


英文的时间表达 篇1

1 Introduction

Motion is a fundamental human activity.A motion verb usually describes how a physical entity changes from one place in space,towards a certain direction,to another place in space.And the entity described is usually dynamic,while it is prevalent in linguistic expressions such as The mountain range goes from Canada to Mexico”.

It seems that the sentence have the same semantic content as that in There is a mountain range between Canada and Mexico.The difference lies in how it is construed.Among the various ways of construing a scene,scanning mode plays a necessary role.

2 Theoretical Framework

2.1 Fictive Motion

This phenomenon has interested many scholars in the circle of cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology.It is originally studied by Leonard Talmy in the late 1970’s.Talmy(2000)conducts a comprehensive study and refers it to fictive motion and classifies it into six categories.One subtype is coverage path which is termed as a depiction of from,orientation or location of a spatially extended object in terms of a path over the object’s extent.Matlock(2004;2005)gives a systematic investigation of the phenomenon,and conducts a series of experiments from a psychological linguistic perspective.Suzuki(2005)reports on a comparative study of the expressions of subjective motion in Japanese and Chinese from the viewpoint of motion of subject and motion of eyes.Translations of Japanese sentences are exemplified to conclude that there are some restrictions on the expression of coverage path as the Chinese language tends to adopt only summary scanning.Concerned with the coverage path expressions in Suzuki(2005),research questions thus arise:

1)Do Chinese seldom adopt sequential scanning when describing actual motion?

2)Are the fictive motion expressions constrained by motion direction?

3)Can Chinese adopt fictive motion expressions for the motion of eyes?

2.2 Scanning Mode

In cognitive linguistics,meaning is a process of conceptualization,thus meaning resides in conceptualization.Semantic structures are simply the conceptual structures evoked by linguistic expressions.However,an expression’s meaning consists of not only its conceptual content but also how that content is structured and construed.In some degree,meaning is also a matter of construal,which describes the ability to construe a conceived situation in alternate ways for purposes of thought or expression.Among the various ways,scanning is one.

Langacker(1987)puts forward the term scanning,which means different ways of construing a scene.There are two kinds of mode:sequential scanning and summary scanning.Sequential scanning is defined as the mode of cognitive processing in which a series of states are conceived through the successive transformation of one into another(Langacker 1987:493).It is the mode of tracking an event sequentially;the aspects of the scene are not simultaneously present at any stage of the scanning.Each state begins to decay as the next one is activated,so that only one is fully active at any one instance.So any one state is only momentary.

3 Methodology

3.1 Research Question

Based on the theoretical frame work above,this paper aims to answer three research questions concerned with coverage path.Three related assumptions are then put forward:

1)Assumption 1:Chinese also adopt sequential scanning when describing actual motion.

2)Assumption 2:The fictive motion expressions are not constraint by motion direction.

3)Assumption 3:Chinese adopt fictive motion expressions for the motion of eyes.

3.2 Materials

As is observed,the subject in the coverage path expressions is usually linear or spatially extended entities.About 208 pieces of prose are searched in the website:http://www.vn700.com/Prose/List_4.html.As a special case of fictive motion,the coverage path expressions are relatively few compared with those in English and Japanese.These sentences may also serve good evidence in explaining such phenomenon.

4 Analysis

Matusmoto(1996)assumes that there are three kinds of coverage paths among English and Japanese,that is actual motion,hypothetical motion and the motion of sight.The following passage will analyzes coverage path from these three perspectives.

4.1 Actual Motion

Actual motion refers to focal attention moves along the motion of a conceptualizer.In forming such a sentence,sequential scanning plays an important role.It is the conceptualizer that mentally scans the path sequentially.Without sequential scanning,the conceptualizer could only activate various locations or points in a construal as discrete and not contiguous.No coherent whole would be achieved.

Suzuki(2005:13)uses the Chinese translation in 1)to summarize that summary scanning instead of sequential scanning can be used because the state of the road is first described and then the location of the conceptualizer depicted in the Chinese version.He further concludes that the subjective motion for actual motion expressions can not be used in Chinese.After careful linguistic investigation,we find that Chinese also adopt sequential scanning.How the tree in the two sides extends along the road and the mountain ranges zigzag towards far places?Without sequential scanning,such sentences can not be formed.Thus the assumption 1 collapsed.

1)The road went up the hill as we proceeded.



4.2 Hypothetical Motion

In the hypothetical motion,one supposes that an entity is moving.Suzuki(2005)admits that there exists the hypothetical motion as in 3(a,b),but the hypothetical motion is constrained by the direction of the motion as in 3(c).The English sentence in 3(c)involves fictive motion,but the Chinese translation can not be expressed fictively.When the path is ascending,it can also be described fictively.So just using one example in 3(c)one can not get the conclusion that Chinese can not have the fictive motion expressions when ascending is expressed.As Talmy(1983)point out,fictive motion involves the notion of directionality.

3)a.The high way enters California there.


b.The road descends down a very steep slope.


c.The road slowly climbs up the mountain.

路面随着山势增高。(Suzuki 2005:13)


When we refer to the hypothesized motion,it seems that one entity is moving,thus,the direction should be involved.Again the sequential scanning functions.Expressions in 5)are another pair example from Chinese.“Lai”in Chinese indicates a direction towards the conceptualizer.Shen(2001:269)describes two kinds of subject,that is sentence subject and speaker subject The speaker subject is implicit in linguistic expression but we can still sense its presence.The speaker is construed as a reference point,so the stationary object is described as moving towards the speaker.A careful linguistic investigation will reveal that directionality is an essential feature of fictive motion expressions,not only in hypothesized motion expressions as in 6).Now it seems that assumption 2 does not hold water.Contrastively,directionality is an essential feature of fictive motion expressions.



4.3 The Motion of Sight

When the conceptualizer’s sight is moving or mentally tracing in fictive motion,it is classified into the third type of motion as the sentences in 7).Can Chinese have such kind of expressions?That is to say,does the third type of motion exist in Chinese?The fictive motion expressions in Chinese like English sentence in 8)also exist.Again,the assumption 3 is also overturned.

7)a.The highway crawls through the city.

b.The mountain range runs from north to south.


5 Conclusion

Three assumptions are all overthrown in the process of analysis.Sequential scanning is an important means involved in fictive motion.No matter the expression belongs to actual motion,hypothesized motion or the motion of sight,sequential scanning plays an important role.There is no exception that Chinese also adop sequential scanning when describing actual motion.Directionality is an essential or common feature for all kinds of path expressions There is no reason that the fictive motion expressions in Chinese are constrained by motion direction.For a special kind of fictive motion,the motion of sight also exists in Chinese.

