


主谓一致专题复习 篇1



一.语法一致。Eyes are important to us.Colo is his favorite.Ten thousand tons of coal were produced last year.二.意义一致。

The police are coming.People are talking about the accident.The French teacher and singer is Liu Huan.三.就近一致

Not only you but my elder brother likes going to net bars.There is a pen ,many books and an eraser on my desk.一.用所给词的适当形式填空。.Mary as well as two of her friends______(invite)to the concert yesterday.2.The police_____(try)to catch the thief at that moment.3.The director and chief engineer_____(be)an experienced person.4.The director and the chief engineer_____(be)experienced people.5.Class One_____(be)all out on the playground and watch the basketball match.6.If anyone ____(come),ask him to wait.7.The audience_______(be)excited at the report made by the old worker just now.8.Each of us_____(have)an English novel.9.The student, with the host family,_____(be)invited to a welcome party when he arrived at the city.10.Six weeks _____(be)a long time to be away from home.二.单项选择。

()1.______there anybody living here? A.Are



D.Is()2.Collecting stamps ___very interesting.A.are




()3.Everyone ,men and women,young and old,____listening to the radio here.A.enjoy


C.is enjoyed

D.are enjoyed()4.Not only I but also David and Iris___fond of playing basketball.A.am



D.was()5.Neither Tom nor his parents ____at home.A.is



D.was()6.A number of cars____in front of the park.A.is parked

B.was parked

C.are parked

D.has parked()7.The number of articles published on smoking ___amazing.A.is



D.have been()8.All that can be done_____.A.has done

B.has been done

C.have done

D.have been done()9.The Smiths___their breakfast when the morning post came.A.had

B.has been having

C.are having

D.were having()10.____of my parents enjoys music.A.Both



D.Every()11.Twenty dollars ____enough for the coat.A.is



D.have()12.He as well as I___ swimming.A.like


C.have liked

D.liking()13.Both Jim and Kate___in Beijing now.They both ___from America.A.is,come



D.are,comes()14.—A number of students___in the dinning hall.—Let me count.The number of the students____ about 400.A.are,is

B.is ,are


D.is,is()15.Either Tom or I ___to blame.A.to be



D.is()16.Neither my sister nor I ___going to the movies.A.is



D.were()17.Half of the students ___made the same mistake..A.has



D.are()18.Something ___wrong with my TV set.A.was



D.are()19.The old ___taken good care of in our coutry.A.is



D.have()20.Mr Black with his wife ___visiting China now.A.are



D.has()21.The zookeeper is worried because the number of visiters _____ smaller and smaller.A.become


C.is becoming

D.have become()22.---How do you like the two pairs of shoes?

---They don’t fit me well.They are ____ too big ____ too small.A.not only ,but also

B.both ,and


D.either or()23.The news ____ interesting.Tell me more!A.is



D.was()24.---Again, my computer dorsn’t work.---_______ must be something wrong with the CPU.A.There



D.This()25.______ a pen and two books on the desk.A.There is

B.There are


D.Has()26.When and where to build the new school _______ yet.A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not decided()27.---Did you wash your clothes ?

---No, I was going to washmy clothes but I _______ visitors.A.have



D.will have 三. 补全对话

(一)A: Hey!You look worried._________________________?_ B: I read an article just now.It said there was less ice in the Arctic Regions and European places

because the temperature of the earth is rising.A: Yeah.Things are getting worse.We must do something to help the earth.B: ___________________?-

A: Let’s be a greener person.First ,turn off the lights _____________.B: Oh, that’s easy.What’s next?

A: Second,______________________ while you are traveling a short distance.B: That’s right.it will save energy and reduce air pollution.A: Don’t use plastic bags when you go shopping.B: That’s right.________________? A: That’s a great idea.(二)

A: Hi,Tom.It’s so nice to see you here.B: Hi!__________________________ Are you here to buy cards? A: Yes.The cards in this store are very nice.Have you found yours? B:Not yet.___________________________?

A: My teachers.Thet’re kind to everyone in my class.I want to send my best wishes to them.What about you?

