


西南模7a期末复习一 篇1


(一)7A Unit3 重点短语和句子




Thanksgiving Day感恩节

May Day五一节 Chinese New Year春节

Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节

Dragon Boat Festival端午节

New Year’s Day元

Children’s Day儿童节

Teachers’ Day教师节

National Day 国庆节 【重点短语】

1.dress up as Monkey King 装扮成美猴王

2.my favourite festival 我最喜欢的节日 3.thank sb.for doing sth.感谢某人做某事

4.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人关于某事 5.have a special party 举办一场特别的派对

6.on October 31st

在10月31号 6.play a game called ‘trick or treat’ 玩一个叫做“不招待就使坏”的游戏 7.knock on/ at the door 敲门

8.play a trick on sb.跟某人玩恶作剧 9.give us some candy as a treat = give us a treat of some candy 给我们一些糖果作为招待 10.wear costumes with masks穿带有面具的服装

11.paint our faces 把我们的脸涂上色彩

12.our own pumpkin lanterns我们自己的南瓜灯

13.cut out 切出 14.the sharp teeth 锋利的牙齿

15.on the evening of… 在……的晚上 16.Halloween chocolates and candies万圣节巧克力和糖果

17.hot drinks 热饮料 18.make lanterns out of pumpkins用南瓜做灯笼

19.at Christmas 在圣诞节 20.get cards and presents 收到卡片和礼物

22.at breakfast/ lunch/ supper 在早餐/午餐/晚餐时

24.in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter在春/夏/秋/冬

26.have a long holiday 过长假

28.in the pencil case 在笔袋里

30.be on holiday 在度假 32.red packets 红包

21.eat rice dumplings/ mooncakes 吃粽子/月饼 23.at the age of seven 在7岁时

25.see the doctor 看病

27.start / finish doing sth.开始/ 结束做某事 29.have sth.for lunch 吃某物当午餐 31.a model train 一个火车模型

33.watch the lion dance 看舞狮表演 35.be excited 感到激动

37.there will be…

将会有…… 40.people in the West 西方的人

42.shine through… 透过……照射出来 34.the first time to do sth.第一次做某事

36.eat traditional Chinese food 吃传统中式食物 38.on the other side of the card在卡片另一面

41.in many ways 用许多种方式


1.Which is your favourite festival? = Which festival do you like best? 哪个是你最喜欢的节日?

2.Thank you for telling me about Mid-Autumn Festival.感谢你告诉我有关中秋节的事。

3.We knock on people’s doors and shout ‘trick or treat’.我们敲人家的门并叫喊“不招待就使坏”。

4.If they don’t give us a treat, we can play a trick on them.如果他们不招待我们,我们就和他们玩恶作剧。5.My friends and I always dress up at Halloween.在万圣节前夕,我和朋友们总是装扮起来。

6.Sometimes we paint our faces and people don’t know who we are.有时候我们把脸涂上色彩,人们就不知道我们是谁。

7.My family always have a party on the evening of October 31st.我们家总是在10月31号晚上举办派对。8.Here is what I do every week.这是我每周所做的事情。

9.Why do you like your birthday so much? 你为什么如此喜欢你的节日?

10.People in the West celebrate Halloween in many ways.西方人用多种方式庆祝万圣节前夕。

11.Their neighbours usually give them a treat of some candy.= Their neighbours usually give them some candy as a treat.他们的邻居通常用一些糖果招待他们。12.They put candles in the pumpkin lanterns so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth.他们把蜡烛放进南瓜灯里,这样光线就从眼睛、鼻子和牙齿里透出来。

7A Unit4 重点短语和句子


1.be always hungry 总是感到饿

2.walk to … = go to …on foot 走路去…… 4.dislike/ hate doing sth.不喜欢/讨厌做某事

6.a healthy diet/ lifestyle 一份健康饮食/ 生活方式 3.many times a day 一天很多次

5.want to be a dancer 想成为一名舞蹈家 be important for 对于……很重要

8.need lots of energy to dance 需要很多能量来跳舞 9.get tired 变得疲劳

10.keep fit = stay healthy 保持健康

11.eat sweet snacks between meals两餐之间吃甜食 12.too much sugar 太多糖分(too much + un.)13.eat an apple for breakfast 早餐吃一个苹果

14.like playing computer games 喜欢打电脑游戏

15.chat with sb.on the Internet 在网上与某人聊天 16.a top student 一名尖子生 17.eat hamburgers for lunch 午餐吃汉堡

18.never do exercise = never exercise 从不锻炼 19.plan to have healthy meals计划吃健康三餐

20.go swimming twice a week 每周去游泳两次 21.be careful with … 小心对待…

22.have much time to play badminton有许多时间打羽毛球 23.spend all his free time sitting in front of the computer 把他所有的空闲时间用于坐在电脑前 24.go roller skating 去溜旱冰 26.two bags of rice 两袋大米

