


托福写作技巧解析 篇1







浅谈托福写作中的例证技巧 篇2



《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》对example这个词作出了如下解释:“An example of something is a particular situation, object or person which shows that what is being claimed is true.”(例子是用于证明某种观点正确的特定情况、物体或者人物。)可见,考生只用自己的生活经历作为例子去证明观点是远远不够的,因为每个人的经历有限,而且各不相同,不具有很强的说服力。需要指出的是,《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》对于example释义里出现的object一词的注释也值得我们思考:“An object is anything that has a fixed shape or form, that you can see or touch, and that is not alive.”(物体是指任何有固定形态的事物,可以看到或者触摸的事物,或者无生命的事物。)它启示我们,写作时应该写“看得见、摸得着”的东西,要做到这一点,考生就要对论据细致分类,并尽量将话题中出现的与主题相关的关键名词“具体化”,这样文章的内容自然就充实了。考官看到你的文章中没有废话,也就爽快地给分了,至于你写不写for example、for instance、to cite a dramatic instance、nothing is more proper than this observation之类的套话,则无关紧要。下面笔者就介绍两种写例证段的技巧。


托福写作考查的题材大致有15类,具体包括教育(education)、科学技术(technology)、媒体(media)、成功(success)、工作(work)、政府(government)、友谊(friendship)、代沟(generation gap)、交通(transportation)、环境(environment)、金钱(money)、休闲活动(leisure)、家庭(family)、动物(animals)以及食品(food)。


I believe that students are supposed to take history classes. For one thing, by learning the American colonial history, they gradually understand how their forefathers, with perseverance and fortitude (坚韧), built colonial settlements in Plymouth and Massachusetts. For another thing, through studying the historical facts about the American Civil War, they know that it is during this war that blacks were saved out of poverty and imprisonment and saw the dawn of freedom and liberty. Similarly, the Second World War tells them how courageously America recovered from the raid on the Pearl Harbor and how dauntlessly it fought against Japan. To sum up, it is important for students to learn history,because by learning history they can know not only how a great nation comes into being, but also how it becomes a democratic country and most important of all, how it rises from hardship and then marches toward prosperity.

从语言角度来看,这篇作文只是处于一般水平,使用的句型也比较单一。但是这个段落整体上看着还不错,考生的得分也不会低,为什么呢?主要有以下四个方面的原因:①文章首尾句的观点一致,都表示“支持学生学习历史”;②文章将话题的关键词“历史”具体化,通过列举学习殖民地历史、美国内战历史和第二次世界大战历史,从不同侧面论证了学习历史的好处,即了解一个国家的成长,看到黑人境地的改变,以及国家如何摆脱危机、走向兴盛;③用词虽然一般,但是这位考生使用了关联词来串联不同的例子,如for one thing、for another thing、similarly等,使得文章结构比较清晰;④没有语法和单词拼写错误。从这篇习作中我们可以看出,分类举例法和将关键名词“具体化”对考生打开写作思路非常有帮助。




人物举例法的另一个优势是可使用的句子结构丰富,例如可以广泛使用虚拟语气、排比句等结构。这里笔者以虚拟语气为例进行说明。虚拟语气是个很难把握的语法现象,种类繁多、句式多样,是英语学习的难点,但是用它进行举例却是最为有效的。比如,虚拟语气中有一个结构是“If it had not been for …, we could not have done …” (如果不是因为……, 我们便不可能……)。这个句型还有个“简装版”,即“But for …, we could (not) have done …”。当我们举例说明“勤奋很重要”时,就可以首先用人物引出例证框架,比如:“Take Liu Xiang for example.”然后用“But for diligence”点明主题,最后接上“he would not have won a champion in the Olympic Games.”如此看来,这个句型简直就是为例证写作“量身定做”似的!举例法还有很多其他漂亮的常用表达,比如for the sake of (为了)、by virtue of (由于,因为)等,考生在考试时也可以根据自身情况加以应用。


