复习的英文句子翻译 篇1
2003年11月,经国家民政部批准成立了中国译协翻译服务委员会。该委员会是中国译协的第九个委员会,也是我国唯一的翻译经营管理委员会。中国译协的其他八个委员会是按语类或翻译内容来分的学术性较强的委员会,如文学翻译、科技翻译、社会科学翻译、民族 语文翻译等委员会。翻译服务委员会成立的宗旨是协调、规范翻译服务行业,促进全国翻译服务企业的联合协作,优化人力资源,推进规范化经营和管理,通过制定一系列标准、规范,以期在技术法规的层面上规范翻译服务行为。
中国翻译工作者协会(简称:中国译协)成立于1982年,系中央国家机关、全国各省、自治区、直辖市(含计划单列市)翻译工作者协(学)会的联合组织,全国性群众学术团体。中国译协的宗旨是团结和组织全国翻译工作者,开展翻译工作的研究和学术交流,提高中国翻译工作者的专业水平,保护翻译工作者的合法权益,更好地为中国社会主义改革开放和现代化建设服务。20多年来,中国译协每年在全国各地举办各类翻译学术研讨会、学术报告会和经验交流会以及翻译人员培训等活动。在中国译协的指导下,全国各地的译协先后宣告成 立。各地的翻译协会基本上都是围绕着翻译服务、外语培训、学术交流、对外联络等几个方而展开活动,为培养翻译人才、繁荣我国翻译事业、促进我国对外交流与合作做出了应有的贡献。
改革开放以来,翻译协会为推动我国的对外开放、经济建设、维护市场秩序起到了积极的作用。但是,必须认识到翻译协会与其他行业协会一样是在计划经济向市场经济转型过程中逐步发展起来的,由于法制还不健全、管理还不完善,在协会建设方而还存在不少薄弱环节。“从目前我国行业组织总体生存情况看,有1/ 3发展比较好,1/ 3勉强支撑,剩下的1/ 3难以维持。”
为了适应时代的需要,中国译协于2004年11月在北京召开了第五届全国理事会,同时举办了“首届中国翻译成就展”。这是中国翻译界在新世纪的第一次大聚会,也是中国译协成立22年来具有重要意义的一次盛会。此次会议的主要内容是:审议并通过第四届全国理事 会常务理事会工作报告和中国翻译工作者协会章修改草案;推举产生新一届中国译协领导机构;表彰先进分支机构和团体会员等。其中章程修改的一项重要内容是中国译协的社团性质将由过去的学术向学术性、行业性并举的方向扩展。这是中国译协顺应时代和翻译事业发展的需要,对译协今后的工作将具有重要而深远的意义。此外,每届理事会还对1998年中国译协第四届全国理事会会议以来,各团体会员和各分支机构在组织翻译学术活动、翻译培训与教学、翻译服务、翻译出版等各方面的工作进行全而的总结,为各会员单位和全国的翻译工作者提供一个相互切磋、借鉴与学习交流的平台和机会。同时,由中国译协主办的首届中国翻译成就展也在中国军事博物馆隆重举行。这是建国以来我国翻译领域的首次大型展览,展示了翻译工作对外宣、外交、军事、民族语文、教育培训、出版、产业化和社会服务等各领域的成就,充分体现了翻译工作在中外交流中的巨大作用,彰显了广大翻译工作者对促进社会发展所做的重要贡献。
中介机构的素质、规范中介机构的运行、控制中介机构的数量、监督中介机构从业人员的行为具有重要的意义和作用。翻译公司属于信息咨询服务机构,为其他公司或企事业单位提供以翻译为主导的信息咨询服务,且这种服务具有增值性,在一定程度上是经济发展的一种要 素,能够提高经济效益和资源的配置效率。
复习的英文句子翻译 篇2
1.the Origin and Application of Metaphor
With the development of technology and society, people has strengthened the ability of communication.To express their thoughts clearly, metaphor came into being.We use metaphors to make indirect comparisons, but without using “like”or “as”.A metaphor very often uses the verb “to be”:“Life is a journey”, for example.“I am a rainbow”is also an example of metaphor because it is comparing two nouns, a person, and a rainbow, but does not use like or as.As un important part of the culture, metaphor is a kind of widespread sentences, with specific implications, extracted and purified from the spoken language and labor experience of the people and the classical works.Metaphors are frequently used in the spoken language and literary works.They were transmitted from generation to generation for years and centuries.They are the scientific summary of people's experience and the crystallization of people's wisdom.
