


译林小学英语教学设计 篇1


1.词语,表达 2. 模糊的 3.松散的 4. 明确的

4.强调 5.迅速的敏捷的 6.频繁地 8.口头的

9.交际 10.彻底的,完全的 11.显然的 12.使锋利

13,担负,重负 14.牺牲,献出 15.仁慈的 16.无意中听到

17.整洁的 18.指令,吩咐 19.向西 20.所有物

21.新近22.乘,成倍增加 23.延伸,扩展 24.列出


1.将。。。翻译成。。。 2。 不久,一会儿

3.设宴庆祝 4。改邪归正

5.换句话说 6。 磨光,提高

7.随着时间的过去 8。以。。。为中心

9.纪念。。。 10。保护。。。免受。。。的伤害

11.被描述成 12。帮助某人

13.直到今天 14。代表某人,以某人的名义

15.像。。。的形状 16. 向某人乞求某物


1.The son had left home to waste his time and money leading a life of luxury, but later mended his ways and came home.

2. For instance , children are often referred to as the “apple of their parents’ eye”.

3. All of the examples listed in this web page are used frequently in oral and writted English.

4. You can develop a high level of competence in your communication skills.

5. Some Biblical idioms use things related to food such as apples to make a point more clear.

6.There was a bright light coming from the head that lit the entire palace.

7. It was the White Horse Temple that first brought the meaning of ‘temple’ to the word ‘si’.

8. The White Horse Temple is important to Chinese people and history, and as such, it is one of the first historic buildings that the government listed to receive special state protection.


1. On February 18, President Jammeh released 26 prisoners __________ Independence Day; no military personnel were released.

2. In children’s minds summer __________ picnics.

3. I have always __________ of visiting my mother on her birthday.

4. There is but one China and Taiwan is _________ China.

5. Motorola, _________ , has announced that from now on all Motorola-produced mobile phones will have access to the Internet.

6. He who would __________ pearls must dive below.

7. They __________ serve as an introduction, to whet your appetite for further study and to help you understand those around you better.

8. The traveler __________ his guide book for details of his journey.

五. 将下列句子翻译成英文(注意括号内所给单词的词性活用)

1. 妈妈让我把要买的东西列出一张清单。(list)

Mum told me to make a ______ of the things______ ______ ______.

2. 你没必要把手册上罗列的每件事都做了。(list)

You don’t need to do all the things ______ ______ ______ ______.

3. 徒步旅行者背着一只很沉的包裹。(burden)

The hiker ________ ________ __________ a heavy pack.

4. 她一人肩负着抚养两个孩子的重任。(burden)

She _______ _______ _______ _______ two children alone.

5. 我给你描述的东西,在你的脑子中有概念了吗?(picture)

Can you ______ _____ _____ in your mind of what I describe to you?

6. 演说者描述了穷人的苦难。(picture)

The speaker ________ ______ _______ ________ the poor.

7. 在房间的中央立着一个电影明星的肖像。(centre)

______ _____ ______ of the room ________ the portrait of a film star.

8. 她把注意力都集中在那个问题上。(centre)

She ______ ______ ______ _______ the problem.

9. 在这里农民可以宰杀他们的牛羊,然后让船只运走或供当地使用。(butcher) Here farmers can get their sheep and cattle _______ for shipping or _______ _______.

10. 人们在肉店门前排队,等着那很少的,每周一次的配给。(butcher)

People lined up ______ ______ ______ ______ for their rations of meat, which they get about once a week.


1.If we buy more than then, they will knock 50 pence off ________.

A.a price B.price C.the price D.prices

2.He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was ________ from the outside world.

A.cut out B.cut off C.cut up D.cut through

3.During his stay in England, he won ______ , which became _________ tohis motherland.

A.honour; an honour B.honour; honour C.an honour; an honour D.an honour; honour

4.I might fail, but _____ I insist on doing it. I don’t mind.

