


酒店前厅部工作总结 篇1


Antechamber ministry, chamberlain ministry, 2003 year job reviews 2004 year job to look into report in a flash, 2003 be about to parting, striding one brand-new year to us.Right 2003 bright and beautiful for the hotel, from prepare to construct practice, experienced wind storm rain, it is under the arduous effort of hotel leader, employee, will open wide a gate to the society on September 28 eventually, meet friend of guest of the four seas.One, 2003 year job reviews antechamber ministry: 1, 7, August, the invite applications for a job that basically has stuff and groom the job.2, September, to the end of September, the primary goods and materials that the branch finished to run on antechamber is deployed.3, October portion, since October 12, investment of hotel guest room tries do business, accept book, salute the advent of exposition of small commodities of the 3rd international.In the practice operation of employee, make mistake to its, fallible problem, make groom in the hillock of specific aim, can say, october, to antechamber ministry, it is to have those who challenge a gender in January, but under the effort that reachs a section in hotel leader, the reception of the exposition that finishs satisfactorily the task.4, November, the reception that sums up exposition branch circumstance, undertook major to ministry of guest of center of total stage, business affairs, ceremony groom, especially total stage, during exposition, base of staff professional work is not strong, working error is more, the branch is right this, undertake technical professional work is summed up, decide in November, the business that will have major two months to total stage in December operates flow to groom, its groom schedule is as follows:(see subordinate list one: Antechamber ministry November, will groom in December plan)4, December, the branch takes an exam through theory and real operation, reach working duty, manner according to the professional ability with daily to employee foreman, undertake rating afresh to employee wages pay, the popular feeling of employee was stabilized on certain level, to the branch coagulate the function with provided force to also rise particular;Make piece “ system of sectional rewards and punishment “ , undertake handling to routine error, serious person undertake cash is punished, and every months of bottom is outstanding to the branch employee undertakes selection(2), good is punished so that condemnatory cash rewards employee, solid it is therefore “ those who take at employee, use at employee “.Chamberlain ministry: 1, 7, August, the invite applications for a job that basically has stuff and groom the job;Weave “ the material end guest room shop purchases detailed account “.2, September, undertake open up wasteland works;Follow urge the material end each shop to reach the designated position.3, October portion, it is under the effort of hotel leader and branch, the reception of the exposition that finishs satisfactorily the task.During exposition, employee can be done only from a day 4, 5 rooms can make 12 rooms to a day, from which change, reflective employee people integral quality had rise certainly.4, in November, December, chamberlain ministry from detail proceed with, basically grab clean and wholesome job.Overcome edge construction, edge to do business brought heavy difficulty, make the state has the sanitation of the hotel to change certainly.5, the basis moves actually, edit finish “ post duty and operating sequence “.6, strengthen control of content cost cost, easy bad news is tasted from October 19, 6 yuan / the world falls November 10, 33 yuan / day.(see subordinate list 2: Chamberlain ministry groomed 2003 plan)2, the problem that in going one year, exists: 1, employee abides by sex of hotel regulations system not strong, disobey phenomenon of discipline of inn compasses inn to happen from time to tome.2, employee rank quality is not quite mature still, employee fluctuation is big.Lack staff of skilled a gleam of, the horizon standard of cadre of low level management

