


新译林六年级英语作文范文 篇1

Unit 5Seasons


season 季节spring 春天summer夏天autumn 秋天winter 冬天warm 暖和的hot 炎热的cool 凉爽的 cold 寒冷的fly 放(风筝,飞机模型等)kite 风筝 picnic 野餐fine 晴朗的hey 嘿,喂whose 谁的二、短语:

go boating 去划船go swimming 去游泳go climbing 去爬山go skating 去溜冰

in spring 在春天fly kites 放风筝

in summer 在夏天eat ice cream 吃冰淇林like spring 喜欢春天in autumn 在秋天

in winter 在冬天make snowman

have picnics 举行野餐a fine day 晴朗的一天your jacket 你的夹克衫whose bag 谁的包


Ii/ ai /Chinese 语文kite 风筝like 喜欢

time 时间white 白色的fine 晴朗的climb 爬lion 狮子rice 米饭

Unit 6Whose dress is this ?


dress 连衣裙too 太trousers 裤子party 聚会,派对 glove 手套coat 外套sweater 毛衣jeans 牛仔裤 shorts 短裤wrong 错的move 移动hand 手

so 如此,这么hurt 感到疼痛


look at 看……my dress 我的连衣裙 too short 太短your trousers 你的裤子 too long 太长go to the party 去参加聚会 Su Yang’s gloves 苏阳的手套so big 如此多

whose gloves 谁的手套so beautiful 如此漂亮 can move 能移动my hand 我的手


Ii/i/English 英语fish 鱼him 他(宾格)music 音乐pig 猪listen 听sixteen 十六picture 图片picnic 野餐difficult 困难的

新译林六年级英语作文范文 篇2


当我们获得一本新书时,你会如何阅读?显然,“How to read a book?”成为开启阅读之旅要解决的首要问题。教材亦是如此,当我们接手一个新的年级,拿到一本全新的教材时,我们要从哪个入口走进教材?从哪个部分解读教材?读封面(扉页)—读目录—速读内容—合书小结,想必这是我们大多数人常走的路径,其实这条看似普通的路径,同样适用于我们的教材解读,而且对于我们宏观把握教材有着很大的帮助。然而,不少教师,尤其是老教师,在面对教材时,往往抱着“备课”的态度对待教材,以单元为中心,集中备教材,准备教案,为上课做好“烹饪准备”,有的教师甚至以“课”为中心,上一课,备一课。这样教学看似没有什么问题,实际上却犯了致命的错误。古话说得好,“擒贼先擒王”,对待教材也是如此,我们要善于从大处着眼,善于抓主要矛盾,做到教材在心中,教学胸有成竹。

因此,在新学期开始前,我们就应该仔细阅读本学期所使用的教材,同时还应利用专门的课时,组织学生们一同走进教材,认识教材,跟我们的新教材说一声“Hi!”如在四年级下学期的第一课,我就设计了“走进教材,和它交朋友”主题活动课。在这堂活动课中,我首先以“Say hello!”活动,带领学生们读封面及编者的话,引导学生们畅所欲言,帮助学生们挖掘封面中的小细节,从编者的话中,认识我们本学期的“朋友吗”,如主要任务,话题等。接下来,以画思维导图活动,带领学生们读目录,并以“速读目录及内容”完成图表的探究活动方式,引领学生们认识本单元所学的话题,了解我们这学期主要探讨的话题内容是什么。最后,以组间讨论、集体小结的方式,帮助学生们在心中勾勒出四年级下册教材的轮廓,让学生心中有数,明确将要学的是什么。


单元是教材综合又独立的教学个体,如果说教材是一棵树,那么我们先前所认识与了解的封面、序言、目录与总结就是它的主干,而单元则是它旁逸斜出的分支,撑起了这棵参天大树,令其枝繁叶茂。由此可见,在把握主要矛盾的情况下,如何学会“弹钢琴”,直击教材内的各个单元,从“微”处见天地,是我们教学是否能够出奇制胜的关键。在实际教学中,我坚持以三个步骤直击单元,解读教材,即“常规阅读—职业阅读—审视阅读”。首先,“常规阅读”,就是整体感知我们教材的单元内容,基于内容,尝试寻找单元话题与实际生活的连接点,不带教学包袱,而是立足于学生的内心需求及发展诉求,寻找教与学的纽带,搭建课堂与生活的桥梁。紧接着,我们要进行角色转换,站在教师专业的角度,开展“职业阅读”,从教的角度,深挖教材内容、单元板块设计中所包含的教学价值,并从培养学生的综合语言应用能力出发,开展更加具有针对性的教学活动。在教材的基础上,进行单元板块的优化整合,如Story time板块和song time的联袂上演,提高教学的趣味性。最后一步,便是“审视阅读”,这主要是基于情感态度价值观的再次探索与挖掘。在实际教学中,我们既要关注知识与技能、过程与方法,也要关注学生们情感态度价值观的培养,如学生英语思维能力的开发,英语素养的陶冶,跨文化交际能力的培养,英语审美能力的渗透等,真正实现素质教育的育人目标。