B: I will send a card to my parents.They’re now in Africa.A: Really?_________________________

B: They’re helping African people.I have’t seen them for almost a year.They tell me that Africa is a wonderful land.A: It sounds great to go to Africa.____________________________________ B: And me, too.Look,I think these cards are just for your teachers.A: Yes,they look nice.________________________ I’m sure my teachers will like them.

主谓一致专题复习 篇2

2.若是and来相连, “兼职、并列”细分辨。and连接两个主语时, 例:the teacher and the writer为并列主语, 谓语动词应为复数, 而the teacher and writer则是一人两重身份, 谓语动词应为单数。如:The principa and party secretary is to make a speech this afternoon.但有时两种职业不可能由一人担任。如:The doctor and nurse are doing their work.不能按兼职对待, 因此谓语动词用复数。

3.“There be”句型并不难, 谓语动词按后边。该句型为倒装句, 因此“be”的单复数按后边的主语。如:There is a student in the classroom但如果有两个以上主语则按“就近原则”。如:There is a table and two chairs in the room.

4.集体名词作主语, “整体、个体”认真看。集合名词作主语时, 若作为一个整体看待, 谓语动词用单数;若侧重指组成该集合的成员或个体时, 谓语动词用复数。常见集体名词包括family/team/class/audience/couple/firm/等等。如:The team is at the bottom of the third division./The team are full of energy.但“cattle, police, people, militia”作主语常用复数;而“machinery, furniture, jewelry”虽也是总称, 却常用单数。

5.主语后面有介短, 谓语动词仍是“单”。在主语后有as well as/not to mention/along with/besides/except/but/in addition to/等短语时, 谓语动词应与前面的真正主语一致。如:Tom together with his two sisters is watching TV/A pair of shoes is under the bed.但“Al of the students are listening to their teacher.”例外。

6.是“一”是“二”要分清, “眉须”齐抓绝不行。疑问代词或疑问副词并列使用时, 要注意它引导的是一个问题的两个方面还是两个问题。如:When and where to build the new factory is not decided.

7.固定结构作主语, 道理不讲自分明。当each…and each…/every…and every…/no…and no…/many a…and many a…/more than one/many a等结构连接并列的主语或修饰主语时, 谓语动词用单数。如:More than one student was late for the class this morning.

8.莫把原形当复数, 精力集中别发蒙。以s结尾的国名、地名、书名、团体、组织机构等专有名词和以ics结尾的表学科名称的名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。常见的词有news, the United States, Sons and Lovers (书名) , economics, physics, politics, mathematics等。如:Economics is the science of choice.

9.分数、百分数不难辨, 真正内涵后面观。如Two-thirds of the area is covered by trees./Over 80%of the population of China are peasants.

10.非谓、从句作主语, 谓语动词一律单。非谓语动词即动词不定式或动名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。名词性从句作主语, 谓语动词一般也用单数。但是what引导的主语从句作主语, 谓语动词单复数取决于表语的单复数。如:Planting vegetables needs constant watering.

11.不定代词按单数, 偶复情况记牢固。常见不定代词有:everyone, everybody, no one, nobody等。

12.“the+形容词”指一类, 不懂内涵定不会。the加上形容词或分词, 如old, young, rich等表一类人, 其意义为复数, 谓语动词为复数。

13.体积与距离, 金钱和时间, 整体对待不能变。如:Eight hours o sleep is enough.

14.定语从句要细看, 定谁就按谁来变。关系代词who, that, which在定语从句中作主语, 谓语动词的单复数由先行词决定。如:This is one o the rooms that were damaged in the fire (先行词为rooms)

主谓一致专练 篇3

A. isB. areC. amD. be

2. The teacher and writer________ready to give us a talk next week.

A. isB. areC. wasD. were

3. As the saying goes,“All work and no play________Jack a dull boy.”

A. makeB. makesC. madeD. is made

4. Look, every boy and every girl________in the classroom.

A. is studyingB. are studyingC. studyD. studies

5. The number of the students in our school________smaller than yours.

A. isB. areC. wereD. have been

6. She as well as I________learned to skate.

A. hasB. haveC. areD. is

7. His family________watching TV after supper every day.

A. has likedB. likedC. likeD. likes

8. The class________well in English since last term.

A. has doneB. have doneC. doD. does

9. The Chinese people________ready to make friends all over the world.

A. isB. areC. wasD. were

10. Neither the manager nor the clerk________anything about it.

A. knowB. has been knownC. are knowingD. knows

11. My trousers________me well.

A. fitB. fittingC. fitsD. are fitted

12. Each of them________best to do the work well.

A. are trying theirB. have tried his best

C. is trying hisD. has tried their best

13. In China the old________taken good care of in the old days.

A. wasB. areC. were notD. were

14. Miss Liu, together with her students,________the hill now.

A. is climbingB. are climbing

C. climbsD. have climbed

15.________five dollars enough to buy the skirt?

