


大学英语四级阅读模拟预测题 篇1

When one looks back upon the fifteen hundred years that are the life span of the English language, he should be able to notice a number of significant truths. The history of our language has always been a history of constant change―at times a slow, almost imperceptible change, at other times a violent collision between two languages. Our language has always been a living growing organism, it has never been static. Another significant truth that emerges from such a study is that language at all times has been the possession not of one class or group but of many. 『At one extreme it has been the property of the common, ignorant folk, who have used it in the daily business of their living, much as they have used their animals or the kitchen pots and pans.』① At the other extreme it has been the treasure of those who have respected it as an instrument and a sign of civilization, and who have struggled by writing it down to give it some permanence, order, dignity, and if possible, a little beauty.

As we consider our changing language, we should note here two developments that are of special and immediate importance to us. One is that since the time of the Anglo-Saxons there has been an almost complete reversal of the different devices for showing the relationship of words in a sentence. Anglo-Saxon (old English) was a language of many inflections. Modern English has few inflections. We must now depend largely on word order and function words to convey the meanings that the older language did by means of changes in the forms of words. Function words, you should understand, are words such as prepositions, conjunctions, and a few others that are used primarily to show relationships among other words. A few inflections, however, have survived. And when some word inflections come into conflict with word order, there may be trouble for the users of the language, as we shall see later when we turn our attention to such maters as WHO or WHOM and ME or I. The second fact we must consider is that as language itself changes, our attitudes toward language forms change also. 『The eighteenth century, for example, produced from various sources a tendency to fix the language into patterns not always set in and grew, until at the present time there is a strong tendency to restudy and re-evaluate language practices in terms of the ways in which people speak and write.』②

1.In contrast to the earlier linguists, modern linguists tend to .

A. attempt to continue the standardization of the language

B. evaluate language practices in terms of current speech rather than standards or proper patterns

C. be more concerned about the improvement of the language than its analysis or history

D. be more aware of the rules of the language usage

2.Choose the appropriate meaning for the word “inflection” used in line 4 of paragraph 2.

A. Changes in the forms of words.

B. Changes in sentence structures.

C. Changes in spelling rules.

D. Words that have similar meanings.

3.Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage? A. It is generally believed that the year 1500 can be set as the beginning of the modern English language.

B. Some other languages had great influence on the English language at some stages of its development.

C. The English language has been and still in a state of relatively constant change.

D. Many classes or groups have contributed to the development of the English language.

4. The author of these paragraphs is probably a(an) .

A. historian B. philosopher C. anthropologist D. linguist

5.Which of the following can be best used as the title of the passage? A. The history of the English language.

B. Our changing attitude towards the English language.

C. Our changing language.

D. Some characteristics of modern English.


1. span n. 跨度,范围,一段时间,期间

2. imperceptible adj. 感觉不到的,觉察不到的,极细微的

3. organism n. 生物体,有机体

4. possession n. 拥有,占有,领土,领地

5. ignorant adj. 无知的 6. folk n. 人们,民族

7. permanence n. 永久,持久

8. Anglo-Saxons n. 盎格鲁―撒克逊语,盎格鲁―撒克逊人,地道的 英国人

9. reversal n. 颠倒,反向,逆转 10. inflection n. 词尾变化

11. preposition n. 前置词,介词

12. conjunction n. 联合,关联,连接词

13. in terms of 根据,按照,用……的话,在……方面


①【解析】“who”引导非限制性定语从句,修饰“the common, ignorant folk”。“much as”引导状语从句。“kitchen pots and pans”意为“锅碗瓢盆”。 【译文】一方面它是那些普通人甚至无知民众的财产,他们每天都像使唤他们的牲畜和锅碗瓢盆一样用着语言。

②【解析】 此句为一个复合倒装句。“until”引导一个并列句,前一句的主语是“a tendency”,“to fix the language into patterns not always set in and grew”作“tendency”的定语,第二句的主语也是“a tendency”,

“to”后面的句子作“tendency”的定语,“in which”引导的定语从句修饰“ways”。 【译文】例如在18世纪一种产生于各种来源的趋势把语言固定在一个不常使用和不利于语言发展的模式中,而到了当今,主流是要反复研究、评价人们说话、写作中的语言实践。



