


和校园有关的英文剧本 篇1

Script Outline: Two foreigner comes to a Chinese couple’s for a dinner, and there are some jokes of cultural differences.Character: Chen(American), Tao(American), Liu(Chinese husband), Chu(Chinese wife)

Liu : Long time no see!My best friend!

Chen: Don’t ask me good ,I’m fine, thank you.Chen: What’s the matter? Aren’t you feeling well? Liu:废话这一个熊抱,舒服才怪!

No, no, no, but we Chinese prefer to shake hands.Tao: Ok, this is the gift I bring you.Chu: Oh, thank you!Tao: Why do not open the gift to see them? Chu: Open? Why open? Tao: No why!If I were you, I will open it!Liu: But we Chinese people are accustomed to after dinner and then open.Tao: You must open it now.Chu: No, no, no.Tao: Open, open, open.Chu: So bad boy!But I forgive you.Let me see, what’s this? Tao: This’s a lucky draw card.Let’s watch TV.Chu: I have the first prize!Chen: What a lucky dog!Chu: What? You said I was a dog? 八嘎!

Tao: Cool down, cool down.In our American that you are a dog is in praise of you.Chu: 索嘎.I see.Now to supper.Chu: Food delicious you? Chen, Tao: Yeah, yeah, yeah…

Liu: My wife to cook very tasty!This, this, …

Chen: Enough!Why not let me have a dinner myself? Liu: Delicious? Ha, ha, we’ll get more!Honey, more!Chen: What? No zoo no die!Liu: There is no such delicious food in American? Right? Chu: It seems that you like it very much.I’ll get you into a bowl.Chen, Tao: Oh, no.We do not want to eat.Bye!!

友谊英文剧本 篇2

Emily:Serean where are you going.Serean:don’t touch me ,fuck off,bitch Emily:what?what are you saying? Serean:I say you are a bitch.Emily: don’t bet others like a dog.Serena:Jone and NaNA have already told me thae you have been having an affair with my former boyfriend!Emily:so what ,don’t forget that you have broken up with him Serean:you know I still love him!Emily:I’m sorry,Serean,I have falling love with him too!i know it’s my fault,please forgive me!Serean:NO!

NaNa:you do a wrong thing Jone:I don’t know!i hit her? NaNa: What happen to you? Jone: what should I do? Section3 Serena sat at the cafe where they used to go to often.Kate: Hi, miss.what can I do for you? Kate: Oh, Serena.How are you? Serena: I’m fine.Is this your part-time job here? Kate: Yeah.It’s long time to see you? Serena: I miss you so much.Kate: Me too, how many people are in your group? Serena: Only me!Kate: Only you? Ok...What would you like? Juice or coffee? Serena: Coffee!Kate: Ok, when I am free, I’ll talk to you!Serena: ok!Kate: Goodbye.Serena: Goodbye.Among the college students in new semester.Nana: The school is beautiful!Jone: Just-so-so, ok? Nana: We are pretty amazing!Jone: You are so lucky!Nana: Before four of us agree to… Jone: Em.let’s see our new dormitory.JoJo: Do you have…this time? Kate: A boyfriend? Oh my god!JoJo: Hi, Emily, Emily, come here.Do you want to join a party? A music party!So fantastic!Kate: Boom shake lake!Emily: Ok, goodbye.Kate/JoJo: Goodbye Section4 Serena went to the high school where they study there,she sat in the stool that she used to sit,and look at blackboard.At this time,the door of the classroom was shaved by someone.Serena:Who’s there? Somebody there? Emily:It’s me.Jone:Are you ok? Emily/Serena/Jone:Fighting!

有关校园和梦想的演讲稿 篇3

在这秋风送爽、硕果累累的金秋时节,我的大学生涯即将启程……刚跨入大学的门槛,生活环境和学习环境发生了重大变化。由父母的“重点保护”对象过渡到独立性较强的集体生活;由老师的“重点培养”对象转变为自主性学习;由过去见识 、交往、活动范围较狭窄的生活环境,到置身于大学这个小社会中等等。诸如此类变化,一时之间难以适应,心理矛盾加剧,严重影响了大学生的学习生活。为早日完成过渡,我认为:应该做到以下三个“尽快”。

1.尽快确立新的学习生活目标 高尔基说过:“一个人追求的目标越高,他的才能就发展越快,

2.尽快适应大学的学习方法 大学新生迫切需要通过向老同学取经、向老师取经等各种渠道,尽快了解大学学习特点和规律,并根据自己的特点和经验,迅速摸索出一套适合自己特点和大学学习特点的学习方法。

3.尽快找到新的朋友 扩大自己的交往范围,从而结识新同学,结交新朋友,冲淡思乡之情。


1. 品格目标:坚守诚信为本的原则,培养起高尚的独立人格,拥有明确的人生价值和职业道德。 按照目标要求潜心修炼自己的品格。从小处做起。

2. 文化积淀:一个具有广博学识的人往往能给人留下深刻印象,并赢得尊重(博览群书,努力提升自己的人文素质)

3. 个性气质气质:它是使人成功的要诀之一,它能够反映出一个人的学识、涵养甚至能力等方方面面,拥有良好的个人气质,能给对方留下良好的第一印象,促进以后的交往。由此,我的目标:在四年内使自己的整体气质得到提升,熟悉社交中基本礼仪并塑造出自己的人格魅力。

