


大学英语四级长篇阅读答题经验 篇1









例:Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains in information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.


46. According to a study, people who did a lot of media multitasking made more fault on the test.

解析:定位于C段第2句:But a 2009 study found that when extraneous(与正题无关的) information was presented, participants who (on the basis of their answers to a study questionnaire) did a lot of media multitasking performed worse on a test than those who don’t do much media multitasking.

47. In order to help his son get more sleep, the author forbids his son to use electronic devices after 9:30 p.m.

解析:定位于I段第2、3句:I’ve set some rules that are designed to aid his social and cognitive development: no Facebook during school, and no electronic devices after 9:30 p.m. The latter prohibition is designed to help him get more sleep, which, according to some studies, is when our brains prune connections among neurons. Preserving and speeding up the ones that matter and flushing out the ones that don’t.

48. The saturated media universe may have weakened our top-down focus.

解析:定位于D段第二句:We obviously need both for survival, whether in the wilds of prehistory or while crossing a street today, but our saturated(饱和的) media universe has perhaps privileged the latter form and is wiring our kids’ brains differently.

49. 8 to 18 years old children spend about 11 hours using media per day if each content stream is counted separately.

解析:定位于B段第3、4句:A Kaiser Family Foundation report released last year found that on average, children ages 8 to 18 spend 7 hours and 38 min. a day using entertainment media. And if you count each content stream separately- a lot kids, for example, text while watching TV―they are logging almost 11 hours of media usage a day.

50. According to Stone, adolescents may do better than their parent generation on learning how to prioritize tasks.

解析:定位于G段:Stone has observed something similar in technology use among adolescents:….. Perhaps this is a sign that our kids will be better than we are at learning how to prioritize tasks―something that will come in handy when they become workers and spouses and parents.

51. Focused learners can do high-level thinking and may get well-paying jobs more probably.

解析:定位于E段:Multitaskers’ reliance on rote habit would be all well and good if we want our offspring to work on assembly lines, but to do the kind of high-level thinking that experts agree will be key to getting well-paying jobs, we’d better exercise our collective hippocampus.

52. Multiple interruptions during kids’ sleep time may lead to trouble on their cognition and body the next day.

解析:定位于I段:Even if kids get 9 to 10 hours of sleep but sustain multiple interruptions―from, say, a buzzing iPhone next to the pillow―they will suffer cognitively and feel tired the next day.

53. What the author worries about is that his kids’ online activity may have bad effect on their brains.

解析:定位于A段倒数第2句:What I worry about, as a sociobiologist, is not what my kids are doing on the Internet but what all this connectivity is doing to their brains.

54. According to UCLA scientists, the focusers and the multitaskers rely on different parts of their brain in learning.

解析:定位于E段第2句:In , UCLA scientists showed that multitaskers and focused learners deploy(调动)different parts of the brain when they learn the same thing.

55. According to Danah Boyd, the hyperprotective way parents behave is the real reason for kids’ continuous partial attention.

解析:定位于F段第1句:Some technology observers, like Danah Boyd, a fellow at Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, claim that social media are getting a bum rap(不公正的对待) and that the real problem lies in the hyperprotective way we parent today.

大学英语四级长篇阅读答题经验 篇2

总部设在巴黎的艺术家卡蒂亚·埃利亚(Katia Eliad)陷入困境。她觉得自己的创意被阻挡了,与自己脱节,并且有些莫名的原因无法在她的抽象绘画中使用绿色或蓝色。所以去年春天,她开始了一个不寻常的对待:莫扎特的音乐每两个小时,一次三个星期的时间,通过特殊的振动耳机过滤,有时会削减最低的音调。她说,影响是戏剧性的。“我更加放心自己,和人一起,一切都好,”埃利亚德说,“我觉得在短短8个月内已经做了10年的精神分析。”蓝色和绿色回到了她的调色板。至于莫扎特,“当噩梦中醒来时,他就像一个爷爷,平静下来。

