


外贸面试常见面试英语问题 篇1

1.What interests you about this job?


2.Please tell me the reason for pickingthis position.


Please list three reasons for hiring you.


Why should I hire you?我为什么要聘用你?

3.I believe I’m really qualified for the job.


I think I’m competent for this position.我觉得自己可以胜任这一职位。

I think my abilities fit me well for theposition.我认为自己有能力胜任该职位。

4.I majored in Business English,and I’dlike to get into foreign trade business.


My previous job is out of my field.我先前的工作跟我所学的领域不对口。

5.What made you decide to change job?


Why did you want a change?你为什么要换工作呢?

6.What made you leave your previouscompany?


Can you tell me the reason for leaving? 你能告诉我离职的原因吗?

Why did you quit?你为什么要辞职呢?

7.Becoming an engineer was my childhooddream.


8.I would like to work in aforeign-invested company so as to made full use of my English.


It would be a good place for me to make useof what I learned in the university.


9.I think working in your company wouldprovide me with more opportunities for career growth.




1.Be professional.

Looking businesslike is the first step to acting businesslike, and people will take you more seriously if you are well-groomed. This also applies to body language, so always make eye contact and keep good posture, or you may appear to lack confidence.

(表现职业化 。衣着职业化是体验你是否专业的第一步,如果你注意修饰的话,人们对待你总是更认真一些。 这还适用于肢体语言,要经常和别人进行眼神交流并保持好的身体姿势,否则会看起来象没有自信的样子。)

2.Make it personal.

Remember people’s names and they will remember you. Do everything you can to avoid addressing a message “Dear Sir/Madam”. Remember that business is about building relationships.


3.Be formal but not stiff.

If you are too formal, people won’t be at ease around you. Act too casual and people may not take you seriously. Aim for the middle ground!

(正式而非拘谨。 如果你表现的太正式了,别人呆在你身边就觉得很不自在。表现的太过随便,人们又可能不认真对待你。表现要适当!)

4.Be clear and concise.

Get to the heart of the matter quickly and don’t waste words. On the other hand, don’t assume that the person you’re talking to knows who you are and why you are contacting them - they may need a reminder and some background.


5.Keep quiet!

Communication is a two way street. Listen to the opinions of others, don’t interrupt people when they are speaking, and don’t ignore criticism. Also, people will be more willing to listen to you if they see that you’re listening to them!

(保持安静! 交流是双向的事。耐心听别人的意见,别人说话时不要打岔,而且不要忽略批评意见。并且,如果别人觉得你认真倾听他们的话,他们也会更乐意听你的话!)

外贸面试常见面试英语问题 篇2

高职院校国际邮轮乘务专业是向邮轮业输送实用型人才的主要阵地, 肩负着培养行业亟需的邮轮乘务专业人才的重任。而英语交际能力是国际邮轮乘务专业学生必须具备的一项基本能力。在选聘人才时, 国际邮轮业通常都要通过英语面试来筛选出企业认为优质的人才。因此, 探讨国际邮轮英语面试的常见问题及面试技巧具有重要意义。


(一) 邮轮业发展现状

邮轮是集餐饮、住宿、购物、娱乐为一体的大型产业设施。其主要特点是规模大、设施好、功能齐。1980年以来, 国际邮轮业一直呈持续增长的趋势, 被誉为经济全球化的典型缩影。截至2011年, 全球邮轮旅客数量已达2060万人次, 较上个世纪70年代的数量翻了40倍。我国作为世界三大邮轮公司竞相角逐的主阵地之一, 迎来了发展邮轮经济的重要时期。据2014年9月28日发布的《中国邮轮产业发展报告 (2014) 》 (以下简称《报告》) 中的数据显示:“2014年, 我国邮轮旅游人数在2013年的基础上继续保持几何级增长。仅安排从上海出发的邮轮班次就超过220艘, 出入境游客数约120万人次。”

目前, 以上海港为核心, 舟山、宁波为两翼, 相互配合的邮轮港口群体将是中国邮轮港口市场的增长极。无论是从空间配置还是从要素配合度方面来判断, 上海、舟山、宁波相互配合的邮轮港口群都最有希望成为中国邮轮港口市场的增长极, 将有效引领中国邮轮港口市场梯度发展。随着我国邮轮市场容量不断扩大, 迫切需要一大批既擅长外语, 又具有良好服务意识的邮轮乘务人才。