1.B细节题。根据题干回原文中定位,阅读文章时注意首末段及各段开头的句子,这往往都是考点所在。这篇文章讲的主要是英语语言演变的一些特点,指出了古英语与现代英语的不同,以及语言学家态度的转变。本题问的正是现代语言学家与早期语言学家不同的倾向。根据文章末尾The eighteenth century, for example, produced from various sources a tendency to fix the language into patterns not always set in and grew, until at the present time there is a strong tendency to restudy and re-evaluate language practices in terms of the ways in which people speak and write. 现代语言学家倾向于根据人们说和写的方式评价语言实践,而不是像早期的语言学家根据一定的模式评价语言。选项B符合文章的意思。

2.A词汇题。要根据上下文的信息判断单词的意思。文章在第二段中间再次提到inflection时说,A few inflections, however, have survived. 后面文章又举了WHO/WHOM和ME/I为例说明inflection,这是一篇关于语言学的文章,从例子可以看出inflection的意思应该是“单词的变形”,选项A正确。

3.A细节题。根据文章的内容,选项A“普遍认为15是现代英语的起点”在文章中没有提及,故为正确答案。文章第二句说The history of our language has always been a history of constant change - at times a slow, almost imperceptible change, at other times a violent collision between two languages. 我们语言的历史是一个不断变化的历史――在一些时间里缓慢得几乎难以察觉,在另一些时间里则是两种语言的激烈碰撞。由此可以推断一些其他的语言对英语的发展有重大影响,选项B符合文章的意思。










大学英语四级阅读模拟预测题 篇2


1. 大学英语四级考试阅读部分题型变化及其新要求

根据全国大学英语四、六级考试改革委员会2013年8月14日下发的通知, “自2013年12月考次起, 将对四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型作局部调整。其中, 在阅读部分, 原快速阅读理解调整为长篇阅读理解, 篇章长度和难度不变。篇章后附有10个句子, 每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落, 要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题, 有的段落可能不对应任何一题。”根据通知的描述, 原来的快速阅读部分将变成长篇阅读, 但是对于广大考生来说, 值得庆幸的是, 文章的长度和难度并没有发生变化, 只是考试题型发生了变化。由原来快速阅读的7道单选题、3道填空题变为10道信息匹配题, 每题仍占1%的分值。虽然文章的难度和长度没有变, 但是新题型仍然给考生提出了新的要求。

首先, 文章后面的10道信息匹配题并不是按照文章段落的先后顺序来排列 (从样题可以看出, 第1句对应的是文章第4段, 而第9句对应的却是文章第1段) , 因此不能用以前做快速阅读的那种题文同步、看一题做一题的方法。

第二, 以前的快速阅读部分的文章每部分都配有小标题, 方便考生快速定位查找信息的范围, 一旦找到所需信息, 就快速的将注意力转移到下一题, 其余无用信息则无需再阅读以便节约时间。从新的长篇阅读样题中, 文章没有小标题, 考生很难快速地理清文章结构, 也就很难快速的将后面每个题的信息在文章当中快速定位。同时, 根据通知的说明, 有的段落可能对应两题, 有的段落可能不对应任何一题。这就要求考生必须要通读全文, 并且在阅读的过程中要有较强的信息筛选能力和细节信息串联能力。

第三, 从考试委员会所给样题来看, 文章后面的10道题虽然均能从原文中找到相对应的句子, 但大都在原文用语上进行了同义替换或改写, 而并非照抄原文用词。以样卷第47题为例, “Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9percent.”在原文D段当中, 我们可以找到与之相搭配的句子是“Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.9 percent, from 800, 000 in 1975 to 2.5million in2004.”不难看出, 47题的句子是对原文的同义转换或改写。不过, 替换和改写的模式与一般选择题中正确答案的替换、改写方式一致。替换、改写一般也只发生在语言层面, 不涉及逻辑和推理。这与四六级其他部分选择题正确答案的特征也还是一致的, 但是对考生的阅读理解能力还是提出了一定要求。

第四, 根据四、六考试委员会对试卷的描述, 新的信息匹配题与之后的一篇选词填空和两篇传统阅读一共给了40分钟时间, 信息匹配题这个部分尽可能将用时控制在10—15分钟之内。与以前的快速阅读题相比, 新的信息匹配题的10道题的顺序不是按文章段落的顺序排列, 并且一个段落可能对应两道题的答案;没有小标题, 必须要通读全文;10道题的语句大都在原文用语上进行了同义替换或改写, 而并非照抄原文用词;但是时间只有10分钟左右, 这就对考生的信息定位查找能力、文章速读能力和阅读理解能力提出了更高的要求。