4. 社会知识和经验目标:我会通过参加社会实践,班级&社团活动来加强自己的组织能力、协调能力、预见能力和团队意识。

小红帽英文改编版剧本 篇4

小红帽:Hello everyone,my name is XXX but people prefer to call me little red.I like this red hat which was given by my grandma who always give what I want.妈妈:I’m little red’s mother.Ah...my honey,here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine,I know you miss your grandma , so I will give you a task that send it to your grandma.Grandma is sick and weak.She should take some to get more healthy.At present,the day is not so hot that you can visit your grandma.Be careful, don’t run ,don’t leave the main road,or you will tumble and grandma have nothing to eat.Besides,remember when you arrive in her house,say“good morning”and don’t spy the house.小红帽:OK.Momi , you can believe me.I will do a good job.妈妈:maybe i should try to have faith in you.Let me remind you again ,be careful, don’t run ,don’t leave the main road,or you will tumble and grandma have nothing to eat.小红帽:Goodbye!Momi~~ 妈妈:Be careful ~~ 小红帽:la la la la la la~~ 大灰狼:Good morning , nice meat, oh,no,little red!小红帽:Good morning ,Mr.Wolf 大灰狼: what a wonderful day!Where will you go? 小红帽:Oh..my grandma is sick, I want to visit her.大灰狼: So..what have you taken for your grandma? Meat ? 小红帽:Cake and wine.We made some cakes yesterday.My pitiful grandma need to eat some so that she could recover.大灰狼: Haha!You are a really nice girl!where is your grandma’s house? 小红帽:There is a way to the forest.Her house is standing under three trees , surrounding hedge.If you get there ,you will know.Now, I will go ,see you!大灰狼: I should make a plan.Little red is sweeter than the old woman.Waite for me ,little red!Look!So beautiful!The flowers, the bird...maybe you can pick some flowers for your grandma.小红帽:Maybe I should take some for my grandma.咚咚咚—— 外婆:who? 大灰狼: I’m little red!I take some cake and wine,please open the door.外婆:Just pull the door!I have no force to get up.Oh!Who are you ? How could you get here? Help!Help!小红帽:Good morning, grandma!Why your ears look so large? 大灰狼: to listen carefully.小红帽:eyes? 大灰狼: to watch clearly.but mouse? 大灰狼: to eat you!Ha ha ha ha ha~~ 猎人:Something seems strange.what happened to the old lady? Oh, bad wolf ,I find you.I will never allow you do harm to people.Let me cut open your stomach.大灰狼: Ah--小红帽:Oh, thank you , I survive!外婆:young man , what’s you name? You are a great man I have seen.猎人:John.Lady,please allow me express my honor to save you.You are so beautiful, may I ask you name? 外婆:Of course,my name is XXX.Nice to meet you,John.I’m glad to make friends with you.Would you like a cup of tea,maybe you can take some cake and wine also.猎人:Oh, how kind of you.I really don’t want to leave there.外婆:Year, you can stay there....with me.小红帽:Grandma, will he become my grandpa? 妈妈:Mom, how could you do that?

和校园有关的英文剧本 篇5

旁白:话说梁山伯和祝英台三年前一同来到刚刚成立的XX大学(XX大学的牌子过)学习英语。(L&Z拿着录取通知书,展示给观众。群众演员走过舞台)两人一件如故,再见倾情。经过一个星期的磨磨蹭蹭,终于确立如胶似漆的情人关系。(你是风儿我是沙的音乐响起)L: You are just like the wind。Z: And I am the 沙。

Together:we will缠缠绵绵绕天涯。

旁白:梁山伯,虽英语成绩不好,考试不超过20分,但酷爱口语,尤其擅长模仿马丁.路德.金的演讲。(旁白暂停,L站起身,说英文“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and lives out the true meaning of its creed ”路人甲举着马丁路德金的牌子经过,L坐回凳子上。

(L&Z对视)Z(对L说):山伯,你知道吗,我一直都梦想出国,梦想有朝一日成为VOA主持人。(电视机道具+音乐背景,Z英文 “This is VOA special English „.)L&Z起身,一起走下舞台。



L: Yingtai, I love you and I’ll miss you everyday.!

Z: I love you, too!Don‟t worry.Shanbo.You are the only one I loved in this wild world.I‟ll marry you as soon as I‟m back.Wait for me just for two years.L:(L向前一步走&唱出来)wherever you go ,whatever you do.I will be right here waiting for you.(Z向前一步,L&Z对视).I‟ll kiss you across the Pacific Ocean.Z: I‟ll kiss you from the other side.Wait for me.Baby....(Z走下台,L仍在台上)旁白:一周以后,祝英台从美国打来越洋电话。

L: Oh, Sweetie, Yintai I miss you so much, i miss you every minute every second.but baby.You dial me across the broad Pacific,it must cost you much money.I kown you miss me and....Z: Listen, Shanbo Liang.I‟m calling just to tell you that you‟d better find another better girl.We‟re not suitable.L: What? Pardon? Z: I mean I‟ll get married..L: Married ? Married who? Z:Obviously, is穿金戴玉、玉树临风、风流倜傥的Wencai Ma.He is so handsome, so rich, even richer than 比尔盖茨.And he is good at 葵花宝典。I love his money and I love his body.马文才出场+(韦小宝音乐)M:我,马文才,不仅仅玉树临风,风流倜傥,同时我有广阔的胸怀和强健的臂腕”(飘过)L: What are you talking about? I‟ll give you some color to see see.I‟ll kill you!I will kill you in America!Z: America? You can come to America? I still remember your English score had never over twenty.Hahahaha.(L伤心,手机掉地,啜泣着下台+天空之城的音乐)


I have a dream that one day I will kill Yingtai Zhu right in America.It is a dream that deeply rooted in my heart.In my heart.(搬座位上去)


旁白:在纽约华人街(有人举着“华人街”的牌子走过)上,他找到了当年的恋人祝英台,看到她正在光天化日之下与马文才卿卿我我。(马文才接完电话,把电话仍给后面的跟班)Z:Wencai, tell me how much you love me? W:Oh,my dear.I love you so much that I even could die for you.Z: Darling.is it really?? L: Yingtai Zhu, long time no see, huh? Who am I ? I‟m Shanbo Liang.I‟m here to kill you.Z: Liang….shanbo.Oh, Wencai.He is crazy.He will kill me.(音乐响起)L&M双眼怒视,走一圈。M: You!Get out of here.L: You!Get out of here!(M害怕地退后一步)路人甲问L: What happened here? L: She used to be my(指着Z,思索一下未婚妻用英语怎么说)未婚妻, you know?(手机铃声响起)


M: Hello, I‟m in New York.Ok ok I‟ll come right now.The situation here is too bad.Z: Please don‟t go.Just stay, please.He‟ll kill me.M: I know!But if I stay, he‟ll kill me by the way..Z: You told me you were good at 葵花宝典?(路人举着“东方不败”/“葵花宝典”的牌子路过。)

M: Sorry, I’m not good at 葵花宝典.I’m just good at 牛津字典。Z: But you said that you love me even can die for me just now.M: Oh, my poor girl.Don‟t you know that human beings always say one thing, and do another? Especially, male person.Z: Oh, you liar.Just get out of here!(to L)Oh, darling...L: Get out.I hate you more than I can say.I have to kill you.Z: Remember when, I was young ,so you.you said you’d love me forever.Don’t kill me, OK? Shanbo.(唱出来)+(老鼠爱大米的音乐)I love you, loving you, just like mouse love rice.L: No door!(唱出来)Wherever you go, whatever you say, I‟ll be right here killing you.Z: 曾经Once upon a time, there was a true love in front of me, I didn’t cherish it.If I was to meet him again, I wish to say I love you.If you would ask me how long I would love him, I should say ten thousand years.That man is you.The only man I love in this wild world is you.(唱出来)Only you.....L: Hehehe Really? Z: Oh, of course.Please don‟t kill me!!

