


牛津版七年级英语寒假作业答案 篇1



The 1st Day

一、1. clever 2. easy 3. newspapers 4. windows 5. masters

6. glasses 7. newest 8. funny 9. wonderful 10. cameras

二、1 C 5 DDBCD 6 C 10 DBBCD


四、1. don’t do 2. Is there any 3. watches 4. Where does; live

5. When does;play 6. for Millie’s 7. good swimmer 8. was born

五、1. has 2. are 3. Does; take 4. to play 5. don’t watch

6. drawing 7. do; do 8. to keep 9. asking 10. visiting

六、1 C 5 ACBCA 6 C 10 DCCAC

七、1. My cousin also has a pair of football shoes.

2. This is a photo of my family.

3. Tom is the best at swimming in our class./ Tom is the best swimmer in our class.

4. The ticket for each adult is ten dollars.

5. Basketball players look tall and strong.

The 2nd Day

一、1 C 5 DGAJB 6 C 10 IEFCH

二、1 C 5 DDCBD 6 C 10 BDBBA

三、1. spends; writing 2. buy; for 3. is lying 4. I am; friend 5. Which man

6. Let’s go to school. 7. Don’t open the door, please

8. Are there any chairs; Yes, there are

四、1. A How 2. D Uncle John 3. D there is 4. C has 5. C be late

五、1. Are you; I’m 2. This is; twin brother 3. are nineteen students; a teacher

4. know this boy 5. best swimmer

六、1 C 5 BDCCB

The 3rd Day


二、1. grandparents’ 2. each 3. exercises 4. kind 5. email

6. both 7. price 8. information 9. together 10. except

三、1 C 5 BBDCA 6 C 10 CDBAC 11 C 15 DBACD

四、1. Both; and; are 2. Does; watch 3. What’s; price 4. goes to; by bus 5. like; best

五、1. All of the students in our class like this story very much.

2. We often have dinner at my grandparents’ home.

3. There are many kinds of flowers in the garden.

4. I don’t often make this kind of model plane.

5. I hope you can enjoy yourself at the party.

六、1. There are some walkmans in this shop.

2. I get happy when I dance.

3. Father goes to work without having breakfast.

4. Let him fly his kite in the park.

5. What is your hat made of?

七、1 C 5 ABBDC 6 C 10 CBCCD

The 4th Day

一、A) 1. teeth 2. candies 3. watches 4. brothers’ 5. activities

6. really 7. fishing 8. usually 9. holidays 10. closed

B) 1. on 2. for 3. in 4. at 5. on

6. of 7. with 8. by 9. as 10. at

C) 1. telling 2. to use 3. are listening 4. to have

5. Does; do 6. Is 7. turn 8. Are watching

二、1 C 5 CBCCD 6 C 10 BADBC

三、1. Children’s Day 2. Which umbrella; yours 3. Which festival do; like

4. my favourite sport 5. don’t think he is

四、1. calling ― called 2. exciting ― excited 3. have ― having

4. to do ― doing 5. for ― as

五、1 C 5 DCBDA

六、1. same 2. Maths 3. student 4. only 5. with

6. hard 7. be 8. sport 9. Why 10. counts

The 5th Day

一、1 C 5 CBCBA 6 C 10 CBCCA

二、1. interesting 2. called 3. helpful 4. suitable 5. excited

6. first 7. swimmers 8. letting 9. having 10. Children’s

三、1 C 5 CBACC 6 C 10 BDACC

四、1. eating; with; in 2. make; out of 3. shines through

4. Which; sister’s favourite festival / Which festival does; like best 5. my first time

五、1. How long 2. Whose turn 3. Which woman

4. borrows; from 5. called 6. has

六、1 C 5 ABCAB 6 C 10 DCBDA


The 6th Day


二、1. dress up as 2. people in the West 3. not…any more 4. play a trick on sb.

