八年级上英语作文范文 篇1
最重要的就是教学技巧要灵活,教学要扎实。课程改革的成败关键在于教师,,真实再现于课堂并创造新的环境,如教八How do you get to school? 时,情境有要求学生按不并且则会学生在学习的过程中教师为了更好的把握重难从同学们的错
并且让同学们自己造句这样可以培养新课改提倡交流与、要教好每一个学生,是因为曾经对话的过程中,学生用英语进行讨论,教师是课程改革的实施者。“上学乘坐何种交通工具”英语表达能力和胆量。如师生早晚问好、道谢、道别等,学生已经习惯用Ok Yeah Mr Hello、Good morning、thank you、You are welcome、See you、Goodbye„„与我交流。这样就无形中发展学生运用英语交际能力,培养他们创新灵活运用英语的习惯。
仅停留在创设教学情境上是不够的。,注意对学生的学习行为和学习结果、,让他们感到有成就感。叫他们到黑板上写有把握的句子;这样差生开口的习惯慢慢就养成了。,经常和学生一起反思学习过程中的不足作为矛盾双方的教师和学生如何和谐融洽师生关系,如果他们对某个老师有好感,这样,师生才能关系和谐,,让学生消除对英语学习的恐惧感,使自己能听见自己的声音差生由于羞怯心理往往怕开口,如果他们不喜欢某一位老师,所以,教师要深入学生,感情融洽,反应等做出客观、,当他们取得一点朗读事先已读过多遍very good”,他们往往因一学期下来,和学生打成一片,兴趣盎然地进行学习。我将努力学习,,只有对英不仅会影响英教师首先要具,渐渐做到流我尽量将难差生的参与,并加以改对
八年级上英语作文范文 篇2
(一) 教学内容分析
本堂课授课内容为Lao She Teahouse, 课型为阅读引领下的写作课。文章主要介绍了作家老舍的生平、作品、作品的影响以及人们对他的评价。学生在学习过程中能够掌握介绍作家或作品的词汇和表达。
(二) 学情分析
内蒙古第一中学八年级学生英语基础比较扎实, 英语水平较高。因此, 笔者在课堂上不必花费太多时间在基础知识的讲授上, 而可以将更多的时间和精力用于分析文章结构、引导学生构思如何介绍一部电影或话剧。
(三) 设计思路
第一步, 课堂以Free Talk开始, 通过师生之间的Free Talk自然地引入本课话题———北京和老舍茶馆。对老舍茶馆进行介绍, 让学生感受现实生活中老舍茶馆的魅力。
第二步, 笔者提问:“为什么不叫其他名字而偏偏叫‘老舍’?”从而引出作家———老舍, 进而介绍老舍及其生平。
第三步, 介绍老舍最著名的话剧作品——《茶馆》。
第四步, 带领学生分析《茶馆》的文章结构, 引导学生进行介绍电影或作品简介的写作。
本堂课笔者计划采取任务型教学模式进行教学, 教学辅助工具为互联网与多媒体。教学目的在于引导学生通过阅读文本理解进行描述电影、话剧的写作, 同时, 将英文与中国经典话剧相结合, 带给学生中西文化相结合的体验。
《新课程标准》规定基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力, 而这种综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的整体发展基础上的, 根据本课教学内容和学生知识结构及认知特点, 本单元的教学目标确定为:
(一) 语言知识目标
立足语言实践活动, 在完成任务的过程中掌握谈论作者及作品的词汇和语言结构。通过讲解和举例使学生掌握重点词句的词法与句法, 从而促使学生学会正确使用词汇和句式结构介绍文学作品的主要内容及其作者生平。
(二) 语言技能目标
1. 通过适当的听力、阅读及写作活动获得谈论作者及其作品的词汇和相关表达。
2. 开展各种任务活动, 使学生具备较熟练地运用所学语言谈论作者及其作品的能力。
3. 通过提炼文章结构, 层层递进式地引导学生对一部文学作品或一部电影进行基本要素的介绍和深层次意义的剖析与表达。
(三) 情感目标
老舍的《茶馆》是我国话剧剧本的代表作之一, 本堂课意在让学生了解该部作品背后的深意, 让学生明白中国社会发展的过程, 让学生把握作品中主要人物的性格特点, 感受人性中的美好品格。同时利用写作结构过渡到美国电影《功夫熊猫》 (Kung Fu Panda) 的介绍, 从而通过中西方文化特点的结合引导学生注重中国传统文化的传承。
1.Pre-reading:Free talk
利用老舍茶馆门口的节目公告牌导入文章的第三段, 通过问答的形式, 促使学生找到当今茶馆里的活动和饮食文化。学生通过选择小标题确定本段的中心思想。
A.Listen to the life of Laoshe and match his experience with year.
听录音, 使学生了解老舍生平, 将其生平重大事件按照时间轴进行排序。通过复述文章, 了解作者的教育背景及其人生经历。导出老舍最著名作品——《茶馆》, 并设置问题:Who is Lao She?What kind of works did he write?What are his works about?What is he named for?将文本信息补充完整, 进一步为后文关于《茶馆》的教学做好铺垫。
B.Read the paragraph and play kahoot to answer the question.