The movement is believed to be subjective because it is the conceptualizer that mentally scan or move along the path associated with the subject noun phrase.In doing so,the conceptualizer experiences something akin to actual motion,for it involves going from a starting point to an end point,and it takes time to complete.




[1]Langacker R W.Foundations of Cognitive Grammar:Theoreti-cal Prerequisites[M].Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,1987.

[2]Matlock T.The Conceptual Motivation of Fictive Motion[C]//Radden G,Panther K U.Studies in Linguistic Motivation[M].Berlin:Mouton de Gruyter,2004:221-248.

[3]Matlock T.Fictive Motion as Cognitive Simulation[M].Memory&Cognition,2005.

[4]Matsumoto Y.Subjective Motion and English and Japanese verbs[J].Cognitive Linguistics,1996(7):183-226.

[5]Talmy L.Toward a Cognitive Semantics,Volume I:Conceptual Structuring Systems[M].Cambridge:MIT Press,2001.



有关防晒的英文表达 篇2

1. Can you pass me the sun block? 能不能把防晒油递给我?

在防晒护肤品的瓶子上都有一个SPF的标识,它是Sun Protection Factor 的缩写,意思就是防晒指数。SPF值越高,防晒时间越长。防晒SPF值×15=防晒的时间(分钟);如果你要旅游,可以使用SPF20左右的防晒品。在高原烈日下活动或去海滩游泳,则至少要用SPF30的防晒品。记得防晒霜要在出门前30分钟涂哦!此外,一顶帽子或是一把遮阳伞(sunshade)也可以帮你挡住热辣的阳光。

2. You might get sunburned if you stay in strong sunlight for a long time. 如果在强烈的阳光下呆得太久,你可能会被晒伤的。

“晒伤”就是sunburn,这个词既可作动词也可以作名词用。万一晒伤也没关系,这里有几个小诀窍,可以帮你改善一下皮肤。You can use certain kinds of vegetables and fruits. 用黄瓜的切片或者去皮的芦荟涂一涂晒伤的皮肤。黄瓜片可以让你感到清凉,芦荟还能起到消炎的作用。如果皮肤晒得脱皮,千万不要用手撕,可以用毛巾包着冰块冷敷一下,你会感觉好多了。

3. You have a nice suntan. 你晒的很棒。

漫话时间表达的两个维度 篇3


(1) 子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。” (《论语》)


(2) 人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。 (《庄子》)

庄子从人的生死中感悟时间,认为人生相 对于天地 而言太过 短暂 ,“若白驹过隙、忽然而已”,指出了时间长度的相对性。

(3) 天地,万物之橐也;宙合,有橐天地。天地苴万物,故曰万物之橐。宙合之意,上通於天之上,下泉於地之下,外出於四海之外,合络天地,以为一裹,散之於无闲,不可名而山,是大之无外,小之无内,故曰有橐天地。 (《管子》)



(4) 久,弥异时也。久,合古今旦暮。始,时,或有久,或无久。始当无久。 (《墨经》)



(5) 时间究竟是什么?谁能轻易概括地说明它?谁对此有明确的概念,能用言语表达出来?可是在谈话之中,有什么比时间更常见,更熟悉呢?我们谈到时间,当然了解,听别人谈到时间,我们也领会。那么时间究竟是什么?没有人问我,我倒清楚,有人问我,我想说明,便茫然不解了。 (奥古斯丁《忏悔录》)

毕达哥拉斯学派认为时间是天球本身,柏拉图认为时间是天球的运动,亚里士多德说“时间是运动的数”、“是运动和运动持续量”的尺度。将时间与运动联系起来,越来越接近时间的本质,但运动本身并不是时间。究竟什么是时间?时间是人的观念还是一种客观实在?时间从何时开始,又将到何时结束?持不同哲学观的人对这些问题的回答也各不相同。吴国盛 (2006) 在《时间的 观念》一书中指出,历代西方哲学家对时间的态度有二,一是认为时间的流逝有着绝对的意义,是某种终极的形而上学[1],二是认为时间并不是什么最终的事实,甚至都不是真实,而是假象,它是附属于世界万物之中的某种关系,或是描述运动的一个参量。

时间的特殊性决定了无法将时间剥离出来作为一个独立的研究对象,所以西方哲学界对时间问题争论千年却没有一个统一的回答。所以吴国盛(2006) 感慨:“对时间的探索岂有尽乎?大概只有取消时间,我们才能走到时间的尽头。”诸多关于时间本质的思索并没有完美地解释什么是时间,但是创造历史的人民群众没有纠结于这些深奥飘渺的哲学问题,而是从实践出发,感知并运用着时间。



(6) 子曰:君子上交不谄,下交不渎,其知几乎?几者,动之微,吉之先见者也。君子见几 (机) 而作,不俟终日。 (《易·系辞下》)

(7) 不违农时,谷不可胜食也;数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不可胜食也;斧斤以时入 山林 , 材木不可 胜用也。(《孟子·梁惠王》)

(8) 夫功者难成而易败,时者难得而易 失也。时 乎时 , 不再来。(《史记·淮阴侯列传》)

“君子见机而作”指君子为人处世要懂得把握“时机”;“不违农时”指农业生 产活动要 符合“时 机”;“夫功者难成而易败,时者难得而易失也”指成就一番事业要懂得把握稍纵即逝的 “时机”。 人们观念 中的“时机”意识其实就是对人们各种行为活动的时间定位。“时机”后来演化出了“时间”的意义。中国是农业社会,按时间安排农事非常重要,在长期的农业实践中,人们积累了丰富的物候知识,什么时候播种,什么时候收获都与气候条件相关。春秋时期的历法《夏小正》就是人们与自然时间相协调的产物,以下的文字就摘选于这部古老的历书:

(9) 正月:启蛰。雁北乡。雉震呴。鱼陟负冰。农纬厥耒。初岁祭耒始用。囿有见韭。时有俊风。寒日涤冻涂。田鼠出。农率均田。獭献鱼。鹰则为鸠。农及雪泽。初服于公田。采芸。鞠则见。初昏参中。斗柄县在下。柳稊。梅、杏、杝桃则华。缇缟。鸡桴粥。 (《夏小正》)