5. be on holiday 6. in many ways 7. my favourite festival 8. Happy Halloween

9. keep healthy 10. twice a week

三、1. drinks 2. September 3. shelves 4. Grey 5. posters

6. easy 7. lies 8. energy 9. Anyone 10. date

四、1 C 5 BDCBA 6 C 10 CDADB

五、1. Is there any fish on your shopping list?

2. It’s difficult for Americans to study Chinese.

3. Daniel wants to play basketball but he can’t run fast.

4. How long does your parter watch TV every week?

5. How often does Mrs White go swimming?

六、1. There is too much sugar in chocolate.

2. I like vegetables and fruit because they are good for me.

3. Is it time for babies to listen to music?

4. If you feel hungry and tired, have a cup of tea and have a rest.

5. Mr Li always reads newspapers before meals.

七、1 C 5 DCBCA 6 C 10 ACDCB

八、One possible version:

Tom usually has breakfast at home at 6:30.Before, he liked to have fast food. Now, he changed his diet. He often has some milk, bread and eggs for breakfast.At12:00, he has lunch at school. He often has some rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes, he has fish. He often has supper with his family together. Now he is healthier than before.

The 7th Day

一、1. seldom 2. model 3. before 4. hungry 5. change

6. special 7. healthy 8. tired 9. twice 10. hamburgers

二、1 C 5 DDCAC 6 C 10 ADCAB

三、1. Why do; like 2. keep; fit/ healthy 3. Don’t; eat

4. What does; get 5. all the time

四、1. It’s very important to drink a lot of / a plenty of water every day.

2. How long do you sleep every day?

3. Good luck with your new diet and lifestyle.

4. Kitty plans to go swimming three times a week.

5. Students spend about seven hours a day studying at school.

五、1. This is not my mother’s sweater.

2. Does she want to dance?

3. I can learn a lot about Chinese History.

4. What is your favorite subject?

5. What time does she usually go to bed?

六、1 C 5 BBADD

七、1. usually 2. after 3. desk 4. Chinese 5. into

6. turn 7. help 8. Let’s 9. minutes 10. please

The 8th Day

一、1. tomatoes 2. scoring 3. Wednesday 4. list 5. January

6. neighbours 7. comfortable 8. expensive 9. matches 10. chooses

二、1 C 5 DBDBB 6 C 10 BABCB

三、1. speak to 2. gets to 3. is putting on 4. get up 5. get back

6. is taking off 7. There is 8. at weekends 9. see a doctor 10. is looking for

四、1. Is; or 2. more than 3. is/ looks like 4. They put about five eggs in a box.

5. favourite fruit

五、1. My parents and I are all good at sports.

2. I usually go running for one hour at weekends.

3. Does he take a bus to work every day? No, he goes by bike.

4. It is good to eat different kinds of food.

5. This is really a good place to play computer games.

六、1 C 5 CBCBD 6 C 10 AACDA

七、1. housework 2. hurry 3. take 4. yourself 5. worry

6. leaves 7. begins 8. know 9. help 10. think

The 9th Day

一、1. keep healthy/fit 2. be good for 3. be hungry 4. too much sugar

5. finish doing homework

6. 祝贺你! 7. 不再 8. 变得疲劳 9. 从不运动/锻炼 10. 感觉好些

二、1 C 5 CBDCA 6 C 10 CBDAC

三、A) 1. traditional 2. well 3. less 4. Teachers’ 5. dancers

B) 6. chatting 7. to buy 8. Did; invite 9. going 10. doesn’t fit


五、1. doesn’t; enough; to buy; present for 2. getting fat 3. It’s important

4. seldom eat 5. exercise for

六、1. didn’t; any more 2. are some watches; boxes 3. How long does; play

4. with; and 5. walks home

七、1. They often plays football on the football field.

2. Kitty goes to her dancing lessons every day except Sunday.

3. Do you get red packets from your parents at Chinese New Year?

4. He doesn’t plan to have meat or bread for dinner

5. How many kinds of food can you eat in the restaurant?

八、1. It happened in the 18th century.

2. He liked to play cards for money.

3. He put the meat between two pieces of bread and held the food in his right hand while he played cards with his left hand.

