


公务员考试笔试讲义 篇1


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演播室主持人:入夏以来,我国频频遭遇城市内涝的窘境。强降雨过后,街道成河、住宅进水、汽车没顶……城市瞬间变成“水城”,网民戏称带你去“ 看海”的背后是公众对城市建设和管理的拷问。被称为城市“良心”的排水系统为何屡屡经不起考验?究竟是哪些原因导致排水不畅?又该如何提升城市应对内涝的能力呢?























教师招聘考试试讲技巧 篇2




2. 试讲时,试讲人应报告课题,说明本课题选自哪一版本的教材、在教材中处于哪一册、哪一课时。

3. 板书的时候忌讳无声板书、长时间课堂空白,可以在板书的同时结合问题和内容,做适当的讲解。说话写字速度不能太慢。太慢了大家会怀疑你的做事效率。字不要太差。

4. 试讲时没有学生参与,但是同样要体现自主、合作和探究的学习方式以及新课程教学理念,可以通过教师的模拟对话或者讲解呈现。如小组讨论、分组学习、课前的预习等等。要有师生互动,即使面对老师讲课,也要体现学生活动。

5. 课堂重点突出,一到两点就够的,其它的不讲或略讲,不可面面俱到。

6. 要深挖课文,对思想内容有独到见解。这是最难的,也是最重要的,它体现老师的水平。文章思路不是重点,一般文章思路都很清晰,不需要作为课堂重点。

教师资格证考试试讲、说课教案9 篇3

The Three Gorges Dam Teaching Aims 1.To improve the Ss’ reading ability.2.To let Ss know the details about The Three Gorges Dam and the effects it causes.3.To enable them to master some useful words and expressions.Teaching Important Point How to do some explanation about the text.Teaching Difficult Point Master some information about Teaching Methods 1.Fast reading and careful reading to help the students understand the passage exactly.2.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids 1.the book exercise 2.the blackboard Teaching Procedures Step 1.Greeting and lead-in Ask Ss to say sth about the three construction projects in Introduction, esp.the Three Gorges Dam to lead in the reading part.Step 2.Fast Reading

Ask Ss to read the text quickly and answer the questions:

Q1.Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River?(SunYat-sen)

Q2.About how many historical relics have been submerged?

(800)Step 3.Intensive reading(1)Ask Ss to read the text carefully to find out the words in the boxes in Activities 1 & 2.Then ask them to discuss in pairs and finish Activity 1.Tell them the reading skill at the same time by asking them to read the “Learning to learn”.(2)Give some explanations about some words in Activity 2 dream v to experience a series of events and feelings while you are asleep, or to think about something that you would like to happen generate vt to produce

harness vt to control and use(a natural force)to produce power submerge vt to cause sth to go under the surface of a liquid, the sea(3)Ask Ss to answer the questions in Activity 2.(4)Ask Ss to read again and decide if the following sentences are true or false: ① Mao Zedong once dreamed that there would be a great dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River.② The power of the Yangtze River has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam.③ The Three Gorges Dam will provide enough hydro-electric power for the whole country.④ The dam will generate a lot of electricity causing more air pollution.⑤ A large number of historical relics have been damaged because of the dam.Suggested Answers:

① T ② T ③ F ④ F ⑤ F Step 4.Language Points Purpose: To enable Ss to learn some language points and understand the text better.1.Group work

Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the important words, phrases, and sentences in the passage.(1)Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.” Now his dream has come true.毛泽东写过一首词,在这首词中,他表达了“更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖”的理想。

◆ dream ① n 梦愿望,梦想have a bad dream 做了一个噩梦

Mike’s big dream is to be a professional racial driver.v梦到梦想,向往dream a …dream 做一个……梦

We dream of buying our own house.◆ hold back ① 阻挡,抑制 They had built the barriers to hold back the flood.② 控制(感情)We struggled to hold back our laughter.③ 阻碍某人的发展(提高)Spending so much time playing sport is holding him back at school.◆ come true愿望,梦想等实现,成真通常以主动形式出现The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest construction project in China since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China.三峡大坝是自长城和大运河修建以来中国最大的建设工程,它的建造是为了控制洪水、向华中地区提供电力。◆ since自……以来,既可以作介词也可以作连词。※ 注意:

since +延续性动词


It’s 12 years since I was a student.我毕业已经12年了。

It’s 5 years since he lived here.他不在这儿住已有5年了。

since + 非延续性动词


He has worked in this school since he graduated.他毕业后一直在这所学校工作。◆ provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth为某人提供某物

① The hotel provides a shoes-cleaning service for guests.② A project designed to provide young people with work(3)It’s the largest hydro-electric power station and dam in the world and has cost more than any other constructions project in history.三峡大坝是世界上最大的大坝和水力发电站,其建造费用超过了历史上任何一个建筑工程的费用。

本句中第二个and 连接两个谓语部分,前半部分为系表结构,后半部分为主谓结构。

(4)The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.大坝的发电量等于燃烧大约4000万吨煤所发出的电量,而且不会造成那么大的污染。

equal ① adj(大小,数量,数字,价值等方面)相等的平等的 cut the cake into six equal pieces.Every player has an equal chance to win ※ 【相关词组】 equal to 等于,胜任

A pound is roughly equal to 500 grams.be equal to 同样出色的,水平(质量)一样高的religious architecture equal to any in the world 堪与世界上任何同类建筑相媲美的宗教建筑

vt(大小,数量,数额)等于, 与相同达到,比得上Two plus two equals four.Thompson equaled the world record.(5)The Three Gorges area is one of the most beautiful areas of China and the project has flooded some of China’s most famous historical sites, including the QuyuanTemple, the Han Watchtower and the Moya Cliff Cavings.三峡地区是中国最美丽的风景区之一,该工程淹没了一些最著名的历史遗迹,包括屈原庙,汉阙,摩崖石刻等。◆ one of … “……之一” 该表达中of 之后往往用“形容词的最高级+名词的复数形式”。

① You are one of the girls who are fit for the job.② Japan is one of the richest countries in the world.◆ flood ① n 洪水,水灾,泛滥

The flood swept away many homes.② v 淹没,(河水)泛滥

公务员考试笔试讲义 篇4

a)get the students to understand the text well and help the students to improve the ability in reading

b)get the students to know about the European Union and stimulate their interest in learning.c)get the students to learn and grasp the following important useful new words and espressions in the new part: on the other hand;have/has control over sth;little by little;twice as big as…

Teaching Important Points 1.Try to talk with others in English.2.Improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.Teaching Difficult Points 1.Using the key words and phrases of this module to introduce a country.2.Grasp new language points.Teaching Methods

1.Speaking , reading, discussing and practicing.2.Pair-work or group-work.Teaching Aids 1.the blackboard Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in Show some pictures to the students and introduce the general information about the EU

Step 2 Scanning Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and then answer the following questions.Q1.What is the European Union? Q2.How did it start? Q3.How many countries belong to it now? Suggested Answers: A1.The European Union is an organization of European countries.A2.The idea of the European Union began in the 1950s, and more and more countries joined it.A3.In 2004, the European Union increased to 25 members, and the number is still increasing.2.Intensive reading Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and answer the two questions on page 9.Step 3 Understanding(Listen and Discuss)

After listening to the tape, ask students to work in group and discuss the main idea of each para.Step 4 Language points on the other hand have/has control over;little by little / step by step / side by side / face to face / arm in arm twice as big as…

Step 5 Summary and Homework Summarize what we learned in this lesson.Ask Ss to make sentences by using newly-learned phrases.Step 6 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
