


专升本英语写作原则 篇1


Directions: For this part, you are required to write an enquiry(询价)letter.You should write the letter on the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese.Remember to write the letter in the space given on the Composition Sheet.说明:以HCM 公司销售经理王丽娜的名义写一封询价函。



请寄来产品目录和最新价目表; 如价格合理,将大量订货。


May 15th, 2010 Dear Sir or Madam,I’m writing to you to show our great interest in your company’s clothes which are exhibited on the French Fashion Fair.There is a great of demand in Chinese

market.It would be appreciated if you can send us a copy of your catalogue, together with your latest price list.If the prices are competitive and reasonable, we will place

a large order(大量订购).Looking forward to hearing from you very soon.Yours sincerely,Wang Lina

Sales Manager of HCM Company


(We are)Looking forward to hearing from you very soon.(We are)Looking forward to your prompt reply.Your early reply would be appreciated.It would be appreciated that you pay prompt attention to this matter.We appreciate your early/prompt reply.We look forward to your kind attention and favorable reply.2008年 Directions: For this part you are required to write a poster.You should write the poster on the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese.Remember to write the poster in the space given on the Composition Sheet.说明:为了迎接2008年奥运会,你校准备在7月30日举行大型晚会。各年级将演出节目。请为你自己班级写一个通告,邀请同学们参加表演。表演的节目可以是舞蹈、唱歌、短剧、相声„„。

Words of reference: 奥运会 Olympic Games 相声quick talks


In order to celebrate/greet the 2008 Olympic Games, a great/grand Evening Party will be held on July 30th in our university.Each grade is requested to perform at the party.So we’d like to invite everyone in our class to take part in the performance.Various forms of performance are welcome, including dancing, singing, short drama and quick talks.2007年

Directions:For this part you are required to write a letter to a customer.You should write the poster on the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese.Remember to write the poster in the space given on the Composition Sheet.假设你的名字是王平,某公司的一名职员;张静是你公司的顾客。用英语写一篇关于推迟你

与张先生约会的短信。时间:2005年6月4日,星期一 内容:1.你原来与他约好明天上午见面; 2.表示抱歉,你不能同他见面;




June 4th, 2005 Dear Mr.Zhang, I am terribly sorry to tell you that I cannot meet you tomorrow morning as we arranged before because my company has appointed me to meet a customer from Australia.Shall we fix/make it another time? I’m free/ available from Tuesday to Thursday

next week.Please forgive me for any inconvenience I have caused.Yours sincerely, Wang Ping


Directions: For this part you are required to write a letter to the dean of your English Department.You should write the letter according to the instructions given in Chinese below.Remember to writer the letter on the Composition Sheet.说明:现在的社会对英语的要求很高,可是你们学校的英语教学设施还很不完备,请给你们学校英语系的主任写一封信,要求提供一些课外学习英语的便利条件。比如:定期播放经典的英语影片,开放语音室等等,以提高大家的学习兴趣和便于大家的交流。注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基本格式。

Words for reference:经典的 classical 语音室 language lab

June 3rd, 2006

Dear Mr.Dean,I’m writing to you to make some suggestions on English learning in our department.As we all know, the standards of good English are becoming higher and higher nowadays, however, English teaching facilities in our department are not

satisfying.I was wondering if you could provide us some beneficial after-class/ extra-curricular activities to learn English, such as playing classical English movies regularly, opening language labs, which will greatly improve our interest of language lab English learning and communication.Thanks for your consideration!

Yours sincerely, Li Yong


Directions: For this part you are required to write a poster entitled Contribution Wanted.You should write the poster on the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese.Remember to write the poster in the space given on the Composition sheet.征稿启示




Words of reference: 稿件manuscript;期 issue;专栏 special column

Contribution Wanted

In order to enrich extra-curriculum/ after-class activities and reflect our college life, a magazine entitled(named)Our Campus is recently opened by the Students’ Union.It wants your contribution now.A special column, which focuses on helping the freshmen get familiar with college life/freshmen orientation, will

be opened.Any form of manuscripts with no more than 2,000 words is welcome as long as it reflects

college life.Pay attention to the deadline: September 20th, 2005.Please address to: Edition Department of Our Campus, the Students’ Union, Chuangxin


Directions: In this part you are required to write a composition on the topic Why Do I Want to Further My Study? You should base your writing on the following outline given in Chinese.And your writing should be no less than 100 words.Remember to write the composition on the Composition Sheet.1.已经在高等专科/职业学校毕业,成绩良好。


3.将努力学习,成为一个„ 4.要为„作出更大贡献。

Words for reference: 高等专科学校: junior college;高等职业学校: professional college

Why Do I Want to Further My Study?

