公式, 再利用平方差公式.
所谓的换元就是将多项式的某些项用另一个新的字母去代换, 通过换元可以将复杂的多项式转变成简单的, 将陌生的转换成熟悉的, 使之得以顺利地分解因式.
例7把多项式 (x+y) (x+y+2xy) + (xy+1) · (xy-1) 分解因式.
【分析】这个多项式形式上比较复杂, 但考虑x+y与xy重复出现, 利用这一特点, 可以把这两个因式通过换元后再分解因式.
七年级(下)期末巩固练习 篇3
A. B. C. D.
2.如图1,直线a∥b,射线DC与直线a相交于点C,过点D作DE⊥b于点E,已知∠1=25°,则∠2的度数为( ).
D.165° 图1
3.若x3+x2+x+1=0,则x27+x26+…+x+1+x+…+ x26+x27的值是( ).
A.1 B.0 C.-1 D.2
4.如图2,将△ABC绕点C(0,1)旋转180°得到△A′B′C,设点A的坐标为(a,b),则点A′的坐标为( ).
D.(-a,-b+2) 图2
8.如果点P(m+3,m-2)在x轴上,那么点P的坐标为 .
9.为了加强公民的节水意识,合理利用水资源,某市采用价格调控手段达到节约用水的目的,规定每户每月用水量不超过6m3时,按其原本价格收费;超过6m3时,超过的部分要加价收费.该市某户居民今年4、5月份的用水量和水费如下表所示,则用水收费的两种价格为不超过6立方米时每m3收 元,超过6m3时,超过的部分每m3收 _____元.
(2)若AM平分 ∠FAE,求证:FE垂直平分AC. 图3
七年级分段计费练习题 篇4
1. Are you good ____ old people?
A. atB. withC. inD. over
2. I often help my mother ____ the housework.
A. withB. inC. atD. on
3. He can play ____, but he can’t play ____.
A. the football, violinB. football, violin
C. the football, the violinD. football, the violin
4. Jones filled her bag ____ clothes.
A. withB. ofC. inD. out
5. Can you play ____ chess?
A. theB. aC. anD. ×
6. The little boy can speak ____ English.
A. manyB. veryC. allD. a little
7. ——Can you sing ____ dance?
——I can dance well.
A. andB. orC. butD. for
8. Maybe he can ____ in our school concert.
A. beB. isC. areD. am
9. He has built a small lab ____.
A. of his ownB. of one’s ownC. on his ownD. for his own
10. He comes late sometimes, ____?
A. is heB. isn’t heC. comes heD. doesn’t he
Many parents want the __1__ to do everything when they grow up. They begin to teach the kids to read and write before they go to kindergarten. When the kids are __2__ enough to go to kindergarten, parents always take them to different classes during the holidays. They want their kids to __3__ the violin, the piano and other instruments. Some parents who can __4__ English will teach the kids how to speak English.
After the kids begin to go to primary school, parents ask them __5__, dance or paint. They want them to be artists in the future. Kids are not allowed to play __6__ friends in parks. They have to stay at home to do their homework and practice singing, dancing or painting on Sundays. They have __7__ time to do the things which they like. They are tired and don’t have a good rest on weekends.
When kids go to middle school, they __8__ they have grown up. They can arrange everything for themselves. In fact, they are not free. They will be woken up earlier __9__ go to school earlier. They will ask them to do more exercises. Parents will stay with them as possible as they __10__. And their TVs won’t turn on before they go to bed. This is the reason why most kids don’t like weekends and holidays.
1. A. studentsB. kidsC. teachers
2. A. oldB. youngC. small
3. A. takeB. makeC. play
4. A. speakB. sayC. tell
5. A. singB. to singC. singing
6. A. withB. forC. about
7. A. fewB. a littleC. little
8. A. getB. thinkC. show
9. A. butB. orC. and
10. A. canB. mustC. may
When Li Ming is three years old, he is interested in learning. He always asks what it is when he sees a word on the wall of the street. His grandmother told him and teaches him how to write it. Soon he can read and write. After three months, he can look up the new words in a dictionary. Then he writes the things he has done on a piece of paper and shows to his parents in the evening.
