广东自考英语教育 篇1
2011年10月广东省高等教育自学考试英语语言学 问卷
I.Blank-filling(20%)Fill in the following blanks with a word, whose initial letter has been given.1.The totality of linguistic varieties possessed by an individual constitutes his linguistic r_______.2.I________ motivation refers to learners learning the second language for enjoyment or pleasure from learning.3.The phonetic transcription, n______ transcription ,is normally used by phoneticians to give minute and detailed descriptions of speech sounds.4.The way that new words are coined from already existing words by “subtracting ” an affix thought to be part of the old word is called b_______.5.The meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components called semantic f_______.6.In addition to social changes, one of the most pervasive sources of language change seems to be the continual process of cultural t________ across generations.7.P______ is the study of sounds used in linguistic communication.8.When the vocal cords are drawn wide apart to let air go through without vibration, the sounds thus produced are v_________.9.The social group that is singled out for any special study is named as the s_______ community.10.According to N.Chomsky, c________ refers to the ideal user ‟s knowledge of the rules of his language.11.P_____ refers to the realization of langue in actual use.12.The notion of c_______ is essential to the pragmatic study of language.13.Damage to parts of the left cortex behind the central sulcus results in a type of aphasia called f_____ aphasia.14.The c__________ view of meaning is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts.15.Lexical d________ task is a kind of experiment psycholinguistics employ to investigate lexical access.16.A theory which explicitly employs the notion “concept ”is the semantic t________ proposed by Ogden and Richards in their book The Meaning of Meaning.17.Clear [ l ] and dark [ l ] are allophones of the same one phoneme /l/.They never take the same position in sound combinations, thus they are said to be in c_________ distribution.18.Since there are often intermediate forms between the two members of an antonymous pair, so they are called g________ antonyms.19.S_______ is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.20.A t_______ experiment is a technique that is used to study the determinants of sentence processing difficulty.II.Multiple choice(15%)
Choose the best answer to the following items.21.Changes in a language are changes in the grammar of the speakers of the language.This means that phonemes,_______, words and grammatical rules may be borrowed , added , lost or altered.A.phrases B.sentences C.morphemes D.utterance 22.The consonant [ f ] in English can be correctly described as having the following phonetic features : A.voiceless, bilabial, stop B.voiceless, labiodental, fricative C.voiced , bilabial, stop D.voiced, labiodental, fricative 23.The study of language as a whole is often called ______.A.universal linguistics B.common linguistics C.prescriptive linguistics D.general linguistics 24.In the phrase structure rule “S→NP VP”,the arrow can be read as equal to B.consists of C.has D.generates 25.The illocutionary point of _____is to express the psychological state specified in the utterance.A.representatives B.commissives C.expressives D declarations 26.Transformational Generative Grammar was introduced by _____ in 1957.A.L.Bloomfield B.F.Saussure C.N.Chomsky D.M.A.F.Halliday 27._____ motivation occurs when the learner desires to learn a second language because of the wish to identify with the target culture.A.Instrumental B.Functional C.Integrative D.Social 28.While different words may have the same or similar meaning , the same word may have more than one meaning.This kind of words are called _________.A.polysemic words B.homographs C.homonyms D.synonyms 29.The term _____ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language changes over various periods of time and at various historical stages.A.synchronic B.diachronic C.comparative D.historical comparative 30.Speech act theory was originated with the British philosopher ____ in the late 50‟s of the 20th century.A.M.A.F.Halliday B.L.Bloomfield C.J.Searle D.J.Austin 31.If the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for correct and standard behavior in using language ,it is said to be _______.A.descriptive B.prescriptive C.synchronic D.diachronic 32.In the case of spit, the consonant [ p ] is said to be _____.A.aspirated B.voiced C.unaspirated D.unprounceable 33.What the element “-es ” indicates is third person singular ,present tense ,the element “-ed ” past tense, and “-ing ”progressive aspect.Since they are the smallest units of language and meaningful ,they are also _______.A.phonemes B.phones C.allophones D.morphemes 34.Synoymous are classified into several kinds.This kind to which „girl ‟ and „lass ‟ belong is called ___ synonyms.A.stylistic B.dialectal C.emotive D.collocational 35.In a speech community People have something in common _____: a language or a particular variety of language and rules for using it..A.socially B.linguistically C.culturally D.pragmatically III.True of false judgement(20%)
36.The interactionist view holds that language develops as a result of the complex interplay between the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which the child develops.37.A creole is said to be formed when a pidgin has become the primary language of a speech community ,and is acquired by the children of that speech community as their native language.38.Garden path sentence is an awkward sentence that misleads the speakers and takes them down the garden path to a wrong direction.39.A phoneme is the smallest linguistic unit of sound that can distinguish two words.40.Register refers to the type of utterance which is selected as appropriate to the type oftypology.41.Phonology studies the functioning of the speech sounds.42.Predication analysis was proposed by the British linguist J.Searle to analyze the meaning of utterance.43.Specifiers have both special semantic and syntactic roles since they help make more precise the meaning of the head and mark a phrase boundary.44.Different language offer people different ways of expressing the world around, they think and speak differently, this is also known as linguistic relativity.45.Metacognitive strategies deal with the wayside learners interact or communicate with other speakers, native or non-native.IV.Explain the following notions briefly(25%)46.derivational morpheme 47.IPA(International Phonetic Alphabet)48.cultural transmission 49.Deep Structure vs.Surface Structure 50.The naming theory V.Essay question(20%)51.According to Austin ,what are the three acts a person is possibly performing while making an utterance ? Give an example.部分参考答案(非官方答案,但大部分正确):
1.repertoire 2.Intrinsic 3.narrow 4.back-formation 5.features6.transmission 7.Phonology 8.voiceless 9.speech 10.competence11.Parole 12.context 13.fluent 14.contextualist 15.dicision 16.triangle 17.complementary 18.gradable 19.Sense
20.timed-reading 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.C 28.A 29.B 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.B 36.T 37.T 38.F 39.T 40.F 41.T 42.F 43.T 44.T 45.F
广东自考英语教育 篇2
Organizational culture (OC) is abstract but does exist in different organizations and make a difference.Siehl and Martin state that OC is"the glue that holds an organization together through a sharing of patterns of meaning" (Siehl and Martin, 1984:227) .To Hofstede, he believes that“organizational cultures are the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one organization from another” (Hofstede, 2008:391) .Hence, OC is so essential that it distinguishes an organization from other ones by the unique elements like values, beliefs, ideas, attitudes etc.The connotation of OC should be known better and more comprehensively in order to better understand the behaviors of the organization.
