


工科英文自荐信 篇1

Dear Sir,I take the liberty of writing you to apply for a position in your corporation.In 1981, graduated from the powerman Course nd Electrical Equipment Repair Course of the U.S.Engineer College and also graduated from the Management Course of Industrial College of the U.S.University in 1985.I have just returned from the United State.I would like to work in your corporation.I believe that I can perform well under your leadership.I sincerely hope that you could give me an opportunity of first of all.Enclosed herewith are three copies of the U.S.diplomas and a copy of my resume for your reference.Your prompt reply in this matter would be greatly appreciated.Yours very truly,

工科英文自荐信 篇2


在工科院校中,很多学生英语基础较差,英语水平参差不齐,对英语学习缺乏兴趣和热情。而且英语教学通常采用大班教学,老师对每个学生的关注有限,学生很难参与讨论,导致上课效率低。这些问题在一定程度上影响了教学质量的提高。 这种情况下,教师就必须要使用适合的方法调动起学生的对英语学习的热情和积极性,让课堂变的不再那么单调和枯燥。为了提高教学的效率,教师可以在课堂教学中适当引入英文歌曲。音乐可以被看作是人类传达感情的第二种语言,不仅实现了韵律和语言的结合,更是体现和传达了文化、情感、甚至价值观。所以,有目的并有针对性的把歌曲融入到课堂上来,不仅可以活跃课堂气氛,更调动了学生的积极性。

利用英文歌曲,可以将课堂内学习英语的语言环境延伸至课外,不仅在轻松的环境下得到更多有关英语的相关知识( 词汇,语法等),而且在潜移默化中了解西方国家的文化背景知识。更重要的是,激发了学生对英语的学习兴趣。而在课堂教学的过程中,英文歌曲也发挥着重要的作用:


很多学生在学习英语时,都是孤立的在背单词,没有把单词放到相应的语境、句子当中去记忆。而很多英文歌曲中的句子都反映了当下英语中的流行用语或者习惯用语,所以很值得学生们去听和记。而在听歌曲的过程中,学生也会有意识的去查阅相关的词汇来搞懂歌词的大意和背景。歌曲可以不断反复的听,而单词和词汇也就在这样的反复中,逐渐的潜移默化的被学生所掌握。以大学英语综合教程中的一课为例,文章中出现了一个常见习语“as sly as a fox”,这个习语的结构“as+形容词+as+动物词”是英语明喻的一种典型的表达方式。它把人和动物做比较,并体现出人与动物之间的相似性。而由于中西方文化背景的差异,学生在理解此类习语通常会有困难。那么这个时候老师可以引入Lenka演唱的Everything at Once这首歌,歌词里出现了很多这种结构的习语。例如:“as sly as a fox,as strong as an ox,as fast as hare,as brave as a bear,as free as a bird,as quiet as a mouse…”。这首歌不仅节奏轻快,而且用词简单,很容易得到学生们的喜爱。通过反复的听并学唱这首歌,学生不仅可以很好的掌握这类习语的用法,而且还可以从这些习语中侧面了解到中西方文化的差异。教师也可以进一步引导学生在课后查找相关结构的习语,从而使学生的知识面获得扩展。

有些单词在不同的语境中会有不同的意思。如果单纯简单去背这些单词,即使背过了,在使用的时候仍然会一头雾水。而如果让学生通过歌曲来近距离接触真实语境,那么对单词的不同的意思也就很容易理解并掌握了。以英国著名的歌唱团体Westlife(西城男孩)的歌曲“I Lay My Love on You” 为例,“I never knew that love could feel so good,like a once in a lifetime,you change my world,I lay my love on you ”。歌曲题目及歌词中反复出现的单词 “lay”有很多种意思,比如 “放置,下蛋,铺放”等等,而同时 “lay”也是“lie”的过去式,有“躺下”的含义。在这首歌曲里,学生可以根据歌词上下文推断出 “lay”的含义为“放置”。那么,在反复听这首歌曲的过程中,学生也不知不觉中掌握了“lay”和“lie” 的含义,加深了对同个单词在不同语境中含义的理解。


语法是很多英语学习者感到最头疼的内容。而如果在语法教学中适当使用英文歌曲,那么会使这个枯燥的教学和学习过程变得简单而生动起来。虚拟语气是英语语法当中的重点和难点,很多学生对虚拟语气的几种结构感到头疼,不知道该怎么去记忆和使用。以大学英语综合教程第一册为例, 其中有一篇文章涉及到了由if引导的非真实条件句,那么如何有效的对大一新生引入这个语法点,教师可以先让学生欣赏由美国著名歌星Beyonce演唱的英文歌曲If I were a Boy.“If I were a boy,I would turn off my phone; if I were a boy,I would listen to her.” 通过这首歌曲,教师再来讲解虚拟语气以及其用法,那么学生也就能相对轻松的掌握它了。