Graduating from a junior college/ professional college with excellent achievements, I’d like to further my study in a university.Being able to study in a university has always been my dream, because there are more highly qualified teachers from who I can get a rich knowledge, more friendly classmates from all over the country who I can make friends with and more beautiful campus where I can enjoy my study and so on.If I’m lucky enough to have a chance to further my study in a university, I’ll work harder, trying my best to become a teacher.Therefore, after graduation, I can be a good teacher in my hometown, so that I can make great contribution in educating

poor children there.2003年

Directions: In this part, you are required to write a letter of application according to the following content.You should write the composition on the Composition Sheet.假定你是张华,刚从大学毕业,现在是某大学物理系的实验员(experimenter),想到国外继续学习深造,以获得硕士学位(the degree of Master of Science),需从对方学校获取该校的申请表及相关信息。你在信中简单介绍了自己的情况,说明自己的打算和意图,请


Physics Department of X University Nanchang, Jiangxi, China 100071 June 21st, 2003

Admission Officer Graduate School of Physics North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina, 27650

U.S.A Dear Sir,I am writing to apply for the degree of Master of Science in your university

to pursue my graduate study.Having graduated from a university recently, I’m now working as an experimenter in Department of Physics in ×× University.I should be grateful/ obliged if you could send me your application forms and relevant information.Thanks for your consideration and look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Zhang Hua


Directions: In this part, you are required to write a letter of application according to the following content.You should write the composition on the Composition Sheet.姓名:李华,男,1980年5月16日出生,未婚,家住南昌市复兴路61号。昨天见到贵公司的广告,招聘一名计算机程序员,我现在向您申请该职位。



Words for reference: 南昌Nanchang 擅长 good at 上网 surf the net

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing you to show my keen interest in the position of computer programmer in your company.I strongly believe I meet the qualification listed in your

advertisement.I was born on May 16th, 1980, unmarried, and I’m living in No.61, Fuxing Road, Nanchang.I graduated from Nanchang College in 2001 with satisfactory scores in all the courses, majoring in Computer Programming.During college, I’m fond of English and have a good command of reading.What’s more, I’m good at translation and have a strong ability to speak English.My hobbies are music, swimming, literature and

surfing the net.I’ll appreciate if you could give me a chance for an interview.Looking forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 2001年

Directions: you are required to write a letter to invite a friend to celebrate New Year’s Day.The letter should include the following:

1.The date to hold the party

2.The place 3.The length of time for the party to last

4.The arrangement of the party

5.The other guests Remember to use the right letter form.And you should write no less than 100 English

words in the Composition Sheet.June 25, 2001 Dear Wang Jun,In order to celebrate New Year’s Day, a great party will be held in the hall of our university on December 27th, 2001.I was wondering if you can attend

the party.The party begins at 7:00 pm and ends at 10:00 pm, which will last for 3 hours.There will be all kinds of activities on the party, such as singing, dancing and some interesting games.The president of our school, teachers in our department, and some foreign teachers will also attend our party.I believe that we’ll have great fun there.Hope you can come.Yours sincerely,Ling Ping ☆模拟练习

1.Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.Please write a letter of inquiry according to the outline given below in Chinese.1)请汇寄“美的”牌空调的目录和最新价格表 2)由于本市的气温偏高,需要大量的空调。3)如质量令人满意且价格合理,打算大量订购。

参考范文: Dear Sir, Please kindly mail us a copy of your catalogue and latest price list for “Mei Di” air-conditioners.We are greatly interested in your products.There is a heavy demand for air-conditioners in this city, where high-temperature weather continues for a long time.People can’t endure the heat.If the quality of your air-conditioners proves satisfactory and your price is reasonable, we are ready to place a great order with you.Your early reply will be appreciated very much.Yours faithfully, Wang Qiang


面提示向该店经理写一封投诉信。所购衣物:绿色女上衣,价格468元; 问题:洗涤时退色,并说明理由。要求:退款或换衣,并说明理由。就此事发表看法或提出建议。

参考范文: Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing to you to complain about the quality of a green blouse which I bought in your shop while I was on holiday in Hangzhou about a week ago.I bought a green blouse for 468 dollars in your shop, but there seems to be something wrong with it.When it is washed, the color runs.Now I can’t possibly wear it.It’s not my fault, so I’d like you to solve the problem for me.I insist you change it for another one for me or give my money back(refund the money).I think it’s better for you to make sure that everything in your shop is good.Then you will have more customers.I’m looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely, Lily


参考范文: Notice Lecture on Twentieth-century American Literature Development

Speaker: Professor Smith

Time: 3:00 p.m., Friday, May 18, 2010 Place: Lecture Hall, Main Building Mr.Smith, Professor of English language and literature at Foreign Languages University, specialized in the study of the American literature.He will give us a wonderful lecture.After the lecture, you are allowed to put forward your questions and discuss with Professor Smith.Teachers and students of the English Department are warmly welcome.English Department Office

4.Directions: You are applying for admission to graduate law program and in need of a resume.Please write it to describe:

1)Your education background, qualifications and honors


3)Personal information You should write about 100 words.参考范文: RESUME






OBJECTIVE: Seeking admission to graduate program of law

EDUCATION: Fu Dan University1999-present, Major in law

QUALIFICATIONS: University graduation certificate and bachelor degree to be

conferred upon graduation(2003)