A.however B.anyhow C.yet D.meanwhile

5.It is easy to do the repair. ________ you need is a hammer andsome nails.

A.Something B.All C.Both D.Everything

6.One can learn a lot not only ________ books but also ________ practice.

A.from; from B.in; through C.on; by D.through; through

7.The boy contribute fifty yuan, but he wished he could contribute ___________.

A.another fifty yuan B.more fifty yuan

C.other fifty yuan D.the same anount or so

8.All the preparations for the task ________ , and we’re ready to start.

A.completed B.complete C.had been completed D.have been completed

9.My money ______ .I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.

A.has run out B.is running out C.has been run out D.is being run out

10.There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. You _______ , but why didn’t you?

A.must have come B.should come C.need have come D.ought to have come

11._______ your letter, I would have written back two days ago.

A.if I received B.Should I received C.Had I received D.If I could have received

12.At the end of , there were around 3,500 foreign printing companies in China, ______ up around 2 percent of national total.

A.made B.to make C.making D.having made

13.__________ sometimes keeps her awake at night _________ Tom is getting more and more quiet at home.

A.That; which B.It; that C.Whether; what D.What; that

14.Perseverance is a kind of quality--- and that’s ________ it takes to do anything well.

A.what B.that C.which D.why

15.They wanted to charge $5.000 for the car, ______ we managed to bring the price down.

A.but B.so C.when D.since



1. translate…into 2.by and by 3. kill the fatted calf 4. mend one’s ways 5. in other words

6. polish up 7.over time 8. center around 9. in honour of 10. protect… from…

11. be described/pictured as s12. give aid to sb./ do sb. a favor 13. to this day

14. on one’s behalf 15. be shaped like 16. pray to sb. for sth.


1.in honour on 2.is associated with 3.made a point of 4.part of 5.for instance 6.search for 7.are meant to 8.referred to

五. 将下列句子翻译成英文(注意括号内所给单词的词性活用)

1.list; to be bought 2.listed in this guide 3.was burdened with

4.bore the burden of raising 5.form a picture 6.pictured the suffering of

7.In the center; stodd 8.centered her attention on 9.butchered; local use

10.at a butcher shop


1-5 CBABB 6-10 BADBD 11-15 CCBAA

译林小学英语教学设计 篇2

Step 1.Presentation

1.Free talk

What date is it today?

呈现日历:1月1日, New Year is coming

2.enjoy the song《Happy New Year》

3.Greet with each other《Happy New Year》

4.新年问候, 顺便呈现标题Happy New Year

5.引出人物 (ppt) Uncle John is taking some presents to Mike’s home.设置悬念What presents is Uncle John taking?激发学生下面学习的兴趣.

Step 2.Reading and practice

1.watch cartoons, 选出所送的礼物

2.学生读故事, 找出谁分别得到什么礼物


a.先学习robot, car, doll等单词.再学What’s this?What’s that?It’s…

b.根据节奏朗读儿歌:this, this, what’s this?

Robot, robot, it’s a robot.

That, that, what’s that?

Doll, doll, it’s a doll.

c.自编儿歌:this, this, what’s this?

_____, _______, it’s a______.

That, that, what’s that?

______, ______, it’s a_____.

d.通过呈现图片, 加上肢体语言让学生感知、体验、总结What’s this?和What’s that?的区别, 并总结两者不同之处.

e.看录像, 跟读, 并分角色朗读

f.三人分组朗读, 可以选择一种形式: (1) 三人齐读 (2) 分角色朗读 (3) 二人跟另外一人读

Step 3.Consolidations and Extension

1.维尼熊想参加新年晚会, 但是必须要完成三个任务, 闯关成功后, 才能去.

Task1.按照情景, 回答问题

(1) 新年来临, 我们可以怎么样问候?

(2) 你给别人赠送礼物时说什么?

(3) 当你接受别人礼物时说什么?