对于例证段的写作来说,比较传统的写法就是使用for example或for instance的结构,然而这种结构对于考生写作能力的要求并不低。一般而言,例证段写作的基本格式为:①在段首设置主题句;②在主题句的后面以for example引出例子;③进行事实描述。这个格式看起来很简单,其中却隐含着巨大的挑战。例证的写法对写作规范要求较多,进行事实描述时,要求对时间、地点、人物关系等都进行具体的描述。对于一个英语基础薄弱、没有形成写作思路的考生而言,既要找例子证明观点,还要进行架构组织,其难度可想而知。这就是为什么考试时,很多考生写完for example之后,后面就无话可说了。

托福写作技巧解析 篇3


As the first teacher of a child, parents play a pivotal role in children’s growth, which is not just restricted to physical well-being but includes personality-building and psychological health. Especially for young children aged 5 to 10, parents are like role models that children admire and try to imitate. So, there are many good traits that parents are supposed to help children develop, such as being honest, being helpful and being organized. In my mind, the first lesson children at this age should learn is honesty.

To begin with, honesty is the valuable character for a child to be accepted by others. To maintain friendly relationship, people need mutual trust. It is vital that a child is honest to parents, playmates, teachers and anyone they meet. At young age, they may be simply blamed for telling lies, but when they grow up, what dishonesty costs them is the loss of trust, and gradually they may be isolated. In a word, parents should timely point out children’s lies and appropriately help them correct the mistake. For instance, the reason why a child refuses to admit he breaks the vase is he fears parents’ punishment. But, if he finds his lies can help him avoid punishment and thus gets used to lying, the loss will finally become unbearable and irreversible in future work or study.

Secondly, children should also learn to be honest to themselves. Inevitably, people will encounter some situations or consequences that they are unwilling to confront. At this moment, someone may choose to deceive themselves and escape from reality. Through constantly lying to themselves, they may finally forget the truth and accept lies they make up as facts. For example, when a child does not want to admit he loses a game at school, he may make up some excuses to cheat himself, such as unfair referee, and refuses to admit the competitor actually is stronger. Consequently, once he finds sanctuary in lies, the dishonesty to inner heart stops him from training harder to win the game but encourages complaints and self-abandonment. Parents at this time have the duty to motivate children to break lies and be honest to themselves bravely.

Admittedly, being cooperative and organized is also significant characteristic that children ought to possess since young. To keep everything in order is the prerequisite for one to maintain high efficiency in work or study. In addition, kind-hearted people are usually popular among people and can easily expand social circle. For example, parents can encourage children to keep their room tidy and organized, and organize children in the neighborhood to join in community services. However, for all the valuable traits that children should share, what comes first must be honesty. An organized and helpful lier can never be called a respectful person.

In summary, good parenting is of great significance in children’s growth. It is parents’ responsibility to equip children with good personalities at formative years. Among all the desirable traits children should cultivate, honesty is always the most valuable one.

Which value should be shared by children (5-10 years old) most and why?

1. being honest

2. being helpful for others

3. being well-organized










托福写作考试流程解析 篇4


一. 托福写作考试时间















一. 学术性文章的段落结构


(1) 主旨句:表达段落的主旨,即本段想要表达的核心内容是什么;

(2) 细节:为了详细说明段落中心含义,所罗列的相关支持内容,即本段通过哪些例证来阐明主旨句。


总结:当考生们了解了这种 篇章结构,对文章框架的把握就会做到心里有数,更有利于提高阅读速度和定位有效信息的准确度。

二. 文章论证中常见的逻辑关系



明显因果关系中常出现下列标志性词语:because, because of, since, for, as, due to, owing to, in that, so, so that, as a result, therefore, thereby, hence, consequently, accordingly.



a. 表示导致含义: lead to, cause, result, result in, give rise to, render, produce, make等使役动词, support, stimulate, spur, spark, fuel, motivate, prompt.

b. 由……而来: come from, result from, originate, derive from, initiate from, stem from, be attributable to, be responsive to.


