


少儿英语比赛演讲稿 篇1






少儿英语比赛演讲稿 篇2

“CCTV杯”全国英语演讲大赛由中国中央电视台与外语教学与研究出版社联合主办。赛事始于2002年, 迄今已成功主办了六届, 涵盖面广, 是具有国际影响力的大赛。“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛由中国最大的英文报刊《中国日报》社于1996年创办, 《21世纪报》社承办。自首届起即被指定为每年在伦敦举办的国际英语演讲比赛的中国赛区选拔赛。重庆首届“昆士兰杯”英语演讲比赛由QETI (昆士兰州政府教育培训国际) 、重庆市教育委员会主办, Queensland Trade and Investment Office-China (昆士兰贸易投资上海代表处) 协办的。英语演讲比赛不仅对选手英语应用能力进行考评, 同时还考察选手的思辩能力和综合素质, 为当代大中学生提供了一个全面展示自我的舞台。按照惯例, 比赛分为复赛和决赛。演讲比赛一般由定题演讲、即兴演讲、回答问题、辩论组成。以本次重庆市“昆士兰杯”演讲比赛为例, 评委由多名外籍和几名中国英语高校教师组成。评分从内容、语言、技巧三方面判断。


定题演讲是一种有准备的演讲, 演讲的成功与否在很大程度上取决于演讲稿的质量。而判断一篇演讲稿的好坏主要取决于三大因素, 即演讲稿的内容、结构和语言。

(一) 内容

任何公众场合的演讲, 演讲者都要言之有物。换句话说, 要确定直接的观点。要知道自己在传达什么样的观点和信息。在演讲中, 如果演讲者语音语调很好, 但没有表达出一个中心或观点, 听众就会慢慢失望。以“昆士兰杯”演讲比赛为例, 定题演讲一共有五个主题, 选手可从中自由选取一个。两位参赛选手都不由自主地选取了旅游和读书这个话题, 原因是此话题有话可说, 主题明确。这就为具体的写作铺平了道路。之后就是角度和切入点的问题了。关于旅游和读书这个主题, 切入点和角度就不一样了。有以下几个原则需要注意:第一, 新颖、有独创性。第二, 一定是演讲者深受感动或深有感触的。如此次一等奖获得者的作品, 以“we are all on the journey”为切入点, 联系自身旅行的经历, 自然而然地过渡到了对“旅行和读书”关系内涵的理解。内容仿佛是为他量身定做的, 演讲起来真是生动:曾读过一本书《消失的地平线》, 深深感动, 于是决定自己亲身而行……伴随着他的演讲, 引发了听众的感同身受, 激起了观众响亮的掌声和笑声。

(二) 结构

一篇好的演讲稿需要有清晰的结构, 才能抓住听众的注意力, 更容易让听众跟随演讲主题。结构一般而言分为三个部分:开头、正文及结尾。

一般而言, 开头要以某种特别的方式吸引听众的注意力, 揭示主题, 并告知听众演讲的主要观点。讲故事或自己的亲身经历, 提问设问, 令听众震撼或惊奇, 引用名言或开门见山都行之有效。

正文部分是演讲中最重要的一个环节——传递信息。一般而言, 正文主要包括以下三个方面:1.提出主要观点。2.组织观点。可以是时间顺序型, 可以是空间位置型, 也可以是问题解决型等。3.组织材料支持观点。一定要采用相同的句式来陈述每个主题句。使用过渡词或过渡句, 这样可以使观众了解到演讲者正从一个观点向另一个观点过渡, 帮助他们理清思路。也可以用一些常用的标志词。如:firstly, secondly, thirdly, moreover, in addition, meanwhile, however, as a result, therefore, etc.