2. 大学英语四级新题型信息匹配题应试技巧

从信息匹配题的要求来看, 考生不仅要在15分钟内读完1400词左右的全文, 还要将文后的10道题准确地与文章段落中的信息相匹配。为了能够快速准确地完成这10道题, 在扎实英语语言知识的基础上, 掌握一定的解题技巧是必要的。以下, 本文将详细地介绍解题步骤及每一步所需的解题技巧。

首先, 快速阅读文章标题, 预测文章内容和文章类型。以王长喜预测题中阅读新题型专项练习第一篇文章标题“When Mom and Dad Grow Old”为例, 考生能猜出文章可能是关于父母年老之后, 可能出现的一些问题的讨论。文章也可能是议论文。再比如, 第三篇文章标题“Want to Know Your Disease Risk?Check Your Exposome”为例, 就算考生不认识单词“exposome”也能够预测出这可能是一篇科普类说明文, 内容是要说明“disease risk”和“exposome”之间的关系。另外, 通过阅读标题, 能为考生在确定文后10道题中的关键信息提供参考。以王长喜预测题中阅读新题型第二篇文章标题“Americans and Their cars”为例, “Americans”、“America”以及“US”等词就不再作为关键词, 因为整篇文章内容都将是与美国人或美国相关的。

第二步, 仔细阅读文后10道题, 勾划出关键词。关键词应该是文中易于查找的细节, 并且最好是2个以上词汇, 比如数字、大写词、核心名词、态度词汇等。以王长喜预测题中阅读新题型专项练习第一篇文章53题为例, “According to Statistics Canada, most Canadian seniors older than 65 live independently until they die.”考生可将“Statistics Canada”, “65”和“most Canadian seniors”作为关键词。再如第二篇文章第47题 (“People who are concerned about the immense cost involved oppose the expansion of public transit.”) , 考生可将“the immense cost involved”和“oppose the expansion of public transit”定为关键词。另外, 值得考生注意的是, 如果文后的10道题反复出现同一个名词, 那这个名词就失去了作为关键词的参考意义, 应该注意句中的其他词, 如这个名词后的动词。比如, 在第一篇文章后的10道题中, “Nancy Woods”出现在了4道题中, 其中47题和52题说的是“Nancy Woods’father”, 48题和51题说的是“Nancy Woods’parents”。对每一道题就还需要再明确2个关键词以便快速在文中查找。如47题 (“When Nancy Woods’father got to know their tragic plight, he finally agreed to move out of their apartment.”) , 考生还可将“tragic plight”和“move out of their apartment”作为关键词。

第三步, 有的放矢地通读全文, 查找并定位信息。在通读全文的过程中, 考生一定要注意把握好节奏和明确阅读的目的。对于无用信息快速浏览, 一晃而过, 考生要记住阅读的目的是查找信息而不是理解文章, 所以不用停下来思考句子的含义, 对于文中不认识的单词、短语更是不用在意。但是一旦出现在10道题中标注过的关键词, 立刻查找是哪一道题需要的信息, 并在关键词下写上题号, 以便稍后将题和文章比对做判断。然后将题再看一眼, 明确还需要哪些关键词后接着读文章, 继续查找并最终做出判断。如阅读王长喜预测题中阅读新题型专项练习第一篇文章为例, 在快速阅读到第一段第三行时, 第49题的第一个关键词“Clarissa Green”出现, 考生可以在这个大写词下面标上“49”, 然后再看49题, 通过读题可以发现还需要查找“adult children”、“try to”和“parents’grieving”等关键词。接着读文章, 在第四行可以找到句子“Adult children, she says, need to try to join their parents in grieving their decline” (成年子女需要努力与父母共同承受父母对衰老的悲伤) 和49题题干“adult children should try to share their fragile parents’grieving feelings” (努力分担父母的悲伤情绪) 是同义反复, 因此可以判断49题的信息是出现在A段。以此类推, 有的放矢地读完全文, 找出所有题的答案, 注意有的段落可能对应两题, 有的段落可能不对应任何一题。

3. 结语

信息匹配题阅读能力的提高除了掌握一定的技巧之外还要多练习, 熟悉各种文章类型, 改正不好的阅读习惯, 不断提高解题速度。由于是新题型, 考生可以先以专项练习的形式巩固解题技巧, 找到做题的感觉, 把握好节奏并将时间控制在10分钟左右。然后考前每天都应该做一篇以上的练习直到考试, 争取将10%的分值全部得到, 和原来的快速阅读一样, 将本题变成四级的“送分题”。


[1]大学英语四、六级考试委员会.关于大学英语四、六级考试题型调整的说明, 2013, 8.