沃尔夫冈·阿马德乌斯·莫扎特出生于250年前,1756年1月27日,并在世界各地庆祝庆祝周年庆典。今年将充满他的音乐,但也将是时候重新审视他三十五年生活的矛盾和矛盾的解释。他的角色很多,他的父亲利奥波德在欧洲法庭上游行,那个肮脏的小女孩的信件证明了喜欢淡色的实用笑话。一个普遍的误解是他被埋在维也纳圣马克思公墓的贫民窟。另一个未经证实的传奇,由于受到电影Amadeus的影响,得到了广泛的信赖,他将他视为嫉妒法庭对手Antonio Salieri的受害者。热心崇拜者认为他是神圣的启发,但是一些现代心理学家发现了一种婴儿回归的个性。如果他今天还活着,萨尔茨堡旅游局的赫伯特·布鲁格(Herbert Brugger)说,他将是“一个流行歌星,在王子,迈克尔·杰克逊和罗比·威廉姆斯之间。

关于这种类型转换有一点新鲜事。但在过去十年中,莫扎特越来越多地被置于一个可能是最有争议的角色:作为心灵和身体的治疗者。在这个新时代的解读中,莫扎特是最终的作曲家治疗师,音乐可以帮助治疗从痤疮到阿尔茨海默病的疾病,甚至声称让你和你的孩子更聪明。其中一些索赔是基于科学的。芝加哥的一名神经外科医生进行了研究,显示某些莫扎特片段可以降低某些患者癫痫发作的严重性和频率,而加利福尼亚州尔湾的研究人员发现,有些阿尔茨海默病患者在听莫扎特后能够更好地进行心理测试 10分钟


到目前为止,最广泛和最有争议的最近的声称是,莫扎特可以增强你的大脑力量。在1993年的“自然”文章中,这一观点首先得到了科学的支持,发现大多数音乐人在听取莫扎特的“奏鸣曲奏鸣曲”的两首钢琴奏鸣曲演奏时,表现得更好,是在精神上展现了一张纸。该研究的主要作者,威斯康星大学副研究员Frances Rauscher也是一名大提琴手,继续使用实验室大鼠进行类似的测试。他们在子宫内暴露于同一架钢琴奏鸣曲,出生后两个月,然后在迷宫中松动。在那里,他们比另外三组老鼠更快地出路,这些老鼠已经被美国作曲家菲利普·格雷(Philip Glass)暴露在白噪声,沉默或高度重复的作品中。


在这个企业的大部分背后,是一位名叫唐·坎贝尔的美国音乐家,他不是科学家,与原始研究无关,而是迅速将“莫扎特效应”标注为“Mozart效应”,并撰写了两本畅销书 并编制了十几张CD。他写道:“在一瞬间,音乐可以提升我们的灵魂,唤醒我们内心的祷告,同情和爱的精神。” “它清除了我们的思想,并且已经知道使我们更聪明。



为什么莫扎特的音乐是这个辩论的焦点,而不是其他古典作曲家,如巴赫,贝多芬或肖邦? 许多声音从印度教吟诵到岸上冲浪的噪音被认为是治疗性的



大学英语四级长篇阅读答题经验 篇3





按照结构主义语言学的看法,文章所提供的是文本(text),解题者所作的工作大致就是按照题目要求找到其中的样本,进行阐释。由此可见,四六级文章阅读的第一个层次或曰第一个步骤——也是在拿到一篇新文章时最符合人类认知习惯的就是在接触文本信息时有意识地对其筛选、过滤,剪除冗余信息提取有效的新信息。四六级阅读考试意在检查四六级考生对超出其既有知识储备的文本新信息的接受能力。这里的接受不仅仅只是一个被动的了解,而是一个积极主动的对信息整理、加工、归纳和品评的过程。细心的四六级考生也许会发现,这里所谓的了解和整理所对应的是大量的四六级细节题,归纳所针对的是四六级主旨题,加工往往是四六级推理题型,而品评则是推测作者的言外之意,甚或要求进行读者进行批判性阅读(critique reading)——对这种能力的考察四六级相对要少些,但它却是考研英语阅读中命题者屡试不爽的法宝。在这几项能力当中,了解和整理是基础,正确地加工、归纳还有品评都建诸在前二者之上。了解、整理、加工、归纳和品评统称为对文本的解构。这些是主动型阅读中的心理过程。四六级阅读理解考试区别于积极型阅读的特殊之处在于还要根据命题者要求选择答案——这就是对文本的二度建构或曰再建构。明白了这一点我们便可以在四六级阅读过程中做到缩小范围,重点突破,切中肯綮,进而揣摩作者的原笔原意,从而杜绝那种对文本信息漫无边际、浮光掠影式的无效扫描。


