


牛津译林版八年级英语unit1Friends核心知识整理 篇1



1.I have long hair.我有长头发。

have “有” have sth.to do 有某事要做 have a cold 感冒

have ”吃,,喝” have a cup of tea喝一杯茶 have breakfast/ lunch/ supper吃早/中/晚餐

have to 不得不 have sth.on= have on sth.=wear sth.穿着,.I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.live with与,一起生活 live in 居住在,close to= near 接近,离,近(也可放于被修饰词之后做后置定语)I live close to the shops.我住得离商店很近。She is buying a flat close to her office.她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的公寓。


初二英语上册School life知识点梳理:unit2

牛津译林版八年级英语unit1Friends核心知识整理 篇2

Some questions: 1.what day is it today?

2.what’s the date today?

3.what’s the weather like today?

4.you have been here for a long time, how do you get on with your classmates?

5.have you make some friends since you came to this school?

6.who is your best friend?

7.can you tell me something about your best friend?

8.say something about your best friend,( appearance, characteristics, future dream),let other students guess who your best friend is.

Step 2 presentation

Unit one Reading

1. Now I know who your best friends are. Can you guess who my best friend is?

Ask some students to guess.

2. my best friend is Betty. Do you know something about Betty? Open your books and turn to page 4,try to find more information about her and the other two students.

3. ask the students to read the whole reading by themselves and try to find some important sentences by themselves.

4. ask some more questions: if you are going to choose one as your best friend, who will you choose and why?

Ask some volunteers to answer the question.

Unit two Reading

1. can you guess where they study? At Beijing Sunshine Secondary School or at Woodland School in England or at Rocky Mountain High School in America? (at Beijing……..)

2. do you still remember life in Woodland School in England and that at Rocky Mountain High School in America?

3. turn to page 20, read the passage together.

4. ask the students: which school life do you like better and why?

Ask some students to answer.

5. what about our own school life? What do you think of our school life?

Some students’ answers: (Part of Grammar)

a. Life in our school is as colourful as that in foreign countries.

b. Life in our school is not as colourful as that in foreign countries.

c. Life in our school is less colourful as that in foreign countries.

d. Life in our school is not so colorful as that in foreign countries.

e. Life in foreign countries is more colorful than that in our school.


a. we have more subjects that they do.

b. we have less free time than they do.

c. they have fewer subjects than we do.

d. they have more free time than we do.

Unit three Reading

1.we feel very stressed and tired because of so much homework and so many exams. What will you do to relax yourself?

Students’answers: sing songs loudly, listen to music, eat a lot of delicious food.

2.what about a day out? Do you think it’s a good idea? Linda also had a day out. During the day, she visited a lot of interesting places around the world. How did she succeed in doing that? Where did she go? Open your books and turn to page 89. read the text by yourself ant try do find the changes of her feelings.


3.what did she see during the day?

4.what was the best part during the day?

5.if you have a day off, where will you go?

6.if you have a week out, where will you go? Will you go to Beijing? Will you go to Guilin?

Oral book: page 103-104. read the two passages by yourself and try to say something about Beijing and Guilin without books.


Homework: write a composition.

A trip to…../ Travelling to……



a.Life in our school is as colourful as that in foreign countries.

b.Life in our school is not as colourful as that in foreign countries.

c.Life in our school is less colourful as that in foreign countries.

d.Life in our school is not so colorful as that in foreign countries.

e.Life in foreign countries is more colorful than that in our school.


a.we have more subjects that they do.

b.we have less free time than they do.

c.they have fewer subjects than we do.

d.they have more free time than we do.

