


成人高考复习资料英语 篇1


1.able ability enable capable be able to do能够做…

have the ability to do能够做,有能力做…:

He has the ability to make very good boat.enable ** to do使…能做…:

Internet has enabled us to get information from all over the world.Be capable of能够做…: He is capable of drawing oil painting.He is able to read and write in English.2.absent反义词:present

3.abroad国外,海外: live ~ go ~

Many young people are eager to go abroad to study.4.access:入口,途径;机会,权利。Have access to sth

Citizens in the town all have access to the books in the local(当地的)library.5.absorb吸收be absorbed in全神贯注于…

All the students are absorbed in Professor‘s lecture on China’s economy.6.accept接受receive收到(不一定接受)

She received a gift from him,but she didn‘t accept it.7.by accident=by chance偶然地on purpose故意地

8.according to根据

According to the article,environmental pollution has been taken under control.9.take…into account=take…into consideration把…考虑在内

I hope my teacher will take into account my illness when he grades our test paper.Account描述

She gave an account of what he saw in China.10.accuse ** of sth = charge ** with(for)sth指责…做了…;指控…犯了…

He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in gail.His mother charged him with being lazy.11.be accustomed to = be used to习惯于后接sth或doing sth

used to过去有过去常常后接do sth

Mr.Smith is not used/accustomed to driving on the right.I‘m already used to the life here.There used to be a house near the river.He used to get up while he was in the middle school.12.achieve获得,达到

You will achieve nothing if you waste your time this way.13.adapt=adjust适应~ adopt收养;采用

You should adapt to college life as soon as possible.He adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country.14.add to增添add up to总计达

15.in addition(to)=besides此外

In order to master a foreign language,we should learn some grammar.In addition,we‘d better learn some words.16.adequate=enough


He admitted him mistake at last.18.in advance预先,提前

You should inform(通知)me in advance if you are going to come.19.take advantage of = make use of利用

We can take advantage of computer to analyze data.A good habit in learning is to make full use of class time.20.affect(v.)effect(n.)influence(v & n)影响effort努力

have an effect/influence on对…有影响

make an effort to do或make efforts to do

The latest discovery in gene will have a great effect on the health of human beings.They made great efforts to find a new cure to lung cancer.21.afford(to do)sth买/花/用/支付得起

It‘s hard to imagine how he can afford(to buy)a house on his small salary.22.be afraid of担心,害怕

23.at the age of

24.agree with同意

agree on同意(双方就…达成一致)

agree to同意(上级,父母对下级,晚辈允许…)

The two countries have agreed on the date for next talk.My parents don‘t agree to my staying outside overnight.25.ahead of time提

We finished our assignment ahead of time.26.by air=by plane by sea= by ship by bus/train on foot

26.after all毕竟above all首先(not…)at all一点(也不)all over

28.allow/permit…to do…允许…做…

29.although/though but连词不能同时用在句子中。


in spite of/despite介词不连接句子

Although he was seriously ill,he went on with the experiment.Young as he is,he has already learned three foreign languages: English,French and Japanese.Although he is young,he has already learned three foreign languages :English,French and Japanese.In spite of/despite his illness,he went on with his experiment.30.be angry with ** be angry at sth

31.apart from=besides除了…。之外,还有…。


No one knows what happened except mr.Smith.He has a large collection of books besides CDs.32.apply(~ for申请)应用

He has successfully applied for a position(职位)in the company.33.appreciate欣赏


I really appreciate your coming to the party.类似动词有:

enjoy,mind介意,avoid避免,escape逃避,can‘t help禁不住,risk冒险,need=want需要

insist on坚持

My hair needs cutting.34.approve赞成,批准

35.argue with **与…争论

36.arise ~ from rise arouse raise

New problems will arise as the old ones have been solved.(出现)

Are there any things arising from last meeting?(源于)

His speech aroused little interest among the students.(引起,激起)

The company has raised the prices of its products.(提高)

The prices of goods rose day by day during the Spring Festival.(上升)

37.Artificial人工的,假的~ flowers

38.as for至于as to关于,至于as if/though似乎,好象

39.ask for要求

40.attach importance to重视

41.pay attention to重视catch one‘s attention引起…注意/重视

42.available可得/买到的 There is no ticket available.43.average平均on(the)~

44.be aware of = realize意识到be sure一定要,肯定

He apologized to us for the mistake as soon as he was aware of it.Be sure not to be late for the meeting.I‘m sure the play will be a great success.45.back up支持


47.base ~…on…把…建立在…基础之上

His article is based on the research.48.bear忍受,容忍同义词:

endure tolerate stand put up with

She cannot bear to see the child in pains.49.do/try one‘s best

He said he would try his best to carry out the plan.50.because连词:There will be no meeting because the manager will be on the vacation next week.because of介词: His wedding will be put off because of his father‘s death.51.best make the ~ of很好地利用

