


酒店专用名词解释 篇1




5.机车交路:又称机车牵引区段,是指机车担当运输任务的固定周转区段,即机车从机务段所在站到折返段所在站之间往返运行的线路区段。机车交路是组织机车运用工作,确定机务段的设施和配置、机车类型分配、机车运用指标等的重要依据。6.出发场:编组站中承担列车编组完成后进行列检以及始发列车出发作业的车场,有些也办理无改编中转列车到发作业和列检作业。7.到达场:办理接入到达解体列车技术作业的车场 8.到发场:兼办列车到达和出发作业的车场。9.本务机:担当主要牵引任务的机车













分相区:是电气化铁路的无电区间,是将不同变电所供出的不同相位的电,通过两个分相开关进行隔离,以防止异相电短路并造成熔断接触网。在电气化铁路牵引区段,牵引供电采用单工频交流供电方式。为使电力系统三相尽可能平衡,接触网采用分段换相供电。为防止相间短路,必须在各独立供电区之间建立分相区,各相间用空气或绝缘子分割,称为电分相。一般设置于交流电化线路的变电站附近、两交流变电站供电区域的分隔处,或交流与直流供电的交界处。TEU: Twenty foot equivalent unit,20英尺标准集装箱,内径为(5898×2352×2390mm)。20尺柜:内容积为5.85米X2.35米X2.38米

配货毛重一般为17.5吨, 自重2.3吨

体积为28-31立方米.40尺柜: 内容积为11.85米X2.35米X2.38米





配货毛重一般为29吨, 自重4.8吨


酒店专用名词解释 篇2





美国出入境专用名词解释 篇3




(Boarder Crossing Card, 简称BCC)

它是出入墨西哥-美国边境的证件卡,允许持卡者方便通过边境检查。符合条件的旅行者可申办使用该卡,性质类似于B1/B2(商务/旅游)签证。这种卡含多项安全特征,有效期10年,常被称作“激光签证”(“laser visa”)。




电子护照是高科技、可机读护照,内有一集成电路芯片,可根据联合国国际民用航空组织(International Civil Aviation Organization)的具体规定,储存持照者的身份资料以及生物识别信息。美国的电子护照只含持照人的面部数码影像。运用面部识别技术将这个数码影像与实际持照者对比,将给护照欺诈行为带来有力威慑。


这种智慧芯片依靠一种只可在10厘米之内由机器阅读的技术。为防止芯片上的资料被偷偷侧录,美国的护照将具有防侧录功能,降低护照在未打开状态遭电子侧录的风险。美国正在切实考虑运用“基本登入控制”(Basic Access Control)技术,以便减少护照在出入境口岸由机器阅读时,遭电子侧录、电子窃听的可能。“基本登入控制”技术类似于个人身份密码机制,它首先要求识别护照资料页上机读范围内的符号,然后才能接触到芯片上的资料。




(Free and Secure Trade,简称 FAST)





(Machine Readable Passports,简称 MRP)










主要非移民签证类型有:B-1短期商务访客;B-2短期观光旅游;F-1学术专业学生;F-2 F-1学生的配偶或子女;J-1交换访问者;J-2 J-1交换访问者的配偶或子女;M-1职业或非学术专业学生;M-2 M-1职业或非学术专业学生的配偶或子女。









(Secure Electronic Network for Trav-elers' Rapid Inspection,简称SENTRI)




(Student and Exchange Visitor Infor-mation System,简称SEVIS)

所有来美国的外国学生必须预先由接待机构为其在SEVIS系统注册。这是一个针对美国境内外国学生和交换访问者的信息资料库;外国学生和交换访问者只有在该系统注册之后,才能拿到赴美签证。这个网上管理系统在2002年取代了过去的表格管理系统,使美国学术机构可以准确及时地掌握外国学生、交换访问者及其家属的资料,并将此信息即时传给国土安全部与国务院。国土安全部下属的美国移民与海关执法局(U.S. Immigration and Cus-


toms Enforcement)负责管理SEVIS资料库。 (United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology,简称US-VISIT)







(Visa Waiver Program)
















空调行业专用名词 篇4








7、能效比(EER):空调、采暖设备的能效比(英文为Energy efficiency ratio)在额定(名义)工况下,空调、采暖设备提供的冷量或热量与设备本身所消耗的能量之比。EER主要表征了局部空调机组(含空气源、水源、地源等等整体式、分体式空调机组)的性能参数,其一个较突出的特点是仅适合于电动压缩式(蒸气压缩式)制冷或热泵空调机组。

8、性能系数(COP):COP: 空调、采暖设备的性能参数






酒店客房专用术语 篇5


Accommodation: Description of bed type and location of a particular room.住所:用于描述特定的房间位置及房间的床型。

Adjoining Rooms: Adjacent rooms that are not serviced by a connection door.相邻房间:相邻房间,但不设有相互连通的连接门。

Advance Deposit: Money received by the hotel in advance of the guest’s arrival to guarantee the room accommodations.预缴押金:酒店在客人入住前,用于确保客人可得到所要求房间提前收取的金额。

Advance Payment: Money requested by the Guest Services Agents at check-in of a guest who did not make an advance reservation and who is unable to produce any of the credit cards accepted by hotel.预付款:没有预定的客人在入住酒店时,不能使用酒店所要求信用卡的情况下,宾客需向前台支付的提前支付款项。

