无锡导游词5则范文 篇1
Welcome to Lingshan Scenic spot, I am glad to be your guide of the trip, my name is…
Would you mind telling me where you are from? Oh, it’s a beautiful place…
3、整个景区的游览需要一个半小时左右,我们先从这里开始吧.It will need one and a half hours to visit the whole scenery.Let’s begin from here.4、这个水池名叫“洗心池”,顶上的莲花是由汉白玉做成的,根据佛教,游客在池中洗手可以让他们的心灵得到净化.This is “Mind-Cleansing Pond”, with a grass-stone base on which a lotus made of white marble, visitors may wash their hands in the pond and make their soul and heart cleaning and pure according to Buddhism.5、这是“佛足坛”,据说这是佛祖涅磐前留下的。这对铜足长1.2米,宽0.6米
This is the altar of the Buddha’s feet.It was said that this footprints were left by the Buddha before his entering nirvana.The bronze feet are 1.2 meters long and 0.6 meter wide.6、我们沿着这条菩提大道走.Please walk along the Great Bodhi Road.7、道路两旁种植的是银杏树,一共有126棵,树龄都在80年左右
All the trees along the both sides of the road named ginkgo which every tree lives about 80 years, all the trees are 126 in the number.8、这里有个问题,为什么菩提大道两边种的不是菩提树呢?
Here comes a question, why there are not bodhi trees along the Great Bodhi Road?
The ginkgo is the specially tree which planted only in China, it represents long long lives.As the climatic reasons, the ginkgo trees are usually planted instead of the bodhi trees in China.10、请看道路中间的图案,名叫“七步莲花”,来源于释迦牟尼诞生时的传说,传说中释迦牟尼诞生时走了七步,脚下就出现了七朵莲花的图案
Look at the statues on the road, it named “Seven-Step-Lotus“, it is based on legendary story that the Baby Buddha walked seven steps in the four directions with a lotus growing under his feet with each step taken.11、五智门也是灵山景区有代表性的建筑之一,它代表着人们所努力去拥有的五种智慧,能够给人们以人生真理的启示
The Five-Wisdom Door is one of the representative construction of Lingshan scenery, it represents five kinds of wisdom which peoples try to attain, and it will enlightens on the truth of human life.12、这组奇妙的雕像就是灵山景区著名的九龙灌浴景观,它是中国传统雕塑与现代科技相结合的产物,它高27.8米,共用了18公斤的黄金和180吨铜,整个雕塑包括了太子佛、九条龙、八供养人和八凤戏水,游客可以在此接饮或接取回家祈福,它通过大规模力与美的建筑构思描述了佛教中记载的释迦牟尼诞生时的美好的场景。现在每年中国农历的4月8日,都在这里举行活动来纪念释迦牟尼的诞生
This marvelous construction is the famous Nine Dragons Bathing The Baby Buddha of Lingshan scenery, it is a combination of the traditional art of Buddhist sculpture and modern technology with a most original design, the whole sculpture reaches 27.8 meters high, it is spent 18 kilograms of gold and 180 tons of bronze, contains the Baby Buddha, nine dragons, eight offerings and the pond of Eight Phoenix Drinking Water where visitors may scoop up some Eight-Merit Water to drink or bottle it up for making offering and cleaning the shrine back at home.The sculpture is a large-scale dynamic work demonstrating auspicious signs at the time of the Buddha’s birth.Now every year on the eighth of April with the Chinese lunar calendar, a grand ceremony is held right here to celebrate the Buddha’s birth on that day.13、转经筒来源于藏传佛教,它用来祈愿,在灵山景区共有108个转经筒,在佛教中人们转动转经筒来求得佛祖的保佑.The Sutra-Turning Tube is used as a means of praying in Tibetan Buddhism, there are 108 Sutra-Turning Tubes in Lingshan scenery.Peoples wish turning the Sutra-Turning Tube to be blessed from Buddha.14、这是降魔成道雕像,它描述的是释迦牟尼佛在战胜了各种妖魔鬼怪以后最终成佛的故事,印证了每个人只要能真正认识并战胜自己的错误都可以最终成佛的道理