52.had better do最好You‘d better finish reading the book in this week,since I’m going to return it to the library.would rather do宁愿I‘d rather go there myself.53.beyond超出…

The professor‘s lecture is beyond me/beyond my understanding(超出我的理解范围)。

The apple on the tree is beyond my reach(够不着)。



55.be bound to do注定…

You‘re bound to succeed as long as(只要)you keep on trying.56.break into闯入break out爆发break through突破

break up(关系等)破裂

57.catch one‘s breath

58.call off=cancel取消call on=visit拜访call for请求,号召

The resident called for the people to fight against the invaders.59.care for关心,在乎take care保重take care of=look after照顾

60.carry on继续carry out实施,执行

They decided to carry out the plan despite the opposition.61.case事实,实情;箱子;案例;病例

in case(of)以防,万一Take my umbrella in case it rains。

In most cases在大多数情况下

In no case决不in no way by no means

62.catch up with赶上,保持一致keep up with keep pace with

63.(be)in charge of掌管,负责

take charge of掌管,负责


The short man there is in charge of our company.The hotel charges $100 for a double room.64.challenge挑战


66.comfort v.& n安慰;舒适,舒服

comfortable舒服的,舒适的 67.have…in common有共同之处

Although they are twins they have little in common.68.communicate传播,交流



Poets like comparing their lovers to red roses.Compared with brain,computer still has some shortcomings.70.complain of/about抱怨

71.be made up of由…。组成be composed of consist of

72.concentrate on集中注意力于be engaged in

73.as far as…be concerned就…而言

As far as wages are concerned,I‘m very dissatisfied with the present job.Concerning=about关于

74.contribute捐献contribute to有助于

Computers will contribute many conveniences to our work.75.control out of control失去控制under ~在控制之下



I‘m convinced(=I believe)that where there is a will,there is a way.He was not convinced of his wife‘s guilty.78.cope with deal with handle处理,应付

79.at the cost of以…为代价He saved the drown child at the cost of his own life.at the risk of冒着…危险…

cost spend

The overcoat cost him $200.He spent $200 on(in buying)the overcoat.80.count on depend on rely on依靠,依赖





Our holiday was spoiled buy the bad weather.The earthquake has destroyed the city entirely.84.a good/great deal许多,大量

85.degree学位程度=extent to some extent/degree在某种程度上

86.demand order suggest propose insist等后that从句用虚拟语气(加动词原形)

The general ordered that the bridge(should)be repaired before daybreak.87.deny否认,拒绝(给予)

He denied breaking the window.Women were denied the right to vote in the past in the U.S.88.in detail详细地

He explained the question to us in ~.89.devote…。To…致力于

The scientist devoted the whole life to the study of chemistry.90.do away with废除get rid of摆脱除掉

have…to do with与…有关

It has nothing to do with what you are talking about.Do away with the law.He managed to get rid of the man followed him.91.drop in=drop by=visit

92.due到期的The book will be due next week.(按计划,安排要)发生,到达的 What time will the next bus due?

The next meeting is due to be held in three months‘time.due to =because of=owing to因为,由于

His promotion is due to his hard working.Due to the heavy rain,we have to give up the plan for the weekends.93.economic经济的economical节俭的 94.effective有效的efficient效率高的 95.else其它的something ~ somebody ~

96.in the end最终(结果)at last最后(经过很长时间)

I have finished the essay at last.We were thinking of going to England,but in the end we went to the USA.97.enjoy oneself=have a good time玩的开心help oneself随便

98.establish=set up=found

99.evident=obvious=apparent明显的显而易见的 100.for example=for instance

101.be exhausted=be tired out =be worn out筋疲力尽的 102.exist存在 103.expose暴露受影响

Being exposed to the sun for some time can do good to your health.Many of today‘s teenagers have been exposed too much to violence and sex.104.face up to(勇敢)面对be faced with面临encounter面临

105.in fact as a matter as a fact实际上事实上

106.be familiar with

107.by far非常,最(修饰比较级和最高级)so far迄今为止(完成时态)

far from远非(否定)

In my opinion,he is by far the most suitable one for the job.He sent out a letter to apply for the job,but has received no answer so far.My English is far from perfect.108.fare交通费fee费用tuition学费

109.favor do ** a favor帮…个忙in favor of赞成

I‘m in favor of his suggestion that a power plant(电厂)be built.Would you do me a favor to carry the box upstairs?

110.feel like doing sth would like to do sth喜欢/想做…。


112.fill in填写be filled with充满

Would you like to fill in your address and telephone here?