also remains to rise.Because most employee just was walked out of from the school gate, lack social experience namely, without what cognitive also to the hotel, although pass a few months groom, but to hotel of fast star class, especially hotel of 5 stars class should be achieved after all how doesn’t a wholesome standard have very good actual acknowledge, although know to want bright and clean, fine dirt is not caught, but most to them person will tell, that just is it seems that can think and cannot ideal state.Moreover, though they groom through theory, also had had brief field trip in other public house, but not quite skilled after all, reason is deficient in working method, technology, experience somewhat, working schedule is not quite fast, also cannot bear the workload of high strenth.3, skilled sex is insufficient in employee unit process of cargo bandling, service craftsmenship is defective.With its photograph of hotel of his 5 stars class is compared, put in experiential difference, service standardization still can be dealt with, but the service of flexibility, individuation is lacked relatively, and hotel of 5 stars class needs this kind of service just about.4, between the branch, between post cooperate to return insufficient tacit understanding, lack is communicated.5, the employee English level of a gleam of such as downstage, telephone exchange is not high, remain to groom further.6, enter often live client quantity is little, passenger source market is not stable still.7, project bequeath and maintenance problem still did not get be settlemented thoroughly, create product of partial guest room unqualified.(Subordinate list 3: Maintenance project detailed list)8, basic goods configuration did not reach the designated position, cause guest room product to be not perfected, the room appears drab.The guest reflects the warmth that does not have place of room of 5 stars class to reflect, costly move generally.(subordinate list 4: Chamberlain ministry guest room did not arrive article detailed list)9, establishment of relevant form a complete set is not perfect.Recreation of business affairs floor, professional bar, Ktv, fitness, bazaar did not reach the designated position.The visitor that enters a public house is pursuit eats, live, amusement, buy process of a series, ability content is worth such house price somewhat.10, the communication tool of employee did not reach the designated position, cause rate of make the rounds of the wards slower.

酒店前厅部工作总结 篇2


(一) 缺乏专业性人才

21世纪是人才的世纪, 但是在当前的社会中, 对人才的需求量大大增加, 导致人才严重缺乏。在酒店前厅部管理中, 由于酒店员工得不到合理的待遇, 因此人员流动性大, 人才很难得到长期稳定的发展。对于酒店前厅部来说, 培养一个专业合格的员工, 至少需要半年的时间, 因此, 酒店前厅部不断地换人换位, 严重影响酒店服务质量, 有的酒店认为前厅部只需要员工会推销客房即可, 因此对前厅部的员工没有系统地培训等, 导致酒店前厅部没有专业的人才。

(二) 工作人员素质低

由于酒店对于前厅部的员工不重视, 导致前厅部员工对于酒店的了解不足, 在介绍酒店特色和客房情况时, 出现不专业现象, 影响顾客消费情况。另外, 有的前厅部员工没有形成良好的工作态度, 没有树立自己“主人翁”意识, 对顾客态度恶劣, 对工作漫不经心, 这也严重影响了酒店的整体形象和服务质量。

(三) 脱离了整体运营

之所以说前厅部脱离了酒店的整体运营, 是因为在现代酒店管理中, 由于前厅部的特殊情况, 导致前厅部员工与其他部门的员工联系不够密切, 导致酒店信息沟通不及时, 不能第一时间为顾客服务, 从而影响酒店服务质量, 损害酒店整体形象。


在酒店前厅部运营过程中, 由于前厅部是直接面向顾客的部门, 其服务质量直接关系着酒店的整体服务质量。因此, 对于现代酒店管理中前厅部运营相关环境的管理是前厅部管理中的首要管理因素。在前厅部运营中, 无论是对于设备设施的质量要求、前厅人员的服务水平还是前厅的整体环境, 都要求做到令顾客满意的程度, 减少顾客投诉率。


(一) 加强措施, 培养人才

一个员工离开所在企业的主要原因, 无非只有两个:在工作中得不到领导重视;待遇不好。在酒店管理中, 对于前厅部员工来说, 提高其工资待遇, 是稳定员工的最好措施。好的待遇不仅能够稳定在职人员, 而且可以吸引到很多更专业的员工加入其中, 更好地为酒店服务。酒店领导要适时的与前厅部人员进行沟通、给予适当地关心、尊重员工、听取意见等, 这样不仅使员工体会到家的感觉, 更有助于提高员工的责任心和服务意识。

(二) 提高员工的综合素质

对于酒店前厅部来说, 员工的综合素质起着至关重要的作用。因为前厅部是直接面向消费者的部门, 其服务质量的好坏直接关系着消费者的消费情况。要想提高员工的综合素质, 要从以下几个方面着手:


舒适的微笑, 不仅可以带给人们良好的印象, 而且可以提高销售率。在酒店前厅部管理中, 强调员工的笑容是至关重要的, 始终保持舒适的微笑, 给顾客提供一个舒适、温馨的交易环境, 可以更好地提高服务质量。


酒店前厅部的形象代表的是酒店的整体形象, 因此, 在选择前厅部员工时, 要尽量选择形象好、气质佳的员工, 这样不仅提高了酒店的公关形象, 而且对酒店经济效益的提升也有很大帮助。


酒店前厅部, 是酒店负责招待并接待宾客、销售酒店客房商品, 组织接待、销售餐饮娱乐等服务产品, 沟通与协调酒店各部门、为客人提供各种综合服务的部门。所以, 专业的销售技巧是酒店前厅部员工必备的技能。专业的销售技巧不仅可以带动酒店的经济发展, 而且对顾客形成对酒店的整体印象有良好的保障作用。

(三) 强化前厅部整体管理

对于酒店前厅部来说, 协调酒店各个部门是工作的必要环节。在顾客进入酒店, 询问相关信息时, 前厅部的员工就要有酒店相关信息的资料, 如客房哪些房间还没有整理, 不能推荐给顾客;酒店提供早餐的种类;酒店的其他服务信息等等, 在顾客进行询问时, 要协调好酒店的各个部门, 取得第一手酒店信息, 从而更好地服务顾客。因此, 强化酒店前厅部与酒店各个部门的管理, 是提高酒店前厅部工作质量的重要依据。


综上所述, 酒店前厅部以其接触面广、接待服务广泛、专业技术性强、信息量大、服务方式灵活等特点, 在酒店管理中起着至关重要的作用。因此, 加强酒店前厅部的管理, 是酒店经济稳步发展的重要保障。前厅部的人员管理可以说是前厅部管理的重中之重, 是前厅部的“心脏”, 而前厅部又是酒店的“心脏”, 所以, 加强酒店前厅部的管理, 是酒店发展的需求, 也是酒店发展的必然结果。


[1]陈静.高职酒店管理专业"前厅服务与管理"课程设计[J].现代商贸工业, 2010, 22 (13) :286-287.

[2]马悦.《前厅服务与管理》实践教学模式改革的思考与探讨[J].现代企业教育, 2014 (20) :450-450.

[3]吴军卫.高星级饭店前厅部实习生管理浅谈[J].商业经济, 2010 (17) :103-104.

酒店前厅部工作总结 篇3

[关键词] 酒店管理酒店服务前厅部







前厅部的主要任务之一是销售客房,与前台紧密相关的客房销售工作主要有以下几种情形:预定销售、接待销售、合理排房与价格控制。 (1)在预定销售时,客人常常采取电话或直接走到前台来预定,在这个过程中单有主动的推销意识是远远不够的,订房是否成功还受到接待员推销技巧、熟练程度、对酒店产品的熟悉程度等主观方面的影响。(2)在接待销售时,对于已经预定了客房的客人来说,接待员要表现出强烈的服务意识,但也要注重对酒店其他服务设施的推销,而在实际操作中这个环节很薄弱。(3)接待员由于本身的知识欠缺和对房价变通的不熟悉,往往表现得不够灵活,只限于根据预定实际情况办理入住,报当日房价,没有灵活地结合酒店价格政策、优惠政策来积极促销。
