Task2.根据课文内容, 编儿歌:

(1) What’s this?What’s this?____, _____, its_____.This is for you, ______, _____.

(2) What’s that?What’s that?____, _____, its_____.It is for you, ______, _____.

(3) What’s this?What’s this?____, _____, its_____.This robot is for you, ______, _____.


2.小熊闯关成功, 齐唱《Happy New Year》

3.赠送礼物给学生, 学生猜测, 用句型What’s this?It’s…


A:Happy New Year, xx

B:Happy New Year, xx

A:This is for you, xx.

B:Thank you.

C:What’s this?/What’s that?

B:It’s a/an…

C:How nice/great!

It’s nice/great…



小学英语课程的首要任务是培养和激发学生学习英语的兴趣.呈现是课堂教学的第一个环节, 此环节首要考虑的就是创设能够吸引学生注意力、能激发学生学习欲望的情境或者情境活动 (程晓堂、刘兆义, 2008) .在呈现环节通过挂历显示, 使学生明白节日的到来.为了引出新年氛围, 选择紧贴新年主题的歌曲, 烘托节日气氛.最后交代节日赠送礼物, 呈现主要人物Uncle John带着礼物, 引发what presents?等问题, 设置悬念, 激发学生兴趣.


故事是一种相对完整并有语境的语言素材.对于小学生来说, 如果脱离语境, 孤立地进行词汇、句型结构或简单的问答对话教学, 英语学习会变得十分枯燥, 且很困难 (程晓堂、刘兆义, 2008) .《Happy New Year》故事中新年赠送礼物, 将单词robot、doll、car;句型What’s this?What’s that?This is for you融入其中.学生熟悉这种新年场景, 能够在语境中轻松地整体感知、体验语言, 并能随口应用于语境, 使枯燥无味的单词变得有趣起来, 激起学生英语学习的热情.

3.以学生为主体、以活动为载体, 使学生学以致用

小学生具有好奇、好动、好胜、活泼、注意力集中不长等特点.枯燥无味的语言很容易使学生丧失英语学习兴趣.本课时则试图通过不同活动来吸引学生注意力, 让他们在边玩边唱中学得语言.歌曲优美动听, 较容易吸引学生注意力.上课时吟唱《Happy New Year》, 学生轻松愉快习得祝福语Happy New Year.词汇句型呈现完毕后, 教师呈现儿歌用来巩固单词句型, 同时还让学生自编喜欢的儿歌.本单元教学难点在节奏轻快的儿歌中化解, 还突出了学生主体地位, 激发他们的创造性, 培养了他们的开放性思维.

在课文教学完成后, 让学生根据课文内容编写儿歌, 帮助学生记忆课文内容, 为下面课文的复述搭建架子.分组朗读让学生选择自己喜欢的方式, 既突出学生主体地位又培养他们合作学习的精神.小熊闯关参加新年晚会, 激发起学生的好胜心理.学生在不断闯关中巩固所学知识, 并增强自信和成功感.新年赠送礼物, 让学生猜测他们的礼物, 既应用了所学单词、句型又激发学生兴趣, 让他们在玩乐中巩固所学单词.最后三人一组编对话, 学生带着自己的礼盒, 在真实情境中应用本课的交际用语, 既让学生学以致用, 培养他们的语用能力;又培养他们合作精神, 激发他们乐于开口的欲望.

