


版高一数学上册教学计划 篇1












判断两个实数a与b之间的大小关系,可以通过将它们的差与零相比较来确定,即 ab的充分必要条件是a-b0;



引出等式的性质: a=b,b=ca=c; a=bac=bc; a=b,c=da+c=b+d。

1.通过类比等式的性质,得到关于不等式的三个结论: 结论1如果ab,bc,那么ac。结论2如果ab,cd,那么a+cb+d。结论3如果ab,那么acbc。



























2当a0时,(a1)aa1;当a0时,(a1)=aa1; 22



当a2且b1时,ab=[2(2ab)5]; 22






;如果m1,那么x; m1m
















教材练习2.1(1),练习2.1(2), 练习2.1五、教学设计说明


版高一数学上册教学计划 篇2

“翻转课堂”相较于传统的数学课堂, 不仅仅表现在信息技术应用帮助预习这一方面, 更大的变化是它所带来的新的教学理念的冲击, 它完全颠覆了“教师的主体地位”, 教师仅仅只是课堂的组织者和促进者。 有了正确的定位, 在让学生提前学习时, 就要以“学生为中心”, 从实际学情出发, 以教材为蓝本, 适度的重组教材, 制定自主学习目标、导学单, 帮助学生有效自学。


要想真正“翻转”课堂, 学生的提前学习必须是有效的, 那么在制作微课和导学单时必须理清自学目标, 知识的冲突点必须放在课堂上, 以便于突破重难点。

在教学六年级《扇形的认识》这节课时, 为了践行“生本理念”, 我在导学单中清楚告知学生通过自学需要达到的自学目标:


2.认识扇形, 并能准确判断圆心角和扇形。

这两个目标通过微课的学习学生均能达成, 而课堂中需要解决的教学目标则是理解扇形的概念 (圆心角和弧的对应关系) 及圆心角的大小和半径决定扇形的面积。

为了促进学生的有效自学, 单单靠理清自学目标是不够的, 必须有任务点的驱动, 在观看完微课后完成相应练习就可以解决学生不落实自学的问题。 在练习的完成过程中遇到障碍, 还可以反复观看微课, 真正的达到全境学习, 落实“翻转课堂”的第一步。

根据该课的自学目标, 我设计了以下的任务点:




下图中涂色的部分, 哪些是扇形?




(1) 半径大的扇形面积大。 ( )

(2) 圆心角为60°的扇形的面积比圆心角为15°的扇形面积大。 ( )

设计意图之一在于检测学生的掌握情况, 之二在于根据学生的反馈情况制定课堂的冲突点, 从而使课堂达到高效。


1. 学生对圆心角的判断掌握得非常好, 没有一个学生判断错误。 那是不是说明学生对圆心角的理解就到位了呢? 课堂上如何检测这一结果呢?

2.扇形的判断出现了障碍, 对于下面这个图形, 学生的评判各占一半, 那么对于扇形的概念理解问题究竟出现在哪呢?


在以往的教学中, 常常会因为一些简单的知识的讲解浪费有限的课堂学习时间以及学生的有效注意时间, 为了“照顾”一部分学生而“耽误”另外一部分学生, 因此缺失了有效的“辨”和“探”。

在这节课的翻转课堂的实践中, 我根据学生导学单呈现的情况进行分析梳理成课堂的辨析点:

1. 学生对圆心角的判断都是正确的, 那是否掌握了圆心角的概念了呢?我设计了这样的辨析问题, “这个角 (图1) 为什么不是圆心角? ”学生开始发表自己的意见, “没有经过圆心”, 这是他们通过自学对圆心角的理解。 语言是思维的外衣, 只有说的时候才能看出学生是否对这个知识点真正理解了。 于是, 我指着导学单中的另一个图继续追问“这个角 (图2) 经过了圆心, 为什么你们也说不是圆心角呢? ”看似简单的追问, 其实是抓住了关键知识点在进行追问。 经过这一追问, 落实了学生对圆心角定义的理解, 顶点在圆心的角才是圆心角。 培养了学生语言表达的规范性, 展示了数学学科的严谨性和逻辑性。 因此, 看似自学效果非常好的知识点, 也要经过课堂的深度辨析才能让学生真正掌握。

2.通过分析发现对于图3 中的阴影部分是否为扇形, 学生的判断各占一半。 这便是课堂最好的辨析点, 利用学生的兴趣点层层发问, “图4 为什么不是扇形? ”这个问题看似简单, 其实是对学生的自学情况最好的检验。 学生说:“两条边不相等。 ” 貌似问题已经解决了, 学生一语道破。 再追问:“图3 的两条边相等了啊, 为什么有这么多同学觉得不是扇形?”“顶点不在圆心。”看来通过自学, 基本达到了自学目标, 但仔细观察会发现, 认为这个是扇形的反而是成绩比较好的孩子, 这个理由显然是不能说服他们的。 于是第三轮追问:“看来这个理由似乎不能说服部分同学, 你们来说一说为什么你们觉得是扇形? ”“顶点只是不在这个圆的圆心, 只要两边相等就肯定是另一个圆的圆心, 那自然就是扇形。 ”一语激起千层浪, 全班同学仿佛突然被点醒, 纷纷附和:“是扇形, 只是不是这个圆的扇形。 ”

面对这种情况怎么处理呢? 老师去解释? 这恰恰正是让孩子“探”的机会。于是我说:“那究竟是哪个圆的扇形呢?以顶点为圆心, 边长为半径你们画一画吧。 ”这一画就发现了问题, 不是同一段弧了。 (如图4) 老师适时归纳, 圆心角和对应的弧所围成的图形叫扇形。 学生通过“探”才真正理解了圆心角和弧的对应关系, 是不是扇形必须放在一个圆中才能进行判断。

