


不定代词练习题 篇1

1.---Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening.---OK.Let’s give him _____ to eat.A.something different B.different anything C.anything different D.different something 2.There is ____ in the bag.It’s empty.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.somebody 3.–Could you do _____ for me? –Certainly.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.someone 4._____ is knocking(敲)at the door.A.Anyone B.Someone C.Something D.Nothing 5.May I have a talk with you, sir? I’ve got _____ important to tell you.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything 6.Please keep quiet, _____!I have _____ to tell you.A.everyone, anything important B.anybody, something important C.everyone, important everything

D.everyone, something important 7.---What else do you need for your trip?---___else.I’ve packed everything.A.Something B.Everything C.Anything D.Nothing 8.Something _____(be)wrong with my watch.9.Nobody ______ what the future(未来)will be like.A.know B.knew C.knows D.knowing 10.There isn’t ____ in the restaurant.A.anything delicious B.delicious anything C.something delicious D.delicious something 11.For lunch, we had ____ Malaysian yellow noodles.A.something special B.anything special C.special something D.special anything 12.I really have something important _____ A.do B.to doing C.to do D.does 13.---Who helped Jessie with her English?---______, she taught herself.A.Anybody B.Somebody C.Nobody D.Everyone 14.As volunteers(志愿者), they should do _____ to help the children in trouble.A.nothing B.anybody C.something D.somebody 15.---Is there ____ in your room?---Yes, there is.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything

不定代词、不定副词考点聚焦 篇2


1. —______ is in the classroom. Where are the students?

—They have all gone to the library.(河南省)

A. SomebodyB. Everybody

C. AnybodyD. Nobody

2.I haven’t checked my e-mails today, because there’s ______wrong with my computer. (沈阳市课改实验区)

A. somethingB. anything

C. everything D. nothing

3.Can I have ______now? I’m very hungry.(苏州市)

A. anything B. something

C. nothingD. everything

【点击】一般情况下,some构成的复合不定代词,其作用和some相同,用于肯定句;any构成的复合不定代词用于否定或疑问句;no构成的复合不定代词用于否定句。但值得注意的是,在表示请求、建议等委婉说法的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定答复的疑问句中,也用some-,不用any-。故第1题选D, 第2题选A, 第3题选B。


4. —Is there ______ in today’s newspaper?

—Yes. Shenzhou VI will be sent up into space in the near future. (福州市)

A. nothing newB. new nothing

C. anything newD. new anything

5.—Would you like ______?

—No, thanks.(盐城市)

A. to eat somethingB. something to eat

C. to eat anythingD. anything to eat

【点击】复合不定代词被形容词、动词不定式修饰时,复合不定代词要放在形容词、动词不定式之前,即定语后置。故第4题选C, 第5题选B。


6.Nobody______(know) what to do next. (长春市)



7.Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it,______?


A. aren’t theyB. are they

C. isn’t it D. is it



8.I bought nothing in the shopping center yesterday.(同义转换)

I ______ buy ______ in the shopping center yesterday.(南宁市)

【点击】含no的复合不定代词相当于“not + any的复合不定代词”。故本题应填didn’t 和anything.


9.I looked for my pen ______.But I can’t find it ______. (扬州市)

A. anywhere, anywhereB. somewhere, everywhere

C. everywhere, anywhereD. everywhere, somewhere

不定代词练习题 篇3

(1)用作代词或者形容词,many很多 与可数名词连用,而much很多 与不可数名词连用。


Many of the mistakes in the test paper are common.


He made many mistakes in the test.


Much of the work has been finished.


Much work has been done to make our school more beautiful.




Are there many birds here in spring?


Is there much snow here in winter?


We haven’t many exercises to do today.


We haven’t much homework to do today.


不定代词练习题 篇4





one, ones, either, neither, other, another, none, each,every, both, all, any, some, many, much, (a) few, (a) little,

还有由any-,some-, no-等合成的不定代词。



5.6 few, a few;little, a little的用法

little, few:几乎没有(否定口气)

a little:一点点

a few:一些,少数几俱(肯定口气)

few和a few指可数的事物,不能与不可数名词搭配;

little和a little指不可数的事物,不能与可数名词搭配。

Few showed politeness.