(三) 结尾

好的开头也需要一个好的结尾, 避免“龙头蛇尾”。匆匆收尾, 给听众一种未满足的感觉, 未尝不是一种遗憾。一般而言有以下三种方式结尾:1.呼应开头。2.引用别人的话。3.号召听众行动起来。


即兴演讲, 顾名思义, 就是临时的、毫无准备的演讲。即兴演讲对于使用母语演讲的人来说都非常困难, 更何况是使用非母语演讲的选手。即兴演讲的题目包罗万象, 从经济、政治、教育、文化、人生到国际问题。要求演讲者平时养成读书看报的习惯, 关注周围发生的焦点问题和时事问题, 积累各个领域的素材, 以便有“谈资”。要求演讲者有思辩能力, 能从不同角度看问题、想问题。回答问题最主要是弄清楚问题是什么。

第一, 背诵赛场上的“套话”, 由于本次“昆士兰杯”演讲比赛只有回答问题环节, 所以给学生准备了套话:“Thank you very much.I understood fully, your question is...”重复或者是用自己的话概括评委的问题, 以确认评委真正想知道的是什么。这一步也是在没有听懂评委的问题的基础上的“不得不”之举。切记不能答非所问。

第二, 反复观摩演讲比赛的录像, 琢磨选手台上的表现, 对问题进行归类, 就每个主题认真准备一篇演讲稿, 同时背诵相关名言名句。

第三, 指导老师进行“魔鬼式”训练。就各个主题提问, 让选手思考后给出有新意的答案。准备时间不会超过三分钟。训练后, 指导老师指导选手找出问题或主题比较有新颖的答案和角度。


辩论是一项非常有意思但却极具挑战性的活动。主要是培养选手迅速分析问题并立即作出反应的能力。辩论同样要检验选手是否具有好的倾听技巧, 是否具有批判性思考问题的能力, 是否能够有效合理地组织自己的观点, 头脑是否开阔, 是否愿意接受新的观点, 改进和修正自己的观点。

因此训练时, 第一, 收集相关主题材料, 找出正反方观点和论据。注意结构的逻辑性和严密性。

第二, “打辩”过程, 和指导老师或者选手之间相互打辩。只有实践才能出“新观点”和“新想法”。同时“打辩”中, 避免出现逻辑错误。


演讲越来越受到重视, 不少高校已开设了演讲课程。演讲比赛主要是赛“说”的好坏, 而听得是否准确、写得是否漂亮、读得是否广博又是“说”的基础。通过写演讲稿、演讲训练、阅读素材, 无疑可以开拓学生的思维, 培养他们英语应用能力和思辨能力。让他们就某一主题有话可说, 说之成理。

摘要:本文介绍了国内影响较大的英语演讲比赛, 并从“昆士兰杯”演讲比赛的定题演讲、即兴演讲、回答问题和辩论环节以及台上技巧的角度, 探讨了英语演讲比赛的培训和技巧;并认为把演讲纳入大学课程, 将有利于培养学生的语言应用能力和思辨能力。



[1]Carnegie.D.有效演讲术[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社, 1998.

[2]陈翰武.演讲与口才[C].武汉:武汉大学出版社, 1998.

[3]高一虹.外语学习木桶的短板[J].国外外语教学, 1999, [3].

浅析英语即兴演讲比赛 篇3





例1:(大连外国语学院 李冬怡 2011年 “What is a river in your eyes”)

As one philosopher once said,“You cant step into the same river twice.”… Right now I can remember a beautiful song.It says,“The love is a traveler on a river of no return.”该作者对河流的看法新鲜加之个人小清新风格,用包含“river”一次的话语和歌词代替个人想法,在即兴演讲中标新立异,文学素养和文化功底可圈可点。


例2:(2011年 What do you see in the painting “The Sunflower”?)

(1)杨天麟 湖南理工学院

…“Van Gogh,in his time,he was nameless,and he lived in poverty.”…

(2)陈彦君 中山大学

If you have never ever been to Room 45 in British National Gallery,you can never ever imagine the bright yellow of the 15 sunflowers painted by Van Gogh… shocked by the bright color shimmering in the dark light of the room.In this painting,I see the power of life and breaking free.