译林小学英语教学设计 篇3

关键词: 小学英语故事教学 整体性 趣味性 情境性



旧教材的教学中,词汇教学比较扎实,但是缺少整体情景的呈现,知识的呈现是点状的,这种词句分离的教学方法导致很多学生看到单词能认读,也知道意思,但是由于没有在一个完整的情景中出现,导致学生不知道怎样在具体的语境中使用。新版教材中,编者把新词和语法融于一个情景完整的故事中,让学生在完整的故事中感受语法,学习新知,在一个完整故事教学,让孩子们学会基本的英语单词、常用的语法结构及学习英语的基本技能,切实提高学生听、说、读、写的英语综合运用能力。在呈现故事时,笔者注意到,有些教师在一开始就把原本完整的故事情景剥离开来,还是以词句教学为本位,注重语法的教授。比如:在教授六上Unit 6 “keep our city clean”时,老师不展现教材中既定的文本,而是在故事教学前,讲授了大量can,make等词的用法,孤立出现一个个再创造的不完整的情景,让孩子们孤立学习词的用法。又如:一位执教老师抛弃文本,另外创设了一个“how to keep our classromm clean?”的小问题情境,让学生操练语言,再回到文本中教授。试问,编者创编的大情景故事有什么用呢?笔者在教授本文时,作了以下调整:步骤一:下载了优酷视频中有关于现在城市的问题,让学生感受家乡城市的问题。步骤二:整体呈现story time教学文本,抛出几个大问题,如:Is the city clean?What makes the air dirty?等,让学生整体感知故事。由于整体呈现了故事情景,给予了学生大问题的设计,让学生在整体中感知文本并训练词句语法,使得故事教学水到渠成。


著名教育学家苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“所有智力方面的工作都要依赖于兴趣。儿童的兴趣对鼓舞和巩固他们的学习动机,激发学习积极性起决定作用。”新版译林教材中,除了story time故事教学外,其cartoon time版块也有一个完整的有趣味的故事。Cartoon time版块情节生动,趣味性更强,其中也有一些词汇和语法知识。由于故事比较短小,当中涉及下一单元的一些语法知识,有些老师便把这个文本开始解体,提炼语法,提炼知识点,把一个完整的有趣的故事弄得支离破碎,学生在词汇语法中体会不到这个版块中故事本应有的趣味,觉得索然乏味。笔者认为,在教授cartoon time时,除了考虑故事的完整性外,每个cartoon time的背后还有一定的趣味性,可以考虑把英语的语言和故事的趣味性相结合,既锻炼了语言,又训练了学生的延伸性思维。如:五上Unit 4的cartoon time版块,故事的最后,老师抛出了问题:Why isn’t bobby happy?What will Bobby say?What will San say?学生由于受故事趣味性的启发,思维被激发了。答案纷呈:“Oh,my God,I don’t want to skate any more.”“What a day!”“I don’t like skating now.”“Bobby,don’t give up.”“Bobby,have a try,you can do it.”...把课文趣味性和语言的操练结合起来,更加丰富了故事情节,也使得学生的语言得以外显。


如果没有了情景,就不能成为故事教学。译林版story time版块虽然只有几幅画,但是每一篇课文都是一个完整的故事,有其情境。遗憾的是,很多课文虽然有情境,但是中年级的story time版块大多都是对话形式,少有称述性的文本,并且story time版块没有首尾,课文虽有情境,但是略显不完整。所以,笔者在教授的时候,给有些story time加了个头尾,这样故事的情节就更显完整了。如:四上Unit 4“I can play basketball” story time版块,故事谈论了王兵、麦克、刘涛几人打篮球,文本始末都是对话,没有时间和地点等。在教授时,笔者在文章开头加了一个情境:It is two o’clock in the afternoon,Wang Bing Liu Tao and Mike are in the playground.They are talking about basketball.末尾加上:At last,Liu Tao can play basketball,he is so happy.Try your best,you can do it!虽然只是短短的几句话,但使用的语言大多都是学生已有的知识,这样一来,文本的情境更加完整丰实了。学生在课后表演课文的时候,由于有了增加的旁白称述性文本,故事情境更加完整,语言表达更加丰满。




译林英语4b教学计划 篇4




















译林小学英语教学设计 篇5

To give a brief introduction to attributive clause

To teach students the functions of relative pronouns and relative adverbs in attributive clauses

To develop students’ cognition in grammar, especially the basic elements of sentences

