


实验二词法分析 篇1







① 读入“简单语言”源程序




⑤ 识别出的一个个“单词”符号要求为二元组形式: 指出单词类别属性,标识符自身值,常数值.3.提交实验报告

 “简单语言”词法分析程序“源程序”文件

 “简单语言”词法分析程序“源程序”可执行文件

 对“简单语言”词法分析程序的测试实例:“简单语言”源程序及其词法分析结果。

实验二词法分析 篇2










构词法 篇3

构词法(the rules of word-formation)








It is well-known that we exist in a changing world with various difficulties.【课堂进行时】

I.高考考点梳理 考点




(1)名词+名词。如:weekend, penfriend, postoffice, tabletennis, creditcard(2)名词+动名词。如:handwriting, weightlifting, zebracrossing

(3)动名词+名词。如:reading-room, driving force, sleeping bag,dining room

(4)形容词+名词。如:gentleman, open-air,dry-cleaning, higher education,solar system(5)名词+介词+名词。如:mother-in-law, comrade-in-arms

(6)其他方式。如:lookers-on(onlookers), go-between, passer-by, do-it-yourself, one-parent-family


(1)名词+形容词。如:snow-white, day-long

(2)名词+现在分词/过去分词。如:English-speaker, south-facing, man-made,water-covered(3)名词+to+名词。如:face-to-face

(4)数次+名词+形容词。如:two-year-old , 100-meter-long, a three-year-old boy(5)数次+名词+-ed。如:five-storeyed, one-eyed,four-legged, a three-legged desk, an eight-storey building

(6)形容词/副词+名词。如:high-class, right-hand, full-time,fast-food

(7)形容词+名词+-ed。如:noble-minded, warm-hearted, kind-heart, bsent-minded ,air-conditioned, left-handed, middle-aged,a thank-you letter,a one-eyed general, an honest-faced man, five blue-eyed foreigners

(8)形容词+现在分词/形容词。如:good-looking, funny-looking, far-reaching, light-blue

(9)副词+现在/过去分词。如:hard-working, well-known, home-made 3.合成动词。

(1)名词+动词。如:sleep-walk, typewrite, water-ski(2)形容词+动词。如:white-wash, safe-guard

(3)副词+动词。如:overthrow, understand, ill-treat, undergo, overhear,under-develop(发育不全)


(1)形容词+名词。如:anyway, hotfoot(急行,急匆匆地)(2)形容词+副词。如:everywhere, outwards

(3)副词+副词。如:however, therefore, moreover

(4)代词+副词。如:anywhere, whatever, somewhere, nowhere, everywhere(5)副词+名词。如:downstairs, upstairs

When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than having hope and self-confidence.With confidence, we can find sometimes the question is not as “huge” as we imagine.Take most of us for example, the entrance exam to college seems to be a horrible monster.Accordingly, some people give up, some persist.In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation,try our best, and then we will overcome all problems and challenges.On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in right manner.And nothing is impossible, brave it out(拼命干)and just do it!


have a narrow escape九死一生find fault with sb.对某人吹毛求疵,找茬 do sb.a favor帮某人一个忙

attach importance/significance to认为„„重要,强调,重视 make/leave/create an impression on sb.给某人留下印象 take a message for sb.给某人捎口信leave sb.a message给某人留个口信

satisfy/meet/cover one’s needs/demands/requirements满足„„的需要 keep a record of记录take/run a risk冒险 take a chance 冒险catch the chance抓住机会 a sort/kind of 一种sort/kind of有几分地,有点儿 out of question没问题out of the question不可能的be accessible to可(或易)接近的;可(或易)进入的;可(或易)得到的;可(或易)使用的 on the grounds that理由是,因为……




构词法第 1 页(共4页)


很多动词可以转化为名词,大多数情况下,意思没有多大变化。如: Let’s go out for a walk.Let me have a try.We stopped there for a swim.He is a man of strong build.2.名词转化为动词。

英语中,很多表示物体、身体部位等的名词及某类人的名词,可以转化为名词。如: Since graduation, I have authored 34 nationally published children’s books.It can seat 1000 people.Please hand me the book.She nursed her husband back to health.3.形容词转化为动词。


The promoters of such products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles.The train slowed down to half its speed.This will help warm up the soil.4.形容词转化为名词。

英语中,表示颜色的形容词常可以转化为名词。如: You should be dressed in black at the funeral.某些形容词如old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语常用复数。如:

The old in our village are living a happy life.考点




un-构成反义词,表示“不”。如:unfit, unhappy, unable,unemployment,unfair, unknown dis-构成反义词,表示“不”。如:discover, disagree, dishonest, dislike, disappear, discourage, disappoint

in-/im-构成反义词,表示“不”,用以c,b,m,p等开头的词。如:impossible, imcorrect, immoral, impolite

ir-/il-构成反义词,表示“不”,用以r,l开头的单词。如:irregular, irresponsible, illegal, illogical mis-构成反义词,表示“错误”。如:mistake, misuse, mislead non-构成反义词,表示“不”。如:non-stop, non-smoker, nonsense(2)表示其他意义的前缀。a-表示“形容词;副词”。如:asleep, arise, awake, abroad, alone, aside co-表示“共同”。如:co-exist, co-operate anti-表示“反;防”。如:anti-tank, anti-clockwise, anti-Japanese re-表示“重复;再”。如:return, redesign, reunite, remarry

super-表示“超级;上层”。如:superstar, superman, supermarket

sub-表示“下面的”。如:subway, subconscious tele-表示“远程”。如:telephone, telegraph, telescope,television inter-表示“相互;之间”。如:international, interrelation, Internet en-表示“使可能”。如:encourage, enable, enlarge un-表示反动作。如:unload, uncover fore-表示“在前面”。如:forehead, foreground, forward, forecast, foretell mid-表示“中;中间”。如:mid-term,mid-autumn, midnight, midsummer out-表示“在上面;在外部;在外”。如:outline, outside, outward over-表示“在上面;在外部;在上”。如:overlook, overhead post-表示“向后;在后边;次”。如:postscript, postwar, postgraduate pre-表示“在前;在前面”。如:prefix , preface, preposition, prewar, prehistory trans-表示“横过;贯通”。如:translate, transform, transparent, transmit under-表示“在„„下面;下的”。如:underline, underground, underwater ex-表示先“先;故;旧”。如:expresident, exhusband over-表示“超过;过度;太”。如:overeat, overdress, oversleep, overdose, oversimplify vice-表示“副;次”。如:vicepresident, vicechairman com-, cop-, con-, cor-,co-表示“共同;一起”。如:connect, combine, collect, coexist, co-operated

multi-, mult-表示“许多;复;多数”。如:multiply, multipurpose auto-表示“自己;独立;自动”。如:automobile, autobiography micro-表示“微小的”。如:microscope


-al。如:national, natural, practical, educational, refusal, arrival, survival, appoval-an/ian表示“国家(人)的”。如:American, European, Canadian, Italian, Australian-ern表示“方向的”。如:southern, northern, eastern

-ful。如:beautiful, careful, helpful, cheerful, grateful, useful

-less表示否定。如:useless, careless, homeless, motherless, useless-ese表示“人的”。如:Chinses, Portuguese, Japanese-ly。如:friendly, yearly

-some。如:troublesome, tiresome, handsome, lonesome

-y表示“天气”等。如:cloudy, dusty, rainy, sunny, stormy, dirty, sleepy, healthy-ous。如:famous, continuous

-ish。如:childish, selfish, foolish, Swedish, British, English-en。如:golden, wooden, woolen

-ive。如:active, native, decisive, destructive, expensive, impressive

-ble。如:reasonable, horrible, comfortable, acceptable, terrible(2)动词后缀。

-fy。如:beautify, simplify, satisfy, electrify

-en。如:widen, sharpen, loosen, strengthen, lengthen-ize(使„„成为)。如:realize, modernize, apologize, organize

(-To be continued)




-ly。如:badly, easily, freely, terribly, perfectly, truly, angrily-ward表示“方向”。如:backward, eastward, towards, forward(4)名词后缀。-ment表示“行为;状态;过程;手段极其结果”。如:treatment, movement, judgment, punishment, argument, agreement, government, development

-ness表示“性质;状态;程度”。如:goodness, kindness, friendliness, business, happiness, greatness, illness, darkness

-er/or表示“人”。如:foreigner, thinker, swimmer, traveller, actor, sailor, visitor, professor-ist表示“人”。如:pianist, scientist, artist, specialist, physicist-ian表示“精通„„的人;„„地方的人”。如:musician, magician, physician, technician, Russian

-dom。如:freedom, kingdom, wisdom-ee表示“被„„的人”。如:employee, interviewee, trainee, examinee-ship表示“技能及身份;职业”。如:hardship, membership, friendship-eer表示“从事于„„人”。如:engineer, volunteer-hood表示“资格;身份;年纪;状态”。如:childhood, manhood, womanhood-ion ,-sion ,-tion ,-ation ,-ition表示“行为的过程;结果;状况”。如:action,solution, conclusion, expression, correction, explanation, pollution, suggestion