成人高考复习资料英语 篇2

















































高考英语复习策略 篇3


















高考英语复习资料杂汇 篇4


注意:内部资料 注意保密



1.首先要以很快的速度浏览全文,掌握文章的主旨,不要急于看选项。浏览全文时要重点了解文中所叙述的人物、时间、地点、事件,即who,when,where,what。 完形填空

命题的原则一般是第一句话不挖空,目的是使读者进入语境,因此一定要认真阅读这句话。例如:Why is a space left between the rails of a railway line where one piece joins the next? 这句话从铁轨之间的缝隙引出了问题。根据常识,文中内容应与热涨冷缩的物理现象有关。 2.根据故事情节的发展选词,确定所填的词与文中哪个词有关系以及动作是在什么场合发生的。

3.试填之后将所选定的词放到文章中复读检查。(“字面译、通逻辑、搞代入、全文译”) 具体操作中应注意的问题 1.看清上下文,找准定位词


1)Some parts of the water are very shallow. But in some places it is very?very_____. A. deep B. high C. cold D. dangerous


2)Mrs O’Neill asked_____questions?and she didn’t scold us either.

A. no B. certain C. many D. more




Here’s a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped himself_____so much money. A. for B. by C. to D. of

表示“自取,随便拿”这个意义的短语是help oneself to??故答案为C。


Soon I heard a_____like that of a door burst in?and then a climb of feet.

A. sound B. cry C. voice D. shout


4.看清执行者,确定所选词 And video cameras can be used to_____people’s actions at home.

A. keep B. make C. record D. watch 句中动作的发出者是video cameras?因此答案是C,意思是“记录”。


It has been many years since I was last in London?_____I still remember something that happened during that visit.

A. and B. for C. but D. as

根据句前的many years和句后的still remember答案应选表示



(Immediately?)the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the_____hospital.

A. animal B. biggestC. plant D. nearest




在作文中经常有一些好句子可以借鉴,为此,特总结如下,务必全部脱口而出。 1.According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。

2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。

3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。

4. Many experts point out that physical exercise

contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。

5.写信的开头:Very glad to receive your letter of July 13. 6.One day after school,XiaoMing passed a Café on his way home.

7.The boss had no choice but to let him in. 8.How he enjoyed himself on the computer!

9.Walking home full of fear,he was sure that he would be scolded.

10.However,other students are against the idea.

11.Sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us.

12.today’s activity has taught us the new meaning of the spirit of LeiFeng:sharing with others what you have―you time,energy,or knowledge―makes you fell warm in you heart.It has truly a difference in how I feel about myself. 13.The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of.

14.No matter what he says,I won’t believe. 15. Thanks to the good weather,our journey was comfortable. 16. At the news of his death,she went pale with sorrow. 三、写作指导

多使用过渡性词语。这样使文章更加连贯、更具有逻辑性。 (1)表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,on top ofthat,another,first second third等。

(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,lat er,immediately,soon,next,in afew days,gradually,suddenly,finally等。(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in frontof,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,tothe right left,around,outside等。

(4)表示比较的过渡词:in thesameway,justlike,justas等。 (5)表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on

theotherhand,onthecon trary,in spite of,even though等。 (6)表示结 果 和 原 因 的 过 渡 词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,then,thus,otherwise等。

(7)表示目的的过渡词:forthisreason,forthispurpose,so that等。 (8)表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,withoutanydoubt,truly,torepeat,aboveall,mostimportant等。

(9)表示解释说明的过渡词:forexample,in fact,in thiscase,foractually等。

(10)表示总结的过渡词:finally,atlast,inconclusion,asIhaveshown,inoth erword,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole,ashasbeen stated等。 四、获得高分的英语书面表达的六大特性。




(5)思想性。新标准对写作的要求,增加了情感因素,在准确流畅表达写作要点的同时,适当增加句子的感情色彩,增加一些人情味,使文章读起来更亲切,完全达到与读者进行交流的目的。 (6)美观性。指的是卷面书写规范、清楚、干净、整洁。 五、写作步骤


第三份资料 黄冈高考最后单项选择压题卷


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21 .― Jenny looks hot and dry.

― So______ you if you had a high fever. A. will B.do C.are D.would 22. The joke told by Tom made us______, so our maths teacher couldn’t make himself______.