精准的目标定位不仅是我们开展教学活动的神兵利器,能使我们的教学事半功倍,而且也是我们个性化解读教材、特色化开展教学活动的必要条件。在解读教材的过程中,我们要善于当教学的“有心人”,在研读教学内容,根植学生们实际英语水平及发展需求的基础上,对我们单元教学的各个板块进行精准的目标定位,在确保教材共性的基础上,发挥我们课堂教学的个性,使得每个学生都有获得发展的机会。如在设计第六单元的“Fun time”板块时,我考虑到,这个板块的功能以输出为主,在教学实际时,我先思考了两个问题:(1)这个板块重点解决什么问题?与是Story time板块是什么关系?(2)采用什么形式进行重点词句的操练?在确定好输出目标后,我尝试进行目标定位,该板块与第一课时中story time相衔接,起到承上启下,巩固故事内容,培养学生语言表达能力的教学作用,它主要采用课文情境或课文情境变式进行操练。因此,在教学活动中,我们可以尝试借助趣味性、互动性的语言实践活动,如游戏等操练重点词句,让学生进一步强化并能够比较熟练地运用Whose...?特殊疑问句进行询问物品的主人,同时学会用一般疑问句Is/Are...’s?进行猜测,从而强化学生们的语言输出,把Story time的输入迁移到这个板块的输出,达到教与学的收放自如、学与用的收支平衡,促进学生们语言个性化的成长。


新译林六年级英语作文范文 篇3

[关键词]英语 板块分析 教学建议

[中图分类号] G623.31 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-9068(2016)06-036



旧教材中,一个单元分成A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H板块。新教材按活动板块的结构和形式设计编写,每个单元由Storytime、Grammar time、Fun time、Sound time、Song time、Culture time、Cartoon time、Checkout time、Ticking time等九个板块组成。这些板块的主要功能和教法如下。

Story time是单元核心板块。通过对话、短文、故事等帮助学生掌握基本的语言知识,发展基本的听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语交流的能力,进一步促进思维能力的发展,同时提高学生的综合人文素养。该板块是课文与词汇的综合体,在进行教学时,要注意:(1)词句教学与文本情境相融合。(2)文本题材与脉络结构相匹配。(3)自主阅读与语言输出成比例。让学生充分享受阅读的过程,并及时指导。但要控制学生语言的产出,学生的信息产出只在于引导和帮助学生更好地理解课文。

Grammar time是语法板块。采用直观的图表形式和简单的语言提示,归纳新授词语和句型,帮助学生理解并掌握相关语法知识,引导教师宏观地把握主要语法内容。可以按以下方法处理:(1)创设语境,语言输出。创设具体语境,在师生的交流或表演中自然地引出含有相关语法的语句。(2)感性认识,适当归纳。在具体语句的基础上,通过归纳,呈现相关语法知识。(3)讲练结合,注意运用。简单讲解,更多的时间让学生进行相关操练。

Sound time是语音学习板块。通过例词、绕口令和歌谣,引导学生了解字母读音拼读规则和句子重读、连读、节奏、语调等现象。在教学中,可以利用插图引出相关语句,然后思考这些词句中含有哪些共同音素或节奏特点,在此基础上结合旧知扩散归纳,整理运用。

Song time是歌曲板块。通过学唱歌曲,激发学生的兴趣,活跃学生身心,帮助学生巩固所学内容,提高听说和思维能力。此板块可设在课堂尾声部分,既可活跃课堂,又可消除学生疲惫感,使课堂在结尾处达到高潮。

Culture time是文化知识板块。通过图片和简单的对话、文字介绍,呈现中外文化的异同,帮助学生拓展视野,加深对祖国的认识和热爱。这一板块因异域文化浓厚,学生都很感兴趣,但教师在处理时要做到:关注视角,注意深度,理解运用,忽略语法。

Cartoon time是拓展性趣味阅读板块。通过趣味卡通故事,帮助学生强化语言知识,训练语言技能,着重培养阅读理解能力。但该板块不等同于Story time,着重通过学生的自读、自悟,设置不同的读后任务来培养学生的阅读能力,读完故事后更多地鼓励学生来创新故事。

Fun time是句型操练板块。通过语言实践活动,帮助学生操练并掌握本单元所学词语、句型和日常用语。

Checkout time是检测板块。通过形式多样的语言实践活动,考查学生对本单元所学语言知识的掌握情况,同时帮助学生复习巩固所学主要内容,提高听、说、读、写能力。可以将Fun time和Checkout time进行优化整合进行教学。在教学中,要引导学生进行文本再构,创造性地使用语言于生活中。尤其是其中的Think and write,课前要自主思考,罗列要点;课时要信息共享,搭建支架;接着组内交流,例文示范;课后修改定稿,批阅评价。