(二) 国际邮轮产业人才供需矛盾突显的面试环节的问题

目前, 随着国际邮轮产业以及我国邮轮经济的蓬勃发展, 人才需求与人才供给之间的矛盾日渐激化。上海工程技术大学陈心德教授曾说:“目前我国的邮轮人才的缺口已成为阻碍我国邮轮产业更好更快的发展的瓶颈”。一方面, 体现在国际邮轮乘务专业人才不足, 难以满足邮轮产业发展对人才的需求。另一方面, 则体现在当前高职院校培育的邮轮相关专业人才, 英语交际能力普遍不高。在应聘时, 很多学生会因英语能力而“惨遭淘汰”。因此, 对邮轮类相关专业人才而言, 在不断提升自身英语水平的同时, 也要注重学习一些面试的知识和技巧。


(一) 国际邮轮英语面试的基本流程及面试官提问动机


国际邮轮公司在对应聘者进行面试时, 一般是采用全英语口语面试。面试环节分为初试和复试两个部分。其中, 初试一般外方采用电话或视频, 主要侧重于对应聘者基本的口语表达能力的测试;复试则是以面对面的交流测试为主, 测试学生的专业能力、英语能力以及应变能力等。


在国际邮轮英语面试中, 一般而言, 面试官提出的问题主要在于了解面试者的教育背景、工作经验、个人能力、离开前公司的原因及选择本公司的原因、待遇要求、职业规划发展规划、对岗位的认识以及对加班的看法等情况。面试官提问动机主要动机在于全面了解应聘者, 从而确定应聘者是否足以胜任这份工作?应聘者是否真的愿意接受这份工作?应聘者是否适合本公司?

因此, 在国际邮轮英语面试中, 应聘者必须熟悉面试的基本流程和面试官所提问题的基本动机, 才能更加顺利的通过面试, 获得自己想要的工作。

(二) 国际邮轮英语面试中的常见问题及面试技巧



国际邮轮英语面试中, 面试官首先会让应聘者做自我简介。会给出类似如下的提问:

e.g.Could you introduce yourself?Can you say something about yourself in English? (能自我介绍一下吗?请用英语做一下自我介绍。)

在回答此类问题时, 首先应聘者要对自己的所有应聘资料———学历、简历、各种证书、证明资料、推荐人、证明人的姓名、地址等都能倒背如流。当面试官提出此类问题时, 采取直接、自然、明确的回答方式, 做到不拘谨, 不拖泥带水。可做如下回答:

Yes, I could.My name is Li Ming.I am 24 years old.I graduated from Tianjin Maritime College.My major is International Cruise Stewarding. (我叫李明, 今年24岁, 毕业于学天津海运职业学院, 学的是国际邮轮乘务专业.)


国际邮轮英语面试中, 为了了解应聘者的受教育情况及工作经验, 常会做如下提问:

e.g.Now tell me something about your professional education (请告诉我你所受专业教育的情况。)

回答这一问题时, 首先明确自己要回答什么, 切记毫无重点的堆砌一些句子。可以适当加一些转折或者强调性的语句。比如, 在说明自己的专业是International Cruise Stewarding (国际邮轮乘务专业) 时, 可以适当强调下自己的英语水平, 如紧接着说明I am very skilled in English (我很擅长英语) 。同时, 在介绍自己专业所学课程时, 可以加一句:I think the professional knowledge I have learned will be quite practical in my future work. (我觉得我学的专业知识在以后的工作中会比较实用) 。可做如下回答:

I graduated from Tianjin Maritime College.My major is International Cruise Stewarding.I think the professional knowledge Ihave learned will be quite practical in my future work. (我毕业于学天津海运职业学院, 主修国际邮轮乘务专业。我相信所学的专业知识在未来的工作中比较实用)

又如, 再谈工作经验时, 可能会遇到这样的问题。

e.g.Do you have any work experience?What’s your working experience background?Can you describe your working experience? (你有过工作经验么?你都有哪些工作经验?能否描述一下?)