和校园有关的英文剧本 篇6


小品作者:黄小邪 人物: 贾校长 小 伟 小 强 王记者 小伟爸爸 时间:白天 地点:某学校校长办公室 【幕启 【贾校长、小伟、小强上,...警官大人2小品剧本

小品作者:紫墨 警官大人 出场人物: 警察(60岁,男,身穿警服,天然二,思维固执,正义,勇敢,负责。但行为常常让人匪夷所思,外号糊涂警...年代音乐秀小品剧本

小品作者:一座城池 【第一幕】 场地:舞台中央 场景:各自家中 人物:3对恋人 演员:全体(六人上场,两人一对,一字排开,坐在凳子上)...二巧劝夫小品剧本

小品作者:独孤求善 新编现代小型花鼓戏 二 巧 劝 夫 编剧:熊和平2015年1月 剧 情 简 要 村民张三自幼失去双亲,流落在外,和...我要上春晚舞台小品剧本

小品作者:春妮 我要上春晚(小品剧本)(演员:赵本山、宋丹丹、女儿)幕启:宋丹丹坐炕上,看电视剧《甄嬛传》。白云是我妈,黑土是我...火辣装修小品剧本

小品作者:小召 应聘者与电工同时走入办公室内,主管误以为二人都是面试的、接下来、、主管:你们先自我介绍一下吧,并说说为什么来我们火辣装...奇妙的招聘小品剧本

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小品作者:月月 女母亲:女儿找了个男朋友本打算今年结婚可没想到男方嫌我家是单身家庭今天我一定要帮我女儿讨个公道。来到男方家门口大叫:“...《两界山》小品剧本

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小品作者:信实 憨大娘 人物 憨大娘 68岁 简冲 王 小二家 女28岁 二 小三家 女 三 王:胳膊底下一把扫帚 白:北湖收稻了,北湖...环保宣传单春晚小品剧本



校园dv短剧的剧本 篇7
















场景 别墅































和校园有关的英文剧本 篇8

Sharon!她不在这儿 She“s not here.天啊 克里斯托弗 你看得到吗? Oh, God.Christopher, can you see anything? 莎伦!


她在那 aron!-She”s there.莎伦!




Wait for Mommy!莎伦!

Sharon!等等 Wait.莎伦!宝贝!

Sharon!Honey!我的天啊 莎伦!

Oh, my God.Sharon!家… Home.家… Home.不!


我们这就回家 Home!Home!-We“re going home.寂静岭!

Silent Hill!



Silent Hill!-Rose!快醒醒… Wake up.-Hey.--没事了 乖乖 有我们在 没事了… , sweetie.We”re here now.-lt“s okay.lt”s okay.没事了 lt“s okay.宝贝乖 我们这就回家 lt”s okay, baby.We“re going right home.我们该怎么办? 会挺过去的 hat are we gonna do?-We”ll get there.总有办法 一定有办法的 through this.We“ll find a way.不 No.她又说了那个地方 我知道 She said it again.-l know.没事了 宝贝 ome on, baby.lt”s okay.-Calm down, baby.lt“s okay.没事了 爸爸妈妈在这 lt”s okay, baby.-We“re right here.乖 lt”s okay.没事了… lt“s okay.没事了… lt”s okay, baby.片名:《寂静岭》 SILENT HILL 想看吗? 嗯 Wanna see?-Sure.在画什么呢 南瓜? What are you doing there, pumpkin? 好一只大狮子呀 你自己画的? This is an amazing lion.Did you do that all by yourself? 宝贝 你真棒 l“m so impressed with you, honey.我们要做一次特别的旅行 你知道吧 Hey, you know we”re going on a special trip, don“t you? 知不知道是要去哪儿? Do you know where we”re going? 不知道? No? 亲爱的 有时候你睡觉的时候 会四处走动 Honey, sometimes when you go to sleep, you go on a little walk.有时候 还会提到一个地方… And sometimes you talk about a place...…叫做寂静岭...called Silent Hill.我不记得了 l don“t remember.没关系,乖乖 Oh, that”s okay, sweetie.所以我们要去那里 好让你记起来 That“s why we”re gonna go there, so you can remember.爸爸不去吗? Daddy“s not coming?

不 乖乖 就我们俩 No, sweetie.lt”s gonna be just you and me.休息结束了 乖乖 Break“s over, sweetie.睡醒了? You awake? 可以走了么? You wanna go? “岂不知我们要审判天使么 岂不知圣徒要审判世界么” we will judge angels? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? 《新约·哥林多前书》 教会宣 Corinthians 6:2-3 该死 罗斯 怎么回事? Damn it, Rose.What”s going on? 我是罗斯·达·西尔瓦 Hi, this is Rose Da Silva.请留言 我稍候会回复 Please leave a message, and I“ll call you back.[ 美国鬼城网 ] GHOST TOWN OF AMERICA [ 西弗吉尼亚 寂静岭 ] SILENT HILL WEST VIRGINIA 不 罗斯 Oh, no, Rose.寂静岭——“不洁之镇”(地下火燃烧至今)

Silent Hill: The Tainted Town 亲爱的 你醒啦 Honey, you”re awake? 走了好远哦 Long drive.问你个事儿 乖乖 Can l ask you something, sweetie? 为什么要换你画的画? Why did you change your pictures? 我没有…

l didn“t.妈咪 不记得了? Mommy?-You can”t remember? 我不喜欢这个 妈咪 No.l don“t like that, Mommy.宝贝 你不记得了? 谁做的? Baby, you can”t remember doing this? Who did that?-好了 没事了-妈咪 是谁做的? Hey, hey, baby, it“s okay.-Mommy, who did that? 乖 没事了 妈妈在这 lt”s okay, honey.Mommy“s here.在车里等我一下好吗 Can you wait in the car for me? 可以坐前面吗 Can l sit in front? 当然可以啦 f course you can sit in the front.-Okay.吉米 一份火腿加起司白面包 Jimmy, we need a ham and cheese on white.嗨 Hi.我来付油钱 l just wanna pay for the gas.请问到寂静岭该走哪条路? And can you tell me the best way to get to Silent Hill? 我在地图上找不到 l can”t seem to find it on the map.为什么要去那? 我…看过一些报道 Why do you wanna go there?-I...I read about it.路走不通了

Road don“t go through no more.你的卡被冻结了 Your card was declined.小家伙 Hey there.你没事吧 不要和陌生人说话 ls everything all right?-Don”t talk to strangers.乖孩子 Good girl.好的 多谢帮忙 All right.Well, thanks for your help.为什么要冻结我的卡? Why did you cut off the cards? 别想靠这个阻止我 That“s not gonna stop me from taking her there.亲爱的 听我说 我们得送莎伦去医院 Listen, honey, we gotta put Sharon in a hospital.她需要专人守护 接受药物治疗 She needs constant re, and she needs medication.吃药没用 The medication doesn”t work.已经越来越严重了 She“s getting worse every day.亲爱的 领养处的人说 她来自西弗吉尼亚 Honey, the adoption people said Sharon came from West Virginia...寂静岭也在西弗吉尼亚...and Silent Hill is in West Virginia.我不会放弃她 克里斯 决不 giving up on her, Chris.I”m not.你到底看过那些网页没有? Have you actually read the websites, Rose?