4. Because they liked Sandwich’s idea.

5. Both.

The 10th Day

一、A) 1. Finally 2. after-school 3. candles 4. January 5. autumn

6. reason 7. However 8. fashion 9. boring 10. through

B) 1. raising 2. sounds 3. to practise 3. finishes 5. paid

二、1 C 5 CABCB 6 C 10 CBACA

三、1 C 5 FDECA

四、1. are some shoe shops 2. There are many 3. Which woman

4. Is; flying kites 5. There are different kinds of books in the bookshop.

五、1. How much is this pair of trousers?

2. She doesn’t eat any snacks or sweets any more.

3. Can we buy our grandpa some mangoes?

4. She is chatting with her friends on the Internet now.

5. I think we need enough water to keep healthy every day.

六、1 C 5 BDCAC 6 C 10 DBBAC

七、1. food 2. tall 3. lives 4. hard 5. fat

6. sit 7. still 8. try 9. Perhaps 10. without

The 11th Day

一、1. because 2. popular 3. also 4. jeans 5. cotton

6. soup 7. pretty 8. interesting 9. juice 10. tomatoes

二、1. to close 2. spends 3. speaking 4.( is )lying 5. Eating

6. dresses 7. am not feeling 8. collecting 9. carry 10. to drink

三、1. watch less TV 2. wait a moment/ minute

3. have/take a look 4. never mind

5. buy sb. sth./ buy sth. for sb. 6. on the top floor

7. the computer games center 8. write (a letter) to

9. at present/ at the moment/ right now 10. wait for my turn

11. borrow… from 12. try on

13. ask for help by calling 110/call 110 for help 14. different kinds of

15. a good place to meet friends 16. a sports shop

17. pay for… 18. pocket money

四、1 C 5 DBBCB 6 C 10 DBADB

五、1. It’s very easy to find the new supermarket.

2. It’s a good place to meet friends.

3. My cousin spends 30 yuan on/ buying this T-shirt.

4. What size are your feet?

5. I want to take/have a look at that music box.

六、1 C 5 DABBD

The 12th Day

一、1. friend 2. woman 3. National 4. same 5. wearing

6. large 7. fun 8. needs 9. restaurant 10. tie

二、1 C 5 ADCCB 6 C 10 ACDDD

三、1. playing with 2. keep healthy 3. in the future 4. any more

5. to borrow…from 6. go shopping 7. try to 8. at the moment

9. is trying on 10. is away

四、1. go on a trip 2. Would; like to 3. My favourite lessons

4. e-mail me 5. meets; at the weekend

五、1. I need you to help me (to) clean the classroom.

2. My mother’s birthday is coming (up).

3. How much does the pair of shoes cost?

4. I don’t have enough money to buy you a present.

5. The shoes match her favourite T-shirt well.

六、1 C 5 ADBCB 6 C 10 CDACD

七、1 C 5 FTFFT

The 13th Day

一、1. 1ook for 2. just a minute 3. a police car 4. shopping malls 5. teach us English

6. 给她买张唱片 7. 进行学校旅行8. 除了你我之外 9. 没关系;不要紧

10. 向某人问好

二、1. to say 2. on the top 3. Is; running 4. isn’t free 5. modern

三、1. about 2. By 3. for 4. with 5. after

6. of 7. to; with 8. to 9. through 10. at

四、1. Fine 2. weather 3. cold/hot 4. hot/cold 5. have

五、1 C 5 BCDAD 6 C 10 ABCDC

六、1. some shoe shops 2. How many times do you take the medicine a day?

3. There are 4. What is; doing 5. We don’t need to buy any vegetables.

七、1 C 5 DBBAD

八、1. take 2. true 3. why 4. safe 5. friends 6. place 7. feel 8. child

The 14th Day

一、1. lazy 2. smart 3. choose 4. colourful 5. noodles

6. poor 7. hundred 8. lemon 9. holiday 10. careful

二、1 C 5 CBDBD 6 C 10 CADCA

三、1. looking 2. colour 3. about 4. enough 5. larger

6. on 7. made 8. much 9. take 10. money

四、1. music 2. borrows 3. first 4. healthier 5. keeps

6. friends 7. writing 8. worried 9. rainy 10. photos

五、1. I don’t know what to say at the meeting today.