CET6 College English Test level 6 Oct.2002

HONORS: First prize winner of Department speech contest Oct.2002

University scholarship for Excellent Students(2001, 2002)

EXPERIENCE: President of Students’ Union 2001-present Editor of University

Journal 2000-2001

SPECIAL SKILLS: Good at public speech and debate

Proficient in English(fluent speaking and writing)

Expertise on commercial law

Good command of Word & Excel software

PERSONAL DATA: Date of Birth: 8/21/1980

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Single

Health: Good REFERENCE: Zhang Ming, Law professor, Dean of Law Dept., Fu Dan University


内容: 1)本报的主要对象为我公司员工;出版日期为每个月的15 日。




c.员工业余(spare time)生活;




5)联系人:林月 6)联系地址:公司公共关系部

参考范文: Contributions Wanted This newspaper is mainly for our clerks.It’s published on 15th monthly.Welcome all the reading public to send your contributions.Your contributions should be the following forms: A.Reports of each branch;B.Opinions and suggestions to our company’s production, sale and production expending;C.Our clerks’ spare time life;D.Others.Your contribution should be no more than 1000 words and those written in English

should be typed.If your contribution isn’t adopted, it will be returned in three months.Contact Person: Lin Yue Contact Address: Public Relation Department of Company


口号:“绿色奥运” 计划投资:122亿美元

美化内容:环境:大面积植树,种草,栽花 环保:使用清洁能源;处理和再利用污水 目标:花园城市;天再蓝些,水再清些


Dear David, How nice to hear from you again.Now let me tell you something about the beautifying work on Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.Our slogan is “Green Olympic”.12.2 billion dollars will be spent on this project.A lot more trees, flowers and grass will be planted in many places to make Beijing more beautiful.We will use clean energy and try out best to make waste water clean and reuse it.In 2008, you will see Beijing as beautiful as a garden, with cleaner water and a clearer sky.I look forward to meeting you in Beijing in 2008.Yours sincerely,Li Hua

7.假设你叫王红,于5月7日星期五在学校门口看到两则海报后,决定邀你的好友Harry一起参加其中的一项活动。你赶到Harry住处时,发现他不在。请根据海报内容给Harry 写一张留言条,要他选择其中的一项活动并尽快通知你。Movie –Gone with the Wind

In the School Hall 7 p.m.Sat.8 May Lecture—Women’s Liberation

Speaker: Prof.Power---writer of The Other Half of the Sky

Date: Sat., 8 May 27, 2005

Time: 7 p.m.Place: Room 101

参考范文: Dear Harry, It’s a pity that you are not in, so I have to leave you a note.There are two posters at the school gate.One is about the movie “Gone with the Wind”, which is to be shown at 7 Saturday evening in the school hall.The other is about a lecture on women’s liberation, which is to be given by Prof.Betty Power, writer of the book “The Other Half of the Sky”, at 7 on Saturday evening in Room 101.I’d like to invite you to either the movie or the lecture, but I wonder which you would prefer.Please let me know your decision as soon as possible.Wang Hong


参考范文: Dear Johnson, I’m very glad to learn from your last letter that you’re coming to Beijing and want to buy an apartment in Beijing.I happened to see an advertisement in a newspaper, which may be suitable for you.The apartment building lies in the center of the city.It is very convenient for you to travel anywhere from here.It is made up of(It consists of)six rooms—a living room, a dining room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.A newly built parking lot(停车场)lies in front of the apartment building.There are a large lawn and many trees around it, which makes the air here very fresh.I’d like to know your opinion about the apartment.If you’re interested in it, just call me.I’m looking forward to your reply.Best wishes to you!

Yours truly,Li Hua


From To Flight Date Departure Arrival Beijing Shanghai CA981 June25 10:20 AM 12:20 PM Shanghai Los Angeles CA981 June 25 13:40 PM 10:50 AM Los Angeles New York CA981 June 25 14:45 PM 19:45 PM

参考范文: Dear John, I’ve got my plane ticket to New York and I will take Flight CA981 to New York on June 25th.My plane takes off at 10:20 am from Beijing Airport.It arrives at Shanghai at 12:20 pm and stops for one hour and twenty minutes.Then it continues its flight and lands at Los Angles at 10:50 am on June 25th.I will have to stay about four hours at Los Angles Airport.Then my plane leaves Los Angles at 14:45 pm.The flight takes five hours and I will finally get to New York at 19:45 pm.I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.Yours sincerely,Li Ping

10.下面是一家电子公司刊登在2008年4月25日的China Daily 上的一则招聘广告。假如你是李平,符合该公司的招聘条件,并对其待遇感到满意,请写一封自荐信。

Administrative Secretary Wanted Should have an electronics degree and practical experience of working in an electronics company.Should be good at communicating with people, physics, English and Computer.Should be in good health.Hours: 8:30 am—5:00pm.Mon.–Fri.Salary: 3500.Letter of application to: Mrs.Chan NOVA LECTRONICS, 45 GORDON Rd, Hung Hom, Kowloon.参考范文:


NOVA EECTRONICS 45 Gordon Rd HungHom, Kowloon February 8th, 2003

Dear Mrs.Chan, I’m writing to you to show my keen interest in(apply for)the position of an administrative secretary which you have advertised in China Daily of April 25th,2008.I graduated from the Physics Department of Jiujiang University with an electronics degree and I have been working as a secretary in ~ Electronics Company in Guangdong for three years.So I have a good command of dealing with people.Having passed CET-4, I find myself fluent in both spoken and written English.I am also quite familiar with computer skills.I’m quite able to work in your company from 8:30 am to 5:00pm.In addition, I’m in good health and I’m quite pleased with the

salary your company offers.Enclosed please find my resume.I should be most grateful to you if you would give

me favorable consideration.Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ping

11.假如你是李明。请以A Big Funeral Is Too Late为题,向一家英文报纸写一封信,批评子女虐待老人,老人死后却又花钱大操大办丧事的不良社会风气。



A Big Funeral Is Too Late

Dear editor, I’m writing to you to draw our attention to one of bad social customs – ill-treating the old while they are alive but holding a big funeral after their death.Grandma Li was my neighbor, who died last month.The old lady had three sons.All of them had grown up and got married, but none of them wanted to take care of her.They let her live in a small dark room.They gave her little food.When she got ill,they refused to take her to hospital.But to my surprise, the old lady’s sons spent a lot of money on her funeral.The funeral lasted several days, and scores of cars and trucks were used on the day when

the old lady was buried.What is the use of such a big funeral for the old lady? It is too late for her.We should take care of old parents while they are alive instead of spending so much

money on them when they are dead.Yours faithfully,Li Ming


Dear Julie, Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and me to yesterday.The food not only was fabulous but also tasted great.My husband and I enjoyed it very much.To return your kindness and hospitality, we would like to invite you to dinner at 7:00 pm.this Friday at ~ Hotel.Please do come.Yours, Helen


1)表达你的歉意之情;2)说明未能赴约的原因 3)建议再约一个时间

Dear Prof.Wang, I write this note to express my great apology/regret to you as I failed to turn up for the appointment with you yesterday afternoon.To be frank, I did remember to meet you at your office when my father suddenly had a stomachache and I had to send him to a nearby hospital.Then I gave you a phone to call off the meeting but the line was busy.I intend to arrange another appointment if it takes no further trouble for you.I am wondering if it is convenient for us to meet next Monday morning.I

am expecting an early reply from you.Sincerely yours,Li Ming


1)表达你对他病情的担忧;2)建议他做一次全面的身体检查(complete physical checkup);


Dear Jimmy, I’m so sorry to hear that you have been ill these days.Because recently I’m busy preparing for the final English test, I haven’t heard anything about you until yesterday.I became very worried when I heard that you have caught a terrible flu again.So I am writing to you and would like to know how you are now.I think you should take a complete physical checkup and find out the real trouble it the illness persists.My help will be available if you need any help.Wish you good health.Sincerely yours,Li Ming

专升本英语写作原则 篇2


商务英语信函是一种常用的商务英语应用文, 商务英语信函的内容固然很重要, 但表达方式同样重要。 商务英语信函的写作是有一定规范的, 即应遵循一定的写作原则, 采用一些写作技巧, 从而使商务信函表意准确, 语言流畅, 更易于贸易双方的沟通与理解。


(一) 礼貌原则

1.使用you-attitude。 对方观点:首先, 它表明作者站在读者的角度看问题, 体现作者对读者利益的真挚的关怀、尊重和敬意, 维护对方的积极面子, 建立和谐的关系;其次, you-attitude体现一种写作风格, 用积极的方式、乐观的态度和愉快的口吻表达观点。

2.使用we。 包容性词汇 “we”很适合表达礼貌, 维护读者的面子。作者使用we时, 实际上是强调“you”和“me”, 更能表达合作的意愿或考虑的是双方共同的利益。

3.使用积极的词汇。在书写商业信函时, 作者可以运用一些积极词汇表达其对读者的关心, 体现出维护读者的积极面子。这样可以激发写信人和读者的共识, 巩固双方合作关系。 这些积极词汇可包括很多, 如感谢、赞扬、认同、同情、承诺、乐观等。

4.使用原因状语从句。 提问或解释原因是表达礼貌的方式, 表明说话者想积极地将听者拉到谈话氛围中, 暗示说话者可以帮助听者, 或者反之, 由此体现双方合作愿景。

5.使用主动语态。 主动语态将施为者置于句子开头, 直接传达施为者或作者的善意, 满足读者积极面子, 由此达到礼貌的目的。

(二) 体谅原则

商务英语信函写作强调信息沟通的效果, 不仅要关注内容的准确与完整, 还必须重视对方的反应, 要学会站在对方的角度思考问题, 只有这样才能获得满意的沟通效果。 首先着重强调对方利益。 在信函中, 对方最根本目的是了解他们能获得多少利益及这些利益能否满足他们的需要。 其次应用肯定句代替否定句, 强调信息的准确性。

