


英文澳大利亚游记 篇1

Australia is located on the southern hemisphere. It is the lagest country among oceanian countries. It has the Pacific Ocean to the east and the India Ocean to the west. It has a large number of islands around. The territory is about 769.2 spuare kilometres. It has a population of about 19 million and 74.2% of them are the descendant of English and Irish. The first group of immigrants who came from England arrived there in 1788. Most time of the year, the climate is warmand nice. Most of its population live on the southeast coast.

Canberra is the capital of Australia, and Sydney is the biggest city.Australia has profuse natural resouse and developed travle industry. Millions of tourists come here every year.

英文澳大利亚游记 篇2

The company of Berry Exchange should choose Japan and China to provide their service now, there is large demand of the vegetables and fruit in these two countries and has certain competitive advantage greatly in the geographical position But if compare with these two countries, Chinese market is better than Japanese market from social point view.Japan has these aspects to manifest the market to be more difficult than China:Strict protective mark;the product size is consistent;the outward appearance is attractive;supplies goods prompt and the tedious import procedure.More importantly, Japan has already from American massive import different type of berries, so the Chinese market has more development potential.

According to statistics, China has a population of1, 295, 330, 000, it shows that shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing and Wuhan ranked highest in cities of urban population.Even if only half number of person willing to go to buy, the producer still will have the very big profit in Chinese market.with China's economic growth, the income of Chinese people is rising gradually, it promoting the purchasing power and also increasing the ability of creating greater wealth.However, now in china most families only have one child, which means parents are willing to give their children the best things, especially in food.

Berry Exchange Company not only competes with the other foreigner companies, but also must faces to Chinese loca market.For example, China from produces regardless of the strawberry in the quality perhaps the feeling in the mouth, is no inferior overseas.But for all this, although China has already become a rich fruit industry country, is still lacks some specia organic berries, such as blackberry and raspberry.On the other hand, that is the important reason of this company using the advantage in berries of Australia to enter Chinese market.So these berries will have the very big market space in China, bu simultaneously also will be facing the cost, quality security technology, brand and trade environmental factor competition.

The low level of processing fruit and vegetables in China pesticide remaining and metal is more than the standard Therefore, the production of Australia berries are solved these problems well and has not threatened to the health, this wil become very good product trend.Also, the Chinese people always care about their maintenance very much, specially the food whether really help to the body, If invests can using the advertisement perhaps the media introduced that own produc or tell everybody and goes to use it well, then they can wins certainly more consumers to be willing to go to buy it.

Based on above analysis, it is apparent that the Berry Exchange Company chooses the Chinese market to expor berries that is a very correctly decision, because not only the company can expand their enterprise to overseas, and also may find the more expense communities to obtain the maximum profit in the future.


[1]Anonymous, T 2008, ‘Australian consumers optimistic’Australian Culture in the Society, vol.61, no.23, pp93.

[2]Coster, H 2009, ‘Do you know where is the berry comefrom·’, Fruit Market, vol.18, no.9, pp61-62.

[3]Jeremy, B 2002, ‘The Chinese Cultural Revolution:Ahistory’, The Journal of Asian Studies, vol.68, no.2, pp590.

[4]Jessica, A 2009, ‘Food exporters targeting Japan gehelp’, Business World, vol.34, no.3, pp72.

[5]Min, G 2009, ‘Exporting products in China’, ChineseEconomic, vol.24, no.11, pp562.

[6]Naveen, D 2007, “Cultural influence on the Diffusionof New products, ”Journal of International Consumer MarketingIss14, no.4, 2003, pp49-63.

澳大利亚游记作文 篇3




澳大利亚游记高中生作文 篇4


飞越半个地球的旅程让我疲惫不堪,悉尼暖湿的空气又让我浑身难受,不过这和过海关前的紧张相比已经不算什么了。面对远处的边检站和身边的警犬,我的心中敲起了鼓。要是有什么问题、海关人问起什么我该怎样应对?说实话我对我的英语水平很是不自信。不过工作人员的微笑和几句问候打消了我的这种情绪。一句“hello”后接过我的护照,他麻利的动作向我阐述了他的业务娴熟。“thank you”又是一句关怀的致谢,我也不忘来一句“good night”。












更美丽的则是这里的海滩。汪洋的大海与现代化的城市组成了一个朝气蓬勃的城市,展现出了澳大利亚这个慵懒民族活力四射的另一面。看来,在五岁的孩子出没于风浪之中而父母们却依然谈笑风生的地方,一定就是gold coast这个地方了。



澳大利亚英文版_简单介绍 篇5










格列佛游记英文读后感 篇6

The first place in Gullivers adventures was the villain. There he was able to drag the entire naval fleet with one hand, a large number of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and lots of barrels of wine at a meal. In order to send the giant to the capital, he used five hundred craftsmen, countless ropes, nine hundred big men, fifteen thousand big royal horses, and so on. In a small country so that all competition and war inevitably seem small petty. With the height of heel partisan divide, “high-heeled party” and “low with Party infighting, neighboring countries not only irreconcilable opposed to; want to conquer and enslave each other, but also should eat egg debate where head knock like trifles” principles “problem.

Giant in the country, he has become giants of the doll, was playing in the palm of your hand, and fight against flies and birds; later, he came to the mysterious flying island, people here use the flying island of the lower part of the natural magnet and the seabed under the force of a magnet, want to move, this is also a at any time, engage in some special summoned the ghost of dialogue rather baffling the study of the strange country.

I admire the hero to honor to Hui from country to country, Hui from country to country is the pursuit of the ideal situation and yearning, here you dont need to worry about other people say is true, but in reality, there are so many things we dont want to see someone with blandishments cheat other peoples hard-earned money, people and children profiteering and some people even sacrifice their all for money. No wonder our parents and teachers have taught us to be vigilant and not to be deceived. This is very difficult to unite with others, who help others and love others. When I meet someone who is in trouble, I want to lend a helping hand. I hesitate. When someone comes to help me out, I cant accept it. All this makes me feel miserable, contradictory and at a loss what to do. Isnt it sad that it prevents me from ”loving“ other people and also ”missing“ other peoples love?
