


孔子语录(中英对照) 篇1


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有教无类。In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.当仁,不让于师。When it comes to benevolence, one need not give precedence even to his teacher.学而时习之,不亦说乎? Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? 温故而知新,可以为师矣。If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。Learning without thought is labour lost;thought without learning is perilous.敏而好学,不耻下问。He was of an active nature and yet fond of learning, and he was not ashamed to ask and learn of his inferiors.十室之邑,必有忠信,如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也。In a hamlet of ten families, there may be found one honourable and sincere as I am, but not so fond of learning.知之者,不如好之者,好之者,不如乐之者。They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉。The silent treasuring up of knowledge;learning without satiety;and instructing others without being wearied--which one of these things belongs to me? 我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge;I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers.I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.学如不及,犹恐失之。Learn as if you could not reach your object, and were always fearing also lest you should lose it.

王尔德语录中英对照 篇2

1、Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative。谈论天气是无趣人类最后的避难所。

2、One’s real life is often the life that one does not lead.真实生活就通常就是我们无法掌控的生活。

3、Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others。邪恶是善良的人们编造的谎言,用来解释其他人的特殊魅力。

4、Every great man nowadays has his disciples, and it is always Judas who writes the biography。现在每个伟人都有自己的信徒,而他们的传记总由叛徒来写。

5、The world has been made by fools that wise men should live in it.愚人创造了这个世界,智者不得不活在其中。

6、Men marry because they are tired; women because they are curious; both are disappointed.男人因疲倦而结婚,女人因好奇而结婚;最终他们都会失望。( 文章阅读网:www.sanwen.net )

7、The happiness of a married man depends on the people he has not married.已婚者的快乐来自那些他没有娶的人。

8、Twenty years of romance make a woman look like a ruin; but twenty years of marriage make her look like a public building。的韵事使女人变成一片废墟,20年的婚姻使女人变成一座公共建筑。

9、When a woman marries again,it is because she detested her first husband.When a man marries again,it is because he adored his first wife.女人再嫁是因为憎恶前夫,男人再娶是因为太爱前妻。

10、Men become old, but they never become good.人们越长越老,但绝不会越变越好。

11、The evolution of man is slow、The injustice to man is great.人类的进化很缓慢。他们遭受的不公待遇显而易见。

12、Rich bachelors should be heavily taxed、It is not fair that some men should be happier than others.对富有的单身汉应该客以重税。让某些人比其他人更快乐是不公平的。

13、The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray, and the advantage of science is that it is not emotional.情感的好处就是让我们引入歧途,而科学的好处是不感情用事。

14、I adore simple pleasures、They are the last refuge of the complex.我敬佩简单的快乐,那是复杂的最后避难所。

15、Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.除了感官,什么也不能治灵魂的创痛,同样,感官的饥渴也只有灵魂解除得了。

16、A good name, like good will, is got by many action and lost by one.一个好的名声,就像好的意向一样,在很多个举动的形成,在一个举动中失去。

17、It is absurd to divide people in to good and bad、People are either charming or tedious.-Lady Windermere’s Fan, 1892, Act I把人分成好的与坏的是荒谬的,人要么迷人,要么乏味。-《温夫人的扇子》

18、Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.-The Sphinx Without a Secret。女人是用来被爱的,不是用来被理解的。-《没有秘密的斯芬克斯》

19、Life imitates art far more than art imitates Life.艺术并非模仿生活,而是生活在模仿艺术。

20、Everyone is born king, and most people die in exile.每个人生来都是君王,但大多数在流亡中死去。

21、When I was young , I used to think that money was the most important thing in life , now that I am old , I know it is.我年青时以为金钱至上,而今年事已迈,发现果真如此。

22、Don’t be afraid of the past、If people tell you that it is irrevocable, don’t believe them.不要惧怕过去。如果人们告诉你说过去的事情无可挽回,别相信他们。

23、An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.一个思想若称不上危险,那么它就不值得被称作思想。

24、Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everyone in good society holds exactly the same opinion.争论是俗不可耐的,因为道德社会里每个人都持完全相同的观点。

25、Death and vulgarity are the only two facts in the nineteenth century that one cannot explain away.死亡和庸俗是十九世纪仅有的无法用巧辩逃避的东西。

26、Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.爱国是恶人的美德。

27、Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.每次人们赞同我的时候,我都觉得自己一定错了。

28、I am not at all romantic、I am not old enough、I leave romance to my seniors.我一点都不浪漫。我还不算太老。还是把浪漫留给比我老的人吧。