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

The basic usage of the relative pronouns and learn to use them in different situations

How to apply relative clauses to situational use

Teaching Methods:

Introduction, task-based in-class activities; explanations of some rules of the attributive clause

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom

Teaching Procedures:


1. Check students’ homework in writing on page 93. Ask some students to read their note of Part B on page 93.

2. Choose some words and expressions in Period 3 and dictate them before grammar is staged.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

1. Ask Ss to recall what can be used to modify a noun in English and write down the following phrases on the blackboard.

a happy moment

blue sky

a girl student

bus station

a monkey in the tree

the article about your experience in the UK

T: A noun, an adjective or the prepositional phrases can be used to modify a noun.

2. Summarize the rules of the order in the examples above.

We put adjectives or nouns before nouns to modify them while we put prepositional phrases after nouns to modify them.

More examples(P8):

Adjective: the green team

Prepositional phrase: the team in green

Attributive clause: the team who are wearing green

T: The last sentence is an attributive clause. That means a sentence is used to modify a noun in the same way that an adjective or prepositional phrase does. The nouns they modify are called antecedents.

Step Ⅲ Introduction to attributive clause

Give some examples of AC on the screen and ask Ss to fill in the form below.

1. The girl who/that is standing next to our teacher is her daughter.

2. The girl whom/who /that my mother is talking to is my classmate.

3. The girl whose name is Rose sits next to me.

4. I can’t find the book which/that is borrowed from you.

5. I can’t find the book which/that you lent to me.

6. I can’t find the book whose cover/the cover of which is red.

Example Antecedent Attributive clause Function of the relative pronoun

1 the girl who/that is standing next to our teacher subject

2 the girl whom/who /that my mother is talking to object

3 the girl whose name is Rose possessive

4 the book which/that is borrowed from you subject

5 the book which/that you lent to me object

6 the book whose cover/the cover of which is red possessive

T: The nouns or the antecedent usually refers to a person /people or a thing/things, for example a story, a cake, books and so on. We use which/that as a relative pronoun to refer to things, while we use who/whom/that as a relative pronoun to refer to people. Which/that is used as the subject or object in the AC. Who/that is used as the subject and whom/who/that is used as the object in the AC. And they will know when which, that, whom, who can be left out if it refers to an object in the AC.

Step Ⅳ Identifying the attributive clause

1. Let students to read the guidelines in Point 2 on page 8.

2. Ask students to read the example sentences in Point 2 and let them say what function of the bold part in each sentence is. Then ask them to point out the attributive clause in sentence and put the whole sentence into Chinese, so they can compare the different ways in which the attributive clause is expressed in English and in Chinese.

Step ⅤPractice

1. To test how well they understand AC, the teacher is to give them a timely self check ---- tick the sentences with AC in C1 on P88. Puzzles like 3, 8 may be ignored for the time being, left to be thought over after class and solved in the next period.

2. Ask students to identify the attributive clauses in the article on P9. Show their findings on a screen, and ask them to mark “antecedents”, “relatives” and translate the sentences into Chinese. Explain some key words and expressions such as “upon”, “develop an interest in”, “donate”, “display”, “make a speech” etc. What’s more, students are asked to classify these marked relatives into “relative pronouns” and “relative adverbs”. As for relative pronouns, they are also required to tell the functions they play in each attributive clause.

1) David was one of the most important helpful students that we ever had. ( object )

2) In , he went to Oxford where he got interested in Chinese culture.

3) Some of the cities in China which he likes most are Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin and Nanjing. ( object )

4) Most of the students that he taught have become his friends. ( object )

5) Some of the books were gifts that he got from his Chinese friends and students. ( object )

6) The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall. ( object )

3. Learn the new words from page 9 to page 11.

Ask students to turn to page 68 and study the new words (former-please).

