


ted演讲观后感中文 篇1

TED演讲 :创造力自信心的培养

IDEO的创始人David Kelley在与癌症搏斗的日子里,脑海里开始思考这样一个问题:“我降生到这个地球上的使命是什么?” 当他回顾自己生命的时候发现,帮助人们发挥创意潜能是一个值得努力的目标。他希望通过帮助更多的人树立创造力自信,来改变世界。去年,David Kelley出了一本书,Creative Confidence (中文译本《创新自信力》)。书中告诉人们一个道理:创意绝不是少数人的天赋,而是人人都可以带着意识去改善世界。











最后引用TED演讲里David Kelley的一个观点:



TED演讲观后感—为什么快乐 篇2


Doctor发现——Happiness can be synthesized。很多人都认为natural happiness和synthesized happiness中明显后者是次等品,因为前者是我们得到了自己本来就很渴望的事物,而后者是带着笑容面具接受并不使自己十分满意的事物。表面上看,或许natural happiness更胜一筹,但研究表明,synthesized happiness往往更加持久有效。


ted演讲观后感中文 篇3

How to achieve work-life balance —— Feedback This issue between work and life is so popular that most of us can’t escape, including the speaker.The speaker once was a classic workaholic who often neglected his family.Later, he found it dull and unsatisfied, which made up his mind to look into people’s struggling with work-life balance.And he shared us with his four observations.Firstly, if people want to make any progress on this issue, we must have a necessary useful method.Such as flexi-time, paternity leave and dress-down Fridays have been proved not so useful as expected.They all served to mask the core issue that certain jobs and career choices are fundamentally incompatible with being meaningfully engaged with family.The second observation is that we need face the truth that corporations aren’t going to solve this issue for us.The reason is obvious for companies, why should they concern their employees’ life? All they think and want is to make sure of us well-utilized.So, as individuals, we should take control and responsibility for the type of lives that we want to lead instead of looking for helps.If you don’t design your life, someone else will be your designer, and you may not like their idea about balance.The third observation is we have to be careful with the time frame that we choose upon which to judge our balance.We had better sit down and wrote out a detailed, step-by-step description of our balanced day.Maybe we have too much thing which can’t finish in one day, we must elongate our time rationally.To balance our work and life, there must be a middle way.The last one, we need to approach balance in a balanced way.Being balanced doesn’t mean dramatic upheaval in your life.With the smallest investment in right places, you can radically transform the quality of your relationships and the quality of your life.In conclusion, if we can make progress in work-life balance, then we can transform society.We can convert the society’s definition of success into a more thoughtful and balanced definition of what a life well-lived looks like.

TED演讲感想 篇4

After watching 10 TED videos, I found this—More Stuff, Less Fun is very interesting.Mostly it’s because the speaker use multiply ways to make his speech appealing.I would like to break down this video by using the following points.Opening: Interesting one, rise a question at first to increase the audience’s interest.He caught people’s eyes in the first 15 seconds.Point: He used a symbol “< = >” to represent “less equals more” is a pretty good move.Evidence: Using his house design as an example to convince people less equals more.Listing things you needed under multiplecircumstances to make us realize that we don’t need that much stuff.Showing multifunctional spaces and housewares to make us believe it’s possible.Reasoning: Begin with the problems normal American’s are facing: too many stuff.As a country whose 73% of GDP is come from consuming, overloaded stuffs has led to debts, less environmental friendly and stress.Then he presented his point as a solution to this problem.He encouraged people to edit their stuff ruthlessly and showed it’s also possible that demands can be met with few things in our house.As a designer, he also presented a few designs that make the house

comfortable and simple at the same time.At the end, he summarizes the speech and stresses his points: Make Room for the Good Stuff.Assistance: Using extremely-brief style PPT to support his idea of simple.He controlled the PPT, not the other way around.