酒店前厅部年终总结 篇4


Be about to go two years, in this year, this hotel falls in the joint efforts of fluctuation, management outstanding achievement had bigger promotion.Old hall undertook update and be transforminged, make the service project of the hotel more perfect, load a broadband to guest room of 5F, 6F at the same time, satisfied the requirement of guest of more business affairs.All these brought opportunity of survival and hope to the hotel.Of the level of service of perfect, employee of the project of newer, service of hotel facilities rise further, make my hotel is in there was taller reputation in hotel industry.These active management that are store level leader and all hotels are departmental the effort of door employee is not divided.So the hotel pays attention to the cultural and ideological progress of employee relatively, come this year below the circumstance that antechamber ministry changes ceaselessly in personnel, all employee still can overcome enterprising of difficult, solidarity, the satisfactory hotel that finish gives each welcome the job, annual welcomed VIP group in all, the conference countless, in whole in recieving a process, get of the guest reputably, come one year antechamber ministry has done the following works: One, strengthen vocational training, raise ministry of employee quality antechamber to serve as the appearance of the hotel, every employee should confront a visitor directly, the working manner of employee and service quality report give the service level of a hotel and level of management, because of this pair of employee the working key that grooming is us, will make in the light of 5 branch this year groom in detail plan: Be aimed at telephone exchange, we undertake skill grooms receiving audition phone language;The baggage that is in in the light of baggage is carried and check service undertakes grooming;The ceremony courtesy of dest clerk and skill of carry out room groom;Especially all to antechamber ministry employee will undertake the foreign language of a month grooms is as long as July this year, judge check to lay next certain foundations for the star this year, just can let employee have on skill of Wu of professional knowledge kimono through grooming only rise further, gift is nicer provide excellent service for the guest.2, engraft to employee “ broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure, add close cut down expense ” consciousness, broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure of “ of control good cost, add close cut down expense ” is every enterprise not arrowy pursuit, antechamber department employee answers the call of the hotel actively, begin managing, cut down expense activity, control good cost.For managing charge, antechamber him ministry buys plastic basket to hold the key of the group, reduced the use amount of key bag and room card, to the hotel managing charge(no matter be a group,still come loose so guest, every room must fill in to the room gets stuck and use key bag, after using room card and key bag through group house, saved cost greatly, the room blocks 0.18 yuan / piece, key bag 0.1 yuan / , everyday group house 100 above, a year but the fee with managing bigger brushstroke);Business affairs center is used expire forms for reporting statistics will print draft paper;Supervise and urge the employee of accommodation is managing with water and electricity;Control good office articles for use, had used each each pieces of paper, pen.Pass these control, achieve for the hotel close make the contribution with antechamber due ministry.3, the sale consciousness that strengthens employee and sale skill, rise to lead antechamber ministry basis market condition, actively is advanced medicinal powder guest room sale, come this year the hotel rolled out a series of plan of guest room sales promotion if: The sales promotion activity such as 1000 yuan of certificate of fan room, integral card, acting gold, card, dest clerk is in hotel privilege policy while mix according to market level that day enter a circumstance to master house

price neatly, come loose downstage the guest had apparent addition, enter rate rise somewhat, emphasize dest clerk: “ wants downstage guest only, we want the tenet that method lets ” of guest take up one’s quarters, strive for more live entering to lead.4, pay attention to the harmonious job hotel between departmental door to resemble a big family, the hard to avoid in working between branch and branch can happen grind, harmonious stand or fall is affected in working lieutenant general by huge.Antechamber ministry is the centre branch of whole public house, it is having close working relationship with the branch such as meal, sale, guest room, be like occurrence problem, we undertake can actively harmony settlement with this branch, avoid its aggravation, because common goal of everybody is for the hotel, be not solved and had handled the negative effect with will be brought certain to the hotel.5, strengthen of all kinds forms for reporting statistics to reach declare at customs the management of data is downstage the visitor that enters to every according to the regulation of public security bureau undertakes registering, input computer, the cable concern interconnected system that the data of the guest outside the condition adopts a hotel is seasonable to national security bureau division of discrepancy condition management undertakes declaring at customs, carry out the announcement that public security bureau allots seriously, live to every the guest’s valuable undertakes remindful check.All forms for reporting statistics and data appoint antechamber ministry person specially assigned for a task is responsible, undertake classified filing to forms for reporting statistics and every months of statistic appears in the newspaper.Two years guest room income and income of two years of guest room undertake contrast, housing rate increased, but income decreased however yuan, because,main reason is between hotel industry malign contend for unexpectedly bring about average room price to reduce, enter rate increase and income reductive phenomenon, after watch of guest room overview is added.Achievement is satisfactory, but be in us insufficiently deep also consciousness and experience arrive: 1, flexibility and initiative are lacked on the service;2, the equipment ageing of telephone exchange creates line not free, cause a guest to complain constantly;3, individual new employee operates inexperience to own job;4, ageing of copycat of business affairs center, printer, duplicate and printed result are bad, affected the income of business affairs center directly.Made new sale index and task to business branch according to the hotel, it is two years to antechamber ministry important year, finish the job to can cooperate to sell a ministry, make a plan of two years of jobs especially: 1, continue to strengthen groom, improve the integrated quality of employee, improve service quality;2, stable employee rank, reduce the liquidity of employee;3, ” of software of “ of ageing of “ hardware ” fills, through improving a service quality makes up for the inadequacy of equipment ageing;4, the skill of carry out room that increases downstage staff, increase medicinal powder of the guest enter rate, strive to finish the sale job of hotel make known to lower levels.Be about to begin one new year, antechamber ministry faculty will provide the most excellent service with Xiang Bin of new spiritual outlook and real operation’s guest, carry out “ guest consummate, serve the purpose of the first ”.