A. laugh; hearing B.laugh;heard

C. laughing; hear D.laughed; to be heard

23. It was ______ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.

A. repairing B. repaired C. to repair D. in repair

24. The old woman had a letter from her son in the army_____ to her.

A. read B. write C. written D. received

25. She was so angry at all ______ I was doing ______ she walked out.

A. that; which B. that; that C. which; that D. which; as to 26. ---May I take your order now? ---_______.

A. No,Im in trouble now B.Yes, we obey orders

C. Yes, Id like a dish of chicken D.No, I dont have a choice of meat

27. It made all the Chinese happy _____ China succeeded in sending up the first manned spaceship. A.when B.because C.that D.if

28. To our surprise, the painting considered______ should have won the prize.

A. being copied B. having been copied

C. to have copied D. to have been copied 29.― I like football.高考英语复习。

― ______ my sister and me.

A.So do B.So are C.So did D. So it is with 30. The music he is playing sounds_____.

A. nicely B. sweetly C. lively D. pleasantly

31. At the beginning of the party,______ of the guests was given a piece of paper.

A. everyone B.each C. every D.all

32.---If you like the new house, I suggest you buying it. ---But its really too expensive. I cant______ it. A. get B. afford C. supply D. support

33. Is there a bookshop around ______ I can buy an English and Chinese dictionary?高考英语复习。

A. which B. where C.that D.what

34. This photo of mine was taken ______ stood the famous Eastern Bright Pearl in Shanghai.

A. which B. in which C. where D. there

35. He is neither______ European, nor______ American. He is from______ Australia.

A.a; a; / B.a; an; the C.a; an; / D.an; an; / 单项选择【2】

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.--- Do you know Uncle Tom is crazy about gardening? ---Sure. He ____ his flowers in the garden now. A. may be watering B. must be watering C. could look after D. ought to watch

22.____ the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldnt go on with the experience.

A. Since B. With C. As D. For

23. Id love ___ to your party last Sunday if not because of the unexpected guests.

A. to go B. going C. having gone D.to have gone 24. --Will you two go to the show tomorrow?

---No. Were going to a lecture, or at least Im planning ____.

A. it B. to C. that D. so

25. The rescue team ______to help but failed to get there in time.

A. had wanted B. have planned C. were expecting D. hoped 26.1 havent got a single ______from Aunt Mary since I last saw her.

A. advice B. news C. message D. information

27.---Is it Pro. King that will give the lecture on radiation?

--- I cant __ I know it for sure.

A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk

28. “No, no ”, he whispered,____ talking to himself. A. while B. even if C. as if D. when 29. --- Any phone call for me?

--- Yes.____ telephoned 10 minutes ago.

A. A Doctor Simpson B. The certain doctor C. The Tim Smith D. A Simpson Doctor

30. ____ is mentioned above, the number of the cattle here has been limited to 200.

A. It B. Which C. That D. As

31. ---Would you please give him the paper the moment he ____?

--- No problem.

A. arrives B. appearing C. came D. reaches 32.I wonder ____ we can solve this hard problem.

A. what else B. how else C. that D. as if

33.--- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bank? ---Oh, thats ____, its either the second or the third road on the left.

A. the difficult one B. a hard one C. an easy one D. the very one 34. The newly-founded company is faced with lots of trouble, ____ the financial problem ia not the worst.

A. which B. of which C. to whom D. with which

35. To his surprise, his new play well ____ by the public in China, met a cold welcome abroad.

A. received B. accepted C. accepting D. receiving 单项选择【3】

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.--- ____ at the new school?

--- Fine, Ive got used to the life there and Ive made some friends.

A. How are you B. How are you doing

C. Are you getting on well D. How do you do 22. ---Mary has a very low opinion of George. ---It can t be any worse than ____ of her. A. he B. his C. him D. he does

23. Ill be home late, but please dont stay ____ for me. A. up B. in C. over D. on 24.--- What are you going to do next? --- To write a science story about outer space ___ by Science and Technology Press.

A. published B. being published C. to be published D. publishing 25. ---How do you like the film?

---There was nothing special--- it was only ____. A. average B. usual C. normal D. common

26. In salad bars the waiter does not bring you salad. You have to____ yourself, usually to as much as you want. A. bring B. serve C. help D. supply

27. Our TV sets sell well, but ten years ago no one could have imagined such a big share in the market that they ____. A. were having B. had had C. were to have D. had 28. Let us suppose that you are in____ position of____ parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing? A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the

29.--- He has to finish the experiment today. He must be in the lab,____?

---That s quite possible.

A. mustnt he B. wont he C. doesnt he D. isnt he 30. However, at times this balance in nature is disturbed, ____ a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

A. lying in B. calling in C. taking in D. resulting in 31. I wrote to my parents once a week,____ I was too busy with my teaching work.

A. it B. unless C. when D. as

32. ---Where will you start your work after graduation? ---Mmm, its not been decided yet. I ____ continue my study for a higher degree.