1 Literature Review
1.1 Typologies of Organizational Culture (OC)
Many researchers have made great contributions to the studies on OC and advanced plenty of typical theories, but in this paper, three main theories of OC are reviewed–Schein’s, Handy’s and Hofstede’s so that some vertical and lateral perspectives can be better understood and the OC in my workplace can be better analyzed.
1.1.1 Schein’s Model
Schein states that the elements of OC exist at three levels:artifacts, espoused values and basic underlying assumptions.He treats basic assumptions as the essence of culture, and values and artifacts as the observed manifestations of the essence (Schein, 1985:14) .
In this three-level model, the first and most visible level is artifacts which contains behavior patterns and such outward manifestations as“physical space, the technological output of the group, its written and spoken language, artistic productions, and the overt behavior of its members” (Schein, 1985:14) .One can judge some cultural characteristics of organizations from these physical attributes just as one can estimate others’characters from the way they dress or the way they behave.Although artifacts can visibly indicate features of OC, they are often not easy to be deciphered and interpreted (Schein, 1985:14) .If one wants to deeply know more about an organization, he/she should move on to the second level and analyze the“central values”–espoused values, which is a“greater level of awareness” (Schein, 1985:14) .They are“the social principles, goals, and standards held within a culture to have intrinsic worth” (Hatch, 1997:214) , shared by members in the organization and determine what they should do or should not do.The third and deepest level is basic assumptions, which is the core of an OC, underlying and deep in members’mind;they are not easy to be sensed or seen because they are taken for granted by members and are not easily recognized (Schein, 1985:18) .Schein narrates that the implicit assumptions guide members’behaviors and tell them how to perceive, think about and feel about things. (Schein, 1985:18) .To sum up, the existence of organizational artifacts is guided by the inner espoused values.And the values actually reflect members’basic assumptions which are out of members’consciousness and are“the essence”of OC.The three levels are not independent;they interact with each other to different extent.
1.1.2 Hofstede’s theory
Hofstede shares a similar viewpoint to Schein’s that practices including symbols, heroes and rituals are“superficial manifestations of culture”, but it is the“deeper, underlying level of values”that“determines the meaning to people of their practices” (Hofstede, 2008:393) .Through a series of in-depth studies, however, he argues that cultural differences in organizations“reside mostly in practices and less in values”and he lists six important dimensions of OC which are shown below (Hofstede, 2008:394) .
1) Process oriented versus results oriented.In the former one, which concerns with means, people avoid risks and keep everyday routinely the same.In the latter one, however, which concerns with goals, people put in“maximal effort”and enjoy unfamiliar situations as well as new challenges. (Hofstede, 2008:397)
2) Employee oriented versus job oriented.Organizations in employee-oriented culture concern for people and take account of their personal problems and welfare;while those with job-oriented culture mainly focus on“getting job done”but not on employees’welfare. (Hofstede, 2008:399)
3) Parochial versus professional.People working in the former culture may feel that organizations consider their“social and family background”as much as“their job competence”.But people in the latter one may be hired by the organizations“on the basis of job competence only”. (Hofstede, 2008:399)
4) Open system versus closed system.In an organization with open system, people“open to newcomers and outsiders”.A new person can fit and integrate into the organization quickly.In the latter system, however, people may feel they are“closed and secretive”.They have to spend a long time to“fit into the organization”. (Hofstede, 2008:399)
5) Loose control versus tight control.These two dimensions deal with the“amount of internal structuring in the organization”.In a loose-control organization, the working atmosphere is relaxed with ease.But the latter one is in the opposite.Work is controlled in a tight order. (Hofstede, 2008:399)
6) Normative versus pragmatic.These two dimensions deal with the“external structuring”.The normative organizations stress“inviolable rules”and“correctly following organizational procedures”rather than“results”.But the pragmatic organizations emphasize on results rather than“correct procedures”. (Hofstede, 2008:399)
Hofstede tends to explore OC widely through more visible practices, while Schein tends to dig out OC deeply from more invisible awareness.Both of them, however, believe that any organizations have their different cultures at the“external”and“internal”levels and the OC at these two levels interplay with each other.
1.1.3 Handy’s model
Handy takes the view that currently organizations mainly embrace four cultures.He uses four images as symbols to vividly illustrate his different concepts of the four OCs.
1) Club Culture.Handy pictures this culture as a spider’s web.The closer to the centre the encircling lines are, the more power and influence they have.So“the relationship with the spider matters more in this culture than any formal title or position description.” (Handy, 2000:20) .And nepotism plays a significant role in it. (Handy, 2000:21)
2) Role Culture.A Greek temple is the image for this culture.The pillars“represent functions and divisions in a role organization”, linked by“tension wires of rules and procedures” (Handy, 2000:23) .With clear job descriptions and responsibilities, the pillars (the departments) of the organization carry out decisions made by the pediment (the top management) within a highly defined structure and through predicable and explicit procedures (Handy, 2000:23-5) .Organizations in this culture usually form hierarchical bureaucracies;people in them are quite satisfied with their definite role description and responsibility, appreciating“stability”and“predictability”and think“routine is desirable and efficient” (Handy, 1990:158) .
