


大学英语四级仔细阅读摸底习题 篇1

New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.

Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern business people who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts.

Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she canbe sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superiors will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent (普遍的).

Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.

English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.

The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forwardcertain negotiations, and cam have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. Theemployee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.


Choose correct answers to the question:

1. What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?

A. Critical.

B. Prejudiced.

C. Indifferent.

D. Positive.

2. With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, businesspeople ________.

A. have to get familiar with modern technology

B. are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations

C. are attaching more importance to their overseas business

D. are eager to work overseas

3. In this passage,“out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 2-3, Para. 3) probably means ________.

A. being unable to think properly for lack of insight

B. being totally out of touch with business at home

C. missing opportunities for promotion when abroad

D. leaving all care and worry behind

4. According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporationsin employingpeople today?

A. Connections with businesses overseas.

B. Ability to speak the client’s language.

C. Technical know-how.

D. Business experience.

5. The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can ________.

A. better control the whole negotiation process

B. easily find new approaches to meet market needs

C. fast-forward their proposals to headquarters

D. easily make friends with businesspeople abroad

1.[D] 事实辨认题。题目询问的是作者对于{科技通讯设备的态度是什么。根据文章的第1段特别是最后一句中的benefit,可推断作者是持肯定态度的,即答案为D。

2.[C] 事实辨认题。根据第2段第1句中的who have a growing respect... abroad可看出,随着{科技通讯设备的广泛使用,商人们越来越重视海外商务的经济价值,C与之一致。"

3.[C] 语义推断题。根据第3段第2、3句中说的“他确信国外的事务对公司的成功计划至关重要,派往国外时或之 后常能得到升迁。”可知,在海外的管理人员不再会担心被遗忘而错过升职机会,因此“眼不见,心不念”即为C“在国外时错过国内升职机会”。

4.[B] 事实辨认题。题目询问的是根据短文,当今在雇佣雇员时,国际化的公司应该着重考虑什么。这是第5段的话题,其中核心词是language,只有B“会说顾客的语言”符合。

5.[A] 事实辨认}。题目询问的是具有外语能力的雇员的优势究竟是什么。根据最后一段第1句可知,“派往国外的雇员若能讲该国的主要语言,就有机会加快谈判进程,而且能知道什么时候最好放慢节拍。” A“具有外语 能力的雇员的优势就是他们可以)更好地控制整个谈判的过程”与之一致,故为答案。











大学英语四级仔细阅读摸底习题 篇2

目前, 大学英语四级考试, 属于尺度相关常模参照性考试, 目的在于全面考核已修完大学英语四级的学生是否达到教学大纲所确定的各项目标。作为大规模标准化考试, CET-4具有科学性和严谨性。本文以2009年12月至2011年6月四次大学英语四级仔细阅读理解部分4篇选词填空、8篇短文理解, , 共12篇文章为样本, 根据Bachman和Palmer提出的考试任务特点框架, 比照《教学大纲》和《考试大纲》对阅读的教学和考试要求, 从语篇输入、预期回答方面入手, 对英语四级仔细阅读理解内容效度进行分析, 解析英语四级仔细阅读理解的命题现状与趋势, 为今后该题的命题提供一些建议。


大学英语四级考试仔细阅读部分测试内容要求考生在25分钟内阅读三篇文章, 一篇为选词填空, 两篇为多项选择的短文理解测试, 共占分值25%。Bachman和Palmer认为, 任务特征分为情景特征、测试指令特征、语篇输入特征和预期回答特征, 其中后两个特征涉及语篇内容分析, 即语篇输入 (包括体裁、题材、文章长度和文章阅读速度) 和预期回答 (所考查的阅读技能) 。结合《要求》和《大纲》在阅读方面所涉及内容, 本文根据目前大学英语新四级阅读理解试题分析项目, 并据此对项目内容进行一一分析, 最后将所得数据汇总成表。



(一) 语篇输入



从四次测试统计来看 (表1) , 说明文为主要测试文体;在阅读题材方面, 科技类大约占25%, 人文类大约占25%, 社会综合类大约占42%, 环境类比例较小, 约占8%。

CET-4仔细阅读题材和体裁 (表1)