Originally metaphor was aGreek word for “transfer”.It came from meta (“change”) and pherein (“carry”) .So the word metaphor in English was a metaphor, too.Today in Greek, metaphor is a trolley (a thing that is pushed for carrying shopping or bags) .About two thousand years ago, the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle has made the definition of metaphor in his books.Here are some of the common metaphors we usually used in our daily life. (1) They are the flowers of the human brainwork.这是人类思维的花朵。 (2) The handsome boy became the sun in her heart.这个英俊的男孩成了她心中的太阳。 (3) She gave a crystal explanation.她解释的清晰明了。
In spite that we come from different culture background, there would be large intersection in the culture, since people have the same living conditions, certainly they have many common feelings on it.The examples above can be translated nearly in equivalent effect.However they cannot stand for all the others.There are lots of metaphor cannot be translated exactly the same words.Following is the examples.if translating into Chinese word for word, such as the following: (1) You've caught the sun.wrong:你已经抓住了太阳。Right:你晒黑了。 (2) He is a sour person.wrong:他是个酸溜溜的人。Right:他老讲反话。 (3) You've got me.wrong:你得到了我。Right:你把我问住了。
From these Chinese translation, you can see the fartetched translation sentence by sentence obviously.While you should handle these kind of sentences flexibility.From these examples, we can see, sometimes the metaphors of one culture will be different from those of another, so they are very difficult to translate.Language.is closely connected by thoughts.Since the thought patterns of Chinese and English are quite different, the structures of the two languages are not the same.Thus, during the translation we should not only translate sentence by sentence, but also pay special attention to their cultural meanings in the whole texts.In order to understand correctly the real meanings of sentences, we should not only improve our skills on translation , but make great efforts on the culture of English.
2.Relationship of Language, Culture and Translation
Several problems exist in translating metaphors, the most obvious is that it have no existing “equivalence”in target language because metaphor in source language is a semantic novelty.There are many ways in which the phenomena of language and culture are intimately related.Both phenomena are unique to humans and have therefore been the subject of a great deal of anthropological, sociological, and even memetic study.Language, of course, is determined by culture, though the extent to which this is true is now under debate.The converse is also true to some degree:culture is determined by language-or rather, by the replicators that created both, memes.
Language is an important component of culture.Language can represent a certain culture, so when you translate a language, you are spread over different cultures.Culture can be developed frequently by the usage of language, so they cannot be separated partly, and they influence each other.Also they should develop together.
Cultureis the basis of language, so differences in culture will affect the translation.In this sense, translation is not only the translation of languages, but also the culture.As a result, you should learn more about the different cultures from English countries, including the history, the society, and the laws, and also the living conditions.For example, you can read lots of English books written by the native authors, watch more English movies, and listen to English radio more frequently.Before a learner starts to write in a language, he needs to read a lot in order to learn the language and to get familiar with certain patterns or rhetorical structures.It is often said that wide reading and imitation can contribute to native like writing.
3.Culture Difference between the Countries
The word culture has many different meanings.For some it refers to an appreciation of good literature, music, art, and food.For a biologist, it is likely to be a colony of bacteria or other microorganisms growing in a nutrient medium in a laboratory Petri dish.However, for anthropologists and other behavioral scientists, culture is the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs among the members of a community.If culture is symbolic, Language is the most typical symbolic system within it.There are many ways in which the phenomena of language and culture are intimately related.Language communication is actually a kind of cultural communication and the communication between different languages is indeed communication between different cultures.From this perspective, the translation of language is essentially the translation of culture, and translation studies should beconducted in the context of culture.
Culture is the basic of language, metaphors exists in the language.So that metaphors is on closely relation with the culture.In another word, the culture created metaphors.Different culture gave birth to different metaphors.On the other hand, metaphors reflect the culture.In this sense, to learn about some metaphors helps to understand the culture of different countries.Culture is formed in the course of people's work, their common life, history, custom, the ways of thinking, and so on.The same thing happened to language.Metaphors, as un important part of language, has a long history, and has been used by the people from long ago.For some case, translation of metaphors rely on the social cultural meaning more than the connotation from the words themselves.Various culture factors caused the difference between languages.They are living conditions of geography, history character, religion, and also classic legend and literary works.Following recount is in the detail.
3.1LivingConditions of Geography
Language is closely relationship with people's living condition.Different living conditions of geography can create much different language.As we all know, England is an island nation, and its navigation is famous in the world history, So many English idioms are connected closely with navigation.Such as (1) Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。 (2) “Salt water and absence wash away love.”日久情疏。 (3) Make fish of one and flesh of another厚此薄彼, 偏爱一方. (4) Let others ship be your seamark.别人的沉船是你的航向标。The island country is rich in rain, wind and fog, so there are lots of metaphors in English.Here is one example:It never rains but it pours.From the sentence meaning, it is translated into不雨则已, 一雨倾盆, maybe the original meaning is not so properly expressed while it has the similar meaning of Chinese sayings“祸不单行”.While On the contrary, Chinese is a continental nation with its people living on the land.There are seldom rain in some area especially in spring.So there is a famous saying“春雨贵如油”。面朝黄土背朝天” (work hard in the field) 。
3.2Different History Character
The social history has a enormous impact on the language.With the development of society The different historical situations often produce certain historical expressions.Since every language can create new words to describe new situations and objects, more and more new language will come out.After all, nothing in the world is static.However, they change at different rates at different times in response to new social, cultural, and environmental situations.While the metaphor of a certain langue can tell us the history clearly.So that we must consider on the historical factors during the translating.For example, fifty-five years B.C., Britain was conquested by cippus, and was occupied for 400 years.So the roman culture has influenced British culture greatly.These are showed in many metaphors.For examples, Do in Rome as the Romans do.喻为入乡随俗。All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马, 喻为殊途同归。
3.3Customs and Tradition
Different thoughts and habits are decided by different tradition and customs.For example, different countries have different ideas on the pat animals.Such as dog.In English, the dogs are the faithful friends of human beings and be loved by the people.so there is English idiom like “She is a lucky dog.”她是个幸运儿。Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。While in Chinese, it is usually used as a bad thing, such as “狗眼看人低”、“走狗”。Another famous example is “dragon”.Dragon is stands for powerful and lucky symbol in china, while in western countries, it is regarded as evil, horrible animal.The same thing happened on the color of yellow.It stands for elegance in china, while it is not lovely in some western countries.The color of while , blue, all of them have different meanings between the different countries.and so on.