学生精读第一段, 利用i Pad和互联网的kahoot软件设置问题。学生通过软件即时回答问题, 屏幕即时显示出正确答案和各组排名。
C.Read the paragraph about Teahouse and answer the question according to the underlined information.
根据文章中重点信息的画线标注, 回顾问题的设置, 罗列how many, whose, when, who, where, why等要点。
3.Post-reading (writing)
A.Presenting the three-paragraph structure of introducing a movie or play.
第二段———细节Details—who, when, where, what, how
播放电影《功夫熊猫》片段, 引导学生利用给出的作文结构介绍《功夫熊猫》。同时拓展语料:
Kung Fu Panda is an American action movie which takes Kung fu as the theme/with the subject/topic of Kung fu.
What:a movie about a panda who wants to be a Kung fu master/protect the valley/achieve his dream
Who:Po, a gaint panda
When:in the past, long time ago, once upon a time
Where:in Peace Valley in China
How:by keeping learning/practicing a lot/holding on to his dream
布置任务, 学生现场写作。
B.Giving students useful expressions
重点拓展对文学作品和影视作品的评论。影评从各个不同的角度, 如人物、情节、对白、画面和含义等给出充分的语料, 让学生现场写作。重点突出作品的意义在于表达和传承中国传统美德——勇敢、善良、坚持和付出。
Characters:easygoing, playful, active
Plots:exciting, attractive, full of ups and downs
Dialogues:funny, classic, interesting
Pictures:fantastic, amazing, fascinating
Meaning:It shows/spreads/carries forward bravery/kindness/perseverance/contribution
by combing Chinese and western cultures
C.Practice writing
将三段内容进行整合, 并与全班同学分享。教师及时给予指导和改正。
学生自选一部电影或根据教师提供的电影, 对其进行简要的文字介绍。同时教师给出作文的评价标准:结构、内容、语法和书写。
笔者的这堂课跳出了传统教学模式, 结合具体的学情, 大胆创新。其亮点主要体现在以下四个方面:
第一, 整篇课文采用倒叙的形式层层递进, 重点突出。
第二, 由“教学生学”转变为“引导学生学”。通过任务链的设置引导学生积极主动参与学习, 课堂层次分明, 氛围活跃, 学生参与度高。
第三, 紧跟时代步伐, 运用互联网技术, 丰富课堂形式, 激发了学生的学习兴趣。kahoot这一软件的应用既让阅读教学变得高效, 又将学生快速吸引到教学活动中来。
第四, 将输入与输出紧密结合, 成功地将由读到写的过渡做得自然流畅。学生在内化已学知识后进行输出展示, 其学习的主体性地位在课堂上得到了充分体现。
同时, 本堂课还存在一些不足, 例如, 作文拓展梯度高, 以至于基础相对较差的学生不能当堂消化, 需课后进一步梳理加工。改进措施:将作文结构清晰地印在作文纸上, 帮助部分学生完成写作。
孟中华老师以《茶馆》这篇课文为依托, 为我们呈现了一堂生动、形象的读写课, 可谓是我心中的理想课堂!
孟老师打破传统教学思路, 重新规划教材顺序, 采用倒叙的授课模式, 先讲在茶馆能做的事情, 再以为什么茶馆以“老舍”命名, 引出老舍及其生平, 运用音频进行引导与分析。最后以老舍的《茶馆》简介为范文, 运用“互联网+技术”Kahoot带领学生分析出课文结构, 总结写作框架, 并在每部分框架下给出基础以及进阶表达。以电影《功夫熊猫》为素材, 引导学生运用所学框架, 完成《功夫熊猫》影评并及时进行写作评价。
总体来说, 孟老师的课环节紧凑, 由浅入深, 把听力、阅读和写作近乎完美地结合在一起, 在兼顾学生英语基础知识之上又有所拔高, 有所深化, 有所创新!值得一提的是, 孟老师作为青年教师, 紧跟时代步伐, 把互联网技术巧妙地应用到课堂教学中, 不仅丰富了教学形态, 更激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。尽管此次教学大赛中孟老师第一次与学生配合, 但师生之间十分默契, 让我误以为学生和老师之前就认识或之前有所准备!作为年轻教师, 孟老师能够如此深入地剖析教材, 根据自己的见解巧妙地重置教材顺序, 在课堂上循序渐进, 一步步递进式引导学生, 最终完成影评的写作并给出中肯的评价, 实属难得!
八年级上英语作文范文 篇3
A)单项选择 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案填空。(共15小题,每小题1分)
( )1. —Would you like _____ apple juice?
—Yes, but just _____.
A. any; a littleB. any; little
C. some; a little
( )2. —_____ is it from here to the store?
—Not very far. It’s 15 minutes’ ride.