2. I hope you will like the fashion show.

3. How long does it take you to finish your homework every day?

4. I am wearing the popular clothes from the 1980s.

5. Are these scarves made of silk?

六、1 C 5 BABDC

七、One possible version:

My Good Friend

I have a good friend. He is a Chinese boy. His Chinese name is Li Ming and his English name is Daniel. He is 14 years old now. He studies at No. 1 Middle School. He is in Class 8, Grade 1. He is good at English, math and computer. He can sing and play basketball very well. He likes watching TV, too. He is very kind and friendly. He always helps others. He is polite and helpful. I like him very much.

The 15th Day

一、1. biscuits 2. knives 3. never 4. polite 5. borrow

6. style 7. Thursday 8. kitchen 9. members 10. library

二、1 C 5 ABBAB 6 C 10 DACDB

三、1. Does; do 2. Where do; go 3. How many babies are 4. takes a bus

5. buy; for 6. English; but; don’t

四、1. well 2. nice 3. comes 4. cooking 5. only

6. clubs 7. have 8. sounds 9. polite 10. them

五、1. I was born in Shanghai, but live in Suzhou.

2. Do you like to talk on the phone with your friends?

3. I usually go running for one hour at weekends.

4. It’s time for after-school activities.

5. The sports shop is open at 8.00 a.m., and it is closed after 5.00 p.m.

六、1 C 5 BADCD 6 C 10 CBADB

七、1 C 6 FFTFFF

新目标英语七年级(上)寒假作业 篇2

A) 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。

1. December is the t______month of the year.

2. My father likes s_________. He can play baseball and soccer.

3. Yao Ming is a basketball s_________. We all like him.

4. Please w______to me and tell me about your family.

5. They work all n______every day,from 22:00 pm to 6:00 am.

B) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词或短语。

1. The musician has two______(钢琴).

2. My brother often______(起床) at six o’clock in the morning.

3. You can______(打电话) me at 6881556.

4. We have sweaters for only 25 yuan;______(任何人) can afford this price.

5. Our P.E. teacher is very strict with us,and I’m usually very______(累) after class.

C) 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. Can you______(play) the guitar for us?

2. Let’s go and______(see) Beijing Opera on weekends.

3. My sister______(not like) thrillers because they are very scary.

4. There______(be) some coffee in the glass.

5. She is always the last one______(get) to the school.

Ⅱ. 单项选择

1. Emma can play______violin,she can also play______volleyball.

A. the; the B. ×; the C. the; × D. a; a

2. —______is your birthday?

—It’s March 14th.

A. When B. What C. Where D. Who

3. He often______at 6:30______the morning.

A. have breakfast; in B. have the breakfast; on

C. has breakfast; in D. has the breakfast; on

4. Do you know______?

A. what is Linda’s job B. what does Linda do

C. what does Linda’s job is D. what Linda’s job is

5.______is between(在……之间) twelve and fourteen.

A. Ten B. Thirteen C. Fifteen D. Seventeen

6. We have great bags______sports______only 20 yuan.

A. at; for B. for; for C. for; in D. in; for

7. —Can I help you?


A. Here you are B. Thanks a lot

C. You are welcome D. Yes,please

8. I like music,I want______the music club.

A. join B. to join C. joins D. to go

9. —_________. Is this your coat?

—No,it isn’t.

A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Excuse me D. OK

10. My son,please______these books to your brother. He’s at school now.

A. take B. bring C. want D. see

11. There are many______in the dish on the table.

A. food B. eggs C. pear D. milk

12. She is my sister,and______name is Kate.

A. her B. its C. his D. she

13. —______is your daughter?


A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How

14. I can dance,______I can’t dance well.

A. so B. or C. and D. but

15. —How much______these shorts?

—______two dollars.

A. are; It’s B. is; It’s C. are; They’re D. is; They’re

16. —What time do you go to school every morning?