A few showed politeness.


We know little about the new machine.


We know a little about the new machine.


Few visitors have arrived.


A few parks will be built in the suburbs.


There was little water to drink.


There was a little water to drink.


5.7 many, much的用法



a lot of/lots of/plenty of=many/much

Many are from the North.


We can see many foreigners everywhere.


They don’t have much now.


Do you know much about this company?


Tom doesn’t have much money now.





×There are many wateron the ground.

√There is (much) a lotof water on the ground.


×How much books does he need?

√How many books does he need?


×She has a few knowledge about the Internet.

巧用“数字”学习不定代词 篇5


1.some ≥3用与肯定句;用于疑问句时表示征求对方意见;表示(“某一”)

any≥3 用于否定句和疑问句;在条件句中表示“任何”之意

eg 1) There are some books on the desk .

2) Would you like some coffee ?

3) Do you have any pens ?

4) I have ever been to some places of Shanghai .

5) There is some man at the door who wants to speak to you .



1) Each of the students received a present .“主语”

2) We have two boxes each .“同位语”

3) Each/Every one of the students received a present.“定语”

4) The teacher gave the students two pens each .“宾语”


搭配:every five minutes每5分钟或每隔4分钟

every little while 每隔一会儿

every other line/day 每隔一行/天

every few lines/days 每隔数行/天

3. both=2两者都….

either=2 两者中任意一个都…


eg:Both of them are my good friends .他们俩都是我的好朋友。

Either of the books will do .两本书随便哪一本都可以。

Neither of the answers is right.两个答案哪一个都不对。

There are many trees on either side of the street .

= There are many trees on both sides of the street .

请1)These plants are watered ________

A. each other day B.every other day .

C. each of two days D. every of two days .

Answer : B

2) There are many trees on _____ side ofthestreet .

A. eachB. everyC. both D.some

Answer : A.

3) There are two windows in the room ,they ______ face south .

A. all B. bothC. each D.either

Answer :B

4)——Are the two answers correct ?

——No,_____ correct.

A. no one isB. both are not

C. neither isD.either is not

Answer .C


none≥3无人或无物 (修饰可数或不可数名词)

eg .Allwere present at the meeting.全都到会了


Eg :None of the problems is /are easy to solve.这些问题没有一个是容易解决的。(作主语,代替可数名词)

5. few修饰可数名词,表否定意义。“很少”“几乎没有”


little 修饰不可数名词,表示否定意义.“很少”“几乎没有”

a little≥3修饰不可数名词,表示肯定意义,“一些”

eg .1) Few of us speak Russian.


2) I'm going to buy a few bananas.


3)There is little ink in my pen.


4)She knows a little of everything.


请做:1).This is ____food in the cupboard,I must go and get some.

A.few B.a fewC.little D.a little


2)The question is so difficult that________students can answer it.

A .fewB.a fewC.little D.a little


6.many 很多 (可数)

much 很多 (不可数)

many 相当于名词、数词和形容词,在句中可以作主语、宾语或定语等。

eg: There are many books in our library.我们图书馆有很多书。(作定语)

much 的用法与 many相同,在句中可以作主语、宾语或定语。:

eg: Much has been done to protect our environment.


Are there many birds in the sky?天空中鸟多吗?

Is there much water in the bottle?瓶子中水多吗?

英语代词练习题附答案(高中) 篇6

1.By the way, who will teach ___pop music next term?

A.us B.Our C.ours D.we

2.Both Pingping and Beibei have done ___homework.A.his B.Her C.their D.both’s

3.Everybody is here, ___?

A.isn’t everybody B.isn’t it C.isn’t he D.aren’t they

4.It was ___ who wrote those words on the blackboard.A.he B.Him C.himself D.his

5.He wants nothing but a house of ____.A.his own B.Himself c.his father D.his own house

6.Can you express ___ in English?

