


初中英语作文书信 篇1

May 25th, 20__ sunny

A visit to jinmao building

jinmao building has chinese traditional styles and it is also modern. it is the signal construction of shanghai. it is located in the center of lujiazui financial area. our family visited jinmao building today.

the traffic there is very convenient. you can got here by tunnel and no.2 subway. and if you live near it, you can walk there just like our family. we went to the eighty-eighth floor of jinmao building. we saw the whole view of shanghai there. please come to jinmao building, and you will get some unexpected gains there.

高考英语书信作文全解析 篇2




假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心 (Learning Center) 的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信:

1. 本人简介;

2. 求助内容;

3. 约定时间;

4. 你的联系方式 (Email: lihua@1236.com; Phone: 12345678)。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 结束语已为你写好。

Dear Sir/Madam,




Look forward to your reply.


Li Hua



1. 教授课程:英语口语、英语写作、今日美国、今日英国等

2. 授课对象:高中生(至少三年英语基础)

3. 工作量:




1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好。

Dear Peter,

I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China. ______________________________________________________________________


Li Hua




1. 贴近生活。书信作文比一般的提纲式议论文更加贴近日常生活中的实际交际,符合高考英语大纲“贴近生活”“注重实际运用能力”的要求。

2. 形式规范。和其他几种应用文相比,书信在形式上有着更加明确的写作规范,容易制定统一的评分标准。

3. “题库”完善。书信作文虽无固定“题库”,但过去多年的考试经验已积累了丰富的真题资源,命题专家参考历年各省考过的真题,容易命制高质量的题目。




1. 开头段


① 问候。问候是考生交际能力和个人修养的体现,也是写信最基本的套路。如果不对收信人进行简单的问候就开门见山地“就事论事”,会显得突兀和不自然。问候部分很简单,往往一句“How are you?”就能搞定。

② 自我介绍。如果对方不认识你,就有必要写一句自我介绍。自我介绍需要根据题目所给信息来写,一般包括姓名、身份、所在学校等(注意:切不可写出考生自己的真实姓名和所在学校),如在2011年全国卷I书面表达中应简要介绍写信人名叫李华,“正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程”(I'm Li Hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university.)。有时,有的题目还会要求你写兴趣爱好、家庭环境等信息。这时,最佳的写法就是综合运用多种语法知识,用一两句话囊括全部的必要信息,体现考生高水平的语言运用能力。例如:I'm Li Hua, a 17-year-old boy currently studying in Xinhua High School. Born to a family of writers, I'm crazy about reading novels and writing poems.

③ 写信背景。要用一句话交代出“你为什么要写这封信”。此时可参考题目中的“背景介绍”部分,进行简单的翻译或转述。如2011年全国卷I书面表达题目中,“遇到一些困难”就属于写信背景; 2010年全国卷II书面表达题目中,“你的美国笔友Peter曾表示希望来中国教书”“你校现需招聘外教”这两个内容点亦属于写信背景。

④ 写信目的。要用一句话明确指出“你写这封信是为了达成什么目的”。写信目的在题目中的“背景介绍”部分往往都有提示。如2011年全国卷I书面表达题目中的“希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助”就是写信目的,可写成:Now, I am writing to ask you for help. 2010年全国卷II书面表达题目中的“告知招聘信息”亦为写信目的,可写成:Now, I am writing to tell you about the details.


假设你是李华,曾在美国学习半年,现已回国。你想联系你的美国老师Mr. Smith,但没有其联系方式。请根据以下要点给你的美国同学Tom 写一封信:

1. 感谢Tom对你英语学习的帮助;

2. 询问Mr. Smith的近况并索要其联系方式;

3. 邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化。

注意:1. 词数120~150;2. 可适当增加细节。

在这道题中,虽然“背景介绍”部分提到这封信的主要目的是询问Mr. Smith的联系方式,但是后面的“内容要点”部分给出的三个内容要点并非完全围绕这一目的展开,而是分别完成了“感谢”“询问”和“邀请”三种交际功能。因此,首段中不宜唐突指出写信目的仅为“索要联系方式”。


感谢信: I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to you.

邀请信: I am writing to invite you to join the ... (as our guest/judge).

建议信: I am writing these lines to give you some suggestions.

道歉信: I am writing to express my heartfelt apology to you.

自荐信: I am writing this letter to apply for the job/position.

求助信: I am writing to ask you to do me a favor.


2. 中间段






3. 结尾段


① 再次表达歉意:I would like to apologize to you again for doing sth. (用于道歉信)

② 希望得到某份工作:If the chance were offered to me, I would dedicate all my effort and wisdom to the job. (用于自荐信)

③ 希望对方的问题得到解决:Hopefully, these suggestions will be beneficial and useful for you. (用于建议信)

④ 希望对方能够施予援手:Hopefully, you will be so kind to give me a hand at your earliest convenience. (用于求助信)

⑤ 感谢对方读信:Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. (用于各种书信)

⑥ 期盼对方回信:Sincerely looking forward to your early reply. (用于各种书信)

如果题目中并未给出落款,考生需在书信的结尾写上“Best wishes”以及“Yours truly/sincerely, Li Hua”等,以满足书信格式的要求。




Dear Sir/Madam,

How are you? I am Li Hua, a Chinese student currently taking summer courses in your school. I have been enjoying myself here, but I have some difficulties with my study. So I am writing to ask you to help me.