-ism表示“主义”。如:socialism, criticism, heroism-th表示“动作;性质;过程;状态”。如:depth, wealth, truth, length, growth(5)数词后缀。-teen构成“十几”。如:fourteen, fifteen, eighteen-ly构成“几十“。如:ninty, fifty, twenty, forty, thirty-th构成序数词。如:fifth, sixth, twelfth, nanth, twentieth

BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation)英国广播公司 DIY(do it yourself)自己亲手做

NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)北约 SOS(save our ship)国际通用的呼救信号 SOHO(small office , home office)在家上班族 ST(Science and Technology)科技

TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)托福考试 UN(the United Nations)联合国

USA(the Unnited States of America)美国 VIP(very important person)重要人物

WTO(World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织 e and lay around it every day.He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow...He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.Time went by...the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day.One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad.“Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy.“I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys.I need money to buy them.”“Sorry, but I don’t have money...but you can pick all my apples and sell them.So, you will have money.” The boy was so excited.He grabbed all the apples on the tree and



即将两个词混合或各取一部分紧缩而成一个新词。后半部分表示主体,前半部分表示属性。nes broadcast→newscast smoke and fog→smog helicopter airport→heliport,fruice—fruit+juice




left happily.The boy never came back after he picked the apples.The tree was sad.One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited.“Come and play with me,” the tree said.“I don’t have time to play.I have to work for my family.We need a house for shelter.Can you help me?”“Sorry, but I don’t have a house.But you can chop off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily.The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then.The tree was again lonely and sad.One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted.“Come and play with me!” the tree said.“I am sad and getting old.I want to go sailing to relax myself.Can you give me a boat?”“Use my trunk to build your boat.You can sail far away and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat.He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.The tree was happy, but it was not true.Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years.“Sorry, my boy.But I don’t have anything for you any more.No more apples for you...” the tree said.“I don’t have teeth to bite,” the boy replied.“No more trunk for you to climb on.”“I am too old for that now,” the boy said.“I really can’t give you anything...the only thing left is my dying roots,” the tree said with tears.“I don’t need much now, just a place to rest.I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied.“Good!Old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest.Come, Come to sit down with me and rest.”

The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears...This is a story of everyone.The tree is our parent.When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad...When we grown up, we left them, and only came to them when we need something or when we are in trouble.No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could to make you happy.You may think that the boy is cruel to the tree but that’s how all of us are treating our parents.****************************************************************************** Take time out during the day for quiet time to listen to your inner voice.You may want to use your quiet time to meditate or pray.However you use this time, the key is to shut out all of the noise around you by focusing deep within yourself.Breathing deeply during quiet time will also help you focus.I know it’s hard to find quiet time during a particularly busy day, but it’s so important — even if it’s just 10 minutes a day and you have to sneak away to get it.Quiet time can really make a difference in your life.It enables you to hear God speaking to your heart reminding you of His perfect love for you.Be honest with yourself by paying attention to your actions.Actions speak louder than words, and they always tell the truth.What do your actions say about you? If you say you love your job, but your actions say otherwise, which do you think is more true — your words or your actions? On the other hand, if you say you’re not good at a certain job, but your actions say otherwise, that’s also important.What do you do with this insight? You can use it to make more beneficial choices in your life.By being honest with yourself based on your previous actions, your actions moving forward will be based on truth instead of just what you tell yourself.Despite what your subconscious may be telling you, you can have love with no limits.The key is to unconditionally love yourself first.The Apple Tree参考译文







男孩说:“我的牙都掉了,吃不了苹果了。” 苹果树又说:“我再没有树干,让你爬上来了。” 男孩说:“我太老了,爬不动了。”


男孩说:“这么多年过去了,现在我感到累了,什么也不想要,只要一个休息的地方。” “好啊!老根是最适合坐下来休息的,来啊,坐下来和我一起休息吧!”男孩坐下来,苹果树高兴得流下了眼泪……


****************************************************************************** 白天花些时间出去,独自倾听自己的心声。你可能想利用这段安静的时间沉思或祈祷。无论如何利用这段时间,关键是要排除周围所有的噪音,关注自己的内心深处。安静的时间进行深呼吸也能帮你集中注意力。我知道在特别忙碌的日子找到安静的时间很难,然而这很重要——即使一天只有10分钟,你也要溜开抓住它。安静的时间确实能使你的生命变得不同,它促使你倾听上帝与你的心灵对话,使你想起他赋予你的完美的爱。




中考英语词法复习总结 篇4















高中英语词法状语从句教案 篇5


1. 时间状语从句

1). 由when、while、as(当……时候)引导的时间状语从句。

when jack got home, his mother was cooking.