(3) 刘慧 广东外语外贸大学

When I first saw this painting,I saw immediately that single flower on the left-hand side of this picture.He was Van Gogh in my eyes… As Winston Churchill said,“Never,never,never,never give up.”…



例3:(1)澳门理工学院 钱桥 2011年

A word that has changed the word ---- Imagination

When J.K.Rowling unleashed the power of her imagination upon the world,it transported Harry Potter into the lives of millions,and herself into the list of the worlds richest women.

(2)暨南大学 周琳 2011年

A word that has changed the world ---- Listen

J.K.Rowling listened.… Listening inspired the single mother who lived on the meager government… and create a worldwide phenomenon---- “Harry Potter Mania”.


英语比赛演讲稿 篇4

By the time we are born onto this land, our own Chinese story begins. Only when we put our stories together, can we discover something new.

My mom was among the first generation in China to pick up a dual major, trade together with English. Her mom, my grandma, was a professor at the same college. And now, I am following my family’s footsteps, at the same university. I want to accomplish a dream that has been passed on for three generations.

When grandma entered college, she was in the age of prime, but education wasn’t. It was an age when China had a literacy of merely over 50 percent; it was an age when one out of eight got enrolled by a university or college; it was an age when even the top-class universities in China were not recognized by the world. It was with the aspiration of changing education for the better that my grandma became a teacher, in pursuit of teaching students at home and learning more about the abroad.

When my mother crossed the threshold of higher education into college, she was experiencing the tides of the Reform and Opening-up. It was an age when China was ready to embrace the world. With the demand for English talents staying high, she brought her talents to the field of international trade, with the hope of broadening her horizon and telling her international clients a Chinese story.

30 years later, it is already a new era when I step into the classroom where my mom and my grandma studied. The ambience in the renovated classroom is urging me to embark on a new journey; yet on the bookshelf, the books passed on since my grandma’s age is reminding me of a dream that has never changed: becoming a language scholar with a global vision, and be a good narrator of the Chinese story.

I took out my grandma’s notebook, which was already old and gray, trying to learn something new from the past. On the frontpage, wrote one of the earliest Chinese stories, taken from the Great Learning: “If you can do something new, then let it happen every day. With perseverance, every day becomes a new day.”

It was the moment when I realized that there has been something unchanged in the new era: that is always equipping ourselves with the new ideas and keep in pace with the time which never waits. Only by bearing this virtue in our minds that has inherited by the Chinese people for 5,000 years, can we gain both the confidence and the competence in telling a good Chinese story to all.

Tell the Chinese story to the Chinese people, for a new China with cultural confidence; tell the Chinese story to every global citizen, and together we build a community of prosperity, peace, and a shared future. The story of my mom, my grandma and myself will always remind me of the mission of a language learner.

英语演讲比赛演讲稿 篇5

YOU AND ME, OUR DREAM With the happy ending of the 18th CPC National Congress, the discussion of “Chinese dream” is growing up to the scale of the whole society.Along with the growth of the generation 90’s, praises and criticisms are divided all the way along till this moment.To be a standard and outstanding college student and the promising contributors of the future china, to be more customized for the society, we are supposed to be more responsible for the improvement of a better self.To be a better myself, to know the real me is at the top of the agenda.To know oneself is never as simple as describing the outlooking, instead,it’s far more beyond it.Which fields are you interested in, what are you going to do for a dream, how much time will you persist in devoting on reaching a dream,are all the questions that one need to ask himself or herself together with one’s tastes, favourite items, characteristics and so on.Since people have pretty complex connections with the society and the