Allotment: Certain number of rooms allocated to travel agents for free sale purpose.房间分配:酒店分配给旅行社一定数量的房间作为供其使用的免费房间。

Amenity: A gift for a guest e.g.compliments of the hotel, liquor, fruit basket, newspapaer, etc.礼品:给宾客的礼物,例如酒店设置的小礼品、酒类、水果篮及报纸等。

Arrival: Date of check-in.到达:客人的入住时间

Average Room Rate: Total Rooms Revenue divided by Total Number of Revenue/Occupied Rooms(excluding house-use and complimentary rooms.)平均房价: 用总客房收入除以收入产生房间总数/入住房间总数(办公用房及,免费房间除外。)

Average House Rate: Total Rooms Revenue divided by Total Saleable Rooms.酒店平均房价:用客房总收入除以可销售客房总数。

Billing Instructions: Specific instructions for the charging of a guest’s account to his company or home address.帐单结算说明:在客人使用其公司地址或家庭住址结帐时,对宾客进行的特定说


Block: A room that is being held for a certain guest on a certain date.预留:特定的房间在特定的日期为宾客保留。

Booked to Capacity/ Refers to a situation when the hotel has accepted the maximum Fully Booked: number of reservations and is unable to take any more without being placed in an overbooked situation.房间订满/完全预定:是指酒店已经接受了在允许范围内的全部预定,不可再进行任何预定,只可以将预定列入超额预定的范围。

Bucket: The space, box, drawer allocated for Registration cards, correspondences, supporting documents, etc.Located at Front Desk(Pre-registration or Folio)前台桶:位于前台的特定位置、架子或抽屉等用于放置登记卡、刊物、单据等等。

Cancellation: A reservation which is no longer required by the client.Non-guaranteed reservations will be released by 6:00pm on day of arrival.For guaranteed reservations, no charge will be levied if booking is cancelled before 6:00pm of scheduled arrival.取消预定:宾客取消已经提出的预定。非保证预定在到达当天下午6点之前可以

取消。对于保证预定,若在计划到达日下午六点之前取消预定,不收 取费用。

Cash Advance: To give money to guest obtained from guest’s credit card, a nominal

surcharge is added, normally between 3% to 5%.现金垫款:从客人的信用卡中提取,为客人支付的现金。会收取一定手续费,一

般为3% 至 5%。

Cash Credit: Written verification of cash received from a guest and apply to his account.担保放款:从客人帐户为客人提取现金的书面证明。

Cash Float: A fixed amount of funds allotted to a Guest Services Assistant for foreign exchange, change for cash transactions and refund of cash deposit.现金流通:分配给宾客服务助理用做外汇服务、现金周转及现金退款的一定数额 的资金。

Cash Overage: A condition whereby the cash remitted if more than the expected amount stated in the cashier’s report.现金超出:所收取现金超出出纳账面上的所述金额的情况。

Cash Remittance: The day’s collection in local and foreign currencies to be submitted to General Cashier.现金上交:当天的现金及外汇上交于总出纳。

Cash Shortage: A condition whereby the cash remitted is less than the expected amount stated in the cashier’s report.现金不足:所收取现金少于出纳账面上所述金额的情况。

Check-In: Process of guest’s registration upon arrival.入住:在宾客到达后,宾客登记的过程。

Check-Out: Process of guest’s settling their hotel bills and departing the hotel.退房:宾客支付酒店帐单离开酒店的过程。

Check-Out Time: Time designated by hotel for guest to vacate his room at completion of stay.Check-out time id normally 12:00noon.退房时间:酒店制定的、客人完成住宿腾空房间的时间。一般的退房时间为中


Close Cashier: A function whereby the Guest services Assistant balances his/her account and prints his/her respective transaction reports.现金关闭:宾客服务助理总结账面并打印出相关的交易报告的过程。

Commission: Money sent to Bona-fide travel agents as payment for sending guest to a hotel paying full rate.The normal percentage is 10% of the room rate, excluding service charge and prevailing government taxes.佣金:当旅行社带领宾客来到酒店并支付未打折房价时,酒店为旅行社支付 的金额。正常金额为房价的比率为10%,不包括服务费及当地政府的税收。Complimentary: Rooms given free for business promotion purposes(e.g.familiarization groups and travel agents);rooms accorded to hotel employees for leisure in accordance with Corporate Office policy guidelines.These free of charge rooms must be authorized by General Manager/Hotel Manager/Director of Operations or Chairman.免费房:用于商业原因的不收取费用的房间(例如:常客及旅行社);按照公

司政策为员工提供的免费房间;所有免费房间的使用都必须得到总经理 /酒店经理/运营总监或董事长的批准。

Connecting: Adjacent rooms that are has a connecting doors.连通房:用连接门连通的相邻的房间

Confirmation: A written agreement from a hotel to a future guest, showing details of his reserved accommodation.确认:宾客向酒店出具的书面协议,说明其具体的预定内容。

Corporate Rates: Rates set by the hotel for all guests whose bookings are made by companies which are listed on the Hotel Corporate Accounts List.公司价:酒店为那些由不同公司为其预定房间的客人设置的房价,公司必须包括


Credit Refund: A refund of cash deposit which was obtained from guest upon check-in.Guest is to acknowledge receipt of the credit balance on the system generated paid-out voucher.All other credit balances e.g.prepayment/deposit paid by travel agents/companies should only be effected through the accounting department.存款返还:将客人之前入住时存入的现金返还给客人。客人将将接受系统产生 的支付凭单。其他存款余额,例如,旅行社/公司付给酒店的预付款或存款需由财务部进行结算生效。