29、Wicked women bother one、Good women bore one、That is the only difference between them.坏女人给我麻烦。好女人令我厌烦。这就是她们唯一的不同。

30、Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes.每个人犯了错误,都自称是经验。

31、And, after all, what is a fashion? From the artistic point of view, it is usually a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.Literary and Other Notes I, Woman’s World (November 1887)时尚是一种让人难以忍受的丑陋,以至于我们不得不每六个月就更改一次。

32、A man’s face is his autobiography、A woman’s face is her work of fiction.男人的面孔是他的自传,女人的面容是她的幻想作品。

33、There is only one real tragedy in a woman’s life、The fact that her past is always her lover, and her future invariably her husband.女人的生活中只有一个真正的悲剧:她总在缅怀过去,却必须活在未来。

34、We teach people how to remember, we never teach them how to grow.我们教给人们如何记忆,却从来不教他们如何成长。

莎士比亚经典语录中英文对照 篇3

2、Laughter is the root of all evil。笑是一切罪恶的根源。

3、Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit。爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。

4、The course of true love never did run smooth。真爱无坦途。

5、The course of true love never did run smooth。真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。

6、A proud man,the result is always the pride in his own destruction。一个骄傲的人结果总是在骄傲里毁灭了自己。

7、Do you not know I am a woman?When I think,I must speak。你难道不知道我是女人?我心里想什么,就会说出来。

8、The empty vessels make the greatest sound。满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。

9、All that glisters is not gold。闪光的并不都是金子。

10、The quality of mercy is not strained。慈悲不是出于勉强。

11、There is nothing either good or bad,but thinking makes it so。世上之事物本无善恶之分,思想使然。

12、To be or not to be,that is a question。生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。

13、There are more things in heaven and earth,Horatio,than are dreamt of in your philosophy。天地之间有许多事情,是你的睿智所无法想象的。

14、Good name in man and woman,dear my lord,is the immediate jewel of their souls:Who steals my purse steals trash;’tis something,nothing。无论男人女人,名誉是他们灵魂中最贴心的珍宝,如果有人偷走了我的钱袋,他不过偷走了一些废物,那不过是些毫无价值的东西罢了。

15、Frailty,thy name is woman!脆弱啊,你的名字是女人!

16、A little more than kin,and less than kind。超乎寻常的亲族,漠不相关的路人。

17、The course of true love never did run smooth。真爱总要饱经历练。

18、Beauty,wit,high birth,vigour of bone,desert in service,love,friendship,charity,are subjects all to envious and calumniating time。美貌、智慧、门第、臂力,事业、爱情、友谊和仁慈,都必须听命于妒忌而无情的时间。

19、We cannot all be masters,nor all masters cannot be truly followed。不是每个人都能做主人,也不是每个主人都能值得仆人忠心的服侍。

20、Love’s not love when it is mingled with regards that stands aloof from the entire point。爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。

21、In delay there lies no plenty,and then come kime,sweet and twenty,Youth’s a stuff that will not endure。迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。

22、This above all:to thine self be true。最重要的是,你必须对自己忠实。

23、Keep up your bright swords,for the dew will rust them。收起你们明晃晃的剑,它们沾了露水会生锈的。

24、O,she dothe teach the torches to burn bright!啊!火炬不及她那么明亮。

25、It is not enough to help the feeble up,but to support him after。仅仅把弱者扶起来是不够的,还要在他站起来之后支持他。

26、The retention will never give up。该放弃的决不挽留。

27、Sweet are the uses of adversity。逆境和厄运自有妙处。

28、Love is merely a madness。爱情不过是一种疯狂。

29、The lunatic,the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact。疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。

30、To mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on。为了一去不复返的灾祸而悲伤将会招致新的灾祸。

31、No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won’t make you cry。没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

32、Ignorance is the curse of God,Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven。无知乃是罪恶,知识乃是我们藉以飞向天堂的翅膀。

33、Do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect。不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

34、Blow,winds,and crack cheeks!Rage!Blow!吹吧!风啊!吹破你的脸颊,猛烈地吹吧!

35、Take but degree away,untune that string,and,hark,what discord follows!没有了纪律,就像琴弦绷断,听吧!刺耳的噪音随之而来!

36、Lord,what fools these mortals be!上帝呀,这些凡人怎么都是十足的傻瓜!

