


GRE阅读考试题目来源大揭秘 篇1

GRE阅读考试题目来源大揭秘 看了这3点对能力提升绝对有用

1. GRE阅读真题来源于哪?



对于ETS来说,常用的方法就是利用软件,自动检索数字论文题库,然后筛选与考试风格比较相似的文章,搜寻的网络包含《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》、American Journal of Economics and Sociology——social sciences、business Horizons —— business、Commentary —— social sciences等。GRE考试16-GRE考试出题规律强势预测








2. GRE阅读真题所选取的题材有哪些



3. GRE阅读真题所选取的题材风格是固定的吗?



GRE阅读精选文章 你知道动物是如何感知时间的吗?

Small creatures with fast metabolisms see the worldlike an action replay.FLIES live shorter lives than elephants. Of that there is no doubt. But from a fly’s point of view,does its life actually seem that much shorter? This, in essence, was the question asked byKevin Healy of Trinity College, Dublin, in a paper just published in Animal Behaviour. His answeris, possibly not.

小生物可能拥有快速代谢系统,眼中的世界就像慢动作回放。苍蝇的寿命比大象短。这是毫无疑问的。但是从苍蝇的角度来说,它的生命真的有那么短暂吗?这是都柏林圣三一学院的Kevin Healy在《动物行为》上发表的论文中提出的问题的本质所在。他的回答可能是否定的。

Subjective experience of time is just that—subjective. Even individual people, who can comparenotes by talking to one another, cannot know for certain that their own experience coincideswith that of others. But an objective measure which probably correlates with subjectiveexperience does exist. It is called the critical flicker-fusion frequency, or CFF, and it is thelowest frequency at which a flickering light appears to be a constant source of illumination.It measures, in other words, how fast an animal’s eyes can refresh an image and thus processinformation.



For people, the average CFF is 60 hertz (ie, 60 times a second). This is why the refresh-rate ona television screen is usually set at that value. Dogs have a CFF of 80Hz, which is probably whythey do not seem to like watching television. To a dog a TV programme looks like a series ofrapidly changing stills.Having the highest possible CFF would carry biological advantages, because it would allow fasterreaction to threats and opportunities. Flies, which have a CFF of 250Hz, are notoriouslydifficult to swat. A rolled up newspaper that seems to a human to be moving rapidly appears tothem to be travelling through treacle.


Mr Healy reasoned that the main constraints on an animal’s CFF are its size and its metabolicrate. Being small means signals have less far to travel in the brain. A high metabolic ratemeans more energy is available to process them. A literature search, however, showed that noone had previously looked into the question.Fortunately for Mr Healy, this search also showed that plenty of people had looked at CFF in lotsof species for other reasons. Similarly, many other people had looked at the metabolic rates ofmany of the same species. And size data for species are ubiquitous. All he had to do,therefore, was correlate and repurpose these results. Which he did.


To simplify matters he looked only at vertebrates—34 species of them. At the bottom end ofthe scale was the European eel, with a CFF of 14Hz. It was closely followed by the leatherbackturtle, at 15Hz. Tuataras clocked in at 46Hz. Hammerhead sharks tied with humans, at 60Hz,and yellowfin tuna tied with dogs at 80Hz. The top spot was occupied by the golden-mantledground squirrel, at 120Hz. And when Mr Healy plotted his accumulated CFF data against bothsize and metabolic rate (which are not, it must be admitted, independent variables, as smallanimals tend to have higher metabolic rates than large ones), he found exactly thecorrelations he had predicted.


The upshot is that his hypothesis—that evolution pushes animals to see the world in theslowest motion possible—looks correct. Flies may seem short-lived to people, but from adipteran point of view they can thus live to a ripe old age. Remember that next time you try(and fail) to swat one.



The damage that trucks do to highwaysescalates dramatically with the weight borne per axle. New regulations increasethe maximum permitted vehicle weight; these regulations will therefore allowonto the highway trucks capable of doing even more damage than those currentlypermitted.

1. The argument is open up to criticismon the grounds that it

A. fails to establish that the level ofdamage done by trucks is a serious problem

B. omits evidence about one of the tworelevant factors

C. ignores the possibility that carefuldriving can lessen damage to highways

D. presumes that trucks are the onlyvehicles capable of causing substantial damage to highways

E. presumes that something is bound tohappen just because it is allowed to happen










注意,E选项说,因为某事允许(allow)发生所以注定(bound to)发生,而文章结论就到允许(allow)发生的层面,根本没有对于是否“注定(bound to)发生”的判断。千万注意,“货车一定会对高速公路造成更大破坏”只是我们的臆想,不是文章的结论呀!