在回答这一问题时, 你首先要明确面试官试图从你回答中获得什么信息。面试官主要为了了解你在之前工作中的主要工作内容、取得的成就, 从而确定初步形成对你执行力情况以及擅长领域情况的了解。因此, 在回答时, 应着重强调自己所负责的具体工作岗位和主要的职责内容等。可尝试按照如下句型来回答:

e.g.Yes, I have.I had working in company/hotel.My working experience is…



这一问题是面试中应聘者最容易出现问题的部分。面试官在这个环节, 想了解的不仅仅是表面上的这些原因, 更多的是从你的回答中看你对工作的态度, 对公司的了解等等。

e.g.Why did you leave your previous work? (你为什么要放弃先前的工作?)

在回答放弃先前工作原因时, 要在简要表达原因的基础上, 做适当转折, 从自身角度来回答问题, 而非将原因推到原工作单位上。例如, 可以这样回答:I'm desirous to leave my present position so that I'm able to improve my position and have more responsibilities. (我想离开现在的雇主, 是为了能提升和承担更多的责任) 。

而针对Why are you interested in Our company? (为什么你对本公司感兴趣) 的提问, 则要求应聘者必须提前通过报纸、熟人、老师等途径, 获取一些该公司的情况, 包括该公司全称、简称、经验理念、企业文化、社会贡献、主营产品、大事记以及最具特色的广告等。

总之, 伴随国际邮轮业的快速发展, 提升邮轮乘务专业学生的面试能力, 使之掌握一定的面试技巧, 明确面试中应注意的问题, 对于人才培养以及大学生就业均具有重要意义。对国际邮轮乘务专业人才而言, 进入国际邮轮业的第一道门槛便是面试。因此, 熟悉国际邮轮面试的常见问题及注意事项, 掌握一定的面试技巧, 是每一位求职者必须掌握的一项基本技能。


[1]陈晓鹏.国际邮轮与乘务[M].长沙:湖南大学出版社, 2013.

[2]杨萃先.谁也学不会500强英语面试[J].英语沙龙 (实战版) , 2013 (1) :42-43.

外贸面试常见面试英语问题 篇3


一 邮轮业发展现状及人才的需求矛盾分析






二 国际邮轮英语面试的常见问题及面试技巧


1 国际邮轮英语面试的基本流程


2 面试官提问的主要动机





1 自我介绍问答及面试技巧


e.g.Could you introduce yourself? Can you say something about yourself in English? (能自我介绍一下吗?请用英语做一下自我介绍。)


Yes, I could. My name is Li Ming.I am 24 years old .I graduated from Tianjin Maritime College. My major is International Cruise Stewarding.(我叫李明,今年24岁,毕业于学天津海运职业学院,学的是国际邮轮乘务专业.)

2 关于受教育情况及工作经验的提问及面试技巧


e.g.Now tell me something about your professional education.(请告诉我你所受专业教育的情况。)

回答这一问题时,首先明确自己要回答什么,切记毫无重点的堆砌一些句子。可以适当加一些转折或者强调性的语句。比如,在说明自己的专业是International Cruise Stewarding(国际邮轮乘务专业)时,可以适当强调下自己的英语水平,如紧接着说明I am very skilled in English(我很擅长英语)。同时,在介绍自己专业所学课程时,可以加一句:I think the professional knowledge I have learned will be quite practical in my future work. (我觉得我学的专业知识在以后的工作中会比较实用)。可做如下回答:

I graduated from Tianjin Maritime College. My major is International Cruise Stewarding. I think the professional knowledge I have learned will be quite practical in my future work. (我毕业于学天津海运职业学院,主修国际邮轮乘务专业。我相信所学的专业知识在未来的工作中比较实用)


e.g.Do you have any work experience? Whats your working experience background? Can you describe your working experience? (你有过工作经验么?你都有哪些工作经验?能否描述一下?)


e.g. Yes, I have. I had working in company / hotel .My working experience is…

我有工作经验。我曾在 公司 / 酒店工作。我的职责是……。



e.g. Why did you leave your previous work? (你为什么要放弃先前的工作? )

在回答放弃先前工作原因时,要在简要表达原因的基础上,做适当转折,从自身角度来回答问题,而非将原因推到原工作单位上。例如,可以这样回答:I'm desirous to leave my present position so that I'm able to improve my position and have more responsibilities. (我想离开现在的雇主,是为了能提升和承担更多的责任)。

而针对Why are you interested in Our company? (为什么你对本公司感兴趣)的提问,则要求应聘者必须提前通过报纸、熟人、老师等途径,获取一些该公司的情况,包括该公司全称、简称、经验理念、企业文化、社会贡献、主营产品、大事记以及最具特色的广告等。





英语面试常见问题 篇4








外企面试英语常见问题 篇5

You don’t need to explain everything from birth to present day. Relevant facts about education, your career and your current life situation are fine.