Li Ming doesn’t like singing or dancing. He doesn’t like sports, either. He likes doing some reading. And he begins to learn the subjects of the primary school. When he is five years old, his mother who is an English teacher begins to teach him English. Six months later, he can speak much English and talk with a foreigner in English. His English improves quickly. When the kids who are at the same age begin to go to primary school, Li Ming has finished the whole middle school subjects. Li Ming becomes a student of a university when he is eleven.
1. Li Ming likes ____ when he is three.
A. watching TV
B. playing computer games
C. studying
2. Li Ming’s first teacher is his ____.
A. grandmotherB. motherC. father
3. There are many ____ in Li Ming’s room.
A. CDsB. booksC. toys
4. Li Ming can talk with foreigners in ____.
A. English and Chinese
B. French and Japanese
C. English and French
5. Li Ming goes to a university at the age of ____.
A. 5B. 11C. 21
Jim meets two friends in the street.
“Come back to my apartment for a meal,” he says. “You can see the whole(整个) of the city from my bedroom window.”
His two friends agree and they go back with Jim to the apartment building. Jim lives on the 40th floor.
When they arrive, however(然而), the lift(电梯) is out of order.
“I’m sorry,” Jim says, “we’ll have to walk.”
“But it’s forty floors!” they say.
“We’ll talk as we climb,” Jim says. “You can tell me the new jokes(笑话) and when we get to my apartment I’ll tell you a story.” His friends agree and they start to climb the forty flights of stairs(楼梯). At last they reach the top floor(顶楼) and stand outside the door of Jim’s apartment.
“Now tell us a good story,” his friends say.
Jim looks at them sadly(难过的) and says, “I’m sorry. The key(钥匙)is in the car.”
1. Jim meets two friends in ____.
A. an apartmentB. his bedroomC. a lift D. the street
2. Jim wants his friends to see ____.
A. his apartmentB. the city
C. a picture in his bedroomD. his car
3. Jim and his friends climb forty flights of stairs because ____.
A. they want to tell jokes
B. the lift is not working
C. Jim doesn’t have his key
D. his apartment is on the fortieth floor
4. When they reach the fortieth floor, Jim tells his friends ____.
A. a jokeB. his name
C. that his door key is in his carD. his address
5. Which of the following is NOT true? ____.
A. Jim’s key is in the street
B. Jim lives on the fortieth floor of a tall building
C. Jim tells a sad but true story when they are in front of his apartment
D. Jim doesn’t know that his key is in the car before they climb to the top floor
Lin Tong is seven years old. He is very happy. He is old enough to go to school. He likes the school very much. He goes to school early. After two weeks his teacher calls his mother and asks her to come to school. His mother thinks Lin Tong must not fit the school. But the teacher asks her to send him to Grade Three because his knowledge is rich enough and he has finished his exercise-books.
After a month Lin Tong studies in Class Two, Grade Four. He is the star in the class. All the kids like him. Two months later he has to study in Grade Five. The teachers think he needn’t study in primary school. But his parents don’t agree. When he comes back to school after winter vacation, he is a student of Grade Six. He is the youngest and shortest kids in his class. Everyone loves him and buys drinks for him. Many students like going to school or going home with him. He has friends all over the school. He says that the best thing in the world is studying at school. After summer vacation he will go to a middle school.
1. How old is Lin Tong when he goes to school?
2. How long does Lin Tong studies in Grade One?
3. Why doesn’t Lin Tong study in Grade Two?
4. Does Lin Tong like going to school or not?
5. At what age Lin Tong finishes his primary school?
1. Here is my a____. Welcome to my home on Sunday.
2. The girl comes from Japan and she can speak J____.
3. My sister likes music and she wants to be a m____.
4. Cindy lives in China for five years. She can s____ a little Chinese.
5. ——W____ don’t you go to school today?
——Because it’s Sunday today.