明显比较关系: as…as / more…than/ less…than/comparing to.../compared with.


a. “变化”: change, vary, alter, modify, revise, increase, decrease,destroy,develop, improve, progress, advance, grow, degenerate, continue, remain, stay,stable.

b. “对比”: same, different, while.

c. “超越”: surpass, exceed, transcend, excel.


明显否定关系: no, not, none, never, neither, deny.

隐含否定关系: fail to, absent from, lack, lack of, refuse, few, little, 否定词缀less.







我的建议是,每天半小时,电脑左右两边各一word文档,左边是英文材料,从词汇到句型到段落到 篇章,右边是空白文档。先边看边打,再试着把左边遮去,这样反复操练,既提升了速度,又巩固了词句,提升了语感,说不定还能顺便背下几个好的段落。


一个好的模板毫无疑问能够帮助大家节省时间。但我几乎从来不会给学生一个英文模版让他去背,然后考试直接往里填单词。这样做的危害实在太大了。首先对学生写作能力提升来说这是一个很不负责任的做法。其次对提分来说更不现实,因为ETS考官甚至包括 E-rater (电脑阅卷) 都很容易识别出模板举行,而且模版属于别人,与你的写作风格和用词习惯格格不入,这不是简单地填几个单词就能解决的。

















除了真题以外,其他的资料就不那么重要了。像我们所熟悉的 Barron、Kaplan 或者 Princeton 等等,出题的思路与ETS总会有差别,学的多了反而是误导。至于国内出版的一些鼓励学生扣语法背句子的托福写作书,不客气的说,他们连托福写作的门还没有摸到。

托福写作解析举例子手法 篇5

Question 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sample Response


To many people, having fame or wealth is the highest ideal. However, we deal with setbacks and mediocrity most of the time. In this case, optimism is desired, and, in fact, it is more important than attaining success.

An open mind in the face of failure enables individuals to have the gut to give it another shot, and as long as we try, the likelihood of success remains. Conversely, if they surrender to the defeat, they are hardly likely to achieve anything. This happens to me on a daily basis. As a salesperson, anytrade may not be made by the first meeting with my clients. Anegotiation may take forever, and failure is highly likely. However, I maintain my faith, and as a result, I persist all the time and have made good deals. Gradually, I find it more delightful to have resilience and patience than to achieve success, which brings only transient excitement. The opposite case happened to one peer of mine who recently quit the job. As he could notcope with the constant failure properly, he never made a single successful sale.


Question 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Some believe that we should keep a distance from the people we care about, because it is necessary for people to understand the importance of each other. Others think being away from people we care about can damage our relationship with them and we should spend more time with them.

Which do you prefer?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sample Response


Between two individuals, keeping a distance could go either of the two following ways: the either strengthen or weaken the relationship. It is reasonable that some people prefer the intimacy between loved ones; in my case, a certain distance is necessary, however.

Staying close with each other, the two parties of a relationship—a friendship, a romantic relationship, or family—may have no secrets between each other. This may be the expectation of a good relationship of my opposite side. The opposite side may also expect that friends, lovers or family stick with each other and be the 24/7 company. They would otherwise feel insecure or even deny the relationship. However, the closeness may be stressful and annoying,counterproductiveto building a sound relationship. For example, my parents and I used to live in the same neighborhood. As they were physically close to me, they visited me often or my apartment when I was absent. Although I appreciated their doing household chores for me, I also felt uncomfortable because many of their unscheduled visits were intrusions and those regular visits were also not-so-delightful. As an adult, I would prefer privacy and random solitude to being taken detailed care of. It thus follows that we in fact would not appreciate an around-the-clock companion but prefer having no distractions.