2. Why are you looking (or why did you leave you last job)?

This should be a straightforward question to answer, but it can trip you up. Presumably you are looking for a new job (or any job) because you want to advance your career and get a position that allows you to grow as a person and an employee. It’s not a good idea to mention money here, it can make you sound mercenary. And if you are in the unfortunate situation of having been downsized, stay positive and be a***rief as pos***le about it. If you were fired, you’ll need a good explanation. But once again, stay positive.

3. Tell me what you know about this company.

Do your homework before you go to any interview. Whether it’***eing the VP of marketing or the mailroom clerk, you should know about the company or business you’re going to work for. Has this company been in the news lately? Who are the people in the company you should know about? Do the background work, it will make you stand out as someone who comes prepared, and is genuinely interested in the company and the job.

4. Why do you want to work at X Company?

This should be directly related to the last question. Any research you’ve done on the company should have led you to the conclusion that you’d want to work there. After all, you’re at the interview, right? Put some thought into this answer before you have your interview, mention your career goals and highlight forward-thinking goals and career plans.

5. What relevant experience do you have?

Hopefully if you’re applying for this position you have bags of related experience, and if that’s the case you should mention it all. But if you’re switching careers or trying something a little different, your experience may initially not look like it’s matching up. That’s when you need a little honest creativity to match the experiences required with the ones you have. People skills are people skills after all, you just need to show how customer service skills can apply to internal management positions, and so on.

6. If your previous co-workers were here, what would they say about you?

Ok, this is not the time for full disclosure. If some people from your past are going to say you’re a boring A-hole, you don’t need to bring that up. Stay positive, always, and maybe have a few specific quotes in mind. “They’d say I was a hard worker” or even better “John Doe has always said I was the most reliable, creative problem-solver he’d ever met.”

7. Have you done anything to further your experience?

This could include anything from night classes to hobbies and sports. If it’s related, it’s worth mentioning. Obviously anything to do with further education is great, but maybe you’re spending time on a home improvement project to work on skills such as self-sufficiency, time management and motivation.

8. Where else have you applied?

This is a good way to hint that you’re in demand, without sounding like you’re whoring yourself all over town. So, be honest and mention a few other companie***ut don’t go into detail. The fact that you’re seriously looking and keeping your options open is what the interviewer is driving at.

9. How are you when you’re working under pressure?

Once again, there are a few ways to answer thi***ut they should all be positive. You may work well under pressure, you may thrive under pressure, and you may actually PREFER working under pressure. If you say you crumble like aged blue cheese, this is not going to help you get your foot in the door.

10. What motivates you to do a good job?

The answer to this one is not money, even if it is. You should be motivated by life’s noble pursuits. You want recognition for a job well done. You want to become better at your job. You want to help others or be a leader in your field.

11. What’s your greatest strength?

This is your chance to shine. You’re being asked to explain why you are a great employee, so don’t hold back and stay do stay positive. You could be someone who thrives under pressure, a great motivator, an amazing problem solver or someone with extraordinary attention to detail. If your greatest strength, however, is to drink anyone under the table or get a top score on Mario Kart, keep it to yourself. The interviewer is looking for work-related strengths.

12. What’s your biggest weakness?

If you’re completely honest, you may be kicking yourself in the butt. If you say you don’t have one, you’re obviously lying. This is a horrible question and one that politicians have become masters at answering. They say things like “I’m perhaps too committed to my work and don’t spend enough time with my family.” Oh, there’s a fireable offense. I’ve even heard “I think I’m too good at my job, it can often make people jealous.” Please, let’s keep our feet on the ground. If you’re asked this question, give a small, work-related flaw that you’re working hard to improve. Example: “I’ve been told I occasionally focus on details and miss the bigger picture, so I’ve been spending time laying out the complete project every day to see my overall progress.”