A. HasB. IsC. areD. Is there

16. This kind of men________always dangerous.

A. isB. areC. makeD. has

17. The Roberts________at the table for supper.

A. are seatingB. are sittingC. is seatedD. is sitting

18. One or two students________reading in the classroom.

A. isB. areC. doesD. have

19. When and where to buy the machine________yet.

A. has not decidedB. has not been decided

C. have not decidedD. have not been decided

20. Between the two rivers________a bridge.

A. lieB. liesC. are lyingD. has laid

21. Could you tell us what the news from Hong Kong________?

A. haveB. hasC. areD. is

22.________more than one person here.

A. It hasB. It isC. There areD. There is

23. On the top of the hill________two big trees.

A. isB. areC. standsD. standing

24. One and a half apples________by the boy yesterday.

A. is eatenB. was eatenC. are eatenD. were eaten

25. To learn a foreign language well________hard but necessary.

A. isB. areC. wasD. were

26. Lots of money________on education.

A. were spentB. has been spentC. has spentD. are spent

27. Politics________an important subject for us.

A. areB. isC. hasD. have

28. This pair of glasses________ when I went downstairs.

A. is brokenB. was brokenC. are brokenD. breaks

29. Here________a fat man.

A. comeB. comesC. is comingD. are coming

30. None of them________a good swimmer.

A. areB. isC. doD. does

Key:1-5 BABAA 6-10 ACBBD11-15 ACCAB16-20 ABBBB

英语语法主谓一致 篇4

Step1 定义


2.意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式上一致。eg.I am seventeen.She is sixteen.There is a desk in the room.There are no chairs in it.They have not come yet.Step2.Rules


 is the biggest city in China. lies in North America. is read all over china. plays an important part in the world affairs.归纳:表示国家、城市、人名、书名、报纸、杂志及组织等专有名词作主语,通常作为整体看,谓语动词用单数


 is a professor from a university. plays an important part in our national economy  has come to the meeting. do not agree. were over there.归纳: And 连接两个名词做主语,若and前后的名词指的是同一个人或物,谓语用单数。若指的是不同的人或物,谓语用复数。


 are twin sisters. were surprised when they heard the news. was in the room. likes it.归纳:由and连接的两个单数名词做主语,谓语动词用复数。如在分词前由

every, each, no, many a时,谓语动词用单数。


 was in the classroom. was getting on the bus. is to blame. Mr.Smith, his wife and children, is arriving in Beijing next

Monday.归纳:由with, together with, as well as, besides, except, along with, including, rather than等连接两个名词作主语,谓语动词根据第一个名词来判断。


 is a large one with seven members. is a big one. 归纳:集合名词做主语,若表示整体时谓语用单数,若表示集体中的成员时



is a long distance. is a large sum of money. is a long time.归纳:有些表示时间、数量、金钱、距离等的名词可以作为一个整体来对待,谓语动词用单数。


have been tried. has been tried. is at the other end of the town. were closed for lack of raw material.归纳:有些单复数同型的名词,要根据意思决定谓语动词的形式。


 Walking on the moon is very difficult. What he said is wrong. To walk with him is a great pleasure. Smoking is harmful to people’s health.归纳:动名词、不定式或从句做主语时,谓语用单数。


are taken good care of in our village. were sent to hospital immediately. are for the plan, but the poor are against it.gives pleasure to all.归纳:定冠词the 加上某些形容词,如the rich, the wounded, the old, the dead, the

sick 等表示一类人,谓语用复数。表示一类物,用单数。


 am to go.is wholly right. am going to be punished for playing computer games

after school.归纳:当两个主语由either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also等连接时,谓



 is a computer and many books for you. were many pictures of him on the wall.归纳:Here, there 引导的句子,谓语动词也采用就近原则。


is covered with water. were bad.归纳:分数或百分数做主语时,谓语动词根据后面的名词来判断。若名词为



 None of them has arrived yet at the area. None of them have arrived yet. Neither of them knows the answers. Neither of them know the answers.归纳:代词none, neither 有时作单数看,有时作复数看待,主要 根据说话人的意思来判断。


 have been to shanghai. has been to shanghai.归纳:“One of+复数名词” 后的定语从句中的谓语用复数,而“the(only/very)one of+复数名词”后的定语从句中的谓语用单数