在有效追问的作用下, 学生的思维被充分打开, 这些都有赖于前期的自主学习。 教师再及时地把捕捉到的信息加以过滤与整合, 充分合理的利用, 使其成为课堂的深度辨析点。追问时, 或正面直击, 问在“难”处, 突破教学难点;或旁敲侧击, 问在“错”处, 加深对本质认识;或顺势一抹, 问在“深”处, 历练数学思维;抑或拨云见日, 问在“延”处, 感悟数学思想。


概念理清之后, 自然是要延伸应用的, “翻转”的目的也正在于使学生高效地获取知识并能灵活运用。 于是我设计了一道“请画一个半径为2 厘米, 圆心角为100°的扇形”的操作题。 此题灵动之处在于不同层次的孩子画扇形的方法是不一样的。 大部分孩子先画半径为2 厘米的圆, 再去圆心角为100°的扇形, 有些孩子则更为聪明, 先画一个边长为2 厘米的100°的角, 再用圆规取边上画弧, 这就简便多了。

在处理练习3 中, 也很好的体现了不同层次孩子的收获不同, 由弧与圆周的关系延伸到圆心角与周角之间的关系, 进而延伸到扇形面积与圆面积之间的关系。 一路下来, 学生的兴趣丝毫不减, 带着意犹未尽的情绪结束了课堂。

课堂的结束并不意味着学习的结束, 以上一系列的活动, 层层深入, 环环相扣, 触发了学生参与学习的热情, 激发了学生自主学习的能力。 在对扇形的认识中从“模糊———清晰———深刻。 深度辨析中生生互动, 操作中“探”出究竟, 课堂出现了真正的“翻转”与高效。

版高一数学上册教学计划 篇3

















版高一数学上册教学计划 篇4


















































高一数学上册教学计划 篇5















































































版高一数学上册教学计划 篇6

Period 1 Warming Up & Speaking

Step 1 Warming Up

Activity1. Talking about the good/bad manners

. T: Today we are going to learn a new unit,unit6 Good manners. And what does good manners mean? Who can tell us?

S : Polite.

T: Yes. It means “being polite, polite ways of talking and doing things.” And what is the opposite of good manners?

S: Rude, bad manners.

T: Yes. Now ,do you like people with good manners or bad manners?

S: Good manners.

T: Yes, of course. All of us like people with good manners. Now, let’s look at some pictures on the screen. Can you tell us which behavior is good manners and which behavior is bad manners?

( Show 5 pictures on the screen )

T: Is it good manners?

S: No.

T: Yes. It is bad manners to spit. What about the second picture? It is good manners?


(explain the rest 4 pictures as above)

T: In our daily life, there are many bad or good manners. Now ,can you give us other examples in our daily life. Please write down two things. You can discuss with your partner. Please use the structure “ It is good/ bad manners to …” or “It is polite / impolite to …”. Are you clear?

(on the screen : It is good/ bad manners to …

It is polite / impolite to … )

Activity2. Talking about the 4 pictures on Page 36

T: Ok, we know it’s very important to be good manners. And there are many ways to be good manners. Can you give me some examples?

T: Such as help others, offer the seats to the old.

T: Yes. Anything else? Thanking others and making apologies to others are also good manners. Do you know how to be good manners in the following situation? S1, suppose, I borrowed your pen yesterday. But I lost it last night. What should I say to you now?

S : Sorry.

T: Yes. I must apologize to you and say sorry to you. What does apologize mean?

(Bb: apologize v. apologize to sb. for sth.

apology n. make an apology to sb. for sth.)

T: We know making an apology is a way of being good manners. Now ,please open your book turn to Page36. There are four dialogues, please complete the dialogues with the using the expressions in the second column. Are you clear?

(2 minutes later)

T: Ok, let’s read the first dialogue together. Do you know the relation between the two persons?

S: A teacher and a student.

T: What happened to the student?

S: He was late for school.

T: Yes. So he made an apology to his teacher. Now ,let’s look at the second dialogue.

(explain dialogue2,3,4 as above)

Activity3. Asking Ss to act out the four pictures to the blackboard

T: Now do you understand the four dialogues? Did you see the Romeo and Juliet last Friday?

S: No.

T; What a pity. It was very wonderful. They are real actors and actresses. Do you want to be actors and actresses? Ok ,today I will give you the chance. Now I want some Ss to act out the four pictures to the blackboard. You can use your own words or the expressions from the book, you also can add some actions. Ok ,the first group do the first pictures. Group two, picture two. Group three, picture three. Group four, picture four.

Activity4. Three steps in a dialogue about an apology.

T: Do you how many steps in a dialogue about an apology?


T: we usually say there are three steps in a dialogue about an apology.

( on the screen: Three steps: 1.make apologies

2.make excuses

3.accept the apologies)

T: Ok when we make apologies to others what usually say?

Ss: I am sorry. I’m terribly sorry.

T: Anything else?

T: We say accepting the apologies also is good manners. When we accept the apologies, what should us say?

S: It doesn’t matter. No problem.

T: Anything else? Ok ,now I show you some useful expressions how to make and accept the apologies.

(on the screen: Useful expressions

Ways of making apologies Possible answers

Forgive me. I’m very sorry. Oh, that’s all right.

I apologize for… Oh, well, that’s life.

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… It’s OK.

Oops, Sorry about that. No problem.

T: Please read it by yourselves.

Step 2: Speaking

Activity1. making a dialogue with a student

T: Ok ,now let’s practice how to make and accept the apologies. Look at the screen, there is a situation.

