


日记+通知+便条+启示+讲演稿+电子邮件+新闻(应用文) 篇1

日记+通知+便条+启示+讲演稿+电子邮件+新闻(应用文)2.2日记(应用文)优秀范文 A Diary 日记

July 4th, SundayFine I went to the Summer Palace yesterday morning.After entering the main gate, I happened to meet some American visitors.I greeted them and we began talking.I got to know that they were college students travelling in China.I showed them to the Long Corridor, the Stone Ship, up to the Longevity Hill and some other places.After that we went boating on Kunming Lake.We all had a wonderful time in the Summer Palace.When we came out of the gate, I helped them do some shopping.Then they thanked me and left.I felt very happy and proud that I could be of some help to foreign friends by using my English and got a good chance to practise my spoken English.happen to meet some American visitors 碰巧遇到一些美国参观者 get to know 逐渐了解

college students travelling in China 在中国旅游的大学生 have a wonderful time 玩得高兴

practise my spoken English 练习英语口语 Everyone Should Keep the Order 人人都须遵守次序

January 30th, SundayFine This morning I went to the Summer Palace by the No.332 bus.At the bus stop, there were a lot of people.They were waiting for the bus in line.I took my turn, too.After a while, two young men came towards the line.They tried to push to the front of the line.Someone said, “Please take your turns.” But they didn’t pay attention.We, who were waiting for the bus in line, got very angry.We called out, “Don’t push!Wait in line!” The two men said rudely, “ It’s none of your business!” We could hardly bear it.Just then, the assistant with red sign on the arm came here.He said to the young men seriously, “Hey, you two!What are you doing? Please wait in line.” The two men looked at each other for a moment.In the end, they had to go to the end of the line with red faces.the Summer Palace 颐和园 wait for the bus in line 排队等车

take my turn 我也排到队里(等车)after a while 一会儿 try to push to the front of the line 想插到队的前面

It’s none of your business!不关你的事!

We could hardly bear it.我们几乎不能容忍(插队)这件事。Putting Off the Big Fire 扑灭大火

October 15th, FridayFine This afternoon when I was on my way home from school, I found a building on fire.I rushed to a nearby telephone box and called the firefighters.Several minutes later, the firefighters arrived and tried their best to control the fire.With the help of the firefighters, a lot of people left the building safely.At that time a foreign woman came in a hurry to tell the firefighters something.But they couldn’t understand what she said.I went to the woman and asked her what was happening.She told me that her daughter was still in the building.I told the firefighters about it at once.They immediately ran into the building.Two minutes later, they rushed out with the little girl.on my way home from school 在从学校回家的路上 find a building on fire 发现一座建筑物着火 try their best to control the fire 尽力控制大火 with the help of the firefighters 在消防队员的帮助下 in a hurry 匆忙,赶紧 rush out 冲出

I’ve Done What I Should Do 我做了我应该做的事 Mar.3rd, FridayCloudy This morning, I got up very early and left home at 7 o’clock as usual.But on my way to school, something unusual happened.As I was about to cross the street, a car which was at a very high speed passed by and knocked down a little girl in front of me.The girl began to cry loudly at once because her feet were badly hurt and she couldn’t walk properly.I run to her, trying to help her.Just then, a policeman came.He stopped a taxi and we together sent the little girl to a nearby hospital.Although I was late for school, I felt very proud of myself because I’ve done what I should do.as usual 象通常,象往常

something unusual happened.一件不寻常的事情发生了。I was about to cross the street.我正准备穿过街道。knock down 撞倒

send the little girl to a nearby hospital 把小女孩送到附近的医院 feel very proud of myself 感到非常自豪

I’ve done what I should do.我做了我应该做的事情。Trees Planting Day 植树节

March 12nd, SaturdayFine Today is Trees Planting Day.This afternoon my classmates and I went to plant trees along the roadside.We were working very hard.Some were digging;some were watering.Yu Ying and I were carrying water.When I went to carry water, I saw an old woman, with a basket in her hand, crossing the road.Just then, a car was coming near quickly and she was too frightened to move.Immediately I rushed out and pulled her to safety.The old woman and the driver were very thankful and asked what my name was.I only said, “This is just what I should do.”