 Everyone is here. Everything is ready.归纳:Everybody, everyone, someone ,nobody, everything, nothing, something等


Step3.Exx.1.Mike and John’s __________.A.father is a teacherB.fathers are teachers

C.father are teacherD.fathers are teachers

2.Three fourths of the homework ________ today.A.has finishedB.has been finished

C.have finishedD.have been finished

3.Jane is the only one of the best students in her class who _______ by their teacher.A.are praisedB.is praisedC.praiseD.praised

4.The whole class _____ the teacher attentively.A.are listening toB.is listening toC.are listening D.is listening

5.The United States of America___one of the most developed countries in the world.A.isB.areC.wasD.were

6.Nobody_______to smoke in the cinema.A.allowsB.allowC.is allowedD.are allowed

7.Mary as well as her sisters______Chinese in China.A.are studying B.have studied C.is studying D.study

8.I, who_______your teacher,will try my best to help you with your study.A.beB.amC.areD.is

9.The rich _______ not always happy.A.areB.isC.hasD.have

10.Many a man ______ come to help me.A.haveB.hasC.doesD.had

11.No one but her parents _______ it.A.knowB.knowsC.is knowingD.are knowing


一. 单词拼写

1.The old man came in, with two young men ______(搀扶)his body.2.Flying across the high mountain for the first time is a great a___________.3.Devoted to the cause of education all her life, she was r________ by all the

people in her country.4.________(鉴于)his age, he did it quite well.5.His first song was __________(给予灵感)by the memory of his mother.二. 完成句子

6.She worked hard to _______ ________ ________ _________ ________ ________ ________ not to use them.她努力工作让尽可能多的国家同意不再使用他们。

7.But the evening _______ _______ all __________.但是到傍晚时分我们觉得这一切都是值得的。

8.________ unusual _________ __________ in the forest.对女性来说住进大森林是一件稀罕的事。

9.Why not study a medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and ______ __ her good work?


10.They are _______ ________ ________ to learners of English.他们对学习英语的人很有帮助。

三. 单项选择

11.It can be said that reaching the agreement so quickly was a great ____ for the



12.----What are the students _____ about?

-----Whether Senior Three students should join in the coming school sports meet.A.quarrelingB.inspiringC.fightingD.arguing

13.______ the stars carefully, and you will find that they are not shining themselves..A.ObserveB.NoticeC.Glance atD.Mind

14.Although there are many _____ programs on TV, I think it’s wise of you not to

sit watching too much.A.worthB.worthwhileC.meaninglessD.sensible

15.Actually, the newly-published English magazine is not _______ to enlarge vocabulary.A.intendedB.instructedC.writtentD.translated

16.______ with so many fans of the famous Super Girl, the stadium is hard for us to enter.A.CrowdingB.To be crowdedC.CrowdedD.Crowded out

17.It’s my daily duty to have the English newspapers ______ to the senior students.A.printedB.publishedC.deliveredD.advertised

18.I was about to give up my effort to work on the puzzle when a good idea ___ me.A.attackedB.beatC.caughtD.hit

19.It was foolish of him to _____ his notes during that important test, and as a result,he got punished.A.stick toB.refer toC.keep toD.point to

20.In a way, I think we both won---I won the game, but you won my _______.A.supportB.favourC.respectD.impression

21.Greatly _____, the students made up their minds to carry _____ the experiment.A.inspiring;outB.inspired;on

C.having inspired;throughD.to be inspired;away

22.----What is his suggestion?

-----Just guess the meaning of it whenever you _____ a new word in reading.A.come intoB.come atC.come acrossD.come about

23.______ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will

always be in demand.A.WhileB.SinceC.AsD.If

24.-----Anything different today?