6. Victor can do ____(China) Kung Fu.
7. Let’s ____(go) to movies after school.
8. Jennifer, here ____(be) a telephone for you.
9. June is a Canadian girl. She ____(speak) French very well.
10. Jet is good at ____ and he is a good ____(swim).
1. I want to join the art club. (对划线部分提问)
____ club ____ you want to join?
2. May I know your name? (改为同义句)
____ ____ your name?
3. Lisa can paint very well. (对划线部分提问)
____ can Lisa ____ very well?
4. Can I help you? (改为同义句)
____ can I ____ for you?
5. Cindy wants to learn swimming. (对划线部分提问)
What ____ Cindy ____ to learn?
A: Mum, please wake __1__ up at seven tomorrow morning.
B: Why? You __2__ go to school on Saturday.
A: We are going to __3__ a concert festival the day after tomorrow.
B: That’s great! __4__ are you going to have it?
A: In the concert hall of our school.
B: You can go there __5__ Sunday morning, I think.
A: Oh no. All the members of the music club must go to school to help __6__ the chairs and the concert hall.
B: Oh, I __7__. Do you need my help?
A: Welcome to our concert festival, Mum. You __8__ play the pianowhile we are singing.
B: OK. __9__ go to your school on Sunday.
A: Thank you, Mum. I’ll tell my friends about it. They must be very __10__.
七年级分段计费练习题 篇5
1. What do you o____ do?
2. Tom a____ works hard at Chinese.
3. We have supper at a____ 7:00.
4. We are b____ with work, so I have no time to play.
5. The students l____ school at 4:30 in the afternoon.
6. My parents and I all watch the CCTV N____ at 7:00 every evening.
7. Please check the bus s____. Make sure when we leave.
8. I get up early and p____ singing every morning.
9. We usually do eye e____ after the second class in the morning.
10. I’ll write to you a____ I get there.
get up, hour, I, eat, thank, a little, one, make,
have one shower, all night
1. ____ for your help.
2. My father works very long ____.
3. We only ____ every day.
4. I usually ____ at 6:00 in the morning.
5. Lucy is often the ____ one to get to school.
6. She sometimes ____ lunch with her friends at school.
7. All of the students ____ a class schedule.
8. The workers always work ____, but they are happy.
9. Alice usually helps ____ with my homework.
10. My son likes to sleep ____ longer on Sunday morning.
It’s a residential college—that means people live and eat __1__(there的反义词), for students who want to learn English. __2__(student) have breakfast from eight o’clock till nine o’clock and __3__(lesson) start at nine o’clock.
The lessons __4__(be) an hour and a half long, so at half past ten __5__(them) have coffee, and the coffee break __6__(be) half an hour. Then they __7__(start) again at eleven o’clock for an hour and __8__(a/an) half. Lunch __9__(be) from twelve thirty to two o’clock. And then __10__(them, be) back in class from two o’clock till three thirty.
1. 你来了,我真太高兴了。
I’m ____ ____ that you’ve come.
2. “你喜欢做什么东西?” “风筝。”
——What ____ you like to ____? ——A kite.
3. 妈妈在厨房里忙着做饭。
Mother is ____ making the ____ in the kitchen.
4. 他们总是认真听老师讲课。
They always ____ ____ the teacher carefully.
5. 妈妈乘332路汽车去上班。
Mother ____ the ____ 332 bus to work.
6. 晚饭后,他练一个小时的鼓。
____ supper, he practices the drums for ____ hour.
7. 穿上这件新毛衣,去看场电影。
____ ____ the new sweater and go to a movie.
8. 奶奶常常从电视上看京剧。
Granny often ____ Beijing Opera ____ TV.
Visitor: Peter Smith?
Peter: __1__.
Visitor: Mary?
Mary: __2__.
Visitor: Does Peter Smith live __3__.
Peter: No, __4__ doesn’t live here.
Visitor: __5__ Mary Smith live here?
Peter: No, __6__ doesn’t.
Visitor: Do __7__ live here?
Peter: No, I __8__.
Visitor: Does she…?
Peter: No, __9__ __10__.
Peter&Mary: __11__ don’t live here.
Visitor: You __12__ live here; she __13__ live here. Peter and Mary
Smith __14__ live here. Then __15__…?