3.4on the Impact of Religion
As un important part of culture, religion has influenced the thoughts and language of people.In English speaking countries, most people has the Christian religion, so God has the highest situation in their mind, if you read the bible, you can find many idioms daily life.For example, (1) Every man must carry his own cross.每个人必须背他自己的十字架。Since it's the cross of jesus, so it stands for the suffering, so the whole sentence means每个人都要承担各自的苦难。 (2) Keep me as the apple of the eye视为掌上明珠, Even the nations are like a drop from the bucket沧海一粟。while in china, the region of Buddhism has a long history and insteadily, they believe in heaven instead of god.so many metaphors are influenced by Buddhism, such as临时抱佛脚, 老天有眼, 天无绝人之路 and so on.
3.5Classic Legend and Literary Works
BothChina and western countries have long history, so does the literary culture.So they both have numbers of literary works and classic legend.All these classic works have un enormous influence in the language, and the same thing happened on the use of metaphors.At the same time, these metaphors can show the national spirits vividly.One of the most famous literary works
4.Metaphor of Translation
The uniqueness of metaphors appears to be the one thing translation theorists can agree upon, and it seems a bit conceited to maintain that translating a phenomenon held to be so exceptional represents no challenge at all, and can be done by a simple word to word rendition.
Our culture does, sometimes, restrict what we can think about efficiently in our own language.As metaphor comes from the living environment, the history, the tradition and also the religion of a country, it demands the translator has a rich knowledge about all these aspects.That is not simple.Not only they should reading abundant, but also learning from learned professors from English speaking countries, since not everything can be found in dictionary.For example: (1) The suggestion had been received with frosty disapproval.这项建议已经被无情地否决了。 (2) A cloud of grief descended on the country and the world.这个国家乃至这个世界突然沉浸在悲伤的气氛中。 (3) You'd better shape up if you want to stay on.如果你还想留下来, 最好乖一点。
4.1CombineLiteral Translation with Free Translation
It seemsobviously that the perfect translation must lie in the two opposed views, and Newmark's diagram underpins this notion.In my opinion, language is always in a certain language environment, so that maintaining any view as to how something should be translated is useless.You should not judge each sentence separately, and before you make a decision do make clear its proper context.
Both literal translation and free translation are commonly used.They are not paradoxical, on the contrary, they are complementary.Literal translation can express the original meaning of source language, so it is the first choice, while when there is much obstacles to understand, you have to turn to use free translation.
Free translation can translate the source language in flexible way, so it can be easy understood by the readers, while it is not translate words to words.Combine iteral translation and free translation is the best way to translating.For example: (1) A fox may grow gray, but never good.江山易改, 本性难移。 (2) Diamond cuts diamond.强中自有强中手。 (3) She gave a crystal explanation.她的解释清晰明了。
4.2Appropriate Choice in Words
Obviously, words are the component structures of language;they combine to form sentences and come in eight different varieties called parts of speech.Counting words in a language for comparison with other languages is a difficult and imprecise task at best.For instance, a verb could be counted as a single word or each conjugation of it could be counted as a separate word.Likewise, it is not clear whether one should count words that have been borrowed from other languages or antiquated word forms that are no longer in common use.It is also unclear how commonly used a slang or technical word must be before it is counted.Relying on dictionaries for word counts is unlikely to be adequate since many words are never included.
Choosing words correctly and appropriately is very important during translation.You'd better translate the sentences nearly as possible to original version.For example:“It's very kind of you.It's nice to see you.”According to the context, they can only be translated like“非常感谢您。”and “见到您很高兴。”, so that they fit in with Chinese tradition, but they can't be translated like “您太慈祥了。”and “见到你很好。”Another example is like this:“He is beginning to look his age.”And “You don't look your age.”If translated like “他开始显老了。”and “你看上去没那么大。”, that would accord with Chinese logic.
In this thesis, we offered a simple introduction to the definition of metaphor, as we all know that they are not birth with human beings, they came out with the development of the society.And then, we found out the relationship between metaphor, language, and the culture.That is culture is the basis of language, so differences in culture will affect the translation, as a result, translation is not only the translation of languages, but also the culture.After that, we analysed on emphasis the various culture factors that influenced the difference between languages.They are living conditions of geography, history character, religion, and also classic legend and literary works.
As we all know thattranslation should be faithful to the original text.To be faithful is very important to a translator.So you would try your best to remain the faithful to the original text.However, people from different parts of the world have much different ideas on the same thing.Culture difference is the most difficult thing to understand from other countries. For many people, language is not just the medium of culture but also is a part of culture.One must understand deeply the culture at first in order to translate accuracy.It is quite common for the translator to the English speaking country to live as the local people, adapt their life as soon as possible, and then they turn to the new neighbors, from the daily life communication, and the life abroad, it's much easier to understand the new language and even the new culture.In spite every language can create new words to describe new situations and objects.None is static.However, they change at different rates at different times in response to new social, cultural, and environmental situations.