(三) 完整原则

信息完整对于商务英语信函的写作很重要。 一些在日常行文中常用的如 “the above-mentioned”, “the latter”, “respectively”之类的表达方式要尽量少用或不用, 尽可能提供完整的信息, 使对方易于理解。

(四) 清楚原则

清楚是商务英语信函写作最重要的原则。 一封词不达意的信会引起误会, 甚至造成损失。 清楚表达应注意选择使用正确的句子结构和选择准确简单的词汇。 在商务英语写作中, 对方获取信息最根本目的是了解他们将获得什么利益及多少关乎自身的礼仪。 其次, 应突出积极因素。 因为积极因素与消极因素相比, 更加能够吸引对方的兴趣, 激发对方热情, 能更容易获得认可。

(五) 正确性原则

正确性原则是多方面的, 其主要涉及对象是信函的内容、句法、标点和格式等, 还涉及专业术语和称呼等。 如果此类信函中出现诸如拼写错误、语法和标点之类的错误, 则会严重影响发信人的形象, 且使沟通效果大打折扣。 此外, 在用语方面也注意要求, 例如省略语“I’ll”这种表达明显过于随意, 在这类信函中一般应写作“I shall”, 一些省略和简写在商务信函中也不应出现, 应该补全句子成分。 商务英语中有一些特定的表达法, 它们在普通英语中一般不出现或虽然也使用但含义不同, 这也是商务英语的一个特征。 比如短语“on the terms andconditions”中的 “terms”和 “conditions”都可以表示条件, 在日常用法中没有必要两词连用, 但在商务信函中, 为求精确、严谨, 常成对使用。 再如“advise sb.of sth.” (通知某人某事) 中的“advise”, 在日常用法中一般不作 “ 通知” 解, 而表示 “ 劝告”、 “ 建议”等意思。 这种作为商业术语与普通用语含义不同的词还有不少, 如“offer”一般表示“提供”、“提议”等, 在商务里可指“发盘”、“报盘”;同样在保险业务中, “policy”指“保险单”, 而不是“政策”、“方针”, “average” 指 “ 海损”, 而不是 “ 平均的”、 “ 一般的”;“confirm”的基本含义是“确认”, 用在信用证前面时, 则表示“保兑”, 如confirmed letter of credit (保兑的信用证) 。


商务信函的写作比文学创作及其他类型的写作容易, 这是因为商务英语信函的写作有一定的框架规范, 具体表现在内容结构与语言运用等方面。

(一) 通常要选用常用的四部式的正文结构。 商务信函由四部分组成, 即引言、详情、应答和结束语。 第一部分的引言中, 不应开门见山地谈论事情, 而应该常通过某项事由或利用彼此以前的联系引出所要表达的东西, 避免唐突。 第二部分详情, 应按照主次顺序分几个段落进行说明, 同时, 在叙述同一事项时要保持语言的条理性与逻辑性, 通常将敏感事项的信息放在最后, 如涉及限制、付款、罚款、赔偿等不好的信息。 第三部分应答, 可以告诉对方随函寄去的附件或表示欢迎对方询价或咨询, 也可以是要求对方确认、答复或寄来价目表。 在出现这类情况时, 可根据具体情况决定其是否应该留下。 第四部分一般是一些总结和结束句子, 有的纯粹是一句客套语, 这主要是注意一些称呼和问候问题。 此类信函中, 结束语必须对照全文内容, 以便自然不违和。

(二) 要善于使用商务信函中的习惯用法, 此类用法较多, 其一般和普通表达方法有明显差别。 其中包含很多约定俗成的套语, 在写信时需要查阅相关手册。


商务英语信函的写作原则是信函不可磨灭的灵魂, 我们应该用一种尊重原则和守护原则的心态做这件事情, 而其写作的技巧, 则是日常写作都会用到的实用技能, 万变不离其宗, 可以灵活运用它, 也可以提出更加科学新鲜的方法去尝试。 原则与技巧也是信函写作的两项重要组成部分, 缺一不可。 随着国际化交流的深入, 商务英语信函的写作也应成为我们研究的方向, 为了更好地发展国家经济的全球化而努力。


[1]卢振军, 孙俊霞.外贸活动中商务英语信函翻译探析[J].中国商贸, 2012 (09) .

[2]黄燕妮.大学商务英语信函写作中礼貌性原则的体现[J].产业与科技论坛, 2012 (06) .

[3]林雁峰.商务英语信函文体风格的探讨[J].语文学刊 (外语教育教学) , 2012 (07) .

[4]邵贵君, 侯凌霄.基于文化差异下的商务英语写作教学探析[J].中小企业管理与科技 (下旬刊) , 2012 (07) .

[5]喻旭东.英语商务信函中的模糊语言[J].淮海工学院学报 (社会科学版) , 2011 (17) .