Crib/Cot: A baby bed.婴儿床/儿童床: 供婴儿/儿童使用的小床

Day Use: Same day check-in and check-out between 6:00am to 6:00pm and charged 50% off rack rate(Deluxe category and up preferred).日用房: 入住及退房时间在当天6:00am至6:00pm之间,并按照市面房价的50% 收费。(推荐对豪华套房或以上级别房间使用)

Room Move/ Room change when guest is not in room.To be carried out in Dead-Move: the presence of a senior staff, preferably a Lobby Guest Services Manager or a Security Officer.房间变动:在宾客不在时为宾客调换房间。调换房间时必须有高级别员工在场,最好有大堂宾客服务经理或保安部经理在场。

Departure: Date of check-out.离店:宾客退房的日期。

Discount: Percentage of rate taken off room for Travel Related Personnel e.g.Travel Agent, Airline and hotel Staff, etc.折扣:为旅行相关宾客提供的相关房价折扣的百分比。例如,旅行社、航空公司


Do-Not-Disturb: When a guest requests for a confidential stay room, or leaves a “locator message’, the telephone operator is to activate the “DND”(Telephone)Function on his/her console so that any incoming calls to the guest’s room will be re-routed to the switchboard automatically.(电话)请勿打扰: 当宾客要求一件私密的房间,并向电话总机发出信息,电话总机启用房间电话的(电话)请勿打扰功能。


Do-Not-Disturb: When a guest hangs the DND(Privacy Please)sign outside his room door or activates the DND light, the room attendant will inform the Housekeeping Coordinator to call the guest at 2:00pm to check when he prefers his room to be cleaned.In the event that there is no response from the room, a Floor Supervisor together with the room attendant will enter to make up the guest’s room.请勿打扰:将宾客在房间门外悬挂请勿打扰(DND)或勿扰(Privacy Please)

标识,或亮起请勿打扰(DND)灯时,客房保洁员会通知客房协调 员在下午两点的时候询问宾客是否需要清扫房间。若房间内没有任何 反应,楼层主管会与客房保洁员一同进入宾客的房间进行清扫。

Double Occupancy: Percentage of rooms occupied by more than one person.双重入住:有多于一人入住的房间占总房间数目的比率。

Downgrade: Moving a guest to a lower category room and decreasing his room rate.降级:将宾客安排到低等级房间入住并减少其房费。

Due-In: Expected check-in today.应入住:宾客当日应当入住酒店

Due Out: Expected check-out today.应退房:宾客当日应离开酒店。

Early Arrival: Early morning arrival is subject to space availability(6:00am start of day).If a client informs the hotel that he is arriving early, he must be informed that check-out time is not until 12:00noon and the hotel cannot guarantee the room before then.We will, however, do our utmost to have a room ready as soon as possible.If the client wishes, he can reserve and pay for the room the night before to ensure immediate occupancy on arrival.提前到达:清晨提前到达应根据具体客房情况而定(6:00am为一天的开始时间)。


Early Departure: Guest who checked out earlier than the expected departure date.提前离开: 宾客比原定日期提前离开酒店。

Extension of Stay: Authorized change of departure dates.入住延长:已确认的宾客对离店时间的改变。

Extra Bed: Same with “Rollaway Bed”(R.W.B)A portable single bed which can accommodate an additional guest.加床:与“可移动床(R.W.B)”同义。一只可移动的单人床,可供另一客人使


Extra Rate: Applies to third person in room and not extra bed.Extra person/bed rate to be waived for Suite occupants.附加费:用于房间内的第三人(未加床)。附加费不适用于使用套房的宾客。

Guaranteed: Refers to a reservation that has been guaranteed.This means that the guest plans on arriving after 6:00pm and has guaranteed to pay should he fail to arrive.The hotel will hold the room all night, and if the guest does not arrive, he will be charged.In the event that the has guaranteed and the hotel does not have space when he arrives, the hotel will find alternative accommodation at a similar hotel and pay for it.有保证预定:是指可以保证入住的预定。指宾客计划在6:00pm后入住,并保证

若无法入住会支付关费用。酒店会为宾客整晚保留房间,若宾客没 有入住,其会支付相关费用。在宾客保证预定的情况下,宾客入住 时若没有房间入住,酒店将在另一相似的酒店为其提供住宿并支付 费用。

Guest Type Code: Differentiates amongst various types of guest to allow for delivery of specific amenities and services.宾客种类代码:用于区别不同种类宾客所要求特定宾客用品及服务的代码。

Guest Folio: Statement of guest’s hotel charges.宾客报表:酒店为宾客出具的费用报表。

Guest History: Records showing details of guest’s previous visits to our hotel e.g.address, length of stay , credit cards used, room preference, likes or dislikes, etc.宾客历史:宾客以前在酒店入住的具体情况记录。例如,地址、入住时间、信用


Half day charge: A charge of 50% off folio rate for late check-out after 6:00pm(50% off rack for “wholesale” guests who wish to extend late check-out on their own account).半日费用:在6:00pm后退房时,征收的实际房价的50%。(团体宾客由于自


House Count/Status: This term indicates the occupancy of the hotel at any time of the day, expressed in either actual rooms or percentage.酒店情况:是指一天特定时间的酒店房间入住情况,用使用中酒店房间数目或比