-----Er, no teacher and no student______ absent today, which means all _______ present at the meeting.A.are;areB.was;wereC.were;wasD.is;is

25.-----Am I free to run around here?

-------_______.Don’t you know the school rules?

A.Behave yourselfB.Believe in yourself

中考冲刺题(主谓一致) 篇5


1.They said the eighteenth and last lesson _______ quite easy.A.isB.wasC.areD.were

2.---When are you going to Kumming for your holidays?

---I haven’t decided.______ this Sunday ______ next Sunday is OK.A.Both;andB.Either;orC.Neither;norD.Not only;but also

3.______ Helen ______ Joan speaks beautiful Chinese after they came to China.A.Neither;norB.Not only;but alsoC.Both;andD.A and B

4._______ of them has his own opinion.A.BothB.SomeC.EveryD.Each

5.Are there any _______ on the farm?


6.My shirt _____ white and my trousers _____ blue.A.are;areB.are;is


7.------Two months _______ quite a long time.------Yes.I’m afraid that he will miss a lot of lessons.A.is B.are C.was D.were

8.The old man has two children but _____ of them lives with him.A.both B.none C.neither D.all

9.Our knowledge of computer _____ growing all the time.A.be B.is C.are D.were

10.Everyone except Tom and John _____ there when the meeting began.A.is B.was C.are D.were

11.Most of the houses _______ this year.A.has builtB.have built

C.has been built D.have been built

12.I think maths _____ very difficult to learn.A.is B.are C.has D.have

13.A large number of students _____ to work in Xingjiang.A.have gone B.has gone C.goes D.is going

14.The number of the students in the class ______ small.A.are B.is C.have D.were

语法教案:数词和主谓一致 篇6







(1)概数的表示:tens of/hundreds of/thousands of/millions of/dozens of/scores of/a number of/a quantity of/a few/a little/a great deal of/a great(good)many


概数前面不能有确切的数字,但tens of/hundreds of/thousands of/millions of/dozens of/scores of前面可有many,several,some等修饰词:tens of/hundreds of/thousands of/millions of/dozens of/sc0Iles of/a number of/a few/a great(good)many一般只修饰可数名词复数;

a little/a great deal of只修饰不可数名词;

a quantity of/a lot of/lots of/plenty of既可修饰可数名词复数,又可修饰不可数名词;

few/little形式上是肯定,而意义上是否定;a few/a little才表示肯定的意义。




(3)倍数+the+ n.(size/length/height/width/weight)+of

二.主谓一致 、


2.主谓一致的特例: .

(1)代词作主语 ’

A.主语是he,she,it,either,neither,each,one,the other,another,anything,anyone,something,someone,somebody,everybody,everyone,everything,nobody,no one,nothing等代词时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。


C.主语是who,what,which,all,more,most,some,any,none,the rest.the remainder时,谓语动词的形式应依具体情况而定。





D. 主语是时间、距离、价格、度量衡单位等名词或短语时,即使是复数,谓语动词也只能用第三人称单数形式。





I.主语是a lot of,lots of,plenty,百分比of+名词时,谓语动词的形式须依照名词的数而确定。

J.主语是kind of,type of,pair of,amount of,quantity of+名词时,谓语动词的形式v须依照kind,type,amount,pair,quantity的数而确定。

K.主语是the number of+名词的复数时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

L主语是a number of+名词复数时,谓语动词用第三人称复数形式。

M.主语是a/the population时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。






B.and连接的两个成对的名词,如bread and butter;soda and water;coffee and water;aim and end;salt and water等,虽有and连接,但仍表示单一的概念,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。


D.and所连接的两个名词前分别有:every,each,no,many a等修饰时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。,

E.主语是连接词or,either...or…,neither...nor...,whether...or…,not…but…,not only…but also…等连接的名词或代词时,谓语动词的形式应由与之最接近的名词或代词决定。

F.主语是介词in,out of,with,except,besides,without,as well as,no less than,rather than,more than,but,along with,together with,like,including,in addition to等连接的两个名词时,谓语动词的形式应与这些词前面的名词的数保持一致。

G.one and a half+名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

H.many a+名词单数;more than one+名词单数;a+名词单数+or two等作句子的主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