It thus follows that keeping a distance is actually favorable to the mutual cherishment between two people. When the distance is kept, nothing is taken-for-granted, and the feeling of thathighlights the value of a friend, a lover, or family. Behind the feeling is the sense of insecurity, which however makes the friend, lover or family treasure.This is my strategy of maintaining a good status in my friendships. I deliberately keep myself available yet from a proper distance to my friends, and they thus have limited yet adequate access to me. Many of them may have the fear that they may lose me and, as a result, always keep me in mind.










【托福独立写作】 高分技巧之让步式写法用法介绍

让步段,顾名思义,就是退了一步的段落。例如,For further career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school? 选择了同意的立场,写完了三个同意的理由之后,可以再写一点让步段论述一下反方的观点,即在学校学习好也很重要。写让步段的好处有很多,一是上文提及的最实际的用途---凑字数,二是从行文逻辑看,写一段让步段也可以展现考生思维的严密性。只要时间允许,此种一举多得的做法为何不尝试呢?


但是,让步段写作也需要遵循一定的原则。考生在写作时,应当按照三部曲进行:1)写出一个反方观点 2)进行一定程度的削弱 3)重申自己的观点。

1. 写出反方观点

这一步大多数同学都做得不错,但是在提出反方观点之前,可再加上一些连接词,例如admittedly, nevertheless等等。还拿之前拿到题目做例子,For further career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school? 总观点是同意,让步段写学习好也挺重要的。第一步引出反方观点时,应写:Admittedly, acquiring an excellent GPA is one significant proof of your ability, for “study” is one of the major tasks that students are supposed to fulfill in school.

2. 进行一定程度的削弱

这是大多数同学会忽略的一步。很多同学在写让步段的时候,喜欢跳过第二步,直接重申自己的观点,然而这样的写法会显得逻辑上牵强,行文也显得生硬。因此,在提出反方观点时要进行一定的削弱。例如在写完上文那句话之后,应加上:However, the outstanding scores only prove the intelligence of the student, while the EQ, largely reflected by how well you relate with others, plays an utmost significant role in the future career success.

3. 重申自己的观点

这一步非常重要,因为让步段的提出仅仅是小插曲,重要的还是自己的观点。切不可写了让步段,就忘了自己的立场,那样就是得不偿失了。因此,在写完上面两句话之后,需要再加上一句,therefore, I still hold the opinion that relate well with others is more important than acquiring high scores in school.



Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit younger students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not? (7月15日托福独立写作真题)


As far as I am concerned, the method proposed by some people that students aged under 12 should be taught by different teachers offers a better solution to these children’s education. [开头段直接表立场,言简意赅]

Body paragraph 1

[中心句,开门见山]→There is one major insidious[形容词,潜在的]problem with the traditional method – one teacher in charge of all the subjects.[含蓄虚拟,假设隐含在主语]→Being taught by only one teacher would initiate[及物动词,发起]boredom in children, [非限定语从句]→who are more boredom-prone[形容词,易感到无聊的] than others. From 6 to 12 years old, as children continue to grow, they are becoming increasingly interested in coming into contact with others. Different classmates of the same or opposite gender are perfect targets for these young students to mix or play with; their teacher, [同位语从句]→an adult they see throughout each school day, also ought to be someone of a novelty. [假设论证]→If all the subjects are taught by only one teacher, dislike or even aversion[可数名词,厌恶的人或东西] towards him or her would gradually arise in some students. A small proportion would simply dislike this teacher’s physical appearance while others may likely have an emotional aversion to the teacher’s teaching style.