酒店前厅部工作计划 篇5














酒店前厅部月工作总结 篇6


In X month job passenger flow is not large, wait for an element as a result of seasonal arrival, entered completely off-season, face off-season arrival, we still have a lot of a lot places that do not reach the designated position in X month job, also have prominent place likewise, improve wrong work.Wholesome: Antechamber, in wholesome respect should be one often grabs indefatigable job, right when middle shift meet again antechamber periphery metope, piscine pool, of revolving door clear and undertake maintaining, the adhesive plaster that goes up to periphery glass and engineering department cooperate to undertake handling, the periphery sanitation of the hall after be opposite insists to had been done likewise, delimit according to Zhou Ji sanitation undertakes cleaning, requirement foreman is arranged everyday need to do sanitation, to an elevator nurse and should be examined in time below the circumstance that daily daily sanitation noes hurry in the building below the guest with clear, evening shift is right of ball of glass of coloured glaze lamp clear.Male guest will one more ground stainless steel is in undertake clearing with water having candle, the effect is exceedingly good, because a long time is tonsorial without Qing Dynasty the time of cost is longer also, undertook comprehensive scrub to the ground of water district, the effect also is apparent, the suction as a result of the ground content sex is stronger, scrub hind is permeated very quickly again go in, partition of requirement evening shift undertakes scrub.Wholesome to the general area of male guest east pace ladder undertakes scrub and keep very good.Undertake checking registering to the sanitation of toilet, minute book of go on a tour of inspection, set time to undertake clearing, divide peculiar smell.To the wholesome requirement of cooperative branch, big pool is daily quadratic inside and outside clears, in the morning at 10 o’clock, in the evening after scrub.Supervise by foreman, be in charge of examination going to work.In order to achieve the better environment that wash bath.Discipline: ? Does シ of Nai of value of You of humorous of Di of arch of scar  show off hang down it is good that  bright spits a bit exhausted そ to hold  to show parent of envy of Ji of green of  of Man of ぷ of  of  of Xi of obstruct of know well of  of  of grave of fast of sluggish of You of stand upright  crab of  of exhausted そ of Beng of Gang of Yun of  of Shan postscript Yu? Li escapes in vain Kang of care of  of # of Ψ of  of  of onlying α of a bow drawn to the full of   another name for Guangdong Province breaks  of Chen of brightness city of Yu of  of  of exhausted さ of Beng of arch of ㄒ of Suo of ⒐ of  of Sao of rostellum of collect of Jian of arch rostellum ぷ to closely question   slaughters  of  of grave of fast of  grave  closely question head is exhausted, foreman is implicative, foreman appears to above circumstance demotes or hit a probation, got deserveding relatively controlling, we still must continue to strengthen the job of superintendency employee, the ego that fosters foreman restrains consciousness.Reflect the main accomplishment of antechamber, honor of Ceng Jiang collective feels.Male guest, come on whole it is better still to say, appear this month an employee wears dishabille to enter business area, undertake fining handling on the spot.A staff appears eat an egg stealthily to fine processing on the spot, without other discipline)the case appears, to the discipline tie of cooperative branch, do not allow to stand to rely on a phenomenon in disorder in business area chaos during go to work, do not allow to smoke inside, appear disobey discipline most the bottom fines 50 yuan.Service: The comparison that antechamber new employee enters is much, go up in each business or be deficient in somewhat, also reflect on the service went out to make insufficient, be like: Both hands receiving silver gives thing, receive thing, those who serve term is non-standard, go using simple exercise way and working station foreman to guide in the meeting before the class, to new employee