I.one or two+名词复数作句子的主语时,谓语动词用第三人称复数形式。







C.在强调句型“It+ be+被强调的部分+that/who…”中,be总是用单数形式;that/who后的谓语动词的形式必须跟被强调的主语保持一致。


注意:在“one of+名词复数+定语从句”结构中,定语从句的谓语动词一般用第三人称复数形式,但当one前面有the,the very,the less,the only或形容词最高级修饰时,定语从句的谓语动词一般用第三人称单数形式。

E.there be结构中be动词的形式由紧接be后面的名词的形式所决定。




She has set a new record,that is, the sales of her latest book _______ 50 million.

A.have reached B.has reached C.aye reaching D.had reached

【答案及解析】 A根据句子的意思,谓语应用复数形式,用现在完成时态表示动作的持续性,故选A。


It is reported that the United States uses ________energy as the whole of Europe.

A.as twice B.twice much C.twice much as D.twice as much

【答案及解析】 D本题考查倍数关系的表达。有三种表达方式:1.倍数+as + adj +as+其它;2.倍数+比较级+than+其它;3.倍数+the height/size/weight/length/…+ of+其它。由此可知本题正确答案为D。


The teacher,with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, ________visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.

A.was B.were C.had been D.would be

【答案及解析】 A名词、代词与介词短语连用作主语时,谓语动词的形式由介词前面的名词、代词确定。因此本题答案为A,意思是:当地震发生的时候,老师带着班上的6个女孩和8个男孩正在参观一家博物馆。


No one in the department but Tom and I ______that the director is going to resign.

A.knows B.know C.have known D.am to know

【答案及解析】 A本题考查的是主谓一致。这个句子的主语是no one,而不是Tom and I,主语后面接说明主语的修饰语,如用with,a10ng with,together with,as well as,like,rather than,more than but except,besides,including,in addition to与修饰语连接,谓语动词不受修饰成份的影响,仍与主语保持一致。


He did it ________it took me.

A.one.third a time B.one-third time

C.the one.third time D.one-third the time

【答案及解析】D考查倍数的用法。译文:他做这件事只用了我(做这件事)三分之一的时间。这句话带了一个定语从句,修饰the time,只是没有关系词。定语从句先行词为time,moment时,常不用关系词。


The house rent is expensive.I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying _________here.

A.as three times much B.as much three times

c.much as three times D.three times as much




When and where to go for the on salary holiday ________yet.

A.are not decided B.have not been decided

C. is not being decided D. has not been decided

【答案及解析】 D根据副词yet可确定用现在完成时。

真题8( 上海春季卷26)

He is the only one of the students who ____a winner of scholarship for three years.

A. is B. are C. have been D. has been

【答案及解析】 D这是一个定语从句。在one前是否有定冠词决定定语从句中的谓语动词的单复数形式,one of the students中的先行词是the students,定语从句中的谓语动词要用复数形式。The only one of the students中的先行词是The only one,定语从句中的谓语动词要用单数形式。又因“for three years”是完成时的标志,所以答案为D。

真题9( 上海卷23)

As a result of destroying the forests, a large ________ of desert ________covered the land.

A. number, has B. quantity, has C. number, have D. quantity, have

【答案及解析】B 译文:破坏森林的结果是大片沙漠覆盖了陆地。


________people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.

A. Several million B. Many million

C. Several millions D. Many millions

【答案及解析】A 在million,hundred等前如果有具体数字或 several等词时,要用单数形式。many一般不与million等词连用。但在表示不确切数目时用复数,如:表示“数百万”,英语为millions of。译文:每天,世界上有几十万人通过e-mail传递信息。答案为A。


________of the land in that district ________covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifth, is B. Two fifth, are

C. Two fifths, is D. Two fifths, are

主谓一致考点小结 篇7


There is a pen and some books on the desk. 课桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。

There are two rulers and a knife in the pencil-box. 铅笔盒里有两把尺子和一把小刀。

考例:——There ____ a lot of meat on the plate. Would you like some?

