


基于网络分析法的滑坡灾害风险区划研究及工程应用 篇1


摘要:本文介绍了网络分析法基本原理及计算方法,并采用其模型原理,对构成滑坡灾害的地层岩性、坡度、坡向、植被覆盖、河网缓冲、高程等多个评价因子进行了分析和叠合评价.通过分析专家评定所需滑坡评价因子间复杂的`关系,得到了庐山风景区滑坡灾害风险等级图,且评价结果与该区调查滑坡资料的分布情况吻合,为滑坡预警和滑坡治理提供了科学依据.Abstract:This paper introduces the method of network analysis process model and calculation of the basic principles. In accordance with principles of network analysis model, several factors, which can produce landslide disasters, such as lithology, slope, aspect and vegetation cover, river network buffer, elevation, are analyzed and evaluated. By analyzing complex relationship among evaluation factors, Lushan scenic spot landslide hazard risk rating map is obtained. The evaluation result is matched up the distribution of investigation landslide area, which provides reference for early warning and governance of landslide.作 者:江辉 JIANG Hui 作者单位:南昌工程学院,南昌,330099期 刊:测绘科学 ISTICPKU Journal:SCIENCE OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING年,卷(期):,34(6)分类号:X83关键词:网络分析法 地理信息系统 滑坡灾害 风险区划 Keywords:analytic network process model(ANP) GIS handslide hazard(LH) risk zonation