A.yourself B.You C.yours D.yours’

7.One of them hasn’t got ___ lessons prepared.A.her B.Its C.one’s D.his

8.You don’t look quite ___ today.What’s the matter with you?

A.you B.Your C.your own D.yourself

9.Though ___ is a long way from here, we’ll do our best to reach there in time.A.there B.it C.its D.itself

10.We don’t consider ___ necessary for them to move into that house.A.that B.This C.it D.them

11.___ is a great and glorious country.A.Our B.Ours C.Its D.Our’s

12.He parents are going on a study trip with a friend of ___.A.them B.Their C.themselves D.theirs

13.I’m sorry to say ___ of your answers are correct.A.none B.Neither C.both D.any

14.---Who is that knocking at the door?

----_____ must be the milkman.A.He B.She C.It D.The man

15.___ agree to your plan.A.Anyone of us B.No one of us

C.None of us D.Someone of us

16.The books here are not so well written as ___ on the shelf.A.that B.Those C.ones D.them

17.My father is a farmer, but ___ is yours?

A.who B.How C.which D.what

18.___ do you think of my composition?

A.How B.What C.Which D.Why

19.___ of you would like to get me the bike?

A.Which B.What C.Whom D.Whomever

20.Please write on the paper ___ line.A.each other B.every other C.all other D.this and that

21.Would you lend me ___ of your money, please?

A.any B.many C.some D.a lot of

22.Sorry, but I have only ___ ink left over.A.little B.few

C.a little D.a few

23.___ who come from the countryside, please fill out the form.A.All B.Anyone C.These D.Those

24.She went for a swim in the pool yesterday and I’ll do ___ this afternoon.A.it B.such C.same D.the same

25.There’re tall buildings on ___ side of the street.A.either B.both C.every D.any

26.___ must do ___ best to serve the people.A.One…his B.One…her

C.One…one D.Ones…ones’

27.He has quite a lot of interesting magazines but I have ___.A.no B.none C.no one D.neither

28.___ are fond of collecting stamps.A.Both the children B.Both of children

C.My both children D.Both of the my children

29.Of the 4 books, one is written by a young writer and ___ by an old one.A.other three B.three other C.the other three D.the three other

30.He invited the three of ___, Bob, Tom and ___.A.we…me B.us…I C.we…I D.us…me

31.___seems as if we are going to have trouble.A.We B.It C.That D.There

32.Is ___ any use talking to him about it?

A.this B.that C.he D.it

33.Since you don’t have a dictionary here, why not use ___?

A.my B.mine C.her D.their

34.This book is not mine.It belongs to ___.A.he B.his C.him D.himself

35.Be at home and help ___ to the fish.A.me B.him C.yourself D.you

36.Try to work out the problem ___.A.all by yourself B.by you C.all by yours D.by your

37.The children seem to be enjoying ___ very much.A.them B.their C.theirs D.themselves

38.He always thinks more about others than about ___.A.he B.him C.his D.himself

39.The police hid ___ behind the building.A.him B.himself C.them D.themselves

40.When I was about to go out, the door opened ___.A.of itself B.by itself C.oneself D.for itself

41.After that, Madame Curie did one experiment after ___.A.one B.other C.another D.the other

42.You can find a tower at ___ end of the bridge.A.both B.every C.either D.any

43.Have you got any books on the computer? I’d like to borrow.A.them B.some C.it D.those

44.The most interesting books are not necessarily ___ with a lot of pictures.A.these B.the ones C.them D.that

45.The population of China is larger than ___ of any country.A.one B.the one C.that D.it

46.People used to think that heavy objects always fell faster than light ___.A.ones B.the ones C.these D.those

47.Is this story as funny as ___ you read yesterday?

A.that one B.one C.the one D.it

48.It’s ___, not you, who wants more.A.me B.him C.he D.I

49.___ of them will accept your idea because it is not reasonable.A.Nobody B.No one C.Everyone D.None

50.___ is good at French.A.My either children B.Either of my children

C.Either my children D.My either of children

51.I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ___.A.it B.those C.them D.one

52.-----When shall we meet again?