2.some important phrases:

keep secrets be willing to do sth. be ready to do sth. share sth. with sb.

have a good sense of humour say a bad word about anyone travel around the world

give me some advice wear a smile on one’s face have a square face

why don’t sb. do sth spend a lot of time doing sth. have a great time doing sth.

have more weeks off in the summertime be different from walk to school

go on a school trip to the same size as keep fit enjoy ourselves take a boar trip

a lot of traffic invite sb. to do sth. feel sick for most of the trip be made of

places of interest teach oneself sth.=learn sth. by oneself take a look at feel the beauty of

牛津译林版八年级英语unit1Friends核心知识整理 篇3

wild flowers / animals 野花/野生动物 the Wild Animals Club野生动物俱乐部

Many wild animals are in danger . 许多野生动物处于危险之中。

The silly girl was wild about the famous film star .那个愚蠢的女孩对那个著名的影星着了魔

They were wild with joy at the news .他们对那则消息欣喜若狂。


(1) adj.用于动植物名词前,意为“大…” a giant cabbage . 一棵大卷心菜

(2) adj. “巨大的”=very big The giant size packet gives you more for less money .


(3) n. 巨人,伟人,天才 Yao Ming is called a giant . 姚明被称为巨人。

Lu Xun is a giant among writers .鲁迅是作家中的大文豪。

3.sadly adv. (more sadly , most sadly) 可惜,令人伤心地

Sadly , it’s very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild .


He looked sadly at the dead dog .他伤心地看着那个死狗。

4. survive v. 活下来,继续存在,幸存

(1) Sadly , it’s very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild .

(2)比…活得久, 在…中生还 She survived her husband . 她比她丈夫活得长。

Few children survived after the flood . 洪水过后,生还者极少。

survival adj.幸存 survivor n. 生还者

5.fur n. (动物的)毛,皮毛

If hunters catch a giant panda , they will kill it for its fur .


6.forest (large area of land with trees ) n . 森林 walk through the forest 穿越森林

7.nowhere n . 无处, 没有地方

(1)n. If farmers cut down trees and forests , giant pandas will have nowhere to live .


He went nowhere last Saturday . 上星期六他哪里也没去。

(2)nowhere near = not nearly = far more 远远没有, 远不及

$50 is nowhere near enough . 五十美圆远远不够。

The book is nowhere near interesting . 这本书一点意思也没有。

8.danger n.危险 in danger (of) 处于(…的)危险中 out of danger 脱离危险

The boy is badly ill and is in danger . Five days later , he was out of danger .

We should save the wild animals in danger .

The house is in danger of fire . He is in danger of losing his life .

There is no danger of swimming in the river .

9.action n.行动,指长时间的、系统的做法 take actions to do . 采取措施/行动做某事

We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas .我们能采取下列行动保护大熊猫。

Actions speak louder than words . 身教重于言教。(事实胜于雄辩)

You should put your words into actions . 你应说到做到。

10.protect (keep something/someone safe from/ against danger)

v. 保护,常与from/ against连用

Parents should protect their children from any harm . 父母应保护子女免受任何伤害

He wears sunglasses to protect his eyes from the sunlight . 他戴太阳镜保护眼睛免受阳光照射

They protect the young plants from the cold . 他们保护幼苗不受冻。

11.reserve (a special area for wild animals) n. 自然保护区

make giant panda reserves bigger 使大熊猫自然保护区更大

guild more reserves 建更多的自然保护区

12.encourage vt.鼓励,激励,支持 援助 encourage sb. to do sth .

encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves 鼓励农民们离开大熊猫自然保护区

His father encouraged him to work harder .他父亲鼓励他更加努力工作。

The teachers encourage their students in their studies .老师在学习上鼓励同学们。

13.safe (adj.) safely (adv.) safety (n.)

It’s good to be __________ at home on a night like this .

He got home ____________ at last .

Did you do anything for your own ______________ ?

He took the little boy to the _______________ .

14.alive adj. 活着的,无比较级和最高级,仅作表语和后置定语。多用于人或动物。

stay alive 仍然活着 catch a fish alive 活捉一条鱼

His father is dead but his mother is still alive .他父亲死了,但是他妈妈活着。

living adj. 活的,有生命的。作定语或表语,强调人或物的活力 living things

15.wolf - wolves 狼

Wolves live in family groups if they are in the wild .

