新高一Unit 20 For fun(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计)


新高一Unit 20 For fun(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计)(精选5篇)

新高一Unit 20 For fun(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计) 篇1

-----By Michelle 李芳芳

Teaching Material :“Franklin’s kite experiment”in Unit 16, Senior English Book 1 B.

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

Words: thunderstorm, string, ribbon, condenser, handkerchief.

2. Read the passage and learn how the scientist Franklin found lightning and electricity are the same.

3. Improve the Ss’reading ability through reading activities.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn the words above.

2. Train the Ss to improve their reading comprehension.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the Ss understand the passage better.

Teaching Methods:

1. Question-and –answer method to make Ss interested in what they will learn.

2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

3. Careful reading to answer some detailed questions.

4. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. A tape recorder 2. A computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision and Lead-in.

Ask the Ss whether they know some scientists and their discoveries, and then name who invented the plane?

Step 2. Pre-reading.

Get the Ss know some famous scientists and their discoveries.

Step 3. Presentation.

Tell the Ss that today we’re going to read a passage about Franklin’s famous kite experiment.

Step 4. Reading.

1. Learn the new words.

2. Ask the Ss to skim the passage for:

---- What does this experiment prove?

---- What materials are needed to do this experiment?

3. Get the Ss to scan the passage and finish Exx.1.( True or False ) in Post-reading.

4. Have the Ss read the passage in a low voice after the tape.

5. Get the Ss to finish Exx.3. Pick out the correct pictures.

6. Ask the Ss to make a report of the kite experiment.

Title Experimenter’s name Time


Things needed




7. Let the Ss work in groups and discuss two questions on the screen.

----- Do you think Franklin’s experiment was dangerous? Explain.

----- What can you learn from the experiment and also Franklin?

Step 5. Summary and Homework.

1. Retell the experiment in your own words.

2. Write down the report of the kite experiment.

新高一Unit 20 For fun(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计) 篇2

1. finally


1) adv.终于,最终

2) adv.(用于列举)最后

3) adv.彻底地,决定性地


I finally managed to get her attention


And finally, I would like to thank you all for coming here.


The matter was not finally settled until much later.



final adj. 最后的,最终的,决定性的


1) finally 强调活动过程地终结,译作“最后”; 在列举事物或论点时,可用来引出最后一项内容;用在句中动词地前面,表示“等了好久才。。。” 如:she finally agreed with me.

2) at last 强调耽误很久之后才。。。; 感情色彩浓重,如不耐烦,不放心,不如愿等。如:At last firemen have put out a big forest in California.

3) in the end 表示经过许多变化、困难或捉摸不定地情况之后才发生。相当于at last 和finally。但 finally 一般位于谓语前,其他二个既可以用在谓语前,也可位于谓语后。注意: at the end 表示最后,可用于预卜未来。如:

In the end, we stay at home and look after everything.


1) Four policemen rode past on their motorbikes, then came the television broadcasting car, and ______ the marathon runners.

A. at the last B. in the end C. finally D. to the final

2) He stopped at the gate and took a(n) _____ look at his familiar schoolyard as if to impress it deeply on his mind.

A. last B. final C. ending D. over

3) _____ the finals, Hungary beat Spain ____ 120.

A. At; at B. By; at C. With; by D. At; by

4) He went into the class, found a seat at the _____ of the classroom and sat down.

A. final B. back C. behind D. last

5) We won the ____ victory against the Japanese invaders in 1945.

A. last B. final C. latest D. late

2. persuade


1) vt. 劝说;说服

2) vt. 使信服,使相信


He persuaded her to go to school, even though she did not want to.

They persuaded us into / out of going to the party.


She was not persuaded of the truth of his statement.


How can I persuade you that I am sincere?



1) persuade sb. into/ out of (doing) sth. 说服或劝说某人(不)要做某事

2) persuade sb. that clause 使某人相信某事;使某人信服

3) persuade sb of sth. 使某人相信某事物;使某人信服


1) persuade ; advise

persuade 表示用理由,建议或个人说服力来战胜某人; persuade强调“劝说”已收到成效。 而advise并不涉及是否有效,甚至很可能说而不服

2) persuade; convince

根据一条习惯规则, 一个人persuade(说服)某人做某事; 而convince (使确信)某人相信一句话或一个提议地正确性。


1) -He still smokes a lot , do you know?