A. How longB. How far
C. How much
( )3. Tom never depends _____ his parents. He likes to do everything _____ himself.
A. with; onB. on; by
C. in; by
( )4. —Can you go to the mall with me this Sunday?
—Sure, ______.
A. I’d love toB. I can’t
C. no
( )5. I have six brothers and sisters, so my mum always has _____ housework to do.
A. too manyB. much too
C. too much
( )6. —When was your son born?
—He was born _____ the morning _____ May 11th.
A. on; ofB. in; onC. on; on
( )7. It’s important _____ students to sleep eight hours every day.
A. for usB. to usC. to our
( )8. Here are the apples and bananas. Cut _____ and put _____ the blender.
A. up them; them into
B. them up; into them
C. them up; them into
( )9. —What’s your new year’s resolution?
—Well, I am going to ____ next year and save some money, because I want to buy a bike with the money.A. get a part-time job
B. learn to play an instrument
C. get a lot of exercise
( )10. —Would you like some ice cream?
—No, thanks. I can’t have _____. I have a stomachache.
A. something cold
B. cold something
C. anything cold
( )11. —Could you tell me how to make a turkey sandwich?
—Sure. First, put _____ on the bread, then put some mayonnaise on it. Now the great turkey sandwich is ready.
A. two slice of turkey
B. two slices of turkey
C. two turkey
( )12. —I’m tired and stressed out.
—I think you should _____.
A. study hard
B. go to the dentist
C. listen to some light music
( )13. —_____ there any sharks in the aquarium?
—No, we didn’t see any.
A. DidB. HadC. Were
( )14. How long does it _____ you _____ finish your homework every day?
A. takes; forB. take; forC. take; to
( )15. If you want to eat a banana, you have to _____ it first.
A. peelB. pourC. make
B) 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共10小题,每小题1分)
Is food important for us? The answer is YES. If we do not eat 16 , we will feel hungry. If we cannot find food when 17 are hungry, we may feel very 18 . Maybe we can become sick, and then die later. Now we have another problem, if we eat, what kind of food is 19 for us? Is meat better than vegetables and fruits? 20 vegetables and fruits 21 than meat? For some people, it
is very easy to answer these 22 : Vegetables and fruits are surely(一定) better than meat, because they 23 eat meat. For most of us, it is not very easy to decide on 24 is better. Doctors say it is not really important for us to decide on which is better, meat or vegetables and fruits, but it is 25 to take a balanced diet of meat and vegetables and fruits.
( )16. A. waterB. milkC. food
( )17. A. weB. youC. they
( )18. A. calmB. badC. happy
( )19. A. goodB. expensive
C. cheap
( )20. A. AreB. OrC. And
( )21. A. cheaperB. betterC. more expensive
( )22. A. problemB. questionC. questions
( )23. A. alwaysB. usuallyC. never
( )24. A. whichB. whoC. why
( )25. A. interestingB. popularC. important
Ⅱ. 阅读技能(三部分,共15小题,计45分)
A) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断所给句子正(T)误(F)。(共5小题,每小题3分)
A boy named Jack lived in a small village. One morning, his mother sent him to his uncle’s in town. He had a very good time there.
Before Jack left in the evening, his uncle gave him a jar (罐子) and said, “There is some candy in it, you may put your hand into it and take some when you want to eat something.” Jack looked at the jar when he was in the train. It had a long and small neck. He put his hand into the jar and took five pieces. But he could not get his hand out. He turned his hand this way and that way, still he could not get his hand out. He turned his hand again. Finally he let go of four pieces. Then he could pull his hand out of the jar.
( )26. One day Jack’s mother sent him to his mother’s brother’s house.
( )27. The jar with some candy in it had a large neck.
( )28. Jack only stayed in town for a whole day.
( )29. Jack’s hand was so big that he couldn’t get his hand out.
( )30. At last Jack only took one piece of candy at a time.
B) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。(共5小题,每小题3分)
A 50-year-old American officer came back to his school. The teacher asked him to give a talk to the small boys and girls there. The talk was about the love of their great country. All the little children were sitting in the large meeting room. The old officer went up and began to say something. He said, “Boys and girls, I studied in the school forty years ago. But you are happier today than I was. Think about it and answer me a question: Why are you so happy now?”
No sound came from the children. The old man waited for a long time. Then a short boy in the front put up his small dirty hand. “Good boy!Please answer me, dear” said the officer.
The boy stood up and said, “If you speak longer time, we are not going to have math and science lesson this morning.”
( )31. Why did the old officer come back to the school?
A. To listen to a talk.
B. To have lessons.
C. To give a talk.
( )32. How old was the officer when he studied in this school?
A. Fifty.B. Ten.
C. Forty.
( )33. What was the talk about?
A. The sports of their country.
B. The love of their great country.
C. Study.
( )34. What did the short boy do?
A. He didn’t tell the answer to the question.
B. He wanted to make the officer angry.
C. He answered the question.
( )35. What can we know after reading the last part of the story?