3) Task Culture.Handy describes it as a net which“draws resources from various parts of the organizational system”to solve particular problems.Organizations in this culture focus on solving a series of problems with expertise that identifies problems first, then builds up all sorts of resources and allocates manpower so that the solution can be reached finally (Handy, 2000:27-8) .People inside are excited with new problems and new situations, loving novelty, being not interested in one’s length of service or titles but in one’s capability and commitment to the task. (Handy, 1990:160-1)
4) Existential Culture.This culture is symbolized by“a cluster of individual stars, loosely gathered in a circle”.Professionals, specialists or experts gather together and perform their own skills in the organization.Unlike the other three cultures which consider that the individuals are“subordinate to the organization”and help it reach its goals, the existential culture considers the other way around that the existence of the organization is for the purpose of helping the individuals achieve their purposes. (Handy, 2000:32)
From the literature review it can be seen that OC is abstract, but it can be explored and understood through the“external”and“internal”aspects.Different organizations have different cultures.The three theories provide different perspectives to explore OC.Thereamong, Schein’s model helps vertically analyze OC and dig out the nature of it;while Handy’s and Hofstede’s theory help laterally compare and figure out the most possible types.Therefore, the OC of my workplace is going to be explored in the light of these three theories.
2 Description of the Organizational Culture (OC) in Open College
In this part, the OC of Open College will be described and analyzed.Whereas, College of Continuing Education and Open College (CCEOC) is a whole teaching unit in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) , a key and popular university in Guangdong province, China.Offering training just for self improvement but not for awarding formal qualifications, however, College of Continuing Education differs from Open College and it is not a focus in this paper.Open College, as a language teaching institute with its unique purpose of establishment, has a specific OC affecting the TESOL teaching and learning process in it.It is an attractive object for analyzing how OC impacts on the TESOL classroom because its special system and running goals are different from other faculties of GDUFS.Schein’s model is used to figure out the cultural nature of the college from the artifacts, espoused values and basic assumptions.Hofstede’s and Handy’s theories help to identify more features and the most possible types that Open College belongs to so that a close look can be taken at what happens in the TESOL classrooms and how they are influenced by the OC.
2.1 The Artifacts of Open College
According to Schein, artifacts is the most visible level of OC (Schein, 1985:14) .Cultural features can be more easily identified from artifacts first, just like one’s characters can be judged by his/her appearance and behavior.Here the establishment background of Open College, its public promotions, physical layouts, organizational structures, teachers&students and teaching materials will be described.
2.1.1 Establishment Background
Established in 2000, Open College is an institute in GDUFS that offers open education with training courses of many subjects and especially with training for learners to pass the Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations (STHEE) to obtain a diploma, associate degree or bachelor degree.Open education of self-taught examination system in Guangdong is a new educational mode approved by the National Ministry of Education in 1999 for the needs of people who fail to be enrolled in universities but still want to obtain an official degree (according to the official brochure) .At present, Open College provides relevant trainings of 16 majors in 4 departments, namely the English Department, the Department of Business English, the Japanese Department and the Department of International Business.The language trainings of English and Japanese are the most important and powerful.
2.1.2 Public Promotions
With over 10 years’development and effort, Open College have won the honors for many times of the“Model Organization of Assisting Learning in STHEE”, the“Advanced Unit of STHEE”and the“Advanced Unit of Continuing Education in Guangdong”etc.Now Open College has become a nationally influential institution of open and continuing education as well as a powerful language training unit in South China.Experiencing the language learning and all sorts of cultural activities, some graduates express in the brochure that their comprehensive ability has been improved and the college helps them further their studies and fulfill their dreams, gaining an acknowledged higher degree and having more opportunities to get better jobs.
2.1.3 Physical Layouts
Unlike other faculties of GDUFS, Open College has an independent and well-appointed campus away from the main campus of GDUFS.Every classroom of Open College, in where teaching and learning activities mainly occur, is equipped with such modern and advanced multimedia facilities as a television, an on-line computer and a projector;besides, some language labs also have speech and audio equipment.Classrooms vary in different sizes, mostly for around 50 students and some larger for 100-200 students.Inside layouts are traditionally in rows, some with fixed rows of desks and chairs and some with flexible ones.
2.1.4 Organizational Structures
Because Open College is a branch of CCEOC, the whole structure of CCEOC will be described first.On the top position, it is a leading group consisting of dean, deputy deans, secretary and deputy secretary of the Committee of Communist Party of China.Coming after are the three branches–College of Continuing Education, Open College and the administrative office.Each branch is followed by its teaching departments or administrative offices.All important decisions are made by the leading group and passed to departments of lower levels step by step and finally reach every teacher and staff.Any policies of GDUFS or of the national/local government also follow the same pattern to reach everyone.For any proposals or suggestions made by the teachers or staffs, they usually will be passed to the top step by step again the other way round.
In order to guarantee the whole unit operating in a smooth and orderly way, every department or office also has its clear structure.The department includes the junior-college level and the undergraduate level.It is leaded by the head, with a deputy head helping manage student-and-administrative affairs.Several counselors are under the leadership of the deputy head and responsible for the management of certain classes.A secretary assists to arrange curriculums and other work.A teaching-group leader manages teaching affairs.Finally some teachers are assigned to be the person in charge of a smaller subject teaching group, other teachers of which conduct their subject teaching.
Every position in the department and even in the whole unit of CCEOC has its clear and concrete description and responsibility, by which people follow a work flow.
2.1.5 Teachers and Students
According to the files, besides other staffs, more than 70 fulltime teachers and 50 part-time teachers are instructing in Open College.Most of them are assistant lecturers and lecturers, and some of them are professors.Several foreign teachers are also hired in the college.Teachers of English account for more than 60%of the whole teaching team.Every one or two weeks, the departments will organize teachers to have meeting (s) , passing on new announcements or policies and mainly discussing teaching problems and communicating with each other.
Students are from all over the country.Most of them have not passed the National College Entrance Examination to be enrolled in universities.Some of them are graduated from secondary or higher vocational schools and some come back to school after working for several years in order to improve themselves and gain a higher acknowledged diploma or degree.Even some are forced by their parents to come and study, having no interest in English at all.Thus, most of the students in Open College have comparatively poor English proficiency.