Step Ⅵ Homework

Ask students to read the article on page 9 again and again

Ask students to finish C1 on page 88. Get them to point out the antecedent, the relative pronoun or relative adverb in the sentence with an attributive clause.

Period 6§Grammar and usage (2-2) Introduction to attributive clauses§

Teaching Aims:

To consolidate what’s learned the day before

To focus Ss’ attention on the usage of relative pronouns

To teach Ss in which situation who, whom, which or that can be left out.

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

How to choose the right relative and use it properly

Teaching Methods:

Introduction, task-based in-class activities; explanations of some rules of the attributive clause

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom

Teaching Procedures:


1. Check the homework with the students. Make sure that students know what an attributive clause is and the function of each relative word.

2. Have a dictation to go over the words we learnt last period.

Step Ⅱ Presentation

Question: What does a noun usually refer to?

(Students should know a person/people or a thing/things. For example, story, cake, and book are things, while friend, teacher and monitor are persons.)

Step Ⅲ Using relative pronouns

1. Ask students to read Point 1 on page 10 and point out the antecedent and the attributive clause in each sentence. Then ask: What does that/which function in each clause?

Ask students to read the tip box, so the student will know the difference between that and which.

2. Ask students to read Point 2 and point out the antecedent and the attributive clause in each sentence. Then ask: What does who function in each clause?

Ask students to read the tip box, so the students will know that can also be used to refer to a person/people.

3. Ask students to read Point 3 and Point 4, and point out the antecedent in each sentence.

4. Ask students to read the following sentences:

Bb: She has a bother. I can’t remember his name.

Question: What does his refer to? (His refers to a brother’s.)

Bb: She has a brother whose name I can’t remember.

Questions: Which part is the antecedent here? (a brother)

What is it used as in the attributive clause? (attribute)

Ask students to read Point 5 and point out the antecedent in each sentence. Then ask: What does the relative pronoun whose refer to in the two sentences.

5. Show the following table on the screen and ask students to fill in.

Antecedent Subject Object Attribute Note

For persons who/that whom/who/that whose A relative pronoun can be omitted when it is used as the object in an attributive clause.

For things which/that which/that whose/of which

Step ⅣSupplementation

注意that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用that ,不用which.

(1) 当先行词为不定代词all, much, little, only, just, every, last, one of, no, little, few, any, something, everything, anything,nothing, none, the one......及the very, the last, the next, the only或被不定代词修饰时

e.g.: Is there anything (that) I can do for you? You should hand in all that you have.

All that can be done has been done. In this factory I saw little / much that was different from ours.

The only thing that I want to do is to have a rest. This is the very book that I’m looking for.

We heard clearly every word that he said. She is the only person that understands me.


e.g.: He was the first person that passed the exam. This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.

The first thing that should be done is to get the tickets. Is that the best that you can do?

That’s the most expensive hotel that we’ve ever stayed in.

This novel is the second best one that I have ever read.

When people talk about Hang Zhou, the first that comes to mind is the West Lake.


e.g.: Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?

The film star and her film that you have just talked about is really well-known.

She described in her compositions the people and places that impressed her most.

The guests spoke highly of the children and their performances that they saw at the Children’s Palace.


e.g.: Which is the bike that you lost? Which is the car that killed the boy?

Who is the boy that won the gold medal? Who is the man that is reading the newspaper over there?


e.g.: Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be. He is not the person that he used to be.

c.f.: Shanghai is no longer what it used to be.

(6)如果两个从句,其中一个关系代词用which, 另一个用that以避免重复。

e.g.: He built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.

Step ⅤPractice

1. Complete a conversation with “who, whom, which, that or whose” on P11. There might be more than one answer for some blanks.

2. Learn and consolidate by correcting errors in sentences.

1) My brother who is in the army he came to see us. 去掉he

2) A small amount of money was all which was taken in the robbery. which改为that

3) The path was made by walkers who crosses mountains each summer. crosses改成cross

4) The difficulties of living near a volcano are well understood by the people farm the land there.