37、Sweet are the uses of adversity。苦尽甘来。

38、Why should a dog,a horse,a rat,have life,and thou no breath at all?为什么一条狗,一匹马,一只耗子都有生命,而你却没有一丝的呼吸。

39、How sharper than a serpent’s tooth is to have a thankless child。逆子无情甚于蛇蝎。

40、My only love sprung from my only hate!我唯一的爱来自我唯一的恨。

中英对照译文 篇4

Switch to Open Worldwide, Devia Switch Series Accessories to the Market 天机·富春山居图:Switch(Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains)

6月9日首映:Premiered on June 9th


鼎力支持,邀您共享:Full supports & invites you to enjoy it.全国独家授权:Exclusive authorization in China

联合推出,原装正版:Published jointly, original & authentic

iPhone 5/4S, 三星S4:iPhone 5/4S, SAMAUNG Galaxy S4

富春山居图系列保护壳:Switch Series Case


New 3D action film, Switch(Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains), starring Andy Lau, Chiling Lin, Zhang Jingchu and Tong Dawei, will be released in China on June 9, 2013.Switch speaks of a top Hong Kong agent, Xiao Jinghan(Andy Lau), and his wife, Lin Yuyan(Zhang Jingchu), who both aim to protect a nationally treasured Chinese masterpiece, the “Fuchun Mountains” painting.This soon attracts a Japanese mafia spy, Lisa(Chiling Lin), who dwells between good and evil.Yamamoto(Tong Dawei), the one behind all the evil machinations, slowly reveals himself throughout the story.With the screening of Switch, the love and hate relationships, a life and death battle, will fire a storm on the summer season screen.数码配件·黄金展位合作伙伴: Digital accessories · gold booth partner



With the hot release of Switch, Devia, the pioneering digital accessories brand

of Dongguan Siteng Electronics Co.Ltd., cooperates with Switch and launches Switch Series accessories for iPhone 5/4S, SAMSUNG S4, etc.Devia will not only create classic products for the digital accessories fashion brand but also bring trendy and stylish digital accessories to the mass of movies and digital fans.DeviaiPhone5《富春山居图》系列保护壳

Devia Switch Series Case for iPhone 5

devia 于今夏6月9日推出iPhone4S/


On June 9th this summer Devia is going to launch Switch Series Cases for iPhone 5/4S, SAMSUNG S4, etc.These cases are refined with IMD technique and high quality PC materials imported from Germany, bright-colored & textured, anti-scratch & abrasion.The use of classic movie factors will become the most eye-dazzling focus of this summer’s digital accessories.DeviaiPhone4/4s《富春山居图》系列保护壳

Devia Switch Series Case for iPhone 4/4S

devia 3C数码配件覆盖苹果、三星、HTC、诺基亚、摩托罗拉、魅族、小米、华为、中兴、联想、步步高、OPPO等国内外品牌智能手机、平板电脑、电脑周边保护膜、保护壳、皮套等周边配件产品,是国内产品线最全,综合实力最强的配件品牌之一。Devia以做工精细、品质优良享誉业界、一直以来将时尚潮流的元素融入其中,赢得了广大数码配件的需求朋友的青睐。

Devia is one of the few brands in China with complete product lines and the strongest comprehensive power.She offers whole lines of 3C digital accessories for home and abroad smartphone and tablet PC brands such as Apple, SAMSUNG, HTC, Nokia, Motorola, Meizu, MI, Huawei, ZTE, Lenovo, BBK, OPPO, etc.Devia is well-known for her fine workmanship and high quality.As always, Devia fuses the stylish and trendy elements with her products and wins love from the massive digital accessories fans.Devia三星S4《富春山居图》系列保护壳

Devia Switch Series Case for SAMSUNG S4


Devia, a pioneering brand, always has the courage to break through, innovate and attempt.She will pay close attention to the brilliant performance of Switch with you.Devia三星S4《富春山居图》系列保护壳装机图

Devia Switch Series Case for SAMSUNG S4


模具中英对照 篇5

flow line----罩一曲面 multisurf------多重曲面 filter-----过滤 ellipse-----椭圆 polar-------极坐标

arc endpoints-----两点画弧 extrude------------------挤压 cold drawn-------------------冷拉

corrosive plastics-----------------防腐塑料 tough-----------------硬度 anneal-----------------n.退火

service life--------------------注塑寿命 high viscosity-----------------粘度较高的 extension plug------------------延伸尾塞 angle plug-------------------斜角尾塞 thermocouple connector---热电偶连结头 hydraulic system---(注塑机的)油压系统

temperature control zone-------------------温控区 barrel heating capacity----料筒加热能力 polygon-------多边形 isometric-------等角视图 zig zag-------双向 one way-------单向 spline-------圆滑曲线 blend-------顺接