(on the screen: Many people are drinking at the party and there are many cups on the table. You take the wrong one. What will you say and what will you do? )

T: Ok, this is my cup (show a real cup ), but someone took it by mistake. Now, I’m looking for it.

T: S2, suppose you took my cup. Ok? Let’s make a dialogue.

T: Hey, What are you doing? That’s my cup.

S2: I’m very sorry. I’m a blind. I can’t see it.

T: It doesn’t matter. Please be careful next time.

S2: Thank you.

Activity2 asking Ss to make dialogues

T: Ok ,class. Do you know how to make a dialogue now. please look at the following two situations, then you can choose one of them to make a dialogue.

(on the screen:

Situation 1

It is raining heavily outside, and you take Jane’s umbrella which looks the same as yours. As a result, Jane has to wait for a long time.

Situation 2

You borrowed some money from your friend last Sunday, and you promised to return it to your friend today. But you still have no money.)

Step 3 Discussion: How to be a student with good manners

T: Just now, we have learned some good manners. Do you want to be a student with good manners?

Ss: Yes.

T: But do you know how to be a student with good manners? Ok , now let’s discuss it. Please discuss it in a group of four, and then I ask a reporter of each group to speak out your opinions. Are you clear?

Step 4 Summary and Homework

Activity1, Summary

T: Today we have learned some good manners, such as how to make apologies and how to accept the apologies. Please remember to use them after class. It will help you to be a student with good manners.

Activity2 Homework

1.Review the expressions

2.Preview the Listening & Integrating Skills

3.Page 117 ,Exercise 4

Period 2 Listening & Integrating Skills

Step 1 pre-listening

T: In the last period, we have learned how to make apologize and how to accept the apologies. Did you practice it after class?

Ss: Yes.

T: We know it is important, because it can help us to be a person with good manners. Last night, my friend, Bill asked me how to make apologies. Because he had to make apologies to his friend, Cliff. I wanted to know what had happened to them. Do you also want to know?

Ss: yes.

Step 2 listening

T: Ok, now, let’s listening to the tape, and then answer the question: What are the problems that Bill and Cliff talk about? When you are listening, please make some notes. Are you clear?

(listen for once )

T: Ok, now let’s check the answers …

T: Ok. Just now, we have learned there are some trouble between Bill and Cliff.

Do you want to know how Bill to make apologies to Cliff and how Cliff to accept Bill’s apologies? Ok ,open your book and turn to page 37. let’s listen to the tape again then finish the questions on the book. Are you clear?

(listen for twice)

T: Question 4 and question 6 , we have different answers for them. Let’s listen to the tape for these two questions.

(just listen these two questions for the third time )

step 3 post-listening

T: How many steps in a dialogue about apology? Do you still remember?

Ss: Three.

T: what are they?

Ss : Make apologies, make excuses and accept apologies.

T: Yes. Look at the dialogue between Bill and Cliff. Then answer the questions.

(screen :

What does Bill say to apologize for taking the bike without telling Cliff?

make apologies _______

make excuses ________

What does Cliff say?

accept apologies __________ )

step 4 pre-writing

T: Bill was very sad to lost Cliff’s bike. Now, I want to tell him a piece of good news. Because I have found Cliff’s bike. Suppose I found Cliff’s bike, what should Bill say to me?

Ss: Thank you.

T: Yes. He will express gratitude to me.

(Bb: express gratitude )

T: In which situations, we will express gratitudes to others?

Ss: When someone helps you. Or you receive a present. And when others speak highly of you.

T: Yes. And how do you express gratitudes to others?


T: You can say thanks to your friends directly. If your frienfs live in another city, what should you do?

Ss: Make a thank-you call, write a letter or send an E-mail.

T: Yes. There are so many ways to express gratitudes.

(screen: the stituations the ways

help … directly

receive presents make a call

speak highly of … write a letter

… send an E-mail

… )

Step 5 writing

Acticity1: Read a sample letter and find out the three paragraphs’ main ideas.

T: We know write a thank-you letter is one of the ways to express gratitudes. Do you know how to write a thank-you letter?

Ss: No.

T: Ok. It doesn’t matter. Please turn your book to Page41. Now, let’s read Amy Zhang’s letter to her friends, Sam and Jenny. Please read it quickly, then find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Ar you clear?


(3minutes later, ask three Ss to answer. And explain the passage paragraph by paragraph.)

T:Learning from Amy Zhang’s letter, we know a thank-you does not need to be long Usually yhree paragraphs will be fine. Now, please write down in your own words what each paragraph is about? Are you clear? You can discuss wiyh your partner.

(screen : Para.1 ________________________

Para.2 ________________________

Para.3 ________________________ )

(1 minute later, ask Ss to answer.)

Acticity2. Do a practice.

T: Now, we have known what to write for each paragraph. Ok. Let’s pracitse writing the first paragraph. Do you know how to write?


T: First you must write down who you want to thanks to. Then the reason why you thanks for.

(Bb: Who

Why )

T: Are you clear now?


T: Ok, I show you two examples. Please look at the screen.

(screen: Eg1: Thank you for helping me. Without your help, I can’t finish the work on time.

Eg2: Liu Xiang won the first prize in men’s 110-hurdle race. Our Chinese people thank him for winning honor for our country.)

T: Please write two sentences in your own words. I will give you four minutes.

Are you clear?


(five minutes later, ask 3 ss to read out their sentences.)

Acticity3: Show myself letter and explain the form of the letter.

T: Well done. Please look at Page42, exerise2. There are four topics, please choose one of them to write a thank-you letter. Do you understand?


T: Ok. Now, I show you a letter written by me.

(show the letter on the screen)

T: Please read the letter together.

(Read together)

T: Are you clear how to write a thank-you letter now?