《夏小正》全文有四百余字,涵盖十二个月 (也有说十个月) 的情况,古人通过各种物候、星象、气象的变化状况来确定时间位置,从而安排农业生产。

后来到了汉代,历法进一步完善,形成“农历” (也称“夏历”),俗称“阴历”,是中国传统历法之一。农历用天干地支搭配来纪年,六十年周而复始,并在一年中设置二十四节气来指导人们生产生活。据统计,从黄帝纪年到清朝末期启用西历,中国历史上一共产生过一百零二部历法,这些历法对中国文化与文明产生过重大影响。

古代西方人同样也在努力确定着时间位置。古埃及人根据尼罗河一年一度的水位上升与农业生产的关系制定了三个季节:泛滥、生长和收获,后来又根据天狼星与日共升的循环现象确定一年的开始,在此基础上形成了古埃及 的“阳历 ”。凯撒大 帝(Julius Caesar) 征服埃及后 ,埃及的历法传入欧洲,并设置闰年,修改后的历法以凯撒大帝的名字命名,称为“儒略 (Julius) 历”。但是儒略历还不十分精确,因为该历法以365.25天为一年,比实际回归年要长0.0078天,所以公元1582年罗马教皇格里高里十三世对其进行了改革,改革后的历法称为格力高里历,也就是一直沿用至今的“公历”。东西方历法的发展表明确定时间位置对人类的生活有着重要的意义,因此“时位”是人类感知时间的一个重要维度。


后来,随着社会的发展,生活节奏的加快,人们需要更小的时间单位来等分一天的时间,从而更加精确的安排生活,于是发明了日晷、沙漏、香钟、灯钟以及近代的机械钟表等计时工具,随之出现了时辰、时、刻、分、秒等时间单位。到了现代,人们把“秒”定义为铯133原子基态的两个超精细 能阶间跃 迁对应辐 射的9,192,631,770个周期的持续时间,现代科技活动中有时需要用到毫秒、微秒、纳秒等更小的时间单位。这些各个层级的时间单位其实就是人们对时量进行测度的结果。


就“词”这一层级来说, 《现代汉语词典》 (2002年增订版) 收录时间词有352个。例如:

白露、白天、半夜、傍晚、傍午、北宋、北魏、北周、辰时 、重九、重五、重午、重阳、丑时、初春、初冬、初伏、初秋、此后 、此刻、此前、次日、前年、东晋、东魏、东周、冬季、冬节、冬天、冬月、冬至、端节、端午、伏天、拂晓、复活节、刚才、刚刚……

以上这些时间词都可以在时间轴上定位,因此侧重表达时间位置。从结构来看,合成时间词的组构方式与人类观念中的时间测度是一致的。姚双云 (2010) 曾探讨过时间词构成的两个核心要素“时基”和“时示”,时基指时间基准,比如时间词中的“年、月、日、天”等语素,时示即时间指示,指明时间词之间的区别。比如“昨天、今天、明天”中的语素“天”是时基,标明计时的基准,语素“昨、今、明”是时示,标明这几个词指称时间的区别。时基和时示其实就是时间测度的两个参数,时基是常量,时示是变量。










从“小句”层级来看,“时位”通过“时位小句”来表达,由于该类小句往往与另一个小句连用构成时间复句,所以一般放在复句系统中进行研究。匡鹏飞 (2010) 将这类时间小句分为两类,一类是纯粹意义上的时间表达,即围绕时间词或时间短语组构而成的小句,一类是以事件作为参照的时间表达,即围绕完整事件组构而成的小句[2],例如:

(10) 今天是星期天,S。|那是一九四七年夏 ,S。|也正是这 段时候,S。

(11) 当我看到他的时候,S。|当天气逐渐转凉,S。|他做作业时,S。

例 (10) 中的时间小句属于时间背景小句,例 (11) 中的时间小句属于事件背景小句,它们都能为后续小句提供一个时间位置。

“时量”通过“时量小句”来表达。对于时量范畴,王世凯 (2010)有过较为深入的研究,他将时量范畴划分为计算量范畴和换算量范畴,计算量表达的是事件持续的时间量,换算量表达的是时间的换算关系。对应于这两个范畴分别有一些语言表达形式,例如:

(12) 小王去了上海三天了。|这场电影持续了两个小时。|会议开了一上午。

(13) 今年的暑假有六十天。|一分钟等于六十秒。|本学期假期总计二十天。

例 (12) 中的小句为 计算量小句,例 (13) 中的小句为换算量小句。

“时位”和“时量”并不是截然分开的两个概念,对现实生活中时间表达的性质认定,主要在于观测点的选择。比如“春天”一词,它既表明一年的第一个季节 (时位),同时它内部也包含着具体的时间长度 (时量),当然这个时间长度随地理位置的变化会有不同的表现。请看两个例子:

(14) 春天,农民伯伯开始在田里播种。

(15) 这场争论持续了整整一个春天。

例 (14) 中的“春天 ”刻画了“农民伯伯播种”的时间位置,所以表达的是“时位”概念,例 (15) 中“春天”成了衡量时间长度的标尺,“整整一个春天”说明时间之长,此时,语用者的观测点深入到“春天”内部,关注的是“春天”的“时量”,而“这场争论”发生的时间位置信息是不被凸显的。




(16) 一点到两点这一小时你去做饭,两点到三点这一小时你去睡觉。





表达思念的英文句子 篇4


1、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.2、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you.3、愿我思念的涟漪,化作这帧诗笺,融进你的心魂…… May my missing be this poem instilling your heart.4、悠悠我思,岁月飘忽。时间虽能改变许多东西,我对你的怀念 却恒久不变!I miss you very much in these year.Time can change a lot of things except for my memory of you never change.5、眷恋有如海洋,一次又一次起伏的浪。在白发时重温那起帆的 船,将没有人能记得你的一切,像我记得的那么多那么好。Love is like sea with lots of waves,I recall the sailing boat when I am old.Nobody will remember all of you like me.6、在时间的荏苒流逝中,想起久违的你,思念油然而生。一张精 致的卡片,一腔思念的情怀,加上虔诚的祝福,寄予远方的你。Time flies by and I remember I haven’t seen you for ages.I send you a fine card with my missing and sincere blessing.7、我对你思念,像一条波涛滚滚的江河,日日夜夜奔腾不息…… My missing for you is like a roaring river flowing day and night.8、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.9、无论是时间的距离,还是空间的距离,都无法隔断我们的视 线,每天晚上,我们不是都在思念中相见吗?Neither time nor distance parts our sight.We meet each other in missings each night.10、思绪划进凝固的梦幻,搁浅在静谧的记忆里…… Thought is in the solid dream and the quite memory ……

11、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.12、无论我们相距咫尺,还是远隔天涯,我们的心永远相通,我的双眼总是凝视着你。Our hearts are connected forever no matter how far we are or how near we are.My eyes always gaze at you.13、你可看见,在这春风习习的夜色里,在这月光融融的庭院里,我默默地拣,默默地拣起的都是对你的思念。Have you ever seen I am picking up the missing for you in the night spring breezing in the yard full of moonlight.14、许久不见,但愿枫叶载情,在你干涸的心田撒下春的种子;在 同一片星空下,让远离的你我,共同编织思念的花环。We haven’t seen each other for a long time.May maple bring my love and sow seeds of spring;Under the same starry sky, let us, the distant two, weave a garland of missing.15、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.16、纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.17、在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.18、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.