This is the Vanquishing Demons and Attaining Enlightenment statue.It describes the story of Shakyamuni being Buddha at last after he defeated all the demons and it is impressed again that everybody should become Buddha if he can realize and defeat his improper thoughts and attachments.15、这是灵山阿育王柱,它是目前中国最高的石柱,高16.9米,直径为1.8米,重量达到180吨.This is the highest pillar of China called King Asoka’s Pillar, it is 16.9 meters tall and 1.8 meters in diameter, the total weight reaches 180 tons.16、这只铜铸的手掌被称为天下第一掌,它和灵山大佛的右手掌完全一样,它高11.7米,宽5.5米,每根手指的直径就有1米,总重量为13吨。手掌中心的法轮是佛的32征象之一,在灵山有一种说法一个人摸了大佛的手就能得到好运
This bronze hand is called the Number One palm of all times, it is as the same size and shape as the right hand of Lingshan Grand Buddha, the palm has a height of 11.7 meters and a breadth of 5.5 meters, its fingers are 1 meter in diameter, the total weight is 13 tons.The thousand-spoke wheel in the center of the palm is one of the thirty-two features of the Buddhas.In Lingshan there goes the saying that one touch of the Buddha’s hand brings good luck.17、祥符三桥从东到西分别叫做慈恩桥、大觉桥、普渡桥,它们告诉人们要心怀佛恩、师恩、父母恩和国恩,要从同情和帮助中最终得到完全的启发,要关心其它众生渡送他们到达彼岸
The Xiangfu Bridges are three bridges that lie from the east to the west and called CiEn Bridge, DaJue Bridge, PuDu Bridge, and they tell us to bear in mind the grace from Buddhas,teachers, parents and one’s motherland, to ultimately derived from full enlightenment by the power of compassion and deliverance, to care for other sentient beings and deliver them to the Other Shore.18、在中国佛教传统中人们从市场上买回活的动物,在一个固定的仪式以后把它们放回到自然栖息地,就叫做放生,很多寺庙包括祥符禅寺都有这样的放生池,每当佛教节日或纪念日都要举行放生仪式,现在灵山放生池里就自由地生活着大量的鲤鱼和乌龟
In Chinese Buddhism peoples buy some living creatures on the marketplace and then after a certain ritual returning them to their natural habitats, it is called setting free the captive, most temples include Xiangfuchan Temple have a pond for such purpose.Whenever there is a Buddhist festival or ceremony ,a ritual of setting free the captive will be held, now a large numbers of carps and tortoises live freely in the pond in Xiangfuchan Temple.19、这口钟被称为江南第一钟,位于祥符禅寺中,有3.5米高12.8 吨重,铸造于1949年,每撞一下,声音能传到10公里以外。每年公历和农历新年,灵山景区都要举行撞钟活动,游客从四面八方来到灵山,祈求新的一年中能够幸福快乐
This is the Number One Bell in areas south to the Yangzi River which made since 1949 of Xiangfuchan Temple.If be stricken, the sound of the bell reaches 10 miles away.Every year on the Western New Year’s day and on Lunar New Year’s Eve, a bell striking ceremony is held in Lingshan, visitors from all places gather here and strike the Number One Bell wishing all people good lucky and happiness throughout the coming new year.20、这是灵山8米佛,是灵山大佛的第三样稿,88米的灵山大佛就是根据这个8米佛的样稿通过立体影像和精确计算等手段放大建成的,站在祥符禅寺中,游客能够同时瞻拜二尊大佛,这就是神奇的灵山双佛奇观
Here is the Eight-Meter Tall Buddha which was the third enlarged model in process of design of the Lingshan Grand Buddha, the construction of the 88-meter Buddha was accomplished by stereo photographing and computerized real size enlarging and other modern techniques.Standing inside Xiangfuchan Temple, the visitors can revere the two Buddhasat the same time, this is the unique scene of two-Buddha sight in Lingshan.21、银杏是中国珍惜特有的树种之一,灵山古银杏树种植于唐朝贞观年间,距今已经有1300多年的历史,因为树龄太大所以树干都空了,因而传说原先这棵树的树洞中有一条可怕的巨蟒,在每年8月月圆之时,这条巨蟒就会在寺庙周围时隐时现,当地人都相信这条大蛇是一条绿色巨龙的化身。这棵老银杏树也是灵山悠久历史和传说的象征