guide pin--------导针;边针;直边 support pin---------拉杆;水口边

support pin collar--------拉杆定位;水口边定位介子 tapped hold for eyebolt-------吊模螺孔

thermal expansion coefficient-------热膨胀系数 welding rod-------熔接棒

cavity plate;A bolster plate-----母模板(A板), 前模板 stripper plate---------活动板,推料板 core plate--------公模板(B板),后模板 spacer block-----------间隔板

ejector retainer plate-----------上顶针板 ejector plate-----------下顶针板

pin point gate system---------小水口系统 side gate system-----------大水口系统 infrared-transmitter--------红外线发射器 infrared-receiver------------红外线接受器 synthetic resin------------合成权脂

air blow gun(with nozzles&hose)-------------气枪 spiral hose-------------螺旋形的;盘旋的 guide strip---------------行位导轨 ejector rod--------------斜坊 set screw---------固定螺丝

countersunk screw---------沉头螺丝 hex screws--------胚头螺丝

shoulder screw-----------------带肩螺丝 residual stress-----------------残余应力 tensile--张力 electricity erode-----------------电蚀刻 ohm meter-------------------电阻表 tubular dowel-----------------管钉,销钉 abrasive stone-----------------研磨石材

SPI Mold Finish Comparison Kit--SPI模具抛光比照工具 rolled------------------热轧 forged------------------热锻 screw torque----------------螺杆力矩 screw speed-------------------螺杆速度 screw stroke----------------螺杆行程 nozzle contact force--------热嘴接触力 screw L/D ratio------螺杆长度/直径比例 theoretical shot volume---理论的注射容量 clamp force--------------------合模力 lock force---------------------------锁模力 internal heated------------------------内部加热 external heated------------------------外部加热 heating rod-------------------------加热棒

air-gap insulation------------------------空气隔绝层 spare part(accesory)-------------备用件 insulating ring-----------------------绝缘圈 sealing washer-------------------垃圾钉 adaptor---------------------适配器

hole gauge----------------------孔深量测仪 high-temperature grease------高温油脂 thermal conductivity paste--------导热膏 data cable--------------数据线

compression mold base-------压缩模胚

countersunk-----------------埋头孔 锥孔,沉孔 mill--------------压榨机;磨坊;碾磨;drill---------------钻头;钻床钻孔;钻通 grind-----------------磨擦;磨碎;磨光 turn---------------转动;旋转;翻转 adapter plate-----------------适配模板

leader pin;shoulder leader pin----导针;带肩导针(实心)angle pin(horn pin)---------斜针;斜边 straight bushing----------直导套(空心)shoulder bushing----------带肩导套 sprue puller pin----------唧咀扣针 sprue spreader-----------浇口分流锥 runner spreader-----------流道分流锥

tapered interlocks(round & rectangular)---------啤把锁 bronze plated bushing------镀铜导套 guided ejection bushing------导向导套

toggle-lock early ejector return----切换式早期回撞装置 accelerated knock-out----------加速顶棍 accelerated ejector------------加速顶针 collapsible core---------可折迭式的型芯 slide retainer------------行位固定装置

jiffy latch-lock assemblies-------------快速拉杆锁定装置 tapped hole------------------螺丝孔

no resettable shot counter-----------非复位注射计数器 profiled ejector pin------------底面在有倾斜截面的顶针 copper-------红铜 brass-------黄铜 bronze--------青铜 BeCu--------铍铜

counterbore---------------拔头,介子托 fan gate-----------------扇形入口 fillet----------------圆形入口 guide pin 直边 screw thread 螺纹 air pump 空气泵 alloy 合金

alloy steel 合金钢

fixed clamp plate;top clamping plate;top plate定模座块 动模座块 moving clamp plate;bottom clamping plate 上模座块 upper clamping plate 下模座块 lower clamping plate 凹模固定板 cavity-retainer plate 型芯固定板 core-retainer plate 突模固定板 punch-retainer plate 模套 chase;bolster;frame pin point gate-------------细水口 hose clip--------------入喉箍 jiggle----------------斜顶

British Standard Whitworth thread BSW--英制螺丝(粗牙)British Standard Fine Thread BSF-------英制螺丝(幼牙)British Standard Pipe Thread(BSP)--------英制喉牙

National Pipe Thread-----------------------美制螺牙 pressure plug----------------喉塞

pressure spring-----------------压力弹簧 vent------------------疏气孔

alignment strip--------------------斜锁 ball catch---------------------弹弓波子 bridge piece------------------水口铁