[6]李菲.了解外贸信函语言特点, 写好外贸英文信函[J].企业家天地下半月刊 (理论版) , 2007 (03) .

[7]李曦.外贸函电的语言特点及写作原则[J].中国外资, 2012 (20) .

[8]李曦.外贸函电的语言特点及写作原则[J].国际商务财会, 2012 (11) .

专升本英语写作原则 篇3

【关键词】专升本 认知学习策略






学习策略(learning strategies),就是学习者为了提高学习的效果和效率,有目的、有意识地制定的有关学习过程的复杂方案。外语学习研究者根据语言学习等各个方面的的探讨,语言学习策略定义为:学习者在学习一门语言时,根据自身实际情况,为了有目的地对整个学习过程进行设计、计划、组织、监控和反馈以达到最佳学习效果所采用的活动方式和手段。







专升本英语写作原则 篇4


1、对立法 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,适用于有争议性的主 题.例句: [1].When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that.......But I think/view a bit differently.[2].When it comes to...., some people believe that.......Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true.There is probably some truth in both

arguments/statements, but(I tend to the profer/latter...)[3].Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that....They claim/believe/argue that...But I wonder/doubt whether.....2、现象法 引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论.例句: [1].Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of)...has cause/ aroused public/popular/wide/worldwide concern.[2].Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of...has been brought into focus.(has been braught to public attention)[3].Inflation/Corruption/Social

inequality...is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.3、观点法 开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法.例句: [1].Never history has the change of..been as evident as...Nowhere in the world/China has the issue/idea of..been more visible/ popular than...[2].Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/ coming to realize/accept/(be aware)that...[3].Now there is a growing awareness/recognition of the necessity to......Now people become

increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of......[4].Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that.......4、引用法 先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点!

例句: [1].“Knowledge is power.” such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people.“Education is not complete with graduation.” Such is the opinion of a great American philosopher.Now more and more people share his opinion.[2].“.........” How often we hear such statements/words like theses /this.In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as this “......”.5、比较法 通过对过去,现在 两种不同的倾向,观点的比较 , 引出文章要讨论的观点.例句: [1].For years,...had been viewed as...But people are taking a fresh look now.With the growing..., people........[2].People used to think that...(In the past,....)But people now share this new.6、故事法 先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题.例句: [1].Once in(a newspaper), I read of/learnt....The phenomenon of...has aroused public concern.[2].I have a friend who...Should he....? Such a dilemma we are often confront with in our daily life.[3].Once upon a time , there lived a man who...This story may be(unbelievable), but it still has a realistic significance now.7、问题法 先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题.例句: Should/What......? Options of...vary greatly , some..., others...But in my opinion ,.......二、文章中间主体内容句型


1基本原因 分析某事物时, 用此句型说明其基本的或者多方面的原因.例句: [1].Why...? For one thing..For another...[2].The answer to this problem involves many factors.For one thing...For another......Still another...[3].A number of factors , both physical and

psychological affect..../both individual and social contribute to....2补充原因 在分析了基本原因之后, 再补充一个次要的或者更重要时用!

例句: [1].Another important factor is....[2]....is also responsible for the change/problem.[3].Certainly , the...is not the sole reason for.....(二)后果及影响

1分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响.例句: [1].It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on....[2].In involves some serious consequence for........(三)比较对照句型

1、两者比较 比较两事物, 要说出其一超过另一个, 或肯定一事物的优点, 也肯定其缺点的时候用!

例句: [1].The advantages gained from A are much greater than the

advantages we gain from B.[2].Indeed, A carries much weight when compared with B.[3].There is no doubt that it has its negative effects as well as positive effects.2、两者相同/相似 两者相同 相似比较两事物共同都有或者共同都没有的特点时用!

例句: [1].A and B have several things in common.They are similar in that.....[2].A bears some striking resemblances to B.三 结尾段


1.in general/on the whole / generally


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3.From the foregoing,...从上面论述,我们可以......4.in brief/in summary /in conclusion /in short/in a word/to sum up/to conclude/to summarize


5.If it is up to me to make a choice between A and B,I would rather choose....over...若要我要在A和B之间作出选择,我宁愿选择...6.if I were forced to agree with one of the two ,my choice would be...如果要我在两者之间选择一个的话,我会选...7.from the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude that....从以上的比较,任何人都可以得出这样的结论......8.when the advantages and disadvantages are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is self-evident.当仔细比较了长处和短处之后,最有力的结论就不言而喻。

9.Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably come to /draw the conclusion that....从所提供的证据来看,我们可以得出以下结论......10.All these opinions make sense, and consequently it is hard to choose the best of them.In my opinion, such matters must be left to individual’s conscience.所有这些意见都说得通,因此很难从中作出选择。在我看来。这些问题应文该由个人的良心去决定。

11.From what has been discussed above , we may safely arrive at the conclusion that....从以上所讨论的来看,我们可以得出以下结论....12.Personally, I side with the former/latter opinion.就个人而言,我赞同前(后)者的看法。