5) The danger of driving is something which worries me each time I travel. which改为that

6) The park which I usually go running is across from the road. which改为where

7) I bought the present that I gave him it for Christmas in Japan. 去掉it

8) It’s one of the most interesting books which I have ever read this year. which改为that

Step Ⅵ Consolidation

Students are encouraged to conclude the usage of relative pronouns. Afterwards, the teacher gives a brief conclusion as follows.

She is the teacher who taught us English Literature.

I am going to see a friend who has just come back from the UK.

In attributive clauses, we use who to refer to people. that is less usual.

I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane.

The club whose members are music fans meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon.

We use whose to mean possession. It usually relates to a person, but it can also relate to things.

I don’t know the name of the teacher who / whom I saw in the computer room the other day.

The student who / whom we saw at the school gate is from America.

When ‘who’ functions as the object, it can be replaced by whom. In this case, whom is more formal than who.

The girl (that/who/whom) you have just seen is very good at English.

I’ll tell you something (that) I have heard.

We can leave out who, whom, which and that when they are the objects.

All my classmates enjoyed the cake that / which I made.

The book that / which I borrowed from the library is very interesting.

In attributive clauses, that and which are used to refer to things. that is more usual but less formal.

Step Ⅶ Homework

◆ Ask students to make five sentences, each with an attributive clause.

◆ Do Part C2 on page 88 and do the first five exercises in their exercise-books.

译林小学英语教学设计 篇6




Story time是课文或对话教学,通过情景对话,着重训练学生的听说技能,提高会话能力,同时呈现新的单词、句型、功能和话题。Fun time是以图为主,并安排了动手操作,更具有趣味性和互动性。Cartoon time 是课外阅读的拓展环节,也渗透下一个单元的知识,既培养和锻炼学生的阅读能力也有单元间过渡的作用。Sound time 通过例词和绕口令,引导学生了解字母在单词中的读音,简单的拼读规则和句子重度、连读、节奏、语调等现象。Song/Rhyme time通过歌曲或者童谣进一步帮助学生巩固所学的内容,培养听说和思维能力。Checkout time是一个单元的自我检测板块,学生自己检测是否灵活运用所学重点句型,查漏补缺。




















译林小学英语教学设计 篇7



1. 在新单元知识点的讲授中,教师的教学重点一般都放在对新单词、新语言点的讲解上,没有对这些新单词与语言所涉及到的文化内涵进行拓展延伸,学生只能通过死记硬背的方式来加深记忆,会导致出现记忆混乱的问题。

2. 在语篇知识点的讲解中,教师仅将文化视作语言的堆砌材料。在学生集中进行语篇朗读后,对全文进行分解,仅深入分析所涉及到的各个知识点,却造成了段落与语句之间所存在东西方思维差异的分析未在教学活动中加以落实的问题。

3. 当前高中英语教学的焦点完全集中在对单元内容的授课上,只关注重复性的练习,较少涉及到与教材内容所对应的背景知识以及文化内容,没有将教学内容与英美国家地区的政治文化、经济基础、风土人情等文化内涵结合起来。

4. 教学人员自身在英语文化素养水平方面还存在一定局限性。在讲授相关文化知识与背景时,常会因为害怕讲错或其他内容准备过多,而刻意忽略这方面的知识,导致文化内容的教学流于形式,教学效果不尽如人意。



1. 在当前牛津译林版高中英语教材中,含有大量与文化背景相关的语言材料。但这些材料在分布方面却存在不均匀性的特点,因此教师必须深入挖掘这些具有文化特点的语言材料,并进行精心划分,以因材施教,采取最佳的教学方式。如,在有关国家表达方式单元的教学中,针对荷兰的表达词组很多都具有贬义性的色彩,如Dutch Act(自杀)、Talk Dutch(讲让人无法理解的话)等。为了方便学生理解这些词汇,教师可以在课堂导入的环节中引导学生了解荷兰与英国在争夺海上霸权时的各种战争与历史,通过观看视频等影像资料的方式,让学生对这些词汇形成的历史背景进行了解,从而加深印象。