25.a packet of salt/ sugar 一袋盐/ 糖 27.three cups of tea/ coffee 三杯茶/ 咖啡 29.five cartons of milk 五盒牛奶 31.less than 少于

more than 多于

34.exercise more = do more exercise 锻炼更多 36.a healthy person 一个健康的人 38.not … any more = no more 再也不 40.good luch with sth.祝某事进展顺利 42.help me start the day 帮我开始这一天

44.drink water without getting fat喝水而不变胖 28.four kilos of meat三公斤肉

30.a bottle of Coke 一瓶可乐

33.not … at all 一点也不

32.watch TV for two hours = watch two hours of TV 看两小时电视 35.watch less TV 看更少的电视

37.Congratulations to sb.祝贺某人

39.lie on the couch 躺在长沙发上

41.healthy eating 健康饮食 43.be good for sb.对某人有好处


1.It’s lunchtime./ It’s time for lunch./ It’s time for us to have lunch.是午餐时间了。2.You never exercise.= You never do any exercise.你从不锻炼。

3.A healthy diet is very important for a dancer.一份健康饮食对于一名舞蹈者来说很重要。

4.It’s easy for me to get tired when I dance.当我跳舞时,我很容易感到疲劳。It’s + adj.+ for sb.to do sth.5.I seldom eat sweet snacks like cakes, sweets or drink Coke between meals.我很少在两餐之间吃像蛋糕、糖果之类的甜食或喝可乐。

6.I usually have fruit and vegetables because I want to be healthy.我常吃水果和蔬菜因为我想保持健康。7.I’m a top student at school, but I do not have a healthy diet or lifestyle.我在学校是名尖子生,但我没有一份健康饮食或生活方式。

8.How often do you exercise? = How often do you do exercise? 你多久锻炼一次?

9.How much TV do you watch every day? = How long do you watch TV every day? 你每天看多久电视? 10.You are not fit at all!You need to exersice more, watch less TV, and eat healthy food.你一点儿也不健康!你需要更多锻炼、少看电视、吃健康食物。

11.How do you like your new diet? = What do you think of your new diet? 你认为你的新饮食如何? 12.Good luck with your new diet and lifestyle.祝你的新饮食和生活方式进展顺利!

13.Why is it important to keep fit and stay healthy? 为什么保持健康很重要? keep fit = stay healthy 14.This meal gives me energy for the afternoon and for playing volleyball later.这顿饭给我提供下午和之后打排球的能量。

15.There are no calories in water, so you can drink it without getting fat.水里没热量,你可以喝水不变胖。

7A Unit5 重点短语和句子


1.want/ need sb.to do sth.想要/ 需要某人做某事 2.carry all the bags 拎所有的包 3.buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.为某人买某物

5.just a minute = wait a moment 等一下

7.(sth.)cost some money 某物价值……

9.many / different kinds of 许多/不同种类的11.never mind 没关系

13.match = go well with 与……相配

4.look for 寻找

find 找到

6.take a look at sth.= look at sth.看一看某物 8.a discount on sth.某物的折扣

10.have enough money to do sth.有足够的钱做某事 12.I’ll buy them./ I’ll take them.我要买下它们。14.expensive = having a high price 昂贵的

15.ask sb.to do sth.请某人做某事

16.the same… as…


17.clothes shop服装店sports shop运动品店shoe shop鞋店toy shop 玩具店electrical shop家电用品店 18.find something good for him 为他找到些好东西 19.write a letter to sb.= write to sb.给某人写信 20.invite sb.to sp.邀请某人去某地

21.invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事

22.now/ right now / at present / at the moment 现在 23.wait for one’s turn to do sth.等着轮到某人做某事 24.pay for her new shoes 为她的新鞋子付钱

26.stand at the table 站在桌边

28.pocket money 零花钱

30.have enough stationery to use有足够的文具用 32.donate money to sb.捐钱给某人

36.raise money for… 为……募集资金 38.try on 试穿(try it on / try them on)40.five floors of shops 五层的商店

34.the children in poor areas 贫困地区的孩子们

25.don’t stay out too late 别在外面呆得太晚 27.make a wish 许一个愿望

29.children in need 需要帮助的孩子们 31.writing paper 稿纸

notebook 笔记本 33.call sb.on …

拨打(号码)联系某人 35.in the name of…

以……的名义 37.a pair of football boots 一双足球靴

39.bus stop 公共汽车站

taxi rank出租车停靠站 41.some more shops 更多一些商店

43.food from different countries不同国家的食物 45.too many people 太多人(too many + cn.)42.on the top floor 在顶楼

44.the computer games centre 电脑游戏中心

45.a good place to meet friends一个见朋友的好地方46.a fun place to go 一个有趣的去处 47.call 110 for help 拨打110求助

48.a little girl 一个小姑娘 【重点句子】

1.I need you to carry all the bags.我需要你拎所有的包。

2.Can I help you? = What can I do for you? 您想买些什么?/ 有什么我能为您效劳的吗?