along the roadside 沿着公路 carry water 抬水

with a basket in her hand 手里拿着篮子

This is just what I should do.这只是我应该做的。描写本类主题常用语言集锦 January——1月 February——2月 March——3月 April——4月 May——5月 June——6月 July——7月 August——8月 September——9月 October——10月 November——11月 December——12月 Cloudy 阴 Sunny晴 Windy 风 Fine晴 Rainy雨 Fog雾 Snowy雪 Thundering雷雨 Haily 冰雹 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日

2.3通知(应用文)优秀范文 NOTICE(1)通知(1)

Boys and girls, your attention, please!The little library in our class is now open.I hope these books offered by us all will help us to improve our English and will be helpful for all other subjects.Everyone can borrow books from tomorrow on.In order to make better use of them, you are asked to pay attention to the rules as follows : 1.Borrow one book at a time.2.Keep the book for only one week and return it in time.3.Take good care of the books and don’t lend them to other students.I hope you will follow these rules.Thank you.improve our English 提高我们的英语水平 in order to 为了……

make better use of 更好利用…… pay attention to 注意……as follows 如下 at a time 每次in time 按时 take good care of 仔细照看…… NOTICE(2)通知(2)

May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.Next week we will visit the Windows of the World.All the students should gather at the gate of our school at 8∶00 a.m., Saturday on May 1st, 2002.We will start out by bus.All of us will wear the school clothing and take water and lunch by ourselves.Everyone must hand in 30 yuan for the ticket.After entering it, we can visit every place freely and take photos.I think it will be very interesting.We will get back at 6∶00 p.m.by bus.Don’t be late.That’s all.Thank you.the Windows of the World 世界之窗 start out by bus 乘车出发 wear the school clothing 穿校服 hand in 上交 take photos 照相 NOTICE(3)通知(3)

May I have your attention, please? As you know, our class will have a talk show on environment protection with Class One on May 4th.Before it takes place, we will invite Dr.Li from Qinghua University to give us a talk on the environment problem and he will also tell us about the improvement in environment protection in recent years in Beijing.The report will begin at 2∶00 p.m.on Wednesday, April 30th in the auditorium on the third floor in the classroom building.I’m sure we can get enough information from his talk to make good preparations for the coming talk show.Everyone should be there on time, then listen to the report and make full notes at the same time.By the way, we will have a discussion after the report.That’s all.Thank you.as you know 大家都知道 takes place 发生

give us a talk on the environment problem 有关环保问题做演讲 in the auditorium 在演讲厅

make good preparations for the coming talk show 为即将到来的演讲比赛做好准备 by the way 顺便说一下 NOTICE(4)通知(4)Boys and girls, May I take your attention, please? There will be a lecture at half past three on Friday afternoon.It’s about “Information and English Study”.And it will be given by Mr.Li Ping, who is a famous teacher from the English Department.There’s sure to have something instructive and interesting.We can get more information from it, I think.And it will improve our English studies to a new stage.Anyone who wants to attend it can come to Room 206.Take notes and have a discussion after it.Please come here on time.That’s all.English Department 英语系

something instructive and interesting 有益且吸引人的事情 improve our English studies to a new stage 把我们的英语学习提高到新的台阶 take notes 做笔记 描写本类主题常用语言集锦 常用称呼语:

Dear classmates/schoolmates, Ladies and gentlemen, 同学们/女士们,先生们 Boys and girls, 同学们 Dear friends, 朋友们 Dear comrades, 同志们 常用开头语:

Attention, please.请注意。

May l have your attention, please? 请注意。

I have good news for you all.有个好消息要告诉大家。

I have an announcement to make.有个通知要告诉大家。Please be quite,everyone!I have something to tell you.请安静,我要告诉你们一件事情。常用结束语:

That’s all.Thank you for(your attention).到此为止。谢谢。Please attend/come to it on time.请准时参加。

Don’t forget, will you? 一定不能忘记。Please be there on time.一定要准时到。

Everybody is required to attend it on time.每个人都必须按时参加。Do come on time.一定要准时参加。常用落款:

Student Union Notice


Headmaster’s office Notice 校长办公室 School Teachers’Union Notice 校工会


sth.is to/is going to be held/take place at+地点+时间 口头通知常用句型:

We are going to hold...at+地点+时间

2.4便条(应用文)优秀范文 Informal Notice 便条

We’re going to a home for the aged to serve the old people.If you would like to go with us, please meet us at the school gate at 7∶30 on Saturday morning.we’ll take bus No.25 to get there directly.First we’ll give them some gifts and the money we collected.Then we’ll clean the yard and rooms and help them do some washing.What’s more, we’ll read newspapers to them or chat with them.Finally, some will perform and we plan to leave before lunch.a home for the aged 敬老院

meet us at the school gate 在校门口集合 take bus No.25 乘25路车

What’s more 并且,另外 First...;Then...;Finally...首先……;然后……;最后……。Asking For Sick Leave 病假条

Dear teacher: I am very sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend school beause of a bad cold.The doctor looked me over carefully and asked me for a sick leave of three days.Thank you.Your student, Li Lan

be sorry to do sth 很抱歉…… be unable to...不能做某事 ask...for...向……要求……

a sick leave of three days 三天病假 Asking For Absent Leave 事假条 Director Lin, A telegram has just come to hand saying that my mother is seriously ill and urging me to go home at once.Because of this,I should very much like to have a three days’leave beginning on Oct.8th.I hope my request can be permitted.Liu Ying telegram 电报

urge sb to do sth 力劝/敦促某人做某事 at once 立刻,马上 because of 因为,由于

2.5启事(应用文)优秀范文 Found 招领启事

On the afternoon of April 7th, I found a black jacket with some money in one of the pockets on the playground.The owner is expected to come to Room 303 on the third floor in Main Building to identify it.on the playground 在操场 be expected to 被期待 identify it 认领 Lost 寻物启事

A new English-Chinese Dictionary was lost in the reading-room yesterday morning.If anyone could return it to me or give information leading to its recovery, please ring 6578922.I’d be very grateful to the finder.Li Ming be lost in the reading-room 掉在阅览室 return it to me 把它归还给我

give information leading to its recovery 提供寻找线索

I’d be very grateful to the finder.我将对拾物者非常感激。SUBSCRIPTION 征订启事

Subscription to all newspapers and magazines for the second half of the year has begun.The fees are to be handed in to the Department Library before noon Thursday, June 20th.Late payments will not be accepted.Department Library

the second half of the year 下半年

The fees are to be handed in to the Department Library.征订费缴给图书室。

Late payments will not be accepted.过期不予办理。CORRECTIONS 更正启事

In the second line of the fourth paragraph in the right-hand column of page 25, English Reading and Writing, No.3rd, 2004,“ten thousand”should read “one hundred thousand”.in the second line of the fourth paragraph 在第四页的第二行 right-hand column(杂志)的右栏 English Reading and Writing 英语读写 A Sweater Lost 寻运动衫

Excuse me, I left my sweater on the playground yesterday afternoon while I was playing basketball.The sweater is yellow in colour, with two pockets in the front of it.And in one of the pockets there is a letter and some money.It was made of woolen.Anyone who found it, please do let me know.Many thanks.Li Jun Class Seven Grade Three

The sweater is yellow in colour, with two pockets in the front of it.这运动衫是黄色的,前面有两个口袋。be made of 由…… 造成

Please do let me know.请一定让我知道。


Activities After Class 课外活动

Welcome to our school.I feel it an honor to have the chance to tell you something about our activities at school after class.We have one hour of activities from 4∶20 to 5∶20 in the afternoon.Some students read books in the reading-room;some have sports on the playground;some sing songs in the theatre hall;some learn to operate computers in the lab and others take part in their group work about different subjects.The majority are most interested in sports and computers.We hope that we can have less homework and more time to join in the activities.We are also looking forward to more visits and tour trips.Thank you.I feel it an honor to have the chance to do sth.我很荣幸有机会……

take part in 参加,加入the majority 大多数 be interested in 对……有兴趣

join in 参加,加入look forward to...渴望…… Congratulations 祝贺词

It is with great honor to congratulate you with the 30th anniversary on your English teaching.In the early 1960s, you came back home from the United States.And then you have devoted yourself to the English teaching of the Chinese middle schools.In the past of30 years, you have made great achievements in the English teaching research and the improvement of English teaching methods.Meanwhile you have written many advanced articles.You love your students and you gain their respect, too.Now you and your articles are well known both inside and outside our school.Hearty congratulations and all the best.with great honor 很荣幸地

congratulate you with the 30th anniversary on your English teaching 庆祝你三十年的英语教学纪念

devote yourself to the English teaching of the Chinese middle schools 致力于中国中学生的英语教学