Body paragraph 2

To address the aforementioned problem,←[不定式作目的状语从句] hiring new teachers to bring freshness to these kids would be an effective solution. ←[就上段的问题提出解决方案,中心句] 【内容详见真经6】


托福写作三选一解析 篇6

以此类推,当题目给出ABC三个选项时,选择其中一个选项比如A作为自己的支持方,自然BC这二项则成为了对立面,那么论点的寻找就要考虑A在哪些方面优于B and C。所以论点公式可以理解成:

1. A >B(重点写A优于B的方面)

2. A >C (重点写A优于C的方面)

1. A1 >B+C (写A同时优于BC的一个方面)

2.A2 >B+C (写A同时优于BC的另一方面)



Imagine that you are in a classroom or a meeting. The teacher or the meeting leader says something incorrect. In your opinion, which of the following is the best thing to do?

-Interrupt and correct the mistake right away

-Wait until the class or meeting is over and the people are gone, and then talk to the teacher or meeting leader

-Say nothing

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


? 论点1就可以考虑B相对于A有何优势,所以立即想到B是强调“事后”,而A则强调“当场”,则想到 Audience, whether students or meeting attendees, can easily be distracted by embarrassment brought by sudden interruption of teachers or leaders being corrected right away and then are likely to discuss mistakes they have made with each other. Consequently, teachers or leaders can hardly continue their speech without quiet environment and participants’ attention.

? 论点2就可以考虑B相对于C有何优势,则想到Audience can realize what the problem is and form a deeper impression if mistakes of speakers are disclosed the minute they are made. Otherwise, they may be misled, using wrong knowledge or information they receive in the future study or work.



You community has a piece of land and is considering introducing a business to this land. Which business would you prefer?

-Shopping mall

- A performing art center

-A hotel

这道题目选择A “shopping mall”作为建造对象更为简单好写

? 论点1其实可以考虑A同时优于B+C 的情况:Shopping mall can bring people living in the community considerable convenience, thus improving their quality of life. Compared with a shopping mall which can provide abundant entertainment like cinemas and cafe, a performing art center is rather limited in entertaining the public, for people who are interested in it are comparatively less. Hotel, which can barely become a choice for local people living around, is even more impractical than Shopping Mall.

? 论点2也能找到A同时优于B+C 的另一方面:Moreover, building a shopping mall in the community brings enormous economic benefits to local people by attracting investment and providing job opportunities. However, neither an art center nor a hotel, if constructed, can stimulate consumption immediately or guarantee enough material benefits directly.


In times of economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending on?



-Support for unemployment









学沫版: More and more people begin to ridebicycle.

学渣版: A growing number of people begin tocycle.

伪学霸: Cycling attracts more and more people.

学霸版: Cycling is adding its appeal for manycitizens.

学神版: Cycling gains its popularity.


1. Spawn v. 产卵,滋生

2. Attribute v.归因于

3. Draw on 借鉴

4. End up doing something 最终会...

5. Reflect on 认真思考


1. 这样的做法会产生很多社会问题。

2. 成功很多情况下是由于团队的共同努力。

3. 借鉴历史的教训十分重要。

4. 如果不保护环境,人类最终会灭绝。

5. 认真思考过后我发现这个观点是不成立的。


1. This conduct would spawn a lot ofsocietal problems/

2. Success, in most cases, can beattributed to the team’s concerted efforts.

3. It counts to draw on history.

4. Human beings would end up being extinctif they did not protect environment

5. Reflecting on this statement carefully,I found it unconvincing.




以下题为例: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinions.





As society progresses remarkably, tremendous changes have taken place in people’s life. Nevertheless, some senior citizens cherish the memory of good old days with healthy environment and harmonious interpersonal relationships. As far as I’m concerned, despite serious environmental pollution and prevalence of materialism, 【背景介绍,作者给出了两个时代的对比】 I still believe today’s life to be easier and more comfortable than it was when our grandparents were children. 【提出论点】 I am going to elaborate my viewpoint from three aspects as follows. 【过渡句,承上启下】

To begin with, modern communication technology has changed our lives a lot and provides us with much convenience. 【理由 1】To be more specific, with the wide application of smartphones and the Internet, it is possible for people to contact each other even if they live separately. 【论证为什么理由 1 可以推出观点】 For example, Lily, one of my best friends, is lucky to be admitted into a famous university in America, which means we cannot always hang out together. But thanks to the modern communication technology, we still keep frequent touch with each other on Skype anytime, anywhere. Therefore we feel never apart.