-----Make it ___ day you like, it’s all the same to me.A.one B.any C.another D.some

53.Tom’s mother kept telling him he should work harder, but ___ didn’t help.A.he B.she C.it D.which

54.-----Is ___ here?

-----No, Bob and Tim asked for leave.A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody

55.Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers.Now she would like to read ___ stories by writers from ___ countries.A.some;any B.some;other C.other;some D.other;other

56.In one single year, rats eat 40 to 50 times ___ weight.A.its B.their C.ones D.of

57.The family never agree about ___ shares of the property.A.her B.its C.their D.his

58.I was disappointed with the film.I had expected ___ to be much better.A.one B.this C.that D.it

59.There’re so many kinds of computers on sale that I can’t make up my mind ___ to buy.A.what B.where C.how D.which

60.Saying something is one thing while doing it is ___.A.other B.the other C.others D.another

61.It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants.A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever

62.---Is there any picture on the wall?---_____.A.Nothing B.No one C.No ones D.None

63.You have to hurry up if you want to buy something because there’s hardly ___ left

A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything

64.They were all very tired, but ___ of them would stop to take a rest.A.any B.some C.none D.neither

65.Tom felt that he knew everybody’s business better than they knew it _____.A.themselves B.oneself C.itself D.himself

66.Think _____ and you’ll have some idea.A.over B.over it C.it over D.it

67.I had a bad cold and _____ is why I didn’t attend the meeting.A.it B.this C.there D.that

68.This is not such a good story _____ I had expected.A.what B.which C.as D.that

69._____ the homework seriously.A.No every student do B.No every student does

C.Not every student do D.Not every student does

70._____ child will find his personal road to success.A.Every B.Each C.Some D.The

71.We can’t find our bikes _____.Have you seen them?

A.anywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere D.where

72.Jack is _____ of an artist.A.anyone B.someone C.anything D.something

73.Tom sings better than _____ in our class.A.any other girl B.some other girls C.any girl D.some girl

74.Is this museum _____ you visited last Sunday?

A.that B./ C.the one D.which

75.As we were all asleep, _____ heard that loud noise.A.either of B.neither of C.none of D.one of

76.There’s something wrong with my watch.Will you ___?

A.see it to B.see to it C.watch to it D.see to look at it

77.I didn’t know which was the better so I took them _____.A.all B.each C.none D.both

78.You will realize your dream _____.A.the other day B.some day C.in the days D.for a few days

79._____ comes first will be served first.A.Who B.Anybody C.All that D.Whoever

80._____ seems no need to hurry.A.It B.That C.There D.He


1-5 ACCAA 6-10 ADDBC 11-15 BDACC 16-20 BDBAB 21-25 CCDDA 26-30 ABACD 31-35 BDBCC 35-40 ADDDA 41-45 CCBBC 46-50 ACDDB 51-55 DBCAB 56-60 BCDAD 61-65 BDCCA 66-70 CDCDB 71-75 ADCCC 76-80 BDBDC.This is(my / I)mother.2.Nice to meet(your / you).3.(He / His)name is Mark.4.What’s(she / her)name? 5.Excuse(me / my / I).6.Are(your / you)Miss Li? 7.(I/ My)am Ben.8.(She / Her)is my sister.9.Fine , thank(your / you).10.How old is(he / his)


1.These are ______(he)brothers.2.That is _______(she)sister.3.Lily is _______(Lucy)sister.4.Tom, this is _____(me)cousin, Mary.5.Now _____________(her parent)are in America.6.Those __________(child)are _____(I)father’s students.7.Do you know ______(it)name? 8.Mike and Tom __________(be)friends.9.Thanks for helping ________(I).10.______(Ann安)mother is ______(we)teacher.三、单项选择。

()1.My family ____ a big family.My family ____all here.A.is, is B.are, are C.is, are D.are, is()2.This is __________.A.a picture of family