[2]大学英语四、六级考试委员会.大学英语四级考试新题型样题, 2013, 8.

[3]王长喜.王长喜新题型新试卷.北京教育出版社, 2013.

大学英语四级阅读模拟预测题 篇3

摘 要: 大学英语六级的仔细阅读部分在整个六级试题中占据了重要地位,仔细阅读的细节题更是占到了仔细阅读部分的80%以上。本文结合2015年12月六级真题第一套的仔细阅读部分探讨仔细阅读细节题的解题步骤及技巧,以帮助考生在仔细阅读部分取得高分。

关键词: 大学英语六级 仔细阅读 细节题 解题技巧








比如:59.What does Erika Hall find in her experiment about a man with the last name Williams?

A.African Americans fare better than many other ethnic groups.

B.Black peoples socioeconomic status in America remains low.

C.Peoples conception of a person has much to do with the way he or she is labeled.

D.Ones professional standing and income are related to their educational background.

第59题含有显性定位词Erika Hall,Williams等人名,但Erika Hall作为研究者在文章中多次出现,所以不能一次定位准确,我们可以用人名Williams来定位到第五段和第六段,发现实际上通过第六段的细节描述能得出问题的答案C。

再如:57.What does the author say about the naming of an ethnic group?

A.It advances with the times. B.It is based on racial roots.

C.It merits intensive study. D.It is politically sensitive.

本题题干中可用来定位的词naming和ethnic group都不像专有名词那么容易定位,如果尝试后不能很快定位出来,就按照题目顺序原则,从第56题的定位句后开始往后读来查找答案出处。第56题答案出处为第一段最后一句,往下读时发现,第二段第一句包含naming和group,我们可以从此句中得出第57题的答案D。


比如:58.What does Erika Halls findings indicate?

A.Racial biases are widespread in the professional world.

B.Many applicants dont attend to details on their resumes.

C.Job seekers should all be careful about their affiliations.

D.Most recruiters are unable to control their racial biases.

根据题干中的Erika Halls findings可定位到第四段首句,得出答案A。

The studys most striking findings shed light on the racial biases permeating the professional world.选项A中的widespread是对原文中permeating的同义转述。


比如:56.Why did Jesse Jackson embrace the term “African American” for people of African descent?

A.It is free from racial biases.

B.It represents social progress.

C.It is in the interest of common Americans.

D.It follows the standard naming practice.

根据题干中的人名Jesse Jackson定位到文章第一段最后两句话:Jesse Jackson declared that “African American” was the term to embrace.This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups,such as “Italian Americans” and “Irish Americans,” that had already been freed of widespread discrimination. 此句中含有显性因果:定位句前后明确给出因果关系词或表达,此句中出现because,racial biases是discrimination的同义转述。







大学英语四级阅读模拟预测题 篇4








二、参考范文和译文 参考范文

a green life style

in this day and age, environmental degradation presents great danger to the public.people in my country, and other places, have to bear polluted water and haze day after day.as public awareness of the need for environmental protection grows in these countries, it is urgent to learn how to establish a green life style.to achieve a green life style, we must adjust our behavior.this can be done even with simple things.for example, we could sort out our trash for better recycling.at home, we can use lights and other electricity only when needed.we should properly maintain air conditioners twice a year so they will run efficiently, and, even more importantly, make sure doors and windows fit properly and are sealed so that we can use less energy in heating and cooling.other simple steps that make a big difference include using public transportation instead of driving private cars.commuters can choose to take buses, subways or share cars with others, which not only relieves traffic jams but also reduces gas emission.in my mind, it is high time to establish a general concept of sustainable development and green life style in china.the earth has provided humans what they need;it is time to pay back.only through a green life, can we ensure that we and our children live in an environment with green water and mountains, without traffic jams, and in an era with better living habits.参考译文 绿色生活




