


小事成就伟大人生作文 篇1










成就伟大人生 篇2

Greatness doesn’t always produce immediate success. For example, Herman Melville注1 wrote Moby Dick at the height of his creative achievements, but it didn’t sell well. Unable to support himself as a writer, Melville worked as a minor business clerk. Eventually, the culture caught up with him and his writing became a success.

Henry David Thoreau注2, who wrote the classic Walden, went unnoticed during his life, and died in obscurity[无名].

Because of this gap between the lack of immediate success and eventual recognition, it is often said that great people are ahead of their times. People who are great often seem unique, isolated, or even out of touch because they often represent the beginning of change. As a result, the depth of their contribution and their full worth may not be recognized for as long as 500 years.

A good example of this is Leonardo da Vinci, because many of his inventions and ideas – such as the airplane, the helicopter, roller bearings[滚柱轴承], air-conditioning, and the self-driven car – weren’t even comprehended[理解] until the 20th century technology became available.

There are people who achieve greatness just from their very nature and not from their accomplishments. These people don’t have to write symphonies, paint pictures, or write books. For this type of person, greatness is solely on the inside, through their thoughts and feelings, not through their actions.

Most people who are great don’t make for a dramatic biography. The significance of their lives is not what happens to them or what they produce. Rather, they lead lives of inner silence. They represent the other side of greatness, greatness that’s there without fame or fortune. We don’t think of them as “making it” in societal terms. Yet they have a total commitment to the best of life and the betterment of society.

The world has many “greats” who have only limited contact with the wider world. For example, your generous and kind next-door neighbor who is loved by the whole community may not be remembered “by history” after he or she is gone, but in terms of real personal greatness, his or her ability to increase the value of love in others is second to none. Because this person is able to pass on these unique human qualities to his or her family and friends, he or she does have a positive influence on the world, however small.

What this means is that when you look at great people throughout history, the distinction is not so much between being great and not being great, but rather it should be between greatness manifesting[显现] itself in a small arena of life and in a very large one.

Greatness is normal, it’s natural, it’s necessary, and it’s certainly beneficial for us all, even though it may have little to do with fame or fortune. While success is dependent on external circumstances[条件] and achievements, greatness is an inner contact between the individual and the universe to create and discover deepening qualities of life and how best to express them. Ralph Waldo Emerson注3 wrote, “According to the depth from which you draw your life, such is the depth of your accomplishment, manners, and presence.”

Great people are those who allow greatness to blossom. It’s not so much the kind of activity they’re involved in, be it

music, gardening, raising children, or finding a cure for a disease. It’s the effect they have on all of us. It doesn’t really matter whether they’re well-known or not; great people can create great effects even on a quiet level.

We need greatness in the world more than we need any other single human or natural resource. As we move further into the 21st century, perhaps for the first time in history, we can think about the possibility of an entire society of great individuals. Anyone who is willing to take on the responsibility for his or her own greatness is giving the world the best possible gift.















注1:赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(1819-1891),美国作家、诗人,他以其海上经历为基础写成寓言杰作《白鲸》(Moby Dick,1851),这部小说被认为是美国最伟大的小说之一。他的其他作品包括小说《皮埃尔》(Pierre,1852)、《比利伯德》(Billy Budd,1924)、短篇小说散文集《广场故事》(The Piazza Tales,1856)等。

注2:亨利·戴维·梭罗(1817-1862),美国散文家、诗人、自然主义者、改革家、哲学家,是19世纪美国思想史上一个有创见、最具有世界影响力的人物,代表作包括《论公民的不服从》(Civil Disobedience,1849)和 《瓦尔登湖》(Walden,1854)等。
