


英语方位介词教案 篇1



作 者:陈如丹  作者单位:柳州市交通学校,广西,柳州,545007 刊 名:广西教育学院学报 英文刊名:JOURNAL OF GUANGXI COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 年,卷(期):2008 “”(2) 分类号:H313.1 关键词:方位介词   介词教学   意象图式   引申或隐喻的意义  

介词教案 篇2

教学重点:重要介词的知识点及用法 教学难点:介词的运用 教学步骤:

Step1 语法讲解


①at + 具体时刻:at 3:00

②on + 具体某天(具体某天的上、下午等;星期词;以及上、下午词前有修饰词时)

③in + 年、月、季节及一天中的某部分

注意:at this / that time at Christmas eg.1.___ the morning

2.___ Monday morning 3.___ a rainy evening 4.___3:50

5.__ 2002

6.___ the morning of April 10 7.___ spring

8.___ night 9.___ this time

10.___ March

另外注意:在时间词(morning , afternoon , evening;Sunday…)前有last, next , this , that时,不再用介词.tomorrow, tonight前也不用介词。

eg.I will go____(A)to the cinema(B)in(C)this evening.2.in , on , at 表地点:


in一般指大地方或某个范围之内; on往往表示“在某个物体的表面”。eg.1)He arrived ___Shanghai yesterday.2)They arrived ___a small village before dark.3)There is a big hole ____ the wall.4)The teacher put up a picture ____ the wall.3.in , on , to表方位


Eg.1)Taiwan is in the southeast of China.2)Hubei is on the north of Hunan.3)Japan is to the east of China.cross: 动词“跨过,越过”=go across


through:(内部)穿过,贯穿 介词

eg.1)Can you swim _____ the river?

2)The road runs __________ the forest.3)_____ the bridge, you’ll find a cinema.5.in + 时间段:与将来时连用

after + 时间段:与过去时连用

但after + 时间点:可与将来时连用。

1)I’ll leave _______ three o’clock..That is, I’ll leave ________ about ten minutes.2)They left _______ two weeks.Step3: Summary

Step4: Homework Step5:板书设计



教学重点:重要介词的知识点及用法 教学难点:介词的运用 教学步骤:

Step1 语法讲解

1.in the tree(外加在树上的事物)

on the tree(树上自身具有的花、果、叶等)

on the wall(墙表面的事物)

in the wall(镶嵌在墙内部的事物)

1)There is a map ___ the wall

2)There are four windows ___ the wall.2.by bike / bus / car / ship(单数且无冠词)


eg.by bike = on a(the;his)bike

by car = in a(the;her)car

on: 在…(表面)上——接触

3.over: 在…的正上方

above: 在…的斜上方 未接触

1)The moon rose ______ the hill.2)There is a bridge _____ the river.3)There is a book ______ the desk.4.between: 在(两者)之间

among :在(三者以上)之间

1)A big crowd of people were waiting for Li Lida on the beach.________ them were his parents.2)Tom sits ________Lucy and Lily.5.on与about : 关于



eg.He gave a talk ____ the history of the Party

Step3: Summary

Step4: Homework




教学重点:重要介词的知识点及用法 教学难点:介词的运用 教学步骤:

Step1 语法讲解

1.in front of :在…前面/方(范围外)= before

in / at the front of:在……前部(范围内)

1)There is a big tree _______ of the classroom.2)A driver drives _________ of the bus.类似区别:at the back of与behind 2.with和in: 表示“用“

with: 指“用工具、手、口等”

in: 指“用语言、话语、声音等”

1)Please write the letter ____ a pen.2)Please speak ____ a loud voice.3.on a farm;in a factory;the girl in the hat;leave for: 动身前往某地 4.一些固定搭配:


listen to , laugh at, get to, look for;

wait for, hear from, turn on, turn off, worry about, think of, look after, spend…on…, 等。


on time, in time, by bus, on foot,with pleasure, on one’s way to, in trouble, at breakfast, at the end of, in the end等。(3)介词与形容词的搭配

be late for, be afraid of, be good at, be interested in, be angry with, be full of, be sorry for等。