英文的时间表达 篇5

1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象

剔除患者初诊时, 铁屑异物滞留角膜时间不明确。随访时间不足而导致时间点数据脱落的病例, 随机收录浅表角膜铁屑异物伤患者51例。其中男性患者50例, 女性患者1例。右眼33例, 左眼18例。年龄21~45岁, 平均年龄 (31, 59±5.95) 岁。以上病例具有明确的铁屑滞留角膜时间史。24h内以每1h为一时间点分布, 各时间点随机收录1例以上患者 (12、13、14个时间点无病例收录) 。25~48h。以4h为一时间点, 各随机收录2例以上患者。49~96h, 以12h为一个时间点, 各随机收录2例以上患者。第5、6天, 以12h为一时间点, 各收2例。第7天以后随机收录2例。24h内允许时间误差<20min;24h后允许时间误差<1h。所有患者1个月后复诊, 检查角膜创伤治愈后遗留瘢痕情况。

1.2 检查方法

裂隙灯下仔细观察球结膜反应 (结膜充血、睫状充血、混合性充血) , 角膜铁屑嵌顿位置、深度、铁屑实体。铁屑剔除后观察创面体征:透明、混浊、水肿程度, 锈迹浸润颜色深浅, 锈斑、锈环形成的面积、深度。术中观察锈斑、锈环与角膜粘连程度。以评估各时间点铁屑氧化后对角膜所产生的二次损伤程度。角膜对异物排斥反应的表达。治愈后角膜遗留痕迹:云翳、斑翳、白斑。

2 结果

2.1 浅表角膜铁屑异物伤患者伤后1~3h内就诊的临床表现:

裂隙灯下观察球结膜充血 (可能与擦眼有关) 或无反应。异物剔除后创面透明, 个例有轻微混浊。痊愈后无瘢痕遗留。4~5h就诊患者, 个例发现异物剔除后, 创面见淡淡棕黄色混浊。痊愈后未见棕黄色沉着 (考虑与锈铁屑或温度有关?) 。6h以后就诊患者, 去铁屑后裂隙灯下见创面遗留薄薄棕黄色锈迹浸润, 此时很难将其剔除, 待二天以后复诊, 裂隙灯下可见其周围混浊、水肿。此时可将其剥离。但是不要勉强操作, 如有残留可让角膜自行吸收, 愈后角膜未见色素沉着, 遗留淡淡云翳, 15h以后就诊患者, 去铁屑后裂隙灯下见创面遗留棕褐色锈斑, 此时锈斑与角膜粘连紧密, 不易剔除干净, 如有残留可待1后天复诊剔除。痊愈后角膜遗留云翳。20~24h内就诊, 裂隙灯下观察睫状充血, 剔除铁屑后创面锈斑形成。此时锈斑与角膜粘连还未松解, 操作得当可将锈斑剔除, 如有残留可次日剔除干净。痊愈后角膜遗留云翳。25~48h内就诊患者, 裂隙灯下见睫状充血或混合性充血, 角膜锈环周围浸润水肿, 异物剔除后, 创面锈斑剔除易碎, 锈环多点位剥离可清除。术毕见创面遗留淡淡棕黄色浸润。愈后角膜遗留云翳或斑翳。49~72, 裂隙灯下见睫状充血或混合性充血, 角膜异物周边环状混浊水肿明显。此时锈斑与角膜粘连松解, 剔除锈斑锈环较容易, 愈后遗留斑翳。73~120h内就诊小时内就诊患者, 裂隙灯下见睫状充血或混合性充血, 角膜锈斑周围环状混浊水肿明显, 组织疏松, 亦有后弹力层皱褶出现。此时剔除锈斑容易, 但是切勿触及周围混浊区, 防止医源性3次伤害, 愈后角膜遗留斑翳。6d后初诊患者剔除异物可将整个病变体成球状刮出。创面边缘环状混浊浸润水肿, 亦有后弹力层皱褶。愈后角膜遗留斑翳。

3 讨论

铁屑是角膜异物伤中最常见的至伤物质[1], 它不仅直接损伤角膜而且随着滞留角膜时间延长, 铁屑在泪液的作用下, 氧化变为重碳酸氧化亚铁与角膜组织蛋白合成一种可溶性含铁蛋白质, 使角膜组织发生浸润坏死[4]。此时它对角膜产生的损伤远远大过其本身对角膜的伤害。有关铁屑滞留角膜时间与发生氧化反应的临床过程, 尚未见具体系统报道[5,6,7]。本文通过临床实践, 按铁屑滞留时间点观察研究发现, 浅表角膜铁屑异物伤患者伤后3h内就诊, 未发现角膜铁锈症出现。6h后临床可见角膜创面遗留薄薄棕黄色锈迹浸润, 其逐时加重。20h后角膜创面锈斑形成, 其病变范围逐日扩大。6d后角膜的排斥反应可将病变体包裹。角膜创面痊愈后遗留的瘢痕程度, 有随异物的大小、深浅、滞留角膜时间的长短, 取异物操作等因素有关。如瘢翳遗留在角膜中央瞳孔区, 则影响患者视力, 并且出现晕光、虹视现象。以上临床观察结果, 望同道们参考指正。确切依据尚需制做动物模型研究。

摘要:目的 观察浅表角膜铁屑异物滞留时间对健康角膜损伤的表达, 角膜对异物的表达, 角膜创伤痊愈后的归属。方法 随机收录角膜铁屑异物伤患者, 初诊时具有明确异物滞留时间史。裂隙灯下观察各时间段铁屑对角膜损伤的程度, 健康角膜对异物的表达。痊愈后的归属。结果 6h后可见角膜创面轻微锈迹浸润, 以后逐时病变范围扩大, 6d以后, 角膜的排斥功能将铁屑及病变坏死区包裹。周围组织炎性反应, 愈后遗留不同程度的瘢痕。结论 角膜铁屑异物伤后, 3h内就诊能得到有效医治, 愈后不留后遗症。如延误治疗时间越长, 2次伤害越明显, 痊愈后的角膜瘢痕越明显。



[1]赵堪兴, 杨培增.眼科学[M].7版.北京:人民卫生出版社, 2008:287.