13. Let’s talk about salary. What are you looking for?

雅思面试英语常见问题 篇6

1. Tell me about yourself?


2. What are your greatest strengths?


3. What are your greatest weakness?


4. Why did you quit your last job?


5. Why do you want to work here?


6. What do co-workers say about you?


7. Would you be willing to relocate if required?


8. What do you know about us?


9. What kind of salary are you looking for?


10.What were you earning at your last job?


11. What have you learned from mistakes on the job?


12. Why should we hire you?


13. What Is Your Dream Job?


14. What are you looking for in a job?


15. Are you willing to work overtime?


16. What experience do you have in this field?


17. Do you consider yourself successful?


18. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?


19. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

19. 你的五年工作规划是什么?

20. Are you a team player?


21. What motivates you to do your best on the job?


22. What is your philosophy towards work?


23. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure?


24. Have you ever been asked to leave a position?


25. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?


26. Tell me about a suggestion you have made?


27. Why do you think you would do well at this job?


28. What irritates you about co-workers?


29. What is more important to you: the money or the work?


30. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?


31. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?


32. What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?


33. Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor?


34. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?


35. Explain what has disappointed you most about a previous job?


36. Have you ever had to fire anyone?


37. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?


38. How would you know you were successful on this job?


39. Are you applying for other jobs?


40. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?


41. Describe your management style?


42. Do you know anyone who works for us?


43. Do you have any blind spots?


44. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?


45. Do you think you are overqualified for this position?


46. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?


47. What qualities do you look for in a boss?


48. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.


49. What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?


50. What has been your biggest professional disappointment?

50. 你职业生涯中最失望的事情是什么?

51. Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job?


52. What do you do to keep learning and developing your skills in this area?


53. Can you give an example of something you have learned on your own that has helped you in your professional life?


54. What positive things would your co-workers say about you?


55. What negative things would your co-workers say about you?


56. How you helped your team or a team member to achieve a specific goal?


57. Describe a major change that happened in a previous job. How did you deal with this situation?


58. Tell me about a situation in which you had to adapt to changes that you had no control over.


59. Tell us about a suggestion you made that led to improvements in your company.


60. Can you tell me about the last time you took initiative at work? What did you do?


61. Describe a situation in which you were able to meet a tight deadline on time. How did you prioritize your tasks and schedule?


62. Can you describe a goal that you have achieved? What steps did you take?


63. How do you deal with risk? Can you describe a work situation in which you had to deal with a high level of risk?


64. Can you tell me about a time when you were able to complete a task or project successfully without supervision or support?


65. What were some challenges you faced on your last job? How did you handle these challenges?


66. Have you ever felt your supervisor or team leader was not providing enough support on a project? How did you handle this situation?


67. Can you give an example from your work experience that shows your analytical abilities?


68. Can you describe a time when you had to be able to develop a working relationship quickly with someone?


69. What are the most important factors in building successful business relationships?


70. Describe a situation in which you had to deal with a complex workplace politics.


71. Describe the steps you have taken to make an important decision at work.


72. Can you give an example of a situation in which you made a decision which did not turn out well?


73. Have you ever had trouble leading a project or team? How did you deal with this situation?


74. How do you manage your team?


75. Describe your work ethic?


外贸面试常见面试英语问题 篇7

销售技能(Sales Skills)


1.Sell me this pencil. (考察应聘者了解客户需求的能力和现场推销能力)


参考回答:This pencil can benefit you by allowing you to easily correct errors, write quick, neat notes, and keep your shirts from getting ruined from leakage (渗漏). It is also the least expensive investment, and it is lightweight as well. Besides, you can have your name embossed (雕饰) on it for promotional purposes.

2.How do you make a sales presentation? (考察应聘者的销售演讲能力)


参考回答:First, I will prepare the structure of my presentation carefully and logically by identifying the objective and main points of the presentation. Then, I will try to find out how much or how little the audience knows about the subject, and what they expect from the talk. After that, I will prepare a well-designed PPT for the talk. Finally, during the presentation I will speak clearly, maintain eye contact with the audience, and try to make the presentation interesting by changing my speaking speed and pitch of voice (音调).