T: when you write a letter, please pay attention to the form of the letter. Where to write the date, where to write the name and so on. Do you remember?


Step 6 Summary and Homework

Activity1, Summary

T: Today we still have learn how to make and accept the apologie.And also have learned how to express gratitude. On of the ways is to write a thank-you letter. And we have learned how to write.

Activity2 Homework 1. Write a thank-you letter.

2. Preview the Reading.


Period 3 Reading

Step1, pre- reading

T: Today I’m very happy. Do you know why? Can you guess it?


T:Ok. Let me share you with my happiness. Please look at here. What’s this?


T: Yes. It’s an invitation. One of my friends ask me to a dinner party. But now I’m a little nervous. Why? Because the dinner party is very important. If I want to make a good impression on others, what should I have to pay attention to?

(Bb: make a good impression on sb. )

T: Can you give me some advice?


T: For example, when I’m eating, what should I have to pay attention to? Should I eat fast?

Ss: No.

T: Should I eat much?

Ss: No.

T: Yes. I cann’t eat too fast and too much.. What about when others drink to me?


( ask several ss to give their opinions)

T: Thank you for giving me so much advice. Look at the screen, there are some advice given by my mother.

(screen: 1, Don’t eat too much and too fast;

2, Try to talk to people sitting beside you and smile;

3, Stand up when others make a toast ;

4, Finish the drink at once;

5, Don’t stand up to get the food , wait for others to get the food for you;

6, Don’t ask for more even if you are not full. )

T:If I take yous and my mother’s advice, I think I will make a good impression on others. And I will have a good dinner. Do you think so?


T: Now, we have known the good manners in the Chinese dinner party. Do you want to know the good manners in a western countries’ dinner party?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok. There are some behaviors in a western countries’ dinner party. Do you know which one is polite and which one is impolite?

( ) 1.Use the knife with your right hand.

( ) 2. Put your napkin on your lap.

( ) 3. Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you.

( ) 4. Ask for a second bowl of soup.

( ) 5. Use your fingers when eating chicken.

( ) 6. Finish eating everything on your plate .

( ) 7. Talk loudly while eating.

( ) 8. Make other people drink more spirits than they can take. )


T: Ok. Are you familiar with them?

Ss: No.

Step2 Reading

Activity1 fast reading

T: You are not familiar with them. I’m not familiar with them., either. But, it doesn’t matter. Now, I take you to a western dinner party. Please open your book turn to page 38. today we will learn a new text, Table Manners at a Dinner Party. Please read the text quickly, then find out the answers to the above questions. Are you clear?

Ss; Yes.

T: Ok, let’s start.

(ask Ss to answer the questions one by one. Then explain the behaviors)

Activity2 careful reading

T: Ok, look at screen. There are two dinner tables.

(show two pictures of the dinner table )

T: Can you tell me which one is for Chinese dinner party and which one is for the Western dinner party?


T: How do you know it ?


T: Yes. The dishware is different. What do Chinese use for eating?

Ss: Chinese use chopsticks, bowl, and plate.

T: What about the Westerners?

Ss: They use knife, fork ,spoon and so on.

T: Yes. We can see the things on the Western dinner table are more than those on Chinese dinner table. They have so many things. Do you want to know how many things on the Western dinner table?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok. Listen to the first paragraph and find out the number of the things on the table.?

(screen: 1._____napkin

2._____small bread roll




6._____folks )

(listen to the tape for Para.1.then ask Ss to answer the questions)

T: There are so many things on the table. Do you know how to lay the things on the table?


T :Look at the screen. I have given you the places, please put the tableware in the right places. You can discuss with your partner.

(explain it on the screen for 3 minutes )

If you are a waiter, could you tell us the order of your dishes?

(screen: dessert main course starter soup )

T: Please read Para2-3 carefully and answer the questions. Let’s start.

(2 minutes later, ask one student to answer)

T: The dishes are very nice. I show you more pictures about the dishes.

(show some pictures on the screen.)

T: For the start, which pair of knife and fork is used, the big ones or the small ones?

Ss: The small ones.

T: Do you know hoe to use them? Please look at the picture on the screen. It tells you how to use.

(Show the picture on the screen)

T; When we have the soup , which spoon do we use, the big one or the small one?

Ss: The big one.

T: Yes. And we use the small spoon to do what?

Ss; Have the dessert.

T: Yes. During the meal, we have so many delicious dishes. But what a pity, today we only just see them in the picture.. if you have the chance, you can enjoy the dishes at the restaurant.

T: Ok. Please don’t to be so excited now. You are too noisy now. When you have dinner, are you noisy, too?

Ss: No.

T: Ok, when we want to speak at table, what should we do?


T: Ok. Please read Para4-5 carefully and answer the questions on the screen.

(screen: 1. When you are at table, what should you do? 2. What is the different custom of toasting between China and western countries? )

( 2 minutes later, ask Ss to answer)

T: Do you know what’s soft drink?


T: Can you give me some examples?

Ss: Drinks.

T: Yes. Such as cacocalo, red wine , white wind and so on. When we make a toast, what should we do?


T: Yes. It is different from us. Now please read the last paragraph together, then answer the questions.

(screen: 1.Do table manners change over time? What can you do if you are not sure what to do? )

( after reading ,ask a student to answer)

T: What does the host mean?


T: What about the word formal? Can you tell me its meaning?


T: If you have dinner with your friends or family, do you have to worry about the table’s rules?

Ss: No.

T: Why?

Ss; Because it is not a formal one.

T: Yes.

Step 3 Discussion

T: Now, we have known some good manners at the Western dinner party. Suppose a friend from America named Jack invites you to have a dinner at his home at 7:00 pm. What will you do if you want to leave a good impression?