A. At B. On C. In D. From

17. —Who’s the boy in a yellow hat?


A. I don’t know B. She is Tom’s friend

C. He is at school D. He is four

18. —Why don’t you like science?

—Because I think it’s______.

A. exciting B. funny C. boring D. interesting

19. —______is your Chinese teacher?

—Miss Yang.

A. How B. Who C. What D. Where

20. —Thank you very much.


A. That’s right B. Right

C. You’re right D. That’s all right

Ⅲ. 句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空限填一词。

1. Jennifer does her homework at 6:30. (改为同义句)

Jennifer does her homework at____ _______ ______.

2. Jimmy does his homework every day. (改为一般疑问句)

______Jimmy______his homework every day?

3. Mr Black usually gets up at 5:30. (对画线部分提问)

______ ______ _____Mr Black usually_______ ________?

4. He is always late for school because he wants to sleep a litter longer. (对画线部分提问)

________ _______he always late for school?

5. She has breakfast at 7:00. (把主语She改为They)

________ _______breakfast at 7:00.

Ⅳ. 连词成句 根据横线后的标点符号,连词成句。

1. my,is,book,where,math

________________________________________________ ?

2. favorite,is,your,what,sport

________________________________________________ ?

3. at,has,Miss Barnes,usually,school,lunch

________________________________________________ .

4. fun,because,physical education,likes,she,it’s

________________________________________________ .

5. go,on,doesn’t,Kim,school,to,Sundays

________________________________________________ .

Ⅴ. 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填空,完成对话。其中有两个句子是多余的。

A:Hi,Li Lei. __1__

B:I want to join the music club.

A:Oh. __2__

B:Yes,I can. I can sing well. __3__

A:No. __4__. I can play chess well.

B:I can play it,too.

A:Really? __5__


A. Can you play chess?

B. What club do you want to join?

C. Can you sing?

D. Do you want to join the music club?

E. Let’s sing a song.

F. I want to join the chess club.

G. Let’s play it now.

Ⅵ. 完形填空

Joe is an English boy. He is __1__ years old. He comes __2__ China with his parents. He is a student of Guangming Middle School of Beijing.

__3__ favorite subject is __4__. He thinks it is very __5__. But he __6__ speak Chinese well and he thinks it is difficult. He __7__ a Chinese club. He goes to __8__ club every day. And he goes to __9__ Chinese movies every Sunday. Then he can speak Chinese __10__.

1. A. thirty B. thirteen C. third D. three

2. A. to B. from C. for D. at

3. A. Her B. He C. His D. She

4. A. math B. Chinese C. English D. P.E

5. A. boring B. scary C. interesting D. busy

6. A. can B. not C. can’t D. don’t

7. A. wants B. joins C. likes D. helps

8. A. × B. a C. an D. the

9. A. paint B. learn C. look D. see

10. A. well B. also C. good D. nice

Ⅶ. 阅读理解


Mr White is from England. He is an English teacher now. His class is very interesting. He likes us and we like him,too. Mr White has two children,Tom and Lucy. Tom is seven and his sister is four. Tom goes to school but his sister doesn’t. Mr White likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans. Soccer is his favorite sport. After school we usually have a basketball match. Sometimes Mr White watches us play and sometimes he joins us. He plays basketball just for fun.


1. Mr White is______.

A. a Chinese teacher B. an English teacher

C. an English student D. a math teacher

2. How many daughters does Mr White have?

A. First. B. Two.C. Three. D. One.

3. Lucy doesn’t go to school because______.

A. she doesn’t want to go B. she doesn’t like school

C. she is too young D. her father doesn’t like her

4.______is Mr White’s favorite sport.

