


论手机与课堂作文范文 篇1



经过面壁思过、深刻检讨,我清醒地认识到自己行为有种种的不对: 1.违反了学校规章、课堂学习纪律,私自携带手机来校本身就是学校严令禁止的。2.说谎不信守承诺、不讲诚信。这点尤其不能容忍,我犯错之后,老师做出相应处罚,当时我也同意。可是事后我却谎称手机被我爸没收,就是对老师的欺骗,就是对当初承诺的背叛,极其不应该。3.知错不彻底悔改,导致耽误老师大量时间做我的教育工作。




根据此次错误暴露出的种种问题,我决心采取以下改正措施: 第一,从今往后我决心彻底不再带手机等娱乐工具来学校,严格遵守学校规章制度。第二,我牢记此次教训,真诚地向班主任老师道歉。第三,我今后要恪守诚信,老实本分,绝对不再任性妄为,做到知错就第一时间认错,第一时间彻改。第四,对于耽误老师的大量时间,我从今往后一定通过努力学习,提高自身学习成绩来报答老师的辛勤教育。




英语演讲稿(手机与课堂) 篇2


Good evening

Ladies and Gentlemen.I feel more than glorious to stand here to deliver my speech.My topic today is “To be the master of your mobile phone”.First, I would like to ask you a question: If we don’t have mobile phones, can you imagine what your life would be like?

Yes, it’s hard to imagine…

In the so-called information age, people rely more and more on the small personal belongings.As we all know, Mobile phones are playing an important part in our daily life.They have been used almost by everyone all over the world.As a matter of fact, Mobiles have brought us great convenience and pleasure.Wherever we are, Mobiles make it possible for us to keep in touch with others immediately.We can text a message instead of writing a letter, it is a popular and cheaper way to contact with each other.We can chat with our friends, read e-books, play games and listen to the radio on the mobiles.A multi-functional mobile is even like a mini-computer.With it at hand, we can surf the internet and enjoy as much information as we can.However, every coin has two sides.Mobiles also have some bad effects on us, especially on school students.The radiation may do harm to our health.Some students are addicted to on-line chatting or games, which is not only bad for their studies and their eyes but also causes more phone rates.Students use them to chat online and bend their backs, stare at the floor regardless of the teachers’ teaching during classes which seems to be inconsiderate about everything happening around.Some students even use mobile phones to cheat in the exam, it’s indeed a pity of the information age.I have a lot of pals to chat with, I have many eBooks to read, I need it to kill my sleepless midnight……they answered so when asked “why do you need a cell phone?”