House use rooms: Non-revenue producing guestrooms occupied either on a permanent or temporary basis under the following conditions: Permanent House Use:-House use by staff living in the hotel for a minimum period of 6 months.-Converted into offices for hotel management use.Temporary House Use:-Rooms provided on a complimentary basis to members of staff for temporary use of less than 6 months, to consultants/suppliers for business purposes relating to the hotel and entertainers contracted to perform at the hotel outlets.All house use room requests must be authorized by General Manager/ Hotel Manager and the respective Division Head.酒店自用房:在以下情况下,长期或短期内,酒店不收取任何费用的客房:



短期使用:--出于酒店商业原因,短期内(时间少于六个月)为酒店的顾问/ 供应商、酒店的签约演艺人员提供的免费房间。


Joiner: A guest to check into room with already a registered guest requiring a separate account.同住宾客:另一位宾客与已经登记入住的宾客使用同一间房间,但是分开酒店


Key Permit: An in-house guest authorizes another non-registered guest to gain access to his room.钥匙许可:已入住的宾客授权另一位未登记的宾客进入其房间的许可。

Key Request: In-house guest requests for a second room key or another key to replace his/her lost key.钥匙请求:已入住的宾客要求第二只或另一只钥匙,用于代替其丢失的钥匙。

Additional time allotted by the hotel after normal check-out time with or without extra charge.Free-of-charge is subject to space availability or as promised.Late Check-Out: 延时退房:酒店设置的、在正常退房时间后、不收取其他费用的延时时间。免费


Limousine: Hotel vehicle used to transport guests to or from the airport/train station/pier or hourly bookings.Normally a medium-size car.豪华轿车:酒店车辆用于接送车站、机场或码头的宾客,或用于特定时间。一般


Locator Message: Guest advises that he/she may be contacted at a specific location when he/she is not in the room for a period of time.宾客位置口信:宾客提前通知在其不在房间的某一时间段内,其会在某一特定的


Logbook: Book for inter-department communication.日志本:用于部门间联络的笔记本。

Net Rate: A non-commissionable or tax-deducted rate.净房价:没有任何佣金或税收减免的房价。

No-Show: Guest who did not arrive when accommodation was reserved.Guaranteed no-shows are not to be checked into the FIDELIO to capture occupancy.The Front Office manager in consultation with the Director of Marketing, is to advice the Credit Manager the following day which guaranteed no-shows to be charged.All relevant correspondences are to be attached to the no-show report and submitted to Credit Manager for proper billing.未出现:在宾客已预定酒店客房时,没有按时到达酒店的情况。有保证未出现

情况不会计入FIDELIO进行入住登记。在前台经理与市场总监在在商 议后会通知付款经理在另一天对宾客的有保证未出现情况进行收费。所 有相关文件将与未出现报告一同上交付款经理进行存档。

Out of Order Rooms: Rooms removed from saleable inventory due to major repair works e.g.renovation or refurbishment.(O.O.O)不可使用房间:由于重大修理,例如翻新或装修,从可销售房类中移除的房间


Out of Service: Rooms temporarily blocked off for minor repair works e.g.servicing of air-conditioners, general cleaning;or rooms temporarily closed off due to low occupancy.(These O.O.S rooms do not affect the occupancy forecast.)不可服务房:由于轻微修理,例如空调的检修或整体清洁的暂时必可使用的房间;



Out-of-Town: A situation where a guest wishes to leave town for several days during his stay with the hotel.Usually the room charge continue to apply during the guest’s absence.Following relevant department is to be notified:

1.Duty Manager-Lobby to double lock the room after

Housekeeping has cleaned the room, for security reasons.2.Duty Manager to leave a “Trace” on the day of guest’s

return for Duty Manager-Lobby to release the room for Housekeeping to dust the room.3.Telephone Operator to leave a “ Locator” message in

guest’s profile daily.出行:用于描述在酒店入住的客人需要离开本地几天的情况。一般情况下,在宾客不在酒店的时间内,房间始终产生费用。需要通知以下部门;1 前台值班经理-出于安全考虑,在清洁员打扫房间后对房间双重上锁。2 值班经理为前台值班经理留下宾客回酒店的信息,在宾客回房间前让



Package: A combination of a room, meals, laundry/valet, SPA or other services sold in one deal.整套服务:一整套房间、餐饮、洗衣/烫衣、水疗服务的组合。

Permanent Folios: Room types defined in Fidelio beginning with “P” are considered pseudo or “dummy” room types.The system provides all normal functionality available in Fidelio for “P” room types, such as creating reservations, attachment of Travel Agent or Company profiles, charge routing, check-in , posting, settlement by all payment methods, check-out ,etc.These rooms are not included in the daily rooms statistics, but revenue and payment figures are taken in as part of the hotel total.This flexibility allows these “dummy” rooms to fulfill a variety of functions for the hotel.In order to segregate the functions and easily identify the purpose of each “P” room type, it is recommended to use the following designations: PM: Group Master Group master folios are the traditional group billing folios.Postings can be made directly to the group folio, or charges routed from the folios of individual group members.PF: Posting Folios Permanent folios are an effective tool for posting charges and settlement not directly related to a guest folio.This includes the F&B revenue and settlement from the POS system, minor operation departments without an on-line POS terminal, and various non in-house guest charges(deposit payments after office hours, late charges).PY: Staff Quarters/Offices