16.report n. / v. 报告

If I finish my report , I’ll be happy . 假如我完成了我报告,我将很高兴。

a school report 一份成绩报告单

It’s reported that the number of the wild animals in Africa is getting smaller and smaller .


17.attack n. / v. 攻击, 进攻

If a bear is in danger , it attacks people . 假如熊处于危险中,它就会攻击人。

The robber attacked the old man . 强盗攻击了那位老人。

make an attack on … 对…发起攻击

18.spit (spat / spit) v. 吐痰,吐吐沫

Some snakes spit poison if you step on them .假如你踩了它们,蛇会吐毒液。

Don’t spit on the ground . 不要随地吐痰

19.step (stepped , stepping) v. 踩,踏上

The woman stepped on my foot , but didn’t say sorry .那个妇女踩了我的脚,但没说对不起。

Step this way . 请走这边。

20.hunt (go after wild animals for food or sport , look for) v. 打猎,狩猎,搜索

They hunted foxes . 他们狩猎狐狸。

We’ll go hunting tomorrow .我们明天要外出打猎。

hunt for a job 找工作

hunter n. 猎人,打猎者

21.character n. 特点,性格,品质

You can tell a man’s character from his handwriting .根据一个人的笔迹可以判别他的性格

He has a strong / weak character . 他个性刚强/软弱。

They are twins but they have different characters .他们虽为双胞胎,但性格相当不同。

22.medicine n. 药(不可数)

take / have medicine (three times a day) 服药(每天三次)

make medicine from their bones 用它们的骨头做药

make … from … 用…制/做… (看不出原材料)

We make paper from wood . 我们用木材造纸。

They make wine from grapes . 他们用葡萄酿酒。

23.loss n. 丧失,损失,失败

Loss of living areas . 生活区的失去。

Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth . 健康的丧失比财富的损失更严重。

He sold the clothes at a loss of 50 pounds . 他以损失50英镑的价格出售那些衣服。

He was at a loss of words . 他不知说什么好。

I was at a loss at what to do . 我不知道该干什么。

lose (lost) v. 丢失,失败

I lost my watch yesterday . Don’t lose heart .别灰心。

Which side lost the game ? 哪一边比赛失败了?

24.peaceful adj. 和平的,安宁的

They are peaceful animals if they live in family groups .


I want to live in a place more peaceful than here . 我想生活在一个比这里更安全的地方。

peace n. 和平peacefully adv. 和平地,安宁地

25. continue (go on , keep on , start again after a stop ) v. 继续

continue to do / doing sth .继续做某事

If farmers continue to make new farmland , wild animals won’t get enough food .


If we continue to build roads , they won’t have suitable homes .


He continued to read / reading when I spoke to him .我跟他说话的时候他继续看书。

To be continued . 未完待续。

26.suitable (fit , proper) adj. 适合的,适宜的,恰当的 suitably adv. 恰当地

books suitable for children 适合儿童的书

27.sell (sold) v. 卖

Hunters will make a lot of money if they sell elephants’ tusks .


I sold my brother my bike for 50 dollars . 我把我的自行车以五十美圆卖给我的哥哥了。

The book sells well . 这种书销售很好。

sell out 卖光,卖完

28.train v. 培养,训练

Elephants help farmers if people train them .假如人们训练它们的话,大象会帮助农民。

There are four abilities to train : hearing , reading , speaking , writing


The young farmer tried to trained his cow to do farm work .





If we grow more bamboo , giant pandas will have more food .

If we don’t protect giant pandas , they will die .

If I see a snake in front of me , I will run the other way .

I will see a lot if camels if I go to North Africa .

Giant pandas will survive if we protect them .

I will see some beautiful birds if I walk through the rainforest .


If I arrive at noon , I _______________ (see) _________________________ .


If I _____________ (watch) the animals carefully , I ____________ (get) enough information _________ my class report .


________________________ , I you .


If it _______________ (not rain) tomorrow , we ____________ on a trip ______________ .


If he ____________ (have) time next weekend , he’ll go to the zoo .


If tigers are hungry , they attack people .

If giant pandas have no food , they die .