A. All the children liked the talk.
B. The short boy didn’t like math and science lessons.
C. The officer was very happy.
C) 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容回答所提问题。(共5小题,每小题3分)
Mr. Smith had two sons. One is seven years old, and the other is five. One morning during the holidays, when he was cleaning the car, his younger son came and asked him for some money for sweets.
“Sweets are bad for your teeth,” Mr. Smith said. “Take these two oranges instead, and give one to your elder(年长的) brother,” One of the oranges is quite a lot bigger than the other one, and as the small boy liked oranges very much, he kept that one for himself, and gave his brother the smaller one.
When the other boy saw that his brother had a much larger orange than his own, he said to him, “It’s selfish (自私的) to take the bigger one for yourself. If father had given me the oranges, I’d have given you the bigger one.”
“I know you would,” answered his brother. “That’s why I took it.”
36. What was Mr. Smith doing one morning?
37. What did his younger son ask for?
38. Did the son get what he wanted?
39. Who got the bigger orange?
40. Why did the elder brother say that his brother was selfish?
Ⅲ. 写作技能(三部分,共11小题,计30分)
A) 完成对话 通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。(共5小题,每小题2分)
A: What’s your favorite sport?
B: I like playing soccer. What 41 you?
A: I love to play football.
B: 42 do you play with?
A: My classmates. And I will have a game this Wednesday afternoon.
B: Can I watch the game? Who will you play
43 ?
A: Of course. We will play against the team from the New College.
B: What 44 will it be?
A: At about 14:30.
B: Good 45 to you and your team. See you then.
A: See you then.
B) 翻译 阅读下面短文,将文中划线部分译成汉语。(共5小题,每小题2分)
Our world is getting smaller and smaller. (46)We can fly around the world in no more than 50 hours. The newest plane can fly at 600 miles an hour. (47)You can have breakfast in Tokyo and supper in Paris.
But hundreds of years ago, (48)it took people a long time to go around the world. Magellan’s men were the first to make that trip. They went by ship and it took them more than two years. (49)On September 30, 1510, he left Spain with five ships and 240 men. He was killed in the Philippines.
More than two years later, on December 21, 1512, (50)only one of the five ships with just 31 men returned to Spain. Magellan’s trip taught us that the world was round and that people could go around the world.
46. 47. 48.
50. C) 作文。(10分)
假设你(Han Mei)参加了学校组织的冬令营(winter camping)。你给你的好朋友Li Ming写了一封e-mail介绍你参加冬令营的情况。要求60词左右。要点如下:
1. 举办冬令营的时间(12月20日)和地点磨山(Mount Mo)。
2. 描述当天的天气(sunny but cold)和穿着。
3. 描述活动:滑冰、拍照、才艺表演,其中制作fruit shake最有趣。
4. 参加活动的好心情和打算(参加明年的冬令营)。
八年级英语上期末作文 篇4
Prepare for the Final Exam
The final exam is around the corner. All students are working hard to prepare for it. So am I. Doing well in final exam is important, because it reflects how much I learn in school. It’s a good way to test it. Besides, the New Year is coming. I could have a happy holiday and New Year if I got high scores. Now, I get up half an hour earlier than before. I need more time to review. At night, I finish my homework and then do some readings of Chinese and English. I must work harder to get high scores in the final exam.
八年级上新人教版各单元英语作文 篇5
The visit to the Great Wall My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much.Last summar, I went to the Great Wall with my family.It was fine that day.We went there by bus early in the morning.When we got there, there were many other visitors there.when my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景).We all were amazed(惊讶的)by how beautiful it was.We took quite a few photos there.We had a good time there.The time flew by, and soon we had to go back.I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall!