2.1.6 Teaching Materials and the Examination System
The official teaching materials, especially the textbooks in English, are relevant to STHEE.By the initial judgment and interviews with students from several classes, it is notable that most students think the textbooks are difficult for them and their English level does not match that of the textbooks.Whereas, the test content of STHEE often closely relates to the textbooks, accounting for60%-70%.Thus, if they want to pass the exams or get high scores, they have to pay attention to teachers’lecturing and carefully review the textbooks.Only through passing all the exams needed can they receive the acknowledged associate or bachelor degree.Moreover, according to the official provisions and documents, learners must pass exams of at least 9 subjects organized by the Higher Education Bureau of Guangdong Province and 3 by Open College to earn the degree (s) .Generally, learners have to take courses in full time.
2.1.7 Analysis
From the artifacts mentioned above, it can be seen that Open College is an organization possessing the features of“process-oriented”and“normative”“role culture”with an“open system”.It operates like a Greek temple with its hierarchical bureaucracy.Important decisions are made and policies are passed on first by the leading group of the college–“the pediment”.Every position in each department or office of different level has a clear job description and responsibility.Those departments and offices, as“the pillars”, give strength to the whole organization and guarantee the operation to be run smoothly and successfully, and all of them are linked by“tension wires of rules and procedures” (Handy, 2000:23) .The whole organization is established on the basis of the national education policy for meeting the social needs, i.e.the new mode of self-taught examination system, which is and will be stable for many years.Most of the staffs working in the college prefer to do things in a stable and predictable way.They often keep every working day routinely the same.Meanwhile, the OC of Open College is“process-oriented”and“normative”because the staffs tend to follow procedures and hierarchies most of the time.No one would like to take the risk to go beyond his/her authority in making decisions without the direction of the head (s) .But the college operates in an“open system”by arranging regular meetings for teachers and staffs to communicate and discuss with each other and also by other means like introducing the newly recruited teachers or staffs to the organization through pre-service trainings and introductions so that they can integrate into it as soon as possible.
2.2 The Espoused Values
According to Schein, espoused value is a deeper level of OC.It can be revealed by the goals, strategies and philosophies of an organization (Schein, 1992) .So the relevant aspects will be discussed in this part so as to dig out more OC features of Open College.
2.2.1 Goals
Open College endeavors to cultivate learners to be talents who have better foreign language proficiency and richer knowledge of foreign trade or other professional skills.Following the principle of“Educate for Specialties and Educate for All-round Development”, the college promises to provide sufficient and professional subject teaching, and simultaneously offers more additional opportunities and occupational-skill trainings to meet learners’needs of obtaining employment and further self development (the official brochure, 2014) .Therefore, the Department of Business English, for example, often gives different courses or lectures with different training aims for students in spare time.Many activities and contests of English are also held to provide opportunities for students to show or improve their English skills, in which teachers will be invited as guests or judges.
2.2.2 Strategies
For students, Open College strives to create a satisfying learning atmosphere guided by the goals mentioned above.For instance, considering that some students tend to skip classes and have less concentration in study, the college carries out a stricter measure of checking attendance.Teachers are asked to call the roll in every class and submit the records to the department every two weeks.Students who cut one third of all the classes are not eligible for taking the exams organized by the college and they may have to repeat courses or even may fail in getting a degree.By doing so, the college hopes to stimulate students to concentrate on learning and create a better learning climate.
For teachers, Open College has its specific recruitment system and salary system.It prefers those teachers who have a nice personality, more professional background, teaching experience and flexible teaching methodologies so that they can effectively stimulate and attract students.In every semester it holds an evaluation to the teachers conducted by their students and colleagues.Teachers who get higher evaluation scores will be awarded, which may further motivate them to educate and care more about students.Teachers get paid on the principle of“more pay for more work”.The whole salary consists of basic wages and payments for classes.At the same level of basic wages, the payment directly correlates with the amount of one's class/work, which also gives an incentive to the teachers.
2.2.3 Analysis
Open College has a“tight”, “professional”and“job-oriented”“task culture”because of its espoused value of striving to attract learners, help them pass the STHEE and provide more opportunities to improve their personal skills.It is“tight”since learners and teachers have to strictly follow the rules and regulations such as keeping punctual time for classes and checking attendance etc.It is“professional”because it considers teachers’competence and personality rather than“their social or family background” (Hofstede, 2008:399) .And the college is an organization of“job-oriented”“task culture”since besides offering detailed subject instructions for students in class to help them better understand the texts, it also pays attention to students’passing rate of the STHEE, explores their other needs of improvement and offers different additional courses or lectures for them.It has to make sure that the training goals are achieved through using all sorts of resources, and students feel satisfied.
2.3 The Basic Underlying Assumptions
Unconscious, taken-for-granted beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, and feelings are included in the level of basic underlying assumption (Schein, 1992) .It is the most essential factor determining people’s behavior and their deepest ideas of what to do and why, which also ultimately affects the teaching and learning activities in the TESOL classrooms of Open College.The college expresses its ambitions through advertisings and promotions that it emphasizes on training learners to be talents possessing multi skills and competitive competence, especially obtaining higher foreign language proficiency.And it does exert itself to create a better learning atmosphere.However, students and teachers may have different perceptions of the real situation.
Students and teachers are bound by the system of STHEE.For students, the prerequisite of earning a degree is to pass the selftaught exams of the prescribed subjects.Through some conversations with students, it is found that although many of them really hold a hope of being improved to master a foreign language at the very beginning, they often feel disappointed and depressed when they have to struggle for passing the exams.So they are actually forced to be exam-oriented.Those who can speak in beautiful or fluent English will absolutely be admired by peers.Nevertheless, those who have passed most exams of English but may not be really proficient in using it are also considered to be good at English.They may be awarded the honor of“Model of Learning”or“Star of Learning”and may even get bonus if they pass the exams with high scores.
For teachers, it is not so easy to stimulate the students.Newlyrecruited teachers may have burning ambitions originally and expect to exercise all their skills and methodologies to promote their students.But they will be told in the pre-service meetings or by other teachers that students in the college are generally of weaker foreign language proficiency, they have to deal with the STHEE and even some of them are lazy.Later in practice, the new teachers may realize that is true, and it is difficult to implement communicative methodologies effectively.Gradually, they may change their teaching purposes and focus on subject teaching of the textbooks.