- Yes . But I don’t know how I can ______ him to give it up.

A. advise B. try to persuade C. persuade D. suggest

2) While shopping , people sometimes can’t help ____ into buying something they don’t really need.

A. to persuade B. persuading

C. being persuaded D. be persuaded

3) Alice trusts you; Only you can ___ her to give up the foolish idea.

A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade

4) I had ____ him not to stay up late, but he still didn’t go to bed until midnight.

A. persuaded B. advised C. promised D. suggested

5) – Have you ___ your brother to give up smoking ?

-- No. I talked to him yesterday but he would have none of my advice.

A. persuaded B. advised C. promised D. suggested

3. insist


v. 主张;坚持,坚持主张,常与 on连用,或后接that从句


I insisted that he was wrong

I insist on your being there.


We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.



1) insist表示“坚持要求”时,其后地宾语从句采用虚拟语气; 表示“坚持认为,坚持说”时, 其后地宾语从句采用陈述语气。

I insisted he go to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing was wrong with him.

I insisted that a doctor be sent for immediately.

2) 在ask, suggest, order, demand, propose, insist, request, advise , desire, require, prefer等后面的宾语从句采用虚拟语气结构。


1) We insist that a meeting _____ as soon as possible.

A. be held B. will held C. is held D. would hold

2) I insisted that a doctor ______ immediately.

A. has been sent for B. sends for

C. will be sent for D. be sent for

3) The lady insisted that the young man ____ her wallet and insisted on ____ to the police station at once.

A. had stolen; be sent B. should steal ; sending him

C. had stolen; his being sent D. should steal; sending

4. determine

1) vt. 查明,测定

2)vt. 决定,影响

3)vt. 确定,安排


We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.


Age and experience will be determining factors in our choice of candidate.


A date for the meeting has yet not be determined.




determine to do sth,

be determined to do sth,

decide to do sth.

make up one’s mind to do sth

make a decision to do sth


determine to do 和be determined to do 都表示“决定干某事”, 前者强调动作, 后者表示状态。determine是瞬间动词,不能和时间段连用;而be determined 表示一种状态,可与时间段连用。

如:he was determined to do it for a long time.


1) She is a/an _____ woman who always gets what she wants.

A. experienced B. absent – minded

C. determined D. easy- going

2) we are determined ____ the task finished before the end of this month.

A. to get B. get C. getting D. to have get

3) ______ to give up smoking , he threw away his ____ cigarettes.

A. Determined; remained B. . Determined; remaining

C. Determining; remained D. Determining; remaining

4) I left him , ______ never to come back again.

A. being determined B. was determined

C. determining D. determined

Part Two : phrase

1. change one’s mind


动词词组, 意为“改变注意”


Tom has changed his mind

Once you have made a decision, you had better not change your mind.


1) turn one’s mind/ thoughts/ attention 把自己的心智、思想、注意力贯注在某事上

2) make up one’s mind 决定, 下定决心

3) keep sth. in mind 记住

4) read one’s mind 看透某人的心思

5) lose one’s mind 发疯

6) out of one’s mind 不理智,发疯

7) keep one’s mind on sth. 把注意力放在。。。

8) come into one’s mind 突然想到

9) speak one’s mind 直言不讳

10) fix one’s mind upon 专心于,专注于


1) No matter what you do, you should put your ____ into it.

A. mind B. heart C. brain D. thought

2) Once he has _____, nothing can change his mind.

A. made up his mind B. decided his mind

C. determined his mind D. made his mind

3) He offered me just what I dreamed about as if he has been able to ______ my mind.

A. read B. have C. make up D. change

2. give in


1) vt. 让步; 投降,屈服

2) vt. 提交, 呈送


The boys fought until one gave in.