Jiffy-matic connector---------------------快速连接喉

All ejector blades must have key to avoid rotating.扁顶针要止转 ejector bearing length 弹弓压缩长度 reinforcement rib 加强筋 steel pad 方铁 latch 拉杆

sprue puller insert 扣针导套 stage ejector=knock out 顶棍 ejector retainer plate 上顶针板 ejector base plate 下顶针板 stripper plate 活动板

runner stripper plate 脱料板 P/L flash 分形面披锋 scrape 拖花 burn 烧黑

safety strap 码板

side gate system 大水口系统

three plate type system 简化型细水口系统 pin point gate system 细水口系统 guide pin/guide bush 直边/托司 top clamp plate 工字板 stripper plate 推板 spacer block 方铁

bottom clamp plate 底板 shoulder guide pin 带肩导针 shoulder guide bush 托司

straight guide bush 直司/直导套 支承板 backing plate;support plate 垫块 spacer;parallel

支架 ejector housing,mould base leg 斜销 angle pin,finger cam 滑块 slide,cam slide

侧芯型滑块 side core slide 滑块导板 side guide strip

楔紧块,撑鸡 heel block,wedge bock 斜槽导板 finger guide plate 弯销 dog-leg cam

斜滑块 angle-lift splits


导柱 guide pillar;guide pin;leader pin

推板导柱 ejector guide pillar;ejector guide pin 带头导套 guide bush;guide bushing

推板导套 ejector guide bush;ejector bushing


锥形定位件 mould bases locting elements 复位杆 ejector plate return pin,push-back pin 限位块 stop block;stop pad 定距拉杆 length bolt;puller bolt 定距拉板 puller plate;limit plate


推流道板 runner stripper plate

分流道拉料杆 runner puller;runner lock pin 拉流杆;扣针 sprue puller

钩形拉料杆 sprue puller, Z-shaped 球头拉料杆 sprue puller,ball-headed

圆锥头拉料杆 sprue puller,conical headed 连接推杆 ejector tie rod

推板 ejector plate;ejection plate 推杆固定板 ejector retainer plate 推件环(盘)stripper ring(disk)推件板 stripper plate 推块 ejector pad

推管(司筒,导筒)ejector sleeve 推杆 ejector pin 圆柱头推杆 ejector pin with cylindrical head 带肩推杆 shouldered ejector pin 扁推杆 flat ejector pin 塑料成型模具的主要设计要素 脱模距 stripper distance 脱模斜度 draft 投影面积 projected area 最大开距 maximum daylight;open daylight 闭合高度 mould-shut height 抽芯距 core-pulling distance 抽芯力 core-pulling force 脱模力 ejector force 开模力 mould opening force

表面缩水 shrinkage

料位过薄/砸穿 thin wall stock 走水不平行 uneven fill pattern

夹水纹/流纹 witness line;mismatch;stress marks 走水纹 knit lines 走水不齐 short shots orifice 料口

nozzle seat 热嘴垫圈 nozzle plate 射嘴板 cross pin 十字头销 sled 射台

seal ring 封密圈 spacer rail 介子座

模内压力 internal mould pressure;cavity pressure 成型压力 moulding pressure 背压环 back-up ring 1 bar = 14.5psi 高压接头 bite type fitting 液压马达 hydraulic motor 冷却水流量计 waterflow regulator 打磨器材 abrasive material 打磨砂轮 grinding wheels 切割砂轮 cutting wheels 码模夹(注塑机使用)mould clamps;lifting clamps 小五金工具 piping tools 高压力软管 high pressure hose 风管,水软管 air.water hose 高压油表 pressure gauge 压力油喉 hydraulic hoses 光塑检测 photoelastic testing 吹塑模 plastic blow mould 注塑模 plastic injection mould 冲扎复合模 blank & form compound die 精密冲模 precision blanking die 熔料流动率 MFR=melt flow rate 熔料流动指数 MET=melt flow index 推板导柱 guide pin for ejector plater 座板 clamping plate 垫块 space block(plate)推板 ejector block(plate)afdek plate 档尘板 guide stripe 行位后板 cavity sub-insert 前模镶件 core sub-insert 后模镶件 sprue puller insert 扣针镶件 stage ejector 顶棍

spacer rock(risers)间隔板 变形 distortion 弯曲 warp 拖花 drag marks 火花纹 EDM marks 困气 venting 烧黑 burns heater groove 发热管槽