注意,文章说,货车是否能对高速公路造成破坏的关键因素是轴(axle)载重量,轴(axle)载重量决定于两个关键因素:1 总载重量,2 轴的数量。新规定只是关于总载重量,遗漏了“轴的数量”问题。


African American drama has, until recently, been rooted in the mimetic tradition of modern American naturalism. The most distinctive attribute of this tradition is the mechanistic, materialistic conception of humanity. Naturalism sees each individual as inextricably bound to the environment and depicts each person as someone controlled by, instead of controlling, concrete reality. As long as African American drama maintained naturalism as its dominant mode, it could only express the “plight of African American people”. Its heroes might declare the madness of reality, but reality inevitably triumphed over them.

The surrealistic plays of Adrienne Kennedy mark one of the first departures from naturalism by an African American dramatist. The overall goal of her work has been to depict the world of the soul and the spirit, not to mirror concrete reality. Within this framework, Kennedy has been able to portray African American minds and souls liberated from their connections to the external environment.

1. Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?

A. African American drama has been primarily influenced by naturalisms emphasis on the materialistic.

B. African American drama has traditionally acknowledged the relationship between the individual and the environment.

C. African American drama, traditionally naturalistic, has been little influenced by dramatist Kennedy’s spiritual and psychological approach to drama.

D. The work of Kennedy suggests a shift away from a commitment to strict naturalism in African American drama.

E. The work of Kennedy best exemplifies the current interest of African American artists in the spiritual and psychological worlds.

2. According to the passage, Kennedy is concerned with depicting the

A. internal rather than the external life of her characters

B. madness of reality rather than the effects of reality

C. effects of materialism on African American minds and souls

D. relationship between naturalism and the human spirit

E. effects that her characters have on the environment

3. Which of the following statements, if true, would most strengthen the authors assertion that Kennedy’s work marks a serious departure from the tradition described in the first paragraph?

A. Kennedy places the action in a real-life setting that is nevertheless unfamiliar to the average viewer or reader

B. Kennedy movingly portrays the lives and struggles of prominent African Americans in the United States

C. Kennedy uses characters found only in ancient African legends and mythology

D. Kennedy provides insights into American mimetic tradition and dramatic convention

E. Kennedy depicts the events in a style reminiscent of a television documentary.


答案:1D 2A 3C








第2题,该题问K的艺术主张。A选项定位到2段该句:The overall goal of her work has been to depict the world of the soul and the spirit, not to mirror concrete reality.



第3题,该题问最能加强作者论断(K的作品远离首段提及的自然主义传统)的选项。C最合适。K只使用古代神话传说中人物形象。意思是K的人物角色不依赖于周围环境。这与首段自然主义风格最相反:Naturalism sees each individual as inextricably bound to the environment and depicts each person as someone controlled by, instead of controlling, concrete reality.


The history of the transmission of ancient Roman texts prior to invention of the printing press is reconstructed from evidence both internal and external to the texts themselves. Internal evidence is used to reconstruct the relationship of the surviving manuscripts of a Roman text to one another, as represented in a modern stemma codicum: a diagram depicting the genealogical relationship of surviving manuscripts and those the stemma’s editor believes existed at one time. Stemma are scholar’s only road maps to textual connections based on internal evidence, but they may paint a distorted picture of reality because they diagram the relationships of only those manuscripts known or inferred today. If surviving copies are few, the stemma perforce brings into proximity manuscripts that were widely separated in time and place of origin. Conversely, the stemma can also bestow a semblance of separation on manuscripts written within a few months of one another or even in the same room.

As described in the passage, a stemma is most closely analogous to which of the following?

A. a department store inventory list that excludes some departments

B. a map from which a large section has been torn off

C. a chronology that includes only major historical events

D. a family tree in which some generations are not recorded

E. a government organizational chart from which some agencies are omitted







该题是一个类比题,首先要明确关键词stemma的文章中的特点,再找类比选项。文章中stemma出现好几处,关键是要读懂后文stemma 与二句stemma codicum的关系,后文stemma 实际是stemma codicum 的同义缩写。根据二句对于 stemma codicum的冒号解释,就不难看出D选项最符合啦!