Step3: Summary

Step4: Homework


初中英语介词 篇3

Insteadin placein front

Becarseaccordingin spite


1.在正午2 半夜3 在那时



16第二天傍晚17在星期一早晨18 在10月一日上午19 在傍晚20 在8月21 在2011年22 在2123 在春季24在某人的一生中25在我上学期间26 在将来27在开会期间

28在吃饭过程中29 在寒假期间30 首先




40骑自行车41在湖边42用英语43 放学后44在圣诞节45顺便说一下

56到。。。末为止47例如48用墨水 ;用钢笔49在上课50 及时51准时

52马上;立刻53在这些日子54 处于危险之中


在农村59 在白天60 在去。。的路上61在火车上62一个炎热的夏日63整个周末


66。。。的答案67。。的注释68 通向。。。的路69到。。。的访问70 对。。。的兴趣71。。。的原因72 对。。。的热爱73听74给。。写信75 收到。。的来信76到达77对。。吼叫

78偶然遇见79敲80 寻找


84给。。做手术85向。。学习86为。。。担忧87 处理88讨论;议论89谈到提到

考虑,捉摸91 想起,考虑92同意


95前天96 昨天下午




关于小学介词英语语法 篇4


① 在……里面。如:in the classroom

② in+颜色,穿着……颜色的衣服。如:Who‟s the man in white?

③ in+语言,用某种语言说。如:What‟s this in English?

④ 在上午、下午、晚上。如:in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening

⑤ 在年、月、季节前。如:in ,in August,in summer

⑥ 在国家、城市和较大的地方前。如:in China,in Wuxi,in the playground

⑦ 固定搭配。 如:in the middle of(在……中间),do well in(擅长),in the day(在白天),take part in(参加),stay in bed(躺在床上),in the street(在街上)


①在……上面。 如:on the desk

②用在某一天(上、下午)前。如:on the 5th of May,on Sunday,on Monday morning

③以Day结尾的节日前。如: on Children‟s Day,on New Year‟s Day

④固定搭配。如:on foot(步行),on duty(值日),put on(穿上),get on(上车) turn on(打开),on the right / left(在右边/左边),on the wall (在墙上),on Zhongshan Road(在中山路上)

注 意:树上长的水果用on the tree;不是树上长的外来物用in the tree。 如:I can see a lot of apples on the tree. There is a boy in the tree.


①在某个时刻前。如:at seven o‟clock

②在传统节日前。如:at Spring Festival,at Mid-Autumn Festival,at Christmas

③在较小的地点。如:at the bus stop

④固定搭配。如:at once(立刻,马上),be good at(擅长……),look at(看),at home(在家),at school(在学校), at weekends(在周末), at the back of(在……后部), at night(在夜晚)

4、under 在……下面 如:There is a cat under the table.

5、behind 在……后面 如:There is an umbrella behind the door.

6、near 靠近…… 如:There is a park near my house.

7、beside 在……旁边 如:The students are standing beside the teacher.

8、next to 紧靠……旁边 如:The teachers‟ office is next to our classroom.

9、before (时间上)在……之前 如: before class(上课前)

10、after (时间上)在……之后;依照 固定搭配: after class(课后),after school(放学后),look after(照看),run after(追赶),read after me(跟我读)

11、between 在两者之间 如:There are some trees between Building A and Building B.

12、by 乘某种交通工具 如:by bus,by plane,by the way(顺便说一下)


①be from = come from(来自……) 如:Mr Smiths is/comes from Australia.

②from…to…(从……到……)We go to school from Monday to Friday.

14、to 到、去…… 如:Let‟s go to the zoo. 固定搭配:write to(给xx写信)

15、about 关于;大约

如: I want to buy a book about animals. It‟s about one kilometer away.

16、for 为、给…… 如:Here‟s a letter for you. What‟s for breakfast?