Unit2 How often do you exercise? 你的生活和饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My Lifestyle”为题写一篇短文来介绍你的生活饮食习惯。词数:80左右。
My Lifestyle Let me tell you a little about my lifestyle.I often eat fruit and vegetables.Apples and oranges are my favorites.I love junk food, too, and I eat it three or four times a week.I sleep less than seven hours ever day.I often feel sleepy.I brush my teeth once a day.I run in the morning, and play ping-pong after school.In my free time, I enjoy surfing the Internet.On weekends, I often go to the movies with my friends.I think I’m kind of unhealthy.I shouldn’t eat too much junk food.I’ll try to have a balanced diet and sleep more.I should brush my teeth twice a day.I hope I can have a better lifestyle.Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister? 请以“My best friend”为题写一篇介绍你的朋友的短文。短文要运用课文所学的有关句式,把你的朋友和你的长相(包括身高、头发、眼睛等)、体格(包括强壮强度等)、性格(开朗、文静等)、学习情况等方面进行比较。词数80左右。
My best friend My best friend is Li Ming.We are in the same class.He is as old as me, but he is taller and stronger than me.Both of us have black eyes and black hair, but his hair is shorter than mine.As for hobbies, we have something in common in some ways.I like the friends who have the same hobbies with me.Both of us like sports.We often exercises together after school.But he is more outgoing and better at sports than me.Besides, collecting stamps is our same hobby, too.We often exchange our stamps with each other.About the learning, I think I’m a little smarter than him.Most of my subjects are better than his, so I often help him with his study.Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 谈谈你常看或最喜欢看的电视节目或电影,以及你的一些感想。词数:80左右。
My favorite TV program My favorite TV program is Animal World.It’s very interesting and exciting.There I learn a lot kinds of animals.Some people think some animals are dangerous.They may hurt us humans.We can kill them.I can’t stand the idea.Each animal has its reason to live on the earth.They are important for the world.They keep a balance.If somebody breaks it, we humans may not be able to live on the earth.Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.寒假即将来临,请根据以下提示写一篇短文,谈谈你的寒假计划。(1)好好休息和放松;(2)读书,因为读书既能开阔我的视野,还能学到很多知识;(3)陪父母聊天,帮他们做家务;(4)参加社会活动,认识更多的人。
social activities 社会活动
My winter vacation The winter vacation is coming.I’m going to do what I want to do.First, I’m going to have a good rest and relax.I will read some good books.Reading books is useful because it can help me get more knowledge.It can open up my eyes to the world.Next, I’m going to spend more time talking with my parents.I will also try my best to help them do some housework.Then, I’m going to take part in social activities(社会活动)so that I can know more people.What do you think of my vacation? I hope you will have a happy winter vacation.Unit 7 Will people have robots? 以“The life in the future”为题写一篇文章,按下列提示完成。1.想象一下未来生活会是什么样子; 2.具体介绍一下未来的生活:很多事情都由电脑和机器人完成。例如:料理家务、购物、看病,孩子们通过网络把课堂搬到家里,人们可以活到200岁等;
The life in the future What do you think the life in the future will be like? Every family will have computers and robots.Computers will help us know a lot all over the world.Robots will help us do most of the housework.They can help us do some cleaning, cooking or washing.We can do some shopping and see a doctor without going out.Students can study at home on computers.People will live to be 200 years old because of the better medical care.Our life will be better and better.For this, we should study hard.I believe we’ll be able to do this.Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 根据所给材料和提示语,写一篇短文描述怎么制作牛肉三明治。Ingredients:2 pieces of bread;1 spoon of cheese;1 green pepper;1 onion;some mushrooms(蘑菇);2 pieces of beef;2 spoons of relish 要求:80词左右
Do you know to make the beef sandwich? Now, let me tell you.First, put a spoon of cheese on a piece of bread.Then cut up a green pepper and an onion.Add these to the bread.Next, put some mushrooms and 2 pieces of beef on the bread.Put two spoons of relish on the beef.Finally, the other piece of bread on the top.Now you can enjoy it.It’s very delicious.Unit 9 Can you come to my party? 你是Mike,你去Marry 家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你给她留了便条。任务:请你用英语给Marry写一个50词左右的便条。内容包括:
3、如果你来,就打电话给我,我希望你能来。Dear Marry, I’m Mike.Tomorrow is my birthday, I want to invite you to take part in my birthday, can you come tomorrow? The party will begin at half past six in the evening.My parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party.If you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me, I will be happy that you can come.Yours,Mike 你的好友Sonia过生日,你不能去,请写一封e-mail 说明理由,你有什么事要做(至少3件事),不能参加了,但你准备了一份精美的礼物。请注意电子邮件的格式。Dear Sonia, Thanks for your invitation.I’m sorry I can’t come to your party this week.I am really busy.This evening I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party.And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist.On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team.And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday.On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends.Can you come to the movies with us on Friday? Write soon.Yours, Henry
Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.请以“If I have a lot of money”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。
八年级上英语作文范文 篇6
学科 英语 主备
教师 授课
教师 备课
组长 八年级备课组
课题 Grade 8 Unit 10 Section A(1a – 2c) 课型 新授课 第1课时 第 周
目 标 1.熟悉本节课出现的生词短语。
2、“be going to”结构的用法。
重 点
难 点 1.单词及短语:grow,grow up,programmer, engineer, pilot , computer science, professional , act, move
-What are you going to be when you grow up?
-I’m going to be a computer programmer.
-How are you going to do that?
-I’m going to study computer science.
学 法
指 导 1.Role playing ( Pairwork & Groupwork )
2.Reading, listening and speaking
教 学
媒 体 多媒体
1)上钢琴课_________________ 2)上表演课 ____________________
3)学习计算机科学 _________ 4)练习篮球____________
5)练习打篮球_____________ 6)真的努力学习数学____________________
7)长大,成长_____________ 8 )专业的篮球运动员____________
4.听录音,完成2a练习; 听录音,完成2b练习(表格填写)
“be going to”结构的用法。
1、be going to结构表示主观上打算在最近或将来某时药做某事或表示按计划、安排要做的事情,经常与表示将来的时间状语连用,译作“ ”。
2、be going to结构还可以表示根据某种迹象,主观上判断将于发生某事。
3、be going to 后接,其中be要根据主语的不同变换成相应的 。
4、be going to的否定形式应在be动词后加;一般疑问句应将 提到主语前。
5、be going to结构也可以用于there be 句型中,其结构为:
1.I’m going to do a comeputer programmer.