A. need B. must C. would D. might 33. The truth, Sir, is that the old man____ across the street when my car hit him.

A. was to walk B. had been walkingC. walked D. was walking 34. So many uses have been discovered for this wood ____ the supply of white pine is becoming smaller and smaller. A. then B. what C. that D. which 35.---You seemed to have been impressed by his songs. ---Well, not exactly so. It was his way of singing____ his voice that really impressed me. A. rather than B. as well as C. but also D. together with 单项选择【4】

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. I smoke out of ____ habit, not for ____ pleasure; for I have been in the habit for twenty years. A. a; the B. the; a C. x; the D. x; x

22. His job is to sell the ____ carvings in the ____ department of the company.

A. wooden; sales B. wood; salesC. wood; saleD. wooden; sale 23. My father ____ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick ____ the knowledge of the computer during his spare time. A. advised; upB.persuaded; outC.intended; upD.managed; out 24. ---Whose advice do you think I should take? ---_______.

A.You speak B.Thats itC.Its up to you D.You got it 25. ____ the youth ____ the rising sun at 8 or 9 oclock am, Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men. A. Comparing; withB. Compared; to C. Compared; with D. Comparing; to

26. Not far from the club, there was a girden, ____ owner seated in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon.

A. whose B. its C. which D. that

27. I haven t seen Mary these past few days. I m afraid she ____ herself for some time.

A. isnt feeling B. hasn t been feeling C. hadnt been feeling D. wasnt feeling

28. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve yor test scores, and this is especially true ____ it comes to classroom tests.

A. before B. since C. when D. after 29. A love marriage, however, does not necessarily ____ much sharing of interests and responsibilities.

A. take over B. result in C. hold on D. keep to 30. The teacher came to the classroom and demanded ____ what had happened.

A. his students to tell him B. being told C. telling him D. to be told

31. There were many students and teachers at the party yesterday. I looked for two seats to sit down with my friend, Tim, but there were ____.

A. neither B. nothing C. none D. no

32. It is in Steven Spielberg s first film, Jaws, ____ a big white shark attacks swimmers ____ are spending their holidays in a small village by the sea. A. where; who B. which; thatC. that; that D. where; that 33. ---What do you think of the dinner in Mr Browns? ---Oh, great! We have never had a better one. Its a dinner of twenty ____.

A. drinks B. people C. tables D. courses

34. The captain ordered the crew to throw ____ the side of the ship all heavy guns and even stores in order to raise the boat in the water.

A. on B. through C. across D. over

35. Knowing how long the test would last, the students who finished ____ back and waited until the end of the exam. A. settle B. settled C. settling D. to settle


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. What ______ public is concerned about is whether medical workers and scientists will be able to find for this new disease in a short time.

A.不填;不填 B.不填;the C. the;不填 D.the;a 22._____ good, these cookies sell well.

A.Smelled B. Smelling C. Being smelled D. To smell 23.--- Havent I told you that I like the beef well done? ---Yes, but I _____ it longer than I usually do. A. was cooking B.will cook C. cooked D. had cooked 24. We ve published large quantities of books. This year___ weve published three million.

A. only B. just C. alone D. merely

25. He ______. Its a shame my mobile phone was power-off. A. ought to call me B. could have called me C. may be calling me D.might call me 26.---Since you cant find a better job, why dont you stick to the present one? ---Well,_____.

A.I believe not B.I dont care C. Never mind D. I might as well

27.The wedding party is to be held on May 18,_____ is, ten days_____ today.

A. which; fromB.that;except C.that;from D.as;since

28.You dont have to share the umbrellas. Ill give you one_____.

A.every B.each C.all D.both

29.---Tom, keep your_____ on your studies. --- Sure, mum. Ill keep that in_____.

A. mind;mind B.heart;headC. brain; mind D.heart;brain 30.According to the Ministry of Health, by May 1, , the total SARS deaths on the Chinese mainland_____to 170. A.has come B. had reached C.increased D. had climbed 31. The door opened and in _____.

A. he came B. came he C. did he come D. did Mr Smith come 32. After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in_____ later proved a new continent.

A.where B. what C.which D.that

33._____ I toured Zhang Jiajie, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.

A.For the fust time B. At first

C.It was the first time D. The first time 34._____ private cars are bringing us convenience, they may also cause more traffic accidents and pollution. A.While B.As C.If D.Since

35. Having ended the major combat (主战), President Bush_____ rebuilding Iraq.

A. started out B. went all out C. turned to D. went on 单项选择【6】

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. _____ wants to study well must learn things _____. A. No matter who; with heart B.Who; with his heart C. Whoever; by heart D. Whoever; by his heart 22. My enthusiasm for Chinese football team gradually _____ because of their countless failures.