固定搭配:look for (寻找),wait for(等候)


①与……一起。如:I‟ll go shopping with my mother.

②具有某种特征。如:Who‟s the boy with big eyes?

③help... with... 在某方面帮助某人 如: Can you help me with my English?

④play with... 和……一起玩;拿……玩 如:play with me,play with a yo-yo

18、in front of 在……前面

如:There is a tree in front of the classroom.

in the front of 在……前部 如:There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.

19、along 沿着,顺着

如:Go along this street.

20、as 作为

如:What would you like as a birthday present?

21、out of 从……出来;往……之外 如:The dog is running out of the house.

22、of ……的,属于…… 如:a map of China ,a map of the world

23、off 离开,在……之外 如:keep off the grass(勿踏草坪),get off(下车)

24、up 向上 如:stand up(起立),pull up carrots(拔胡萝卜)

英语介词知识点的 篇5



1. in

A. 表示世纪、年代、年、月、季节、星期等较长的时间。

如: in ,in January,in the week

B. 表示每天的上午、下午、晚上。

如: in the morning/afternoon/evening

C. in 后接一段时间的名词,表示“过多久以后”, 常用于将来时的句中。 in 有时表“在……之内(within)”。

如:I’ll come and see you again in five days.


D. in + n. 表时间,相当于 during。

如:in the war/storm 等。

2. on

A. 某(几)天

如: on Sundays,on May 1st 等。


如:on Monday morning,on Christmas Eve 等。

C.on + doing 表示“一……就……”。

如: On entering the room she saw him.


3. at

A. 表小时或分钟。

如: at ten to nine(九点差十分)。

B. 后接特定的时间名词。

如: dawn(黎明),daybreak(天亮),night,mid-night,noon 等。

C. 表用餐时间。

如: at breakfast/supper/lunch 等。

D. 表年龄。

如: at the age of… 等。

E.还有 at this/that time 等。


1. by

A. 后接 ing 分词

B. by hand 用手,手工;by letter 用写信的方法;by post 由邮局传递;by electricity 用电

C. divide by 用……除;learn by heart 背下,记住

D. by land/air/water/sea/boat/ship/car/bus/train/taxi/rail(way)/plane 等。

E.by means of…(用/靠……的方法);by way of…(取道于,经由,用……的方法)。

2. with

A. 后接表示工具的名词,多有“手拿着”之意。

如:He struck me with a whip.

B. 后接人体的器官。

如:You can lift a big piece of bamboo with one hand.


如:He looked at them with great satisfaction.

3. through

A. 后接与电讯有关的名词,表示获得知识、消息的来源。

如:Our country has sent and received TV programmes through man-made satellite.

B. 后接名词,说明行为者的经历。

如:Those who learn not only from books but also through practice will succeed.

C. 后接透过、穿过的物体,说明行为者所依靠的途径。

如:He was looking through a telescope.

4. on

A. 后接表示食物的名词表示所依靠的食物。

如:All ants live on liquid food.

B. 接支撑身体的部位。

如:I knelt on one knee over him.

C. 接表示大型交通工具的名词,名词前有相应修饰语。

如: on the NO.1 bus,on this ship

5. in

A. 后接表示情绪或精神状态的名词。

如:in silence,in tears,in surprise

B. 表示与语言文字有关的方式。

如:in word,in English

C. 接表示具体的小型交通工具名词。

如:in my car,in that boat,in his plane

D. 与 way,order,hurry 等连用。

如:in this way,in order,in a hurry

E. 后接表示包裹用品名词。

如:She wrapped him with a blanket.


如:There were five matchsticks in between the two pages.

He has travelled everywhere but in his own country.

The strong wind from off the coast now whipped the house.

We have seen that the hibernating animal reduced movement to far below the ordinary level.

(四)but 的用法:

A. 表示“除去……之外”、“只不过”之义。在很多情况下可与 except 互换,只是 but多用在代词后面。

如: I have written all my lessons but one.