Don’t give in to him

She gave in her report


1) give away 赠送, 给予; 揭发, 泄漏

2) give back 归还

3) give off 放出;散发出(液体、气体、气味、热能、光、声音)

4) give out 分发; 用完,消耗

5) give up 放弃


He tried to pretend that he wasn’t worried , but his shaking hands gave him away.


Gave my book back to me.

The cooker is giving off a funny smell.


After a month their food supplies gave out.


She doesn’t give up easily.



1) Although Jane agrees with me on most points, here was one on which she was unwilling to______.

A. give up B. give in C. give away D. give off

2) – Smoking is bad for your health.

-- Yes, I know. But I simple can’t ______.

A. give it up B. give it in

C. give it out D. give it away

3) What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has______?

A. given out B. put out C. held up D. used up

Part three: Structure

1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.


1) 被强调部分若为指人的名词或代词,用that或who(强调宾语,可用whom); 被强调部分若为指物的名词或代词,用that。 强调句型应避免使用when, where ,which等连词

2) that / who后的动词的人称和数的变化要与前面的名词或代词一致。

3) be在句型中总是单数形式

4) be在句型不能用来强调谓语动词。

5) 感叹句的强调句型,如:

How serious it is that he looks!

6) 强调句型的疑问形式

How many people is it that are being trained for the special work.

Was it in the street that you met him.

7) 强调句型中的特殊形式

It is not until……

It is because … that….


1) It is what you rather than what you say _____ matters (天津)

A. that B. what C. which D. this

2) It was only with the help of the local guide ____.

A. was the mountain climber rescued

B. that the mountain climber was rescued

C. when the mountain climber was rescued

D. then the mountain climber was rescued

3) Why ! I have nothing to confess. _____ you want me to say?

A. What is it that B. What it is that

C. How is it that D. How it is that

2. Once she has made up her mind , nothing can change it.


once此处为连词, 意为“一旦”, 引导条件状语从句


Once printed, this dictionary will be very popular .

【拓展】once还可用作名词, 意为“一次’; 还可用作副词,意为”一旦,曾经;从前,完全”. 常用搭配:

all at once 突然, 同时

at once 立刻,马上

every once in a while 偶然

for this once 就这一次,破例一回

more than once 不至一次

not once 一次也不

once again再次

once and again 一再,再三

once for all 一劳永逸;永久地,彻底地

once in a while 有时,间或,偶尔


1) _____ you have made a promise, you should carry it out

A. Once B. Until C. For D. While

2) The research is so designed that once ____ nothing canbe done to change it.

A. begins B. having begun

C. beginning D. begun

3) ______ you begin, you must continue.

新高一Unit 20 For fun(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计) 篇3

Teaching aims:

Ⅰ. Knowledge:

1. Get some information about St Petersburg and how people recover the destroyed city and cultural relics.

2. Words and useful expressions. restore, replace, recreate, in ruins, under attack, give in, in pieces, bring…back to life, come true, under attack

3. Some grammar points. Word formation: re-; Present perfect passive voice.

Ⅱ. Feelings and attitudes:

1. Get the students to know that the cultural relics are rare. It is hard to recover if they are destroyed.

2. Get the students to realize that the power of the people is so great. They can overcome the difficulties and make something impossible possible.

3. We should do something in our daily life to stop the damage. Some damages are caused by human beings.

Ⅲ. Ability:

1. Enable the students to get key information after reading.

2. Develop students’ cooperation spirit.

3. Improve their reading and analyzing abilities.


1. The understanding of the whole text

2. How to get the right answers in skimming.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Greeting

Step2 Pre-reading. (7 minutes)

Review the topic: culture relics and sites students have learned in the previous lessons. Then raise some questions discussed by students of group four. Give them 3 minutes to prepare. Present some pictures of some famous cities, so the students’ attention is attracted on the topic

Questions: 1. As we all know, there are many great cities in the world, such as Beijing, Pairs, New York etc. in your opinion, what makes these cities great?

2. What’s your favorite city? Why?

3. What cultural relics are there in your hometown? How important are they?

Choose 3 or 4 students to answer each question. (4 minutes)

Hints: 1. The capital of a country/ centre of transportation/ with large population/ some important events happened in that city./ some great people have been there,etc.