surroundings, to know the outside world around us should be emphasized and never be ignored or skipped.As the old saying goes: “ the hero is nothing but a product of his time.”.The environment is one of the vital factors that contribute nto successes.To value the environment, the following aspects should be taken into consideration.First of all, current states.That means at what stage is the country developing, how far can we move forward? And what about the other nations and the trends of different areas like science, space technology, medicine and caring, education and so on.Second, the world is skilled in showing multiple sides and we show be well prepared to know it at different dimensions.In addition, to know as much information as possible may not be the best way to know the latest world.We should develop the skill of choosing and selecting the most updated information.Making evaluations of oneself and the environment may not be very easy,but it’s still floating on the thinking and dreaming level.Compared with taking these ideas into actions, it’s just a piece of cake.We should keep in mind that obstacles and difficulties can not be avoided.We should be strong-minded and persisted in running after our dream until we reach the destination.In the night, every one dreams a dream.In our mind, every one should build a dream.It’s real, it’s beautiful, it can be big, or it can be strange, but it should be worthwhile to scramble for.It’s said in the BIBLE that: you don’t get it because you don’t want it;you look for it but back with no results because that’s an inappropriate request.So ,friends, keep on evaluating and moving , go and get your dream!

英语演讲比赛演讲稿 篇6

I remember, on my very first day of my beloved university, one of my professors said to me,“From now on, you’ll be on a journey between who you think you are and who yo can be.The key is to allow yourself to continue the journey in the ocean of the books.”And I do learn a lot from books: I know the geometry of Euclid, logic of

Aristotle, fable of Aesop known to children around the world. Well, no offense to all those great authors of the books, but during my three years at my university, I do realize that personal experience through practice means more to me. As we are in this global information age where both economic growth and individual opportunity are based on ideas, a commitment to providing all human beings the golden opportunity to develop themselves is so vital, not only to the people here, but all around.

As we are in this transformational age where communications and commerce are global, investments are mobile, technology is almost magical, and the ambition for a better life is now universal, and I think this is why we are here today. We want to earn our personal experience through practicing our oral English, sharing our opinions of tourism and ecology with all the judges and audience here.

And I think we are so lucky to be alive at this moment of the history. Never before have our nation enjoyed so much prospertity and so much social progress with so little internal crises.

And never before have our young people had so much great opportunity to practice ourselves and, therefore, have a profound obligation to build a more perfect nation of our ancestor’s dream. And I think our government had provided us young people with the tools and condition to build the future of our dreams.

少儿英语比赛演讲稿 篇7

公共演讲输送演讲者向听众发出的单向消息。成功的演讲建立在英语的实际运用基础上, 而词汇作为强有力的说服手段之一, 诠释演讲者要表达的内容和实现其表达能力。因此, 词的正确、清晰、生动和恰当使用很有必要。本文以“21世纪杯”大学英语演讲比赛为例, 分析参赛者的文稿中的实词分布和各实词类的使用特点, 为演讲的实践教学及学生备赛提供依据。


2005 年至2014 年中历年前十名参赛者的讲稿文本 ( 共57824词) 被选取作为研究实词使用特点的对象。首先, 将文本中缩写形式改成完整的表达方式, 用Tree Tagger软件标签标注词性, 如:Our_PP$ ancestors_NNS liked_VVD to_TO build_VV walls_NNS ._SENT;然后, 将标注后的文本输入到VFP软件中详细标注每种词性的频率, 如名词NN, NNS, NP, NPS。最后, Ant Conc软件检测出多种词性的词在具体语境中的准确词性。


Douglas Biber将词分为实词、虚词和插入词。其中实词包括动词、名词、形容词和副词, 是文本中意义的主要承载者, 在演讲中通常被重读。


1.名词。名词描述人和物质, 包括抽象的和具体的实体。

根据表格1, 参赛者使用最高频率的是名词单数 (NN) ;多于普通名词复数 (NNS) 的2倍;专有名词单数 (NP) 用于传达演讲者想要强调的信息, 比专有名词的复数 (NPS) 频率高。