B. 一般只接动词不定式作宾语,不接 ing 分词作宾语,当 but 之前含有 do 时,but后的不定式要省 to。

如: Then it has no choice but to lie down and sleep.

C. cannot but,could not but,cannot choose but,could not choose but,cannot help but,could not help but 为特殊句式后接动词原形,表示“只得”、“不得不”。

如: I could not choose but go.

D. never… but 表示“除非”、“若不”。

如: I never go past that house but I think of my miserable life in the old times.

E. but for = if it were not/had not been for 用于虚拟语气中表示“要不是”。

如: But for his advice we should fail.

F. 可连接两个主语。介词后边的代词要用宾语。句子前的谓语要与 but 前的主语一致。

如: Nobody but me knows it.

(五)against 的用法:

1. 逆着、迎着(方向)。

如: We run against the wind.

2. 反对。

如: He was active in politics and was strongly against slavery.

3. 撞击;碰着。

如: He hit against the pole reading as he was walking.

4. 靠着。

如: He put the ladder against the wall.

5. 和……对照;与……对比;以……为背景。

如: Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky.

6. 防备。

英语句法解析:介词短语的解释 篇6

The boy in school uniform is my brother.



We often play football on the playground.



Susan found the kid in the kitchen.



Susan is in the kitchen.


中考英语语法详解三:介词、连词 篇7


1. 介词概述:介词表示它与后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。介词是虚词,不能单独做句子成分。介词在英语中用法很活,也无一定规律可循。在初中范围内还应学一个记住一个,特别是那些和动词的特殊搭配。

2. 常用介词的意义和用法。

⑴ 时间或地点介词in、on、at的用法区别:

表示时间时, in表示在一段时间里(在将来时句子中则表示在一段时间之后), on表示在具体的某一天或者某天的上下午等, at表示在某个时刻或者瞬间;

表示地点时, in表示在某个范围之内, on表示在某个平面上或与一个面相接触,at则表示在某个具体的场所或地点。如:

He was born on the night of May 10th.

I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning.

His glasses are on the desk.

My brother is at the bus stop.

⑵ after与in表示时间的用法区别:“after+(具体时刻/从句)”表示“在…时刻之后”常用于一般过去时态;“in+(一段时间)”表示“在(多久)之后”,常用于将来时态。如:

He said that he would come back after 6:00.

My father is coming back from Astralia in about a month.

⑶ since与for表示时间的用法区别:“since+(具体时刻/that-从句)”表示“自从…起一直到现在”,“for +(一段时间)”表示“持续一段时间”,都常用于完成时态;如:

My father has worked in this factory since 1970.

My father has worked in this factory for over 30 years.

⑷ by、in与with表示方式的用法区别:都可以表示“工具、手段”,但是by主要表示“乘坐”某个交通工具或“以……方式”,在被动句中可以表示动作的执行者;in表示“使用”某种语言/文字,with表示“使用”某个具体的工具、手段。如:

We write with our hands and walk with our feet.

Please speak in English.

Let’s go to the zoo by bus.

It was invented by Adison.

⑸ about与on的用法区别:都可以表示“有关…”,但是about的意义比较广,而on主要表示“有关…(专题/课程)”。如:

Tom is going to give a speech on the history of China.

They are talking about the English test.

⑹ through与across、over的用法区别: through指“穿过…(门洞/人群/树林)”; across和over可以指“跨越…(街道/河流)”,可互换,但是表示“翻过…”时只能用over. 如:

Just then a kangaroo (鼠)ran across the road.(就在那时一只袋鼠跑过路面)

There is a bridge across/over the river.(河上有座桥)

They climbed over the mountain and arrived there (他们翻过大山到达了那里)/

The visitors went through a big gate into another park.(参观者们穿过一个大门来到另一个公园)


Let me speak to you as a teacher.(我以老师的身份和你讲话。)

Let me speak to you like a teacher.(让我像一位老师一样和你讲话)

(8)in front of 与in the front of:in front of“在…的前面”, 与in the front of“在…的前部”。如:

A group of people was standing in front of the hall.