大学英语四级长篇阅读答题经验 篇4

A) Once upon a time, if you hated your job, you either quit or bit your lip. These days, a group of researchers is trumpeting a third option: shape your job so ifs more fruitful than futile.

B) “We often get trapped into thinking about our job as a list of things to do and a list of responsibilities,” says Amy Wrzesniewski, an associate professor at the Yale School of Management. “But what if you set aside that mind-set?” If you could adjust what you do, she says, “who would you start talking to, what other tasks would you take on, and who would you work with?”

C) To make livelihoods more lively, Wrzesniewski and her colleagues Jane Dutton and Justin Berg have developed a methodology they call job-crafting. They’re working with Fortune 500 companies, smaller firms and business schools to change the way Americans think about work. The idea is to make all jobs--even mundane (平凡的) ones---more meaningful by empowering employees to brainstorm and implement subtle but significant workplace adjustments.

Step 1: Rethink Your Job--Creatively

D) “The default some people wake up to is dragging themselves to work and facing a list of things they have to do,” says Wrzesniewski. So in the job-crafting process, the first step is to think about your job holistically. You first analyze how much time, energy and attention you devote to your various tasks. Then you reflect on that allocation( 分配). See I0 perfect jobs for the recession--and after.

E) Take, for example, a maintenance technician at Burt’s Bees, which makes personal-care products. He was interested in process engineering, though that wasn’t part of his job description. To alter the scope of his day-to-day activities, the technician asked a supervisor if he could spend some time studying an idea he had for making the firm’s manufacturing procedures more energy-efficient. His ideas proved helpful, and now process engineering is part of the scope of his work.

F) Barbara Fredrickson, author of Positivity and a professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, says it’s crucial for people to pay attention to their workday emotions. “Doing so,” she says, “will help you discover which aspects of your work are most life-giving-and most life-draining.”

G) Many of us get stuck in ruts (惯例 ). Berg, a Ph.D. student at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania who helped develop the job-crafting methodology, says we all benefit from periodically rethinking what we do. “Even in the most constraining jobs, people have a certain amount of wiggle room,” he says. “Small changes can have a real impact on life at work.”

Step 2: Diagram Your Day

H) To lay the groundwork for change, job-crafting participants assemble diagrams detailing their workday activities. The first objective is to develop new insights about what you actually do at work. Then you can dream up fresh ways to integrate what the job-crafting exercise calls your “strengths, motives and passions” into your daily routine. You convert task lists into flexible building blocks. The end result is an “after” diagram that can serve as a map for specific changes.

I) lna Lockau-Vogel, a management consultant who participated in a recent job-crafting workshop, says the exercise helped her adjust her priorities. “Before, 1 would spend so much time reacting to requests and focusing on urgent tasks that I never had time to address the real important issues.” As part of the job-crafting process, she decided on a strategy for delegating and outsourcing (外包) more of her administrative responsibilities.

J) In contrast to business books that counsel, managers to influence workers through incentives, job-crafting focuses on what employees themselves can do to re-envision and adjust what they do every day. Given that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it now takes the average job seeker more than six months to find a new position, it’s crucial to make the most of the job you’ve got.

Step 3: Identify Job Loves and Hates

K) By reorienting (使适应 ) how you think about your job, you free yourself up for new ideas about how to restructure your workday time and energy. Take an IT worker who hates dealing with technologically incompetent callers. He might enjoy teaching more than customer service. By spending more time instructing colleagues--and treating help-line callers as curious students of tech--the disgruntled IT person can make the most of his 9-to-5 position.