If a polar bear is hungry , it catches fish from the water .

What do some snakes do if you step on them ?

What do male wolves do if there is danger ?

If tigers live in the wild they hunt for their own food .

They live as a family if they have babies .


Wolves if they are in the wild .


If a fish ______________________ water , it ____________________ soon .


If we _______________________________ trees , there are floods or draughts .


I. Useful expressions

the story of Xi Wang 希望的故事 look like a white mouse看上去像只白鼠

call her Xi Wang 叫它希望 weigh just 100 grams 称到100克

start to go outside her home 开始到户外去 for the first time第一次

eight months later 八个月后

grow into a healthy giant panda长成一只健康的大熊猫

at the very beginning 在刚开始时 up to 14 hours 高达14 小时

eat bamboo shoots and leaves吃竹子的嫩枝和树叶

have another baby又生了个孩子 survive in the wild在野外生存

kill the panda for its fur杀死熊猫以获取皮毛 cut down trees and forests 砍伐树木和森林

have nowhere to live 没有住处

leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own让小熊猫单独呆两天

find baby pandas alone 发现小熊猫独处时 take them away 带走它们

be in danger 处于危险中 take the following actions采取如下行动

make giant panda reserves bigger 扩大大熊猫保护区的范围

encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves 鼓励农民们离开大熊猫保护区

ii Details of the text

1. We called her Xi Wang.

call 称呼,叫做,后跟宾语和宾语补足语,如:

We call him Mr .Li.我们叫他李老师。

The boy called Jim is my best friend. 那个叫做Jim的男孩是我的好朋友。



Please call me in the morning.请早上叫醒我。


Call the doctor at once.立刻叫医生来。


make a telephone call.打电话

I called him yesterday. 昨天我打电话给他了。

2.At four months,she weighed about 10 kilograms and she started to go outside her home for the first time.

for the first time 表示第一次,当time作“次”解释,前面又有序数词时要与for连用。 如:

I left home for Beijing in for the first time.我第一次离家去北京。

When did you meet him for the first time ? 你第一次什么时候遇到他的?



It will be my first time to see the firework.

2)times 前有基数词时不与for连用,如:


He went to Shanghai three times when he worked in China.

3.Eight months later,she was not a small baby any more.

later adv. late 的比较级,意为……之后,过了……以后

“一段时间+ later”相当于“after+一段时间”,多用于一般过去时.如


Three days later,he went to England.=After three days, he went to England.


A week later,he returned to the city.= After a week, he returned to the city


The rain will stop later. 雨过会会停。

Later the girl found her mother.后来,那个女孩找到了她妈妈。


later on 后来 See you later.再见 sooner or later.迟早

4.She grew into a healthy young giant panda and weighed 35 kilograms.

grow into 长成,发展成

She grew into a big girl.她长成一个大姑娘了。

Our hometown has grown into a modern city.我们的家乡发展成一个现代化的城市了。



Truth never grows old.真理永远不会过时。

My mother’s hair is growing gray.妈妈的头发正在变白。


grow rice种水稻 grow a beard 留胡子 grow up长大

5. At the very beginning,XiWang drank her mother’s milk for up to 14 hours a day.

up to 意为"达到,接近,多到,一直到"

The number of students in our school is up to 5000.我校的学生数多达5000。

He does his home work for up to 3 hours every day.他每天做长达3小时的作业。

The team did not play up to its best today.那个球队今天没有发挥出最理想的水平。

6. Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own.

leave (left)


He left home in a hurry.他匆忙离开家。


He left her book in the garden.他把书丢在花园里了。


I will leave my car to you. 我会把我的车留给你。

4) leave +宾语+补语(为形容词,介词短语,名词等) ,使……处于……状态

leave the door open让门开着

leave the baby by itself把婴儿单独留下

leave one on one’s own留下……不管

The woman left her baby on it’s own. 这个妇女留下她的孩子无人照看。

5)去,出发 It’s time for us to leave.我们该出发了。

Integrated skills & Pronunciation

1.live as a family until baby tigers are 2-3 years old 在小老虎两至三岁前以家庭形式居住

as a family 以家庭形式 as “作为”

She works as a teacher . 她当老师。

I think of you as my best friend . 我把你当我最好的朋友。


请尽量照着我写的这样写。 Please try to write like me .= Please try to write as I do .