ground the service asks to undertake unity a standard, fall into disuse with fine in the member that receive silver make, actor is chosen the principle of actor, already washed out to receive silver.In off-season arrival, employee is a little incommensurate to the fall of passenger flow, do not know how to be made, in the expression of this kind of state of mind that employee corrects in time in the service.The smile that strengthens employee serves, to the standard of the guest that serves term, do not use optional sex language, 30 degrees when strengthen employee bow say hello to, lead gesticulation correctly, already reached the level of the service.The active service consciousness of employee is better.One more the service is accomplished lest appear,remind a visitor at any time missing article phenomenon, the appearance that the guest mobile phone that to going up the month emphasizes puts at will is put an end to basically, the antechamber department service for the company is further upward everyday foreman wants honour seek guest opinion or suggest, already reached better service level.Sale: Of main in the sale incentive employee promote passion, encourage employee to promote, decide the task to employee everyday, promote those who have target sex to begin a sale to work, male guest is in the in promoting passion this month is very exalted, special the promotes course male guest shopper that is massaging has do not let off any opportunity.Next month plan: 1: Undertake stabilizing on personnel state of mind, undertake to stable employee skill grooms.2: To detail the service undertakes groom and be supervisoried, advocate catch appearance appearance, the fixed position that decide hillock.3: Undertake checking to facilities facilities, eliminate safe hidden danger, undertake to employee safe knowledge grooms.4: Strengthen what fasten administrator to foreman class to supervise with education, make its get rising.5: Strengthen healthful maintain avoid long blind angle sanitation at the same time, insist to had done daily sanitation and week plan sanitation.6: Communicate what strengthen branch and branch each other, establish better harmonious group.

酒店前厅部工作总结 篇7


《酒店前厅与客房服务管理》是我国普通高校本专科酒店管理专业的核心专业课, 同时因其有着较强的实践操作性, 故也可把其称为职业技术课。在过去, 我们在授课的时候, 总是以生动的课堂内容讲述给学生, 告诉他们如何去做。但是, 事实上, 这种口授的教学方式根本不能够教会学生怎么样去操作。充其量, 他们可能只知道应该怎么做, 但就是不会做。随着新形势下, 我国教育教学的深层次改革, 结合本人多年的教学经验与对酒店行业的认识, 从加强学生实践操作方面入手来探讨《酒店前厅与客房服务管理》课程任务驱动教学, 供同行们切磋。


1. 内容较强的操作性促使任务驱动教学的诞生

《酒店前厅与客房服务管理》主要由两部分构成, 酒店前厅与酒店客房。酒店客房是酒店的主要营业内容, 客房是酒店行业要销售的最主要产品, 几乎酒店所有的业务都是围绕着客房进行的。因此, 对客房的维护便显得尤其重要。客房管理中包含客房清洁保养、公共区域卫生、客房服务、客房安全与突发事件处理等;而前厅管理主要涉及的内容包括前厅接待、预订、礼宾、房价控制等, 可以看出, 前厅的一系列工作都是围绕客房的销售与管理来进行的。

不论前厅接待、预订还是客房保洁维护与突发事件的处理都具有较强的操作性, 需在具体的工作环境中按操作步骤来进行, 企图通过教师的言传并不能够达到理想的掌握技能的目的, 还必须给予学生一定的自我操作和自我熟悉的过程。这就需要我们要对传统的教学模式加以改革了。