从选材来看, 话题与题材可谓多才多样, 涉猎到了生活的许多方面。经过统计, 发现大部分材料选自原汁原味的英美报刊。例如:2009年12月份仔细阅读中Section B的Passage one选自2008年11月刊的《新闻周刊》;2010年6月Section B的两篇文章均选自《时代周刊》2009年7月刊的文章;2011年6月Section B的Passage one来源于《时代周刊》, Passage two选自《纽约时报》。

这些文章易读性高, 既能增长见识, 又能拓展知识面, 但如果考试连续采用相同或相似的题材和体裁, 可能引起考生对某一题材或体裁过于重视而忽略其他题材和体裁的阅读。本文建议选题题材和体裁应注意多样化。从社会政治、文化体育、科普知识、人物传记、生活习俗等方面进行选题;在体裁上也要有所变化, 比如:议论文、记叙文、新闻、书信、广告等, 这样才能使学生直接运用英语能力, 使学生重视对文章主旨, 行文结构和深层意义的领悟和对信息快速筛选的能力培养。


据统计, 12篇文章的词汇基本属于《教学要求》规定的范围, 如有超出该范围的关键词汇, 影响理解时也以汉语释义。如:

例1:But for many African-American women like me, just a little of her poise (沉着) , confidence and intelligence will go a long way in changing an image that’s been around for far too long. (the last sentence, Passage one, Section B, 12, 2009)

分析:这篇文章讲的是美国总统奥巴马的太太, 如何能代表美国的第一夫人的形象, 她的国际形象将会是什么样子, 如何去提升她所代表的黑人妇女的国际形象。“poise”属于低频词, 根据上下文也无法猜测词义, 只能猜出是一个褒义词, 而第61题What do many African-American women hope Michelle Obama will do?只有理解最后一段话, 才能选出正确答案, 因此标注了汉语意思, 符合《考试大纲》要求。

例2:Placed in an insulated (隔绝的) case and sur-rounded by a quarter-inch-thick panels of stainless steel, the boxes can withstand massive force and temperatures up to2, 000°F. (Line 3, Para.4, Passage one, Section B, 6, 2010)

分析:文章是关于飞机飞行当中的黑匣子的问题, 属于科技类, 考生对这方面不是特别的熟悉, “insulated”短时间内猜测正确的词义比较困难, 会影响考生对文章整体结构的理解, 因此标注了汉语意思, 符合《考试大纲》要求。

此外, 我们也发现有的词汇超出《教学要求》中要求的一般词汇, 而且可能直接影响对文章的理解, 且没有给出汉语释义。

例3:The effects are complex, affected by socio-economic factors, health-serviceprovision, emotional support and other more physiological (生理的) mechanisms. (Line 2, Para.3, Passage Two, Section B, 12, 2010)

分析:“mechanisms”属于低频词, 在《教学要求》中属于较高要求, 虽然后面给出解释该句话的例子:For example, social contact can boost development of the brain and immune system, leading to better health and less chance of depression later in life.但是这句话又出现了一个超纲词“immune”, 因而加大了考生阅读的困难。

因此, 词汇应严格按照《考试大纲》的要求, 加强对所用文章使用词汇范围的审核, 力求避免生词对考生阅读理解的影响, 如有超出该范围的词汇应以汉语释义。


关于阅读速度, 《大纲》规定:仔细阅读部分要求的三篇短文中, 一篇选词填空长度为200-250词, 另外两篇短文理解测试, 每篇长度为300-350词, 总阅读量加起来约800-1050词, 考试时间共计25分钟。

从表3中可以清楚看到, 阅读材料数量总计950-975左右词, 跟《大纲》要求的800-1050词还是相符的。加上指令数字、题目数字以及问题与选项总阅读量为1650-1750词之间, 阅读速度为67-69词/分钟。这与《教学要求》和《考试大纲》对仔细阅读每分钟70词的要求相吻合。

(二) 预期回答

阅读理解测试考核学生通过阅读获取书面信息的能力, 李筱菊认为:“阅读理解测试考核的应该是受试对材料传达的多层次, 多范畴信息的理解能力。” (李筱菊, 2006) 《大纲》规定:阅读理解部分考核学生通过阅读获取书面信息的能力, 包括理解主旨大意、重要事实和细节、隐含意义、判断作者的观点、态度等。考核的技能是:

数据显示, 大学英语阅读理解部分考核覆盖了《大纲》规定的三部分, 内容主要集中在辨别和理解中心思想和重要细节及查读文章, 获取特定信息方面。其中考核理解明确表达的概念或细节共有16道题, 占总题量的40%;考核理解隐含表达的概念或细节有8道题, 占总题量的20%。两项共有24道题, 占总题量的60%。基本符合《大纲》的规定:阅读理解部分考核学生通过阅读获取书面信息的能力。


本文从语篇输入和预期回答两个方面对2009年12月至2011年6月共四次大学英语四级考试仔细阅读部分进行了内容效度研究。研究结果表明该部分具有较高的内容效度, 体现在文章选材基本符合《考试大纲》要求, 题材新颖, 词汇在《教学要求》规定的范围内;阅读速度达到《教学要求》和《考试大纲》对仔细阅读每分钟70词的要求。但是, 分析也表明该部分在选材、考查技能方面可能存在一些问题, 12篇仔细阅读材料中表现为文章的体裁较单一, 并集中于对理解文章具体信息的考查。

基于以上分析, 本文建议仔细阅读部分选材应更注重体裁多样化, 难度适中并保持一定的稳定性。不过鉴于本文的研究材料仅限以四次大学英语四级考试的12篇文章, 样本很小, 研究结果不具有概括性, 文中结论和建议仅供参考。希望本文所做的分析对CET-4阅读理解的命制有所帮助, 为提高大学生阅读能力提供有用的信息。


[1]Bachman, L.F.&A.S.Palmer.Language Testing in Practice[M].Shanghai.Shanghai Foreign Language Teaching Press, 1996.

[2]全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会.大学英语四级考试大纲 (2006修订版) [S].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2006.

[3]教育部高等教育司.大学英语课程教学要求 (试行) [M].上海:外语教育出版社, 2007.

[4]辜向东, 关晓仙.CET阅读测试与大学英语阅读教材易读度抽样研究[J].西安外国语学院学报, 2003 (3) :39-42.

[5]李筱菊.语言测试科学与艺术[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1999.

[6]辜向东, 李志芳, 张书奎.大学英语四级考试快速阅读部分内容效度研究[J].西南民族大学学报, 2009 (01) :258-259.

大学英语四级仔细阅读摸底习题 篇3

摘 要: 大学英语六级的仔细阅读部分在整个六级试题中占据了重要地位,仔细阅读的细节题更是占到了仔细阅读部分的80%以上。本文结合2015年12月六级真题第一套的仔细阅读部分探讨仔细阅读细节题的解题步骤及技巧,以帮助考生在仔细阅读部分取得高分。

关键词: 大学英语六级 仔细阅读 细节题 解题技巧








比如:59.What does Erika Hall find in her experiment about a man with the last name Williams?

A.African Americans fare better than many other ethnic groups.

B.Black peoples socioeconomic status in America remains low.

C.Peoples conception of a person has much to do with the way he or she is labeled.

D.Ones professional standing and income are related to their educational background.

第59题含有显性定位词Erika Hall,Williams等人名,但Erika Hall作为研究者在文章中多次出现,所以不能一次定位准确,我们可以用人名Williams来定位到第五段和第六段,发现实际上通过第六段的细节描述能得出问题的答案C。

再如:57.What does the author say about the naming of an ethnic group?

A.It advances with the times. B.It is based on racial roots.

C.It merits intensive study. D.It is politically sensitive.

本题题干中可用来定位的词naming和ethnic group都不像专有名词那么容易定位,如果尝试后不能很快定位出来,就按照题目顺序原则,从第56题的定位句后开始往后读来查找答案出处。第56题答案出处为第一段最后一句,往下读时发现,第二段第一句包含naming和group,我们可以从此句中得出第57题的答案D。


比如:58.What does Erika Halls findings indicate?

A.Racial biases are widespread in the professional world.

B.Many applicants dont attend to details on their resumes.

C.Job seekers should all be careful about their affiliations.

D.Most recruiters are unable to control their racial biases.

根据题干中的Erika Halls findings可定位到第四段首句,得出答案A。

The studys most striking findings shed light on the racial biases permeating the professional world.选项A中的widespread是对原文中permeating的同义转述。


比如:56.Why did Jesse Jackson embrace the term “African American” for people of African descent?

A.It is free from racial biases.

