


译林五上unit7教案 篇1

五上Unit7 Chinese festivals教案

溧阳市昆仑小学 宋薇薇

教学目标: 1.能听懂、会读、会说节日单词:the Spring Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival.2.能听懂、会读、会说不同节日的传统食物和活动。


能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。Step1.Pre-reading 1.Greeting 2.Enjoy a song T: This is a song about months.How many months are there in a year?

S: Twelve.T:Do you remember them? Look, they’re … Read the twelve months Let’s talk: Which festival do you like? Why? T: You like different months.Well, there are different festivals in each month.What festivals do you know? Ss:…

T:You know so many festivals, some are western festivals, some are Chinese festivals.we are Chinese and there are a lot of delicious food in Chinese festivals.So I like Chinese festivals.Today, we will learn: Unit7 Chinese festivals.Step2.While-reading 1.watch and answer How many festivals are mentioned in the passage? What are they? Ss:…

Teach four festivals: the Spring Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival.2.Look and find T:What does…mean? How do you know that? 3.Try to find the structure of the passage T:OK, now the story will tell us something about the four Chinese tradional festivals.How does it introduce? Read the story as quickly as you can and tell me.(引导学生总结出来并板书)4.Talk about the four Chinese festivals.T: Very good.You know the structure of the passage.So first let’s discuss the Spring Festival.(师出示三个问题,学生回答)a.When is Spring Festival? b.What do people do at Spring Festival ? c.What do people eat at Spring Festival? T: Let’s talk about the Dragon Boat Featival.Who can ask?(试着让学生利用文章的结构来提问并回答)3,4两幅图让学生自己解决这些问题

T: This time, I want you to read the rest 2 pictures by yourself ,I will give you 3minutes.You have two tasks(1)Read and circle the new words(2)Know the imformation of the three festivals.a.ask and answer in pairs b.one student ask and choose a student to answer Step 3.Post-reading 1.Read after the tape.2.Try to retell the festivals a.选择一个你喜欢的节日说一说 b.选择四个节日的某个方面来说 当学生介绍四个节日的时间时,老师可以说:I have another question here.In the story time, it tells us the four festivals in this way.Why?(按时间先后顺序)当学生介绍四个节日人们的活动时,老师可以说:There are different activies at different festivals.当学生介绍四个节日人们所吃的食物时,老师可以说:Oh,Chinese people really like eating.It’s fun.3.Let’s enjoy more Chinese tradional festivals.T: Boys and girls, we learn a lot from the story time, right? Are there only four Chinese festivals in china? Ss:…

T:You can discuss more Chinese tradional festivals in your group.When you want to talk about more festivals,what can you talk about?(指着板书)It’s name,mouth,activity and food.四人一小组汇报:We know …(一起说)

It’s in…

People…(一人说一句)T:There are so many Chinese tradional festivals in a year.How are these festivals? How do you feel? Chinese tradional festivals means fun, reunion,blessing and memory.It also means food.Step 4 Homework 1.Read the story three times.2.Introduce your favorite Chinese festival to your friends or parents.教后反思:

本节课主要呈现了四个传统节日,在五上教材中,学生已经学习了Christmas Day, Teachers’ Day 等节日,本课则是学习中国节日的。所以在教学过程中,我呈现新词festival后,立刻以旧知为切入点,讨论节日的相关内容,为新知的学习作了很好的铺垫。

课前,我让学生在预习的基础上进行小组自主学习,互帮互助,先解决生词的朗读,并让读得较好的学生带动其他学生认识新词,激发了学生自主学习的兴趣。并且让学生收集了其他一些中国传统节日。课上,先让学生找出课文的结构(节日的名称、时间、活动、食物),然后学生与老师一起学习节日Spring Festival和Dragon Boat Festival,从时间,活动和食物三方面入手,详细了解春节,并让学生联系自己的实际生活来说说自己在春节的活动和饮食。然后放手让学生按照方法来学习其他两个节日,让他们提问、回答。在学生了解文章的基础上,我将教学要求进行提升,让学生复述单个节日,在复述节日时可以选择一个自己喜欢的节日,也可以选择四个节日的某个方面来说,为后面谈论更多的中国传统节日埋下伏笔,提供了大量的素材。最后以欣赏一组传统节日图片来结尾,激发了学生对传统节日的喜爱以及爱国之情,情感得以升华。