在Long_RB before_IN the_DT concept_NN of_IN environmental_JJ protection_NN came_VVD into_IN being_NN , _, Dujiang_NP Weir_NP , _, was_VBD built_VVN in_IN south_JJ western_JJ China’s_NP Sichuan_NP province_NN . _SENT中可数普通名词concept, protection, province和专有名词Sichuan, China, Dujiang Weir向听者传达地点和事件。

专有名词呈三个特点: (1) 参赛者倾向于使用China和Chinese, Antconc软件统计China和Chinese的频率占所有专有名词的34.89%; (2) 中国的地名被多次引用, 如Yunnan, Macao等;与中国文化相关的词Confucius, Goubuli等; (3) 体现跨文化或流行事物的词被引用频率较高, 如KFC, Disneyland等。此外, 其它国家名称如London, Iraq等及外国人名如Barack Obama, Franklin等被选用。

2.形容词。形容词强调质量和属性, 为提及的事物提供更多信息。

根据表2, 形容词的基本形式 (JJ) 频率最高, 比较级 (JJR) 和最高级 (JJS) 的频率较低仅占0.39%和0.19%。

在We_PP found_VVD ourselves_PP flanked_VVD by_IN taller_JJR and_CC taller_JJR trees_NNS , _, which_WDT formed_VVD a_DT huge_JJ canopy_NN ._SENT中, huge和taller and taller作为定语修饰名词trees和canopy, 描述其性质和提供更多信息。


表格3显示动词的基本形式 (VV) 频率最高;一般现在时的第三人称单数形式 (VVZ) 频率最低;动词的现在分词 (VVG) 、过去分词 (VVN) 、一般现在时非第三人称单数形式 (VVP) 、过去式 (VVD) 在频率也不高。参赛者多用一般现在时阐述内容。

在Technological_JJ advancement_NN has_VHZ opened_VVN up_RP a_DT whole_JJ new_JJ world_NN ._SENT和It_PP matters_VVZ because_IN the_DT sea_NN level_NN will_MD rise_VV._SENT中, 参赛者用动词作为时态, opened, matters, rise表达动词过去分词、一般现在时的第三人称单数和动词基本形式。


副词作为修饰词, 详述动作、过程或事物发生的状态Biber。

如表格4所示, 副词的基本形式 (RB) 在“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛中的频率最高;疑问副词 (WRB) 的频率高于副词的比较级 (RBR) 和最高级 (RBS) 的频率之和。

在Suddenly_RB an_DT international_JJ student_NN asked_VVD me_PP , _, “Where_WRB is_VBZ the_DT entrance_NN to_TO the_DT Eastern_JJ suburbs_NNS ?_SENT和A_DT little_JJ girl_NN impressed_VVD me_PP most_RBS ._SENT中suddenly指示事物发生的状态;most修饰动词impressed。疑问副词提示演讲者要表达的主题 (Lucas, 2008) , Where引发听者的思考、吸引听者的注意力, 让听者意识到问题与演讲内容相关。


词是体现演讲者的构思和与听众交流的最佳方式, 在所有影响演讲的因素中, 词是可以提前准备的, 而演讲者的语速、语音、肢体语言和目光交流等在演讲时才有所体现。因此, 演讲的参赛者在准备文稿时要侧重实词频率和选词特点同时, 把握词类分布与公共演讲的语言要求和公共演讲的特征的相关性, 以更好地向听众传达演讲的信息。

摘要:本文尝试采用语料库的研究方法, 对“21世纪杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛中2005年至2014年前十名参赛者演讲文本中所选用词的特征进行研究。通过对讲稿中的实词量化分析, 结果表明参赛者的词类分布与公共演讲的语言要求、演讲的自身特征密切相关。



[1]Biber, D., Conrad, S.&Johansson, S.Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2009.

[2]Hatch, E.&Brown, C. (2001) Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

[3]Hunston, S. (2007) .Corpora in Applied Linguistics[M].Beijing:Cambridge University Press.