2. 酒店行业飞速的发展, 酒店需要更多高技能、高素质、上手快的员工

仅几年来, 我国酒店业进入了高速发展的轨道, 据统计, 2006年, 中国星级饭店数量继续保持适度增长。到2006年末, 全国共有星级饭店12751家, 比上年末增加923家, 增长7.8%;拥有客房145.98万间, 比上年末增加12.76万间, 增长9.6%;拥有床位278.55万张, 比上年末增加21.38万张, 增长8.3%。随着2008年北京奥运会的申办, 以及2010年上海世博会紧锣密鼓的筹办, 酒店行业发展迅猛。预计2008年以及2010年酒店行业效益增长的局面会呈直线上升趋势。而酒店飞速发展的同时, 对高技能、高素质的酒店管理及服务人员有着日益旺盛的需求。

3. 高校扩招以来, 人才间的激烈竞争推动人才的强技能战略

自1999年我国大学扩招以来, 已经有十个年头了, 2000年, 我国普通本专科在校大学生为556万人, 2005年这一数字达到了1562万人, 根据国家教育事业发展“十一五”规划纲要, 到2010年普通本专科将达到2000万人, 将再扩招438万人。可想而知, 人才间的竞争有多么的激烈, 而人才的竞争主要体现在知识的竞争、实力的竞争和发展潜力的竞争。因此, 摆在所有高校面前的一个问题是:对待我们的学生要下大功夫、要下大力气, 改变高校传统的教学思路, 正在寻求一种能开发学生潜力的一种教育模式, “强技能”的思路应运而生, 课程的教学改革也就迫在眉睫了。


1. 师生观念上的统一

当时选择酒店管理专业的大学生, 往往将自己定位在酒店的管理者这一层次上, 而忽略了在酒店业任何一个管理者都需要从基层做起的道理。因此, 当涉及到为客人端茶倒水、甚至是洗马桶这样的工作任务时, 学生便会有一系列的排斥反应, 觉得很不光彩, 甚至萌生退意。因此, 教师在教授课程的同时, 还需对学生进行一系列的心理疏导。只有在思想上达成一致, 才能在行动上达成一致, 才能将任务导向的教学模式进行到底, 达到理想的教学效果。

2. 硬件设施的完备

任务驱动并非是口头上提出来的, 而要把它落实下来, 需要充足的硬件设施来做基础。比如, 我以前在给学生讲到《客房服务管理》的关于洗衣业务时, 告诉他们地毯需要干洗, 不锈钢器具需要用酮油擦拭, 瓷砖需要用全能水稀释后清洗。学过之后, 感觉他们似乎都领会了, 但是到了岗位上学生根本不认识酮油是什么, 全能水是什么, 因为他们都没有接触过这些东西。因此, 要实施任务驱动的教学模式, 学校方面得下大力气, 来把设施设备这方面搞上去。诸如建设一个模拟客房实验室 (内部所需设备尽量配齐) , 模拟前厅总台等。

3. 对教师有着较高的要求

任务驱动实质上就是行动导向教学模式, 使学生“做中学”, “学中做”, 但是如何引导好他们就关键要看教师了。教师在整个过程中, 扮演着引导、指导、穿针引线的作用, 因此对教师的要求也就非常严格了。首先, 他需要教师要从事过酒店的服务管理工作, 在技能方面是一个专家;其次, 教师在整个教学准备环节中要针对不同的学生实施不同的情景环节, 真正做到因材施教;再次, 由于酒店行业发展的持续性和变化性, 知识与规则并不是一成不变的, 需要教师抓住任何机会来更新和扩充自己的知识, 以更好地教授给学生。


[1]姜大源:基于工作过程的课程观[J].中国职业技术教育, 2005年04期

[2]姜大源:职业教育学研究新论[M].北京:教育科学出版社, 2007

[3]赵志群:职业教育与培训学习新概念[M].北京:科学出版社, 2003