3.How much does the card cost? =How much is the card? =What’s the price of the card?这张卡片多少钱? 4.There’s a discount on last year’s cards.去年的卡片可以打折。5.These hair clips are beautiful, and they match her favourite T-shirt.这些发夹很漂亮,与她最喜欢的T恤很相配。

6.I don’t have enough money to buy her a CD.我没有足够的钱给她买一张CD。7.I don’t want to buy the same things as Amy did.我不想和艾米买一样的东西。

8.We can find something good for him in a sports shop.我们可以在运动用品商店找到适合他的东西。9.He is inviting Mr Wu to Simon and Sandy’s birthday party.他在请吴老师参加西蒙和桑迪的生日派对。10.We would like to help the children in poor areas in our country.我们想帮助我们国家贫困地区的孩子。11.Can we send them some stationery in the name of our school?


12.Do you have a cheaper pair? 你们有更便宜的一双吗?

13.There’s a new shopping mall near my home.It’s easy to find.我家附近有个新的购物中心,很容易找到。14.I like watching a film before I go shopping.我喜欢在购物前看场电影。

15.There is a little girl inside the shop next door.She is crying.隔壁商店里面有一个小女孩。她在哭。

7A Unit6 重点短语和句子


1.know what to wear 知道该穿什么

2.spend 10 more minutes in bed在床上多呆十分钟 4.fashion show 时装表演

6.show sb.sth.= show sth.to sb.给某人展示某物 3.welcome to … 欢迎来到……

5.raise money for Project Hope为希望工程募款

7.clothes from the 1970s to the 1990s 来自20世纪70年代到90年代的服装

8.hope to do sth.希望做某事

9.a yellow and red tie 一条红黄相间的领带 10.look colourful / cool 看上去很鲜艳/ 很酷

11.a yellow cotton blouse一件黄色全棉女衬衫 12.a pair of blue jeans 一条蓝色牛仔裤 14.long red leather boots长的红色皮靴 16.hair style 发型

13.a black wool skirt 一条黑色羊毛裙

15.a red silk blouse 一件红色丝绸女衬衫

17.in the 1990s / in the 1990’s在20世纪90年代

18.look smart and modern看上去神气又时髦

19.sports clothes 运动服

20.young people’s favourite shoes = favourite shoes for young people 年轻人最喜欢的鞋子 21.give us your ideas告诉我们你的想法

22.ask you to help us 请你帮助我们ask sb.to do sth.23.talk about doing sth.谈论做某事

24.a pair of shorts 一条短裤

a suit 一身套装 25.borrow sb.sth./borrow sth.from sb.向某人借某物 26.turn on/ turn off the light 打开/ 关闭电灯 27.have dinner with my family与我家人一起吃饭 28.do the show 进行表演

29.dress up in white trousers穿白色裤子装扮起来 30.choose what to wear 选择该穿什么 31.go on a trip = have a trip 去短途旅行

33.be suitable for… 对于……很适合 35.make sb.do sth.使某人做某事

32.go for a dinner party 去赴晚宴

34.make my feet hot 使我的脚很热 make + n.+ adj.36.look good in blue 穿蓝色很好看 38.dark / light blue 深/ 浅蓝色

40.go well with = match 与……相配 42.make my design better 使我的设计很好 37.be made of… 由……制成 39.look cool on anyone 穿在任何人身上都很酷 41.be comfortable to wear 穿起来是舒适的


1.I can spend 10 more minutes in bed.我可以在床上多躺十分钟。(10 more minutes = another 10 minutes)2.What are you going to wear for the show? 你打算穿什么去参加演出? 3.We are having the show because we want to raise money for Project Hope.我们在进行表演因为我们想为希望工程募集资金。4.Can you guess when my clothes are from? 你能猜出我的衣服出自什么年代吗?

5.We hope you enjoy the show.我们希望你们喜欢这场表演。6.Look, here comes Simon.看,西蒙走来了。7.How beautiful Sandy is!桑迪多美啊!8.Her hair style was popular in the 1990s.她的发型在20世纪90年代是很受欢迎的。9.That’s all for today’s fashion show.今天的时装表演就到此为止。

10.What do you think of our show? 你认为我们的表演如何?= How do you like our show? 11.May I ask you to help us raise the money? 我可以请你帮助我们募款吗?

12.Millie is going to talk about raising money for poor students.米莉准备谈论为贫困学生募款的事。13.Can I borrow your photos of the fashion show? 我可以借用一下你时装表演的照片吗? 14.She wants me to wear trainers because she thinks they don’t make my feet hot.她希望我穿运动鞋,因为她认为运动鞋不会使我的脚发热。

15.– What’s this jumper made of? – It’s made of wool.– 这件套头衫什么材料做的? – 羊毛做的。16.I think white makes the T-shirt look clean and it will go well with any other colour.我觉得白色使T恤看上去干净,而且它便于与其他颜色搭配。17.I don’t want my jeans to be too tight.我不希望我的牛仔裤太紧身。

18.– How’s your poster going? – I’m still doing it.– 你的海报进展如何? – 我还在做呢!