[2]林盛金.角膜异物2576例分析[J].眼外伤职业病杂志, 2003, 25 (7) :493.

[3]田蕊蕊.角膜铁屑异物396例临床分析[J].眼外伤职业病杂志, 2000, 22 (6) :679.

[4]黄筱敏, 李燕春, 刘媚, 等.裂隙灯下完整取出角膜铁锈异物的手术方法[J].实用临床医学, 2006, 7 (8) :136.

[5]王志燕.角膜异物512例分析[J].眼外伤职业病杂志, 2006, 28 (11) :869.

[6]霍晶.角膜铁屑异物140例临床分析[J].眼外伤职业病杂志, 2004, 26 (1) :55.

英文的时间表达 篇6

1 情态化及量值



2 方法与结果

本研究按照随机抽样的原则从5种SCI收录的英文医学期刊中分别抽取1篇医学研究性论文,所抽样的5篇论文均由母语为英语的作者撰写且均发表于2001-2005年期间。抽样所选的5种医学期刊分别为:New England Journal of Medicine,Journal of the American Medical Association,Biology of Reproduction, Journal of Biological Chemistry, European Journal of Pharmacology。研究以小句(clause)为单位记录语料中所有的情态化表达。统计结果如表2所示。



3 讨论与分析

3.1 认知程度对情态化表达的影响




①An explanation for this difference may lie in the cause of the epileptiform activity and the mechanism of action for each drug.

② It is possible that only transient contact is required; however, our observations may be a result of the relative positions and diffusional ability of the globin genes within the nucleus.

在例 ①中,作者在解释研究结果中差异产生的原因时可能考虑到自己对这一问题的认知模糊性,于是在表达观点时就会对自己的话语留有余地。选择表达低量值的may而没有使用确定的语气或更高量值的可能性推测就真实准确地体现了作者的这一想法。同理,在例 ②中,由于受到认知程度的限制,作者所得到的结论本身就不是“确定的”,因此连续使用低值情态化表达“It is possible that”和“may”在一定程度上反映出作者对该命题的真实认知程度。

3.2 情态化表达中的礼貌策略

G. Yule认为“礼貌”是说话者表达重视听话者“面子”的一种手段[8]。以适当的方式表达礼貌会在交际双方之间建立良好的沟通桥梁,从而使作者(说话者)的观点更易被读者(听话者)接受。Leech提出礼貌有消极和积极之分[9]。前者是指“最小限度地表达不礼貌的信念或损及他人”,而后者是指“最大限度的表达礼貌的信念或惠及他人”。读者受损越大,话语越不礼貌;话语越礼貌,读者受惠越大。张建社等指出情态量值的不同选择将会影响言语行为的礼貌程度[10]。量值越低,礼貌程度越高;反之则礼貌程度越低。



③ We cannot exclude the possibility that some of the effects of prenatal DHT on subsequent neuroendocrine function were due to the metabolism of this androgen to 3βAdiol, subsequent activation of ER by this metabolite.

④Rather, it is likely that the enhancement of perfusion pressure results from loss of a tonic endogenous vasodilator influence in the ciliary artery.

在例 ③中,作者选用“We cannot exclude the possibility that”对that引导的投射小句所述命题做出了低量值推测。低值情态化表达的使用给读者留下了足够的质疑空间,避免了把自己的观点强加给读者,其实质是通过不干预他人的行动自由这种方式来实现消极礼貌。在例 ②中,作者选择了中值情态化表达“it is likely that”而没有选用低值情态化表达,表明自己对推断的正确性有比较强的信心,希望读者接受自己观点的愿望也比较强烈。但是,例 ②中,中值情态化的表达同样避免了将自己的观点强加给读者,给读者留下了独立思考的自由,同样属于消极礼貌策略。

3.3 情态化表达中的权位因素

在交际中,每个交际的参与者都有与自己身份相对应的社会地位,也称权位。 在交际中,如果某一方在某一点(如社会地位、身份、年龄、辈分、财富等)上居于优势(年龄大一些、辈分高一些、财富多一些、社会地位高一些等),则该方比另一方权位更高。“同等关系”指的是社会地位相似的人视对方为伙伴关系。根据参与者的权位, 人们往往产生一种符合常规行为的预期。一旦某一方的言语行为不符合人们的预期,交际中止现象将不可避免。


⑤This finding is important, because it suggests that intravascular ultrasonography can be used successfully to determine both the benefits and potential hazards of new therapies.

在例 ⑤中,作者在强调“发现很重要”时没有使用情态表达,语气很强。但在解释原因时,则使用了表达低值意义的suggest。低值情态化表达的使用明显降低了整句的语气强度。在接下来的投射小句中,作者再次使用了表达低值意义的can,使整句的语气进一步弱化。强势语气之后连续使用低值情态表明作者对读者感受的重视。例⑤ 中,论文写作者恰当地选择低值情态表达来解释原因有助于实现作者和读者双方学术交流的“同等关系”。

4 结语




[2]M.A.K.Halliday,Matthiessen.An Introduction to FunctionalGrammar[M].London:Hodder Arnold,2004.

[3]柯林斯出版公司.Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’sEnglish Dictionary[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006.




[7]Ken Hyland.Hedging in academic writing and EAP textbooks[J].English for Specific Purposes,1994,13(3):239-256.

[8]George Yule.Pragmatics[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000.

[9]Leech,G.N.Principles of Pragmatics[M].New York:Long-man Inc.,1983.

英文的时间表达 篇7

Time series analysis provide a method which is used to process the dynamic data.Our task then,is to identify an appropriate subclass of mathematical models that may be employed to represent a given time series,from the models we can learn the inherent structure and complex character of the data,on the one hand,and reach the goal of forecasting the future state of the system and make necessary control,on the other.