Here are the problems that have been disturbing me lately. Firstly, living in America for 4 years in my childhood, I am not quite used to your local pronunciation, which sometimes makes it hard for me to understand the teachers. Secondly, our science teacher has recommended so many reference books to us that I find it impossible for me to digest them thoroughly.

I really need your help and suggestions. I will be available this weekend. If it is convenient for you, please send me an email at lihua@1236.com or call me at 12345678. Hopefully you will be so kind to do me this favor. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

Look forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Dear Peter,

I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China. The good news is that our school is looking for a native-speaker to teach some courses to senior high students. So, I am writing to tell you about the details.

If you come, you can choose to teach three of the following four courses, including Spoken English, English Writing, Today Britain and Today America. The students who are going to take these courses have at least 3 years of English learning experience. What's more, you will complete only 12 hours' teaching per week, which gives you a lot of spare time to do whatever you want. Additionally, you will also be invited to work as an advisor to our students' English club and our school's English newspaper.

Please drop me a line to let me know if you are interested in this teaching position. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know. I'd be more than happy to help.


Li Hua



初中书信类作文 篇3





相传,苏东坡早年书法力度不足,他母亲程夫人熟知民间有“吃啥补啥” 的说法,于是经常炖肘子给他吃。果然,苏东坡的书法大有长进,从此便爱上了吃肘子。一次,苏东坡的妻子王弗炖肘子时一时疏忽,肘子糊底发黄,为了掩饰焦味,王弗用豆瓣和姜末炒制后加以醋浇在肘子上,不料这样味道出奇的美妙,东坡肘子就这样制作出来,并得以传世。

亲爱的唐人街小伙伴们, 欢迎到眉山来,三苏祠等着你们来欣赏,悠久的东坡文化等着你们来品读。咱们拉钩哟, 暑假,眉山三苏祠,不见不散哦!



书信珍惜洗涤心灵初中作文 篇4







英语书信作文 篇5


I am sorry to disturb you, but I have to


I am writing this letter to report the loss of my…when I

我写这封信的目的是报告我已失去了我的…当我I am writing this letter to request your assistaance in finding my….which I have lost during the stay at your hotel


I hope it will not be too much trouble for you to help me find my suitcase which I have lost due to carelessness

I am wrting this letter to see if it is possible for me to have my camera back




I would really appreciate it if you coould….我真的很感激…如果你谁。

I would be grateful if you could..我,不胜感激。

I also suggest that the lost bag be sent to….if possible


Thank you for your help


I am looking forward to your reply.我期待着你的回复。



You have just spent a weekend staying at the Lilo Hotel in Adelaide.你刚刚度过一个周末Lilo酒店下榻在阿德莱德。

When you get home you find that you have left a bag at the hotel.当你到家的时候,你发现你已经离开了一个包在宾馆。

Write to the manager of the hotel:

写信给那家旅馆的经理。giving any relevant information about the bag and its contents,1给予任何相关资讯内容、袋子,asking the manager to contact you immediately if the bag is found and

请经理立刻同您联系袋是发现telling him/her how the bag can be sent to you



DearMr.Simpson,I stayed in your hotel on 23rd and 24th of October, in Room 603.我住在你的酒店和24th 23rd 10月10日在603房间。

I arrived home, I discovered that I had left one of my bags at the hotel.我到家的时候,我发现我已经离开了我的一个袋在宾馆。

Could you please check to see if my bag


The bag is a black leather case.这包是一个黑色的皮箱。

Inside the bag, you will find several business cards, a small address book, and three copies of a business proposal.内袋,你会发现几个名片,一个小的地址簿,三份业务的建议。

These things are not very valuable in monetary terms, but they have a lot of personal value.I would appreciate it if you couldcontact me as soon as possible, prticulary since I need the proposal or a presentation.我希望你能尽快联系我们,prticulary因为我需要建议或一个表现。

I f you could send the bag to me by courier service, I would be most grateful.如果你能够把包给我快递,我将不胜感激。这些东西不是很有价值的货币条件,但他们有很多人的价值。

I will arrange to pay for the service.我会安排支付服务。

Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

Yours sincerely,Li Ming



I am writing to invite you to

I would like to request your presence at…

I think it would be a good idea if you coud particiate in..I wonder if you could come

I would like you to come..I thought you would like to

How wouldyou like to join us in

Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come


My family and I would feel honored if you could come

We would be looking forwad t your participation in the party

I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision

I really hope you can make it


You want to invite a friend to a party.Write an invitation letter to a friend:saying where the party will be heldgivng the reason for the partystating what will be arranged


Dear Susan,I will be holding a dinner party at our house on Saturday, June 23, 2005 to celebrate my father’s being awarded the Pulitzer Prize for journalism this year.A s you are a close friend of our family,my parents and I would very much like you to participate in the celebratin and share our joy