2.3.1 Analysis
Both students and teachers in Open College are often forced to be exam-oriented in their assumptions.That reveals the features of“result-”, “job-”oriented and“pragmatic”“task culture”because students have to pass the exams and many of them care more about the results but not the learning procedures;while teachers have to focus more on teaching the textbooks that are relevant to the exams.They find it hard to use communicative teaching methods and have the impression that many students are not so active in practicing.In addition, ten teachers of English in the DBE were interviewed and all of them admitted that it was hard to use communicative language teaching (CLT) in class;while seven of them said they were essentially exam-oriented although they wished they could improve students’language proficiency through more activities.The other three said they had more flexibility and freedom because the exams of their subjects were organized by the college, which were less difficult for students to pass;still, they could not achieve being student-center because of the students’levels.That also is a reflection of the“job-oriented”“task culture”.
All of the above–the artifacts, espoused values and basic assumptions of Open College greatly affect the teaching and learning activities happened in the TESOL classrooms.The following part will discuss it in detail.
3 TESOL Classrooms in the Organizational Culture of Open College
Classes of eight teachers (their names being abbreviated:Mr.C, Ms.J, Ms.L, Ms.G, Ms.W, Mr.H, Mr.S and Ms.H) have been observed in order to get findings about how the organizational culture of Open College affects their TESOL activities.All of the teachers are graduated from GDUFS and educated by CLT.The classes were observed with a hypothesis that the teachers would use CLT in classroom.However, all of their classes were teachercenter.Except some exercises or practices time, they lectured for most of the time bilingually, with showing PPT by a computer and a projector and students sitting in rows and listening (or not) or taking notes.Most teachers sit or stood on platforms from the beginning to the end expect for Mr.C who stood in aisle of the rows to talk to the students and Ms.L who sometimes went down the platform and checked the students’exercises.Students in all classes traditionally sit in rows facing the teacher throughout the periods, which does not facilitate conducting the CLT method.
During the lectures, the teachers also mainly focused on the textbooks.They showed questions or lecturing content on PPT (also see pictures in the appendix) ;some gave time to read and some did not;later they usually read the text in English, pointed out language points or terms and explained them mainly in Chinese.They moved from one question to another when they got answers from the whole class and made some evaluation (or not) , except for Ms.L who would ask some students to do some interpretation individually.In general, not too much discussion happened in the classrooms.The interactions between the teachers and the students mainly came from the question-and-answer (Q&A) part.Moreover, although Gordon Wells’IRF sequence–the teacher initiates (I) questions or instructions, the learners respond (R) and the teacher follow up (F) their responses by more extended questions or guidance so that they have more participation and opportunities to learn (Hall, 2005:92) –happened occasionally in the Q&A part, they basically followed the IRE sequence, which“consists of the teacher’s initiation (I) , the learner’s response (R) and the teacher’s evaluation of the response (E) ” (Hall, 2005:89) .In this sequence, the teachers do“most of the talking”and close the interactions by“a narrow evaluation”quickly such as“Yes./Good./That’s right.”etc., while the students’involvement is limited to giving“brief responses to the teacher’s questions”, which constrains students’opportunities of further thinking and participation (Hall, 2005:90) .Comparing the IRF with the IRE, the effectiveness and atmosphere of classroom teaching and learning is different.With the former one, the students act more actively and have more opportunities to practice;while with the latter one, the classrooms seem to be a little boring and students may be distracted.Additionally, due to the“process-oriented”and“normative”“role culture”of Open College, the teachers including me have to check the attendance every time, which is closely related to students’eligibility for exams.Thus the importance of the exam system is highlighted again in this way.
4 Conclusion
Through the exploring of the OC in Open College from the levels of its artifacts, espoused values and basic assumptions, it can be seen that Open College is an educational organization not only of“process-oriented”and“normative”“role culture”with an“open system”but also of“tight”, “professional”, “pragmatic”, “result-”and“job-oriented”“task culture”.These cultural features impact on the teaching and learning in the TESOL classrooms.Although the college claims to effectively improve learners’foreign language proficiency and enhance their ability of independent and automatic learning, teachers’and learners’behaviors are constrained by the self-taught exam system and tend to be examoriented essentially.Meanwhile, it is the students’levels and the teachers’assumption of their receptivity that determine the main teaching method in the TESOL classrooms, that is, teacher centering.
As what Prosser says–OCs“explain and predict how organizations and the people in them act in different circumstances” (Prosser, 1999:11) , knowing the OC of Open College is important for the teachers to know what teaching methodology is more suitable to be used and acceptable for the students.Though teachers have to adapt to the exams system, improvement can also be made by providing more opportunities for students to think and practice, instructing in IRF but not in IRE.
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广东英语高考“读写任务”分析 篇3
参考模板:1.(In order to …, ) sb. did sth.. As a result/ Therefore,…
2. Sb. did sth. because of…, which shows….
3. Sth. happened. As a result/ Therefore, …
参考模板:1.The passage/ writer/ author wants to tell us that+现象+解释/结果
2.The writer/author holds the view that + 论点+论据( +结论)
3.Sth. happened. As a result/ Therefore, …
My husband received a letter a month ago from a young woman who had been his student when she was in middle school. She was writing because she wanted to thank for having a great influence in her life.
In the letter she wrote, “You were the teacher who helped me discover my talent for math. Before you came to teach us, I had been terribly poor at math, and had never thought that I would be interested in it. To my surprise, you magically showed me the beauty of math. I guess that was the turning point of my attitude towards it. Gradually my interest in it began to grow. Thanks to your encouragement, I made continuous progress in math, and finally made up my mind to study it in the university. Today I am working as an accountant at Valley Medical Center in California. You played an important part. Thank you!”
What a wonderful gift to a retired teacher! My husband has received many letters from students over the years. This one was special, for it arrived at this time in his life when he is in very poor health.