【例子 1】

Besides, a variety of means of transportation make it quick and cozy for people to travel. 【理由 2】 Subways, taxis, private cars, high-speed railways shorten the distance between places. 【论证为什么理由 2 可以推出观点】A good example in point is that my grandparents used to live in suburbs, and anytime they want to do some shopping in urban center, it usually took them 2 hours, owing to bumpy roads and low-efficient old-fashioned vehicles. On the contrary, with great improvement of road condition and advanced traffic modes, they only have to spend 20 minutes a most traveling from home to the city. If it is very hot in summer, all modern vehicles are air-conditioned, which can make the trip very comfortable.

【例子 2】

Last but not least, today’s ample food supply and various food choices are something beyond imagination in the past. 【理由 3】 Decades ago, in China, all foods used to be arranged by the government. In other words, it was impossible for people to purchase what they liked to eat. 【论证为什么理由 3 可以推出观点】 For example, an average family was only allocated 1 pound of pork and 2 pounds of rice. In contrast, nowadays, we never have to worry about the lack of food because supermarkets and snack bars abound.

【例子 3】

To sum up, because of the progress of economy and technology, I am convinced that life at present is more comfortable and easier, which can be well demonstrated through examples of convenient communication, quick and cozy traffic modes and sufficient food supply and choices. 【总结理由,重申观点】 If our government takes efficient measures to solve the environmental problem, our world will become a better place to live.








Sample 1: Our society develops quickly, and people’s life has changed greatly.

Sample 2: With the rapid development of society, enormous change has happened in people’s life.

Sample 3: As society progresses remarkably, tremendous changes have taken place in people’s life.

通过三个句子对比可知,其中“迅速”的三种表达方式,quickly 最为平淡,rapid 居中,remarkable 最佳。同样的,要表达“翻天覆地”的含义,tremendous 就要比 great 或者 enormous 好的多,其他替换的词还有 considerable,drastic,significant 等等。




Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


People have different styles of studying. Some prefer the solitude of studying alone, while others thrive on the social interaction that comes from studying in a group. Certain subjects, as well, lend themselves more easily to one style versus the other. In many ways, the choice between individual and group study comes down to whether one enjoys the presence of others while studying, or finds that the more people involved in the conversation the greater the distraction. All in all, I prefer group study for two primary reasons.

First, group study allows for a social element that makes studying fun rather than arduous. If I sit alone, my mind often becomes distracted, and I easily lose focus. When I am working with a group, however, the social dynamics keeps constantly engaged in the studying process. For example, while I was studying at Oxford, I was working with a cohort of six other international students on a group project. Had I had to work on this project individually, it would have been boring, and I would not have put much effort into it. However, given the fact that each person in our cohort was from a different culture and country, working together was an exploration of different worldviews and philosophies of study, which made it an enjoyable exercise. I walked away from the project knowing more about my classmates’ lives, families and methods of working, as well as my own.

A second reason I prefer studying in a group is that I am able to clarify ideas by bouncing them off of other members of the group. For instance, at law school we are regular asked to identify the potential actions for a case, as well as defenses that the accused might raise. Working alone, I am able to identify perhaps eighty percent or so of the claims and defenses in the assignment. When I work with a few of my classmates, however, we usually are able to clearly identify all of the salient claims and defenses, and joke around while doing it. Different minds think and interpret differently, which leads to a broader range of answers.

In summary, I prefer studying in a group setting because studying in a group incorporates a social element to studying that makes it more enjoyable, and working in a group allows me to identify more solutions than I would be able to alone. In life, one generally has to be able to work with others in an effective manner, and studying in a group is an easy way to hone this skill.