heater cement 发热管的结合剂 soak 浸泡 seat 垫圈

ream 铰大圆孔直径 grind 磨床 drill 钻床 mill 铣床 caliper 卡尺

G-caliper 分厘卡 Depth Gauge 深厚计 hardness tester 硬度计 angle gauge 角规 marble table 云台石 projector 投影仪 height gauge 高度仪 microscope 显微镜 plug gauge 塞规

leveller 水平器 R gauge R 规

Inter caliper 内分厘卡 surface平面仪

item number 细目编码

catalog number 材料分类编码 undercut lip 倒扣口

hot tip = hot drop = nozzle 热嘴 blow-off strip 放气板 blow-off nozzle 吹风口 spiral hose 螺旋式的连接喉 rust solvent 除锈剂 shaft 曲轴

tensile strength 拉伸力 yield strength 屈服力 spark erosion 电火花蚀刻 etch(photo-etch)电蚀 harden 淬硬

copper electrode 铜公

corrosion resistance 耐腐蚀 anneal 退火

heat treatment 淬火 FEM(finite elemnet method)有限元法 preliminary tool design 初期模具设计图 zone 热流道区域 reverse taper 倒啤把 clamp plate 码板 toggle clamp 快速夹 vacuum furnace 真空炉

cavity insert rounds 圆柱镶件 cavity insert b0locks 方柱镶件

tensile strength 抗张强度,抗拉强度 Concept drawing 概念图 Assembly drawing 装配图 mismatch;witness line 夹纹 piston 活塞 plunger 柱塞 carrier 导轨 rest 支架

item number 项目编号 catalog item 商品目录编码 dimensional datum 尺寸基准

heat treatment certification 淬硬证明文件 back-up bushing 支撑导套

jacking screw 起重螺丝,千斤顶

tapped hole(带有螺旋角度的)螺丝孔 diagonal corner 成对角的角落 burn mark 烧痕


venting valves 疏气阀 venting plug 疏气塞 valve casing 阀门罩 twist drill 旋钻 harden/nitride 碎硬 anneal 退火 temper 回火

stess crack 应力断裂

corrosion resistance 防腐,防锈

tensile strength 物】抗张强度,抗拉强度 split mould(分离)组合式的模具 inclined plate 斜面 inclined bolt 斜栓

jaw(工具,机械等)夹住东西的部分,钳口 step change of the P/L 分形面枕位的改变 thin steel section 较薄的料位 clean-up 清理,清除,清扫

Mold Dating Insert 模具日志镶件 Hot Sprue Bushing 热浇口套 semi-automatic 半自动

quick disconnector 快速断开接头 full shot 足量注射 mismatch 夹痕;夹水纹 ejector mark 顶痕

screw boss 螺丝孔,螺丝基座 sink mark 缩坑

15% glass filled ABS 掺有15%玻璃的ABS spraying mold release 脱模剂 drag mark 拖痕 stress mark 应力痕

reinforcement rib 加强筋 slght stoning 轻度磨砂 soliid line 实线 dotted line 虚线

internal diameter 内径 external diameter 外径 nickel-plated 电镀的

handling hole;lifting hole 吊装孔 parallel平行块 hot runner mainfold(热流道板)分流板 texuring 蚀纹

clamping screw(注塑机)码模螺丝 imperial 英制的 metric 公制的

puller bushing 水口套 puller bar 水口铁

drool bushing 防漏胶套筒 safety switch 限位制

water line connected internally or hard tubing 不可用胶喉连接运水

lifter on square rod or locked from rotation 用方形柱或用管钉止转

gate insert 入水镶件

gate shut-offs 流道开关配件 guided ejection 中托司

parting line shutoff 前后模接触面

waterlines clear tie bars.运水喉咀接驳位要避开啤机呵林柱.BGV=Balanced Gate Value平衡入水值 spacer 垫块 pocket 挖槽 rough 粗加工 finish 精加工

plunge rate 进刀率 retract rate 提刀速率 splindle rate 主轴转速 coolant 冷却液

SPLIT RING 开口环(钥匙圈)