All in all, translation is a skillful technology and elegant art, and it is not a simple thing to translate properly.Not only you should be good at English but also good at Chinese.And what's more important, the translators should be rich in knowledge.In order to translate more perfect, you should keep on learning, exploring, focus on expand your knowledge wide, and also improve your comprehensive on different cultural.Meanwhile, handle the words and sentences flexible and faithful is important.
[1]Nida, E.A., Toward A science of Translation, Netherlands, E-.G.Brill, leiden, 1964
[2]Newmark, Peper.A Textbook of Translation, Shanghai Foreign Lan-guage and English.Beijing:中国对外翻译出版社, 1984
复习的英文句子翻译 篇3
【关键词】翻译美学 英文诗歌 版本比对 审美体验
翻译作为一种艺术活动与美学有着不解之缘。无论从理论上还是实践上,美学对翻译都有一定的借鉴意义。本文通过《The stolen child》的两个翻译版本,简要研究翻译美学与文学诗歌翻译的关系,探讨翻译美学的不同理解对文学审美的借鉴价值和启示意义。
本文选择了《The stolen child》的两个译本进行比对,一个是艾梅翻译的《被偷走的孩子》;另一个版本是周英雄版本的《被拐走的孩子》。(关于题目的翻译,将放于内容分析比对之后)。两种版本有很多地方的不同,如果逐字逐句去对比意义并不大,所以笔者挑选了六处对于诗歌意义会产生不同理解的句子进行简要的对比分析。
1. fairy vats/faery vats. 诗歌中有一句“There weve hid our fairy vats”。艾梅将“fairy vats”译成“魔桶”,而周英雄的版本中翻译成“仙篮”。“fairy vats”出现在诗歌第一节,通过对“fairy vats”的描述为小孩及读者展开了一个全新的世界,一个不同于我们平时生活的世界。“Fairy”这个词在英语中作名词有仙女的意思,作为形容词它的意思是“魔法、妖法”所以这里艾梅将“fairy vats ”翻译成“魔桶”也并非不可以。当你翻译的诗歌和诗人的原文有所偏差的时候,可能影响整篇文章的意思,所谓失之毫厘差之千里。
2. worlds more full of weeping than you can understand. 这句话在全诗之中出现了三次,出现频率如此之高是因为它是仙女呼唤孩子来这个世界的话语。叶芝原文是“For the worlds more full of weeping than you can understand.”艾梅将这句翻译为“这世界哭声太多,可你不懂。”周英雄的翻译是“世上哭声遍地,你无从了解。”因为全诗都是仙女试图让孩子安心来到这个世界的一种尝试。因此,翻译者在此不仅要考虑到美学意境的用词,还要注意受众心理的角度,此处呼唤的语气应该更具有煽动性和说服力才更加符合原文作者的心理。
3. trouble is anxious in this sleep. 叶芝诗原文是“While the world is full of troubles,and is anxious in this sleep”,艾梅的翻译是“然而这世界充满了烦恼,睡梦中也挤满了无尽的焦虑”,周英雄的翻译是“然而世上烦恼充斥,睡眠中仍不免焦虑”。对这一句的理解要结合第二点谈到的“For the worlds more full of weeping than you can understand.”前文分析过,翻译为孩子们不懂为更佳,因为这样更能反映他们已经意识到麻烦,可却找不到答案和解决方法的心理,所以“anxious in this sleep”翻译为“睡梦中也挤满了无尽的焦虑”会比较好,且此处的“挤满”是点睛之笔。
4. The solemn-eyes. solemn的本意是庄严,因此艾梅将“The solemn-eyed”翻译为“那个眼神庄严的孩子”,周英雄翻译成“这个眼神凝重的孩子”。诗中原文是“A way with us hes going, the solemn-eyed”,意思为那个要和我们一同离去的孩子,在对孩子的眼神形容上,艾梅使用了solemn的原意“庄严”远不及周英雄所译出的“眼神凝重”。庄严于此处并不恰当,审美特征不明显,也不能准确地表达原文主题。
5. Sing peace into his breast. 诗原文“the kettle on the hob, sing peace into his breast”,艾梅的翻译是“水壶在火炉上的低唱,那些曾安抚他心灵的歌谣”;周英雄的翻译是“炉架上的水壶把谧静唱入他胸膛”。周英雄的翻译明显更具审美意境。由此可见,审美对象(原文作品本身)与审美主体(翻译作者)之间,存在一种可以相互渗透的关系。
英文经典句子带翻译 篇4
02、No words are necessary between two loving hearts。
03、What is courage?Is it making you love me with tears or letting you go with tears?
04、Never too old to learn。
05、Never use your eyes to cry for the wrong person who hurt you。Instead use it to search for the right one。
06、Life is a maze and love is a riddle。
07、What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger。
08、Nothing is impossible!