看过了 克里斯 Yes, Chris, I read them.就相信我一次 求你了 , please? Just trust me on this.亲爱的 听我说… Listen, honey...爱莎伦就像… 我得走了 克里斯 I love Sharon every bit as much as I...-Chris, I gotta go.…就像爱你一样...I love you.需要帮忙吗 女士? 没事…我们很好 谢谢 eed any help, ma“am?-No, we”re...We“re fine, thanks.我们没事 We”re fine.到了? Are we there? 还没有 亲爱的 Not yet, honey.系好安全带 Keep your seatbelt fastened.嗨!


Mommy!没事 就是收音机 lt“s okay.lt”s just the radio.我这就关 妈咪!

l“m turning it off.-Mommy!莎伦? Sharon? 莎伦!

Sharon!救命 有人吗? Somebody!Help!



We”ve had an accident!有人吗 Anybody!莎伦 宝贝 Sharon.Honey.灰烬… Ashes.[ 寂静岭欢迎您 ] WELCOME TO SILENT HILL 莎伦!







Sharon? 宝贝? Honey? 怎么回事? What“s happening? 妈咪 Mommy.莎伦 Sharon.莎伦? Sharon? 莎伦? Sharon? 有人吗? Hello? 等等!

Wait!莎伦 Sharon.莎伦 Sharon.莎伦 Sharon.救命!

Help me!救命!


Help me.Help.谁来救救我!


Get off me!Get off!滚开!滚开!

Get off!Get off!滚开!

Get off me!滚开!滚开!

No!Get off me!滚开!

No!Get off me!Get off me!滚开… Get off...!寂静岭的入口 为黑暗力量所掌控 Only the dark one opens and closes the door to Silent Hill.麻烦你 Please.我不知道这儿是怎么回事 你知道吗? l don”t know what“s happening.Do you know what”s going on here? 我女儿 My daughter.我在找我女儿 真担心她出事 l“m looking for my daughter.l”m afraid that she“s been hurt.我们都失去了孩子 We”ve all lost our children.生命从此黯淡无光 Our light.他们欺骗了我 They deceived me.心中的罪恶… Their evil.还有仇恨 Their hate.令他们伤害了我的孩子 They hurt my child.虐待她 They did terrible things to her.阿蕾莎 Alessa.这是我女儿 莎伦 This is my daughter, Sharon.她有梦游症 请你小心 She sleepwalks, so you have to be careful...要是看到她 请让她等着我...but if you see her, please, tell her to wait for me.哦 她是我女儿 Yes, she“s mine.这是我的 是我的 was mine.lt”s mine.我的.lt“s mine!是我的!


lt”s mine!-Get off me!在烈火中 她咽下他们的仇恨 lnto the fire

she swallowed their hate.嘿 恩 Hi there.-Yeah.我妻子 昨夜经过这里 Listen, my wife, she came through here last night.看见过吗? 我女儿上夜班 Maybe you saw her?-Daughter worked night shift.事实上 她是要去寂静岭 Actually, she was heading for this place, Silent Hill.怎么走? 没路可走 How do l get there?-You don“t.因为煤矿起火 小镇被关闭了 Town”s closed down because of the coal fire...地下仍有余火燃烧...still burning underground, you know? 呼吸几口那儿的煤烟 能要你的命 Breathe enough of them fumes, oh, bound to kill you.告诉我… Okay...是哪条岔路?...where“s the turnoff? 莎伦? Sharon? 快点 Come on.我是克里斯 请留言 Hi, this is Chris.Please leave a message.克里斯托弗 是我

Christopher, it”s me.我在寂静岭 抱歉我太莽撞了 in Silent Hill.l“m sorry, l made a mistake.莎伦不见了 我想我知道她在哪 Sharon”s lost, but l think l know where she is...我现在就去学校找她...so l“m going to the school to look for her.我这边不对劲 需要你的帮助 l”m not okay, all right? l need your help.求求你 快来吧 Please, please, hurry.操 快点!

Fuck.Come on!女士 请把手放在方向盘上 Ma“am, l want you to put both hands on the wheel.两手放在方向盘上 Put both hands on the wheel.小女孩哪去了? Where”s the little girl, ma“am? 求求你 我女儿不见了 需要你的帮助 Please, my daughter, she”s gone.l need your help.下车 什么? Get out of the car.-What? 快点 Move it.老天 你要干嘛 Jesus, what are you doing? 你被捕了 什么?-You“re under arrest.-What? 你所说的一切都将作为呈堂证供 Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.你没弄明白 这个地方不对劲 l don”t think you understand.There“s something weird going on.我的女儿现在十分危险 My daughter, she”s in danger.你要是真关心她 就不会踩油门逃跑了 lf you really cared, you wouldn“t have sped off.听我说 她病了 是梦游症 Listen to me, she ”s ill.She sleepwalks.冷静点 我会找到那小女孩 Just calm right down.l“m gonna find the little girl.伯纳特警官呼叫总部 完毕 Officer Bennett to base, over.总部请回话 完毕 Base, do you copy, over? 该死 你在流血 Shit.-You”re bleeding.我翻车的时候 Cracked my head on the road pretty good...头给撞了个正着 看来是晕过去了一会...when my bike went down.l must have been out for a while.能走么? 嗯 You all right to walk?-Sure.看来我们得步行回 Brahams 了