2 Time series analysis

2.1 Time series analysis concept and background

A great deal of data in business,economics,engineering and the natural sciences occur in the form of time series where observations are dependent and where the nature of this dependence is of interest in itself.The body of techniques available for the analysis of such series of dependent observations is called time series analysis.[1]Statistical analysis of time series data started a long time ago and forecasting has an even longer history.In 1927 mathematician Yuel who introduced the AR(autoregressive)model which used to manipulate economic data which were taken from observations recorded over time and forecasting,and this is the original method of time series analysis.Then based on the AR model another mathematician established MA(moving average)model.In 1970,the publication of Time Series Analysis Forecasting and Control by BOX and Jenkins was an important milestone for time series analysis.It provided moving systematic approach that enables practitioners to apply time series methods in forecasting.After that the method of time series analysis make a new step,it was widely applied in engineering domains.In recent years the theory and method of time series analysis are further improved with the development of computing technology and signal processing,on the one hand,algorithm parameter estimate,pattern recognition,and the method of defining orders,etc.Are combined with intelligent computing and achieved significant results,on the other.

2.2 Time series analysis theory progress

Theoretical progress of time series analysis is mainly manifested in two aspects:nonlinear model theory and unit root theory.The progress of nonlinear model theory is focused on both the problem of geometric traversal and nonlinear process stationary.Chen,Tsay(1991),Petruccelli and Woolford who drew significant conclusions for the simple TAR(1)model[2].

Unit root theory is developed faster in the time series analysis theories,later years.This theory is used to study the asymmetric o random walks statistics,more and more contemporaneous econometricians and statisticians devote to unit root theory.This theory provides formal test methods to define the difference order of ARIMA model,as well as,opens up new fields for some statistics tests.Unit root tes was extended to pluralistic by Tsay and Tiao(1990)which is called cointegration test.

2.3 Time series model

Our objective will be to derive models possessing maximum simplicity and the minimum number of parameters consonant with representational adequacy.The obtaining of such models is important.Because:1)They may tell us something about the nature of the system generating the time series,2)They can be used for obtaining optimal forecasts of future values of the series,3)They can be used in the derivation of optimal control policies.4)When two or more related time series are under study,they can be extended to represent dynamic relationships between the variables and hence to estimate transfer function.The general models are:AR(autoregressive)model,MA(moving average)model,ARMA(autoregressive moving average)model,and ARIMA(autoregressive integrated moving average)model.

Where we now use the symbols准1准2…准pfor the finite set of weight parameters and at for white noise.The process defined by(1)is called an autoregressive processive process of order p,or more succinctly,an AR(p)process.

Where we now use the symbols-θ1,-θ2,…-θqfor the finite set of weight parameters.The process defined by(2)is called a moving average process of order q,which we sometimes abbreviate to MA(q).Using the linear combination of random perturbation and forecasting error from past period to express the current forecast.

3)ARMA(p,q)model:The ARMA model,the forecasting methods is also called Box-Jenkins(BJ)model.If the time series zt is equal to its current and previous error and random items,as well as its linear function of the preliminary value,ARMA(p,q)model is ex-pressed as:

This model is called the(p,q)-order autoregressive moving average model.Parameters准1准2…准pare the autoregressive parameterθ1θ2…θqare the average parameters,is the estimated parameters of the model

4)ARIMA(p,d,q)model:The most general form of an ARIMA process is:

Where p,q and d indicate the autoregressive,moving average and difference orders of the process respectively.This model capable of representing time series which,although not necessarily stationary,are homogeneous and in statistical equilibrium.The relating of a model of this kind to data is usually best achieved by a three stage iterative procedure based on identification,estimation,and diagnostic checking.The first three are linear stationary models and the last one is the nonstationary model.

3 Development trend

Although the research of time series analysis has achieved much progress both in theory and method in these years which also been employed into the prediction and control in many fields,and the results are satisfactory.As we all know the model and the method of data processing are not perfect so the forecasting results are not very accurate.Therefore,in this area also have many issues worth to exploring and the work in the future will focus on the following aspects:

1)Multivariable time series

The multivariable time series(MTS)dataset is a common data type in various scientific domains.An MTS is usually very high dimensional with its main distinguishing characteristic being the inter-correlations among its variables and these variables can supply more effective information,thus obtaining better prediction results.So it is significant to do some research on the analysis and modeling of the multivariable time series.

2)Neural networks

Although a large number of forecasting techniques have been put forward in recent years,the information of time series data is incomplete and various factors,so the forecasting system with an ability of intelligent information process is necessary,the use of neural network may be a attempt in this field.Fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms will be incorporated to neural network in order to achieve more accurate prediction.

3)Date preprocessing

With the coming of the information age,we are confronted with increasing data and information in many fields.However,as we known,there are many issues in database,such as redundant data,missing data,uncertain data,inconsistent data,etc.they are the barriers to knowledge discovery and some times they will affect the accuracy of the prediction.Therefore,in order to improve the efficient o data mining and reduce the size of data processing,it is necessary to process the initial data before data mining.The method of how to process large scale data efficiently will play an important role in the future research.

4)Time interval

Not only study the common time series data,but the time interval of different observations may be a development trend.Therefore,the time when events occurred will play a key role in time series analysis and forecasting.

4 Conclusion

Time series analysis has become increasingly important in many fields,such as:economic,engineering and natural sciences,etc.This paper mainly summary the basic theories and methods of time series analysis,several generally models and the tendency in the future.In this area there are also many issues that worth to exploring and in the future the work will focus on data processing,multivariable time series analysis and so on.Therefore,in order to study the time series analysis in the deeper level,lots of work still need to be completed.




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英文的时间表达 篇8

In translation, it requires the translator’s careful reading of the original text and a thorough understanding of it, and also the process needs translators’ imaginative recreation so as to make the language of the source text more smooth and elegant. The present paper compares the two versions of Pride and Prejudice from the aspects of appropriate understanding and expression of the source text. One of the two versions is by Sun Zhili published in Yilin Press in1990 (as is called Sun’s version) , the other is by Fang Huawen published in Tai Bai Literature and Art Press in1994 (we call it Fang’ s version) .

II. Comprehension of the Source Text

Understanding is the prerequisite for translation, no correct understanding of the original text will not induce the translation task. Then what should be paid attention to at the first step?