Ginkgo is one of the rare trees of China, the Ancient Ginkgo in Lingshan Scenery was planted during Zhenguan Years of Tang Dynasty which with a history of over 1300 years.The tree is so old that it is hollowed thus legend goes that there was once a tremendous python living inside it ,it would appeared and disappeared around the Temple on the night of the Moon Festival in August,the local residents all believed that the big snack was the incarnation of a green dragon.This long-standing ginkgo is an emblem of the history and legends of Lingshan.22、这里是著名的灵山八角井,它直径0.8米,30米深,原先是祥符禅寺僧人的饮水井,井水至今清如明镜也从不枯竭,僧人们都确信它的源头直接来自太湖,相传清朝乾隆皇帝每次来到这里都要用八角井水品茶,所以这口井也叫做龙井
Here is the famous Octagonal Well of Lingshan scenery, it is 0.8 meter in diameter and 30 meters deep, it used to be the drinking well for monks of Xingfuchan Temple, the water is still like a mirror and never overflows or dries up, all the monks believed that the well had its source from Taihu Lake.It is said that Qianlong Emperor of Qing Dynasty would appreciate tea made with water from this well each time he came here, so this well is also called Dragon Well.23、灵山大佛是目前全世界最高的大佛青铜立像
The bronze statue of Lingshan Grand Buddha is the highest one all of the world.24、灵山佛教文化博览馆以大量翔实的纪录、图片、史料,汇集了藏传、汉传、南传三大佛教语系得佛教传统,向游客展示了五台、普陀、九华、峨嵋四大佛教名山的风貌,游客来到这里参观,可以得到一次历史、知识和参与相结合的有益体验。游客还可以在这里乘电梯上到大佛脚下的莲花座抱佛脚,以祈求平安,感受灵山大佛的宏伟博大
Lingshan Buddhist Culture Gallery collects the Buddhist traditions, including Tibetan Buddism, Hinayana Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism with a large variety of devices, detailed written materials, historical objects, demonstrating the renowned Buddhist mountains, including Wutai Mountain, Emei Mountain, Putuo Mountain, and Jiuhua Mountain for the visitors.To visit here,peoples may enjoy a beneficial experience with history, knowledge and participation combined in one.Visitors also may take a lift from the Gallery up to the lotus base of the Grand Buddha to touch the Buddha’s feet to be blessed with peace, to worship the magnificence and wonder of Lingshan Buddha.25、随着国家开放政策的实施,我国的宗教事业也得到了发展,灵山景区的建设和发展就说明了这一点。
Along with the national opening policy implementation, our country religious profession has also been developed.The construction and development of Lingshan Resort have just showed this point.26、从灵山景区乘坐公交车到鼋头渚景区和梅园景区需要30分钟,到市中心商业区需要1个小时,到火车站需要1个半小时.It will cost about thirty minutes from Lingshan Resort to Yuantouzhu scenery and Meiyuan scenery by bus and one hour to the town center business district, also one and a half hours to the train station.27、我的讲解结束了,请问各位对我的讲解满意吗?
My explanation is now ended.Are you satisfied with my explanation?
28、祝各位在灵山景区度过一个美好的时光,欢迎下次再来灵山.Enjoy yourselves in Lingshan Resort and welcome to Lingshan again.29、请大家注意一下
May I have your attention, please? 30、再见、多保重
See you,Take care!
Follow me please, or you would lost.
This way please, I’ll follow you.33、祝福您,您运气真好
Bless you, have a good lucky.34、慢一点,请注意台阶
Slow down, take care the step please.35、什么事?需要帮忙吗?
What’s up? Can I help you?
Never mind, keep it up.37、就这样吧,时间快到了
That’s all, time is up.38、不错,多少钱?
Not bad, how much is it?
Let me see, OK, no problem.40、好点了吗?别担心
Do you feel better? Don’t worry please.41、再试试,玩得开心点
Try it again and have a funny time.42、你肯定这是你的吗?
Are you sure it is yours?