13.I am of the opinion that priority should be given to...我同意...具有优先权的观点。

14.Personally, I stand on the side of...就个人而言,我技持......15.As far as I am concerned , I am in favor of the opinion that...就我而言,我赞同...的观点。

16.For my part , I completely agree with the former/latter.至于我,我完全同意前(后)者的观点。

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18.people from different backgrounds, however , put different

interpretations on the same thing.然而,不同背景的人对同一件事却有不同的看法。

19.Views on the issue in question vary from person to person /vary widely.对正在讨论的问题每个人都有不同的看法。

20.People rarely reach an absolute consensus on a controversial issue.人们很少在一个有争议的问上达成绝对的一致。

21.Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the moral that.....全盘考虑所有的因素,我们可以得出这样的教训....22.For the reasons presented above ,I strongly commit to the notion that....根热得快上述的理由,我坚持的观点是....23.All the evidence justifies an unshakable view that...所有的证据证明了一个不可动摇的观点...24.AA the evidence supports an unmistakable conclusion that...所有的证据证明了一个千真万确的结论......25.To conclude my essay , I would like to quote an old saying “...” 我想引用一名古语来结束我的文章.....26.Both views have strong foundations;but ,overall ,I tend to agree with the latter.双方观点都有一定的道理,但总的说来。我更倾向于赞成后者。

27.What we must do is make sure that the positive ones are encouraged and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible.我们必须做到的是设法使积极的影响得到加强,而消极的影响 尽可能消除。(扬长避短。)

28.It is true that to do...brings about both positive and negative results.But we can try our best to reduce the negative influence to the least extent.Besides, compared with the positive effects, the disadvantages would not count much.......同时带来积极的和消极的结果。但我们可以努力使消极影响降到最低限度,而且,与积极的影响想比,这不利之处也算不了什么。

29.It is high time that we /the government did...我们(政府)早该干......30.To achieve this goal, however ,we still have a great distance to cover.石家庄装饰 石家庄装修公司 石家庄装修 石家庄装修网 石家庄装饰网 石家庄装饰公司 大连装修公司 大连装修 大连装饰网 大连装饰公司 然而,要达到这个目标,我们还有很长的路要走。

31.It is urgent /important/necessary that appropriate/effective/proper actions/measures/steps /method be taken to end/correct/improve...采取当的(有效的,合适的)措施(得动,步骤,方法)去消除(纠正,改进).....是迫切的(重要的,必要的)。

32.There are believed/expected/supposed to be two effective

商务英语信函写作的简洁原则 篇5


一位深受美国人爱戴,一项主张不写长句,不罗嗦的美国参议员Stephen Young 每次受到邀请参加会议、宴会、演讲时,他的回信只有四个字:I will be there (我会到).简单明了。也曾经有人打趣说“商务英语信函写作的句子,就应该像漂亮姑娘的迷你裙--越短越好”。



(一) 按照意思拆分复合句。


例(8):Regardless of these seniority, all employees who hope to be prompted will continue their education either by enrolling in the special courses to be offered by the ABC company, scheduled to be given all the next eight Saturdays beginning on January 24 or by taking approved correspondence courses selected from a list available in the Staff Development office.


1、添加标志性词语。如first, second等这些序数词。

Regardless of this seniority, all employees who hope to be prompted will continue their education in two ways. First, they may enroll in the special courses to be offered by the ABC Company, scheduled to be given all the next eight Saturdays beginning on January 24. Second, they may take approved correspondence courses selected from a list available in the Staff Development office.


Regardless of this seniority, all employees who hope to be prompted will continue their education in one of the two ways:

● by enrolling in the special courses to be offered by the ABC company, scheduled to be given all the next eight Saturdays beginning on January 24 ,or

●by taking approved correspondence courses selected from a list available in the Staff Development office.



例(9):①We have received your samples you sent the samples to us on November 20.

②Thank you very much.

③That’s just what can fulfill our order plan.

④So we are pleased to place an order.

⑤And we have enclosed our order sheet with this letter.


Thank you for your samples you sent to us on November. We are pleased to place an order as specified on the enclosed order sheet.



例(10):Wordy: In the sense of his speech he talked on the question of securities.

Concise: During his speech he talked about securities.

例(11)Wordy: During the proceeding year, the company was able to accelerate productive operations.

Concise: Last year, the company was able to accelerate productive operations.

例(10)和例(11)中wordy的句子里In the sense of 可以用During来代替,同为“在...里”的意思;on the question of 可以用about来替代,同为“有关...,关于...”同理,例(11)中wordy的句子里的During the proceeding year也可以用Last year来代替。没有改变原来句子要表达的意思,而且显得更加简洁,更加直白,在口语中更加常用。会使得读信人更加容易理解。既然如此,商务信函写作者为什么不用这些简洁、明了、清晰的常用词来代替那些冗长、累赘、空洞的短语呢?