T: Ok. Let’s have a discussion . Please discuss it in group of four

Step 4 Homework

1. Try to find out the useful expressions in the text .

2. Page 40, Exercise 2.

3. 同步练习

Period 4 Language points & Word Study

Step1 Review

T: In the last period, we learned the table manners at the Western dinner party. Do you still remember?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok. Now I want to ask a student to retell the next. I show you the key words on the screen. How to use… spoons… knife & fork… bigger… napkin…Starts with… pray… right hand… left… bowl of soup…Main course… fingers… finish eating…Speak quietly… not laugh…Soft drinks… health…never to drink too much…Change over time… formal… not sure… follow… )

(ask a student to retell )

Step 2. Language pointsKnowing them will help you make a good impression.”

(screen: Knowing them will help you make a good impression.1). Knowing them 是一个动名次短语,在句子中作主语。动名词在句子中相当于一个名词,可以在句子中作主语.宾语.定语和表语。

Reading aloud is very important in learning English. 作主语

Seeing is believing. 作主语和表语

They suggested going to the zoo tomorrow. 作宾语

His hobby is collecting stamps. 作表语

The factory built a swimming pool last spring. 作定语

2). Impression “印象,感觉”The first impression is very important.

make / leave a good /bad /poor impression on sb.给某人留下好/坏/差的印象

The book left / made a deep impression on him.)

T: Let’s look at the next sentence.

(screen: mean doing sth 意味着做某事…… mean to do sth 打算,计划做某事I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to.


To raise wage means increasing purchasing power.


Eg: The bad weather meant ______ the plane for 4 hours.

A. delaying B. delayed C. to delay D. having delayed )

T: In the sentence “ In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the custom in western countries.” What does the word which refer to?


T: Yes. It refers the sentence before it.

T: Ok,let’s look the second paragraph. In the sentence “ Dinner starts with a small dish, which is often called a starter.” What does the word which refer to?

Ss: A small dish.

T: Yes. Please look at the screen.

(screen: Dinner starts with a small dish ,which is often called a starter. 正餐常以一道小菜开始,这道菜常称为开胃菜。start with =begin with : 以..….开始

end up with : 以..….结束

which 引导的句子 为非限定性定从,先行词 为 a small dish)

T: Let’s move to the third paragraph.

( It is polite to finish eating…When drinking to someone’s health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch.

When (you are ) drinking to someone’s health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch.如果when从句的主语与主句主语相同,谓语又是be动词,从句主语和be可以省略:当when从句主语与主句主语相同时,用when加分词可以替代状语从句。Eg: When(you are)in trouble, ask her for help.

When(I was)sleeping, I never heard a thing.raise vt. lower vt.to lift, push , or move upwardsPlease raise your hand.

She raised the window and let in the fresh air.

He raised his voice. rise vi. set / fallEveryone knows that the sun rises in the east.

After the terrible flood the water level in the river ______by 50 centimeters.

A. rises B. raises C.is rose D.is raisedWhen drinking to someone’s heath , … 为某人健康 祝酒时 ,……drink to : 为 ……祝酒, 为 ……干杯

eg : Let’s drink to the bride and groom . 为新郎新娘祝酒。


Let’s drink to the friendship between our two countries! )

T: Ok. Let’s look at the last paragraph.

(screen: Table manners change over time . They follow the fashion of the day.

餐桌礼仪会随时间而改变。随时尚而改变Over : during , through a period

Over the years, he’s become lazier and lazier.

这些年来,他变得越来越懒惰了。fashion : 流行 ,时尚, 方式

eg : a ~ show 时装表演 follow the ~ 赶时髦

be in the ~ 正在流行 out of the ~ 不流行, 过时 )

make / leave a good /bad /poor impression on sb.

2. mean to do sth.

mean doing sth.

3. be close to

4 a little bit

5. start with 以..….开始

end up with 以..….结束

6. keep slient

7. at table 吃饭

at the table 坐在桌子旁边

8. all the time

9. drink to

Step 3 Word study: negative prefixes

T: Can you tell me the opposite of the following words.

(Bb: easy safe polite )


T: Do you know another opposite of the words?


T: Yes, we can say “uneasy, unsafe, impolite”. We add the prefixes “un--” and “im--” before the words. Now, can you tell me anything in common between the two prefixes?

Ss: I think the meaning of each prefix is “not”.

T: You are right. That is to say, w can add a certain negative prefix to a word to change the meaning of it to its opposite. Then, do you know any other negative prefixes like “un--” and “im--”?

Ss: “non-” and “in-”

(Bb: un-- im-- non-- in-- )

T: Well done. Now please turn to page 40 and look at the first part in Word Study. Look at the word formation rules first. Then finish the exercise below.

nonstop unfold incorrect importantunderstand invite unlucky impossible uniforminteresting )

(1 minute later,ask Ss to answer)

T: Ok, now ,let’s do an exerise.please open your book to Page117. Fill in the blanks with the words below. You may need to add a negative prefix to some of them to fit the contex.

polite formal possible certain known happy smoker stop able

1.The Oscar winner was almost _______ before the movie made her famous.

2.I would like to help you, but I am ______ to.

3.It is still ________ whether there will be a war between the two countries.

4.It is _________ to say that there is no life in outer space.

5.“It costs nothing to be _____ .” said Winston S. Churchill.

6.Is it ______ to get to the city by train, or should I take a bus?

7.She hates smoking, so her husband has to be a _________ .

8.This plane won’t take you to Shanghai. It flies _______ from Beijing to Shenzhen.

9.Children love to read fairy tales(童话), most of which have a _____ ending.

10. Business letters are usually _____ , but we write _______ letters to family or friends.)

T: First tell me the negative prefixes of the words.