概括思路:这是一篇夹叙夹议的记叙文。文章着重叙述相关人物的身份和情感。关键词句是:My husband,a retired teacher,in very poor health,received a letter,his student,she wanted to thank for having a great influence in her life.
参考答案: The writer’s husband, a retired teacher in poor health, received a special letter from one of his students working as an accountant now, in which the student expressed her thanks for having a great influence on her.
广东中考英语作文 篇4
Nowadays, there is awidespread concern over (the issue that)_________________. In fact, there areboth advantages and disadvantages in X. Generally speaking, it is widelybelieved there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly,_________________________. And secondly _________________________。
Just As a popular sayinggoes, “every coin has two sides”, X is no exception, and in anotherword, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, _____________________. Inaddition, ______________________________。
有关广东英语导游的资料 篇5
广州六榕寺 The Six Banyan Temple
The Six Banyan Temple in Guangzhou is a 1400-year-old Buddhist monastery, dating from 537AD during China’s Southern and Northern Dynasties Period, when Buddhism in China was in its prime.Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty in South China was the most zealous devotee of Buddhism among all the emperors throughout the history of China.At that time, a Buddhist priest called Tanyu, who was a maternal uncle of Emperor Wu, was planning to bring the Buddhist relic they got in Cambodia to Guangzhou from Nanjing.To await the arrival of this Buddhist relic, the then governor of Guangzhou, Xiao Yu by name, specially had this temple built.The original structure of the temple was destroyed by fire in the middle of the 10th century during the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty.The existing temple was built in 989 and the pagoda was reconstructed in 1097.This temple has got different names.In 1100, when Su Dongpo, a celebrated writer and calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty, came to visit the temple and was asked to leave a piece of his calligraphy in the temple, he wrote down two Chinese characters “Liu Rong”, meaning “Six Banyan” in English, because he was deeply impressed by the six banyan trees then growing in the temple.Since then the temple has been commonly known as the Six Banyan Temple and the pagoda, the Six Banyan Pagoda.Now the facsimiles of these two characters can still be seen engraved on the stone tablet in a corridor and on the slab over the lintel of the front door.[天王殿]
[The Hall of Heavenly Kings]
The entrance hall of the temple is called The Hall of Heavenly Kings and is the shrine for Mile Buddha(Maitreya)and the Heavenly Kings(or the Divas as are called in Buddhist sutra).The statue in the middle, the man with a big belly, is Mile Buddha, who is commonly known as the Laughing Buddha because he is always grinning from ear to ear.He is the future savior that will deliver all living beings to the Buddhist paradise after Sakyamuni’s Buddhist power is exhausted, and so he is also known as the Future Buddha.The couplet on both sides is a compliment to the Laughing Buddha, meaning literally: “A big belly can hold the world’s troubles that are troubling people.An open mouth is smiling at those who are to be smiled at”
On either side of the hall we can see two statues.They are the four Heavenly Kings, who are protectors of Buddhist doctrines, with each taking care of one side-the east, west, north and south.It is their joint efforts that ensure harmony, peace and prosperity of the world.The four objects they are holding-a “pipa”(a Chinese pluck instrument),an umbrella, a snake and a sword-combine to mean that Buddha will ensure a favorable weather for the crops so that people may live a happy life.(Individually, the one playing a pipa takes charge of the affairs in the East and is associated with harmony, as are all musicians;the one holding an umbrella, which is a symbol of rain that nourishes the crops, is in charge of the northern affairs;the third protector holding a snake in his hand takes charge of the affairs in the West and is believed to be able to tame all evil-doers and keep them under control;the sword carrier ,who looks after the southern affairs, is supposed to be able to bring wind.)