——Just a little, please. (08年北京市)

A. isB. areC. amD. be



Tom and Mike are good friends. 汤姆和迈克是好朋友。

Both Lucy and Lily are students. 露西和莉莉都是学生。

考例:Both Jim and Kate ____ in Beijing now. They both ____ from America. (08年汕头市)

A. is; comeB. are; comeC. is; comesD. are; comes


三、“a number of+复数名词或代词”作主语,表示“许多……”,“一些……”之意时,谓语动词一般用复数;“the number of+复数名词或代词”作主语,表示“……的数目”,“……的数量”时,谓语动词一般用单数。如:

A number of students are playing basketball on the playground.


The number of the students in our school is more than two thousand.


考例:The number of ____ in our class ____ fifty. (08年烟台市)

A. student; isB. the students; areC. the students; isD. students; are

解析:选C。the number of(……的数量)后接复数名词,但谓语动词应用单数。


To see is to believe. 眼见为实。

考例:Swimming in the pool with friends ____ very interesting. (08年攀枝花市)

A. hasB. haveC. isD. are

解析:选C。动名词短语Swimming in the pool with friends 作句子的主语,be动词与形容词interesting一起构成系表结构。

五、由either…or…,neither…nor…,not only…but also…,or连接两个名词或代词作并列主语时,谓语动词要和最靠近的主语一致。如:

Neither you nor Li Hua has been to Beijing before. 你和李华以前都没去过北京。

考例:Either Mary or he ____ going to Paris. Only one person may go there. (08年黑龙江省)

A. areB. isC. was

解析:选B。be动词就应与he在人称和数上保持一致。此外,从Only one person may go there.可知,前句应用一般将来时,而非过去将来时。

六、主语后面跟有with, together with, along with, like, but, except, besides, including, rather than, as well as等引导的短语时,谓语动词通常和这些短语前面的名词或代词保持一致。如:

Tom with his parents goes to the park every day. 汤姆和他父母每天都一起去公园。

考例:Mr. Green with his wife ____ sitting there when I came in. (08年宁夏自治区)

A. isB. wasC. areD. were

解析:选B。此句的主语是Mr. Green,所以谓语动词应用单数形式。从时间状语when I came in可推断,主句应用过去进行时。

七、“one of+复数名词”意为“……之一”,作主语时谓语动词应用单数形式。如:

One of the most interesting subjects is English. 最有趣的科目之一是英语。

考例:One of my friends ____ already moved to London.(08年南宁市)

A. doB. does C. haveD. has

解析:选D。“one of+复数名词”作主语,谓语应用单数形式,且搬到伦敦是过去已经发生的事,应用现在完成时。


Our English teacher, Mrs Zhang, is strict with us. 我们的英语老师张老师对我们要求严格。

考例:The important sports festival, the Olympic Games, ____ held every ____ years.


A. is; fiveB. are; three C. is; fourD. are; two

解析:选C。此句的the Olympic Games是同位语,真正的主语是the important sports festival,所以谓语动词应用单数形式,又因为奥运会是每四年举行一次,所以应用every four years。


Two months is quite a long time. 两个月是相当长的一段时间。

考例:——Do you need more time to finish the work?

——Yes, another ten days ____ enough. (07年辽宁省)

A. are B. is C. wereD. was

解析:选B。此题中的“another ten days”“再有十天”为表时间的短语,应看作一个整体,所以谓语动词用单数形式。根据上下句可知该句应为一般现在时。


1. Dad, the phone is ringing. I guess either you or Mum ____ on the phone.

A. wantB. are wantedC. wantsD. is wanted

2. My mother ____ noodles, but my father ____.

A. likes; doesn’tB. don’t like; doC. likes; didn’tD. didn’t like; do

3. The teacher and writer ____ to give us two talks on environment tomorrow.

A. is comingB. are comingC. has comeD. have come

4. ——How many teachers are there in your school?

——About 200. One third of them ____ men teachers.

A. haveB. hasC. areD. is

5. ——How much ____ the shoes?

——Five dollars ____ enough.

A. is; isB. are; is C. are; areD. is; are

6. There ____ a football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow morning.

A. hasB. is going to beC. will have D. has been

7. None of the shops in the downtown ____ before 8 p.m.

A. are going to be closedB. will be closingC. is closingD. are being closed

8. The poor ____ to be helped.

A. amB. wasC. areD. is

9. What you said ____ wrong.

A. isB. areC. amD. be