09、Not a woman because she is beautiful and the soul of the love。
10、Beauty,wisdom,money,a lot of things,are born to,and not even think about that jealousy with you,to change anything。
11、All things are difficult before they are easy。
12、Waiting,is the world’s most humble terms。
13、There is a time to speak and a time to be silent。
14、Always some wisp sadly belongs to you。
15、A land of broken promises,put together not return yesterday。
16、Every person need a friend to make them laugh when they think they will never smile again。
17、Passion,though a bad regulator,is a powerful spring。
18、Memories took my hand,I how fled are destined to be in vain。
19、Sometimes,only a tear,we completely clear sight。
20、Today,give a stranger one of your smiles。It might be the only sunshine he sees all day。
21、Therefore,if you desire love,try to realize that the only way to get love is by giving love,that the more you give,the more you get。
22、Your birth gives me hope and I hope to give you happiness。
23、I forget,or you have not loved。
24、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you。
25、Yesterday is history。Tomorrow is mystery。Today is a gift。
26、It takes being away from someone for a while,to realize how much you really need them in your life。
27、Heart is mine,but full of you。
28、The most painful goodbyes are those that were never said and never explained。
29、Become a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are。
30、Life is like a parabola,since each handing down,when the heart of mixed emotions。
31、No one is in charge of your happiness except you。
32、He is no longer my world,because my world collapsed。
他不再是我的世界励志网e the most beautiful day of your life。
62、Give up worrying about what others think of you。What they think isn’t important。What is important is how you feel about yourself。
63、You can vanity,because it is a woman’s nature,but do not let yourself become a tool for others to increase vanity。
64、I don’t know how to love you。Looking at you is the only way I know。
65、Sometimes words cannot express the burden of our heart。
66、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。
67、You have a dream by day,night has a dream to have you。You have to take care of yourself,don’t catch a cold runny nose;if occasionally sneeze,that would mean I want you!
68、But if the while I think on thee,dear friend,all losses arerestored,and sorrows end。
69、The stronger your heart is,the brighter your smile will be。
70、Please be happy。
71、Opens the full of trees,pear can never bears apple。
72、You laugh at me for being different,but I laugh at you for being the same。
73、Life is like a multiple choice question。Sometimes,thechoices confuse you,not the question itself!
74、The only present love demands is love。
75、In love’s bumpy road,we’d better not say love。
76、I have no trouble,just a sense of security is too weak。
77、Life will get better when it goes bad to a certain extent。Because it can’t get worse than this。We should fill our heart with sunshine。
78、When you are young,you may want several love experiences。But as time goes on,you will realize that if you really love someone,the whole life will not be enough。You need time to know,to forgive and to love。All this needs a very big mind。
79、To give up you is the most courageous thing I have ever done。
80、We put in the darkness of the heart is called the moon dancing。
81、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you。
82、If you get tired,learn to rest,not to quit。
83、Without the language of love,all characters are boring。
84、I know someone in the world is waiting for me,although I’ve no idea of who he is But I feel happy every day for this。
我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了 这个,我每天都非常快乐。
85、It’s too late to move back,yet too early to move on。
86、When you feel like giving up,remember why you held on so long in the first place。
87、We shall always save a place for ourselves,only for ourselves。And then begin to love。Have no idea of what it is,who he is,how to love or how long it will be。Just wait for one love。Maybe no one will come out,but this kind of waiting is the love itself。
简单英语句子带翻译成英文 篇5
2.How will you spend the evening? 你晚上干什么?
3.I’ll probably stay home and watch TV 我可能会呆在家看电视。
4.What’s your plan for the summer holiday? 暑假计划干什么?
5.I’m thinking about a visit to Paris 我在考虑去巴黎旅游。
6.There’s going to be a pottery exhibition at the art gallery 艺术馆将有一次陶瓷展。
7.You are still thinking about a PhD, aren’t you? 你还是想学成博士,是吗?
8.What will you do about it? 你会拿这事怎么办?
9.What do you want to do after graduation? 你毕业后想干什么?
10.I’ll further my study 我想继续深造。
11.Have you heard the weather forecast? 你听天气预报了吗?
12.No, what does it say? 没有,它说什么了?
13.We’ll have fine weather for the next few days 以后几天天气晴朗。
14.But it’s still raining today! 可今天还在下雨。
15.It is said it will clear up tonight 天气预报说今晚雨就会停。
16.What will it be after the clear weather? 晴天以后天气会怎么样?
17.It says a storm may come next month 天气预报说下个月会有一场暴风雨。
18.And it may get colder, it’s already November 并且天气会更冷。
19.Yes, and I hope we can have some snow this winter 是的,我希望今年冬天会下雪。
20.I’m afraid it won’t be cold enough for a snowfall 我恐怕天不会冷的下雪。
21.But last year we had a big one 但去年下了大雪。
22.Yes, but you know global warming may raise the temperature 是的,但全球变暖会使气温上升。
23.You are probably right 你也许是对的。
24.I’m going skiing in the Alps next month 下个月我去阿尔卑斯山滑雪。
25.I hope the weather there is cold enough 我希望那儿天气够冷。
26.How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎么样?
27.I don’t feel very well 我觉得不太舒服。
28.Do you feel better now? 你现在觉得好点了吗?
29.Much better 好多了。
30.I’m sick 我病了。
31.He’s got a bad headache 他头痛的厉害。
32.My fever is gone 我的烧已经退了。
33.What’s the matter with you? 你怎么啦?