在日常口语交流中,英语的语音会出现不同的连读、弱化、重音、浊化等音变形式。而在平时的英语听力练习中,如果对这些音变形式不了解,会造成听力理解困难,继而,在口语表达中产生一些问题。而英文歌曲在音准上及语言形式上都很规范。教师可以有针对性的选择一些热门歌手的英语歌曲,带着学生找到歌者的发音规律,不仅激发了学生的兴趣, 还规范了学生的英语发音并提高了学生的听力和口语水平。例如:教师可以选择近几年在全球大热的歌手Taylor Swift的歌曲来进行练习,以她的“Back to December”为例,“I'm so glad you made time to see me.How's life? Tell me,how's your family?I haven't seen them in a while.” 在听这几句歌词时,学生可以发现歌者在演唱时出现了多个音变形式。第一句中,在进行made的发音时,出现了不完全爆破。因为爆破音中的任意2个相临时,前一个爆破音会失去爆破。此句中,made和time中/d/和/t/相邻,所以made中的音节/d/不发音。最后一句中, haven’t中的/t/没有发音则是一种吞音现象,这在英语的口语中十分常见;而另一种音变规律则是比较常见的连读,最后一句中的them in a while这几个词之间都使用了连读。通过对歌曲的精听,学生们可以在轻松愉悦的环境里掌握这些细小的变音规律,为自己的听力和口语打下基础。老师在课后可以让学生自行寻找他们感兴趣的歌曲来进行类似的练习。



理工科英文版书稿的编辑工作 篇3

2015年初,笔者拿到一部建筑学书稿——“Soil Mechanics土力学”。该书是大学土木工程专业学生的必修课程《土力学》的英文教材。为了适应新世纪以来高等学校本科土建类专业不断改革的教学计划和课程体系,提高人才综合素质的培养,作者根据长期从事建筑力学教学的经验,结合英文版教材的编写方式,在符合这门课要求的同时,重构了英文《土力学》课程体系和教学内容。作者编写过程中既注重结合我国土力学课程的知识结构体系和学生思维的特点,又注重吸收国外经典土力学英文原版教材的精髓,采用我国的规范和标准进行编写。洋洋几十万字,包括前言、图标、公式、练习题等,专业性很强。笔者虽然是年逾五十的外语老编辑,但从文字上审阅一遍后,仍感觉云里雾中。编辑过程中,手中之笔是否落红,颇感踌躇。这是因为笔者对力学专业根本不懂,且工科分类众多,仅力学专业,其细分和研究方向也大有不同。经与作者沟通商榷,该书稿有幸请到长期从事建筑力学研究的俞茂宏教授先行审阅一遍。俞先生通过长达半个世纪的潜心研究,破解了基础力学理论领域的世界性难题,使中国人创立的理论第一次写入了材料力学和工程力学教课书中。俞教授的几本基础理论性书籍均以英文撰写,并由世界知名出版社SPRINGER出版。审阅书稿后,俞教授给出了多页的书面意见和建议,笔者对此多有采纳。例如,书中有大量佐证实例,常会用到“Figure”这个词,原书稿对这一词的用法比较混乱,一会儿用缩写“Fig”,一会儿用“Figure”,而俞先生给出的建议是:句子开头,该单词用全拼形式,即“Figure”,而句子描述过程中用到这个单词就用缩写“Fig”。


值得注意的是,当前,像“Soil Mechanics土力学”这类书稿,在某种程度上可以归类为特殊书稿。此类图书虽然不多,但随着教育与学术的国际化速度不断加快,未来必将会增多,这对向世界宣介我国的科技前沿成果大有裨益,是出版社应着力推进的工作。理工学科专业门类众多,且不断向前沿细化,此类书稿要求编辑具有各类学科前沿专业和外语知识,且熟稔于出版工作,客观地讲是有不少困难的。针对此类专业英文书稿,笔者的体会是,要注重抓住两个问题去处理:一是责任编辑的编辑加工工作,在此略谈几点。第一,编辑审读专业英语书稿,应当明确自己承担的只是文字编辑方面的工作,编辑的初审工作往往应在专家对书稿内容审阅之后,确保专业内容准确无误才能开始,这样才能保证不会因为外语编辑不懂专业而造成内容舛误。第二,在此基础上,编辑审读和加工要把握语言文字叙述的正确性,即每个句子的英语语法不能有误。第三,作者叙述的观点及内容要清楚、准确。第四,熟练运用所掌握的一些英语文字规范的基本知识,包括大小写字母和斜体字的使用、英语文献著录的格式、移行规则等。另一个则涉及专业细分问题,建议采取“借船出海,借鸡孵卵”的措施,请相关学术专家在书稿内容上把关,特别是章节序号、特殊方程式的标点符号、图表或公式中的上、下标,正体、斜体、大写、小写、专业术语的缩写等,不能有丝毫的错误。而对自己专业以外的知识绝对不能妄自揣度,要通过与专业人员的合作完善整个专业英语教材和图书体系,确保内容正确。由此,出版社应聘请若干专家作为长期咨询顾问,以应对此类书稿的出版工作,未偿不是一个好方法。