Peter: My sister. My sister __16__ here.
Visitor: Do you __17__ Peter and Mary?
Peter: Yes.
Visitor: __18__ do they live?
Peter: I don’t __19__…Oh, yes. __20__ live in Japan.
Visitor: Do you have __21__ address?
Peter: No, I’m __22__.
Mary is a worker. She works at a glass factory in London. Mary does not work on Sunday. She usually gets up late. She does not like staying at home. After breakfast she often drives her red car to see her friend Jane. Jane is a doctor. She lives with her parents near London.Mary drives to Jane’s house in about forty minutes. There they talk about their jobs, their families and their friends. They usually have an hour for sports in the morning, then in the afternoon they often go shopping. Sometimes they go to see their friends. They have a good time.
1. Where does Mary work?
2. Does Mary usually get up early on Sunday?
3. What does Mary do on Sunday?
4. Where does Jane live?
5. What do Mary and Jane often do on Sunday afternoon?
In America, just as in Europe, men usually open doors for women, and women always walk ahead of men into a room or a restaurant, unless (除非) the men have to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table, to open the door of a car or do some other things like the above. On the street, men always walk or cross the street on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic. But if a man walks with two ladies, he should walk between them. Then if the host(男主人) or hostess(女主人) or both of them come in a car to get their guest for dinner, the guest should sit at the front seat and leave the back seat though there is no people sitting on it.
1. In America, men usually ____.
A. walk ahead of womenB. eat in a restaurant
C. walk behind womenD. drive a car to work
2. In the street, men ____.
A. cross the street
B. walk on the right side of the ladies
C. walk on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic
D. walk near the ladies
3. If a man walks with two ladies, he should ____.
A. walk between them B. run before them
C. run after themD. go away
4. What’s the title(题目) of the passage? ____.
A. Men FirstB. Ladies First
C. Men and WomenD. Men is Better
七年级分段计费练习题 篇6
1. photo ____(复数) 2. that ____(复数)
3. woman ____(复数) 4. bus ____(复数)
5. this ____ (反义词) 6. she ____(物主代词)
7. son ____(对应词) 8. these ____(反义词)
9. these ____(单数) 10. they ____(物主代词)
1. 你的兄弟们____ 2. 我们的父母____
3. 亲爱的朋友们 ____ 4. 因……而感谢____
5. 他的姑姑____ 6. 他们的祖父母____
7. 我的一些家庭照____ 8. 她的表妹____
9. 你们的叔叔____ 10. 刘先生的女儿____
1. ——Is that your cousin?
——No, ____.
A. she is B. she isn’t C. it is D. it isn’t
2. ——Is ____ your photo?
——Yes, ____ are my parents.
A. this, this B. these, thisC. this, these D. that, these
3. My ____ is a teacher.
A. parentsB. grandparentsC. parent D. father’s
4. ——Is Helen a teacher?
——Yes, ____.
A. she’s B. he is C. he’s D. she is
5. ——Are these Jeff and Jack? ——____.
A. Yes, they aren’tB. No, these aren’t
C. No, they aren’tD. Yes, these are
6. ____ are in the same class.
A. I, she and youB. You, she and I
C. I, you and sheD. You, I and she
7. His mother’s ____ is his grandmother.
A. grandfather B. grandmother
C. grandparents D. mother
8. Here is ____ my family.
A. a photo ofB. photo of C. a photo atD. photo at
9. See ____ soon, Dave and Anna.
A. yourB. youC. theyD. them
10. This is Mary and that is Kate. ____ my ____.
A. She’s, friend B. They’re, friends
C. They’re, friend D. She’s, friends
11. Tim is ____ friend. ____ is an English boy.
A. I, His B. I, HeC. my, He D. my, His
12. ——Who is that girl?
A. She is here B. She is my sister
C. She is at school D. She is a girl
13. ——____ they?
——They are his grandparents.