2.The reason: nice weather/ beautiful scenery/ special custom/ hometown,etc.

3.Yue Temple, Bai Causeway, Su Causeway, Li Ying Temple, etc. They are important parts of Hangzhou’s history.

Goals: These questions are aimed at cultivating student’s speaking ability and the way of thinking and also spirit of teamwork.

Step3 Skimming (5 minutes)

Give students 3 minutes to go through the passage as fast as possible while the tape should be played in order to limit the time of reading. Students can underline or circle important words and sentences. After that, give them some simple questions to answer.

1. When was St Petersburg built and who built it?(300 years ago, Russian Czar Peter the Great.)

2. In 1941, who tried to destroy the city? ( Germans.)

3.When the Nazis had gone, what did the people of St Petersburg do? ( Rebuild the city.)

4.How can we describe the people of St Petersburg do? (Strong, proud and united.)

Then do the Exercise Two in post reading: True or False questions.

Goals: Train students’ reading speed and develop their ability of getting key information.

Teach some new words: the Neva River, the Russian Czar, Peter the Great, St Petersburg.

These words should be explained in accordance with certain background. That is to say, let student know something about Russian history.

Step4 Scanning (19 minutes)

Ⅰ Deal with the important words, expressions and some grammar points.(3 minutes)

Word: restore, replace, recreate, in ruins, under attack, give in, in pieces, bring…back to life, come true, under attack.

Sentences: where is a river, there is a city. It is true that…. Do everything we can to do something, be located in, be an important part of one’s history.

Grammar: the present perfect passive voice.

Goals: Grasp the useful expressions, language points, important sentence structures and grammar points. This can help students understand the text more easily.

ⅡAsk students to read the text carefully paragraph by paragraph in 5 minutes and find out topic sentence of each paragraph. Finally, encourage them to summarize the general idea of each paragraph. As for each question, give student 5 minutes to discuss in groups.


1. Why do people think St Petersburg is a great city?

2. Why was it so difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces?

3. What did people use to help them rebuild the city?

4. Why are the people of St Petersburg heroes?

Choose several students to answer. (6 minutes)

Possible answers:

1. People think that St Petersburg is a great city because it was built by a great Russian Czar and has been the center of many important historic events. More importantly, it survived the Germans attack in 1941 and its people did everything they could to make it as beautiful as it once was.

2. The palaces were so badly damaged in the war that people thought it was almost impossible to rebuild them. Few modern Russian artists knew exactly what the palaces looked like and there were many missing parts and pieces. The project, restoring the former glory of the city, required hard work, patience and devotion.

3. The Russian artists used old paintings and photographs to rebuild St Petersburg.

4. The people of St Petersburg are heroes because they have made something impossible possible. They have successfully rebuilt the palaces without destroying their old beauty. With hard work, patience, devotion and love for their cultural relics, they have shown that dreams can come true.

Goals: These questions are raised to train students’ ability of summarizing, organizing and cooperation as well as to achieve the ethic aims

Step 5 free asking (3 minutes)

Give students 3 minutes to ask whatever they don’t understand after reading the text. Ask other students to give the answer if they can. If they can’t work out these problems, teacher helps them.

Goals: this step shows the students-centred principle. Students find out the problems and solve it actively.

Step6 Consolidation(3 minutes)

Fill in the blanks.

300 years ago, the Russian Czar Peter the Great built a new ________---St Petersburg. It has been the center of many important _________ in history. In 1941, it was under ______ for 900 days, but the people never ________ ________. After the Germans left, the city was almost in ________. People decided to ________ the city. It was ________ to save the palaces and buildings without _________ their old beauty. With the ______ of old paintings and photographs, people were able to _______ ________ the beauty of their culture and history. Strong, proud and _______, the people of St Petersburg are modern ________ of Russia.

Goals: Help students review the content of the text as well as some important words and expression.

Step7 Further discussion. (7 minutes)

Now, many cultural relics are destroyed by human beings. We know the power of people is great. So is their power of damaging. We should do our best to prevent this situation from going worse. For high school students, we should protect everything nearby, for example, at school or in the public place where we go. Think about what we can do to stop the damage. (4 minutes). Ask several students to express their ideas. (3 minutes).