2. He like to practice to speak English with foreign friends.
3.Tom visited his uncle next week.
三、Jim and Mike (work)on a farm tomorrow.
2、-- you (study) French next year?--Yes, we are.
3、There(be) an English film tomorrow.
4、I (read)a book now. I (help) him this afternoon.
5、Tom (not watch) the football match tomorrow。
八年级上英语作文范文 篇7
我家的台阶父亲觉得太低。但是, 这三级台阶也是年轻时的父亲勤劳的结果。“我们家的台阶有三级, 用三块青石板铺成”。每块大约有三百来斤重, 这可是一块一块“由父亲从山上背下来”的, 而且是“一口气背到家”的。“父亲”的力气可真大, 这样节省了石料钱。力气大而且勤劳, 父亲建成了自己的第一个家。父亲的个子高, 力气又大, 长年累月地在地里劳作, 但毫无怨言。
父亲的勤劳还可以从那双脚上看出来。“他的脚板宽大, 裂着许多干沟, 沟里嵌着沙子和泥土。父亲的这双脚是洗不干净的, 他一般都去凼里洗, 拖着一双湿了的草鞋唿嗒唿嗒地走回来”。父亲的脚, 要过年才在家里用板刷刷洗一次, 而这次, “我为他倒水, 倒出的是一盆泥浆, 木盆底上还积了一层沙”。有这样一双脚的“父亲”, 是农民的本色, 是农民的骄傲, 这是一双多么勤劳的脚啊。和那些笼在袜子里鞋里的细皮嫩肉的, 还要去“洗脚城”享受一番的脚相比, 父亲的脚, 可以说是“铁脚”, 踏踏实实地生长在泥土之中。
父亲的每一年, 都在勤劳中度过。“于是, 一年中他七个月种田, 四个月去山里砍柴, 半个月在溪滩上捡屋基卵石, 剩下半个月用来过年、编草鞋”。哪一天闲得了?
父亲十分勤劳, 也非常节俭。这是中国广大农民的本色, 更是一种优秀的品质。“只是那一来一去的许多山路, 磨破了他一双麻筋草鞋, 父亲感到太可惜”。一双草鞋, 现在还有多少人看重?尤其是那些几千块钱一双的名牌鞋子, 买来没穿几天就因不够时髦而丢弃的“大款”, 不知作何感想。当然, 经济发达了, 条件好了享受一下是可以的, 但浪费永远是一种可耻的行为。
父亲要建新屋, 这是一个长久的打算。“他今天从地里捡回一块砖, 明天可能捡进一片瓦, 再就是往一个黑瓦罐里塞角票”。终于“门口空地上鹅卵石堆得小山高”。一块砖、一片瓦、一张角票、一块石头, 在今天有几许人看中了?除了像“父亲”这样节俭的农民。“勤俭持家, 家大业大”, 这是农民的信念、追求、希望。舍不得乱花一分钱, 舍不得穿一件新衣服, 舍不得穿一双新鞋, 这就是“父亲”样的农民啊。“破草鞋堆得超过了台阶”, 这应该是作为燃料, 物尽其用了。
“我们家的台阶低!”父亲“像是自言自语地感叹”, 而其不知道说了多少遍。其实, 父亲也需要尊重。就算他“老实厚道低眉顺眼”, “没人说过他有地位”, 他也有自己的人格。农民, 中国的农民, 没有社会地位, 但不能没有人格。愚昧也好, 落后也行, 就是不能丢了自己的人格。中国人口十几亿, 多的就是农民。每个农民都能在人格上进行自我塑造, 在潜意识里提高自己的地位, 那么, 中国人的脊梁一定会挺得更直。
的确, “家乡地势低, 屋基做高些, 不太容易进水”。这是实用一说。“另外还有一说, 台阶高, 屋主人的地位就相应高”。为了这个目标, 父亲付出了大半辈子的辛劳。“终于, 屋顶的最后一片瓦也盖上了”。“新台阶砌好, 九级, 正好比老台阶高出两倍”。“他坐在最高的一级上”。这时, 我们不妨揣摩一下“父亲”的心理:在不大自然之中, 难道就没有一点儿骄傲自豪吗?老实厚道的“父亲”, 不懂得炫耀, 但他的内心应该是有一丝满足的。别人尊重与否, 姑且不论, 但自己尊重自己总行吧。父亲一生的奋斗, 就是要赢得尊重。
父亲辛辛苦苦勤劳节俭了大半生, 积铢累寸, 终于造起了有九级台阶的新屋。一个普通农民的心愿实现了, 心头的喜悦自是难以言说。但是, 新屋落成了, 有了九级台阶了, 人却衰老了, 身体也垮了。
年轻时, 背三百来斤的青石板, 能从山上一口气背回家。但在撬老屋门口那三块青石板时, “我亲眼看到父亲在用手去托青石板时腰闪了一下”。是呀, 自然法则, 岁月不饶人, 当年的壮小伙子, 而今成了力不从心的老人了。“有一天, 父亲挑了一担水回来”, 在上台阶时, 父亲的腰又闪了。虽经母亲的土方医治, 但父亲毕竟老了, 再不敢让他担水了。“父亲闲着没什么事干, 又觉得很烦躁”。连在自己骄傲的青石台阶上坐坐, 也“似乎失去了这个兴趣”。也不愿找人聊天了, “偶尔出去一趟, 回来时, 一副若有所思的模样”。的确, 父亲的心情是沉重的。有时, 自己的目标实现了后, 就会陷入一种迷惘之中。而父亲呢?怎么了?那极短的头发, 像“刚收割过的庄稼茬, 高低不齐, 灰白而失去了生机”。
八年级上英语作文范文 篇8
( )1. Where did Tina go on vacation? A. Have a good trip!