Then it looks like we“ll be hiking back to Brahams.什么? What? 我要带你回警局 You”re going back to the station.你在开玩笑吧 没有 Are you kidding?-Nope.你可听到我说的话? Have you heard a single word l“ve said? 听到了 你可听进去… Yeah, l hear you.-Have you heard...哪怕是一个字?...a single word l”ve said? 我确定她就在学校 我们得回去… l“m sure she”s at the school, we just need to turn around...寂静岭…对不起… Silent Hill......sorry...…莎伦…不见… Sharon......lost...…我想我…去学校找她… think I know where......going to the school to look for her...…这里不对劲… I“m not okay...我需要…你的帮助 求求你 快来… I need your...Your help.Please, hurry!对不起先生 此路不通 请回吧 Sorry, sir, this road is closed.You”ll have to turn around.我在找我妻子 她可能是走的这条路 l“m looking for my wife.She may have come through here.她开一辆银色“吉普-自♥由♥者” 俄亥俄牌照 She drives a Jeep Liberty.Silver, Ohio plates.长官 那辆吉普 是这位先生的妻子在开 Sir, this man”s wife was driving the Jeep.带过来 Bring him down.过来 你见过她? Come on.-You“ve seen her? 她在哪? Where is she? 探长托马斯·古奇 天气不错啊 你说呢 lnspector Thomas Gucci.Enjoying the weather, are you? 看在上帝的份上 我在找我妻子 For God”s sake, l“m trying to find my wife.我知道 稍等 l know.Hang on a second.你说的那辆车 我们找到了 Now, that vehicle you were talking about, we found it.在这座桥的尽头 里面没人 lt”s at the end of the bridge here, but it“s empty.没有任何迹象表明有人受伤 We”ve got no indication anyone“s come under any harm.-老天

你不介意的话… Good Christ.-Now, you mind telling me...能告诉我你妻子来这做什么吗 你是…...what your wife”s doing up here, Mr...? 达·西尔瓦

克里斯·达·西尔瓦 很荣幸见到你 克里斯 Da Silva, Chris Da Silva.-My pleasure, Chris...我们马上行动 就能尽快找到她 The faster we start looking, the faster we“re gonna find her.好了 暂且打住 All right, hold your horses, hold your horses, Chris.我也失踪了一名手下 l”ve also got a missing deputy.以我对警官西比尔·伯纳特的了解 And knowing Officer Cybil Bennett the way l do...她应该正在寻找你的妻女...she“s probably out there looking for your wife and daughter.鲍比 不要让任何人通过路障 Bobby, make sure no one comes through that barricade.我们这就去寂静岭 We”re gonna get our asses up to Silent Hill.到里面转转 是 长官 Let“s take a look around.-Yes, sir.让克里斯告诉我到底是怎么回事 While Chris here tells me what”s going on.她是昨天起失踪的 在 Brahams 停车加油的时候 She disappeared yesterday.l spoke to her...她还和我通过电♥话♥…...when she stopped for gas in Brahams.为什么半夜还要到这里来? Why were you coming up here in the middle of the night? 我想帮她 你们这些城里人… l thought it would help her.-You people.You get off the highway...…带着一堆麻烦事 就往乡下钻...from whatever big city, bringing all your sick problems with you.你怎么就不听我说呢? Why aren“t you listening to me? 两年前 一个家伙来到这里 We had a guy come up here two years ago...将途中拐走的男孩 扔进了一个矿井的通风口...snatched a little boy from a rest stop, dropped him into a mine vent.我决不允许这样的事情再次发生 l never wanna see anything like that again.我不知道你是怎么想的 但你是在帮倒忙 Look, l don”t know what you“re thinking, but you”re not helping.我决不会伤害自己的女儿 There is no way l would ever harm my own daughter.我怎么知道她是你女儿? How do l even know she is your daughter? 来吧 Come on.怎么回事? What the hell? 好了

Okay.现在你明白我的意思了吧 Now do you see what l“m talking about? 能不能把这手铐打开 Will you take these handcuffs off me? 不行 继续走 No.Get walking.托卢卡湖那头有一个火警瞭望塔 There”s a fire-lookout tower on the far side of Toluca Lake.那里应该有无线电 臭屁警♥察♥lt should have a radio.-Fuck you, you stupid cop.这里完全与世隔绝 This place is completely cut off.你根本不知道出了什么问题 You have no idea what“s going on.-Hey!嗨 上面这位 Hey, you up there!我是警♥察♥!

l”m a police officer!怎么回事? What“s going on? 那是什么? What is that? 退后 Stand back.老天 快打他 Jesus Christ, shoot it.不许动!

Stay where you are!站住!



“恨恶义人的,必被定罪” 《旧约·诗篇 34: 21》 The foes of the righteous will be condemned [ 教务室 ] MAIN OFFICE 罗斯… Rose.[ 国 ] COUNTRY [ 家 ] HOME [ 忠 ] LOYALTY [ 神 ] GOD 达·西尔瓦夫人 我是警♥察♥Mrs.Da Silva, I am an officer of the law...我会带你到安全地方...and I will take you to safety.达·西尔瓦夫人 我是警♥察♥Mrs.Da Silva, I am an officer of the law...我会带你到安全地方...and I will take you to safety.怎么不让我来喊? 像这种… Why don”t you let me do that?-Ninety percent of the time...妻子带着女儿私奔...when a wife takes a run...逃到这种地方来...she takes the daughter to a place like this...八成是和她丈夫斗气...l“d say she”s damn mad at her husband.你很喜欢挖别人家底是吧? You like hauling skeletons

out of your family closet? 不总是 不过现在 倒是可以挖挖我们车底 No, not all the time, but we“re driving on top of them right now.地下的煤矿还在燃烧 Coal fire”s still burning underneath.看到那边的理发店了? You see the barbershop over there? 曾经是我父亲的 你父亲? Used to be my father“s.-Your father? 他死了 He”s dead.74 年 11 月的那场大火 November “74, when the fire caught.虽然人们尽了全力疏散 They tried to evacuate this place as quick as they could...但在那地狱般的大火里 死的死 失踪的失踪...but it was hellish, people were dying and disappearing.甚至有一半的尸体都找不到 Hell, they couldn”t even find half the bodies.寂静岭的末日… That was the end of Silent Hill.都是好人…大部分是 These were good people, most of them.其他的 多多少少吧… Some, you might say deserved it.算是罪有应得 A little bit.莎伦!


Sharon.[ 巫女 ] WITCH 你藏在哪? Where are you hiding? 烧死巫女!烧死巫女!

Burn the witch!Burn the witch!阿蕾莎·格雷斯彼 Alessa Gillespie.等等!

Wait!没事了 lt“s okay.没事 lt”s gonna be okay.我一定会帮你的 l promise l“m gonna help you.[ 柯林 ] COLIN 吗”

“那你呢” “你敢我就敢” DARE YOU, DARE YOU DOUBLE DARE YOU 快点 Come on.天啊 Oh, God.快 Come on.神啊 救救我 求你救我 Help me.Oh, God.Please, please, help me.Help...救救我 救救我… Please, help me.Help me.Help me, please.又来了 lt”s happening again.救命!

Help me!Please!Please!


Come on!Come on!罗斯!




Rose!罗斯 Rose.罗斯!