2). 由after/ before (在….之后/ 前)引导的时间状语从句。

the football match played after school was over.

3). 由as soon as (一…..就……)引导的时间状语从句。

i’ll ring you as soon as i reach beijing.

4). 由not….until(直到…..才…..)引导的时间状语从句。

they didn’t stop until they finished the work.

2. 原因状语从句


since you have known about that, please tell us what to do.

3. 地点状语从句


wherever he goes, he always brings his pet dog.

4. 目的状语从句

由so that (以便、为的是)引导目的状语从句。

he got up very early so that he could catch the early bus.

5. 条件状语从句

由if或unless 引导条件状语从句。

i won’t go to his party unless i am invited.

6. 比较状语从句

由than、as…as、not as……as 引导比较状语从句。

there are more students in our class than in theirs.

7. 让步状语从句

由though、even though/ if、although引导让步状语从句。

although he didn’t pass the exam, his father didn’t get angry with him.

8. 方式状语从句

由as if (好像)引导方式状语从句。

he talked about that as if he knew everything.

9. 结果状语从句


it was raining so hard that we couldn’t see the road.


1. 时间状语从句、条件状语从句与主句的时态不一致。(主句用将来时,而时间、条件状语从句用一般现在时)

if it ________(not rain) tomorrow, we______(go) to climb the hill.

he ________ (become) a sodier when he ______(grow) up.

2. since引导的时间状语从句。 it is + 时间+ since + 一般过去时

it_____(be) ten years since we ________(leave) that city.

3. 由when、while引导的时间状语从句的时态:

主句(过去进行时)+when +从句(一般过去时)

主句(一般过去时)+when +从句(过去进行时)

主句(一般过去时)+while +从句(过去进行时)

主句(过去进行时)+while +从句(过去进行时)


mother _______(cook)supper when i ______(get)home yesterday.

last sunday i_______(meet)lin hong when i _______(walk)in the street.

while han meimei _______(sweep)the floor, lucy _______(carry) water.

when the students ________(have)a meeting, the teacher _______(come) in.

4. 由when、after、before、by the time引导的时间状语从句的时态:


when they _______(get) to the cinema last light, the film ________(start).

构词法巧记单词词根 篇6

1) aer, ar, 含义是“空气,大气” aeroplane, aerial,

2) ag, act, ig, 含义是“做,动作” active, agent, reaction,

3) alt, 含义是“高”, altitude,

4) alter, altern, altr, 含义是“其它,变更” alternate,

5) bio, bi, bion, 含义是“生物,生命” biology, bionics(仿生学)

6) brev, bri, brief, 含义是“短” brief, abbreviation, abridge(节略)

7) cap, capt, cept, cip, 含义是“取,获” capture, except, concept, capacity

8) ced, ceed, cess, 含义是“行,让步” proceed, succeed, excess(过度)

9) centr, centr, 含义是“中心” concentrate, eccentric(偏心的)

10) clain, clam, 含义是“呼喊” claim, proclaim, exclaim

11) clos, clud, 含义是“闭合” conclude, enclose, include

12) col, cult, 含义是“耕耘” colony, cultivate, agriculture

13) cor, cord, 含义是“心” cordial, record, accord

14) curr, cur, cour, 含义是“跑,动作” current, occur, concurrence(同时发生)

15) dic, dict, 含义是“说,示” dictate, edit, indicate, predict

16) doc, doct, 含义是“教” doctor, document

17) duc, duct含义是“引导,传导” introduce, produce, conduct, deduct( 推论)

18) fact, fac, fect, dic, dit, 含义是“做,创造” factory, effect, profit, faculty, perfect

19) fend, fens, 含义是“打,击” defence, offence

20) fer, 含义是“搬运,移转” ferry, transfer, defer(迟延)

21) fin, finit, 含义是“终,极” final, finish, confine

22) firm, 含义是“坚固” firm, confirm, affirm(断定)

23) fix, 含义是“固定” prefix, affix(附加)