B.It represents social progress.

C.It is in the interest of common Americans.

D.It follows the standard naming practice.

根据题干中的人名Jesse Jackson定位到文章第一段最后两句话:Jesse Jackson declared that “African American” was the term to embrace.This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups,such as “Italian Americans” and “Irish Americans,” that had already been freed of widespread discrimination. 此句中含有显性因果:定位句前后明确给出因果关系词或表达,此句中出现because,racial biases是discrimination的同义转述。







四级仔细阅读原文 篇4

We tend to think of the Depression as a time when families pulled together to survive huge job losses. The divorce rate, which had been rising slowly since the Civil War, suddenly dropped in 1930, the year after the Depression began. By 1932, when nearly one-quarter of the work force was unemployed, it had declined by around 25 percent from 1929. But this does not mean that people were suddenly happier with their marriages. Rather, with incomes plummeting and insecure jobs, unhappy couples often couldnt afford to divorce. They feared that neither spouse would be able to manage alone.

Today, given the job losses of the past year, fewer unhappy couples will risk starting separate households. Furthermore, the housing market meltdown will make it more difficult for them to finance their separations by selling their homes.

大学英语四级仔细阅读摸底习题 篇5

1. 读问题,划出标志词或关键词

快速浏览题目,对5个题目有大概印象以便阅读时有侧重点。一般来说,对于本身已经明确其考查内容的题目,标志词和关键词是比较容易找到的,只看一下题干即可,而对于那些并没有出现标志词和关键词的题目,如:The author suggests that,可以在解答试题时浏览选项作出解答。

2. 略读文章


3. 解答试题




















大学英语六级阅读练习题 篇6

By , almost every household will be wired for interactive cable TV and the Internet, the global computer network. Shoppers will be able to view and pay for products electronically. A 24-hour community telecomputing network will allow users to communicate with elected representatives and retrieve information about government services. It is all part of the government’s plan to transform the nation into what it calls the “Intelligent Island”.

In so many ways, Singapore has elevated the concept of efficiency to a kind of national ideology. For the past ten years, Singapore’s work force was rated the best in the world-ahead of Japan and the U.S.-in terms of productivity, skill and attitude by the Business Environment Risk Intelligence service.

Behind the “Singapore miracle” is a man Richard Nixon described as one of “the ablest leaders I have met,” one who, “in other times and other places, might have attained the world stature of a Churchill.” Lee Kuan Yew led Singapore’s struggle for independence in the 1950s, serving as Prime Minister from 1959 until 1990. Today (1995), at 71, he has nominally retired to the office of Senior Minister, where he continues to influence his country’s future. Lee offered companies tax breaks, political stability, cheap labor and strike-free environment.

Nearly 90 percent of Singaporean adults now own their own homes and thanks to strict adherence to the principle of merit, personal opportunities abound. “If you’ve got talent and work hard, you can be anything here,” says a Malaysian-born woman who holds a high-level civil-service position.

Lee likes to boast that Singapore has avoided the “moral breakdown” of Western countries. He attributes his nation’s success to strong family ties, a reliance on education as the engine of advancement and social philosophy that he claims is superior to America’s.

In an interview with Reader’s Digest, he said that the United States has “lost its bearings” by emphasizing individual rights at the expense of society. “An ethical society,” he said, “is one which matches human rights with responsibilities.”

1.What characterizes Singapore’s advancement is its___.

A.computer monitoring.

B.work efficiency.

C.high productivity.

D.value on ethics.

2.From Nixon’s perspective, Lee is___.

A.almost as great as Churchill.

B.not as great as Churchill.

C.only second to Churchill in being a leader.

D.just as great as Churchill.

3.In the last paragraph, “lost its bearings” may mean___.

A.become impatient.

B.failed to find the right position.

C.lost its foundation.

D.grown band-mannered.

4.“You can be anything here”(Paragraph 5) may be paraphrased as___.

A.You can hope for a very bright prospect.

B.You may be able to do anything needed.

C.You can choose any job as you like.

D.You will become an outstanding worker.

5.In Singapore, the concept of efficiency___.

A.has been emphasized throughout the country.

B.has become an essential quality for citizens to aim at.

C.is brought forward by the government in order to compete with America.

D.is known as the basis for building the “Intelligent Island.”