A. disappeared B. faded C. ran out D. gave up

23 .Jane,_____ at the news of the earthquake, was at a loss for words. A. shock B. shocked C. shocking D. having shocked 24. ---I went to the beach and got plenty of rest. --- _____ You looked tired last time I saw you. A. I had hoped so. B.Really?

C. I m glad you did. D. That sounds a good idea.

25. If you are able to talk to a friend over the telephone, you feel that you are close _____ the actual distance is not shortened.

A. even if B. so long as C.if D. as 26.---The terrible flood brought about $10 million in losses to this islandcountry, ---_____.

A.Quite OK B.Certainly C. Thats the case D.I agree 27. We have been told that under no circumstance_____ the telephone in the office for personal affairs. A.may we use B.we may ring C.we could borrow D.did we answer 28.--- Have a nice weekend! ---Yes._____.

A.The same to you B.You do too C.The same as you D.You have it too 29. Cold as the weather was, our trip there _____ to be great fun.

A. made outB. found out C. turned out D. left out

30.--- We really enjoyed ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr and Mrs Johnson.

---____. Just drop in whenever you feel like it. A. With pleasure B. Our great honor

C. Nice to meet you here D. Nice having met you here 31. Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places.

A.the;the B./; / C. the; / D. /; the 32.---Did you listen to the speech?

--- No, we ______ it. But we had a lot of traffic on our way.

A. could have attended B.must have attended C. could attend D. shouldnt have attended 33.---Im hungry, whats for the supper? ____

---I havent, actually Ive just made a large salad, but theres loaf of fresh bread if you want to. A. Why is supper not ready now? B. Lets go out for dinner.

C.I hope youve made plenty of chips. D.We had a good dinner yesterday.

34. You’ve switched the machine off. I told you not to,_____?

A.didnt I B.havent you C. will you D. did I

35. Television has many advantages. It keeps us _____ about the _____ news and also provides entertainment in the house. A. informed; latest B. to know; later C. learning; latter D. to think; latest 单项选择【7】

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. ---You don’t seem to be quite yourself today. What’s wrong? --- Oh, Im suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, ____. A. though B. yet C. indeed D.anyway

22. You ____ pay too much attention to your reading skill. Its so important.

A. cannot B. should C. must D. neednt

23. No sooner had he got home than he ____his coat and sat

down at the table.

A. threw off B. threw out C. threw about D. threw sway 24. The man, ____ legs were badly hurt by a ______worker, was____to hospital at once.

A. whose; careless; taken B. his; careless; sent

C. whose; carelessly; sent D. his; carelessly; taken 25. Could it be in the restaurant in ____ you had dinner with me yesterday ____ you lost your handbag?

A. that; whichB. which; thatC. where; thatD. that; where 26. The professor has received the letter ____ to give a lecture in ftinceton Institute.

A. being invited B. to be invited C. inviting himD. invited 27. Never did we have to play “stand up”, “sit down”, “speak out”. I dont ____ one student who didn’t try his best. A. hear from B. feel like C. think about D. know of 28. In my opinion, all Mr White ____ good to his students in his class at present. He is very strict in their study. A. does does doesB.does did do C.does does do D.did do does 29. ---What do you think of my suggestion?

--- Sorry. Whats that? I ____ about something else. A. thought B. am thinking C. was thinking D. had thought 30. In order to ____ the debt, the couple has worked hard for years with little food and only a small room to live in and never a moments rest.

A. pay for B. pay back C. pay D. return back 31. Every year, ____ graduates take pan in TOEFL for further education abroad.

A. too much B. several scores C. many a D. scores of 32. Its no secret to us, but he alone is in the dark. It means ____.

A. nobody but him knows the secret B. we all know the secret except him

C. its so dark that he cant see everything clearly D. only the needs to keep the secret

33. To read newspaper before going to bed seemed to me a rule ____.

A. to never break B. never to have broken C. never to be breaking D. never to be broken

34. Swimmers must be very strong in order to build up speed because of the high resistance of the water. Runners, ____, must struggle against the heavy resistance of the air and ground.

A. generally B. similarly C. naturally D. probably 35. Bob, quickly get this film ____. I want to know if this camera works well.

A. washed B. developed C. printed D. shown 单项选择【8】

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. ---Good morning. Grand Hotel.

---Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.

A. What can I do for you? B. Just a minute, please. C. Whats the matter? D. At your service.

22. You’d better choose someone______ you think ____ kind and friendly to help you.

A. whom; to beB. who; is C. that; is D. which; to be 23. Readers can __quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A. get along B. get over C. get in D. get through

24. The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language ____ in the 16th century. A. came about B. came out C. came along D. came up 25. I shall always ____ your friendship greatly for friendship is more important than money.