Ticking time是自我评价板块。通过自我评价,引导学生了解自己对本单元所学内容的掌握情况,反思和调控自己的学习过程,体验进步与成功。值得注意的是这一板块并不是每个单元的固定板块,而是贯穿于整个单元之中。评价要凸显多元性、开放性、交互性和激励性。


在《牛津小学英语》中,每册书中有两单元独立的Review and check,但在译林《英语》中,改为了两个Project。内容都是由联系紧密的语言实践活动组成,要求学生think、survey、discuss、communicate、cooperate等,要求综合运用前几个单元所学的语言知识和语言技能,完成一定的学习任务。所以,在教学中,教师要恰当地引导学生,以培养学生良好的语言能力为主要任务,以培养学生学习兴趣为主要目标,以活动为教学的主要形式。

三、Learning tip的分析与教学建议

尤其值得一提的是:在译林《英语》中,每册书都设置了八条Learning tip,这些策略有的侧重对学习方法的指导,有的侧重对英语基础知识的引导,还有的侧重指点英语学习中出现的问题,这些各式各类的Learning tips都为学生良好学习习惯的养成提供了必备的外部条件。

译林版英语六年级上册知识点 篇4

What aday! 糟糕的一天;忙碌的一天;累人的一天等等(表达的含义很多,根据具体语境来看)这里指“糟糕的一天”

1. the 19th of September 在九月十九号

2. asunny/ windy / rainy day 晴朗的/ 刮风/下雨的一天

3. alot of rain 许多雨(不可数)

4. alot of snow 许多雪(不可数)

5.see/ watch a parrot show 观看一场鹦鹉表演

6. seesome interesting parrots看见一些有趣的鹦鹉

7. aninteresting film 一部精彩的电影

8.become windy and cloudy变成大风和阴天(多云)

9. flykites high in the sky风筝放得高

10.bring some dumplings带来一些饺子

11. bring lunch 带午餐

12.some bread and honey 一些面包和蜂蜜

13. some drinks 一些饮料

14. hungry and thirsty 又饿又渴

15. wet clothes 潮湿的衣服

16.have/ eat our lunch吃我们的午饭

17. black clouds乌云

18.meet me/ him/ her/ them/ you 遇见我/他/ 她/ 他们/ 你

19.look sad/ happy 看起来很伤心/ 开心

20.this morning/ afternoon/ evening 今天早晨/ 下午/ 晚上

21.climb up the hill 爬上山

22. get up at seven 七点起床

23. goto school by bike 骑自行车去上学

24. have a picnic野餐

25.watch a film看电影

26. in the sky在空中

27. all day 一整天

28. goaway 走了

29. lose my kite丢了我的风筝

30.want to know why想要知道为什么

31. what happened出了什么事

32.fly too high飞得太高

33. find it 找到它

34. near the hill 在小山附近

35. inyour diary 在你的日记里


1.hold onto it抓紧它

2. fly away飞走了

3.find it near the hill在山的附近找到它

4. in your diary在你的日记里

5.cheer together一起欢呼



A:How’sthe weather today? B: It’s sunny. The weather is sunny.


A;What was the weather like yesterday?

B : Itwas rainy. The weather was rainy.


We sawsome interesting parrots.

4、我们上周日放风筝了。 We flew kites last Sunday.


Hebrought some drinks, bread and honey yesterday.

6、两天前她带来了一些水饺。 She brought somedumplings two days ago.

7、昨天下雨了。 It rained yesterday.

8、 Why do you have it?你怎么会拿到它的?



give-gave lose- lost become- became hold- held

come-came bring- brought buy- brought see- saw

write-wrote can- could find- found meet- met


2、rainy - 下雨的(形容词)

3、snowy- 下雪的(形容词)

rain snow

(1)名词:雨(不可数): a lot of rain (1)名词:雪(不可数): a lot of snow

(2)动词:下雨 (2)动词:下雪


a) Itrained yesterday. 昨天下雨了。

b)Look! It is raining now! 看!现在正在下雨。

c) Itoften rains here. 这儿经常下雨。

d) It’s often rainy.经常下雨了。

3. bybike 骑自行车和 ride a bike 骑自行车的区别:

bybike 属于副词短语,指的是交通方式,比如说别人问,你一般上学用什么交通工具,你回答“I go to school by bike”,

译林六年级上册教案 篇5


Unit 1 The King’s new clothes(The 1st period)



(1)学习故事中的单词rich, clever, foolish, soft, light, wear(2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解故事的内容。(3)初步培养学生复述故事的能力。








(1)故事中大量动词过去式的理解、运用和发音。(2)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。【教学准备】 图片,录音机等。【课前先学】