In the front of the hall stood a group of people.


Everyone went to the park except Tom.(除了Tom,大家都去了公园)(Tom没有去公园)/

Besides maths he also studied many other subjects.(除了数学之外,他还学其他许多功课)(“数学”也是他学的功课之一)


1.连词概述:连词是一种虚词,用于连接单词,短语或句子,但不单独做句子成分。按照连词的性质,可将连词分为并列连词和从属连词。并列连词如:and,but,or,for等,它们即可连接单词,短语,又可连接句子。从属连词如:when,before ,because等,它们主要引导名词性从句。


1)并列连词 的用法: 并列连词有:and, but, or, nor, so, for yet, however, as well as, both…and, not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor, still,

And: 连接单词短语句子 。如:Tom and I study in the same school.

But, or :I have a pen but no pencil. / Would you like coffee or tea?

Nothing but除了,只有: I did nothing but watch it.

Or表示否则:如: Hurry up or you will miss the train.

for 表示后面的句子是原因。如: He is good at piano for he practices harder than others.

Not only…but also 不仅…而且。可并列主、谓、宾、表及句子。主语并列时,谓语要就近一致。如: Not only he but also I am a nurse.

As well as 以及,同样。并列单词、短语、句子。并列主语时,动词要随前面的主语变化 .如:He works as well as he can

Either…or 既…又…,或…或…,并列主、谓、宾、表及状语 ,如:Either come in or go out.

Neither…nor 既不…也不, 并列主、谓、宾、表、状语,并列主语时,谓语就近一致。如:Neither you nor he is lazy.

Both…and 和,既…也,并列主、谓、宾及表语。I can speak both English and French.

nor 也不,引导句子要倒装 。如:He can not play the piano, nor can I.

so 因此,所以,不和because连用。如:You like swimming, so do I.

1) 从属连词的用法: 从属连词有:after, when, before, as, while, since, until, till, if, unless, because, than, that, whether, so that

after 表示“时间”,在…之后。如:After I finished the school, I became a worker in the factory.

Although/though 表示让步, “尽管”。如: Although she is young, she knows a lot.

as 表示时间,“当…时”,方式“象…”,原因,“由于、因为”让步,“尽管、虽然” 。如: As it was rainy, we couldn’t go out now.

As if/as though 表方式,“似乎、好像” 。如: He told us such a story as though he had been there before.

As long as/so long as 表条件,“只要” 。如: As long as I am here, I’ll go to help you.

As soon as 表时间,“一…就…”。如: I will call you as soon as I come back.

because 表原因,“因为”。如: I have to practice more because I am not good at English.

before 表时间,“在…之前’’ 。如: You should think more before you do it.

Even if/ even though 表让步,“即使”。如: You should try again even if you failed.

Hardly…when 表时间,“(刚)一…就”。如: Hardly I entered the gate when the bell rang.

if “假如”,引导条件状语从句。如: We will stay at home if the rain doesn’t stop.

“是否”,引导宾语从句。如; I don’t know if he goes shopping.

In order that 表目的,“为了,以便”。如: We study hard in order that we can pass the exam.

No matter +疑问词 表让步,“无论,不管”。如: No matter what you do, you should try your best.

No sooner…than 表时间,“刚一…就…”。如: No sooner had I come home than it began to rain.

once 表时间,“一旦…”。如: Once you read this book, you’ll never forget it.

since 表时间,“自从…以来”。如: He has been in this city since he left school.

表原因,“既然,由于” 。如: Since the job is dangerous, let’s do it more carefully.

so far as/as far as 表条件,“就…而言,就…而论”。如:As far as I know, it is easy for you to speak in English.

So that 表目的,“以便” 。如: Speak loud so that everybody can hear clearly.

So…that 表结果“如此,以致”。如: He got up so early that he caught the early bus.

than 表示比较,“比” 。如: Things were worse than we thought.

unless 表条件,“除非,如果不” 。如: You will fail in the test unless you study hard.