A. value B. pay high respect C. respect D. store 26. Later they discovered, ____ was news to him, that Pamela was the headmaster’s daughter.

A. that B. which C. what D. who

27. Was it in this very room ____ he made up his mind ____ he should break away from his family? A. that; which B. which; that C. which; which D. that; that 28. Tim Bemers-Lee is generally considered ____ the World Wide Web, on which all the information is shared by all. A.to have founded B.having foundedC. founding D. to found 29. ____has been said before, it is not easy to learn a foreign language.

A. As B. It C. What D. As it

30. The employee must have been dismissed by the employer last month, ____ he?

A. havent B. hasnt C. didnt D. wasnt

31.---I didnt go to work yesterday because my car broke down.

---You ____ mine. I wasnt using it then. A. might borrow B. could have borrowed C. must have borrowed D. ought to borrow

32. I admired my classmate Lisa very much. ____ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.

A. Except for B. But for C. Apart from D. In spite of 33. I haven’t seen her ____ the time ____ she had the accident.

A. for; that B. since; when C. since; as D. for; when 34. ---Im going to Guilin next week. Do you have anything ____ there?

---No, but thank you all the same.

A. to be taken B. to take C. taking D. taken

35. The ____ is that the new machine will arrive tomorrow. A. chance B. luck C. happening D. accident 单项选择【9】

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.I tried to call on you last week but your dog simply ____ not let me come through the gate.

A. could B. would C. might D. should 22.I wonder what it feels like to be one of______really rich. The Jenkinsons already have two Rolls Royces and now they are buying ____ third!

A.the; a B.the;the C./;a D./;the

23. The second runway of Hong Kong International Airport was officially ____ on May 26,1990.

A. put into effect B. made use of C. taken notice of D. put into use

24. Im not ____ my best tonight. Id better not have anything for supper. Perhaps youd_____me some tea. A. trying;giveB.doing;offerC.making;bring D.feeling; make 25.---Hello,______

---It must be about two years since we last met. What have you been doing with yourself?

--- Ive been doing all sorts of things. A.I havent seen you for ages

B how long have you been like this? C. where have you been these years? D.nice to see you again.

成人高考复习资料英语 篇5



(1)清楚地掌握动词的种类(系动词、情态动词、助动词和行为动词)。复习时,列举出常用的系动词及其搭配;列举出常用情态动词,注意用法区 别;列举出助动词,说明每个助动词的具体用法;列举出常见的不及物动词,一般及物动词,双宾语及物动词和复合及物动词;弄清及物动词后接宾语的种种情况; 重点放在那些兼做及物和不及物动词的词上。





(6)复习句子的种类,掌握句子的扩充手段:①增加并列成分(并列主语、并列谓语、并列宾语、并列表语、并列句等);②增加修饰成分(定语和状 语),穿插主谓分割,主语的替代和省略,句子的倒装;③以词组(名词词组、形容词词组、短语动词等)、短语(介词短语、不定式短语、动名词短语和分词短 语)或从句(名词性从句、状语从句、定语从句)充当句子成分。













英语高考复习方法 篇6





高考英语复习策略浅论 篇7

一、研究英语课程标准和考试大纲, 端正备考指导思想

每一届高三英语教师在制定具体的复习计划时, 应认真研读、体会英语课程标准及考纲, 做到有的放矢。教师在对课程标准全面审视的基础上, 按照新课改的基本思路, 正确把握高考改革的基本方向, 在教学的各个环节中充分体现高考命题思路, 即“重视基础、注重能力、活跃思维、关注社会”, 把培养学生运用语言的能力作为英语教学的根本目标。与其他科目不同, 英语知识点较散, 这就需要教师帮助学生系统梳理, 使这些零碎的知识融成一条链锁清晰地印在他们的脑海中。

随着全国考生英语整体水平的提高, 为适应新课标的要求, 考试的难度必定加大, 试题的风格也将相应地发生变化。因此, 高三英语教师必须重新研读考试大纲, 认真分析历年高考试题, 研究高考动态, 把握热点、难点、重点、考点, 对学生的“盲区”进行重点突破, 多与本校或外校的教师交流, 了解他们的复习方法、复习计划。另外, 教师要针对学生的具体情况, 制定相应的计划。计划是否科学合理对学习效果的好坏有很大影响, 所以教师要安排好各个复习环节及其所占用的时间, 让学生在有限的时间内最大程度地使自己所学的知识系统化、条理化, 并形成相应的能力。现在书店摆放着各种各样的复习参考书, 质量参差不齐, 因此教师引导学生选择一套适合的复习资料非常重要。