3.What techniques are most successful in handling objections? (考察应聘者应对客户拒绝的能力)


参考回答:First of all, I view an objection from a customer as an opportunity to engage in a conversation about something the customer is interested in. About the specific techniques in handling an objection, they may include: listening to and acknowledging the customer’s concern; asking questions to clarify things and ensuring you have got to the real objection; empathizing (移情) with the objection; putting forward a proposal to overcome the concern; confirming that you have addressed the concern.

4.What do you consider are the key skills in closing a sale? (考察应聘者的销售成交能力)


参考回答:The common skills in closing a sale include: overcoming the client’s objections by addressing his or her concerns; recognizing buying signals both verbal (言语的) and nonverbal (非言语的); allowing the client the appropriate time and silence to respond to the close; getting it documented as soon as possible once the client agrees to buy; having some friendly talk and giving some useful information to the client like new products or new plans of introducing new product lines; fixing the next appointment time and date.

在实际面试过程中,以上问题也可能会以行为面试问题(behavior interview questions)的形式出现,例如:关于销售演讲方面的问题(Describe the sales presentation you made last time.); 关于遭遇客户拒绝时的应对能力问题(Tell me about a time when you successfully handled rejections from a client.);关于销售成交能力的问题(Give me an example of a recent difficult sale and how you closed the deal.)。这三种行为面试问题同样也可以参考上文所述的应答思路进行回答。

除了上述列举的四类问题外,关于销售技能的面试问题还有可能涉及应聘者对销售过程的理解(What is a typical selling process?)、对销售总体技巧的理解(What do you think are the most important skills in succeeding in sales?)、对销售态度的理解(What do you like and dislike about the sales process?/What aspect of sales do you find the most rewarding?/How do you keep yourself motivated?)、应聘者的谈判能力(Describe a recent situation where you negotiated terms with a tough customer./Tell me about an important negotiation that failed. What went wrong and why?)、应聘者的说服力(Give an example of when you had to overcome strong resistance from a customer and persuade the customer to buy your product.)、应聘者在销售方面的弱点(What is your biggest difficulty in selling?)等。应聘者在参加销售面试前应充分准备好这些问题的应答思路。

销售目标与业绩(Sales Targets and Performance)






☆How do you set your sales targets?

☆ What was the size of the territory you covered in your last job and what was the sales volume?

☆How have your sales figures compared to your peers?

☆ Did you meet the goals set by your sales manager during the previous year?

新客户开发能力(New Client Development Skills)

开发新客户是销售工作永恒的主题,销售人员一定要时时刻刻努力寻找潜在的客户。因此,在销售面试中通常少不了关于新客户开发的问题。在回答这类问题前,应聘者应了解开发新客户的常见方式,通常包括以下几种:①通过参加老乡会、同学会、战友会,加入企业家协会,或参加培训课程等方式结识潜在客户;②让现有客户帮助介绍新客户;③参加各种展览会、信息交流会、信息发布会、订货会、技术交流会等,从中开发新客户;④通过查阅各种资料寻找新客户,包括电话簿、专业书报、杂志、当地报纸、各类广告等;⑤把产品或服务信息发到网上,吸引新客户;⑥通过打推销电话(cold calls)寻找新客户;⑦通过群发邮件开发新客户;⑧上门拜访潜在客户并推销产品。


☆What methods do you use to get prospects (潜在客户)?

☆ What is your best source of new accounts (客户)?

☆ Do you like cold calling?

☆ Do you use networking to get clients?

☆How much of your time is spent in serving old accounts versus generating new ones?

☆ How many new accounts did you get last year?

☆ Tell me how you developed your largest account.

☆ Tell me about a recent sale that you failed to get.

☆ What difficulties do you think you would experience if you had to establish a new territory?

客户维护能力(Client Retention Skills)


☆What do you think are the most effective ways of retaining clients?

☆How do you entertain clients?

☆How many appointments did you have in a typical week?

☆ How much time do you spend directly with a customer on an average day?

☆ Tell me about a time when a customer was dissatisfied and how you dealt with him or her.

☆Tell me about the most difficult customer you have ever handled.