侧向抽芯力 side pulling-core force convert.transfer 转图 guide pin 边针

Tee slot cutter T形SLOT CUTTER zigzag 双向切削

constant overlap spiral 等距环切 parallel spiral 环绕切削

parallel spiral clean corners 环切并清角 morph spiral 依外形环绕 true spiral 螺旋切削 one way 单向 end mill平铣刀 spher mill 球刀 bull mill 圆鼻刀 face mill 面铣刀 rad mill 圆角成型刀 chamfer mill 倒角刀 slot mill 槽刀

taper mill 推拔铣刀 dove mill 鸠尾铣刀 lot mill 棒状 drill 钻孔 reamer 纹刀 bore bar 搪刀 tap RH 右牙刀 disk gate;disphragm gate 盘形浇口 spoke gate;spider gate 轮辐浇口 pin-point gate 点浇口 edge gate 侧浇口

submarine gate;tunnel gate 潜伏浇口 fan gate 扇形浇口 tab gate 护耳浇口

runner plate 流道板(或冷或热)secondary nozzle 二级喷嘴

torpedo;torpedo body assembly 鱼雷形组合体 catridge heater 管式加热器 heat pipe 热管

valve gate 阀式浇口

Tap LH 左牙刀 ctr Drill 中心钻 spot drill 点钻 cntr bore 沉头孔刀 c.sink 鱼眼孔钻 loft surface 举升曲面 coons surface 昆氏曲面 ruled surface 直纹曲面 revolved surface 旋转曲面 swept surface 扫描曲面 draft surface 牵引曲面

grinding wheel 磨砂使用的轮子 quench steel 将...淬火,使冷却 stress relieving 应力消除 molten 熔热的 oxide film 氧化层

guide pin and sleeve, locating ring ,导边,司筒,定位圈

ejector ,ejector balde, ejector sleeve,顶针,扁顶针,顶针司筒, lifters, wear plate,horn pin,斜坊,磨损板,气顶针, O ring, water baffle, water pipe plug,O形圈,隔片,运水管道塞, water line connector,wear plate ,运水管道转接头,耐磨板 air cylinder,hydraulic cylinder,氯压缸,液压缸

micro switch,oil nipple, spring,开关装置,油枪接头,弹弓 sprue bushing,early return system,浇口套,早期回撞装置, accelerated ejectors, slied holder,加速顶针,注塑周期计数器, cycle counter,date stamper,滑块固定板,生产日期铭牌, hot runner system,热流道系统 chemical composition

化学成份 thermal conductiivity

导热性能 thermal diffusivity

热扩散性能 dimensonal stablity

尺寸稳定性能 cooling effiency

冷却效率 easiler ejection

易于脱模 alloy insert

合金镶件(cooling)duct 输送管;导管 maintenance cost 维护费用 ultrasonic testing 超声波检测 crack 断裂

direct gate 直接浇口 ring gate 环形浇口 force plunger;pot plunger 柱塞 flash groove;spew groove 溢料槽

impression;cavity block;cavity plate 凹模 punch;force 凸模

movable insert;loose detail 活动镶件

cavity splits;core splits(凹模拼块)(型芯拼块)拼块 side core 侧型芯

thread plug;threaded core 螺纹型芯 thread ring;threaded cavity 螺纹型环 cutting wheel 切割砂轮 grinding wheel 打磨砂轮 abrasive material 打磨器材

mould clamps;lifting clamp 砂模夹(注塑机使用)air(water)hose 风管,水轮管 pressure gauge 高压油表 hydraulic hose 压力油喉 plastic blow mould 吹塑模 plastic injection mould 注塑模

blandk&form compound die 冲扎复合模 precisiion blanking die 精密冲模 MFR=melt flow rate 熔料流动率 MFT=melt flow index 熔料流动指数 handling hole 拉铃孔 stop plate 限位块 linder bush 衬套

spacer block(plate)垫块,方铁 back-up ring 背位环 standoff 限位块

American Safety Hoist Rings.英制安全吊装环 Mechanical Properties 机械性能 Tensile Strength(MPa)抗拉强度 elongation 延伸率 hardness(Brinell)硬度 shear stength(MPa)剪切力 impact strength 冲韧性

Physical Properties 物理性能

solidification shrinkage 凝固收缩率 freezing range 凝固与熔范围 thermal expansion 热膨胀系数 specific heat 比热 thermal conductivity 热导率 electrical conductivity 电导率 micro-structure 金相分析 hot work tool steel 热作钢 circular motion 环形运动 variable 变数,参数

graphics window 图形窗口

degree entry and a zero degree exit.进刀口45度,退刀口0度 runner stripper plate 脱料板 stripper plate 活动板