34.I’ve got a pain in my back 我背疼。
35.It really hurts 可真疼。
36.It hurts right here 就这儿疼。
37.It’s bleeding You’d better see a doctor about that cut 在流血呢,你最好找个医生看看这伤口。
38.Call the doctor! 快打电话叫医生!
39.Take two pills and have a good rest 吃两片药,好好休息一下。
40.I hope you’ll be well soon 祝你早日恢复健康。
41.I get up at every morning 每天早上我点起床。
42.I then take a bath in the bathroom 然后我去洗澡间洗个澡。
43.I shave, brush my teeth, and comb my hair 我洗脸,刷牙,梳头。
44.I put on a bit of makeup 我化一点妆。
45.I cooked breakfast for the family 我为一家人做早餐。
46.I go downstairs and have my breakfast 我下楼吃早饭。
47.I read the newspaper over breakfast 我边吃早饭边看报纸。
48.I wake my sister up 我叫醒我妹妹。
49.I dress my sister and wash her hands and face 我给我妹妹穿衣服,洗脸洗手。
文言文句子的翻译专题复习教案 篇6
2、在学生掌握了“信、达、雅” 三字翻译目标和“翻译五字诀”的基础上,针对学生在文言翻译中的盲点,力图引导学生总结归纳出解决翻译疑难的技巧,并通过训练验证这些技巧的可操作性,使学生能举一反三,从而增强文言文翻译的信心。
逐字翻译:秦国没有丢箭丢 箭头的耗费,但天下诸侯已经疲惫了 调整翻译:秦国没有耗费一枝箭,而天下诸侯已经疲惫了。3.回顾2002年北京高考题
4.提问:从高考的特点与考查目的出发,文言文翻译要严格遵循的基本要求和原则是什么? 基本要求: 忠于原文,力求做到__信___、___达__、__雅___。原则: 字字落实,以__直译___为主,以__意译___为辅
语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com 语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com 点和相近的表达方式,力求语言风格也和原文一致。意译:指着眼于表达原句的意思,在忠于愿意的前提下,灵活翻译原文的词语,灵活处理原文的句子结构。)
[注] 武节,泛指武艺兵法。把下列句子译成现代汉语
提问: 文言文翻译的具体方法——“五字诀”? ①留:人名、地名、年号、国号、庙号、谥号、书名、物名都保留不译;与现代汉语表达一致的词语可保留。
☆指定学生翻译下面句子: ①楚左尹项伯者,项羽季父也
译:永和九年,也就是癸丑年 ③秦孝公据崤函之固
☆指定学生翻译下面句子: ①夫六国与秦皆诸侯
③顷之,烟炎张天 译:霎时间,烟火满天
语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com 语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com 师生讨论归纳翻译的特点:删减法——文言中有些虚词的用法,在现代汉语里没有相应的词替代,如果硬译反而别扭或累赘,译文时可删减。这些词包括:发语词、凑足音节的助词、结构倒装的标志、句中停顿的词、个别连词及偏义复词中虚设成分等。课堂练习:
沛公安在 惟兄嫂是依
① 古之人不余欺也。(宾语前置)② 权知其意,执肃手曰:“卿欲何言?”(宾语前置)
☆指定学生翻译下面的的词或句子: 如: “妻子”“受业” “临表涕零”
☆指定学生翻译下面的句子: ①竖子不足与(之)谋
②今以钟磬置(于)水中 译:今天把钟磬放在水里
语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com 语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com ③永州之野产异蛇,()黑质而白章,()触草木,()尽死。④荆州之民附操者,逼()兵势耳。
译:我认为老百姓之间的交往,尚且不相互欺骗,更何况大的国家呢? ③何故怀瑾握瑜而自令见放为?(比喻)
4、注意有委婉说法的语句的翻译 ①若有从君惠而免之,三年将拜君赐
语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com 语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com ③安在公子能急人之困也!(主谓倒装)
④人谁又能以身之察察,受物之汶汶者乎?(定语后置、省略)译文:人们又有谁愿意让自己的洁白之身受脏物的污染呢? ⑤予羁縻不得还,国事遂不可收拾(无标志的被动句)译:我被拘留不能回来,国家的事情于是无法收拾。
2.至和元年七月某日,临川王某记。——《游褒禅山记》 参考译文:至和元年七月某一日,临川王安石记 3.天下事有难易乎?(《为学》)
5.蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。——《劝学》 译文:蚯蚓没有锋利的爪牙,强健的筋骨,(却能)向上吃到黄土,向下喝到黄泉,(是由于)用心专一的缘故。
译文:把医生叫来责问这是什么缘故 14.翻译《诗经·秦风》中这首诗
语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com 语文备课大师 xiexingcun.com
参考歌词:芦苇苍苍,白雾茫茫,有位佳 人,在水一方。我愿逆流而上,依偎在她身旁,无奈前有险滩,道路又远又长;我愿顺流而下,找寻她的方向,却见依稀仿佛,她在水的中央。
曾子衣敝衣以耕。鲁君使人往致邑(给一座城)焉,曰:“请以此修衣。”曾子不受。反,复往,又不受。使者曰:“先生非求于人,人则献之,奚为不受?”曾子曰:“臣闻之,受人者畏人,予人者骄人。纵子有赐,不我骄也,我能勿畏乎?”终不受。孔子闻之,曰:“参之言足以全其节也。” ①
受人者畏人,予人者骄人。纵子有赐,不我骄也,我能勿畏乎? 译:
【注】①系援:(作为)绳梯攀援(上去)。这里指通过婚姻关系往上爬。②董祁:范献子妹妹,嫁给董叔后,改称董祁。③纺:系 ① 范氏富,盍已乎!