工科学生自荐书 篇4
















英文自荐信 篇5

November 7, 2008

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to inquire an opportunity for English teacher in your school.I will graduate from Sichuan College of Education for B A degree, and I major in English teaching.I believe that my outstanding record at college as well as some teaching experience has prepared me for the job.During the past four years of undergraduate studies, being a diligent student, I have made a solid foundation and grasped the principal of my major.I pass the CET-4 and CET-6, Because of my excellent performance, I won scholarships every year.Besides the education, I am in charge of the department of publicity of the college.Since I was young, I’ve learnt calligraphy.With this specialty and outstanding leadership, I’ve done very well as the member of the department of publicity, and won Excellent Cadre of the college.In order to accumulate teaching experience, I once became a part-time English teacher of Qionglai First English Training centre.Now, I am teaching there too.I’m confident that an amiable, ambitious, dedicated and responsible person with a combination of solid educational experience and practical teaching experience can make an immediate contribution to your university.Becoming a teacher has been my dream since I was young.Please give me a chance to become one member of your university.Thanks for your consideration.Yours sincerely,**

英文自荐信 篇6


Thank you for your busy schedule to read my. Liaoning Institute of Technology I am a 200 English language and culture tend to professional students, will graduate in July this year. House as a result of the teachers who is from an early age I was a good family education, but also for the cause of teachers has always been filled with great enthusia, eager to look forward to your leadership, for this glorious and great cause plus licking bricks watts, and continuous learning in practice and progress.

Honesty, integrity, diligence and pragmati is the principle of my many years of school life, I formed a good style and advanced ideas, concepts, and have a unique way of thinking, harmonious interpersonal relationships. University life and to further strengthen the cultural knowledge of my self-cultivation, and create a good psychological quality, and effectively I have a down-to-earth style of life and the principle of self-regulate.

prerequisite of its browser. Mentorship in the strict lessons and personal efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, to master a number of skills. In each semester of the exam have achieved excellent results and one-time in September 20xx through the four English professional examinations, and achieved good results, can ease the use of computer software, familiar with WORD, ExCEL and other office software. Participate actively in the schools, the activities of the Organization Department of the School Games a success on many occasions.

At the same time, I am very focused on all aects of their quality, ability to train and actively participate in various social activities, seize the opportunity to exercise their own. Weekdays, I tutor after school hours engaged in work, so far the whole three years, as it has in the travel guides, and has been widely praised, leave alone to do during the course of English. Therefore, a large number of professors have a certain degree of social experience and practical ability. Also, because of language, literature and love of learning in Japanese is also a slight contribution.

Near that your school just a few years from a number of provinces, municipalities prescribed in the school come to the fore, is no accident, but by virtue of the leadership and vision Gaucho staff have a

英文自荐信:会计 篇7


Dear Sir,I have seen your advertisement in the for an accountant, and should be grateful if you would consider a short account of my character and capabilities.For the last two years I have been employed as a junior accountant by a firm of import and export merchants where the wide field of work to be covered has given me a good all-round knowledge of accounts.To supplement my practical knowledge, I have taken an evening course in the Hong Kong polytechnics.I feel that you could safely entrust a set of books to my care.You will find enclosed a testimonial from the Head professor of Hong Kong polytechnics who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require.I trust that you will consider this application favourably and I wish to assure you that I should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me.Yours faithfully