戴上口罩 Rose!-Put your mask on.罗斯 你在哪? Rose, where are you? 我能感觉到她 你什么? l felt her.-You what? 她的香水 Her perfume.她来过这里 谁? She was here.Who was? 我妻子 她没来过这儿 戴上口罩 My wife.She wasn“t here.Put this mask on.香水味 戴上口罩呼吸 Perfume.-Breathe.Through that mask.得了 我们走 走这边 Come on, let”s go.We“re gonna go this way.克里斯

Chris, come on.她来过过这里 不 她没有 She was here.-No, no, she wasn”t here.我有感应 l know it.行了 Come on.我们继续找吧 Come on.Let“s keep looking.滚开 滚开!

Get off!Get off!Get off!把那根铁管拿过来 Get me that pipe.罗斯 铁管!

Rose, the pipe!好的 Okay.Okay.拿到了 快点 l got it.l got it.-Quick, come on!能逃出去吗? Can we get out of here? 我们被困住了 We”re trapped.最后一匣 Last mag.就剩这么点子弹了? 嗯 That“s all the bullets you got?-Yeah.谢谢 Thanks.你听见了? You hear that? 就是他 That”s him.蹲下 快蹲下!

Stay down!Stay down!


Jesus Christ.蹲下 Get down!该死 Shit!怎么了? What? 他妈的怎么回事? What the fuck? 他妈的… What the fuck? 你也看到了 那是真的? You saw that, right? That was real? 这他妈是怎么回事? What the fuck is going on? 这的确很疯狂 我知道 All right, l know this is crazy.l know.我们要冷静 我孩子不在这里 We gotta calm right down, because my kid is not here...在这“状况”再次发生前 得找到我女儿...and l“ve gotta find her before this happens again.我都不知道从何找起 l don”t even know where to start.我找到这个 l found this.是一个饭店的 lt“s from a hotel.我不知道在哪 但她就在里面 l don”t know where it is, but she is in this hotel.饭店? Hotel? 不会有事了 lt“s gonna be okay.我们不会有事的 We”re gonna be okay.好了 放弃尝试吧 Now, don“t be trying anything, all right? 我们留人整夜驻守这里 We got men up here all night long.会找到你的妻女的 We”re gonna find your wife, we“re gonna find your daughter.不能让老百姓到处乱走 Can”t have civilians wandering around on their own.你隐瞒了什么 You“re not telling me everything.这里到底发生过什么? What really happened up here? 往事就让它入土为安吧 Just let it rest in peace.查询台 请找下托卢卡郡的档案 Directory assistance.-Toluca County Archives, please.请稍等 One moment.关于什么的? 听着 Archives?-Yeah, listen.你有没有关于寂静岭的记录? Do you have the records there from Silent Hill? 什么? 警方记录 Which records, sir?-The police records.抱歉 那些记录是绝密档 Sorry, sir, those records are confidential.不 听着… no, I can”t...No, listen, I...抱歉 我没法提供相关信息 Sorry, sir, I can“t access that information.听着 该死的… 先生 Listen, goddamn it.Sir.有急事 我不能… This is an emergency.-I can”t...我没法帮你 I can“t help you.他们说这儿闹鬼 They used to say this place was haunted.我想没错 l think they were right.[ 大饭店 ] GRAND HOTEL 救命!


快 Stay away.-Come on.滚开 罪人!

Stay away, sinner.退后!

Get back!在这里 lt”s here.信仰是我们的掘墓人 带来灭顶之灾 is our destroyer.Faith has brought us doom.滚!

Get back Hey, hey!滚!


Get back!-Hey, stop.你 这扔第一块石头的人 Think you of thee who cast the first stone.牧羊人的羊羔 没有羊群的牧羊人 Lambs without a shepherd, shepherd without a flock.你的罪恶将你困诸此地 lt“s your sins which hold you here.少造谣了!


Stop your lies!-Calm down.没事了 Calm down, it”s okay.我们不会伤害你 她走了 We“re not gonna hurt you.-She”s gone.你叫什么名字? What“s your name? 安娜 我叫安娜 Anna.My name is Anna.安娜 这儿到底是怎么回事? 她是谁? at”s going on here, Anna? Who was that? 我见过她 达利亚是被赶出来的 l“ve seen her before.-Dahlia was cast out.连黑暗力量也不要她 Not even the darkness wants her.她也失去了女儿 什么? She”s lost her daughter too.What? 罪人应该断子绝孙-你在这里做什么 安娜

Sinners deserve to lose their spawn.-What are you doing here, Anna? 母亲需要更多食物 Mother needs more food.你是说 还有其他人? You mean there are other people here? 克里斯贝拉保护我们 Christabella keeps us safe.安娜 我们在教堂避难 Anna.-We take refuge in the church.安娜 听我说 Anna, listen to me.我女儿不见了 她一个人 l“ve lost my daughter.She”s all alone.能想象她有多害怕吗? Can you imagine how frightened she must feel? 告诉我 有没有见过她 Tell me, have you seen her? 知不知道她在哪? Do you know where she is? 她要是有信仰 就能活下来 lf she has faith, she might survive.要是没有… If not...这个我拿着 l“m taking this.见过这个么? Have you seen this? 我在学校见过 l”ve seen it at the school.所有的建筑上都有 老祖先修的 lt“s on all the buildings the elders of my elders built.是我们团结和信仰的标志 lt”s a symbol of our unity,a symbol of our faith.罗斯 看这个 Rose, look at this.是什么? 和你的一样 What is it? Just like yours.在哪找到的? 地上到处都是 Where did you find it?-They“re all over the floor.罗斯 Rose.来看 Check this out.在几♥拿的 111 号♥What number did you take this from?-111.我们去 111 号♥房♥We gotta go to room 111.[ 寂静岭警方记录 ] SILENT HILL POLICE RECORDS 古奇 Gucci.查寻台 Directory assistance.-Yeah.我要查询托卢卡郡立孤儿院 Toluca County Orphanage, please.请稍后 One moment, please.有相关信息 s, I have that information for you.-Yeah.能告诉我地址吗? Can you give me that address? 我们离避难所太远了 We are wandering far from refuge here.没得选择了 带上她吧

Let”s keep her with us.She“s all we got.没有 111 号♥房♥There”s no room 111.第一场火 The first burning.是什么 安娜? 第一场火 What is it, Anna?-The first burning.那时这小镇还没有名字 Before the town had a name.祖先们为了保持纯净… The elders of my elders kept us pure.小镇的祖先原来是巫女猎人 The founders of this town were witch-hunters.靠烧死巫女来驱退黑暗 Burning the witch held back the darkness.好阻止世界末日“天启”的到来 lt stopped the apocalypse.就是这儿 lt“s here.这里有个房♥间 There”s a room in here.看这里 Look at this.来 Here.该死 Damn.这是什么地方? What is this place? 不知道 到了另外一栋房♥子了 l don“t know.We”re in the next building.是什么工厂吧 Some factory, maybe? 看来这里曾起过火

Looks like there was a fire.罗斯!