24) flect, flex, 含义是“弯曲” flexible, reflex

25) flor, flour, flower, 含义是“花” flower, flourish

26) form, 含义是“形” uniform, formula, transform, reform, deform

27) forc, fort, 含义是“力,强度” force, enforce, effort

28) gen, genit, 含义是“生产,发生” generate, generation

29) gram, graph, 含义是“书写,记录” telegram, diagram, photograph

30) grad, gress, gred, gree, 含义是“步,阶段” gradually, degree, progress

31) hab, habit, hibit, 含义是“保持,住” inhabit, exhibit, prohibit

32) her, hes, 含义是“粘附” adhere, cohesion

33) ject, jet, 含义是“抛射” project, inject

34) jour, 含义是“日,一天” journal(日记), journey, adjourn(延期)

35) jug, junct, 含义是“结合,连合” conjunction, junction(连合)

36) labour, labor, 含义是“劳动,工作” labourer, elaborate, collaborate

37) lect, leg, lig, 含义是“挑选,采集” collect, select, lecture

38) lif, liv, 含义是“生活,生存” life, alive, live

39) loc, 含义是“场所,位置” location, dislocate(脱位)

40) long, leng, ling, 含义是“长的” length, prolong, linger

41) loqu, locut, 含义是“说话” colloquial, eloquent,

42) mand, mend, 含义是“命令” command, demand, recommend

43) man, manu, 含义是“手,手法” manage, manual

44) memor, menber, 含义是“记忆” memory, remember, memorial

45) mind, ment, 含义是“心” mind, remind, mental

46) merc, merch, 含义是“贸易” commerce, merchant

47) meas, mens, meter, metr, 含义是“测量,度量” measure, meter, diameter

48) min, 含义是“小” diminish, minority

49) miss, mit, 含义是“派遣,送” mission, dismiss, transmit, missile

50) mob, mot, mov, 含义是“动” movement, motion, mobile, remove

51) nect, nex, 含义是“捆扎” connect, disconnect, annex(合并)

52) not, 含义是“记号,注意” note, denote, annotation(注释)

53) onom, onym, 含义是“名字” synonym, antonym, anonymous

54) pair, par, 含义是“a)相同,对等b)准备” compare, prepare

55) pel, puls, 含义是“追逐” expel, impel(推进)

56) pend, pens, pond, 含义是“悬挂” depend, independent, expense(支付)

57) phon, 含义是“声音” symphony, telephone, microphone

58) plac, 含义是“位置,场所” place, replace

59) peopl, popul, publ, 含义是“人民,民众” public, republic, popular, people

60) port, 含义是“搬运” export, import, deport(输送)

61) press, 含义是“压,压制” pressure, express, oppress, impression

62) prob, proof, prov, 含义是“实验,验证” prove, approve,

63) quer, quest, quir, quis, 含义是“寻找,探问” inquiry, question, inquisition(调查,追究)

64) rang, rank, 含义是“排列” arrange, rank,

65) rect, right, rig, 含义是“正,直” correct, direct, erect

66) riv, 含义是“河流,流远”,river, arrive, derive

67) rupt, 含义是“破坏,毁坏” eruption, bankrupt, corruption

68) sci, 含义是“认识,知识” science, conscious

69) scrib, script, 含义是“书写,记录” describe, script

70) sens, sent, 含义是“感觉,情感” sensation, sentiment

71) sign, 含义是“标记,符号” signal, signature, design

72) sembl, simil, 含义是“相似,类似” similar, resemble, assimilate(同化)

73) soci, 含义是“结合,社交” social, association

74) spec, spect, spitc, spis, 含义是“看,视” inspect, spectator, conspicuous, respect

75) struct, 含义是“建筑,构造” structure, construct, instruct, destruction

76) tect, teg, 含义是“遮蔽,掩盖” detect, protect

77) temp, tens, 含义是“时间,时机” tense, contemporary, temporal

78) tend, tes, tent, 含义是“倾向, 伸张” tendency, intension, extend, intend

79) test, 含义是“证明,证实” testify, protest, contest(争论)

80) text, 含义是“编织, 构成” textile, texture, context

81) tract, trail, 含义是“拖拉,吸引” attract, tractor, abstract, contract(收缩)

82) tribut, 含义是“给予” contribution, distribute

83) us, ut, 含义是“用,使用” usable, utilize, abuse

84) vac, van, 含义是“空,虚” vacancy, vanity, evacuate(清空)

85) vad, vas, wad, 含义是“走,去” invade, wade, evade(逃避)

86) vers, vert, 含义是“旋转,反转” convert, inversion(倒转), reverse, divert(使转向)

87) vid, vis, vey, view, 含义是“观看,看见” television, visible, evident, interview, survey

88) viv, vit, 含义是“生,活” vivid, vital, survival,

89) war, ward, 含义是“注意,保护” aware, wary(谨慎), ward(守护)