Until/till 表时间,“直到…为止” 。如: I’ll wait till my mother comes back.

when 表时间,“当…时’’。如: When they got there, the train has left.

whether “是否”引导名词性从句 。如: Whether he can come to see us is unknown.

表让步,“不管/无论、是否”。如:Whether she is rich or poor, she is always happy.

while 表时间,“当…时” 。如: While he was in Beijing, he visited the Great Wall.

小学一年级英语介词解析及练习 篇8

①in+月、年the morning/afternoon/evening/a week表示时间


③at+具体某点时间、某个假期(…Festival)/the weekend


表示方位 ②on…road/left/right

③at the…crossing/stop/某个具体的地点

①in the tree(不是树上长出来的)

②on the tree(树上原来自己长出来的)

表示时间:① ago(……以前) later(……以后)

② before (在……以前) after(在 ……以后)


1 the first day ________ school

2 ________ the school playground

3 _________ classes

4 _________ Wednesday

5 __________ a farm

6 pull _________ carrots

7 a lot _______ fruit trees

8 live _________ a town

9 ________ the weekends

10 _________ the sitting room

11 ________ the 4th ______ November

12 look _______ them

13 _________ the playground

14 _______ the school hall

15 ________ New Year

16 talk _______ his students _______ holidays

17 _________ Christmas Day

18 have a big lunch _________ my family

19 dress _______ _________ costumes

20 _________ September or October





Guess Who I Am I am black and white.I give milk.Guess who I am.It’s me, the cow!I have a red comb.I lay eggs.Guess who I am.It’s me, the hen!I eat hay.I can run very fast.Guess who I am.It’s me, the horse!I have a curly tail.I like mud.Guess who I am.It’s me, the pig!I bury bones.I chase cats.Guess who I am.It’s me, the dog!I give wool.I say “baa.”Guess who I am.It’s me, the sheep!I have horns.I eat anything.Guess who I am.It’s me, the billy goat!I feed everyone in the farm.Guess who I am.It’s me, the farmer!We are all members of this farm family.


初中英语常用介词用法练习题答案 篇9

1.The play begins at 6: 40 pm.So we have to be at the theatre ____ 6:30 pm at the latest.A.after



D.by 1.D。从“戏剧在下午6:40开始”可知到达剧院的时间最迟不应晚于6:30。A项表示“下午6:30后到剧院”,C项表示“在剧院呆到下午6:30为止”,均不合题意。B项干扰性最强,around意为“左右,大约”, 但在6:30 pm后有at the latest“最晚”,二者相矛盾。C项by是not later than(不迟于)之意,整合题意。

2.They held a ceremony ________ those killed in the battle.A.in honor of

B.instead of

C.in favor of

D.by means of 2.A。in honour of意为“为庆祝(为向...表示敬意,为纪念”;instead of意为“代替;而不是”;in favor of意为“赞成;支持”;by means of意为“通过;用;借助于”。根据句意“他们举行了纪念阵亡战士的仪式”可知答案为A(from )。

3.After finishing middle school, my sister did nothing ________ at home.A.but to read

B.but read

C.besides reading

D.except to read 3.B。but, except 和besides都有“除„之外”的意思,但没有”,相当于not including.另外,but后面可接不定式to do,但如果but前面有实义动词dbesides是“除„之外,还”的意思,等于in addition to;而except, but 是“除„之外,o的任何形式,不定式省略to。

4.Write your name and address on your bag ________ you lose it.A.in any case

B.in case

C.in no case

D.in that case 4.B。in any case意为“在任何情况下”;in case意为“以防万一,如果”;in no case意为“决不”;in that case意为“如果那样的话”。句意为“在你的包上写上名字和地址以防丢失”。

5.— ________ did the professor give you much advice?