像他弟弟一样,他也喜欢体育运动。_____________ his brother , he likes sports .

他想工人一样工作。 He works _________ a worker .

他当工人。 He works __________ a worker .

as常可用于such as / such…as和the same as的结构中。

我们需要像你一样的人。 We need such a person as you .

我的主意和你的一样。 My idea is the same as yours .

我想买像你的一样的车。 I want to buy the same car as you did .

2.I think you should not buy clothes made of animal fur .我认为你不应该买动物毛皮做的衣服。

made of animal fur是过去分词短语作定语,表示与clothes之间的被动关系。


她喜欢穿丝织的村衫。She likes wearing blouse _________________________ silk .

我们用丝绸做衣服。 We _______________ clothes _________ silk .


书是由印刷而成的。 Books ______________________________ paper .

这把小刀是由金属制成的。 The knife _________________________ metal .

3.They look lovely on me .我穿它们很漂亮。

“衣服+look + adj. +on sb.”意为“衣服穿在某人身上怎么样”

这件连衣裙你穿很好看。 The dress looks nice _______ you .

这衬衫穿在他身上很帅气。 The shirt looks smart ___________ him .

【注】如果人作主语,应用“sb. looks +adj.+ in + sth.”结构。意为“某人穿了什么衣服怎么样”

你穿这条连衣裙看上去很不错。 You look nice _______ this dress.

这个年轻人穿这套衣服更帅。 The young man looks _________________ ____ this suit .

4.Hunters will make a lot of money if they sell elephants’ tusks .


make money意为“赚钱”

他去年赚了很多钱。 He ____________________________ last year .

你认为养猪很赚钱吗? Dou you think keeping pigs can make good money ?

谋生make one’s living 生火 make a fire 交朋友make friends

犯错误 make a mistake 取笑 make fun of

Main task & Checkout

1. Mother giant pandas have only one or two babies at a time.

at a time 一次,每次, 表示数次相同行为中的一次,此处的不能用代替


How many books can you borrow from the library at a time?


He can carry three chairs at a time.


We can’t do two things at a time.

比较: 1)at the time曾经,一度

我过去常常在早上散步.I walked in the morning at one time.

2) at times 有时,不时,相当于sometimes

通常他们在学校吃午饭,但有时在附近的饭店吃 .

They usually have lunch in the school,but at times they have it in the restaurant nearby.

3) all the time总是,相当于always

晚上你总是呆在家吗? Do you stay at home all the time in the evening?

2.Their number is getting smaller and smaller. 他们的数量变得越来越少了。

get + 比较级(+ and + 比较级) 表示“……变得更……(越来越……)”。

Winter is coming. It’s getting colder and colder. 冬天要来了,天气越来越冷了。

With the development of technology, English is getting more and more important. 随着科技的发展,英语越来越重要了。

If this continues , then there will be no giant pandas in the world.

3.There will be ...”表示“在某处将有……”。这是there be句型的将来时形式,也可用“There is going to be ...”结构,但其中的be不可用have或has代替。

比较“Sb. will have ...(to do)”表示“某人将有某事(要做)”。

There will be a football match on TV tonight. 今晚电视将播放一场足球比赛。

If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. 如果农民们砍伐树木和森林,大熊猫将没有地方生活了。

4.If farmers keep taking the land,giant pandas will have nowhere to live.



The man kept standing for about half an hour?



I will keep waiting for you for one hour outside..

Early birds catch the worm. 早起的鸟,有食吃。

Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。

Let sleeping dogs lie. 勿惹事生非。

The best fish swim near the bottom. 好鱼常在水底游。

Hair by hair you will pull out the horse’s tail. 一根一根拔,拔光马尾巴。(水滴石穿)

A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. 懒羊嫌毛重。