(2minutes later.ask Ss to answer it one by one )

Step 4Summary and Homework


T: Today we haven learned the language points. Please try to remember them and to use them. We also have learned the negative prefixes of the words.

Activity2 Homework

1.Preview grammar

2.P117 Exercise 3

3.同步练习:P41-43 Period 5 Grammar

Step1 Review the attributive clause

T:In last two units ,unit4 and unit 5, we have learned the attributive clause. Do you still remember?


T: Ok. Before our class, we first review it . Please look at the screen.


(explain the using indetails)

T: Ok. Now, let’s do some exerise to remember it. Look at the screen.

(scren: (1)The girl __________ is standing there is Mary.

(2)The man _________________________ my mother saw in the street is my teacher.

(3) The book ____________ tells us about the earth is interesting.

(4)She lives in a house _______________ windows face south.

(5) I won’t forget the factory __________________ my father worked.

(6) I won’t forget the factory _______________ I visited yesterday.

(7) I’ll never forget the day __________________ I joined the army.

(8)Tell me the reason ________________you came late.

(9)He talked about the teachers and schools __________ he had visited.

(10)Dinner starts with s small dish, __________ is often called a starter. )

Step 2 Lead-in

(show a picture of Wenzhou University)

I have visited the place.

The place is called Wenzhou University. )

(ask Ss to combine them)

T: Well done. Please look at the next two sentences, combine them.

(screen: Wenzhou University is very beautiful.I have visited Wenzhou University

(ask Ss to combine them)

T: Please look at the two sentences. Can you tell me the differences?

(screen: I have visited the place which is called Wenzhou University .

Restrictive Attributive Clause


Wenzhou University , which I have visited, is very beautiful.

Non-restrictive Attributive Clause


Restrictive Attributive Clause and Non-restrictive Attributive Clause?


T: Commas is one point. I show you some more.




从句与先行词的关系 从句是先行词不 可缺少的定语,如果省去,先行词的意思就会不完整或不明确。 从句只是对先行词的附加说明,如果省去,先行词的意思仍然清楚或完整。

标点 从句和主句之间不用逗号分开


关系代词 指人 who(that)whom 指物 which(that)

指人和物的 whose关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略 指人 who(作主语) whom(作宾语)指物 which

指人和物的 whose关系代词一般不可省略

翻译 定语从句译在被修饰词的前面 定语从句通常被译成另一个独立的句子

I know the man who is named David Beckham

我知道那个叫贝克汉姆的男人。I know David Beckham , who is a handsome man.


( explain the different pionts in the two sentences )

T: We can the differences between the two sentences.限制性定语从句在从句中起限定的作用,如果去掉了,对方回不知道你要讲什么,回产生歧义的。而非限制性定语从句在从句中起补充说明的作用,去掉了,也不会影响大局;也就是说对方仍能听明白你讲什么,可无可有的;从句还可以是其他方面的消息的。Now, look at the sentences on the screen.

(show two pictures of David Beckham )

T: 在非限制性从句中,只要我说了David Beckham,你们就知道是谁了,也明白了我意思。所以后面的信息是可有可无的。 它只起补充说明的作用。


I know David Beckham, whose nationality is Britain.

who is a handsome man.

whom I like best.

who is paid 3,000 a week at Manchester United.)


T: Please look at the following sentences.

Wenzhou University , which I have visited, is very beautiful.

David Beckham is a famous football player, who is a handsome man.

My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden.


Activity2 , Do some exercise on Page41

T: First read the examples on your book. There are two sentences and one is the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the other is Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

T: Are you clear how to do? Now, let’s do another two sentences.

(screen: 1.Paula lives alone on the fourth floor.2.My sister Ellen is a nurse. )

T: Please add some information in your own words.

(1 minute later, ask Ss to answer)

Acitivity3 Which & As

T: 我们说非限制性定语从句的关系代词which,可以指代前面的先行词(名词或代词),还可以指代前面的整个主句。For example: In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the custom in Western countries. 在这句中,which就指代you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands,。而不是指代your face and hands。Do you understand?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok. Let’s do some exerises.

(screen: 1.The result of the exam was very good,________ we hadn’t expected.

A. when B. that C. which D. who2.___________ is known to us all, the moon travels around the earth .

A. It B. As C. That D.Which

关系代词as和which都能引导非限制性定语从句代表整个句子内容,as引导的定语从句可位于句首或句末;which引导的定语从句却不能位于句首。For xeamples:

As is known to all, Taiwan is a part of China.

He was always late for school, which / as made his teacher angry.

Activity4, do a practice

Complete the sentences with who,whom or which.1.A young man, _________ I did not know,asked me to give you the message.

2.The Yangtze River,on ______another big dam will be built,is going to produce more electricity for the areas along it.

3.The man in the black coat, ______used to be our headmaster,has just come back from Pakistan.

4.The old tree in Jingshan Park, on______Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself, was cut down in the 1960’s.5.The Project Hope,______started many years ago,has helped a large number of children in poor areas go to school.

6.Those foreign teachers, most of ______have never been to China before,are enjoying their work here very much.

7.On the train from Baotou to Dalian we met a Japanese man,_____spoke Chinese very well.

版高一数学上册教学计划 篇7

我校一直着力于打造简约、高效、自主的数学课堂, 鼓励数学老师们放手让学生自主探索, 结合新课标的要求, 关注学生的问题意识和数学思想的形成.

在这样的一个环境背景下, 我尝试“放手”, 将课堂还给学生, 真正让孩子们成为课堂的主人. 我执教了苏教版小学《数学》六年级上册“百分数的认识”一课, 通过教学与生活实际的紧密联系, 让学生感受到数学学习的价值, 激发学生对数学探索的兴趣和求知欲望.