meanwhile 同时advanced articles高深的论文 Hearty congratulations and all the best.衷心地祝福你万事如意。Welcome to Our School 欢迎来到我们学校 Dear friends, Welcome to China.I’m very glad to tell you what you are going to do during your stay in Beijing.Our headmaster is to meet you on Monday morning and he’ll introduce our school to you.You will be shown around the lab building and the library in the afternoon.On Tuesday morning the students of our two countries will visit the Great Wall, where Mr.Zhang will tell us some interesting stories about it.In the evening we are going to have a party in Room 402.We’ll surely have a good time together.You will have a talk with the Chinese students on Wednesday morning.In the afternoon you will be free.You will leave for Xi’an at 9∶45 on Thursday morning.That’s all.Thank you.Welcome to China.欢迎来到中国。

introduce our school to you 向你们介绍我们的学校 visit the Great Wall 参观长城 have a good time 玩得高兴 have a talk with 和……进行交谈 Our Beautiful School 美丽的校园

Welcome to our school.First please let me tell you something about it.Our school is located in the center of the city.It has a history for more than 80 years.Now, there are nearly 3000 students studying hard here, who are divided into 40 classes.It has a beautiful campus and modern teaching facilities.The teachers are well experienced and they all put their hearts into teaching.Many students with high quality have been educated since the founding of the school.It is now one of the best schools in this city.be located in the center of the city 位于市中心 a history for more than 80 years 八十多年的历史 be divided into 被分成

modern teaching facilities 现代教学设施 put their hearts into teaching 全身心投入教学 描写本类主题常用语言集锦

on behalf of my country 为了我的国家 In hiding farewell to him.向他告别。In saying good-bye to him.向他说再见。We sincerely hope that...我们衷心地希望……

We wish to take this opportunity to request him to convey our friendship to the American people and also our best regards and respects to them.我们希望借这个机会请求他代表我们表达对美国人民的友谊和我们对他们的最好的祝福和深深的敬意。We wish you to have a pleasant journey home and good health.我们祝你回家旅途愉快,身体健康。Welcome to our school.欢迎来到我们学校。Welcome to China.欢迎来到中国。with great honor 很荣幸地

Hearty congratulations and all the best.衷心地祝福你万事如意。

introduce our school to you 向你们介绍我们的学校

congratulate you with the 30th anniversary on your English teaching 庆祝你三十年的英语教学纪念

We took great interest in visiting...我们怀着极大的兴趣参观了……

Great changes have taken place...in the past few years.过去几年……发生了很大的变化。

What we have seen and heard impressed us deeply.所见所闻给我们留下了深刻的印象。



TUTORING Maths, Physics and Chemistry.Call Liu Ying 7266345.本人愿做家庭教师,可讲授数学、物理、化学。欲聘者请和


电话:7266345.HELP WANTED 招聘广告

ENGLISH TEACHER AND FRENCH TEACHER P/T openings.M/F days and evenings.Apply in person.12 Ninghai Road.Call 237654.现要招聘英语教师和法语教师各一名。非全日制工作,工作时



电话:237654 WANTED TO RENT 租房广告

3-BDRM PLACE WANTED, HOPEFULLY ABOUT S| 160/MON.Tel.722345 本人想租赁有三间卧室的住所,月租金希望在160美元左右。

联系电话:722345 精彩广告词集锦

Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧)The new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

We lead.Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)

Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)Come to where the flavor is.Marlboro Country.


To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.

对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)Ask for more.渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)The taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)Feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星电子)

Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)


My Opinion About Being On The Internet 我对上网的看法 Dear Tom, I would like to give my opinion about being on the Internet.More and more middle school students here are starting using the Internet, through which they can get a great deal of the latest information.They can enjoy lessons given by the best teachers of net-schools at home.And it is easy and convenient to keep in touch with friends by sending and receiving e-mails.On the other hand, some students have spent too much time chatting and playing games on the net.And there is still something harmful to the students.At last, I suggest that students should be good at using the Internet for their studies and not be on line for long.Yours, Li Hua

a great deal of the latest information 大量最新的信息 net-school 网校keep in touch with 和……保持联系 send and receive e-mails 发送和接收电子邮件 on the other hand 另一方面be good at 擅长于 A Growing-up Ceremony 成人仪式 Dear Tom, It is great to receive your e-mail.Now I’d like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday.In the afternoon we held a growing-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday.At first we made an oath that as grown-ups we should have a sense of duty for our society from now on.Then we showed our thanks to our parents who had gone through hardships to bring us up and teachers who have been educating us patiently.And our teachers also gave us cards expressing their good wishes to us.Finally, we put on wonderful performances, singing and dancing.We learned a lot from the activity.I think it’s very important for us.I will remember the day in my life.Yours, Li Hua