B.a picture of my family C.a family’s picture

D.a family of my picture

()3.Let’s __________ good friends.A.be

B.are C.is

D.am()4.Is she your aunt? Yes, __________.A.she’s B.her is

C.she is

D.he is()5.Are __________ coats yours? Yes, they are.A.they



D.there()6.Is that __________ uncle? No, it isn’t A.he B.she C.her D.hers

()7.Mrs.Green is __________ grandmother.A.Jim and Kate B.Jim and Kate’s C.Jim’s and Kate’s D.Jim and Kates’

()8.Do you know the name _____Mr.Green’s son? A.in



D.or()9.__________ the great photo of your family.A.thank for

B.Thanks for C.Thank for D.thanks for

()10.Are those your friends? __________.A.Yes, they’re B.No, they are C.Yes, they are D.Yes, those are


1._____ is my friend.他是我的朋友。2.My dog likes _____.我的狗喜欢她。

3.Who is there? It’s _____.是谁啊?是我。4.Come with _____.跟我来。

5.______ classroom is bigger than _____.你们的教室比我们的要大。

6.______ are Chinese.我们是中国人。

7.I want to buy some balloons for ______.我想买些气球送给他。8.These are ______ photos.这些是我们的照片。

9._____ like ______ very much.他们非常喜欢它。10.Let _____ give _____ a book.让我给你一本书。11.This is _____ father.这是我的爸爸。

12._____ like ______ car.我喜欢他们的小汽车。五.代词填空

1.This is not _____ desk.My desk is over there.2.-Can you spell _____ name, Harry? -Sorry.3.Tom and Jack are brothers.The room is ______.4.We are in the same class._____ classroom is very nice.5.Mrs Green is my teacher.I’m a student of ______.6.That’s a cat._____ name is Mimi.7.Tom is in the room.This pencil-box is _____.8.Sam and Peter, look at _____ hands.They are so dirty.9.-Mike, is this picture _____? -Yes, it is.10.-Can we put _____ coats here? -Yes, you can.11.Mum, they are _____ classmates Rose and _____brother David.六 用物主代词填空:

1.I own that cat;that cat is ____.2.You own that cat: that cat is ____.3.He owns that cat;that cat is ____.4.She owns that cat;that cat is ____.5.They own that cat;that cat is ____.(七)用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空

不定代词练习题 篇7

1.Avez-vous trouvé ___ de spécial dans ce journal?

A.quelque chose B.quelqu’un C.rien D. aucun

2. ___ hésite encore si ___ est nécessaire de lui dire la vérité.

A.Je;il B.J’; l’on C.J’;’il D.Je;’il

3. ___ hausse la voix pour me faire entendre.

A. J’ B. Je C. Tu D. Vous

4. C’est sa grande maison. ___ est belle.

A. C’ B. Ils C. Elle D. Il

5. Dans ma classe il y a 17 filles et 3 garons. ___ sont très gentils.

A. Elles B.Ils C.Ce. D. Il

6. ___ contente de notre service, Madame?

A. Il est B. Vous êtes C. Elles sont D. Ils sont

7. ___ sérieusement qu’ils vous le proposent.

A. Ils sont B.Il est C. Elle est D. C’est

8. “Votre malade”, ___ “est à cause de l’excès d’alcool.”

A. explique-il B. il explique C.il a expliqué D.explique-t-il

9. C’est ___ qui êtes toujours auprès de moi quand je suis en difficulté.

A.vous B.lui C.toi D.elles

10. Mon copain et moi, ___ s’est bien amusés dimanche dernier.

A.nous B.ils C.il D.on

11. -Je vais rester à la maison ce soir, ta soeur et toi? -Pas ___.