1.Learn the new words and phrases by yourselves.long long ago 很久以前 king 国王 one day 某一天 magic clothes 魔法衣

clever people 聪明人 foolish people 愚蠢的人 through 穿过 shout 大喊 point at 指向 wear 穿着 【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Teach “king”.Teacher draws a picture about the king.Step 2.Presentation & Practice Listen and read — to learn “beautiful”, “clothes” T: What does the king like?(播放动画)引导Ss: He likes new clothes.(teach “magic clothes”)2.Talk about the background T: Do you know the story? Who can tell me the name of the story? Chinese is OK.(The King’s New Clothes)T: The story is written by Andersen in 1837.In the story, the king’s clothes are new.But the story is very, very old.Let’s go back to 1837 and meet the rich king.(PPT: 时光穿梭,音乐)2.Paragraph 1and 2 1)Look and learn T: I’m the king.I am very rich.I like new clothes very much!(PPT: mirror)Mirror, mirror, are my clothes beautiful? Mirror: I don’t think so!

to S1/S2: Can you make clothes for me? T: Who can make new clothes for me?(teach “make „ for „”学生跟读)板书

2)Read like a king(板书)3)Read and underline T: Who can make new clothes for him? T: But they can.Why? Please read and underline.(学生自读)Ss read and underline.引导Ss: Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them.3.Paragraph 3 PPT: 音效:织布机

T: What kind of clothes are they? Look!(拿出新衣)T: What does the king think of the new clothes? T: Can he see the clothes?(No!)Does he like the new clothes? Why? But he says “Oh, yes.They are soft and light.” Because he thinks clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them.How to read it well? Listen and imitate.T: You are the king.4.Paragraph 4 1)Learn the text T: What do the people think of the clothes?(出示人群和男孩的图片)Let’s read!(出示图片4文字)T:(拿出人群的图片)What do they think?(They are beautiful!)T: Do all the people think they are beautiful?(No)Then who?(The boy.)What does he say?(出示图片5,文字)(引导学生朗读文本)

Here’s a new word.(teach “wearing”, pear, bear, wear, wearing)Ha!Ha!The king isn’t wearing any clothes.2)Mini Theatre T: Now let’s go to the Mini Theatre and act the period.一位学生扮演 国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图4 的文字。Step 3.Production 1.Talk about the characters 2.Read the story.1)Read and repeat T: What a lovely king!Boys and girls, you learn so well!It’s time to read after the tape!

Try to learn the pronunciation and the intonation.2)Read by themselves T: Read by yourselves.3.Act the story T: You can read very well.And you know them well now.Why don’t we act the story!

Rules: Four students a group.If you read well, you can get one star.If you can read without the books, you can get two stars.And if you can do the gestures, you can get three stars.(Ss practice and act)4.1)Who do you want to be? T: 引导学生总结Welcome back!Today we learned the story .If you were in the story, who do you want to be?(音效:时光穿梭)T: Remember!Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people can’t see them!Can you see them?(No./ Yes.)T: Remember!Be honest!Be yourself!作业设计:

1.Design an ending for the story.The king is back home,„

2.Read more English stories from the bookshops and the Internet.板书设计: 教学反思:

Unit 1 The King’s new clothes(The 2nd period)



1.进一步理解,掌握过去式的句子结构,运用过去时态来表达句型。2.在理解故事的基础上,结合fun time中的句型,会正确表达并能声情并茂的表演这个故事。

(二)能力目标 1.知道什么是过去式,掌握过去式的构成,会正确使用过去式进行英语表达。








动词过去式表格,图片 【课前先学】


2.书本上动词的过去式你发现了什么规律?你还知道哪些简单的动词过去式,与大家分享。【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Free talk.2.Check the preparation of the sentences.Step 2.Presentation & Practice 1.T: Who can repeat picture 1? S: I.can try.板书:Long long ago,there was a king.One day,two men visited the king.T:Look carefully,can you find the sentences grammar? S:Yes.is(过去式)was visit(过去式)visited T:Why do they use was/visited? S:Long long ago /one day 2.T: Repeat the other pictures and find the grammar in your groups 3.学生自己观察,再小组讨论,尝试总结过去式。①be动词am/is-was,are-were ②一般动词+ed ③以e结尾的动词+d 4.随堂小测试

5.T:Now,you have learn the text.Let’s have fun time 出示图片和句型I like new clothes.Who can make„for me? Ask one to try Work in groups and act Step 3.Production 1.Prepare for repeat fun time in groups 2.try to continue the story 作业设计:

1.Remember the part of grammar words past 2.Independent about the king’s new clothes this story 板书设计: 教学反思:

Unit 1 The King’s new clothes(The 3rd period)



(1)掌握字母组合ar在单词中的发音,能拓展单词和句子。(2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解Fun time中故事的内容。(3)了解美国牛仔和苏格兰的短裙的相关文化知识。









(2)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。【教学准备】 图片,录音机等。【课前先学】


标注Fun time中不认识的单词,并通过查字典写音标和中文,能初步朗读。fox each mountain say sentence hard next have to 【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Free talk:

How do you think of my dress? Do you want to be a king? Who can retell the story? The king liked ? Two men wanted to make new clothes for the king.The king was.The men showed the king his new clothes.But the king could not them.The king walked through the city in his new clothes.A laughed at him.Step 2.Presentation & Practice 1.Look and say(Sound time)Look at the picture.Who is he? He is Mike.What did he get? He got a card from Mark.What did the card say? It said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.Could you try to say something about the picture? Mike got a card from Mark.The card said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.Try to listen and read it.Can you find some other words? ar:arm, card, hard, park, party 2.Look and match(Culture time)Who is he? An American cowboy A Scottish man What is the American cowboy wearing? He is wearing jeans.What is the Scottish man wearing? He is wearing a kilt.Do you know them? What are they wearing? The Chinese woman The Japanese woman wearing a chi-pao is wearing a kimono 3.Look and say.(Cartoon time)Talk about the picture.What do Miss Fox and her students say? Why do they say that? They tell a story.Try to say.Let’s tell the story.Step 3.Production 填一填(根据13和14页的文本稍改)1.is, was, were, lived, live Long long ago, there a mountain(山).There a house on the mountain.An old man and a little boy in the house.The old man told(tell的过去式)the boy a story.2.picked, lived, were, was, give, shouted , walked Long long ago,there __________ a lion.He __________ in the forest(森林).There __________ some flowers in front of the lion’s house.One day, an old man __________ by the house.He __________ a flower.The lion angry.He __________ at the old man,“You picked a flower.Now __________ me your child.” The old man’s child was a beautiful girl.She __________ with the lion.The lion nice to her.One day, the lion __________ sick.The girl looked after him.Then the lion turned into a prince(王子)作业设计: 1.Tell the story to your parents.2.Recite the story by yourself.板书设计: 教学反思:

Unit 1 The King’s new clothes(The 4th period)










加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。【教学准备】 图片,录音机等。【课前先学】

自由复习第一单元的所有内容,整理还没有完全掌握的知识点。【教学过程】 Step 1.Preparation 1.Review: a.Act out Cartoon time.b.Finish some exercise about past tense Free talk 听写重点词组和句型。

Step 2.Presentation & Practice 1.Show the ticking time的表格

要求学生认真上好本堂练习课,结束前由四人小组的组长给组员评分。颗星 基本掌握本单元的语言知识点。

两颗星 能熟练运用语言知识,不需要他人的提示。

三颗星 能自己用句型组织语言,可以对所学内容适当进行拓展。2.Checkout time Read and write Read the words.Finish the story.Read and learn the new words.一 Fun reading.Circle and say Circle the correct words.Prepare your own story.Tell your story in groups.Choose the best story teller of the group and let him/her tell the story in class.Step 3.Production 1.按要求写词语。



1.He often ________(have)dinner at home.2.We _______(not watch)TV on Mondays.3.Mike _______(not go)to the zoo on Sundays.4.______ they ________(like)apples? 5.What _______they often _______(do)on Saturdays? 6._______ your parents _______(read)newspapers every day? 作业设计:

1.Read, recite and act the story time and cartoon time.2.Recite the key words, phrases and sentences.板书设计: 教学反思:

Unit 2 What a day!(The 1st period)教学内容: Unit 2 What a day!Story time 教学目标:

1.学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.2.学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain 3.学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 4.学生能初步感知天气表达的句型

5.学生能够对英语书写日记格式有一定的了解 教学重点:

1.学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.2.学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain,、3.学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 4.学生能初步感知天气表达的句型 教学难点:

1.学生对本课重点词汇的听、说、读、写 2.学生对本课天气表达的句型的掌握 3.学生对动词过去式的不规则变化的认读 教学准备: 板书准备: Unit 2 教具准备:单词卡片,课文图片,PPT 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls.Would you know something more about me? Two days ago, I was in Shanghai.Do you know Shanghai ? It‟s a big and beautiful city.I

Review : was(am的过去式)ago But now ,I am in Zhangjiagang.It‟s beautiful, too.利用简单的两句话,区分时态的不同

3.T: Can you let me know something about you? Look at the screen, you can choose one part to tell me something about you.出示 Favourite Food, Favourite Animal, Hobbies三个话题 在Favourite Food话题中引出本课相关单词dumplings, honey 在Favourite Animal话题中引出本课相关单词parrot 延伸到parrot show 在Hobbies话题中引出I like drawing and writing diaries very much.Teach: diaries diary T:Look ,these are my pictures.Let‟s look at them.Teach: sunny cloudy windy rainy T: These pictures are about the weather.Teach: weather Step 2.Presentation 1.show a picture T: This is Yang Ling.She likes drawing 出示日记抬头部分

T: This is a diary of hers.What a day!What day is it today? Sunday What date is it today? 20th September(9月20号)渗透英文日记的书写格式

3.引出课题Unit 2 What a day!T:Let‟s look at Yang Ling‟s pictures.What can you see in the picture?(1)S:I can see some children in the park.T:Who are they? S: Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.(2)We can see some parrots in the park.(3)fly kites(4)rain 4.Let‟s talk 出示课文相关图片展开讨论

Look and match 在此过程中教授动词过去式的特殊变化形式 go→went see→saw become→became fly→flew are→were and writing diaries ,too.Then read the sentences in the right orders.(Teach: wet)5.Read the diary by yourself, then finish the exercise.(T/F)6.Read the diary 找出表达天气变化的句子,再过渡到事件变化的句子 在此活动中教授bring过去式brought, can过去式could Step 3.Consolidation 1.Let‟s read a.Read after one.b.Read together.c.Read one by one.2.T:What do you think of her day? Happy? Interesting? Terrible? Bad? Step 4.Homework 1.Read the text.2.Try to retell the diary according to YL‟s pictures.板书设计:

Unit 2 What a day!