hold a growing-up ceremony 举行成人仪式 make an oath 宣誓 have a sense of 意识到 from now on 从现在起

go through hardships 遭受苦难 bring us up 把我们带大

put on wonderful performances 表演精彩节目 My Hometown—New City 我的家乡——新城 Hi, Brian I’m glad you are interested in my hometown, New City, and I’m now giving you a brief introduction to it.New City lies in West China.It is a new city growing with the Great West Development.Firstly, the city has been designed to high standards, with broad streets and roads.Everywhere is green grass, beautiful flowers and trees alongside modern style high buildings.So the environment is wonderful.Secondly, public facilities are advanced, which make the life of the citizens more convenient, such as facilities for transportation, education, and medical treatment.Large shopping centers attract a lot of people every day but the streets are not crowded since the population is not large.Of course the city is just going on its way and things will get on smoothly.Talk to you next time.Wang Ping

a brief introduction to it 对(新城)简单的介绍 New City lies in West China.新城位于中国的西部。with the Great West Development 随着西部大开发

high standards 高标准Firstly...Secondly...首先……。其次……。Shopping centers attract a lot of people every day.购物中心每天都要吸引许多的人。

go on its way 走自己的路,按自己的方式发展 things will get on smoothly 事情进展顺利 描写本类主题常用语言集锦

For Your Information 表示仅供参考 Salutation 称呼

Complimentary close 信尾客套话 oic:Oh, I see.哦,我明白了。lol:laughing out loud 大笑 mte:my thoughts exactly.我也是这样想的。brb:I’ll be right back.我很快就会回来。cu2 morrow:See you tomorrow.明天见。btw:by the way 顺便问一下 asap:as soon as possible 尽可能快

:-)I’m smiling at this.微笑,以微笑表示愉快。

:-(I’m sad about this.对这件事我很难过。


“Saving the Earth” Conference“拯救地球”大会

“Saving the Earth” Conference, held in Dalian, came to a close last Saturday.The five-day conference was attended by more than two hundred experts, scientists and government officials from more than fifty countries.The subjects discussed at the meeting include: pollution, population and the protection of forests and wildlife.80 papers were read.The main speakers spoke on different subjects.The conference urges the government of all countries to take necessary measures to get rid of pollution, to control population growth and to increase the average of tree-planting.It calls on the people of the world to take good care of the earth, making it a home forever fits for us to live in.come to a close 结束five-day conference 五天的会议 the protection of forests and wildlife 保护森林和野生动物 take necessary measures 采取必要的措施

to get rid of pollution, to control population growth and to increase the average of tree-planting 处理污染,控制人口的增长,增加人均植树量 call on the people of the world 号召全世界的人们 A Big Forest Fire 一场森林大火

A big fire broke out in the forest in the southwest of the United States late in November, 1992.The fire was caused by a young worker smoking carelessly in the forest.Thousands of firemen and local people fought bravely against the fire until it was completely put out.The fire lasted over three weeks causing a damage of at least twenty million dollars.About eighty men were injured and nine were killed in the fire.The whole nation was shocked at the news and many people are thinking what lesson we should draw from the fire.a big fire broke out 爆发大火

fight bravely against the fire 同大火勇敢地战斗 put out 扑灭be shocked at 震惊于

what lesson we should draw from the fire 从大火中应汲取什么教训 描写本类主题常用语言集锦

If you send in a subscription on the newspaper, it’ll be delivered to your door.如果你订阅报纸,它会直接给你送上门的。There is some articles in today’s paper about the general election.今天报上有刊登报道有关大选的文章。

There was nothing interesting in the paper today.今天报上没有什么有趣的新闻。

The first two chapters of the story is in the issue of the magazine.这个故事的头两章登在这一期杂志上。back alley news 小道消息

Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里。contributing editor 特约编辑 contributor 投稿人

correspondence column 读者来信专栏 correspondent 驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 cover 采访;采写cover girl 封面女郎 headline 新闻标题;内容提要

man of the year 年度新闻人物,年度风云人物

Mere report is not enough to go upon.仅是传闻不足为凭。No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息;不闻凶讯便是吉。off the record 不宜公开报道

press conference 新闻发布会;记者招待台