在引导组织学生学习百分数时, 跳出了教材、课堂这个狭小的空间, 发动学生去寻找生活中的百分数 (如商标中、新闻联播中介绍的百分数) , 关注在课堂学习中新生成的百分数, 使“单纯从书本中学数学”变为“密切联系生活做数学”.

这节课中, 我特别注意培养学生的问题意识, 让学生在一个个问题生成中研究探索数学知识. “问题是数学的心脏”, 我尝试用心创设问题情境, 使学生在学习中自主生成“为什么要学习百分数”“百分数的意义是什么”“百分数有什么用处”“在什么情况下用到百分数”“百分数与分数有什么区别与联系”这样一系列问题, 为学生的探索发现起到了推波助澜的作用.

由于学习方式的转变, 促进了学生积极主动地探索新知, 从自己发现问题、提出问题, 到自主分析问题、解决问题, 为学生创设了自主探索、合作学习、独立获取知识的机会, 通过让学生调查寻找的丰富教材, 组织学生之间有效的交流讨论, 提升了对百分数意义的认识和理解.


一、我的课堂我做主, 学习内容我来定

在上这节课之前, 我给学生布置了课前准备:寻找生活中的百分数, 可以摘抄, 也可以拍照或将实物带来.

于是, 课堂伊始, 我就提问:“你在生活中找到百分数了吗? ”

生:“我在餐巾纸的包装袋上找到了百分数, 100%纯木浆. ”

生:“我在牛奶盒上找到了百分数, 100%纯牛奶. ”

生:“我在衣服的标签上找到了百分数, 85%山羊绒. ”


师:“百分数好找吗? 为什么那么好找? ”

生:“因为生活中很多地方都能见到百分数. ”

师:“这就说明大家都非常喜欢使用百分数. 这是为什么呢? 这个话题值得我们研究吗? 除了这个问题, 你还能想到哪些有研究价值的问题? ”

小组讨论中列举出本节课学生期望研究的问题:百分数的意义, 百分数的用处、优势, 百分数与分数的区别与联系……

案例评析:课堂伊始, 我就请学生自己提出问题:关于百分数, 你想知道什么? 想研究哪些问题? 学生在小组中思维的火花互相碰撞, 畅所欲言, 学习积极性相当浓厚. 在全班汇报的过程中, 我根据学生的汇报, 着重引导出几个重要的问题:如百分数的意义、用途、好处、百分数与分数的区别与联系等板书在黑板上, 极大力度地发散学生的思维, 这样会让学生很有成就感, 感觉在老师和大家讨论我提出的问题. 一节灵动的课, 如果光有老师不停地讲学, 那绝对是不完美的, 因为这样就忽视了学生的主体性, 剥夺了学生自由发表想法的权利. 应该充分挖掘学生生成的资源, 围绕学生的问题进行分析、探索, 这样才能真正体现学生的主体地位, 给课堂以最真实的本色, 让学生成为课堂的主人.

二、我的问题我分析, 学习方法由我选

根据学生提出的这些问题, 我征求孩子们的意见, 自己制定学习方法, 逐一解决.

师:“我们通过激烈的讨论列举这几个颇为关键的、继续解决的问题, 那么你们是想我来逐一告诉你们, 还是想自己研究呢? ”

生:“当然想自己研究! ”

师:“好, 那我们就先来解决第一个问题———百分数的意义, 自己看书, 勾画出你认为重要的句子, 结合刚才我们找到的百分数用自己的语言解释出来. ”

生:“85%山羊绒中的百分数表示山羊绒占整件毛衣的85%. ”

生:“100%纯木浆, 如果把整袋餐巾纸看作100份, 那么里面的木浆就占100份, 说明全是木浆, 没有其他物质. ”

生:“蛋白质28%, 牛奶盒上的这个百分数指的是蛋白质占整盒牛奶的28%. ”……

出示豆奶的营养成分:蛋白质34.5%, 糖20.5%, 脂肪10.67%, 矿物质28.5%, 维生素5.83%, 提问:“你还有什么发现? ”学生很自然地利用表中的百分数去比较各种营养物质的多少.

师:“你们是怎么看出来的豆奶中蛋白质含量最高? 为什么这么容易发现? ”

通过我的追问, 自然就过渡到第二个问题的研究———百分数的好处和用途.

结合刚才学生的比较结果, 我进行了小结:正是因为都把一个整体看成100份, 所以百分数非常便于比较, 人们在统计、调查、分析、比较的时候往往选择使用百分数来呈现研究结果.

师:“我这里有三袋纯度不同的牛奶:100%, 75%, 90%, 如果是你, 会选择哪种牛奶? ”

生:“我会选择纯度是100%的, 这样比较营养, 毫无添加. ”

生:“我要选纯度是90%的, 添加一点食用香料味道会更佳, 我就比较喜欢麦香味的. ”

案例评析:百分数在日常生活中有广泛的应用, 我通过让学生在课前找百分数、课中交流、展示生活中常见的百分数, 让学生体会到数学来源于生活、服务于生活的文化特点.同时, 通过学生的自主阅读, 自己解决问题, 学生能用自己的语言解释生活中的百分数, 恰恰说明了他们对于百分数意义的真正内化. 接下来的练习中, 通过一个开放式的提问“你有什么想说的”, 很自然地引起了学生的仔细观察, 同时应用刚掌握的对百分数意义的理解对这组数据进行了处理和分析, 得出了各种物质间的大小关系. 我恰到好处地引导:“为什么这么容易发现? ”立刻过渡到学生对于百分数优点的研究上.最后的三袋纯度不同的牛奶, 正是考验学生对于这一知识点的灵活应用, 学生在牛奶纯度问题上的表达, 引来了全班学生的一阵笑声, 但恰恰是这有趣的谈话, 足以证明他们对这一知识点的掌握和理解是透彻的.