If the hotel has staff quarters or offices, these rooms can be configured as “PY” rooms.This allows for Micros online posting, and use of Fidelio’s message functions(printed messages, telephone lamp control).Permanent Rooms: Revenue producing guestrooms which are converted to retable office units.Revenue is earned for the duration of the contract period irrespective of whether the room is occupied or not.Additionally, these rooms cannot be sold to other guests when not occupied by the contracted tenants.永久占用房间:可销售的客房被变更为办公单位。在合同有效期间,不论客房是 否被使用,酒店都会对房间进行收费。另外,此类房间在租住宾 客不使用的时间也不可出售给其他宾客进行使用。

Pre Assigning/Block: Setting aside rooms for reservations with specific requests for a service, feature, amenity and early arrivals.提前安排/占房:安排一定数量的房间用于对房间设施、用具有特定要求的宾客


Pre-Register: Process whereby guests’ full particulars are printed on registration card prior to arrival and only guests’ signatures are obtained upon check-in.提前登记:指在宾客入住前所有具体信息都已在登记卡中完成,客人在入住时只


Profile: A master record of details of a guest/company/travel agent e.g.name, address, telephone number, guest history and etc.档案:一份对宾客、公司或旅行社的详尽记录,例如,姓名、地址、电话号码及


Rate change: When the room rate is altered for a room which is already occupied.房价变更:在房间已经入住时,对房间价格的变更。

Register: Process of putting a guest record into the hotel system as an in-house guest.登记:将宾客信息作为已入住宾客记录在酒店电脑中的过程。Registration Card: Card used by all guest to register at check-in into the hotel.登记卡:在所有宾客入住酒店时登记使用的卡片。Room discrepancies: Rooms reported by Housekeeping when the physical status of the rooms do not tally the Front Office FIDELIO status.房间差异: 客房部报告房间情况与前台FIDELIO系统显示情况有差异。

Rooming List: A list of guest names provided by a travel agent or group organizer to the hotel to inform names of persons occupying the block booking.房间使用列表:由旅行社或组织者向酒店出具的团体宾客名单,用于描述团体预


Routing Instructions: Process whereby billing instructions are set in guests’


Share with: Two or more guests occupying the same room but with separate accounts or folios.分担: 两位或更多的客人使用同一间客房,但是客人独自承担自己的帐单。

Skip Room: A condition where a room is reported as “Vacant” by Housekeeping but

reflected as “ Occupied” in Front Office Status.This occurs when:

1.Front Office checks in a new guest after Housekeeping has

updated the status to “ Vacant Clean”

2.Guest may have checked out without settling his bills.3.Front Office may have forgotten to check out the guest’s

folio after settling the bills.4.Guest’s name was checked into the wrong room.5.Room change was not updated after a guest has physically

moved to another room.遗漏房: 客房部报告房间为“空房”状态,但是在前台显示的状态为“占房”。


在客房部报告房间为“净空房”后,前台已经入住了宾客。2 宾客有可能在没有结帐的情况下离开酒店。3 前台可能忘记在结帐后完成宾客酒店帐单。4 客人姓名在退房时发生错误。


Sleep Room: A condition where a room is reported as “Occupied” by Housekeeping

but reflected as “Vacant” in Front Office Status.This occurs when:

1.Guest sleeps out of his room without notifying the hotel.2.Guest’s name was not checked into the Fedlio

3.Room change was not updated after a guest has physically

moved from another room.4.The room may have been used by unauthorized person.沉睡房:客房部报告房间的状态为“占房”,但是在前台信息中显示为“空房” 的情况。此种情况一般发生在: 宾客在没有通知酒店的情况下,在酒店外过夜。2 客人的姓名没有登记入FIDELIO 系统。

3在宾客换到另一间房后,没有及时更改相关房间信息 4 房间正在被无权使用的宾客使用中。

System Down: Times when computer becomes inoperative.系统失效:电脑系统失效的情况。

System Up: When computer is operational 系统正常:电脑系统可以正常操作的情况。

Trace: A message/instruction left in the FIDELIO for the relevant department to follow up.追踪:在FIDELIO系统中所留特定的信息,用于特定部门对相关事宜进行跟进。Upgrade: Situation where a guest is given a higher priced room at a lower rate.Usually for business promotions or out of goodwill.This must be authorized by General Manager / Resident Manager, Director of Marketing, Director or Rooms or Duty Manager.升级:以低于正常价格为宾客提供高等级房间的情况。一般用于商业原因或酒店


Up-Sell: Moving a guest into a higher priced room in the hotel with a rate increase.升级销售:向宾客出售酒店内价格更高、更高等级的房间。

Vacant Room: Room available for sale but not occupied during the period.空房:当时无人入住、可向宾客销售的房间。

VIP: A person designated by management to receive special treatment.贵宾:有公司管理层决定的,需要特别照顾的宾客。

Voucher: Document used to record debits or credits posted to a room account.凭单:用于记录客房房间信用度或帐单的文件。

Walk-In: Guest requesting accommodation at the Front Desk without having made a reservation.未预定散客:没有提前预订,在前台要求入住的宾客。

Check-Out Time: Check-out time is 12:00, if you wish to keep your room after this hour , please contact out Assistant Manger who will make every effort to accommodate your requests.退房时间:退房时间为中午12:00。如果您需要在中午12:00后退房,请与值


Fire Emergency: In case of a fire, please call the hotel operator, the emergency alarm system will give out audible warning.If you have hearing difficulty, please notify the Assistant Manger so that we’re aware of your special needs in the event of an emergency.For further details, please see the Fire & Safety procedures.DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS.火灾:在遇到火灾的时候,请打电话联系电话总机,紧急情况警铃会自动响起。