② 献子执而纺于庭之槐
③ 欲而得之,又何请焉?
六、布置课外作业 翻译强化训练
中国菜名的翻译方法初探(英文) 篇7
China has a splendid food culture.Along with the implementation of the open policy and reform and the appearance of cultural diversity,it is necessary to introduce China’s food culture to the world.How to do it?The first task is the translation of Chinese food.
The potential worth of translation and interpretation industry is huge.In the process of cross-cultural communication,good understanding and proper comprehension are not just a tool for us to get a better idea about things from different culture,but also the necessary weapon to enrich our own culture.On the other hand,if the translation is hard to understand,it will cause lots of trouble even conflicts in the process of communication.
2 Concerns and Problems of Translation
2.1 Material first
“One just needs to explain the materials and the way it cooks.”as it is said.
English dish names are for the convenience of foreigners’order,and they don’t have the responsibility of popularizing Chinese culture.As for the menu translation,it is successful if it gives a clear explanation to the materials and cooking techniques.And if it can be modified to promote people’s appetite,that is perfect.
2.2 Aesthetics first
Some experts insist that the translation of dish name should observe the aesthetic effort.Among Chinese food,there are such dish names including“blossom”(百花),”lotus”(芙蓉)and so on.They vividly describe the pretty profiling and make people appetitive by their images.Thus we must not neglect the aesthetic connotation of the dish.
3 Translation Principles for Chinese Dishes
The same Chinese food can be cooked in different ways.Knowing exactly what is the meaning of each cooking method and choose the right one to translate the dish is the premise.Usually the cooking methods are used as adjectives.To make the translation easier,they can be divided into the following groups:
“”煮“”白灼“stewed”(煲、炖、烩).It means putting the food into a pot,then adding water to cook the food,for example,“Boiled Egg”(煮鸡蛋)”Stewed Pork”(炖猪肉),etc.The second group is“quick-fried”(爆)“stir-fried or sautéed”(炒),and“fried or pan fried”(煎).It meanputting the food into a pan,stir-friing the food with a quick fireThe third group is“marinated”(卤),“braised”(焖),and“simmered”(煨).It means putting the materials into the sauce,andto.The fourth group is“roast or barbecued”(烧烤),“mixed or assorted”(什锦),“sweet and sour”(糖醋),“broiled or grilled”(铁扒)“spiced or seasoned”(五香),“toasted or baked”(烘烤),“braisedwith soy sauce(in brown sauce)”(红烧),“spicy and hot”(麻辣)“smoked”(熏),“steamed”(蒸).This group indicates the differenflavors even with the same materials.For example,“Sweet andSour Fish”(糖醋鱼)and“Braised Fish with Soy Sauce”(红烧鱼)The fifth and last group is“pickled,preserved,salted”(腌)“mashed”(捣烂),“minced”(剁碎),“ground”(磨碎),“dicedcubed”(切丁、切块),“filleted”(切柳),“sliced”(切片),“shredded”(切丝),“shelled”(去壳),“boned”(去骨),“peeled”(去皮),etc.Thigroup shows how the materials look like before they are beingcooked.
3.1 Translation methods
3.1.1 Naming beginning with the material
Formula:Main ingredients(shape)+(with)subsidiaries(Chicken Cubes with Almond杏仁鸡丁)
Formula:Main ingredients(shape)+(with,in)flavo(Duck Webs with Mustard Sauce芥末鸭掌)
3.1.2 Naming beginning with the cooking techniques
1)Introducing the Cooking techniques and main ingredients
Formula:Cooking techniques+main ingredients(shape)(Soft-fried Pork Fillet软炸里脊)
2)Introducing the Cooking techniques,main ingredients and subsidiaries
Formula:Cooking techniques+main ingredients(shape+(with)subsidiaries(Braised Chicken Fillet with Tender Ginge仔姜烧鸡条)
3)Introducing the cooking techniques,main ingredients and flavor
Formula:Cooking techniques+main ingredient(shape)+(with,in)flavor(Braised Beef with Brown Sauce红烧牛肉)
3.1.3 Naming beginning with shape or flavor
1)Introducing the Shape(taste),main ingredients and subsidiaries
Formula:Shape(taste)+main ingredient+(with)subsidiary(Crisp Chicken with Sesame芝麻酥鸡)
2)Introducing the Taste,cooking technique,and main ingredients
Formula:Taste+cooking technique+main ingredient(Crisp Fried Spareribs香酥排骨)
3)Introducing the Shape(Taste),main ingredients and flavor
Formula:Shape(taste)+main ingredient+sauce(SlicedFish with Tomato Sauce茄汁鱼片)
4)Naming beginning with Person’s name or place name Introducing the Initiator(Cradle)and Main Ingredients Formula:Person’s name(cradle)+main ingredient(MPo Bean curd麻婆豆腐)
Introducing the Initiator(Cradle),cooking techniques and Main Ingredients
Formula:Person’s name(cradle)+cooking technique+main ingredient(Dong Po Stewed Pork Joint东坡煨肘)
3.1.4 One dish named in different ways
In the process of translation,one dish can be translated by several ways from different perspectives.Take Kung Pao ChickenCubes(宫保鸡丁)for example:Sauteed Chicken Cubes with Peanuts OR Gongbao Chicken Cubes OR Diced Chicken with Chiland Peanuts
3.1.5 Translation in direct way
1)The principle of usage of Chinese Pinyin
Principle 1:Typically Chinese and widely accepted by other nations,the Chinese traditional food can be translated with Chinese Pinyin on the principle of popularizing Chinese language and Chinese culture.Example:Jiaozi(饺子),Baozi(包子),Mantou(馒头),Huajuan(花卷),Shaomai(烧麦).