spacer rock(risers)间隔板 stage ejector 顶棍

sprue puller insert 扣针导套 angle pin

斜针 fan gate

扇形入水 fillet


ball catch

弹弓波子 blade ejector

扁顶 bottom clamping plate 底码板 free length

自然长度 bridge piece


helix spindle

锅杆 hose clip

水喉箍 bubbler

隔气运水 jiggle

斜顶 jiggle witness line


guide strip 行位后板 afdek plate 挡尘板 side gate 大水口 pinpoint gate 细水口 SHCS 杯头螺丝 FHCS平头螺丝 set screw 无头螺丝 ball catch 波子螺丝 wedge 行位较杯

gib 线条,(撑鸡的导轨)latch 拉杆 clamp 码仔

spring guide pin 弹弓导柱 steel pad disc 橙仔方 ejector cam insert 斜顶块(screw)nut 螺母 taper 嗲把/ 斜度

taper interlock 嗲把锁 texture 花纹

toggle-lok 回撞装置

top clamping plate 顶码板

unified national coarse(UNC)美制螺丝(粗牙)unified national fine(UNF)美制螺丝(幼牙)set screw 喷头螺丝 side gate

大水口 slide retainer

行位管位 water junction

喉咀 spacer block

登仔 jiffy-matic socket 喉咀套 jiffy-tite plug

喉咀公 spring plunger

弹弓座 sprue puller

勾针/勾粒 spring washer

弹簧塑圈 stepped ejector pin 有托顶针

strippers plate

推板/细水口板 submarine gate

潜水口 support pin

拉杆 support plate

暗板 surface finish

光洁度 alignment strip

斜锁 center distance(CRS)山打距离(中心线距离)clamp

码仔 contour

外形 leader pin


location ring(flange)

法兰 counterbore

拔头,介子托 mock-up;prototype


die cast

合金压铸 national pipe thread(NPT)美制喉牙 overflow


ejection sleeve

司筒,顶套 epoxy

胶样 pin point gate

细水口 pressure plug

喉塞 pressure spring

压力弹簧 parting line flash 披锋 burned

烧黑 underfilled 缺料

insert mismatch 镶件夹口

ejector pins not flush 顶针有高低 ejector pins skid 顶针滑动 insert flash 镶件披锋

pressure transducer 压力探测头

hydraulic schematic 油积筒油路接驳图

jiffy connector recessed 安装喉嘴后不可突出模胚

knock out pullback stud-flush with clamp plate 顶棍镶件与底板有否空间

safety switches 限位开关 stop block 限位块 safety strap 安全带

drool bushing 防漏胶套筒 insert mismatch 镶件夹口 EDM visible 明显火花纹 lifter scrapes 斜顶拖花 short shots 走水不齐 wall stock 料位厚薄 knit lines 走水纹 stress marks 夹水纹

uneven fill pattern 走水不平行 drag marks 拖花 sprue pretrusion 唧嘴突出高度

sprue orifice and radil size 唧嘴R尺寸 sprue bushing-keyed 唧嘴有管钉 English Chinese program name 产口名称 part name 零件名称 tool name 模具名称 tool source 模具来源 tool steel 模具钢材 resin 塑 料

program number 产品编号 part number 零件编号 tool number 模具编号 customer 客户名称 No of cavities 内模编号 machine size 啤机吨数 drum miller 鼓形铣床

duplex horizontal miller 复式卧铣床 face miller 端面铣床 grinding miller 研磨机 plain miller平面铣床

planer-type miller 刨式铣床 rack miller 齿条铣床 slab miller 大型平面铣床 slot miller 键槽铣刀 spline miller 花键铣刀 thread miller 螺纹铣刀

vertical miller 立式铣刀,立辊,立辊轧机 endmill 立铣刀

plastic mould steel 塑料模钢 cold work steel 冷作钢 hot work steel 热作钢 high speed steel 高速钢

electric magnetic clutch 电磁离合器 pad printer 移印机 screen printer 丝印机 hot stamper 烫印机

solid carbide slitting saw 钻石钢锯片 convex cutter 凸锣刀片 concave cutter 凹锣刀片

side&face cutters,staggered teeth 正侧双用镶钻石钢锣刀 end-mill 锣刀 semi-rod 半圆刀

split double end 双头刀 single end 单头刀 2-flute 两辨 3-flute 三辨 4-flute 四辨 reamer 直拈

centre drill 中心钻 solid carbide drill 钻咀 zinc ingot 锌锭

aluminium ignot 铝锭

tin ignot 锡锭

heater cement 发热管的结合剂 heater groove 发热管槽 spacer rail 介子座 cross pin 十字头销 nozzle plate 射嘴板 nozzle seat 热嘴 addendum 齿冠 dedendum 齿根