Flowers: Our Housekeeping Department will be pleased to assist with floral arrangements for any occasions 鲜花:我们的客房部将按照您的需求帮助您准备鲜花。

Wake-up Call Service: Wake-up calls can be arranged through the Hotel Operator.电话叫醒服务: 电话叫醒服务由酒店电话总机安排。

Swimming Pool and Gymnasium: The indoor Swimming Pool & Gymnasium is located on

the 1 floor.It is open daily from 06:00 to _____.Towels are provided free of charge.st游泳池及健身房:室内游泳池及健身房位于一层。每日开放时间为早06:00至


Shoeshine Service: Contact Housekeeping, your room attendant will be pleased to extend the service.擦鞋服务:请您与客房部联系,您的客房清洁员很高兴为您提供此服务。

Secretary Service: The Business Centre handles all the standard secretarial services you may require.A full-time secretary can be arranged with advance notice.秘书服务:您可以向商务中心申请标准秘书服务。提前通知我们,可为您安排随


Safe Deposit Box: All guest rooms are equipped with an electronic safe deposit box to keep and store your personal valuables.For further assistance, please contact the Front Desk.保险箱:每一间客房都配有电子保险箱,您可以将重要物品放在保险箱内。更多


Room Service: A selection of culinary specialties is available from our Room Service menu for leisure dining in your room.Please call Room Service to place your order.客房服务:客房服务为您提供特色食品,您可以从客房服务菜单上进行选择。若


Mini-Bar: A fully stocked mini-bar is available in your room, items are replenished daily and consumption will be charged to your room account, for further inquiry and additional service, please contact Housekeeping.小冰箱:每间客房都为您准备了,食品充足的小冰箱。小冰箱内食物每天进行更

换。对食物的使用将计入您的客房帐单。进一步信息及其他服务,请您 致电客房部。

Non-Smoking Floor: We have Non-smoking Floor available, please contact the Assistant Manger.不吸烟楼层: 我们为您提供不吸烟楼层,请您联系值班经理。Baby Cot and Baby Sitter: Housekeeping Department provide Baby Service.Please

contact Housekeeping Department 2 hours in advance and the person will be assigned to take care of the baby if the guest needs.婴儿床及保姆服务:酒店客房部为您提供婴儿/儿童照料服务。宾客若需要此项

服务需提前两小时与客房部联系,以便可以安排保姆照顾宾 客的儿童。

Air Conditioning: The Hotel is centrally air-conditioned.All rooms have individual thermostat temperature control 空调: 酒店配有良好的空调设施。每一间客房都有独立温度控制装置。

Adaptors: Adaptors and transformers are available from the Housekeeping Department 适配器: 客房部配有适配器及变压器。

Laundry & Mending Service: This is available from the Housekeeping Laundry

Department.Regular service-All laundry collected before 12:00 noon will be returned on the same day;Express service-All laundry collected between 12:00 noon and 5:00 pm will be returned on the same day 洗衣及缝补服务: 客房部洗衣中心为您提供洗衣及缝补服务。正常服务-每日中

午12:00前收取的衣物将在当日归还;快速服务-每日中午12:00 至下午5:00 收取的衣物将在当日归还。

Banquet, Meeting and Conference Facilities: Arrangements for all social and

business functions in the hotel can be made through the Banquet Department.After operations hours, please contact the Assistant Manger.宴会、会议设施:您可以通过酒店宴会部对所有一般或商务宴会、会议进行安排。

酒店专用名词解释 篇6


early arrival 提前抵达

Early Bird Report 每日营业报表

EDP(Electronic Date Processing system)电脑室 electric fan 电扇 electric jar 电热水壶 electric plug 电源插头 electric socket 电源插座


(参:手扶升降梯)e-mail 电子邮件

employee 员工、雇员 employer 雇主

Engineering Department 工程部 entrance 通道

entrance lamp 门廊灯 envelope 信封 eraser 橡皮

ETA-Estimated Time of Arrival 预抵时间 ETD-Estimated Time of Departure 预离时间 European plan 欧洲式计价(房费不包餐)exchange rate(外币)兑换率 exit 出口

expected arrival 预抵客人 extension cord 接线板

expected departure 预离客人

expending wallet(by date/alpha)扩展式文件夹 extra bed(ref.rollaway bed)加床

English –Chinese Dictionary 英汉词典 F(31)

face towel 面巾

facsimile(=fax)传真 film 胶卷 Finda 芬达 fire alarm 火警 fire control 防火

fire exit plan 消防疏散图

FIT-Foreign Individual Traveler 散客 float(=cash float)备用(现金)floor drain 地漏

Floor Plan 楼层平面图 floor tile 地砖 flowchart 流程图

fluorescent lamp 日光灯

fluorescent pen(red/yellow/green)荧光笔 fly 苍蝇

foam bath 泡泡浴


Food and Beverage Department(F&B)餐饮部 forecast 预测

forwarding address 前往地地址 frame 框

free of charge(FOC)免费 freezer(=ice box)制冰器 fridge(refrigerator)冰箱 Front Desk 前台

Front Office Department前厅部 full house 满房

full length mirror(for grooming check)镜子

function(event)功能、活动 furniture 家具 G(9)

glass wrapper 杯套 garden 花园 glue 胶水

grand master key 总万能钥匙

Great Wall Card(credit card)长城卡 guarantee(GTD)担保 gullet 地漏

guest history 客人历史材料

Guest Questionnaire 宾客意见书 H(18)

hairdryer 吹风机 hand towel 手巾 handkerchief 手绢 handle 把手

hanger(ladies and gentlemen)衣架(女式,男式)hard cover book(long/short)硬皮本 heating 加热器 hinge 合页

high/peak season 旺季

highlight pen(red, blue, green)荧光笔

hotel envelope/hotel letter paper 饭店信封/信纸 hotel stationary酒店文具

hot water flask(=vacuum flask)热水瓶 house account 免费帐 house phone 内线电话 House Use 内用房 house count 房数