财会英文自荐信 篇8

I was born in the beautiful scenery of the border town-Linjiang, 97 years with outstanding results, I went to the Jilin University of Technology School of Economics and Management, then opened a new chapter in my life.I have been as a school class party branch secretary of the corporation, a busy train and exercise not only my ability to work and more training to solve the problem of my ability, so that the problems faced when I can calm analysis, careful thought, and this all for me the choice of professionals have had a profound impact.I do a good job at the same time, but also actively participate in school activities and to encourage students to participate, for their advice;in everyday life, I was able to closely unite the students, I believe that the collective force is strong, only we拧成一股绳, in order to do a good job.The needs of socialist modernization is a comprehensive quality management personnel, so I have to learn professional knowledge, the main English and computers, in English, I am training to strengthen my listening, speaking, reading and writing ability;in the computer, the I start from the basic knowledge to further grasp the various functions of the OFFICE, but also self-learning of basic knowledge of the INTERNET can be used flexibly.professional after the elections, in order to broaden their own knowledge, I also participated in the study Accounting mastered basic accounting software applications and EXCEL applications.In order to study their own expertise to jest ǎ  Mao Wei Liang薓unloading a few cases of BA-related teaching materials, such as strategic management, corporate governance, financial management, capital operation and so on, and apply it in their practical work.“Sea diving with width, height鸟飞days”, I hope you can give me an opportunity to display their talent, I will work hard, study hard and expertise to live up to my expectations of the company.

英文自荐信写法 篇9

格式与态度: 写英文求职信时,开头写每段第一句话时, 要顶格写, 一定不要空两格.这点很重要, 请你注意;不要用开玩笑的口吻与对方套近乎, 要严肃, 认真地写.这能使对方感觉你很重视这件事情;简短介绍自己的专业与才能.重点写清楚你的能力可以满足对方公司的需要.各人资料: 写英文求职信时,写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月,教育背景,尤其是和应征的职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊的技能;如无实际经验,告知对方你正在学习经验!

推荐自我: 写英文求职信时,需重点注意约定面试时间.一定要写清楚:我知道您很忙, 我很感谢您能在百忙之中抽几分钟时间跟我见面并谈话.请放心,这几分钟您一定不会浪费的!因为我确定我的能力一定使贵公司达到目的.要自信!但不要过份夸大自己的能力或表现过份信心,尤其不要说出与事实不符的能力或特性来.结尾与联系方式: 写英文求职信结尾时,需重点注意:不要等对方先打电话联系你, 你应该在英文求职信中明确写出, 你会在此期间打电话约对方见面, 并告对方知具体联系时间;还要写明, 在见面之前, 若对方有什么问题需要了解的, 可发Email或打电话联系你.并写清楚你的联系方式.最后, 再一次写明感谢他们抽时间看你的个人简历, 求职信.并感谢他们考虑你的应聘.写英文求职信要点:

英文自荐信格式 篇10

To whom it may comcern:

Hi, my name is Gong Liangxiao.I entered Nanchang No.2 school in 2004.Majoring in English, during my study.I work hard and sometimes won the scholarship.I take part in all kinds of activities and I hope to appty for the position of teacher.I want to be a teacher, because I love this job when I was young, my dream is to be a teacher.If I can get a chance to be a teacher in your school.I will put all my hart to do a good job.I am very interested in English, especially in reading listening、speaking.Every morning I love to read English loudly.I can full scope to show my ability during the hard work of my study.I am sure I will be a good teacher.As the old saying: “It’s never too old to learn.” So I will never give up any studying chance.So I hope you can give me a chance.Thank you!


英文自荐信样本 篇11

Dear Sir or Madam:

Referring to you advertisment in K of K for K, I hope to offer myself for the position.I am presently a colleage student and I shall obtain my B.S.in Life Science and Tachnologe from Jinan University in Guangzhou half a year later.My major is Life Science and Tachnologe and I am confident that specially planned to prepare me for a career in K.I believe that my studies have given me the foundration of knowledage from which to learn the practical side of K.At collage , I passed both CET4 and CET6.I am good at English and I love it.I took extract English Improving Course after class out of school and graduated with honors.Along with my Biological education courses , I also selected some literary cuorses such as Art of Ancient China, Modent Novel Appreciation, Movies Appreciation and so on.In school life I get a close relationship with my classmates , enjogging working with people , tackling challenges and accepting responsibilities.The salary I should require could be RMB 1,500 yuan per month with a dormitory as a start.If you feel that I am suited for the job , please inform me of the time converient for an interviwe.should you have any question or need to clarify anything in my resume , you can reach me at the address and telephone number written on my resume.Thank you for you kindness and attention.I am

Faithfully yurs ,Miss Chen

会计英文自荐信 篇12

I have heard that perhaps you might need an accountant with considerable experience working with companies such as yours.

I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at your convenience.

Sincerely yours,