三、高分写作素材 经典词组和句型

in this day and age, a presents great danger to...:在当今这个时代,a给……带来了巨大危害

environmental degradation:环境恶化 day after day:日复一日地;每天

it is urgent to do sth.:做某事十分紧迫 sort out:把……分类;整理

make a difference:有作用;有影响

it is high time to do sth.:是时候做某事了 sustainable development:可持续发展 加分单词

haze [hez] n.(阴)霾;雾霭

urgent [(r)d()nt] adj.紧迫的;紧急的;紧要的

commuter [kmjut(r)] n.(经很远的路程)上下班往返的人;通勤的人 emission [m()n] n.散发;释放

sustainable [sstenb()l] adj.(自然资源)可持续的;不破坏环境的

四、拓展话题:提倡节约 advocate for saving 写作思路




advocate [dvket] vt.拥护;提倡;主张 dispose of:丢掉;清除;处理

大学英语六级长篇阅读模拟习题 篇5

Words: 1,036


A) An earthquake is one of the most terrifying phenomena that nature can dish up. We generally think of the ground we stand on as “rock-solid” and completely stable. An earthquake can shatter (粉碎)that perception instantly, and often with extreme violence.

B) Up until relatively recently, scientists only had unproven guesses as to what actually caused earthquakes. Even today there is still a certain amount of mystery surrounding them, but scientists have a much clearer understanding. There has been enormous progress in the past century. Scientists have identified the forces that cause earthquakes, and developed technology that can tell us an earthquake"s magnitude and origin. The next hurdle is to find a way of predicting earthquakes, so they don’t catch people by surprise. In this article, we’ll find out what causes earthquakes, and we’ll also find out why they can have such a devastating effect on us.

C) An earthquake is a vibration(震动)that travels through the earth’s crust. Technically, a large truck that rumbles down the street is causing a mini-earthquake, if you feel your house shaking as it goes by; but we tend to think of earthquakes as events that affect a fairly large area, such as an entire city. All kinds of things can cause earthquakes: volcanic eruptions, meteor(流星)impacts, underground explosions (an underground nuclear test, for example), collapsing structures (such as a collapsing mine). But the majority of naturally-occurring earthquakes are caused by movements of the earth’s plates.

D) We only hear about earthquakes in the news every once in a while, but they are actually an everyday occurrence on our planet. According to the United States Geological Survey, more than 3 million earthquakes occur every year. That’s about 8,000 a day, or one every 11 seconds! The vast majority of these 3 million quakes are extremely weak. The law of probability also causes a good number of stronger quakes to happen in uninhabited places where no one feels them. It is the big

quakes that occur in highly populated areas that get our attention.

E) Earthquakes have caused a great deal of property damage over the years, and they have claimed many lives. In the last hundred years alone, there have been more than 1.5 million earthquake-related fatalities. Usually, it’s not the shaking ground itself that claims lives; it’s the associated destruction of man-made structures and other natural disasters it causes, such as tsunamis, avalanches (雪崩)and landslides.

F) The biggest scientific breakthrough in the history of seismology―the study of earthquakes―came in the middle of the 20th century, with the development of the theory of plate tectonics(筑造学).Scientists proposed the idea of plate tectonics to explain a number of peculiar phenomena on earth, such as the apparent movement of continents over time, the clustering of volcanic activity in certain areas and the presence of huge ridges at the bottom of the ocean.

G) The basic theory is that the surface layer of the earth―the lithosphere―is comprised of many plates that slide over the lubricating (润滑的)asthenosphere layer. At the boundaries between these huge plates of soil and rock, three different things can happen.

H) Plates can move apart. If two plates are moving apart from each other, hot, molten rock flows up from the layers of mantle below the lithosphere. This magma (岩浆) comes out on the surface (mostly at the bottom of the ocean), where it is called lava (熔岩).As the lava cools, it hardens to form new lithosphere material, filling in the gap. This is called a divergent plate boundary.

I) Plates can push together. If the two plates are moving toward each other, one plate typically pushes under the other one. This plate below sinks into the lower mantle layers, where it melts. At some boundaries where two plates meet, neither plate is in a position to push under the other, so they both push against each other to form mountains. The lines where plates push toward each other are called convergent plate boundaries.

J) Plates slide against each other. At other boundaries, plates simply slide by each other―one moves north and one moves south, for example. While the plates don’t drift directly into each other at these transform boundaries, they are pushed tightly together. A great deal of tension builds at the boundary.

K) We understand earthquakes a lot better than we did even 50 years ago, but we still can’t do much about them. They are caused by fundamental, powerful geological processes that are far beyond our control. These processes are also fairly unpredictable, so it’s not possible at this time to tell people exactly when an earthquake is going to occur. The first detected earthquake waves will tell us that more powerful vibrations are on their way, but this only gives us a few minutes’ warning, at most.