Goals: Achieve the third aim of feelings and attitudes. At the same time, the ability of speaking, words organization and cooperation is trained.

Step 8 Conclusion. (2 minutes)

Through the discussion, we can see the importance of protection. We must do our best to stop damaging in our daily life. If everyone makes efforts, the world will be better and better.

Goals: Get the students to understand what our duties are. Achieve the ethic aims.

Step9 homework (1 minute)

1. Do exercise 2 and 4 in scanning part on the exercise book.

2. Say something about St Petersburg using your own words.

新高一Unit 20 For fun(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计) 篇4

Unit 13 Reading (2); Post-reading

二、 Teaching Goals

1. Improve the students’ reading ability by catching detailed information.

2. Enable the students to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text.

三、 Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the new words, phrases and useful expressions in the text.

Keep up with, too much, make a choice; be harmful to; lose weight; be prepared for

2. Train the students’ reading ability to develop healthy eating habits.

四、 Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to train the students’ reading ability.

2. How to make the students understand the reading material better and answer some questions on the passage.

五、 Teaching Methods:

Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the new words.

六、 Teaching Aids

1. A projector

2. The blackboard

七、 Teaching procedures

Step 1 Greetings

T: Good morning! My boys and girls!

T: Sit down, please!

Step2 Reading

T: We’ve got a general idea about the reading. But I think the passage is very difficult.

T: Ok. Let’s read the passage carefully together.

1unit13.3. (2)

T: We listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph, and then explain the paragraph.

T: Listen to Para 1. and try to answer the questions.

(1)Para 1

1) Listen

T: It’s easier to choose what to eat in the past.

True or False? (T)

T: Why?

Ss: In the past, people didn’t have so many kinds of food to choose. People even can’t get enough food to eat. / Now, people take more care about their figures.

2) Explaining

Our eating habits have changed, as has our way of life.

T: What does the underlined part mean? = and our way of has changed too.

T: As has our way of life 是倒装结构

as + 助动词/ be + 主语 也一样

e.g. She’s unusually tall, as are her parents 她特别高, 她的父母也都那么高.

He’s a doctor, as was his wife before she had children.

3) Understand

T: What does the word “ fuel” mean?

Ss: original meaning:燃料

T: e.g. The machine needs fuels to go on work.

T: But you should pay attention to the word in the text. Here it means 营养物质

T: Listen to Paras. 2 and 3

(2)Paras. 2 and 3

T: Fill in the table.

Nutrients functions where can we get it?

Protein good for our muscles fish, meat and beans

Calcium for our bones and teeth eggs milk and other dairy products

Carbohydrate the main fuel for our body rice, bread, noodles

Fibre help keep our body function well


vitamins help our body fight disease vegetables, fruit, fish, milk

1unit13.3. (3)


T: Why do some people become vegetarians?

T: What does the word “ green” mean? Does it mean the color of green?

Ss: Green: environment protecting

T: Green food is very popular nowadays. Can you find any other words with the same meaning as green food?

T: e.g. environmentally friendly food / eco-food

T: Can you find an example about green food in this paragraph?

Ss: Organic vegetables

(3)Paras 4 and 5

T: Listen to paras 4 and 5

T: You can find the word “diet” several times in para 4.

T: What’s the different meaning of them? Look at the blackboard.

A balanced diet 均衡的饮食

Crash diet 速成食疗

Diet food 减肥食品

Unhealthy diet 不健康的饮食

T: In order to keep fit, what shall we do and eat?

1) Buy good food and keep a balanced diet.

2) Eat healthy food in the right amount.

3) Eat less fat and sugar and exercise more.

Step3 Post-Reading

T: How have our eating habits changed? Why?

T: Discuss question 4 in pairs.

T: Retell the text according to some topic sentences.

Step4 Summary and homework

T: today we’ve learned the passage. The passage may be very difficult to you. After class, you’d better review the reading including some words and phrases.

1. Retell the text, try to get a summary of this text

2. Review words we have learnt in this unit

3. Preview grammar of this unit

4. Do the exercises the word study on page 5

1unit13.3. (4)



as + 助动词/ be + 主语 也一样

e.g. She’s unusually tall, as are her parents


Nutrients functions where can we get it?