Principle 2:Typically Chinese and widely accepted by other nations,the Chinese traditional food are translated with the dialect and keeps its spelling.Example:Tofu(豆腐),Kung-Pao Chicken(宫保鸡丁),Chop Suey(杂碎),Wonton(馄饨),Shao-mai(烧麦).
2)Translation in accordance with the literal information
As discussed in part 3.2.2,the Chinesse dish names showing the cooking techniques and ingredients belong to this category.Ex-ample Salted Duck(咸水鸭)
3.1.6 Translation in indirect way
Some dish names contain the special local product,so weneed to render them into the common names,and then translatethem into English.Generally speaking,this category is the beautifi-cation of the materials and the cooking techniques.For example,“fish maw”(鱼鳔)is usually called“cod’s maw”(广肚);“shuang-dong”(双冬)refers to“mushroom”and“bamboo”;“yugun”(玉棍)is referred to as“bamboo shoot”.
3.2 Two problems concerned
3.2.1 The usage of singular and plural of countable noun
The countable nouns in the menus are usually in the plural form,while in condition that there is only one main ingredient othe ingredient is too small to be counted,the singular form shouldbe employed.
In the first dish name,“noodles”and“vegetables”are count-able,so we use the plural form.In the second one,“scallion”isminced too small to count,so the singular form is employed here.
3.2.2 The usage of propositions“In”and“With”in the sauce and subsidiaries
If the main ingredients are in the sauce or in the subsidiaries,the proposition“in”is employed.
Example:Steamed Beef Ribs in Black Bean Sauce(豉汁牛仔骨)
The main ingredients“steamed beef ribs”are in the subsidiary the“black bean sauce”,so the proposition here is“in”.
4 Conclusion
China’s rich cuisine culture always causes lots of trouble to foreigners,especially when they order in the restaurant.The diverse translation versions of the same dish challenge them with inconveniences.It is of great significance to unify the English translation of Chinese food.
First of all,names of the dishes should be brief and concise They play the role of explaining the materials and flavors of the dishes.Generally speaking,there are three to eight kinds of materials.It deserves proper consideration to achieve a brief and clear effect.In the second but not last place,the dishes present themselves with some anecdotes,such as“Beggar’s Chicken”and“Ma Po Tofu”.They reflect the characteristics of China’s food culture.It is impossible to explain clearly the dish through a straight literal translation,and it will be too complex to illustrate the anecdotes behind.Therefore,the key point is to take account of both the culture and the practicality of the dishes.
[1]Jakobson,Roman.On linguistic Aspects of Translation[C].Cam bridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1959.
[2]Mona Bake,Rutledge.Encyclopedia of Translation Studies[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.
[3]Nedergaard-laesrn,Birgit.Culture-bound Problems in Subti tling[J].Copenhagen:Museum Tusculanum Press,1993.
[4]Nord,Chiristiane.Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Func tional Approaches Explained[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1997.
[5]Peter Newmark.A Text Book of Translation[M].Shanghai:Shang hai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.
[6]Peter Newmark.Approaches to Translation[M].London:Polytech nic of Central,2001.
[7]Qiu,Maoru.Language,Culture,and Translating[M].Shanghai:Foreign Languages Education Press,1998.
[8]Nida E A,Taber C R.The Theory and Practice of Translation[M].Leiden:E.J.Brill,1969.
浅析中英文商标的翻译 篇8
英国著名零售商TESCO也是一个极好的翻译例子。1924年,TESCO创始人杰克·科恩(Jack cohen)开始从事食品批发销售业务,并创立了TESCO的品牌来标识自己出售的产品。TESCO这个名字来源于杰克一个合作商(T.E Stock well)名字的前三位首写字母和自己姓氏(Co-hen)的前两位首写字母,杰克就用这个新单词“TESCO”作为自己经营商品的商标,并准备创立以“TESCO”为名的食品零售商店。2005年,TESCO入驻中国,TESCO的中文翻译也定为“乐购”,这一翻译正好契合了TESCO的特性——高高兴兴地购物,而且其中文发音与英文发音也很相符。
在中国也有很多商标的翻译直接采用音译,这些翻译有些代表了中国商品的特点和中国特色。比较成功的翻译有很多,比如小天鹅洗衣机翻译为“Little Swan”,长城电风扇翻译为“Great Wall”,太平鸟衬衣译为“Peace Bird”等。