2. 教师可以每学期安排2~3次的文化学习讲座,以专题讲座的方式向学生集中讲解有关英美国家的文化知识以及社会背景,特别是教材中所涉及到的一些谚语、典故、惯用语等。突出这些词汇、词组在联想意义上与我国传统文化之间存在的差异,让学生通过讲座,集中获取大量的文化知识,达到理想的文化渗透效果。

3. 在涉及到英美国家各种典故以及习语的学习时,由于这些词汇本身就蕴含有大量且丰富的文化内容,因此可将其作为文化渗透教学的重点与难点进行讲解。例如,在牛津译林版教材中所涉及到的Wateroo(滑铁卢)、Pandora’s Box(潘多拉的盒子)、Archille’s hell(阿克勒斯的脚踵),单独看这些词语,学生往往难以理解其意义。这时,教师就可以利用课堂上5~10 分钟的时间,为学生讲故事或播放电影片段,让学生了解这些词组的出处、形成的背景以及当代意义,从而加深学生的印象。除此以外,教师也可以选择其中一些具有代表性的典故,提前给学生布置任务,如利用各种工具查找相应典故的产生背景、来源等,并准备一个短小的报告,利用课前的时间抽取学生在全班进行交流。在这一过程中,不仅能够丰富学生对英美文化的了解与认知,还能够达到活跃教学氛围的效果。


译林小学英语教学设计 篇8

关键词 英语;电子白板;多媒体课件

中图分类号:G623.31    文献标识码:B



1 用电子白板导入教学,提高学习兴趣


游戏导入  译林英语教材中有很多的角色对话,教师可以把这些对话加上一定的情境,以游戏的方法进行教学。如4A Unit4“I like”这一课,教师把教材中的图片利用白板的聚光灯工具进行游戏,把教材中的整个图片的一角显示给这生,让学生“Guess! What’s this in English”?而且要求让学生用英语回答,同一张图片可以从多个角度进行聚光,可以让更多的学生回答,其他学生也能起到复习作用。由于电子白板的应用,学生的学习兴趣被激发,他们的注意力非常集中,学习效率也高。这种游戏法的导入方式,让学生在游戏中学习,达到学与玩的有效结合。

利用电子白板的视、听觉导入  英语学习不光是记忆,需要视、听结合,才能收到良好的效果。电子白板则可以集视、听于一体,满足学生的视、听学习。比如“简画circle—pig”的导入过程,可以利用白板的画笔工具把资源库中的简笔画导入到课堂中来,通过多种图画的播放,在教师的启发下,进行比较和想象。与学过的知识进行对比,分辨出新语言点,对新知识进行归纳分析,得到结论,从而形成观察、比较的能力。也可以在课的开始放一首好听的音乐,预示着就要上课了,使学生跳动的心缓和下来,做好上课的心理准备。比如让音乐引领学生复习上节课所说的单词,既起到复习巩固和记忆所学知识的功能,又提高了学习兴趣、效率。

情景导入  学生喜欢听故事,也能被故事中动人的情境所吸引。针对这一点,可以利用电子白板来辅助教学。比如在4A Unit9“What’s them”的教学中,可以利用白板把童话故事《卖火柴的小女孩》的音乐与情境显示给学生,故事主人公的悲惨命运牵动着他们的心。把小女孩又冷又饿的景象展示给学生,学生很自然地进入故事情境中。电子白板模拟了真实情境,把学生生活的一面与教材联系在一起,有助于学生理解和巩固所学内容,容易进入语境中来,在这样的语境中能较容易地学习新知识。

2 在教学过程中巧妙运用电子白板学习新知识



3 电子白板在英语课堂结束部分的应用