Housekeeping Department客房部 I(17)ice-cube 冰块

ice-cube tray 冰块盘

imprint machine(信用卡)刷卡器 incentive(group)奖励(团队)incident 意外事故 Incognito 保密客人 indefinite 不确定

index book(by date/alpha)索引(按日期/字母

顺序排)Information Desk 问询处 inspection 检查

in house movie 闭路电视

International Direct Dialing(IDD)国际直拨电话 invoice 收椐

iron and board 熨斗和熨衣板 ironing(=pressing)熨衣 ironing board 烫衣板 I owe you(IOU)欠条


Jacket 夹克衫

JCB Card(credit card)JCB卡(日本)join in 加入

junior suite高级套房 K(3)

key card 钥匙卡 kitchen 厨房

knife(for envelope and cutting other paper)刀子


lamp shade 灯罩

Laser Printer 激光打印机 late arrival 迟抵达

late charges(=back charge)追加收费 laundry 洗衣

laundry bag洗衣袋 laundry list洗衣单

layover passenger误机乘客 light baggage轻行李 light bulb 电灯泡 liquor酒精

living room(=sitting room)客厅 linen 布巾,布草 Lobby大堂

Logbook 交接班本

Lost and Found(L&F)失物招领

low/off-peak season淡季 luggage(=baggage)行李 luggage rack行李架 luggage sticker行李胶贴 luggage tag行李牌 luggage trolley行李车 M(40)


maps of Beijing and china 北京地图,中国地图 magazine rack杂志架 mail 邮件

mail address 邮件地址 mail box 邮件箱 mailing fee 邮寄费用

main door(=main entrance)正门 maintenance 维修,维护 make up room 打扫房间 marble 大理石

marker(blue/black)记号笔 market市场

market code 市场分类代码 market mix 客人分类 market research市场研究 market segment市场划分 massage 按摩

master accounts 总帐 master bill 总帐单

Master Card(credit card)万事达卡(美国)master folio 总帐单 master key 万能钥匙 matches 火柴 mattress 床垫

miscellaneous 杂费 memo 备忘录 menu 菜单

message pad 留言簿 mineral water 矿泉水

mini bar(fridge)小酒吧(冰箱)mini-bar voucher 小酒吧帐单 moistener 湿度计 mirror 镜子

full length mirror 穿衣镜 mop 拖布

morning call(ref.wake up call)叫早(参:叫醒)mosquito 蚊子

mosquito screen 沙窗

MTD-Month To Date月累计(到某日)


nail brush 指甲刷

National Cash Register(NCR)收款机 needle(<->thread)针(反。线)net rate 净价 newspaper 报纸 night audit 夜审

night gown 睡袍(pajamas)no show(NS)未到

non-refundable 不可退款的 Non-smoker 非吸烟者

Non-smoking room 非吸烟房 Non-smoking area 非吸烟区


occupancy 住客率(%)on duty 值班 operator 电话员

Out-Of-Order(OOO)待修房,坏房 overcoat 外套

overhead projector 投影仪


PABX=PBX(Private Automatic Branch Exchange)

(=switch board)电话交换机

paging system 寻呼系统 paid out 借出款 painting 图画

pantry room 客房(楼层)服务间 pants(ref.Shorts)短裤 passenger 旅客 paper clip 曲别针 paper shredder 碎纸机 pax=person 人数

peep hole 窥视孔, 门镜 pencil 铅笔 pen holder 笔架

Peony Card(credit card)牡丹卡 permanent 长期的,永久的

person to person(ref.station to station)

找人电话(参.兑号电话)personal 个人的

Personnel & Training Department(P&T)

人事培训部 pest control 灭虫

petty cash 小额现金

photocopy machine 复印机 photo picture 照片 pick-up 接机 picture壁画 pillow case 枕套

pillow inner slip 内枕套

piping 管道 pin 大头针

plastic holder 塑料文件袋

Please Make Up Room 请打扫房间 portion 部分

Postal Code(ZIP)邮政编码 postcard 名信片 post stand 邮筒 post stamp 邮戳 poster 招贴画 posting 入帐

potato crisps 烤土豆片 prepay 预付

pre-registered 预登记 pressing 熨衣

promotion rate 促销价 property 财产

Public Area 公共区

public phone booth 公用电话间 punch 打孔器

Purchasing Department 采购部 pajamas 睡衣(night gown)


quadruple room 四人房 queen size bed 中号双人床 quilt 被褥


rack rate 柜台价,公布价 razor 刮胡刀 radio 收音机 rebate 打折 receipt 收据 receive 接收

Receiving Office收货部 Reception Desk 接待处

Recreation Department 康乐部

refund(ref.rebate)退款(参。减钱)register 登记

Registration Card 登记卡

registration not assigned 登记完但未分房 release time 取消预订的时间 remote controller 摇控器 report 报告 request 请求

request for reply 请求答复 requirement 要求

Reservation Desk 预订处 Resort 度假村 Restaurant 餐厅

Revenue 营业收入、营业额 revolving door 旋转门

rollaway bed(=roll-in bed, ref.extra bed)活动床 room key 房间钥匙 room rate 房间价格 room revenue 客房收入 room occupancy 住客率

room service menu 送餐菜单 room status: 房态

VC-vacant clean 空房(干净的)