It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.go→went fly→flew see→saw are→were

become→became bring→brought 教学反思: Unit 2 What a day!(The 2nd period)教学内容: Unit 2 What a day!Grammer Time, Fun Time, Song Time 教学目标:

1.学生能能进一步掌握单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy,并且会正确运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.2.学生能根据图片复述杨玲的日记内容

3.学生能进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 4.学生会唱歌曲Rain, rain, go away.教学重点:

1.学生能能进一步掌握单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy,并且会正确运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.2.学生能根据图片复述杨玲的日记内容

3.学生能进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 教学难点:

1.学生能进一步掌握单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy,并且会正确运

用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy.2.学生能进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 教学准备: 板书准备: Unit 2 教具准备: 单词卡片,PPT 教学过程:

Step 1.Revision and warm up 1.Greetings 2.Revision Read the text T shows some pictures, ask Ss to retell the text.复述天气变化和事件发展 3.Fun Time Look at the pictures What‟s the weather like? What can you do? Pick three cards, then make sentences.E.g It was sunny.I played basketball in the playground.Step 2.Grammer Time 1.复习动词过去时的变化规则

1一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked ○ 2以不发音的e结尾的单词,在词尾加d,如:taste-tasted ○ 2.引入本课过去式的不规则变化:




第二部分为实义动词的不规则变化形式,它不受主语的影响,不变化形式 Step 3.Consolidation a.写出下列单词的过去式

am_____ take_____ can_____ bring_____ look_____ live_____ are_____ become_____ see_____ point_____ shout_____ laugh_____ like_____ fly_____ go_____ is_____ eat_____ watch_____ b.用动词的适当形式填空

1.It_____(be)rainy yesterday.2.We _____(see)a lot of people in the street in the morning.3.The girls _______(go)to the party last Wednesday.4.He _________(live)in America two years ago.5.We(visit)our grandparents last Sunday.My grandparents(be)very happy to see us.6.The weather _______(become)rainy a moment ago.c.Check the answers.Step 4.Song Time 1.Enjoy the song 2.Understand the main idea of the song.3.Try to sing the song with the tape.4.Sing it together.Step5.Homework 1.复习动词的不规则变化 2.预习Cartoon time 板书设计: Unit 2 What a day!


Unit 2 What a day!(The 3rd period)教学内容: Unit 2 What a day!Cartoon Time 教学目标:

1.学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away及句子What happened? 2.学生能够进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及其读音 3.学生能够理解Cartoon Time的故事大意 教学重点:

1.学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away及句子What happened? 2.学生能够进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及其读音 3.学生能够理解Cartoon Time的故事大意 教学难点:

1.学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词lose, know, climb up, hold onto, fly away及句子What happened? 2.学生能够进一步掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及其读音 教学准备: 板书准备: Unit 2 教具准备:图片,PPT 教学过程: Step 1.Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Free talk 教师出示一副天气的图片,请学生根据图片内容,用过去式的句型描述天气,并补充相关的活动,培养学生的英语口头表达能力 E.g 出示windy的图片 S: It was windy.I flew kites in the park.Step 2.Presentation 1.出示图片

2.T: Sam meets Bobby in the park.But Bobby is sad.What happened? Teach:What happened? 3.Watch the cartoon 引出答案He lost his new kite.Teach: lost(lose的过去式)4.Watch the cartoon again 请学生说出Bobby丢风筝的经过

Teach:wasn‟t= was not couldn‟t = could not Laugh found(find的过去式)climb up,climb up, hold onto, fly away 5.Read the dialogue after the tape 6.Read the dialogues in roles 7.Act out the cartoon Step 3.Consolidation 1.Fill in the blanks According to the content of the cartoon,ask Ss to finish the exercise.Bobby _____ his new bike.This morning, Tina and Bobby ______ the new kite in the park,but it ________windy in the park.The kite ____high, but it ____too high and they ______ hold onto it.It ______ ________.2.改错题(请改正每个句子中的一个错误)How is Jane yesterday? ________________________________ He go to school by bus last week.________________________________ He goes home at 6:00 last month.________________________________ I can fly kites seven years ago.________________________________ He wait for you three hours ago.________________________________ I can‟t domy homework yesterday._______________________________ 3.Check the answers.Step 4.Homework 1.Finish some exercises.2.Read the dialogues of Cartoon Time 3.Enable to act out the cartoon time.板书设计: Unit 2 What a day!教学反思:

Unit 2 What a day!(The 4th period)教学内容: Unit 2 What a day!Sound Time Checkout Time 教学目标: 1.学生能熟练一般过去时的语法知识点,并能够熟练掌握动词的过去式变化

2.学生能掌握字母组合ear在单词中的发音 教学重点:

1.学生能熟练一般过去时的语法知识点,并能够熟练掌握动词的过去式变化 2.学生能掌握字母组合ear在单词中的发音 教学难点:

1.学生能熟练一般过去时的语法知识点,并能够熟练掌握动词的过去式变化 2.学生能掌握字母组合ear在单词中的发音 教学准备: 板书准备: Unit 2 教具准备:图片,PPT 教学过程: Step 1.Warm up 1.Greetings 2.Free talk 3.Revison :Play a game a.师说动词原形,请生快速说出动词的过去式 b.师说动词过去式,请生快速说出动词原形 可加入拼背单词这一活动,巩固单词的读音和拼写 4.记忆游戏:

S1:Yesterday I played football.S2:Yesterday he played football.I went swimming.S3:Yesterday he played football.She went swimming.I watched TV.....看谁记忆的句子最多就是胜利者,学生学习兴趣较高。Step 2.Sound Time

1.After the game T says : Well done,boys and girls.Let‟s cheer together.Teach: cheer 2.Show a picture T: Look,they‟re cheering.Do you know why? Lead: The New Year in nearly.Read: nearly Year Pay attention to the sound of “ear” 3.Try to read the words:dear, hear 4.Enable to know the sound, try to write it.5.拓展:想想其它也含有字母组合ear,且发音相同的单词 Step 3.Checkout Time 1.Look at the pictures, ask Ss to say something about them 2.Listen and choose 3.Then check the answers Last Saturday, it was _______.Mike got up at __________.Mike came to school __________.Mike could not find his ____________.4.Say something about yourself: What did you do with your family or friends last Sunday? 适当讲解一下did为do的过去式 E.g.went swimming went shopping watched a film climbed the hill had a picnic did the housework 5.Write about it in your diary Step 4.Homework 1.Finish your diary in English.板书设计: Unit 2 What a day!教学反思:

译林小学英语 六上Unit 3单元分析


1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇holiday,national,call, Bund,bottle,holiday fun,National Day,go well,at first。


Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? Why did you call me? Did you catch any fish?

3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型: It was fun.Because I I wanted to give you the fish.She is excited about the s show.What great fun!I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt.4、能初步掌握英语降调的读法,语调自然。



1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词holiday,national,call,Bund,bottle ,holiday fun,National Day,go well,at first。


Where did you go for the holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? Why did you call me? Did you catch any fish? 3.陈述句的语调。

三、单元教学难点: 1.一般过去时的疑问句。2.特殊疑问词。

四、单元教学安排:共八课时。第一课时: 第二课时: 第三课时: 第四课时:

第五、六课时是综合练习课 第七、八课时综合练习及单元测试

Unit 3 Holiday Fun(Period 1)Teaching contents教学内容: Story time & Think and write Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: Students can listen , speak and read the new words : Bund , Shanghai Museum , caught , ate.2 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.3 Students can retell the story.4 Students can talk about their holiday life.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 Students can read and understand the meaning of the story.2 Students can retell the story.3 Students can talk about their holiday life.Preparation教学准备: PPT , some photos Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Free talk 1T: Boys and girls , welcome back to school.It was National Day holiday last week.Did you have a good time for the National Day holiday ?(Teach : National Day , holiday)How do you feel your holiday ? S: … T: I took some photos on National Day.Look at these photos and you will know where I went for the holiday.(Show the pictures : Xuanwu Lake , Hongshan Zoo , Wanda Cinema)3 T: Where did I go for the holiday ? What did I do there ? Guess!S :… 4 T: What about you ? Where did you go for the holiday ? What did you do there ?


Step 2 Presentation 1 T: Just now we talked about our National Day holiday.Mike and Liu Tao talked in the classroom.What did they talk about ? Can you guess ? 2 Let‟s watch the cartoon.What did they talk about ? A: National Day holiday B: Planning for the weekend C: May Day holiday 3 T: What did Liu Tao and Mike do for the National Day holiday ?(Show “ Think and write “)

Please read the story by yourselves and try to fill in the blanks.(Teach : Bund , Shanghai Museum , catch—caught)4 T: Nancy wants to know how do Mike and Liu Tao spend their holiday.So she asks Su Yang some questions about the two boy „s holiday.Can you help Su Yang to answer the questions ?(Show “ Ask and answer “)

Please read the story again and try to underline the answers.S:… Read the story in group.6 Try to retell the story.Mike and Liu Tao talked about their National Day holiday.Liu Tao went to ….and Mike …