Take it easy.Oh, what a pity.44、别客气,还要别的吗?
Help yourself, anything else?
Who’s calling? Keep in touch please.46、等一等,好,我同意
Hold on, sure, I agree.47、对不起,我不是故意的Sorry ,I don’t mean it.48、帮忙好吗?我没有头绪
Do me a favor? I have no idea.49、祝贺你!简直太棒了
Congratulations!Just wonderful.50、我们要赶时间,九龙灌浴马上要开始了
We are in a hurry, the Nine Dragons Bathing the Baby Buddha is starting.51、做个决定吧,这些我都要了
Make up my mind, that’s all I need.52、听起来不错,我们都同意
It sounds great, we are on your side.53、今天是个好天气,来点冰淇淋吧
It’s a fine day, let’s take some ice-cream.54、请原谅,但是我已经尽力了
I beg your pardon, but I do try my best.55、请查一下您的票
Please check the ticket out.56、说来话长,让我慢慢说吧
It’s a long story, I ’ll tell you slowly.57、景色真美,我玩得很开心
The view is great, I really enjoyed myself.58、大佛是什么时候开始建造的?
When did you construct the Lingshan Buddha?
Time is running out, the bus is coming.60、请稍等一下,我马上就到
Wait a moment please, I ’ll be right there.61、不要惊慌,你哪儿不舒服?
Don’t lose your head, what’s your trouble? 62、你来得正好,有件礼物送给你
You are just in time, here’s a gift for you.63、请系好安全带
Fasten your seat belt please.64、请随时与我联系
Please call me any time.65、对此我非常抱歉
I am so sorry about this.66、我们12点钟在这里集合Let’s collect just here on twelve.67、我不后悔来灵山游览
I felt no regret for visiting Lingshan Scenery.69、伤口还在痛吗?
Is the cut still painful? 70、这个价格还算合理
The price is reasonable.71、这二个杯子没有什么区别
The two cups make no difference.72、你们收信用卡吗?
Do you accept credit cards? 73、我喜欢各种水果
I like all kinds of fruit.74、我想结账
I would like to check out.75、谢谢你的建议
Thank you for your advice.76、明天是假日,这里的游客会更多
Tomorrow will be a holiday ,the visitors will be more and more.77、春天是个旅行的好季节
Spring is a pretty season for a trip.78、他很累,需要休息
He is not a little tired, what he need is just rest.79、我身上没带现金
I don’t have any cash with me.80、日本在中国的东部
Japan is to the east of China.81、我自己冲洗照片
I develop films myself.82、机会错过就没有了
A lost chance never returns.83、我会安排一切并且随机应变
I will arrange everything and just play it by ear.84、我会带你们下山的 I will lead you down the mountain.85、小心,潮湿的路往往是滑的 Be careful please, a wet road is usually slippery.86、既然我们意见有分歧,我可以再问几个问题吗?
We are divided in our opinions, may I ask some questions? 87、明天早上五点半我会叫醒你们,然后送你们去机场
I will wake you up at five thirty and take you to the airport.88、我们都赞成英文考试计划
We are all in favor this plan of testing in English.89、我们乘车10分钟内到达
We will arrive in 10 minutes by bus.90、我们休息一下然后去吃午饭
Let’s take a short break fo日 lunch.91、我们在哪里提出保险赔偿?
Where can we make the insurance claim? 92、我要赶飞机,你能快点吗?
I have to catch a plane, could you hurry? 93、鲜花使景区变得更美了
The flowers make the scenery more beautiful.94、在我们景区你能一举两得
You can kill two birds with one stone in our scenery.95、请问到车站怎么走?
Could you direct me to the station, please? 96、请代我们公司全体人员向你的朋友转达最诚挚的问候
Please give the best regards of everybody of our cooperation to your friend.97、和你谈话很愉快,希望我们下次还能再见面
Talking with you is a pleasure;I hope we can see each other again some time.98、这里三分之一的地区都覆盖着森林
One third of this area is covered with forest.99、天气变得凉爽多了
It has become much cooler.100、既然来了,你们可以吃一下我们餐厅的特色食品
Since you are here, you’d like to try a typical dish of our restaurant.