( )2. How was your vacation? B. Yes, nice to see you.
( )3. I am going to Sanya on vacation. C. Hong Kong.
( )4. Did you do anything special last week?D. No, I didnt.
( )5. Hi, Sara. Long time no see. E. It was wonderful.
1. Can you see a dog ________ (躺) on the ground in front of the house?
2. Many big animals walk with four ________. (脚)
3. The boy ________ (敲打) the ball so hard that it broke (碎了).
4. Will your mother go on a vacation ________? (她自己)
5. You may have a ________ (胃痛) if you drink too much cold water.
1. There are more and more p________ getting on the bus.
2. The old man got o________ the train with the help of a young man.
3. Whats the m________ with the cat over there?
4. Giraffe has the longest n________ of all the animals on land.
5. The driver saw a man standing by the s________ of the road.
6. After two hours hard work, they stopped to take a b________.
7. It seems that you have a fever. Let me take your t________.
8. Eating too much sugar is bad for your t________.
9. Youd better not sit before the computer too long w________ moving.
10. Dont trouble trouble until trouble t________ you.
( )1. —Did you have a good time on your vacation?
—Not really. We didnt get to the top of the mountain ________ the bad weather.
A. so B. because of C. because D. but
( )2. —Are there any oranges in the bag? —Yes. But only ________.
A. few B. a little C. a few D. little
( )3. My sister is thirteen years old. She can look after ________.
A. she B. her C. hers D. herself
( )4. The book is quite ________. I feel ________.
A. boring; boring B. bored; boring C. boring; bored D. bored; bored
( )5. —Dad, may I have a car on my fifteenth birthday?
—Sorry, son. You arent ________ to drive a car.
A. old enough B. enough old C. young enough D. enough young
( )6. Tom, your father is waiting ________ you at the school gate.
A. for B. at C. with D. as
( )7. —Are you good at swimming?
—Sure. When I swim in the river, I ________ Im a fish.
A. look like B. sound like C. feel like D. am like
( )8. —What about ________ a rest? —OK!Lets go for a walk.endprint
A. having B. to have C. have D. had
( )9. —Will you go to the beach for vacation?
—But I ________ if the weather is fine on that day.
A. hope B. need C. enjoy D. wonder
( )10. —Miss Liu is a very good teacher, do you think so?
—Yes, and do you know she made a big ________ to my life?
A. cake B. weather C. difference D. building
A: How was your day off, Tina?
B: Oh, it was 1.________.
A: Really? What happened?
B: Well, we went camping and the 2.________ was awful. It rained and rained all day long.
A: Oh, that 3.________ bad.
B: Ugh!So at last, we had to go for a trip in big caves (山洞). It was really 4.________.
A: Sounds terrible, Tina.
B: How about your day off, Tony?
A: It was terrible too!I studied very 5.________ for my math exam on Saturday, and helped my mom and dad clean the yard the next day.
B: Youre really a good boy!
It was Marys birthday. She got a letter from her uncle. “Dear Mary,” he wrote in the letter, “Happy birthday!Im sending you some chickens. They will arrive tomorrow. I hope youll like them. Uncle Toby.”
Mary was very glad. She liked eating eggs and chicken. “I can keep the chickens for their eggs or eat them.” she thought.
When the chickens arrived the next day, they were put in a box. Mary was very happy. She took the box from the truck (卡车) and began to carry them into her garden, but the box of chickens was so heavy that she dropped (扔) it.
The box fell on the ground and broke. The chickens all ran out. They ran here and there. Mary spent hours trying to find them.
A few days later her uncle came. He asked, “Did the chickens arrive safely (安全地)?”
“Yes, but I dropped the box. It broke open and the chickens ran everywhere. It took me the whole morning to look for them.” Mary said.
“Did you find them all?” asked her uncle. “I hope so,” Mary answered, “but I only caught eleven of them.”
“Thats very interesting. I only sent you six.” her uncle said with a smile.