Step 3 Consolidation T: It was the first day after the National Day holiday.Mr Green asked the students to write a story about their holiday life.How do Mike and Liu Tao to write ? Can you teach them ? You could help one of them.Please write and read to him.Homework 1 Talk to your classmates about your National Day holiday.2 Write a story about your holiday life.Blackboard design板书设计: Unit 3 Holiday Fun

went to Shanghai visited his aunt went to the Bund visited the Shanghai Museum went to a farm picked some oranges went fishing 教学反思:

Unit 3 Holiday fun(Period 2)Teaching contents教学内容: Grammar time & Fun time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1 We can talk about things.We did for the holidays.We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.We can use these sentences “what did you do?where did you go?why did …? Did you …? and how to answer.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 We can talk about things.We did for the holidays.2 We can ask and answer questions with “did” and “was”.Preparation教学准备: 课件、图片、头饰

Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Revision 1.Review the text S: … S: …

S2: Where did MikeLiu Tao do? S:… S3: How was Mike’s Liu Tao’s holiday? S:… T: Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because …

Ask some students: Did you …? S: Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.2.Writing on the blackboard What did … do? IHeShe… Where did …go? IHeShe… How was …? It was great fun.Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because Did you …? Yes, I did.No, I didn‟t.3.Read these sentences Step 2 Presentation 1.Grammar(1)总结过去时态的特殊疑问句、一般疑问句的结构 先请学生小组讨论,自行总结。教师后总结。

(2)How to answer these questions? Turn to P29 ,read by yourselves.(3)Learn the new past tense.Play the game: Quick respond.(4)Practice the questions and answers.Work in four and say it one by one.Step 3 Fun time T: Look at the girl.She is Li Li.She and her family visited Beijing on 国庆节假日).They saw many interesting things.She took many nice photo and showed them to her good friend Tao Tao.Teach: National Day Holiday(国庆节假日)T: TaoTao wants to ask Li Li , but how to ask? Can you help him? Ss: Yes.1:出示图片和句型(1).Discuss in group(2).Ask and answer.Step 4 Consolidation 1.请你来当小记者,采访身边的小伙伴在国庆节期间都去哪?做了什么?…


(2).选出一位当小记者采访其它组。(3).小组中的其余三人做好被采访的准备。Homework 1.熟读Grammar time 中的句型。2.看Fan time 中的图片,完成对话。

3.采访身边的亲朋好友们在国庆节去了哪些地?做了那些事?…… Blackboard design板书设计: Unit3 Holiday fun What did … do? IHeShe… Where did …go? IHeShe… How was …? It was great fun.Why did Mike call Liu Tao …? S: Because Did you …? Yes, I did.No, I didn‟t.教学反思:

Unit 3 Holiday Fun(Period 3)Teaching contents教学内容: Culture time, Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1能听懂、会读、会说单词、词组:“Easter, summer holiday Christmas holiday, fashion show, excited ,wore ,wonderful, heavy rain”并理解单词的意思。

2能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语: Where did you go? I….Did you…? Yes, I did.No, I didn‟t.What did you …?I ….3能掌握节日的文化背景知识及拓展及学校假期在中国英国的区别。4能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。5 能初步运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。2能初步运用本课所学的词汇过去式和日常用语来询问有关节日做了哪些事。3能尝试掌握节日的文化背景知识及拓展。Preparation教学准备: 挂图,头饰,多媒体(PPT)Teaching procedures教学过程: Step1 Warm up 1.学生表演对话,要求用已经学过的语言编演。2.T: Hello, class.Where did you go for the holiday? S;I went to…

T: How was your holiday? S: It was…

新译林六年级英语作文范文 篇6


A.CanIhelpyou?B.Goog----bye.C.Howareyou?()2.医生常跟病人说的一句话 : A.What’sthematterwith you?B.Whatcolour is it ?C.What’stheweatherlike?

()3.第一次与陌生人打交道,应该说:A.Where are youfrom?B.Nicetomeetyou!C.Ayouateacher?


B.Howtallare you?C.Howoldareyou?




()7.别人向你表示感谢你应回答: A.You’erwelcom.B.You’erbeautiful.C.No,thanks.()8汤姆请你看电影,你赞同,应说: A.Thatnice.B.That’sa goodidea.C.Idon’tagree.()9.春天是暖和美好的,可以这样表达:

A.Springiswarm.B.Springisnice.C.Springiswarmandnice.()10.玛丽生病了,你可以这样跟她建议: A.You cangodancing.B.Youcanhaveacolddrink.C.You can goand see thedoctor.()11.我是走路去上学的可以这样说:A.Igo toschoolonfeet.B.Igotoschoolonfoots.C.Igotoschoolonfoot.()12.今天星期几应这样表A.Whatdayisittoday?

B.Whatarethese?C.Whatisit ?

()13.你想知道物品的颜色,可以这样问: A.Whatcolour is it ?B.What’sthematterwithyou?


()14.太空故事是最有趣的事,应这么说:A.Spacestoriesarethemoststories.B.Spacestoriesaremoreinteresting.C.Spacestoriesareinteresting.()15.你想知道对方的业余爱好,可以这么问: A.Whatarethese?B.Whatareyou ?C.What’yourhobby?