A.nous B.vous C.euxD.elles

12. Les enfants ont réussi à accomplir ___ cette tche.

A.eux B.eux-même C.eux-mêmesD.leur-mêmes

13. Comme les Dupont ont beaucoup de travail, ile ne sont pas souvent chez ___.

A.luiB.leur C.les D.eux

14. Comme ___, j’aime aussi les peintures impressionnistes.

A.toi B.leur C.moi D.les

15. Je n’ai autre ami que(qu’) ___.

A.lui B.le C.il D.la

16. Chacun pour ___ et Dieu pour ___.

A.lui;lui B.soi;tous C.lui;tous D.soi;tout

17. Ce serait égoiste si tout le monde ne pense qu’à ___.

A eux B.lui C.elle D.soi

18. Personne ne veut rester chez ___ pendant les vacances.

A.elle B.soi C.lui D.eux

19. La conscience de ___ permet de savoir ce que nous sommes et ce que nous devons faire.

A.moi B.toi C.nous D.soi

20. Aucun homme ne peut tout faire ___.

A.soi-même B.elle-même C.lui-même


21. ___, je la connais depuis longtemps.

A. Lui B. Il C. Le D. Elle

22. -De qui parlez-vous? - ___.

A. Lui B. Elle C. D’elle D. Eux

23. ___ arrivé, on se met au travail.

A. Il B. Tout C. Tous D. Lui

24. -Elle est bien motivée dans ses études? -Oui, elle ___ est comme toujours.

A.en B.l’C.y D.lui

25. Nous sommes des hommes libres et nous entendons ___ rester.

A.nous B./ C.les D.le

26. -Est-ce que vous êtes les participantes du concours? -Oui, nous ___ sommes.

A.laB.les C.en D.elles

27. Je ___ répète: vous courez un grand danger.

A.vous le B.vous en C.le vous D.en vous

28. ___ aussi connaissent bien Nicolas qui ___ rend souvent visite.

A.Lui;lui B.Eux;leurC.Elles;lui D.Eux;les

29. ___ et ___ partirez en premier.

A.Moi;lui B.Lui;elle C.Elle;toi D.Toi;moi

30. Plus __ a voyagé, plus __ se convainc que l’on n’est bien que chez __.

A.on;on;soiB.tu;tu;toi C.on;on;lui D.nou;nous;nous

31. Ce sont des femmes en difficulté, il faut ___ aider.

A.les B.leur C.elles D.l’

32. Diane est absente pour l’instant, appelle- ___ ce soir.

A.lui B.elle C.le D.la

33. Ne ___ regarde pas d’un tel regard, a me fait peur.

A.me B.moi C.lui D.elle

34. Donne- ___ plus de temps pour mieux se préparer au concours.

A.moi B.leur C.lesD.toi

35. Ses amis ___ manquent, il pense à ___.

A.le;eux B.le;leur C.lui;y D.lui;eux

36. Ne___ écris pas de mail, je n’ai pas l’accès à Internet pour l’instant.

A.moi B.elle C.l’D.m’

37. L’idée de grossir ___ hante.

A.la B.l’ C.lui D.elle

38. -Ils vont commencer à faire ce travail? -Oui, ils vont ___ commencer.

A.y B.le C.enD.les

39. -Vous vous intéressez à la littérature franaise? -Oui, je(j’)___ intéresse beaucoup.

A.m’y B.me l’ C.y D.la m’

40. Il aime ses amis et il ___ est aimé.

A.s’ B.en C.leur D. les

41. -Est-ce qu’il t’a prié de pardonner ses erreurs?-Oui, il ___ a prié.

A.me l’ B.le m’C.m’en D.me les

42. -Vous êtes d’accord pour ce projet? -Non, je(j’)___oppose, sois ___ sr.

A.m’y;enB.y;en C.l’;le D.me l’;en

43. Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous ne(n’)___êtes pour rien.

A.l’ B,y C.en D.lui

44. Je ne(n’)___peux plus, il faut ___ finir avec cette discussion.

A.en;en B.y;le C.y;enD.en;y

45. Pourquoi me posez-vous toutes ces questions? Moi,je ne(n’)__sais rien.

A.le B.lesC.y D.en

46. Il parle franais si vite que je ne(n’)___comprends rien.

A.le B.y C.en D./

47. -Le directeur vous demande de corriger ce rapport? -Non, il ne ___demande pas.

A.m’en B.me le C.le me D.le moi

48. Jean rencontre Fanny. Il___salue et ___ demande des nouvelles de ses parents.