[4]Stephen E.Lucas (2008) .The Art of Public Speaking[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

第一次参加演讲比赛 篇8







英语口语比赛演讲稿 篇9

Value Every Minute

To realize the value of one year: Ask a student who has failed a final exam.To realize the value of one month: Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.To realize the value of one hour: Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.To realize the value of one minute: Ask the person who has missed the train, bus or plane.To realize the value of one second: Ask a person who has survived an accident.To realize the value of one millisecond: Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.Time waits for no one.Treasure every moment you have.珍惜每一分钟


少儿英语演讲比赛小贴士 篇10

1.eye contact with the audience, firm and steady.2.big smile on the face.3.natural body gesture((hand gesture)

Question& Answer part:

1.to address the judges before and after the question with “thank you” “Thank you for the question” “That is all.”

2.to ask the judge to repeat the question with “Pardon” if the question is not clear.3.to answer the question with at least three sentences connected to the topic.(no more than six.)

 to extend the question you can :* summarize the story.(This is an

interesting story.)

*give examples(Such as…, for example…)* give reasons.(because…)

* draw a conclusion(so,… anyway…)

 Questions to prepare:

a.personal questions

* what is your favourite(hobby, teacher, subject, animal, pet, fruit,festival, city, food…)

*When did you …/ How long have you/ How often do you …?(Learn

English, dancing, playing the piano, singing, …)

Do you think it is(important, difficult, necessary,)to(learn

computer, English,)? Why?

b.story-related questions

* What can we learn from the story?(We can learn from …, it is

important to …)

* Why did …(character’s behavior), Why

* Do you like …(character), Why


1.who(To give names to the characters in the picture, and imagine its relation)

2.When(to decide a certain time frame, and pay attention to the tense)

3.Why(to explain the cause and effect, and story can be added)

4.How(to describe the way, frequency of the behavior)

5.Where(to give some place)

 There should be characters in the story, which have names and relationship. There should be some theme of the story(Love, study, honest, healthy life.) Events can help develop the story(birthday, anniversary, being sick,)

 Stories can help extend the content.(for example)

 The structure needs to be complete.(beginning, body, conclusion)

General Tips

少儿英语比赛演讲稿 篇11

In the morning, the cock calls,then people get up. Open the window and open the door, greet the new day. In the morning, the air is very fresh. Go out and have a happy bike ride! In the morning, taking exercise is good for us. We can have good health and a fresh mind. Please get up early in the morning, and enjoy this happy time!



It’s snowy! It’s snowy! All the children were very happy. The snow flakes flew in the sky. They were pure and nice.

They fell and piled up on the ground, like making a warm coat for the world. Everything was white with snow. Winter, winter, I love you. Though you make me feel cold. Snow, snow, please don’t go. We can play with you!



At school, I am a good pupil. My favorite subject is English. I study English hard because it is very useful and important. I am also fond of Mathematics. It can makes you become more and more clever. Though I can write poems, I am not good at Chinese. Chinese often troubles me a lot.

At home, I am not a lazy boy. I am my grandmother’s right hand. I can help her do a lot of things, such as washing the dishes, mopping the floor. My grandmother loves me and I love her, too.

上海市海宁路一小 四(1)班 韩正


If I’m a beautiful little fairy, I will do many things that I have long been dreaming of. I will fly to every corner of the world and make people’s wish come true. I will give poor people money, food, and clothes. I will help the children in “the Hope Project”. I will give them books, pencils, and newspapers. I will help old people, too. I will make them healthier and happier. If I’m a fairy, I will try my best to make people’s lifes much better.


I have a naughty little brother. He always makes troubles. Listen! He is crying loudly. What’s up? Oh, he puts his toys in the washing machine. The toys are now out of use. He is unhappy. I help him repair his toys. But where is he now? Oh, he is in my bedroom. What is he doing now? Oh, my god! He is drawing on my homework. I feel angry. But he has already run away. What’s the noise? Is he crying again? Yes. Look, he slips because of the banana peel on the ground. It was he himself who threw it.

上海市吴泾三小四(4)班 李亚南