二、构建知识网络, 制定具体的复习策略

1. 以教材为基础, 细化词汇、语法等基础知识

词汇非常棘手, 使很多学生感到头痛。笔者认为教师应在第一轮的复习中就克服这个难点。教师要指导学生根据构词法记忆, 找出词汇群, 如派生词、复合词、同义词、反义词、近义词等, 按照记忆的遗忘曲线规律进行识记。还要帮助学生归纳记忆教材中的短语搭配, 对形近义异的短语要区别它们的用法, 如b e/get used to (doing) sth. (习惯做某事) , used to do sth. (过去常常做某事) , be used to do s t h. (被用来做某事) 等, 这些短语如果平时不加以辨析, 考试时很可能混淆。

语法的复习是英语总复习的重要环节, 笔者建议教师应在第二轮的复习中解决这个问题, 帮助学生对每一个语法模块, 如时态、语态、情态动词、虚拟语气、非谓语动词以及各种从句进行系统反复的练习, 达到得心应手的程度。此外, 英语句型变化多样, 我们可以归纳出一些典型的句型, 如感叹句、强调句、倒装句、祈使句、从句等, 让学生熟记于心, 这些句型往往是每年的必考点。

2. 进行专项训练, 培养学生的能力

经过第一轮复习, 大多数学生已基本掌握词汇和语法知识, 但并没有完全形成运用这些词汇和语法知识的能力, 要形成这种能力必须进行专项强化。

(1) 听力专项强化。此项训练应贯穿于整个高三英语复习中。教师要校正学生的发音, 让他们注意字母组合的发音规则, 让他们了解连读、弱读等规律。训练可以安排专门的课时, 也可以让学生在平时听, 让学生养成“磨耳朵”的习惯。听力强化的材料必须新, 必须和当今社会生活息息相关, 只有这样学生才能在高考时不觉耳生。

(2) 单项填空专项强化。此项考查的范围很广, 包括词汇、语法、短语搭配等知识的运用。在备考这种题型时, 不宜采用题海战术, 但对做过的一些题目, 尤其是错题, 要认真分析, 找出原因, 反复训练。对错题最好记录在专门的本子上, 便于日后翻阅。千万不要在难题上花费太多的时间和精力, 回避难题、偏题、怪题, 重视与语境、时态、动词短语相关的题目。在复习期间, 可以采取相对集中的方法进行系统梳理, 按照英语课程标准的要求“先上口, 后归纳, 抓核心, 辨差异, 找规律, 编口诀, 举一反三”, 使学生在初、高中学习的内容融会贯通。

(3) 完形填空专项强化。此项题目与单项填空一样也考查学生综合运用语言的能力, 不同的是完形填空更重在对整篇文章的把握, 尤其是文章的逻辑性。因此此项强化可与阅读强化相结合。做题时要从上下文、词汇意义及用法、逻辑推理、惯用法、搭配等角度去考虑。

(4) 阅读专项强化。阅读理解是高考英语的重头戏, 能否顺利通过此关将影响全局。因此, 教师应当帮助学生了解阅读理解的题型和命题特点, 掌握解题技巧。阅读理解除考查考生在有限时间内准确获取信息的能力外, 还检验考生推断隐含意义的能力。这种题型的命题指导思想由原来的“知识立意”转为“能力立意”。针对种种变化, 教师可引导学生在冲刺阶段, 以五篇材料为一组, 在35~40分钟内完成, 这样既可以营造考场气氛, 又可以训练阅读速度。在阅读时要注意广度, 即材料多样新颖;还要注意深度, 即材料要有一定难度。

(5) 短文改错专项强化。这种题型主要考查考生发现、判断、纠正文章中错误的能力, 考查考生在语篇中综合运用语言知识的准确性, 也是对学生写作能力的测试。文章的错误主要集中在词汇、句法、篇章结构和行文逻辑等方面, 但这种题型并不是单纯的检验语法知识, 而是在检测学生的语言校验能力。此题型的实质就是同学们“自考”, 一道短文改错题类似于一篇学生习作。所以在备考阶段可让学生写一些作文, 并互相批改, 互相发现错误。这样既提高了写作水平又练习了改错。

高考英语词汇复习小锦囊 篇8





(2)归类记忆:英语中有些动词后接不定式或动名词作宾语时有严格的区别,可以将它们分别归类,只接不定式作宾语的词和词组有:decide,expect,happen,hope,offer,order,pretend,promise,refuse,seem,wish,be about,be able,make up one’s mind,used等;只接动名词作宾语的词和词组有:avoid,appreciate,delay,enjoy,escape,excuse,finish,imagine,keep,mind,miss,practise,risk,be used to,be worth,can′t help,feel like,keep(on),put off等(以上两组动词及短语均按照字母排序,便于记忆)。这样,既可记住词汇,又可攻克语法难关。