A. Volleyball B. Soccer C. Basketball D. Baseball

5. Which of the following is right?

A. After school we have a soccer match.

B. Sometimes Mr White watches our soccer match.

C. Sometimes Mr White joins us in our basketball match.

D. Mr White plays soccer just for fun.



6. How many English classes does Mary have in a week?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

7. Does Mary have classes at 10:30 am on Thursday?

A. Yes,she has. B. No,she doesn’t.

C. We don’t know. D. Yes,she has P.E..

8. When dose the football game start?

A. At 3:00 pm on Tuesday. B. At 2:00 pm on Thursday.

C. At 3:00 pm on Thursday. D. At 10:30 am on Tuesday.

9. Mary has a music class on______.

A. Monday afternoon B. Tuesday morning

C. Thursday afternoon D. Monday morning

10. —What does Mary do after English class on Friday?


A. plays footballB. plays volleyball

C. goes to a movie D. plays the piano

Ⅷ. 书面表达

假设Maria是你的好朋友,她是一位英国女孩,今年11岁,她的生日是五月五日,最喜欢的运动是足球和网球,最喜欢的学科是数学,经常在周末去看电影。请你根据上面提供的信息,以“My Good Friend”为题写一篇50个词左右的英语短文。


Ⅰ. A) 1. twelfth 2. sports 3. star 4. write 5. night

B) 1. pianos 2. gets up 3. call/phone 4. anybody/anyone 5. tired

C) 1. play 2. see 3. doesn’t like 4. is 5. to get

Ⅱ. 1-5 CACDB 6-10 BDBCA 11-15 BACDC 16-20 AACBD

Ⅲ. 1. half,past,six 2. Does,do 3. What,time,does,get,up

4. Why,is 5. They,have

Ⅳ. 1. Where is my math book

2. What is your favorite sport

3. Miss Barnes usually has lunch at school

4. She likes physical education because it’s fun

5. Kim doesn’t go to school on Sundays

Ⅴ. 1-5 BCDFG

Ⅵ. 1-5 BACBC 6-10 CBDDA

Ⅶ. 1-5 BDCBC 6-10 BBCAD

Ⅷ. One possible version:

My Good Friend

牛津版七年级英语寒假作业答案 篇3


2.“严闭的心幕,慢慢的拉开了,涌出五年前的一个印象.”句在文中起承上启下的作用.3.作者看到什么而回忆起过去哪两见事? 墙上的画,1路边的女孩儿2雨天











1.文章首段的景物描写写出了景物什么特点?在文中主要起什么作用?(1)____________________________________________________________________。(2)____________________________________________________________________。2.首段中,在等放晚学的弟弟时,为什么我会“等得焦急不耐”,母亲却“等得耐心又耐心”? 3.第④段中写到,“我忽然觉得失去了什么”,“我”觉得失去了什么呢? 4.纵观全文,(1)写出在全文结构上与末段中“眼前晃动着月光里母亲静立的身影”这个句子相呼应的一句话。(2)说说为什么“我记忆中的那些夜晚永远美丽如初”?(1)____________________________________________________________。(2)____________________________________________________________。(1)宁静平和(幽美)(2)展示人物活动环境特点;衬托人物美丽和充满母爱的性格(心灵)。2.因为母亲能“把深沉的爱包容在静静的等待中”,而我还未能。(大意对即可)3.(因为已经长大而独立,)失去了倚在母亲怀里感受母爱的机会,失去了享受母亲等待的满足感和幸福感的机会。

















问题:朋友为什么“无论长途短途,无论车上多挤”,他总能找到座位?本文把不愿主动找座位的乘客比作了现实生活中的哪一类人?朋友作为生意人,“运气好”的原因是?结尾“ 人生之旅永远的坐票”含义是?人生之旅,你握有“坐票”吗?请你谈谈你的“坐票”是什么?