The occasion will start at five o’clock in the afternoon.This will be followed by a buffet dinner party with a selection of food drinks.At around eidht o;clock, a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss

If you are free on June 23, my family and I look forward to seeing you.Best Regards.Li Ming

RSVP before June 19.备忘录

Date: August 10, 2005

To;Biology 101 Study Group Members

From; A.Buttle

Subject: Next week’s meetig will be held in Dorm A

高考英语作文书信 篇6


I’m writing this letter to express my sincerely appologies to you for losing the book you lent to me. I’m very appreciated you lent it to me. In order to give it back to you as soon as possible, I took it to the library yesterday. I also borrow some other books in the library before I left. Unluckily, when I arrived at my dormitory, I couldn’t find your book. I searched all my dormitory and the road from the dormitory to the library. The next day I also looked for the library. However, I couldn’t find your book. I’m sorry I can’t give back to you on time as I promised before. But I will buy a new one for you later.Hope you can accept my appologies.

我写这封信是为了表达我对弄丢了你借给我的书的真诚的歉意。我很感激你把书借给我。为了能够尽快把书还给你,我昨天把它带到图书馆去看了。在我离开图书馆之前我也借了几本图书馆的书。很不幸的是,我回到宿舍后发现你的书不见了。我把宿舍,宿舍到图书馆的路都找遍了。 第二天我也去图书馆找了。可是,我就死找不到你的书。我很抱歉不能遵守之前的承诺按时把书还给你。但是我后面会帮你买一本新的。希望你能接受我的道歉。

Yours Sincerely,

Li Lei


中考英语书信作文 篇7

Dear parents,

How are you? How time flies! I’ve been in Yunnan for nearly half a month.

All is beautiful here and so are the people. All the year is just like spring, and there are flowers of friendship here and there.

Here’s a big family and we are brothers and sisters. They take good care of me, for they are afraid it can’t fit a friend from the Northeast. So I’m very happy here and you needn’t worry.

Hope you come and visit here after farm work.

Yours loving,

英语书信作文 篇8

I’m glad to offer you some advice.

In my opinion, forming good habits to learn English is very important, such as reading aloud, listening to English songs and communicating with native speakers of English. Fortunately, you have easy access to English because there are English programmes on TV and English films . Also, reading can often enlarge your vocabulary, which may be the biggest challenge for you. In addition, you should have confidence in yourself. Try to speak English whenever possible, just as a proverb goes, practice makes perfect. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. In this way, you are sure to improve your English.

I hope that my advice will be helpful.


高考英语作文书信 篇9

I’m Li Hua from Class One, Senior Two. As far as I am concerned, I believe to teach English for pupils from Chen Xi Hope School will be good for both the primary-school students and high-school student tutor, which thus will result in substantial social benefits.

I think I am qualified for being the pupils’ English coach, because I have good character, being independent in life and proficient in English. That’s why I apply for the position; I hope I can join the instructive activity.

My plan for coaching the pupils is to teach them by listening, speaking, reading and writing. What’s more important is to stimulate their interests in learning English as a foreign language, creating a good learning environment. I hope you can offer the opportunity.

Yours sincerely,

高三英语书信作文经典 篇10


(一)假如你是李华,你校英语刊物Student‟s Stories 拟刊登一篇有关学习急救知识重要性的短文。请你根据以下要点信息投稿:


Last Saturday, Chen Hui accidentally fell off a chair when he and I were putting up pictures.As a result, his ankle was sprained.Faced with this situation, firstly, I sat him down and reminded him not to put his weight on his ankle.Meanwhile, I helped him to put his leg up on the chair.After that, I took some ice and put it on that ankle to reduce the swelling.Finally, I bandaged up his sprained ankle.Three days later, he was fully recovered.Therefore, learning first-aid skills is of great importance.Not only can we save ourselves but also offer help to others.(二)

假设你是校“English Corner”的记者李华,请你就如下问题求救同是记者的美国网友Mr.Turner.1.如何写新闻标题更容易吸引读者。2.如何写人物报道。Dear Mr.Turner, I really appreciate your valuable advice in your last letter and it helps me a

lot to fit in.but now I am troubled by these following questions.Firstly, would you please tell me how to write headlines which more easily attract readers? And next, I am eager to know how to write news reports about people.In fact, I have many other questions to ask you.So I sincerely hope we can have a face-to-face talk again if you come to China next time.I would appreciate it if you could reply as soon as possible.Yours,(三)

高考英语作文书信格式 篇11



(3)正文(Body of the letter):信件的主体部分。写在称呼的下一行,一般由左边第三或第五个字母处开始写起;

【注意】近些年来,高考增加了一种较为灵活的书信写作形式,即:写回信。这类题型中,书信正文的开头除简单的问候(How are you?/ How’s everything going?)外,应该总结一下上封来信中提出的问题、需求等,使读者更清楚地了解这封回信的意图。

(4)结束语(Closing):指正文下面的结尾客套语。位置应低于正文一、二行。一般从信纸的中间稍右写起,第一个字母大写,末尾用逗号。常用的结束语有Yours sincerely, Yours, Sincerely yours, Yours truly等;