三、我的疑问我解决, 学习效果你来测

此时还剩最后一个问题: 百分数与分数的区别与联系.我开展了小组竞赛, 比一比哪组找到的最多, 借此引导学生发现百分数与分数之间的各种不同点:读写方式不同;表示的意义不同;百分数的分母看成100, 分数分母不唯一;分数可以表示分率或带单位表示具体数量, 百分数只能表示分率, 又叫作百分比或百分率;百分数便于比较, 分数则要通分;分数单位不同……

师:“通过刚才的交流, 我们找到了百分数和分数间的区别与联系, 下面就请你们读一读这两句话, 判断这些分母是100的分数都能改写成百分数吗? ”

生:“一根绳子93/100米, 用去了它的37/100. 第一个分数不能改写成百分数形式, 因为93/100有单位, 表示一个具体的数量. 第二个分数可以写成37%, 把一根绳子看成100份, 用去了37份. ”

生:“23/100千克相当于46/100千克的50/100. 前两个分数表示具体数量, 不能改写成百分数形式, 而最后一个分数可以, 改写成50%, 表示百分率, 是数量之间的关系. ”

师:“我这里还有一些百分数:1%, 18%, 50%, 89%, 100%, 125%, 7.5%, 0.03%, 300%. 选择你喜欢的读一读, 说说自己为什么喜欢它? ”

生:“我最喜欢100%, 因为100%就表示全部, 非常圆满. ”

生:“我喜欢50%, 这个数和0.5, 1/2一样, 也能表示一半. ”

生:“我喜欢300%, 这个数是100%的3倍, 比1还要大, 说明超额完成任务. ”

生:“125%也比100%多, 比1要大. ”

生:“我喜欢0.03%, 因为这个百分数中还有小数, 很有意思.”

师追问:“那你们觉得0.03%这个数大还是小? ”

生:“很小, 因为如果把总数看成100份的话, 才占0.03份, 太少了. ”

案例评析:数学练习的价值, 不仅在于巩固知识, 反馈信息, 更重要的是在自主探索和合作交流的过程中真正理解数学知识, 形成技能, 获得数学思想和方法, 拥有广泛的数学活动经验, 培养良好的数学素养, 能够自主探索和创新, 有可持续发展的能力. 因此, 通过最后的几道练习, 能够很好测试出学生对于本节内容的掌握程度. 特别是让学生选择自己喜欢的百分数这个设计, 在测量对百分数意义理解的同时, 也打开了学生的想象空间, 激发他们自主联系实际, 思考这些百分数所表示的意义和使用场景, 为后续的百分数实际问题的学习埋下了伏笔.


《数学课程标准》指出, 数学教学活动不但要帮助学生理解和掌握基本的数学知识、技能, 还要帮助学生掌握数学思想和方法. 学生学习应当是一个生动活泼的、主动的和富有个性的过程. 作为一个鲜活的生命个体, 学生需要的不仅仅是知识和能力, 更需要不断地发展学生的思维、意识, 实现自我, 完善自我. 在教学活动中, 我们把催生数学思想看成是教学的根本目的, 把学生的自我发展当作教学的至尊追求.

“百分数的意义”是学生在已经学习了整数、小数, 特别是分数的意义、性质以及实际应用基础上的进一步学习. 这节概念课的教学重点在于联系生活, 引导学生理解百分数的意义, 会正确地读、写百分数. 对于百分数, 学生在生活中已经有了一定的生活经验和知识基础, 并不陌生, 因此在教学中完全可以“放手”一点, 给学生创造参与学习活动、自主学习、自我发展的机会、空间和余地, 使学生的学习从被动到主动, 从学会到会学, 在活动过程中不断自我调控, 获得亲身体验和直接经验, 享受自主的权利和快乐.

在小学数学教学过程中, 其实教师只需要在关键时给予点拨、评价, 在课堂中, 教师扮演的应该是组织者、引导者、协调者的角色. 我们不仅要教会学生如何学习, 而且要培养他们的思维能力. 如通过数学基础知识的掌握和理解, 可使学生学会多种思考方法;通过解答不同层次、不同类型的数学问题, 从而培养学生独立思考、耐心细致、自觉检查的良好学习习惯;特别是那些需要经过周密思考, 反复研究才能解决的问题, 更有利于培养学生的意志品质和克服困难的精神.

摘要:“百分数的意义”是学生在已经学习了整数、小数, 特别是分数的意义、性质以及实际应用基础上的进一步学习.这节概念课的教学重点在于联系生活, 引导学生理解百分数的意义, 会正确地读、写百分数.对于百分数, 学生在生活中已经有了一定的生活经验和知识基础, 并不陌生, 因此在教学中完全可以“放手”一点, 培养学生的问题意识, 让学生在学习中自主生成“为什么要学习百分数”“百分数的意义是什么”“百分数有什么用处”“在什么情况下用到百分数”“百分数与分数有什么区别与联系”这样一系列问题, 为学生的探索发现起到了推波助澜的作用.通过“放手”, 给学生创造参与学习活动、自主学习、自我发展的机会、空间和余地, 使学生的学习从被动到主动, 从学会到会学, 在活动过程中不断自我调控, 获得亲身体验和直接经验, 享受自主的权利和快乐.



[1]小学数学课程标准 (2011版) [M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2012.

[2]史宁中.教育与数学教育[M].长春:东北师范大学出版社, 2006.

版高一数学上册教学计划 篇8


1.一个数由3个百万、3个万、3个百组成,这个数是 ( ),读作( )。






