( )1. Mary _______ on her birthday.
A. had a party B. got a letter from her uncle
C. had a big dinner D. got some toys
( )2. The chickens that her uncle sent them _______.
A. were cooked B. came by truck C. were very expensive D. all flew away ( )3. Why did Mary drop the box?
A. Because she didnt like the present.endprint
B. Because the box was too heavy.
C. Because she wanted to break the box.
D. Because she couldnt wait to look at her present.
( )4. What did Mary do after she dropped the box?
A. She didnt know what to do. B. She called her uncle.
C. She looked for chickens everywhere. D. She bought some other chickens.
( )5. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A. Mary only got some chickens for her birthday.
B. The chickens arrived on her birthday.
C. Marys uncle forgot how many chickens he had sent.
D. Mary spent a long time looking for the chickens.
( )1. There is ________ with my computer. Can you help me mend it?
A. nothing wrong B. anything wrong
C. something wrong D. wrong something
( )2. —Steven, can you help me buy some meat?
—________, I like shopping.
A. Thats right B. Its right C. Of course D. Youre welcome
( )3. —I am ________. May I have something to eat?
—OK. Here is some bread.
A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. sleepy
( )4. —How about you?
—I ________ very tired after running.
A. felt B. tasted C. smelt D. sounded
( )5. —How was your English study in the ________ week?
—I really worked hard at it and Im doing better at it now.
A. next B. past C. near D. far
( )6. —We can see many ________ in this mountain village.
—The children also have their new school.
A. friends B. places C. buildings D. people
( )7. —Must I stay at home today, Mum?
—Yes, you have to. You see, it is raining so ________ outside.
A. hard B. hardly C. quick D. quickly
( )8. —Did you do anything interesting last weekend?
—Sure. I visited many places and ________ western food.
A. tried B. found C. decided D. liked
( )9. —Will we finish the work soon?
—No, we have to work for ________ two hours.
A. another B. other C. others D. the other
( )10. —When did Rick ________ school this morning?
—At about eight.
A. get at B. get in C. arrive in D. arrive at
John is a famous writer now. But he said that he was not a 1 student when he was young. He was often late for 2 and didnt like doing his homework. Sometimes, he 3 in class while the teacher was teaching. He didnt understand (明白,懂得) much, but he always thought he understood 4 . One day the teacher 5 the students a question, “When Jack was ten years old, his brother Bob was twenty. Jack is fifteen now and 6 is his brother Bob?” John said, “Thats easy. Bob is twice (两倍) as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.”endprint
7 time, the teacher in a science class asked, “When it thunders (打雷), 8 do we always see the light (光) before we 9 the sound (声音)?” “But, Miss,” said John quickly, “dont you 10 our eyes are in front of our ears?”
( )1. A. good B. tall C. rich D. fat
( )2. A. sleep B. lunch C. class D. play
( )3. A. slept B. learned C. heard D. sat
( )4. A. nothing B. something C. anybody D. everything
( )5. A. gave B. asked C. told D. found
( )6. A. how many B. how old C. what D. who
( )7. A. Another B. Other C. Others D. Some
( )8. A. what B. when C. where D. why
( )9. A. break B. make C. hear D. smell
( )10. A. read B. hope C. study D. know
It was Jimmys birthday, and he was five years old. He got a lot of nice presents (礼物) from his family and one of them was a beautiful drum.
“Who gave him that thing?” Jimmys father asked when he saw it. “His grandfather did.” answered Jimmys mother. Of course Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it. But his father didnt mind. He was working during the day and Jimmy was already in bed when he got home in the evening, so he couldnt hear the noise.
But one of the neighbors didnt like noise at all, so a few days later, she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmys house while he was hitting (击打) his drum. She said to him, “Hello, Jimmy, do you know there is something very nice inside your drum? Here is a knife. Open the drum and lets find it.”
1. Jimmy received a ________ on his ________ birthday.
2. When Jimmy played his drum, he made a ________ ________.
3. Jimmys father works during the day and get home ________ ________ ________.
4. One day, one of his neighbors gave him a _________.
5. His neighbor wanted Jimmy to _______ the drum.
Dear Mother,
Im writing to you from our hotel at Sun Beach, Ralph and I are on v 1 with our children for a few days. Were e 2 we can go sightseeing here, but to tell you the truth (事实), were having a few problems.
The w 3 isnt very good. In fact, its cold and cloudy. Right now Im looking out of the w 4 and its raining cats and dogs. The children arent very happy. They are having a terrible t 5 . Right now theyre s 6 on the bed, playing cards and watching TV. The restaurants here are e 7 , and the food isnt very good. Ralph is at the doctors office now. Hes having a p 8 with his stomach.
All the other hotels here are beautiful and new. Our hotel is u 9 , and its very, very old. As you can s 10 , mother, were having a few problems here at Sun Beach, but were happy. Were happy to be on vacations and were happy to be together.
See you soon.
1. v________ 2. e________ 3. w________ 4. w________ 5. t________