Protein good for our muscles fish, meat and beans

Calcium for our bones and teeth eggs milk and other dairy products

Carbohydrate the main fuel for our body rice, bread, noodles

Fibre help keep our body function well


vitamins help our body fight disease vegetables, fruit, fish, milk


A balanced diet 均衡的饮食

Crash diet 速成食疗

Diet food 减肥食品

Unhealthy diet 不健康的饮食

新高一Unit 20 For fun(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计) 篇5

Step 1 Review words

Step 2 Can you list some names of sports?

(weightlifting gymnastics shooting sailing horse –riding volleyball badminton shot put judo golf hockey marathon long-distance softball skiing gymnastics ring side-horse men-single rowing throwing boxing rugby )

Step 3 You know so many kinds of sports. I’m sure you also know a lot of players from China and from other countries.

Step 4 We have talked a lot of sports and players and do you know the important sports events ?

(a; Asian Games ; the 14th Asian Games opened in South Korea city of Busan. . The 16-day Games are the biggest sports event in Asia. A total of 686athletes took part in it . China use the Asian Games as good learning experience before their next Olympic Games in Athens , Greece in . the Asian Games started from Sep29th to Oct15th . The Chinese team got the first prize. And have won about 150 gold medals . the second is Korea and the third is Japan .

b; the World Cup ; The 2002 FIFA World Cp was held in Korea and Japan from May 31st to June 30th .There are eight groups. And China is in Group C with Turkey, Costarica, and Brazil . The German team got the first prize .

c; the Olympic Games are the most important event in the world . the Games are held every four years . The motto is swifter , higher , and stronger . )

Step 5 Among these events , which is the most important? Of course it is the Olympic Games . So now we will learn a passage about it .

(a; listen to the passage and answer the question .

b; listen again and give some explanation .

c according to the key words , try to retell the whole passage ;

Step 6 Yes, in order to hold the Olympic Games , the country should spend a lot of money to prepare . But it is a rich prize for a country . And the Olympic Games have been held in a lot of countries . Can you tell me in which countries ?

(in 1992, the Olympic Games were held in Barcelona, Spain. In the Olympic Games were held in Atlanta , USA. In , the Olympic Games were held in Sydney, Australia. In 2004, the Olympic Games was held in Athens , Greece . and in , the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing , China .On July 13th in Moscow , When the president of the international Olympic Committee announced that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing , everyone was excited . We cheered , and celebrated the Great moment .)

Step 7 Can you tell me why can Beijing win the bid for hosting the Games ?Discuss.

(a; China is a peaceful society .

b; The economy has developed in China .

c; The political situation is stable .

d; China is playing a more and more important part in the international affairs .

e; We have promise that we can host a “Green Olympic,” a “hi-tech Olympic ’’and a “people’Olympic ”.

f; All of the people in China support the bid.)

Step 8 Now Beijing is preparing for Olympic Games . Can you tell me what should be done ? discuss.

( a; we should build the Olympic village , the Olympic park , the Olympic Green , hotels , stadiums and so on .

b; we should improve our traffic and build roads, railways , subways and airports .

c; we should improve the system of telecom.

D; we should improve our air quality . )

Step 9 Although the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing just for 16 days , it can bring a long-term benefit for China . Can you say something about the influence ?

( a; We can earn a lot of money from the tourism .

b; Beijing residents’ living standard will be improved.

c; It is a good opportunity to spread the Olympic spirit to Chinese young generation .

d; China will be known to the World .

e; It can bring a lot of job chances.

F; It can improve the relationship between other countries.

Step 10 Now it is 2004, you are in Grade 1, after three years you will have the college entrance examination ., you will be in the university in 2008. So in that summer what will do? Maybe some students will stay at home to watch the Olympic Games , and some will go to Beijing to Watch the Games , and some will go to Beijing to serve for the Games . That means some will be the volunteers. It is an honourable job.

Let’s wish the Beijing Olympic Games a great success.

Step 11 Homework