L) So what can we do about earthquakes? The major advances over the past 50 years have been in preparedness, particularly in the field of construction engineering. In 1973, the Uniform Building Code, an international set of standards for building construction,7 added7 specifications7 to7 strengthen7 buildings7 against7 the7 force7 of7 earthquake7 waves.7 This7 includes7 strengthening7 support7 material7 as7 well7 as7 designing buildings so they are flexible enough to absorb vibrations without falling or deteriorating. It’s very important to design structures that can undergo this sort of attack, particularly in earthquake -prone areas.

M) Another component of preparedness is educating the public. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and other government agencies have produced several brochures explaining the processes involved in an earthquake and giving instructions on how to prepare your house for a possible earthquake, as well as what to do when a quake hits.

N) In the future, improvements in prediction and preparedness should further minimize the loss of life and property associated with earthquakes. But it will be a long time, if ever, before we’ll be ready for every substantial earthquake that might occur. Just like severe weather and disease, earthquakes are an unavoidable force generated by the powerful natural processes that shape our planet. All we can do is increase our understanding of the phenomenon and develop better ways to deal with it.

1. Earthquake-related fatalities are usually caused by buildings,collapse and other ensuing natural disasters, not by the shaking ground itself.

2. Besides movements of the earth’s plates, other forces such as volcanic eruptions, meteor impacts and so on, can also cause earthquakes.

3. Earthquakes actually occur every day; most of them are not big enough to get our attention.

4. People generally think the ground beneath their feet is completely stable, but earthquakes shatter that idea in no time.

5. We cannot prevent earthquakes but we can actively find better ways to face them.

6. Earthquakes are hardly predictable, and people cannot be told when an earthquake is going to occur.

7. Scientists have found out forces that cause earthquakes through years of efforts.

8. Architects now have designed flexible buildings to minimize the damages of earthquakes.

9. Scientists use the theory of plate tectonics to explain the apparent movement of continents over time.

10. The convergent plate boundaries refer to the lines where plates push toward each other.文章精要

地震危害巨大,了解地震对减少其带来的损失有着重要意义。本文讲解了引 发地震的因素、与地震有关的地壳板块运动和地震的危害,并指出尽管人类还无 法准确预测地震,但一些必要的防御措施能够减少地震带来的损失。


1. E 本题是对E段最后一句话的同义转述。定位关键词是Earthquake-related fatalities。原文用it’s not...that claims lives; it’s...结构指出“通常不是地壳晃 动引起的死亡,而是伴随而来的房屋倒塌或其他自然灾害导致的死亡”, 题目用...be caused by...not by...结构表达了同样的意思。

2. C 本题是对C段最后两句的归纳,题目将两句话的含义概括为一句话。定位关键词是 movements of the earth$s plates, volcanic eruptions, meteor impacts。

3. D 本题是对D段的总结。定位关键词是get our attention。D段首句就提到每天都会发生地震,最后一句提到只有大地震才能引起人们的注意,本题就是 对这两句话的概括。

4. A 本题是对A段最后两句的同义转述。定位关键词是shatter。题目中的the ground beneath their feet同义转述了原文中的the ground we stand on。

5. N 本题是对N段最后两句的概括。定位关键词是better ways。文章最后一句提到,我们能做的就是增加我们对地震的认识,寻找更好的方法来应对它, 与题干表达一致。

6. K 本题是对K段第三句的同义转述。定位关键词是hardly predictable。原文提到:虽然我们对地震有了更深的了解,但地震仍然不受我们的控制,地震 是无法预测的,人们不可能得知地震什么时候会发生,表达与题干一致。

7. B 本题是对B段第三、四句的同义转述。定位关键词是cause earthquakes。题目中的found out同义转述了原文中的identified。

8. L 本题是对L段最后两句的概括。定位关键词是designed。原文提到:过去50年我们在应对地震方面取得了进步,尤其是在建筑工程领域。我们用特殊 材料加固房屋以应对地震的破坏,我们设计足够灵活的房屋,确保地震不 会导致房屋倒塌,这与题干表达的完全一致。

9. F 本题是F段中举例的一部分。定位关键词是the theory of plate tectonics。原文提到科学家用the idea of plate tectonics解释很多现象,其中之一就是the apparent movement of continents over time。

大学英语四级阅读模拟预测题 篇6

这些语气词有: must, always, never, the most, all, only, have to, any, no, very completely, none, hardly等。


这些语气词有: can, could, may, should, usually, might, most(大多数),more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。
