其实文章中说的很明白了,“坐票”,是大家平时坐车都想拥有的,想舒舒服服的坐着.“人生的坐票” 就意味着成功.得到你最初想要的.人生之旅永远的坐票,其含义就是人生如何成功的真谛.文章的最后,作者写道:“自信、执着、富有远见、勤于实践,会让你握有一张人生之旅永远的坐票”.这些都是得到“坐票”的方式.每个人都有优点,都是由坐票的,但是大部分人上了车却不肯努力去找自己的座位,而选择懒惰,站在车门处.不去为自己的座位努力.我是有坐票的,而我的坐票就是: 努力和锲而不舍




3、阅读第④⑤⑥段,填写下面的空白。文章的这部分运用了【 】的修辞方法和【 】的写法,表达了对枯树和柔藤【 】的生命现象的赞美。

4、文章在结尾写道¡°望着这一棵树,我微笑着¡±,你觉得作者从枯树和鲜花的生命现象中获得了怎样的人生感悟? 答案:

1、①落花时节繁花满枝 ②枯枝与牵牛花复活
















《狐假虎威》阅读答案 启示:




这是一则家喻户晓的寓言故事,说的是狐狸凭自己的智谋逃出了虎口。后来都用来比喻 依仗别人的势力欺压人。狡猾的狐狸凭借老虎的威风,在森林中吓唬别人。但是,狡诈的手法决不能使狐狸改变虚弱的本质。把戏一旦被戳(chuō)穿,它非但会受到群兽的围攻,还将被受骗的老虎吞吃。引申说明仗势欺人的坏蛋,虽然能够嚣张一时,但最终决不会有好的下场。狐狸假借老虎的威势。现人们用它来比喻依仗别人的势力欺压人。也讽刺了那些仗着别人威势,招摇撞骗的人。借着别人的势力,或职务上的权力作威作福的人就是狐假虎威。从上面的故事,我们可以知道,凡是借着权威的势力欺压别人,或借着职务 上的权力作威作福的,都可以用“狐假虎威”来形容。一切狡猾,奸诈的人,总是喜欢吹牛皮,说谎话,靠欺骗过日子。这种人虽借外力能逞雄一时,而其本质却是最虚弱不过,不堪一击的。同时也说明凡事应开动脑筋,不能像“狐假虎威”中的老虎那样盲目信从狐狸,否则,自然会脱离实际、闹出笑话。





4.本来是写“父亲的爱”,而文中为什么写那么多母爱的表现? 5.结尾一句有何作用? 《父亲的爱》答案



3.不行。因为去掉“表达”就成了“爹不懂得爱”和 “爹完全不知道怎样爱”,与文章的主旨不符。

牛津版七年级英语寒假作业答案 篇4

一,1.elevator 2.voyage 3.native 4.actualy 5.gradualy


三.1.such as 2.play a big part in 3.hold on 4.because of 4.even if


一1.at the end of the 16th centery 2.than ever before 3.over time 4.be different from

5.at present


三.1.began to be spoken 2.the english spoken today 3.those who ruled england


八年级英语寒假作业答案 篇5


1.wolves 2.beginning 3.wears 4.least 5.tasty 6.nowhere 7.pleasant 8.Climbing 9.crazy 10.without


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.A


1.with 2.from 3.in 4.at 5.of 6.for 7.in、for 8.in 9.with 10.by


1.practicing 2.were 3.will die 4.didn’t watch 5.smoking 6.are getting 7.lost 8.keep 9.lying

10.to watch


1.Don’t open when driving

2.won’t camping it rains

3.leave five-year-old on own

4.The ninth the same as

5.make noise to do


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.D


1.Leaves 2.activities 3.ninth 4.worried 5.beauty 6.useful 7.amazing 8.less 9.better 10.weight


1.have less than

2.is helpful to

3.spend better results on

4.as interesting as

5.Luckily put out

6.took a trip famous


1.A How far

2.B Are

3.B not talk

4.B /

5.B so much

6.B doesn’t like

7.B to answer

8.B will be

9.B isn’t

10.D on


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B


1.policeman 2.E-dog 3.frog


1.more helpful than

2.Did enjoy themselves

3.keeping secret between

4.the same as

5.less time by coach

6.isn’t on is it


1.quietly 2.fit 3.popular 4.finishes 5.twelfth 6.word 7.twice 8.lost 9.medals 10.save


1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B


1.the same as mine

2.different from

3.Be careful with hurt

4.Make sure closed

5.hurt stay in hospital

6.lost their lives

7.should in danger