— The choice of a career.A.On what

B.In what


D.For what


6.I made coat ______ my own hands.It was made ______ hand not with a machine.A.in;in




6.C。by hand意为“用手工”;with“用”, 表示使用的工具, 手段,如He hit it with a hammer.7.He is running ________ the wind towards the east of the station ________ Tom running ________ the right.A.down;and;on



D.with;while;to 7.B。against the wind“逆风”;on the right意为“在后边”;介词with与一个复合结构构成短语,用作状语,说明状态、方式等。

8.Not all of us know the difference ________ wheat, oats and barley.A.among




8.B。一般说来,between用于两者之间,among表示三者和三者以上之间。但有时说的虽然是三个以上的人或东西,如果强调的是两两相互间的关系,适用于between.如:The soldier is hidden between the trees.在谈论事物间的差别时总是用between.9.The young singer is quite popular ________ the public.She’s made a remarkable achievement ________ a girl of her age.A.with;to



D.for;to 9.C。词组be popular with意为“受„欢迎”,for“就„而论,比较„而言”。

10.The apple trees have lots of big apples __ them.And some birds are singing __ the trees.A.in;on



D.with;through 10.C。介词on意为“在„之上,依附于”;in意为“(表场所,位置)在„„之内 / 上”in the tree 译为“在树上”。

11.That woman will quarrel ________ everybody ________ anything.A.about;about



11.C。quarrel with sb.about / over意为“和某人争论某事”。句意为“那个女人无论碰到什么事儿, 总是和别人争吵不休”。

12.The weather this month has been good ________.A.on the whole

B.generally speaking

C.above all

D.on one hand 12.A。on the whole意为“总的来说;从总体上看”;generally speaking“一般说来”;above all意为“首先,最重要的”;on one hand意为“一方面”。句意为“这个月的天气基本上是好的”(from )。

13.We should divide all the potatoes ________ two piles and separated the good ones ________ the bad ones.A.from;by



D.from;into 13.B。divide„into和separate„from都有“把„„分开”的意思。但前者指“把整体分成若干部分”,后者指“把连在一起的分开”。

14.They said the building would be completed ________ a year.A.after



D.about 14.C。in, after这两个介词都可以用来表达“在若干时间之后”。in 可以用于将来时态或一般过去时态的句子中;after 用于一般过去时,如果表示某时刻之后或某件事之后,则不受时态的限制。

15.— These boxes are too heavy for me to carry.— Here, I’ll give you a hand ________ them.A.for



英语方位介词教案 篇10




There are four seasons in a year. 一年有四季。

Many water power stations have been built in the country.我国已建成许多水电站。


The barometer is a good instrument for measuring air pressure.气压计是测量气压的好仪器。

The air was removed from between the two pipes.两根管子之间的`空气已经抽出。

Answers to questions 2 and 3 may be obtained in the laboratory.问题2和3的答案可以在实验室里得到。

Most substances expand on heating and contract on cooling.



Something has gone wrong with the engine.这台发动机出了毛病。

Gold is similar in color to brass金子的颜色和黄铜相似。

Its never occurred to me that bats are really guided by their ears.我从未想到蝙蝠居然是靠耳朵引路的。


The change of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done in motors.电能变为机械能是通过电动机实现的。 (of短语和change在逻辑上有主谓关系,可译成立谓结构。)

Some of the properties of cathode rays listed below.现将阴极射线的一些特性开列如下。(第一个of短语和some在逻辑上有部分关系,Of不译出。)


①beyond, past,against等表示超过某限度的能力或反对....时,其短语有时用反译法。如:

It is post repair.这东西无法修补了。

There are some arguments against the possibility of life on this planet.有些论据不同意这行星上可能有生物。

Radio telescopes have been able to probe space beyond the range of ordinary optical telescopes.射电望远镜已能探测普通光学望远镜达不到的宇宙空间。

②off, from等表示地点,距离时,有时有反译法。如:

The boat sank off the coast.这只船在离海岸不远处沉没了。


Copper is the best conductor but silver.铜是仅次于银的最优导体。

The mdelecular formula, C6H14, does not show anything except the total number of carbon and hydrogen atoms.分子式C6H14只用来表示碳原子和氢原子的总数。