Statue at the back of the Laughing Buddha is the patron of the temple, Wei Tuo or Veda by name, who is number one among the 32 generals under the four Heavenly Kings.[六榕塔]
[The Six Banyan Pagoda]
The Six Banyan Pagoda was built for keeping Buddhist relics.According to the records, some holy ashes from Buddha’s teeth, a sword, a bronze tripod and some other Buddhist treasures are buried under the foundation of the pagoda.This octagonal magnificent pagoda, with its blue glazed tiles, vermilion beams, painted walls and red pillars all in good match, looks like a flowery column and so it is often referred to as the “Flowery Pagoda”.The highlight of the visit to the temple is to climb the pagoda.This 57-meter-high pagoda looks to have only 9 stories on the outside but actually has 17 stories inside.On each of the 9 external floors, there are many entrances leading to its interior but only one is accessible to the staircase.So, if you lose your way, you just turn around the circle and you will find your way up or down!On the top floor, there is a huge bronze column with 1023 Buddha figurines in relief.Cast in 1358, this bronze column, together with its attachments, weighs over 5 tons.[大雄宝殿]
[The Sakyamuni Hall]
To the west of the pagoda is the main hall of the temple-the Sakaymuni Hall.In this hall, the statues of Sakyamuni Buddha, Amida Buddha and the Pharmacist Buddha(Bhaisajya-guru)are enshrined.They are the three master Buddhas of the central, western and eastern worlds.These three bronze Buddha statues, all 6 meters high and each weighing 10 tons, were cast in 1663 and are the biggest bronze Buddha statues in Guangdong Province.Originally they were settled in the Big Buddha Temple at Huifu Xi Road in Guangzhou.In the 1960s during the Cultural Revolution, they were regarded as vestiges of the old feudal ideas and were moved out of the temple and put into a scrap warehouse by the rebellious Red Guards.In 1983, they were removed to be mounted here when the Sakyamuni Hall of the Six Banyan Temple was rebuilt.[六祖堂]
[The Sixth Patriarch Hall]
To the south of the pagoda is the shrine for worshiping Hui Neng who was the Six Patriarch of Chan Buddhism and founder of the south sect of Chan Buddhism, which is the prevailing Buddhist sect in China.(See Nanhua Temple for more details about Hui Neng)
What and how is the south sect of Chan Buddhism? Well, according to Buddhist dogmas, sufferings and miseries exist everywhere in this world and evils are caused by people’s desire and attachment.And life, as well as time, is cyclical and all beings are subject to the sufferings of changes in different incarnations.The soul may endure many lives but the condition of the new life depends on the behavior of the soul in its previous body.If an individual ignores opportunities for right thinking and right action, in its next life it will have to pay for its past mistake.Therefore, in order to escape the wheel of life and to escape from suffering and misery, human beings must eliminate all desire and attachment, such as those for money and sex, which are the causes of all evils.The way to achieve the goal of eliminating desire and attachment may differ with different sects of Buddhism.Hui Neng, the sixth patriarch of Chan Buddhism, made this very simple.He discarded all the red tapes and advocated that, to achieve this goal, one should only practice umbilical contemplation, that is, to restrain oneself from any desire and emotions by quietly sitting cross-legged to concentrate one’s mind on the umbilicus of one’s own, in a posture like that of his statue you can see in the temple.The south sect Chan Buddhists believe that everybody has an inherent Buddhist nature, that is, a peaceful and undistracted state of mind that was originally free from evil intention and anxiety.This Buddhist nature in his own mind can be realized as long as he gives up all desire and attachment and, once he has come to realize it, he will instantly become a Buddha.And, even a butcher who used to kill living beings everyday can become a Buddha as long as he drops his cleaver and practice contemplation to realize his Buddhist nature.广东英语导游证相关资料