Rose!你是谁? Who are you? 没事了 lt“s okay.别怕 我保证不会伤害你 Don”t be scared.l promise l“m not gonna hurt you.罗斯? Rose? 加油 Okay.Come on.加油 Come on.没事了 lt”s okay.Hey.没事 lt“s okay.没事了 lt”s okay.我不会伤害你 l“m not gonna hurt you.我的天 Oh, my God.你简直就是她的双胞胎妹妹 You could be her twin.你是阿蕾莎? Are you Alessa? 我的莎伦在哪? Where”s my Sharon? 看着我 Look at me.我在燃烧 l“m burning.罗斯? Rose? 罗斯 老天 Rose? My God.-你怎么过去的?

她到哪去了? How did you get over there?-Where is she? 抓住这个 Grab onto it.荡回来 好 Now swing back around.Okay.你没事吧 嗯 Are you all right?-Yeah.你在那边做什么? What the hell were you doing over there? 这样会没命的 You”re gonna get yourself killed.我刚见到了达利亚的女儿 l think l just saw Dahlia“s daughter.是她带我们到这里来 She was the one that brought us here.你在说什么? What are you talking about? 是她害我撞了车 She was the one that made me crash my car.阿蕾莎 Alessa.我们从不提这个名字 We don”t say her name.安娜 这就是那个封印? That“s the seal, isn”t it, Anna? 你们信仰的标志? The symbol of your faith? 这里一定发生过很可怕的事情 Something terrible happened here.得走了 我们得走了!

.We have to leave!

黑暗就要来了 快走 The darkness is coming!-Let“s go.快点!

Let”s go!教堂并不远 The church isn“t far.跑 快跑!

罗斯 快点 un.Run!-Rose, come on!罗斯!


Hurry!罗斯 Rose.快来 我们走 Come!We gotta go.罗斯 快 我见过这个 Rose, come on.-l”ve seen this.罗斯 我们走 Rose, let“s go!西比尔 罗斯 快 Cybil!-Rose, come on.西比尔!

Cybil!你们不是躲避灾难 只是逃避内心的恐惧 You run not towards sanctuary but from your fears.不要同流合污 他们是骗子 受诅咒的人 Do not join the others.They are deceivers.They are damned.我们得进去 不!

We gotta get inside.-No!他们是披着羊皮的狼 They are wolves in the skin of sheep.自取灭亡 还要拖你陪葬 brought about their own hell.They”ll take you with them.胡说八道!

Filth and lies!-Hey!住手!

Stop it!求求你 我见过你女儿阿蕾莎 Please.l“ve seen your daughter.l”ve seen Alessa.要来了!

她死了是不是? lt“s coming!-She”s dead, isn“t she? 烈火无法清洁 只会越烧越黑 Fire doesn”t cleanse, it blackens.听我说 罗斯 快 Listen to me.-Rose, hurry!她和莎伦长得一模一样 She looks exactly like Sharon.她带我们来这儿的 对不对? She brought us here, didn“t she? 为什么 她到底要做什么? Why? What does she want? 恶魔会随着仇恨一同苏醒 Evil wakes in vengeance.要小心做出选择 Be careful what you choose.罗斯!


天啊 Oh, God, no.巫女!


Witches!-She”s evil.别让巫女靠近!

Keep away the witches!不… 赶她们出去!

No.-Send them back!不是… No.我们迷路了 We“re lost.这里是神圣的避难所 This is a sanctuary.克里斯贝拉 她们引诱了我的安娜 Please, Christabella, they lured my Anna.将她送到恶魔手里 They gave her to the fiend.埃莉诺 你一定记得 安娜没有依教规行事 Eleanor, you must remember that Anna went against our laws.她独自外出 闯入恶魔的领地 She went alone outside into the devil”s playground.她不关这两个陌生人的事 She was not the responsibility of these two strangers.等会儿再来对付她们 We“ll deal with them later.现在我们要祈祷 Now we must pray.以下祷文改自《新约·启示录 20: 11-15》 启示录中预言了所谓的“天启”即世界末日 REVELATION 20:11-15 我看见他们…

And then l saw them...从他们面前天地都逃避…...from whose presence earth and heaven fled away.再无家可回 And no home was left to them.我看见他们… And then l saw them...从他们面前天地都逃避…...from whose presence earth and heaven fled away.再无家可回 And no home was left to them.我又看见死了的人 无论大小 And l saw the dead, the great and the small...照他们所行的受审判...and they were judged according to their deeds.我又看见死了的人 无论大小 And l saw the dead, the great and the small...照他们所行的受审判...and they were judged according to their deeds.若有人名字没记在生命册上… And anyone”s name not found written in the book of life...他们就被扔在火湖里...they will be thrown into the lake of fire.[ 托卢卡郡立孤儿院 ] Toluca County Orphanage 现在我躺下睡觉 And now l lay me down to sleep...请主守护我的灵魂...l pray the Lord my soul to keep.如果我醒来之前死去 lf l should die before l wake...请主带我灵魂同行...l pray the Lord my soul to take.阿门 Amen.好了 孩子们 快上♥床♥睡觉吧 All right, girls, into bed.Quickly, now.下雨天 也无处可去啦 No better place to be on a rainy night.琳茜 快点 那位 拿好你的小熊 真乖 ln you go, Lindsey, thattagirl.You“ve got your bear, that”s a girl.熄灯后不许讲话 No.No talking after lights are out.晚安 孩子们 Good night, children.上帝保佑你们 And God bless.抱歉 玛格丽特么么 真的等不得 l“m sorry, Sister Margaret, this really can”t wait.我不知什么这么急 l can“t imagine why.9 年前… Nine years ago...这所孤儿院外发现了一个女婴...a baby was left outside this orphanage.我和妻子领养了她 My wife and l were the ones who adopted her.我为你感到高兴 达·西尔瓦先生 l”m very happy for you, Mr.Da Silva...但我不能交出这里孩子的资料...but l can“t give out

information on our children.听我说 Look.有个女孩 和我女儿一模一样 That girl, she looks exactly like my daughter.我帮不了你 抱歉 l can”t help you, l“m sorry.很晚了 她该有 40 岁了 lt”s late.-She must be 40 now.我到哪能找到她? Where can l find her? 这不是她一个人的故事 This story isn“t hers alone...而是关系到所有人!