VD-vacant dirty 走房(脏房)

OC-occupied clean 住客房(干净的)

OD-occupied dirty 住客房(脏房)

OOO-out-of-order 待修房

SO-sleep out 外宿

NB-no baggage 无行李

LB-light baggage 轻行李

DL-double lock 双锁

DND-Do Not Disturb 请勿打扰 rooming list 分房表 rubber 橡皮

rubber band 皮筋 ruler 尺子


safe deposit box 保险箱

Sales & Marketing Department(S&M)

市场营销部 sanitary bag 卫生袋

scheduled time 计划时间 scotch tape dispenser 胶带座 scotch tape 透明胶带 scissors剪子 screen 屏幕

Security Department保安部

senior suite 豪华套房(三间套)service charge(ref.surcharge)服务费

(参:附加费)service counter 服务台

Service Directory 客人服务指南 settee 长靠椅 sewing kit 针线包 shampoo 洗发水

share(eg.share one room)共享(例:同住一间房)

sharpener 削铅笔刀(器)shirt 男式衬衫 shoe horn 鞋拔 sheer curtain 沙帘

shoe shine cloth(ref.shoe shiner, shoe polisher)

擦鞋布(参:擦鞋器)shorts 短裤

shopping bag 购物袋 shoulder season平季 shower 淋浴 shower cap 浴帽 shower curtain 浴帘 shower head 喷头 signature 签名 single bed 单人床

single occupancy 单人住房率

single room with bath 带浴室的单人间 skipper 逃帐者 skirt 女裙

skirting board 墙裙板 sleep out(SO)外宿 sliding door 推拉门 slide projector 幻灯机 slippers 拖鞋

smoke detector 烟感探测器 soap(bath soap, hand soap)肥皂 socket(<->plug)插座(反:插头)socks 袜子 sofa 沙发

soap container 肥皂碟 special attention 特别注意 special rate 特价

speedy kettle 快速热水壶 split shift 两头班 spoon 勺子 spot light 射灯 Sprite 雪碧 staircase楼梯

up stair 上楼

down stair 下楼 stamp 邮票

standard rate 标准价 stationery 文件夹

standard room 标准间 staple 订书钉 stapler 订书器

station to station 兑号电话 stay over 过夜 Stewarding 管事部 store room 库房 sugar sachets 袋砂糖 suitcase 行李箱 suits 套装 suite 套房 sugar糖

sundries 杂项费 survival kit 生存袋 switch 开关


Table D’hote 套餐 table lamp 台灯 table calendar 台历 tap water 自来水 tariff 价目表 taxi 出租车 tea bag 茶袋 tea set 茶盘 telephone 电话

telephone booth 电话间 telephone charge 电话费

Telephone Directory 电话号码簿 telephone extension 电话分机 telephone set 电话机 television(TV)电视 TV program 电视节目单 tent card 立卡

thermometer 温度计 thermos flask 热水壶 thermostat 调温器 thumb pin 图钉

time stamp machine 打时器 tissue paper 面巾纸

toilet=wash room=lavatory 厕所=洗手间=卫生间 toilet bowl 马桶 toilet flush 马桶刷

toilet flush cistern 马桶池 toilet flush handle 马桶按键 toilet paper 卫生纸 toilet seat 马桶座

toilet seat cover 马桶盖 tooth brush 牙刷 tooth paste 牙膏

tour package 包价旅游 towel rack 毛巾架 transient 过路客人 transformer变压器

Transportation Department 运输部 Travel Agent(T/A)旅行社 Traveller’s Cheques 旅行支票 tray(=dish)盘 triple room 三人间

trolley(eg.luggage trolley)货车(例:行李车)trousers 裤子 T-shirt T恤衫

Tsingtao Beer 青岛啤酒 turn away 转走的客人 turndown service 开床服务 twin room 双人房

villa 别墅

VIP(Very Important Person)贵宾

Visa Card(credit card)维萨卡(美国)visitor 访客

VOD(Video On Demand)视频点播电视 void 作废 Voltage 电压

volts 110伏

220 volts 220伏 voucher 帐单,凭单


walk-in 无预订散客 wall paper 墙纸 wall tile 墙砖

wardrobe 衣柜,壁柜 wash basin 洗脸池

waste paper basket(ref.rubbish bin)废纸筐 water jar 水瓶(广口)

water-proof(=water resistance)防水 water sprinkler 喷洒头 weekly report 周报告 weighing scale 体重秤 white board 白板 wind-coat 风衣 writing desk 写字台

writing desk chair 写字椅 writing pad 写字本 U(5)

underpants 内裤 undershirt 内衣 uniform 制服

Union Pay 银联(中国)update 更新(日期)



vacant room 空房

vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器 vacuum flask 保温瓶 valet 洗衣

verify(verification)证实 vest 马甲、背心 video camera 摄像机

Video Cassette Recorder(VCR)录像机