这次口试,在景点介绍那部分,我手气不错,抽到了肇庆七星岩,是我最熟悉的一篇了。我信心满满的展示,考官看见了,仅让我背完general introduction, 就打断了我,让我跳到另一个景点,这是我在平时练习没有练过的,然后思维得马上跳跃,这也是缺乏考试经验的原因。而广东概括就更简单了,书上慢慢的两千多字我都乖乖背熟,考官只是残酷的问了两个问题。所以再强调,知道怎么考,复习效率可能更高。但是,背了也有很多很多好处,比如了解广东概况还有一些表达。
这两部分在《广东英语导游》的书中都分别有40道题。两部分共80道题,那时我已经不够时间慢慢消化慢慢背了,我只是抓思路抓关键词。而在正式考试时只是从中各抽一题,但是回答问题也是有技巧的,我注意到礼貌特别重要。因为我是中午考的,那是考官们已经辛苦了一早上,产生疲劳。而此时,幽默、礼貌和适时的安慰考官变得特别需要。但考官问完了一个规范服务题,我对她说了一句“Thanks for your question.”,她便抬头开了我一眼,笑了一笑,感觉她已经等了这句话很久,哇咔咔~
其实在口试过程中,我也犯了低级错误,在提问广东概括时,考官问的是:How many cities or counties that have been awarded with the honorable title of “National Historical and Cultural City”? 那时我把精力都放在到底是什么title,忽略了考官问的是how many,然后直接答“Zhaoqing, Chaozhou, Meizhou, and Foshan.”然后考官笑了,我也意识到自己错了,所以马上改错,“I’m sorry, there are four cities…”
广东自考英语教育 篇6
1 硬件维护
1.1 服务端的硬件维护
1.1.1 服务端需配置高性能专业服务器
在配置高考考场电脑室前, 每学期统考的英语人机对话考试以及平时的训练, 学校是安排在另一间电脑室进行的。该电脑室配置的是浪潮一般的服务器, 客户端是Windows 2000操作系统。从开启服务器到学生登录这一过程需要超过五分钟的延时时间才生效, 这个延迟的现象软件开发商解决不了, 原因可能是服务器配置太低、客户端操作系统问题以及网络问题。作为高考考场的电脑室配置, 我们总结了以往的经验, 在有限的资金投入的条件下, 我校配置了高性能的专业服务器后, 上述问题得到很好的解决, 由此可见高性能服务器配置是必不可少, 普通服务器难以胜任此类考试。
1.1.2 冗余设备的必要性
高考的重要性是人所共知的, 为了提高考试系统的可用性, 对一些关键设备进行冗余配置是必不可少的。冗余包括两层含义, 一是从端口角度进行, 如对关键设备 (如服务器、核心交换机) 采取冗余链路连接, 这样当其中一个端口出现故障时, 另一个冗余链路就可以接替故障链路继续保持正常工作状态;另一层含义是对配置双份的设备或部件, 如服务器中的硬盘、电源、网卡, 甚至内存等, 交换机及服务器本身也可以配置多一个。在正常工作时, 这些冗余设备或部件起到负载均衡的作用, 而在某部分出现故障时, 则又起备份的作用。
我校的服务器采用HP Pro Liant DL 180 G6 Server专业服务器, 服务器随机配有引导光盘, 却没有配置光驱, 如何安装操作系统便成了我们急需解决的问题。由于服务器本身电源不带有串口硬盘或光驱所使用的电源接口, 我们只能用一只350瓦或以上的ATX电源接入服务器, 给光驱供电, 这样才能用随机引导光盘来启动服务器, 按步骤完成操作系统的安装。
1.2 客户端的硬件维护
经过两年高考英语人机对话考试的实践, 客户端硬件主要有以下几点问题:
1) 耳麦不合要求。耳麦在高考人机对话考试当中是一个非常重要的设备, 单向性要求比较高, 否则把周围的噪声收集并录到声音文件里。麦克风的灵敏度也有一定要求, 太灵敏容易产生爆破音, 灵敏度差则录音效果不佳, 所以耳麦需按照省考试院的要求配置。我们使用过程中发现, 配置的耳麦, 最好是不自带音量调节开关的, 因为多一个音量调节开关, 就多一重的线路接口, 那么就多一个出现故障的机会。在考试系统及计算机操作系统中, 有多种调节音量的方法, 并且在考试系统测试耳麦的过程中也可以调节耳机及麦克风的音量大小。所以耳麦的硬件配置, 最好是不带有音量调节开关的, 以减少出现故障的机率, 尽可能使用系统软环境的音量调节;
2) 计算机其它配件本身质量不过硬。比如说, 内部元件性能不良, 生产工艺过于粗糙, 制作材料不标准等, 这些往往容易造成硬件设备接触不良, 元件之间的连线短路或断路等故障。此外, 元件及机械部件的使用期限已满, 这也会造成硬件出现故障。这些都是硬件本身的磨损问题。
综上所述, 我们配置的计算机必须要有过硬的质量, 这是对高考英语人机对话考试顺利进行的最有力的保证。
1.3 其它设备设施维护
1) 网络配置。现在计算机配置的都是100兆的网卡, 学校配置的是1000兆的交换机。对于考生正常录音且压缩后的文件大小约在1.7兆左右的数据量, 考虑到考生答卷上传速率不能设置太快, 否则容易产生错误传输, 所以100兆速度对于现时的人机对话考试系统是足够用的;
2) 电源稳定。第一, 要保持电源电压稳定, 足够负荷的配电房是稳定电流电压的保证;第二, 电脑室漏电保护开关必须有足够的过流能力, 我们用了8组63安漏电开关各接8台主机及显示器, 保证了计算机电源的供应;第三, 施工时让电工认真细致地包扎好接线头, 做好绝缘, 防止导线绝缘受损或接线头包扎不良加大了线路对地的漏电流, 防止跳闸现象发生;
3) 空调的使用。广东高考英语人机对话考试安排在每年3月份进行, 此时正值梅雨天气, 气温一般在20℃上下, 这个时候最主要是要控制好空气湿度, 计算机等设备工作状态下湿度最佳为30%~70%, 高了容易受潮, 低了易产生静电。
2 软件维护
2.1 服务端软件维护
服务器开始时安装Windows 2000 Server版, 但其稳定性及响应速度有待提高。最终我们安装的操作系统是Windows 2003Server企业纯净版SP1, 其它的几个版本都安装不成功, 只有这个版本才能顺利进行下去, 这个可能跟硬件配置有关。由于考试系统主要是使用多媒体的应用程序, 录音文件也是多媒体格式的文件, 故操作系统不需要安装其它应用程序, 特别是需要把已安装的IIS卸载, 以免与系统自身的服务产生冲突。
其实服务器上安装的考试系统程序的完善程度是关系到各个考点考试是否能顺利进行的最关键要素, 我们建议提供考试系统的公司在充分考虑具有中国特色的教育投入现况下各地电教条件的参差不齐, 系统的开发要在最低配置环境下进行, 在最恶劣的环境下测试, 充分、全面、大面积、长时间进行, 尽可能多地发现问题、解决问题、完善系统, 只有这样才能避免系统错误的出现, 给考生一个安全、完善的考试系统, 提供一个公平、公正的考试环境。
2.2 客户端软件维护
1) 学生考试用机不能使用电脑公司提供的Ghost版。电脑公司提供的Ghost版在测试使用过程中, 有关多媒体的链接库系统文件quartz.dll出错, quartz.dll是Direct Show的运行的库文件, 包含很多音视频解码器。quartz.dll出错导致计算机没声音, 考试系统无法进行下去。因为有关多媒体链接库已被改写了, 文件本身发生变化, 不能满足系统的要求。所以只能重新对64台计算机安装纯净版Windows XP并升级到Win XP SP3, 系统文件quartz.dll不再出错;
2) 正确选择安装声卡驱动程序。考试系统安装完成后进行测试, 发现播放录制的声音文件声音很小且麦克风音量调节变灰不可用。这时候我们首先考虑的是耳麦可能不符合要求。于是, 找来省考试院推荐产品, 结果还是一样。这个问题是耳麦的原因还是声卡的原因?最后用其它电脑室在正常使用的耳麦来测试, 结果依然。由此可见, 问题是出在声卡上了, 查看计算机配置, 使用的是HD集成声卡, 安装操作系统时, 使用的驱动是主板光盘自带的, 驱动程序是没问题的, 怎么会出现麦克风录音声音小的问题呢?网络上提供两种方法解决, 一个是安装微软的kb835221和kb888111这两款补丁。另一个是下载安装rtkhdaud.dat的补丁, 解决音量控制变灰的问题。但这两个方法也未能从根本上解决录音音量小的问题。最后找到WDM_R187这个08年的旧驱动程序, 问题才得以解决, 至此, 麦克风音量小及音量调节变灰的问题圆满解决了;
3) 其它必不可少的设置。客户端操作系统必须全部取消屏保设置, 还有电源管理必须把所有项目设置成“从不”, 英语人机对话考试除了登录时的输入外, 其它时间都只有听、说的操作, 屏保与电源管理的设置不当会严重影响考试的进行。
综上所述, 广东高考英语人机对话考试系统只要考场维护得当, 考试系统的运行是比较稳定和流畅的, 考试系统的维护还是比较方便和省心的。高考人机对话考试按时段的不同, 使用不同的题目, 这是保密性的要求。但是否考虑到相同场次同一试室的考生在使用相同的题目时, 可能为某些考生提供了一个跟读或作答的机会, 这样就有失公平了, 既然不同时段人机对话考试的题目不一样, 是否可以尝试在每一场次中使用A、B卷的形式, 相邻考生的题目不相同, 这样对于考生将会更公平一些。
据悉2013年广东高考英语人机对话考试将全面实行机器评卷, 这一大动作的改革, 一定要建立在充分全面测试的前提下, 充分考虑考试系统运行下的各种环境、各样配置, 减少系统错误的发生, 完善考试系统。只有这样才能兑现创造公平、公正考试环境的承诺, 给考生公平、公正的机会。
摘要:广东高考英语人机对话听说考试的系统维护从硬件、软件两方面着手。高性能专业服务器必不可少, 质量过硬的计算机硬件配置是考试顺利进行的前提。合适的操作系统、驱动程序以及系统设置是考试顺利进行保证。完善的考试系统是创造公平、公正考试环境的基础。
[2]程煜, 余燕雄, 闵联营.计算机维护技术.北京:清华大学出版社, 2006.
[3]刘瑞新.计算机组装与维护教程.北京:机械工业出版社, 2008.
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