1. Focus on grammatical analysis and clear interrelations

English pronouns are frequently used, but sometimes unclear referring to a subject occurs, leaving obstacles to understanding.In the translation process, language translators should make use of the grammatical analysis and recognize clearly which is referred to in case of such problems.

e.g. (i) You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better…

Sun’s version: “你带着女儿去就行啦, 要不你索性打发她们自己去, 这样或许会更好些……”

Fang’ s version: “你让女儿们自己去得了。要不然你和她们一道去, 这样做更好些, ……”

Then what does which refer to in the above sentence?Sun puts which to the reference of “you may send them by themselves”, while in Fang’s version, which refers to “You and the girls may go”. According to our knowledge of grammar, or connects the two parallel clauses in the whole sentence, and“you may send them by themselves” is not a parenthesis.Therefore, there is no reason that which refers to the previous clause instead of the nearby clause and Sun’s version is much more proper.

2. Judging complex relationships by consideration of context in the source text

British linguist J. R Firth pointed out that language or words can convey meanings only by relying on the context in which the language is most often used with communication being carried out. It is thus the actual relationship between the context and understanding of the original text that has been emphasized, and sometimes the relationship between different parts in a long English sentence is too difficult to sort out, then the contextual clues can be inferred to analyze complexity.

e.g. (ii) “Then the two third he danced with Miss King, and the two forth with…, and the two fifth with Jane again, and the two sixth with Lizzy, and the Boulanger—”

“…”cried her husband.

Sun’s version: “第三轮他是跟金小姐跳的, 第四轮……第五轮又跟简跳, 第六轮跟莉齐, 还有那布朗热舞——”


Fang’ s version: “他的第二场是跟金小姐跳的, 第四场……第五场又跟珍妮跳, 而第六场跟丽茨跳法国的布朗格舞。”


In Sun’s version, “and the Boulanger” is another topic, while Fang considers it as something related to “and the two sixth with Lizzy”, indicating what dance are performed with Lizzy. Then which reference is correct? The previous sentences have identical patterns and introduced different dancing partners.So it is impossible to introduce a kind of dancing in the last parallel sentence, “and the Boulanger” can only be another topic which has been interrupted at the beginning. Fang’s version will not be accepted.

III. Expression in Translation of the Source Text

Expression is the result of understanding, and it is a process that aims to reproduce the contents of the original text in another language based on a profound and accurate understanding of the original text. The following two points should be noted in expression.

1. Being faithful to the source text and its form

Translation is to interpret one language in another, so it is different from common creation and must follow the original meaning of the source text. In the source text of Pride and Prejudice, many words are distinguished from others in italics.Sun used literal translation and marked it with“_”, while Fang did not pay attention to this.

e.g. (iii) “You want to tell me, and have no objection to hearing it.”

Sun’s version: “既然你想告诉我, 我听你也无妨。”

Fang’ s version: “既然你打定主意讲给我听, 我也只好洗耳恭听了。”

Here “You” is italicized and this kind of word should be stressed in English. In Sun’s version, “You” was underlined which suggests the reader to stress the word “You”. From the context, readers may find that the speaker is laughing at the listener implying that “I may not follow if another person than ‘You’wants to tell me”. However, Fang did not mark “You” at all making that implication lost and could not be accepted.

2. Following idiomatic expression

As English and Chinese belong to the language systems of Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan respectively, they are different in many aspects, especially in the ways of expression. Chinese expression is simple and more rely on the internal logic between clauses to express the relationship, which reveals the characteristics of Parataxis; while English structures are more compacted with relative words connecting clauses to indicate the interrelationship giving the impression of Hypotaxis. When doing English to Chinese Translation, we should notice that difference and can not simply translate word for word into an “Englese” article but to follow Chinese idiomatic expression to make it simple and smooth. Take the second paragraph of the novel for example.

e.g. (iv) “However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as the rightful property of someone or other of their daughter.”

Sun’s version: 这条真理还真够深入人心的, 每逢这样的单身汉新搬到一个地方, 四邻八舍的人家尽管对他的性情见识一无所知, 却把他视为自己某一个女儿的合法财产。

Fang’ s version: 这样的单身汉, 每逢乔迁新居, 左邻右舍对他的感受和观点虽一无所知, 但是既然以上的真理早已在人们的心中根深蒂固, 所以邻居们总是将其视为自己某一个女儿应该得到的一份财产。

In the above examples, Sun paid more attention to the Chinese idiomatic expression and make the translation more concise and smooth, easier to understand. So it is much better than Fang’s version.

IV. Conclusion

Above all, Sun’s version has followed the principles of“faithfulness, straightforwardness and elegance” compared with Fang’ s version. However, it still needs some improvement.For example, when mentioning Jane Bennett’s uncle working as a lawyer in Merry Gordon, Sun translated the sentence on page 35 as “简·贝内特有个低贱的亲戚, 是他的姨夫, 在梅里顿当律师”. Here a note must be added to clarify why “he has a humble uncle working as a lawyer” because the career of lawyers in China is admired. This paper is to probe into several problems that often occur in translation and discuss with more translators about how to realize the long-cherished wish of“Translation works of high-quality” (“翻译也要出精品”) which is required by Comrade Ye Junjian, vice president of Translation Association of China.


[1]毛荣贵.翻译美学[M].上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2005.

[2]彭长江, 顾延龄.译海探秘[M].长沙:湖南师范大学出版社, 1999.

[3]Jane Austen.Pride and Prejudice[M].Oxford New York:Oxford university press, 1987.

英文的时间表达 篇9

1 材料与方法

1.1 实验动物分组

64只健康成年Wistar大鼠, 雌雄不限, 体重250 g±10 g, 由山西医科大学实验动物中心提供, 随机分为实验组 (56只) 与对照组 (8只) , 实验组根据损伤时间的不同分成7个小组, 即挫伤后1 h组、4 h组、12 h组、48 h组、72 h组、7 d组、14 d组, 每组8只。

1.2 动物模型制备

实验组动物参照 Feeney’s法建立大鼠脑挫伤模型。大鼠称重后, 3%的戊巴比妥钠 (40 mg/kg) 腹腔麻醉, 大鼠脑立体定位仪固定大鼠头部, 正中切开顶部头皮, 在人字缝前方3 mm、颅骨中线旁3 mm处, 钻直径5 mm的圆形骨窗。保持硬膜完整, 采用自由落体打击装置, 以 40 g重锤从20 cm高处下落打击。术后动物常规进食饮食。在各分组时间点处死大鼠, 4%多聚甲醛心脏灌流后取脑组织。对照组依上述方法钻孔后直接处死后4%多聚甲醛心脏灌流。