你这种人…...but all of ours!-You people.你是自找麻烦 You got yourself something.知道什么麻烦么 克里斯? 非法闯入? You know what you got now, Chris? How about breaking and entering? 照这个样子 还得加上伤害罪 By thlooks of this, a little assault as well.谢谢你 托马斯 Thank you, Thomas.能再追究下去了 不会的 么么 This can”t go any farther.-lt won“t, Sister.我认识一些 12 岁的小毛孩 You know, I have some 12-year-olds...都比你会掩饰行踪...who cover their tracks better than you do.这是什么? What”s this? 古奇 认得她么? Look, Gucci, do you know her? 她就是我女儿的亲生母亲? ls that my daughter“s birth mother? 转过身去 你要做什么? Look, turn around.-What are you doing? 是的 我认识那女孩 l knew that girl.l did.我听说她没能熬过那晚 l was told she didn”t make it through the night.起火的那晚 The night of the fire.寂静岭烧起大火那一晚 The night of the big fire in Silent Hill.那些人… There were tese people...…狂热的教♥徒♥...these fanatics.残忍♥地虐待了那个女孩 What they did to that child was terrible.那是 30 年前的事了 早已过去 That was 30 years ago, and it“s over now.据我所知 并没有过去 Not as far as l”m concerned.那又怎么样 城里人? What“s it gonna be, city boy? 我可以送你进监狱 l can put you in jail...或者你可以回家...or you can go home.这就是你所谓的正义? And that”s your definition of justice? 正义的形式有很多种 克里斯

Many different forms of justice, Chris.人类的…上帝的… See, you“ve got man”s, God“s...甚至恶魔的...and even the devil”s.到底哪一种 不由你说了算 Certain forms you just can“t control.我要你马上回家 So l want you to go home now...躺倒温暖的床上...to your nice warm bed...让我来对付这个小镇…...and let me deal with this town...和过去 30 年里的变故...and what has happened over the last 30 years.好了 故事结束 Okay? End of story.全能的主啊 在他手里是…(拉丁文)

DOMINE DEUS OMNIPOTENS IN CUIUS MANU 先告诉我你们怎么来到这里 Tell me first how you got here.老实说 我不知道怎么到这里的 Honestly, l don”t know how l got here.现在 我丢了小女儿 Right now, l“ve lost my little girl...而且我明白必须要到这教堂来...and all l know is that l”m supposed to be in this church.你有信仰么? Are you a person of faith? 我爱我女儿 没问你这个 l love my daughter.-That“s not what l asked.凭什么由你来决断? Who are you to judge? 就凭昔日的灵魂还未安息

We judge because the souls of history hang in the balance.而信仰从未让我们失望 Because our faith has never failed us.是信仰让地狱的黑暗无法蔓延 Our faith keeps the darkness of hell at bay.那就用你们的信仰 帮我找到女儿 Then use your faith to help me find my little girl.只有恶魔知道她在哪 Only the demon knows where she is.那告诉我 到哪去找这个恶魔? Then tell me, where do l find this demon? 没人能从黑暗力量中心… No one has ever returned from the core of the darkness...恶魔藏身之处逃脱...where the demon lies in wait.她不会帮忙的 我们走 She”s not gonna help us.Let“s go.你要是愿意面对恶魔 找到女儿 lf you wish to face the demon to find your daughter...我不阻止你...l won”t stop you.克里斯贝拉 不能去那下面… 闭嘴 亚当 Christabella, they can“t go down...-Silence, Adam.也许你的信仰能保佑你 Perhaps your faith will protect you.也许不能 Perhaps not.要是你不想去 lf you don”t wanna do this...我理解...l“ll understand.莎伦是领养的

Sharon”s adopted...可我是她母亲...but l“m her mother.从见到她的第一眼起 我就这样认定 knew that from the moment l first laid eyes on her.她真幸运 有你这样的母亲 She”s lucky to have you.在孩子眼里 母亲就是上帝 Mother is God in the eyes of a child.安静 Quiet.我们现在在他的领地了 We“re in his domain now.看这个地图 记下来 Look at this map.Memorize it.你的记忆能救你的命 Your memory may save your life.看到这个房♥间了? 是的 Do you see this room?-Yeah.恶魔就在这 That is where the darkness lies.恶魔在这栋楼的中心 The demon is in the bowels of this building.藏在一张天真无邪的面孔下面 lt hides behind the face of an innocent.你是说孩子? You mean a child? 不要相信你的眼睛 它们在欺骗你 Don”t believe your eyes.Your eyes will lie to you.信仰才是唯一的真理 Faith is the only truth.我会为你祈祷 罗斯 l will pray for you, Rose...…不过并不期待你和伙伴 能活着出来...but l won“t expect you and your friend to return.再见 Goodbye.亚当 Adam.左 右 Left.Right.左 左 Left.Left.右 右 左 带他们到下一层 Right.Right.Left.Take them to the lower level.底层? 照着做 然后回来 ln the basement? Do it, then return.左 3A 但是… Left.3A.But...右 4A 我说了 照做 Right.4A.l said, do it.左 左 右 罗斯…罗斯 Left.Left.Right.Rose.Rose.左 右 左 左 罗斯 她要害死你 Left.Right.Left.Left.Rose, she”s killing you.罗斯!

让我去 Rose!-Let me do this.我必须去

l need to do this.拿着 Take this.光会吸引他们 但没有光你什么也看不见 They“ll be drawn to the light, but you won”t be able to see without it.谢谢 Thank you.这样真的可以? 可以 So this thing actually works?-lt will.如果恶魔需要你的话 lf the demon wants you, it will.请饶恕我 Forgive me.看来我们终日拾荒已成习惯 我想这是你的 We“ve lived too long as scavengers.l believe this is yours.巫女!她女儿和阿蕾莎一模一样 Witch!Her child”s the likeness of Alessa.她女儿就是孽种 Her child“s the next vessel.阻止她!

不要让巫女下去 Stop her!Don”t let the witches go down!快点!

Come on!离她远点!

Get off her!找到她 Find her.等等 西比尔!

No!Wait!Cybil!西比尔 开门!

Cybil!Open the door!不!

No!8A.7A 右拐 7 A.Right.右拐 6A Right.6A.4A.3A.左 左 右 右 Left, left.Right, right.左 左 Left, left.好了 我能做到 Okay.l can do this.恭喜你 罗斯 Congratulations, Rose.你到了 You“re here.你成功了 You did it.真♥相♥就是你的奖励 Your reward is the truth.有没有看到 小阿蕾莎多乖啊 Did you see that Alessa was a good little girl? 尽管没有人这样认为 Even though nobody looked at her that way.烧死这巫女!烧死她!

她们的父母说她很坏 Burn the witch!Burn the witch!-Their parents told them she was bad.不像别人 她没有父亲 Shdidn”t have a father like they did.阿蕾莎一个人好孤单 Alessa was alone in the world.你知道当小女孩一个人 会出什么事