例(12):We will endeavor to utilize this kind of computer on approximately March 15,so we place this order of 100 sets.


如果此句中的endeavor用try来代替,approximately(大约)用about来代替,utilize 用use来代替。即使不删减任何一个单词,只是用这些简单常见的词来代替原句中的多音节词,就会减掉17字母。或许有人认为这17个字母对于通篇来说不算什么,并不会占用很大空间。可是,大家要知道,这只是一句话可以节省的,如果每句话都能减掉17个字母一片商务信函就至少要缩减掉一行。而且由于这些替换词较之被替换掉的单词而言,更加常见,是大家都比较熟悉的,对于读信人来说,更加易于理解。


笔者在前边已经提到过,能用一句话来表达清楚的事情,绝对不用两句话来说,所以我们在书写商务信函时要尽量避免在以-ion, -tion, -ment, -ant, -ent, -ance, -ence结尾的词前面加上make类的动词来表达,而是直接用这些词的动词形式来表示,使句子简洁有力。如:

例(13):We have made shipment of your order No.632.

谈英语作文的写作原则及注意事项 篇6

学习语言的目的是用来交流的,读、写、说无疑是学习语言的核心目的。写作能力既是英语教学的目标需要认真加以培养,也是学生进入社会后工作和生活中用到的一项技能。如何培养学生的英语写作能力, 笔者结合多年的教学实践认为, 可以从以下几个方面着手:

1.动笔之前,认真审题。 学生在动手写作前, 必须仔细阅读文章所给的材料, 清晰题目所设置的情境,以此确定写作的格式、题材以及要点。书信、日记、通知、人物介绍等都是写作的体裁。写作前,学生一定要审清题意。

2.罗列要点,组词成句。作为写作的一个重要依据, 内容完整是学生必须加以注意的。学生认真审题,弄清题意之后,应逐个把内容要点一个个罗列出来。看图作文中的要点最容易遗漏, 也最容易出差错,必须注意。列出要点后,通过认真回忆和思考,写出自己熟悉的与这一内容有关的词汇、短语、句型和其他有用的表达。然后尽量用这些确定好的材料组织成句。

3.打好腹稿,谋句成篇。内容要点组织成句, 并不是简单地罗列拼凑就可成文的, 那样的文章会显得“驴头不对马嘴”。首先,学生必须理清文章的脉络和层次,决定句与句、段与段之间应该如何顺畅地衔接,以保证层次分明,结构严谨。其次,根据句子结构和段落层次的实际需要, 添加必要的从属连词、并列连词等,并最终组织成文。

4.认真检查,全面核实。连句成文、完成草稿之后,并不是万事大吉了, 还要按照题目要求对短文进行全方位的检查。首先,对照题目所要求的内容和情境, 看内容是否已全包括进去。其次,看看文章中有没有语法错误。再次,检查单词拼写、字母大小写以及标点符号是否有误或遗漏、文章的词数是否合乎要求。


英语写作不同于汉语中的命题作文,它有着自己的鲜明特点。因此, 在写作过程中应注意以下几个方面:

1.写作要连贯流畅,尽可能多样化。 要用自己最熟悉、最有把握的词句写作,正确使用连词。要用多样化的句子结构和句型使所表达的语言流畅自然。

2.准确地道,灵活多变。书面表达十分讲究语言灵活地道。如果用汉语思维去写英语文章,肯定会闹出不少笑话。如“他已到了参军的年龄”, 不少学生翻译成“He has reached the age of joiningthe army.”这种表达方法虽不能说完全错误, 但至少不是地道的英语,合乎习惯的表达应该是“He isold enough to join the army”。

3.语法正确,用词得当。在写作不同题材和体裁的文章时,所用句式、时态、语言特征及用词也不相同。书面表达失分最多的是语法错误。因此,要特别留意动词的时态、语态、句型、句子结构及各种实词的表达,做到用词得当、合乎语法规则。同时,还要注意一些细微的语言要点,如固定短语、习惯搭配等。在写作时,要多从交际的角度考虑问题。以写信为例,要考虑写信的目的、写信人与收信人的关系、什么是对方已知的或未知的信息等。每写一句话,都要符合写作人的身份, 达到传递信息的目的。要掌握最基本的句子结构, 注意句子的连惯性和逻辑性,适当使用一些过渡词,同时注意避免过多的重复, 以便文章生动可读。

总之, 初中英语写作也是在语言表达能力达到一定程度时,对学生的一种拔高要求。英语书面表达要求学生不能逐词翻译文章所给材料,也不能随意发挥,天马行空。学生必须抓住文中所给材料的要求和信息, 用自己熟练的英语句子表达出来。一般而言,只要学生能把题中规定的要点全面表达清楚,同时做到语言连贯,行文流畅, 才是篇优秀的英语作文。

专升本英语写作原则 篇7

[关键词] 体谅 具体 简洁 完整









三、Clarity (清楚)


四、Completeness (完整)



五、Conciseness (简洁)


六、Concreteness (具体)


七、Correctness (正确)