1.3 免疫组织化学染色

将固定好的脑组织用蔗糖PBS液梯度脱水后, 用LEICA CM1850超薄切片机在损伤部位范围内作连续冰冻切片 (厚度为5 μm) 。一抗为兔抗鼠NF-κB单克隆抗体 (购于武汉博士德生物工程公司) , 工作浓度为1∶200, 用PBS替代一抗作为阴性对照, 免疫组织化学染色试剂盒为武汉博士德生物工程公司 (货号SA1022) , 染色步骤按说明书进行操作。DAB (武汉博士德生物工程公司) 显色, 苏木素复染, 酒精脱水、透明、封片, 显微镜观察并拍照。

1.4 图像分析与统计学处理

运用BI-2000 图像分析系统, 在脑挫伤区周围随机选取5 个高倍视野 (×400) , 以损伤部位周围出现棕色颗粒为阳性反应, 进行NF-κB免疫组化染色阳性细胞记数。采用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行分析。计量资料用均数±标准差 (x¯±s) 表示, 组间差异比较采用t检验和方差分析。

2 结果

2.1 免疫组化染色观察

损伤后1 h在挫伤区即可见极少量NF-κB表达的阳性细胞, 棕色颗粒分布于细胞核周围及胞浆, 呈圆形或椭圆形;损伤后4 h可见大量阳性细胞较1 h增多;损伤后12 h损伤局部的免疫阳性反应较伤后4 h 明显增强, 棕黄色颗粒增多, 呈丛状或簇状聚集, 染色加深, 免疫反应范围增大达到高峰;损伤后48 h~72 h NF-κB表达阳性细胞计数逐渐减少且染色变淡, 范围也逐渐缩小;7 d时仍可见少量阳性颗粒表达, 直至损伤后14 d基本恢复至正常水平。

2.2 NF-κB表达的阳性细胞免疫组化染色图像分析结果

大鼠脑挫伤后1 h NF-κB表达即开始逐渐增多且随着脑损伤后时间的延长呈上升趋势, 12 h达到高峰, 随后随着时间的延长而逐渐减少, 直到14d时仍有表达且高于对照组。除14 d组外, 其余各实验组与对照组比较有统计学意义 (P<0.05) 。详见表1。

3 讨论

核转录因子是1986年由Bltimore和Rwiansen发现的。他们在成熟B细胞和浆细胞中发现这种蛋白能与免疫球蛋白κ轻链内含增强子的特异性序列结合, 故而命名NF-κB。事实上, 在后来的研究证实它在机体的所有细胞中存在, 是一个由复杂的多肽亚单位组成的蛋白家族, 目前发现在哺乳动物细胞中最常见中主要有p65 (RelA) , p50/p105 (NF-κB1) [1]。本实验选取亚基p65为研究目标。

NF-κB二聚体与其抑制蛋白IkB结合成三聚体以无活性的形式存在于细胞中。在细胞受刺激后, 由信号诱导激活IkB激酶 (IkB kinase, IKK) 使制蛋白IkB脱磷酸化。IkB激酶是NF-κB活化的主要限速酶, IKK的活性与NF-κB活性密切相关, IKK的活性有微小下降会引起IkB降解大幅减少, 导致NF-κB活性降低。抑制蛋白IkB脱磷酸化与降解使NF-κB暴露出核定位信号 (nuclear localization singal, NLS) , 进而介导位于胞浆的NF-κB通过核孔复合物进入核内后才参与多种基因的转录调控[2,3]。此激活过程可在细胞受刺激后数分钟内完成。激活细胞内NF-κB有细胞因子、神经递质、神经生长因子等。本实验观察到NF-κB的表达水平:阳性细胞以大脑皮质、杏仁核、海马等部位为著。损伤后1 h即有NF-κB 蛋白表达阳性细胞出现, 4 h后表达明显增多, 12 h达到高峰, 在48 h后逐渐减少, 7 d时仍有一定量细胞高于对照组, 14 d后基本恢复至接近对照组水平。除14 d组外其余不同时间段神经元NF-κB阳性细胞数量与对照组之比较均有明显差异。这表明损伤后NF-κB表达可快速上升, 并在12 h~48 h内达到峰值, 7 d以后接近至正常水平。脑挫伤后NF-κB可作为一种快速反应性蛋白诱导而增高, 亦参与对损伤的神经元进行修复和保护作用[4,5]。因为NF-κB预先存在于胞浆中, 在处于应激状态下就可以不用合成新的蛋白立即参与调节和应激反应有关的基因表达。多种致炎细胞因子如肿瘤坏死因子-α (TNF-α) 、白细胞介素-1 (IL-1) 等作为NF-κB的激活物活化细胞浆内的NF-κB 后, 诱导TNF-α、IL-1等的基因转录, 使TNF-α、IL-1的表达和释放增多, 而后两者又可使NF-κB活化, 如此往复产生级联放大效应。因此大鼠脑挫伤后短时间内NF-κB即可迅速上升而达高峰。本实验结果所显示的NF-κB表达呈现的时序性与国内外研究报道相一致。

NF-κB表达在脑挫伤后短时间内迅速升高, 经历了一个先逐渐增加到峰值后又恢复到接近正常水平的过程。其表达规律与损伤时间有一定的相关性, 尤其是在脑损伤后48 h内达到最高峰。在最近几年里, 很多学者对NF-κB进行大量的研究, 以期利用它表达规律的时序性作为脑损伤时间推断的指标之一, 但目前在脑损伤12 h内仍没有取得突破性进展。本实验局限于动物实验, 且样本量有限, 因而NF-κB成为今后临床法医学推断早期脑损伤时间的客观指标还得进一步研究。


[1]唐群, 熊平, 金秀文.核转录因子-κB及其在创伤性脑损伤后的作用[J].中国核医学杂志, 2006, 21 (1) :42-44.

[2]Kalla R, Liu Z, Xu S, et al.Microglia and the early phase of im-mune surveillance in the axotomized facial motor nucleus:Impairedmicroglialactivation and lymphocyte recruitment but no effect onneuronal survival or axonal regeneration in macrophage-colonystimulating factor-deficient mice[J].J Comp Neurol, 2001, 436 (2) :182-201.

[3]Wilcockson DC, Campbell SJ, Anthony DC, et al.The systemic andlocal acute phase response following acute brain injury[J].J CerebBlood Flow Metab, 2002, 22 (3) :318-326.

[4]Bhakar AL, Tannis LL, Zeindler C, et al.Constitutive nuclear fac-tor-κB activity is required for central neuron survival[J].J Neu-rosci, 2002, 22 (19) :8466-8475.