A. What isB. What are C. Who areD. Who is
14. He is my grandparents’ son, but he isn’t my father. He is my ____.
A. father B. son C. grandfather D. uncle
15. This ____ my sister and those ____ my parents.
A. is, is B. is, areC. are, is D. are, are
This is a __1__ of my family. __2__ Frank. I am twelve. I study(学习) at No. 11 Middle School. This is my father. __3__ name is Dale Brown. He is a teacher in my school. He __4__ English.
This is my mother. She is a __5__, too. __6__ that woman near(在……附近) my father? Oh, she is my aunt. She is a nurse. My grandparents aren’t in the photo. __7__ are in the USA. I __8__ a dog. __9__ name is Dick. I love my __10__ and I love my dog, too.
1. A. backpackB. book C. photoD. map
2. A. This is B. I’mC. It’s D. My name
3. A. HisB. He’s C. Her D. This
4. A. looks B. loves C. wants D. teaches
5. A. nurse B. student C. teacher D. worker
6. A. What’s B. Who’sC. Is D. Are
7. A. We B. You C. What D. They
8. A. love B. haveC. teach D. look
9. A. ItsB. It’s C. He’s D. She’s
10. A. friends B. mother C. father D. family
This is my family. My grandpa’s name is Harry Brown. My grandma’s name is Jean Brown. My father’s name is Jeff Brown. My mother’s name is Helen Brown. Jeff and Helen are my parents. I have a sister. Her name is Kate Brown. My name is Tom Brown. I am ten. My sister is eight.
1. How old is Tom Brown?
2. Is that girl (E) his sister?
3. Is Helen Brown his grandmother?
4. What’s his grandmother’s name?
5. Is Jeff Brown his brother?
My grandparents have two sons and one daughter. My father is Thomas. He is forty. He is a policeman(警察). My mother is a worker. My uncle, Benny is thirty-six. He is a doctor(医生). He has a son and a daughter. My aunt, Mary is a teacher. She is only twenty-five. She teaches English in No. 2 Middle School. Every student likes her. I have a sister, Rose. She is only five. On Sundays, I usually play the piano (钢琴) with my cousins. I’m very happy because(因为) I have a very happy family.
判断正误, 对的请用“T”表示,错的请用“F”表示。
1.There are eight people (人) in this family.()
2.My uncle has two children (孩子).()
3.My aunt teaches Chinese in No. 2 Middle School. ()
4.I have one aunt, one uncle and three cousins. ()
5.My cousins and I like music (音乐).()
1.What’re these? ____.
A. It’s an ID CardB. It’s my ID Card
C. These are two ID CardsD. These are two IC Cards
2. What’re their first names? ____.
A. Liu and Beckham B. Liu and David
C. Xiang and Beckham D. Xiang and David
3. What’re their family names? ____.
A. Liu and Beckham B. Liu and David
C. Xiang and Beckham D. Xiang and David
4. What’re their full names? ____.
A. Liu Xiang and David Beckham
B. Liu Xiang and Beckham David
C. Xiang Liu and David Beckham
D. Xiang Liu and Beckham David
5. What’s Liu Xiang’s telephone number? ____.
A. 138094898 ** B. ** 138094898
C. 183670773 ** D. ** 183670773
1. Are ____(this) your parents?
2. Those ____(be) my friends.
3. They are his ____(cousin). We are going to the park with ____(they).
4. ____(those) is a pencil. ____(it) price(价格) is one yuan.
5. ____(her) is my sister. ____(she) name is Gina.
6. Dick is ____(he) brother. All of ____(we) like ____(he)
7. These are ____(they) ____(child)
8. ____(their) are my grandparents. My father is ____(they) son.
I have a best friend. His name is __1__. There are nine people __2__ __3__ __4__. His grandparents have two __5__, his father and his __6__. His parents have two __7__ and two __8__. __9__ __10__ Jim, Susan, Henry and Jane. So Jim has two __11__ and a __12__. Jim loves his family __13__ __14__. They love him too. He has a __15__ and good family.
1. 那是你的父母吗?
2. 这些人是我的堂兄弟,而那些人是我的朋友。
3. 她的祖父母是英语老师吗?
4. “那是你的婶婶吗?” “是的。”
5. “这些是你的亲兄弟吗?”